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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera David Miliband  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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some lea response during the 1st general assembly response to the 1st veto, an overwhelming number of member states. more than 3 quarters of them, supported the call for an immediate came out of cherry and cease fire. but the council has been unable to act since then. the united states has argued that the, that the focus should be on negotiations in the region. it was clear that the united states didn't want to tie israel's hands with a permanent ceasefire call. but as time has worn on and the humanitarian situation has gotten worse and worse, member states have gotten more frustrated and more outspoken in their call for humanitarian sees fire. and gradually we seen some of the us support in the council in terms of elected council members who might have abstained from the vote, rather than cross the united states instead calling for cease fires. and we're seeing that play out here in the council as well. just now we were listening to the
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basset or of young and speaking on behalf of the era group here at the united nations, which has been one of the most outspoken and dealing with the power attorney. i'm very sorry i can jump in, christine, we go through this now to the european union representative to the united nations. that system is stronger supposed to be a prince of the united states. egypt and could talk to agree the release of hostages and a temporary cease fire to ensure a sustained and divorced elegies we call on how much stream either to release all hostages without any precondition. the issue is gravely concerned about the deepening combined parent catastrophe in gaza. immediate improvement of 2 minutes here. an access overland is key. we are very concerned about this. you monitor and consequences, which must be avoided of a possible ground operation. a rough, well, well over a 1000000 palestinians, a current is shunting from the fighting of the you underlines the protection of all
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civilians and not intended to monitor and access must be insured by all parties at all times. there must be full respect of international law, including international humanitarian law. by all sides, there must be accountability for violations of international law on all sides. the e u condemns in the strongest possible terms. terrorist attacks by how much across as well, on 7 october, which included sexual and gender based violence. here's where it has the right to defend itself. it must do so and liked with the national mall, including international humanitarian and human rights. small. the you underlines again, the divinity operations must be proportionate. the issue notes the 26 january order of the international court of justice. it is legally binding on the parties, and it must be complied with. we also call for an immediate implementation of un
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security council resolutions 27207712 rapid, safe and unimpeded human is here. an access is an obligation. under international law are urgently needed. aid must reach those in need to all means necessary, including germany, turnaround corridors, and pauses for germany. terrier needs or association of facilities, the level of demand a chair surprises. entering. garza remains wholly inadequate, and the number of trucks entering daily has decreased considerably. the reports, the incident in northern gaza on 29 february in which hundreds of people were reportedly killed or injured, was seeking. she wanted terry and assistance with the pro, the depths of an unprecedented member of doing stuff. other to many, 10, and workers and journalist. the you will continue it strong support to the u. n.
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and others should monitor and are actors in the circumstances. have no doubt the european commission would provide an additional $68000000.00 bureaus to support the palestinian people across the region in 2024. and with this 1st 50000000, yours to own right, just this week the your recognizes own rest vital role and then your monetary response and gaza and the one that it plays crucially for stability in the region. the you called her own drug to continue its cooperation in addressing the concerning and serious allegations that if you of it, staff members were involved in the brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks and some of tobar. we welcome the secretary general's initiation of internal and external investigation. and on drugs commitment to take immediate measures as needed depending on the results. we welcome, in particular,
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the appointment of an independent review group led by catherine colona the you called up on all parties to cooperate fully and in good faith with these investigations. a mr. president, preventing further regional escalation remains crucial. legal supports ongoing efforts to watch the escalation in the region. we are following with concerned the situation across the line and will recall the absolute necessity. that's all parties respect. resolution, 17 o one. we support the role of unit field to which is your member stage as significant contributors as a provider of stability. the eagle fully supports the efforts of special invoice, drunk berg in german. the u condemns the quote. the attacks on commercial and naval vessels with the red sea. we call for the immediate implementation of resolution 2720 to enter safe guard, the freedom of navigation. and let's see. we have launched the defensive maritime
