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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the the joint and let's discover a better world. expo 2023. the ha. ha . hello, i'm sammy's a down. this is the news out live from dell coming off in the next 60 minutes. israel launch is attacks on or off in southern gauze or killing at least 17 people . the security council has been prevented repeatedly from calling for an immediate cease fire, a united nations general assembly debates for us is use of its veto. to stop
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a ceasefire in garza, russia, someone's germany's ambassador in moscow. over a liter phone call about the ukraine rules and haiti declines the state of emergency will be speaking to haitian wrap, a white glove shelf, calling on the prime minister to resign. and obviously the assembly with your sports awesome. all can go back to within 2 points of premium. the lead is level pool lights up, become all tests aside, face shape, it'd be nice it tonight. he says the side needs at least 90 points booth season. as the title rate heats up, the we begin this news out in southern garza where it's right, a strikes on 2 homes that are off. i have killed 17 palestinians. central garza is also being targeted with israeli attacks, killing 13 people in the silence refugee camp. more than 14 and
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a half 1000 palestinians of now being killed since as well began its war on guns were not tobar humble. how much begins on coverage of the with the bands rescue is kind of rough us campbell to find somebody that's pulling another, it's really strange that stuck on homes in the field. but this neighborhood left several people dent in the east of the city. another it's really striking. several other palestinians is right designated roughly as a safe zone, but telephony and cell phone, anything but safety that i knew who he was for the demo. shame on them stopped the slug. stop it while i just blood. why, why the exterminating us, if you want to annoy like to ask, why didn't they just do it once and for all? there is no safe place on who told you roughly safe every day. foaming, foaming, school minister, there is no safe place on a visit. how much the house is full of children, women, and then i found myself under the rug who i'm injured slightly. i won't be our will
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. to stop this. will we need to cease 5? because we're facing genocide, despite is the rise bombardment of desperate palestinians continue to head to the city from other parts of gus that if you want to eat, you have to die in the pursuit of getting fluids. we said no to this and decided to hit to the south effects to in central gulf cse us. this is the of the month of yet another strike on the say, a rock come. let's talk when that i mean the, i know we was sleeping in our house when suddenly we had the sound of the miss unexploded. and we came here to see the house completely destroyed. this house was rented by civilians who had nothing to do with the resistance or any minute reaction. they had displaced people that came from the gulf a see spot talks, drug on the people on hudson continued to body dead, didn't have them. how much did the uh, does it a thought
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a couple also is on the phone from the southern gaza. so thought it cuz night falls . that what does that a day of devastation look like now? yes, i mean fox to as well as pressing on with its military attacks and different areas in areas. also the take the designated as a safe zone and the beginning of this complex we have been seeing and hearing more loud explosions in the summer and parts of the city, or con eunice as also a number of illumination. flags being funny is, in this call in the city, and the saw the recall along side with the western pond to roof as people are completely terrified that the sound of fi exchange is still going on to this brief moment alongside that there are more attacks to to you, when you go into the city where again, i'm going to round about being targets where people were waiting for humanitarian supplies to reach to the number of ponds. one kind of thing, a piece that has been killed with number of presidents also being wanted and this
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has happened multiple years in the past few days, as people in the north are completely suffering from increasing the level of small nutrition and the hydration. today, a new pastry, the child has died because of value christian, where if somebody cannot no longer afford him with food items and basic necessities . and this is absolutely terrifying scenario that palestinians in the north facing them this number children being died. i think that completely, since the beginning of this conflict is expected to rise because of mountain nutrition, until an immediate need to go down to submit a target intervention could be carried out to say of the lights. thanks so much thought a couple. i 0 on the 1st belgian plane is on its way to add, drops humanitarian aid to gaza. an increasing number of countries are dropping items are gone, so it was land deliveries become increasingly difficult to to as rails blockades as well as war on gaza. has displaced at least 85 percent of gauze as population