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security operation during a for a speed is that your opinion or remains gravely concerned about the situation in the westbank, including is jerusalem. west settlement expansion and subtler violence have reached record levels. and violent attacks by extreme is from both sides on the rise settlements are illegal under international law and constitute an obstacle to peace . israel must stop, set them at expansion and legalize ation, prevent settler violence, demolitions evictions and force transfers and ensure the perpetrators of crimes held accountable. i had to run my done as an easter. the use specifically underlines that the legal, historic status quote of the whole of sites must be preserved in line with the previous understandings. and with respect to jordan's role as custodian, we call on everyone to exercise restraint and lower tensions in order to ensure the
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safety of all enter your frame for approval, cation actions and rhetoric on the type of bound. i'm out of sure, if or finally mr. price, the urea firms this commitment to adjust and comprehensive resolution of the is riley palestinian conflict based on the 2 state solution with the state of israel and an independent democratic, continuous sovereign and viable state of palestine. living side by side in peace and security and mutual recognition and with 0 solemn shopping as the future capital of both states. it is vital to restore a political horizon towards as to stage solution. the issue is ready to contribute to reviving a political process, including through the peace day effort and welcomes diplomatic piece of security initiatives and supports the holding open international peace conference under un auspices. thank you,
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mr. press. the united nations representative on behalf of the european union, the referring to the you releasing 50000000 euros to honor what this week he went on to say the use of policy that fits for the escalation. he said to the you, the pulled an incident on february, the 29th, and which post to me is taking a look hilde. he said, the level of humanitarian supplies reaching gone, so totally inadequate. and he went on to say the you condemn the attacks of 7th of october, hold for the release of his riley captives. alright, let's bring in kristen. so movie that joins us from the united nation. so how
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significant was it was he mentioned, particularly about funds for unruh a very significant given many countries, including the united states, suspended their funding to on right in the wake of complained. spite is re all that members were complicit with the mosque attacks, members of honora, the when launched an investigation, but i and fired some of the staff members that were accused of wrongdoing. though it still says that it's waiting for the full investigation to play out as to exactly what happened and has been indirectly critical of the information shared by israel on that on those accusations. so here you see the, you acknowledging that no aid agency can do what on rock had in gaza and the necessity of their existence to help get
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a to the so many people who now need it in gaza with over half a 1000000 people reportedly on the brink of famine and according to the united nation. so we have the, you recognizing unrest, vital rule. also expressing a concern about the spillover of this conflict. not only to neighboring countries like lebanon, or into the red sea, where, who these have been attacking ships coming through the area, but also a spillover impact of the violence in the west bank and occupied territories as well. uh, the e. you pointing out the i, c, j called for more a to go into gaza and pointing out that the i, c j's decisions are binding under international law, calling for israel and all, and mazda, not all parties, to the conflict, to respect international law, whether it comes to humanitarian deliveries or the protection of civilians. all
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right, thanks so much. kristen salumi, the or miss riley strikes on 2 homes and drop off in southern gauze, have killed 17 palestinians. central gauze, the results of being targeted with israeli attacks, cutting 13 people in the slightest refugee come old and fuzzy and a half 1000 palestinians now being killed since as well began its war on garza in october. so mohammed reports this with the bands. risk is kind of rough us campbell to find somebody that's pulling another, it's really strange that tech on homes indicated, but this neighborhood left several people dent in the east of the city. another it's really striking several other palestinians is the right designated rough saved zone. but telephony and cell phone, anything but safety there, hold on. i do hope you want to have the demo. shame on them to stop this blog. stop it. why does blood, why, why the exterminating us?
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if you want to annoy like to ask, why don't they just do it once and for all, there is no safe place on who told you roughly safe every day bombings, bombings, bombings. there is no safe place on and this house is full of children, women, and then i found myself under the rubble. i'm injured slightly. i won't be our will . to stop this. will we need to cease 5? because we're facing genocide, despite is the rise bombardment of for fi, desperate palestinians continue to head to the city from other parts of gods that if you want to eat, you have to die in the pursuit of getting fluids. we said no to this and decided to hit to the south effects to in central gulf cse us. this is the of the month of yet another strike on the same rock. come, let's talk when and i mean, i know who was sleeping in our house when suddenly we had the sound of the miss on exploding. we came here to see the house completely destroyed. this house was rented by civilians had nothing to do with the resistance or any minute reaction.
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they had displaced people that came from them off on a c spot talks drug on the people on hudson continued to body dead, didn't have them just now the director general of the world health organization has revealed his team's findings, officer visited hospitals in northern garza, for the 1st time since last october, delta ted there was, i don't know, but i asked says, says the situation is grim, severe levels of non nutrition, children dying of starvation, serious shortages of fuel food and medical supplies. and then the water is the chief executive officer of medical aid for palestinians. she says there's no political will to allow in the a that will stop people and gaza from starving to death. is very clear to starvation be used as a way to kind of war food is simply not being allowed to reach people in the volume
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is needed in gaza. and there's a particular problem in the north of casa where there is a double siege being enforced. i can tell you that my own medical is repulsed and he has stuff in the north of guys. uh, one of my colleagues amira speaking. i don't know feeds in recent weeks because they just can't get hold of enough food. the animal feed, which was for horses and all keys, it started to my know, i know people are each a bird seed. this is a situation that is entirely created uh, deliberately, is not an accident, and take it in mediately. if the is really mail it to you, but simply will pay more access points with your bosses, humanitarians access to the north of guys, up through the current crossing for example, or the risk crossing. we be able to do with these problems straight to we. so it's not difficult to sol, it's just that there is no well to make it happen. i'm not why political? well, really my tears pressure to let aid need workers and right, no matter so much. and it's also why we need them to be here. ceasefire. what we do
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is the road one and one and 6 children under 2 are so far suffering from an acute mount nutrition. what that means is that children are starving. i'm was really concerning is it is the fastest decline in a populations nutrition status ever recorded. it means that children are being starved at the foster street. the world has ever seen, not fit in immediately. if we were only able to get access to provide help to these people are all turning to the occupied westbank. now what a funeral is taking place for a teenager shot dead by his very forces and run the crowds of palestinians gathered to lay 16 year old in the scope of the shuttle back to rest. these really minute trained carried out what is sold to be its largest rate in the palestinian administrative capital. the news is rarely rides across. they
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occupied westbank have been a near night play a current since the war began. health officials in israel say a missile strike on the north of the country has killed the one person and wounded several others. the attack was carried out on the small village along the border with lebanon. these really minute traces, it's struck, the souls of the launch has been near daily cross board, a fine between his rilen has been lost since october. the us supreme court has handed donald trump a major victory over the timing of decisions and then excluded him from colorado. those ballots from the front runner for the republican nomination to challenge president joe biden. colorado is one of the 15 states holding the primary elections on tuesday. on our states top code head or the trump of the ballots in december, sight thing is roll leading up to the january 6th, 2021. the attack on capital and in the u. k. out spoken politician, george galloway is being sworn in off the winning a bi election for
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a seat in parliament. one with a campaign, promising to advocate for garza galloway accuse both the labor policy and the routing conservatives of backing isabel in the war is victory was described as the on the law mean by prime minister issue. so not a shortly after his swearing in al, just here is how i force it off. galloway about the prime minister's comments about extremism undermining position democracy was really talking about the races. cell phone in the likes of the news, which is b g. b views of the forefront. present to the present to improve down after program. hatred of