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suffering from acute shows and use a food cleanable to medicine. turning to the occupied westbank now where a funeral is taking place for a teenager shot dead by his ready forces in ramallah pounds . it's kind of a spinning and gathered delay. 16 year old will stuff. i wish i'd like to rest these right. the minute 3 counted out. what still to be it's law just right in the policy mean, administrative capital in years. is there any raids across the occupied westbank of been a night night for the occurrence since the war began? health officials and israel say a missile strike on the north of the country is killed the posted and wounded several others. the attack was carried out on a small village along the boulder with lebanon. these right and minute trace, as it struck the source of the fine. this being the daily cross border of 5 between
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this roland has been lost since october. the un general assembly is debating the us veto. the light is security council draft resolution calling for a c is firing gauze on the policy in, in a mass of the to the united nations. they all month sort of dress members, is that israel's war on goals or amounts to a genocide for 5 months now is an has been committing atrocities against the palestinian people and check and unhinge. and the security council has been prevented repeatedly from calling for an immediate cease fire to put an end to these atrocities. this is what we are talking about, and that's why we are here today. stopping the daily war, crimes and crimes against humanity that are integrated to
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this is an easy assault. and putting an end to the genocide underway for kristen. so let me joins us now from the united nation. so i've had a number of countries speak at this general assembly session, the common fame that disappointment with the us for using its veto. and that does seem to be the same here today. the meeting was in fact triggered by the united states veto. this is the 3rd time such a meeting has been held because there had been 3 vito's resolutions on garza by the united states. in the last 5 months. the most recent was a security council resolution put forward by algeria calling for an immediate humanitarian sees fire. 13 out of 15 council members supported that
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resolution one other council member, the united kingdom, abstained. but what we are seeing in this meeting as that veto is being discussed, is growing isolation of the united states. here at the u. n. in its position in the past, they were able to get a little bit more support, more countries in the security council of staining, rather than voting in favor of resolutions, which the united states has argued, would only disrupt efforts in the region to get a meaningful ceasefire. and the release of captives in the region, the united states not willing to go so far as a full, immediate humanitarian ceasefire. not wanting to tie israel's hands. but increasingly we're hearing from countries who are frustrated by that given the worst and in humanitarian situation on the ground. and in fact, in this meeting for the 1st time,
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the 10 elected members of the security council made a statement as a group. the statement delivered by malta saying that they were frustrated and concerned that the counsel is not acting when it is required under international law that civilians be provided humanitarian relief and certain protections that they feel are not being provided at this time. all right, thanks so much kristen telling me that now the us vice president is calling for an immediate cease fire in garza using some of the strongest language from washington since is ro launched its war on the strip? pamela harris says, palestinians are suffering a humanitarian catastrophe. that a cease fire is crucial to secure the flow of aid and release of captives. and given the amends scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire or at least the
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next which is what is currently on the table. this will get the hostages out and give a significant amount of aid in this would allow us to build something more in during the form is right. the defense minister and current member of the war cabinet ben against is in washington is currently meeting with the us middle east coordinate to brett macbook and have talks with kimberly harris, slight to discussions, are expected to focus on a ceasefire agreement. so a prime minister by any means nothing. yeah. who is reportedly instructed? embassy stuff in washington, not to help in facilitating kansas trip. let's take a closer look at who by the again says, the retired army general was as well as minister of defense between 20202022. during his time,
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more than 250 palestinians were killed in the 2021 war on garza. he was the chief of staff of these really minute trade from 2011 to 2015. during the 2014 war and gaza, more than 2000 tons of simians were killed. a civil lawsuit filed in 2018, so damages from guns, blame them for violating international humanitarian law by deliberately targeting civilians, the quotes rejected the case. so the opinion polls since the war started have consistently shown guns, leading prime minister benjamin netanyahu when aust, who's the most suitable to be israel's prime mistake, again says around 50 percent for wellness and now has around 33 percent will get more on these really reaction shortly with having to solve how to notify these to assemble. first, i'd speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly houses you joins us from washington, dc. so these are the prime minister may have told the embassy in washington not to