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muslims, findley disguised as extremism, but when you ask them, what do you mean by stream streaming? they can never tell. it's clear to me that most of them is on the proximate center. which issue that he intends to use us perhaps is, will label it's quite clear. there's going to be a rock star measures take away from the british people, freedom to speak to a simple freedom to, to test, to demonstrate as if they have the wave reader also
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called the right to turn out for a pol them entry election a ron last week reached a right cold low, the interior minister says 41 percent of the 61000000, the radians eligible to cost the balance actually voted on friday. that's down from the previous low, 42.5 percent in 2020. and from the high of 71 percent evaluated in 1996. i hate these government has declared a state of emergency and the night time cause you following a surgeon gang violence and the storming of the countries to biggest prisons. prime minister ariel andre has been visiting kenya, trying to firm off and international police force to help patrol the streets. it's definitely back a reports the deadline in the streets. the result of an ambush by gang members on the prison in the haitian capital popular pulse,
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nearly 4000 prisoners were freed, including high profile gang members. in the i took 2 bullets, one under my arm and one in my chest. as long as you're just swap, people have been dying. so sunday evening i was sleeping in my cell. i woke up when i heard shooting. i saw the cell gate open. many of the prisoners escaped, and many died. police have been deployed since thursday as well armed guns have stepped up. there are tests including on the international airport. the powerful guides are in control of parts of the country and estimated 80 percent of the capital. and they say they want prime minister ariel only to stand down. thank you very much. all he left for can you last week to finalize a deal for an international force to help restore order in a t? it would be part of the un task force that's something that appears to have tempted the latest violence. it's partly blamed on gangster and former police officer,
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jimmy chevy is a noun as barbecue has been sanctioned by the u. n. and the us, it's many linked to the official trip that the prime minister took to kenya. as the notorious gang leader barbecue claimed that the united uh, pretty much all the gangs, uh, rival games and part of the prize to fight against the government and topple it in response to that deal. that the apartment is to assign with the king and government gang violence, and then security has played katy for years exacerbated by the 2021 assassination of president driven l moines. say no elections have been held since 2016 state of emergency has been declared until wednesday when the nighttime curfew will be in effect from 6 pm until 5 am stephanie decker, which is 0. the us vice president has called for an immediate cease fire in garza using some of the strongest language from washington since it is for
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a long distance war on the strip come, la harris says, palestinians are suffering a humanitarian catastrophe. that a ceasefire is crucial to secure the flow of aid and the release of captives. and given the amends scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire which is what is currently on the table. this will get to hostages out and give a significant amount of aid, and this will allow us to build something more in during be talking oh, come on. the harris is set to meet for my is writing defense minister and comment. member of the wall cabinet been against and washington later on monday against will also meet all the seen, the american officials, including the secretary of state discussions or expect is focused on
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a cease fire agreement. so why the prime minister benyamin this now is reportedly instructed embassy stuff in washington, not to health and facilitating kansas trip. let's take a closer look at ben against the retired army general was as well as minister of defense. so between 2022022. during his time more than 250 palestinians were killed in the 2021 war on garza. it was the chief of staff of these really minute tray from 2011 to 2015. joining the 2014 war on garza more than 2000 palestinians were killed. the now civil lawsuit filed in 2018, so damages from against blame them for violating international humanitarian little by deliberately targeting civilians. but adults quote rejected the case opinion polls since the war stall says, have consistently shown guns,
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leading prime minister. many mean nothing. you know, when aust, who's the most suitable to be as well as prime minister guns has around 50 percent support wellness and yeah, who has 33 percent. let's bring in time and communities assistant professor of public policy and the institute for graduate study. so thomas, how significant is the apparent splits within these writing will cabinet? and i wouldn't say significant, but the time was done, especially in 2 weeks from now. why is this? because the connect the past to to someone again. and they have to agree on renewing or extending a piece of legislation. there's a solution that relates to the, the month that the army service for the students is registered as a fairly just schools. because the been exempted from, from, from army services under this has become a very topic and there's other society because the 2nd largest and doesn't