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facilitate guns, visit how us officials responding and dealing with his visit or rather warmly, as you mentioned. not only is he meeting with brad mccork, but he is also going to be meeting with the vice president decala harris, as well as the national security advisor jake sullivan. on tuesday he will be meeting with the national a rather the secretary of state anthony blinkin. and what these meetings about we understand is that it will be about pressing for an immediate cease fire that will allow for humanitarian aid into gaza. in addition to the fact that there are already those air drops going in, but something that is much more concrete and established and also for captives to come out. what we know those discussions will include is the terms that the united
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states believes have already been agreed to 5 v as riley's, but the own as will be on how mosque. that's the message that the vice president is likely to deliver. having said all of that, what we do know is that in terms of this, the, the 5 and ministration is under an awful lot of pressure to work with the ben, a gas given the fact that we know that there is this risk that exists between the is really prime minister and the us president joe biden, who we should know is not here in washington today. monday he is in fact, up at camp david's, just north of here in the us state of maryland. so uh, what this underscore is, is the fact that the vitamin ministration is making it very clear that there is a favoritism when it comes to the is really war cabinet that they much prefer to work with. but it gets over benjamin netanyahu. and also that they see him as someone, the washington contrast as well. the ink is fairly dry. kimberly from the us is
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use of its veto over that security council resolution to cool for seats. find out we've got kimberly, i saw it. we've got to come on. how is cooling for a seas far? how credible is that being seen coming to swap 48 hours before super tuesday. right. there is some skepticism over the timing of all of this. given the fact that there is a very key number of nominated contests that will be taking place on tuesday. there are questions about whether or not this is being done for political purposes. given the fact that comma le harris, although she has been the one to lead the way in terms of this language, she has talked about the fact that the image is coming out of gaza has been horrific. she certainly is more in tune with the younger demographic within the democratic party, often voters of color and seem to be more into with the language coming from her
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office. but again, the fact that she delivered this message in selma, alabama on sunday, just in advance of this boat, is being seen as curious by some and even potentially politically motivated. given the fact that we know that this key demographic, younger voters, voters of color, are also not happy with the president put position in terms of his support of israel. and it's war on gaza, particularly the fact that now civilian deaths in a policy, the civilian deaths are in excess of $30000.00. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. kimberly. how could let's bring it now home. desanto to joins us from occupied a series and we go back to the point of any guns is visit in washington. what are the, the tension surrounding that? tell us about unity within the wall cabin as
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well. there's a lot of division within his rules. work cabinet and it's been prevalent over the last 5 months as the war has dragged on. you have many gans and guy, the eyes and code members of the same party, national unity who have spoken out against these really prime ministers spoken out against his policies and saying that these really prime minister must choose, does he want to play politics or does he want to go on a truck that could lead israel in a victory toward this war. and remember, guy, the eyes of code, a former military chief of staff like gans has said that nothing yahoo is not being so truthful when he says there can be an absolute victory over how much somebody gaps has accused. nothing you all who of the coming to pressure from israel's far right from members of his coalition instead of getting the tasks done hand when it comes to the war and just this evening. finance minister, best one of smoke rich known alternation was
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a member of israel's far right to gans has often been referring to when talking about so coming to this pressure from the right wing smaller a chest said the gas is doing this as a as something that's politically motivated doing it under his own volition and additionally saying that again, this is playing into the american agenda of both wanting to end the war and establishing a palestinian state. and that dance must be behind israel's quote, unified right wing government. and it stands against establishing a palestinian state, whereas gaps upon his arrival in washington, according to his really media has said that israel and america are friends. and there are discussions that need to be had whether they are good or bad. but it, it comes as there's been also a lot of reports about the american seemingly dissatisfied with these really prime minister and the way he's handling things. and remember nothing you all well,
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wasn't even in any of his meetings on sunday because he is at home 6 with the flu. so he is watching all of this unfold. he's watching american support in a way dwindle for him as the americans have also said that nathaniel, who is not the only is really liter, they're willing to work with and after and it's and yahoo is gone. there will be other is really leaders who they will work with. so this trip, putting a lot of pressure on an already strained is really political situation inside of his room. all right, thanks so much from the some thoughts in the u. k. outspoken politician george galloway's being sworn in the off to winning a bi election for a seat in parliament. one with a campaign, promising to advocate for garza galloway accuse both the labor policy and routing conservatives of backing israel and the war is victory was described as beyond the alarming my prime minister issue. so not shortly after being sworn in, i'll just here is how i false it all sky the way about the prime minister's
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comments on extremism undermining produce democracy. the player was really talking about the races, cell phone in the likes of the news, which is b g, b, views of the forefront, present to the present, to improve down after program. hatred of muslims, finley disguise, extremism. but when you ask them, what do you mean by st extremist? they can never tell. it's clear to me that most of the gods of the proximate center,
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which issue that he intends to use us perhaps is, will label. it's quite clear that there's going to be a rock star measures we've taken away from the british people, freedom to speak to a symbol, freedom to, to test, to demonstrate as if they have the wave freedom to elect. also the, the spring is some of the days of the news. the us supreme court is handed donald trump a major victory over turning a decision that it excluded him from color on those ballots. trump is the front of the, on the,
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for the republican nomination to challenge president joe bind in the states top cold and order trump of the balance on december. so i think his role leading up to the january 6th, 2021. the attack on the capital drums as welcome the decisions stressing the need for presidential immunity, smell. immunity for president did not mean recently, but for any president, if a president doesn't have full immunity, you really don't have a president because nobody that is serving in that office will have the courage to make. in many cases, what would be the right decision or it could be the wrong decision. it could be, in some cases, the wrong decision, but because they have to make decisions and they have to make them free of all tara that can be reined upon them when they leave office, or even before they leave office. and some decisions are very tough. roches foreign ministry says it has some in the gym and then by so there it must go. that's off.
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the russian media published a recording set to be of german army officers discussing, supplying weapons to ukraine and potential attack in crimea to him. and these defense ministers accusing the criminal of conducting what he called and information was a great divisions within the bud and government. some of that kane has been following developments from button and a full lot from this scandal has developed on monday with different voices and searching different fact. so we still shots, the german shotzel effectively laying down the law saying that he has, chancellor says how the situation is. that's how it is. but he is also use the degree of conditionality about the tourist missile system saying that if it requires control on the ground physically in ukraine, and if it could be 5 into russia, that's not something german soldiers can do. it will not happen. but there's a degree of ambiguity there. conditionality and multi set and then you have on the
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other side of things, the russian foreign minister said a lover of referring to what was in the conversation, what has been reported and saying it sounds very much as low as the germans were talking about, giving the weapon system to the ukrainians in such a way that they wouldn't be found out as it was behind all of the stands. a very clear sense from the german government does not want to give weapons to a country which could then use those weapons to fire into russia. the german government doesn't want gym and trips to be on ukrainian sortland doing that. there's also one other factor at play here, which is the degree of embarrassment to the german government. this is being caused the fact that it was entrusting some of its communications very sensitive communications to web ex, a platform which some here in germany, a questioning the, the security of it's clearly from mr. shots, he's trying to draw a line in the sand. there are lots of questions being asked. don't want it. kane, al jazeera bowling. a supervisor turned out for a pol them entry election in