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a society say, well, now we're fighting a war and because we're sacrifice things, all of our, our, the sons of daughters are the uh, the sacrifice of the nice and gaza and but what, what, why, why, why the others i'm not doing dislike, the religious is to just a, there's a school as soon as. so this in 2 weeks time when we will see how strong is the condition they manage basically uh to uh, to pass this uh, auto renew with this legislation. then it means the connection has been standing or holding together. but if not, then, then this will signal something in you, but this is very of this 12 weeks time from now. is it a significant way hearing from the us, vice president now calls for a cx 5? is this a policy change, or is this paula taking ahead of the us primary? it could be either either. so, i mean the, but that's what the method is here is,
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is taking actions like, you know, the and actions like, you know, to stop exit and from, uh, uh, from continuing with its, uh, what context i, we don't see this happening to us is not really using any of what's live, it has to change, is it as behavioral underscore send this word? so we have to wait and see. we've also been following tonight, what's going on at the united nations general assembly is seen by to a list of speeches, mold to come, the bottom line, growing frustration with the us use of its veto in the last security council attempt to pass the resolution. yes, an interesting the, the e was position is a, it seems like to me, i mean that you is a very keep play it in the peace process since it started in 1994. i want to put in full tact. exactly. but you, on the 4th, the a member of the cortez, and they have been one of the most, you're not as donors. and this, the, for the front of believe of the, of the,
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to state project. so they've never let go. and this idea, which is the critically that know because of the 5th is the process. but the fact of the, again, the, the that in your, the, the funding $201.00 the providing $6.00 to $3000000.00 out to fix $50000000.00 goes to 100. well that's, that's the big news. i mean, that's a slap on the face. what is it i was gonna say, does that indicate that the wills or much little does not buying these writing now to if you support the un useful underway, useful thing, terrorism. exactly. i mean, i guess, i mean, because that hasn't been in but the independent investigation that you, i mean that you investigated. i mean, says the owner was picking some measure against some of the stuff have been accused of these allegations. but again, there was no, it is what it does not provide any further evidence, i guess the others. unless assume even that this has this, this, this has been proven to be correct. does this just if i connect the punch must write something down inside agency like, oh no, no, it doesn't support. all right. kind of kind of moved from the doe has to for
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graduate studies. thanks so much for joining us. brings us to the end of this show, this out to 0, they'll come back to the top. so yeah, the brought to you by visit capital. both potential for flooding in south station. java has seen some recency. maybe the focus moves back towards to match or the full cost would suggest the deeper shells are. but for the rest than they where they do stretch up towards finance. i'm a lazy north of all that and the pictures one is in during winter. if a sudden, i think, particularly for japan, the code that you can't see, much of it now, the value of all sorts, high temp, just minus one. that's in contrast to what's coming off the west, the pacific. so one shoes in the middle of it. now, this is a right and stretching back towards southern china, but for tokyo, the picture is going to be rather driven when i think choose a wednesday,
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it says the cold enough for snow, but we'll briefly get sleep, i think, and then re at an increasing wait time is particularly nasty on wednesday. any 8 degrees out of feel like freezing i would think. there it is. all guide you through . why don't you give us a storm system as in the water with the backwash wins behind it. so the ring, the dog died, the sun will come right, but shanghai dropped down to don degrees and beijing you may have noticed basically had one day of start that being on tuesday for the west. and the current picture for is off and old impacts down in june. and the poll is free of all right in snow, but that has been a lot recently. and this mole on his right on his way another westerly wave. the weather brought to you by visit castle a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much of the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses we have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives. how
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big a problem is going on? food insecurity counting the cost. oh no, just the as well carries out multiple attacks on residential buildings. people seeking aid and gals, killing a 120 full palestinians in the past 24 hours. the time sammy say them, this is i'll just hear a live from dell hall. so coming up was the thing humanitarian crisis in garza and all the child dies from malnutrition. bring the told in the last 2 days to 16. the
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united nations general assembly debating the us use of its veto. to stop us seems firing garza plus the.


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