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a ron last week reached a right cold low. the interior minister says 41 percent of the $61000000.00, the radians eligible to cost the balance voted on friday. that's down from the previous low of 42.5 percent in 2020. i'm from the high of 71 percent voted in 1996. in focused on heavy rain has left at least 32 people dead and 50 others injured off the line slides blocks, roads, and destroyed homes. authorities say 700 houses have been damaged. well, hi, this is mo, from swans valley. it is spring and the hendo gosh mountain. and this time of the, you will see green for the age. but inclement weather and heavy snow have covered the entire area with a blanket of snow. it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon when double con,
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along with 11 family members. what enjoying a warm, quiet. yeah. taking protection from the snow. when the really judge heard a loud noise and they saw the ground slipping under their feet, the 7 of them, including the far, the dead children that's done. and even darted enroll, located immediately, move the adult will either tomorrow to fully caught in a while. i don't want to go into, i was removing smoke from my roof of my daughter. suddenly she shouted as well that house kilometers. i rushed here and so to construct them for the month of life on the luminous, crying for help and rescue time. we are afraid of living, not perfect. the patient has completely changed. i've never seen snow for the month of month, the door of i'm on them up as on the toner. the physical data will vary according to the prevent or the doctor management or tartar d. dozens of people have been getting into hyper booked and well proven rewards
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that being blog landslides have washed away and died sections of the high rate. and then there's also a difficult dog to try to reach those people in need of had like all the showed the effects of climate change and the devastation it did living. and it's break. come out of how you doing all your data and that too much of what the security is being tightened around food stalls in nigeria after a wave of fast capital, a boot of people stole food items including bags of mace from a white house. the incident last for allison calls gridlock crowds blocks, roads, sorting insulation is that many people struggling the price of some basic items such as vegetables, up to $10.00 falls in recent months. phil ahead on al jazeera from pop to politics, philosophy award winning haitian wrapper musician white glove shop. why he wants to
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prime minister to resign and find out how close down the rinaldo and his teammates are getting on in the asian, cham kingsley bus. on the way into this for this piece of the now it's currently named proving the situation, weather wise in the event, but it wouldn't necessarily last that way. the picture on tuesday. so you just a light suddenly praise god as a 21 degrees baby. so the 18 this on the side, but there is more writing on his way of trusting the g. and so it will be a wet looking picture from southern took you right up to what is time for the edges east will do eventually tend to significant snow for eastern turkey. but that is choose days picture. and to the east of that over a round in particular. all right, bags of the rain all stay in the form of shelves and stretches towards afghanistan
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and especially thing towards the gulf, the southern gulf. now these are little of the usual, see this a massive rate again, but there it is to focus probably a mom you a, i'm particularly on the other side. so if something is wrong and eventually something packaged are behind it, the wind changes direction to a noise like that. still 28. and though huh, strong enough when to pick up the sand and dust. so you might briefly get a sense to me even as fast as the sun, although i think he's on the like the most the, the southern societies of risk and that continues into wednesday as the right moves away from most places, but still is there in places like packing stuff for tropical africa, the radians aren't particularly heavy, but in the mos on the channel, a tropical cycle, it is spitting up and the is the biggest global election yet in history. the world's biggest democracy post its own epic showdown john main screen of offering jane butterfield
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really focusing on india as i traveling across the country, examining the issues of 6 and the 4th of athletics at this critical moment in the country of history. begin beautiful. coming soon on, i just need a unique perspective that plays himself and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceeding the landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable, hard to really alone about what's happening because of the death and media attention. the stream on out just the or the
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the, the one thing i'll just say the time to recap on headlines is riley, is continually targeting densely populated areas and southern gaza where hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians are taking shelter. at least 17 people were killed and off 2 homes were bombed severely malnourished boys died in a rough hospital a month off that his father took him to the southern city in search of madison. and a 16 children of now died from severe to the hydration. members of the un general assembly on meeting to debate, the us is veto, the security council draft resolution calling for a cease fire in gauze. 3 votes of being held that the security council of the
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united states is vito, the more a, hey, these government has declared the state of emergency a night time cuff. you following a surgeon gang violence and the storming of the countries to biggest prisons. prime minister abbey alone, ray has been visiting kenya to establish an international police force to help patrol the streets. stephanie, that co reports the deadline in the streets. the result of an ambush by gang members on the prison in the haitian capital book, the falls, nearly 4000 prisoners were freed, including high profile gang members. in the bible, i took 2 bullets, one under my arm and one in my chest. but as long as you're just swap, people have been dying. so sunday evening i was sleeping in my cell. i woke up when i heard shooting. i saw the cell gate open. many of the prisoners escaped, and many died. police have been deployed since thursday as well armed guns of
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stepped up. there were tests including on the international airport. the powerful guides are in control of parts of the country and estimated 80 percent of the capital. and they say they want prime minister of you had only to stand down. thank you very much. all he left for can you last week to finalize a deal for an international force to help restore order in a t. it would be part of the un task force that's something that appears to have pumped at the latest violence. it's partly blamed on gangster and former police officer, jimmy chevy is a noun as barbecue has been sanctioned by the u. n. and the us, it's mainly linked to the official trip that the prime minister took to kenya as the torres gang leader barbecue claimed that the united uh, pretty much all the gangs, uh, rival games and part of prize to fight against the government and topple it in response to that, that deal that the apartment is for assign with the canyon government,
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gang violence, and then security has played taiji for years exacerbated by the 2021 assassination of president driven l moines. say, no elections have been held since 2016. the state of emergency has been declared until wednesday when the nighttime curfew will be in effect from 6 pm until 5 am stephanie decker, which is 00 grammy award winning haitian musician wine club. sean has repeatedly called for the prime minister to resign. in the social media posts, he said he had a hate, these de facto prime minister, abby alone re, to resign to prevent blog, chip, says hate, sees in the midst of chaos, and then um, drug aleutian with innocent casualties. that it's time for the international community. and carry content act and remove him. when will enough be enough? well, i'm joined now by why, cuz i've show live from new york good to have you with us. so 1st of all,
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explain to us are you, how are you? i'm good, i'm glad you're with me. if the prime is the resigns, as you're quoting for who takes over a likes list as well, let's start off by saying this is my 1st tweet. went out on february 7th where we've been the space of the prime minister and he is mandated. he had to set up elections right um to 3 years in that process, 300000 people are displayed. and 4700 people are dead just in 2023. so i wanted to start on by saying that someone's saying that he was supposed to leave february 7th. my 1st tweet, i said, if he did not leave, that would be in same blood shed. so what you're seeing right now is a result of manifestations of people constantly wanting him to leave, not just to meet all sectors. we can't just talk about one sector at this point.
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multiple sectors. want the prime minister to leave what they're not showing you and what they're not telling you. and the reason why it jumped on how to 0 is when this process was happened. the prime minister was gas and using gas and tear gas, taking innocent people from the st. tear gas them because they were manifesting with their rights. what also, what they're not telling you was in this process, there was by based stop officers, environmental guards that were killed by the police, 3 instructions of the government. so at the end of the day, i believe in the institution, i believe in our police is i believe that there are great police. but right now what the prime minister has to do, what do you guys don't want his leadership? if he has cause a clash, you know, which has led to him going to kenya, and it's process. i've heard we spoke about uh, barbecue chevy, chilly view in different people. way before this barbecue share,
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these get and that whole entire situation. let's put that all on a 2nd and look at what is the cause of this? what you have seen in the past couple of days. this is all a result of what the prime minister has promised and he has not delivered which powell is. do you see a keeping him in office for the powers that are keeping in the office, of course is the the bite in administration. i'm carol com to sure. so i'm pleading the camera. com because once we get right, he did go to camera. com and he did a meeting while he was doing a meeting, he went in kenya and a process, whatever we had, we had a prison break and within the prison break, whatever we had. $5500.00 prisoners on the moves. right. and in the cause of him leaving sad story, my friend for police officers died calling for back up to women.
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one young man in a oh, the gentleman calling for back up crying for the plea as they 2 hours later, 3 hours later they get executed. this is what's going on, this is every action brings a reaction. so again, at the end of the day, i respect institution, 100 percent. but i'm not going to sit back here and what they are not showing in the press. and what is very important at this time is this constant death. and these casualties are we are we is responsible for you said ok. what do we do past are yeah, right? within the haitian constitution, they are different situations, right? you have the president of the supreme court which can maintain power, you know, to take power. also, you can have a minister chosen right. and elected by the people, right. my thing is the patients have to take the destiny within their own hands, through the haitians of within the deals for r,
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as in not as you know. it's all right now, why cliffs understand you're going to treat us to a bit of a, a rap here to get your message out exclusive 1st time in putting it together for us or the, i'll just say era. so right here, go ahead, go for it. i'll just do the stop by see tuesday. let's go live. i'm out from the r c r e l data. cool. do i have a real bad? oh, the country's bomb in the deep blue r e l battle the day we had the prison break, the peace those that the drugs and the prisoners just the barbara to uh, the press release for me to be boxed um. meanwhile,
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the prime minister. oh, it's going to cover and then you go to, can you all the way down to back a t r for the this will be the task for me. so then you are just the wow. let me get the message not hold that joe barton is me. losing sure. is this the r e l dot the r e o o people don't bundle me? no you are. we. 2 got the right one, i want to address this for all right. why cliff if that hits the child, so what a split relatives with you, man. thank you so much. i got you. yeah, i got you. what, how does this man thank you so much. thank you. for coming on, i appreciate you blessing blessings. i the right piece. you've got
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a tough act to follow. you haven't got a good job, but you've got your job and sports news, so no good to go. i was thinking so i mean with that optional head coach may come out to to says it will be very difficult to win the leave with the, with the 90 points the season as they prepare to face shift with united lights up. all types of side have 58.12 games to play will go back to within 2 points of lead is level 4 with victory against the leagues bottom side. that the magically also would need 10 wins and 2 drawers from here to reach the 90 points. but that's the reality of the task ahead for decide who liberally last season for a record amount of days before manchester city ever took them in the final weeks. you always asked me these for their minds. i don't know. you might have to win every game item. i have no clue because that little games coming off. we're going to have crazy schedules and, and is like, it might be different to,
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to last season and anything on the 90 points. i think it will be very difficult. christy, on a ronald as i'll know, so i have lost one know to you a club. i'll aim in the 1st leg of their asian champions, equals the final, and the competition will really come a lot on tuesday when saudi arabia's 5th arrivals. lo and it had the face of the 2 paid each other as recently as friday and what is known as the so the l times it goes, i'll hello one that mesh 3. 1 will be hoping through repeat years ago to find a lot of in fee to in waste asian, to an east asia. we spoke to paul williams, co host of the asian game pod costs, who sees all hell a lot on yes, favorites for that time. for the whole tournaments is easy, had the defending champions and sadie rab, us not having the best season the $25.00 points off the price already behind our allowed. and each on these 2 sides made it's always a tasty encounter. regardless of whether they're sitting on the table and with that kind of being treated to a little bit of
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a faced event at the moment i met on friday, not in the savvy, probably like i'll sort of age to victory in that 131. without this task right colleagues onto each of which was suspended as well. so i stayed in imperious form at the moment. it's been 3 years, almost 3 years since only if you had actually won a match in this fixture, which is quite staggering to think about. so i thought i would love to get some, some bragging rights either, either there are holes and perhaps didn't in the hopes of, of going on to faded, throw at the lake and champions league as well. but it's hard to say anyone being able to knock most of the perch the season. college basketball sensation kaitlin clark says she feels like she's living in a dream. that's up to few bro curriculum that stood for more than half a century to become the old time leading college score. male or female david stakes reports a college basketball history. it was low key when arrived, but this was the moment kaitlin clark moved out on her own,
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the highest scoring planet in college basketball, history, breaking pistol, peep marrow, but his muck, which it stood, 54 years. it happened not a free throw. were you disappointed that the paddling pistol pete wasn't a more dramatic shot? no, i mean now it will take free throws. you've got to make them there for that price. so i get them for release to 22 year old clock is no longer right. and schultz. she averages moving 28 points, the game. and now having read so 3685 points altogether, she's become one of the biggest names in us sport. brian james is tweeting at you, travis scott, is here. what is this moment in history mean for women's basketball, that all eyes are on you? well, i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for people that came before me. i feel like i'm living in a dream. honestly, holly and hoping i could inspire a lot of young girls to be able to dream to be on the surface like this. and i think it's moving on the 4th floor and not just women's basketball players and across all floors. and um, you know,
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women are pretty great. so you know what the book is confirmed to college career is coming to a close to enter the 2020 full draft for the women's and be a what she's projected to be the number one overall pick by the indiana fever. yeah, mama clark likes the w and yeah, use already seeing a rise in ticket sales. they did stakes algebra as the boston celtics continued to fly high in the n b a. having just recorded this 3rd largest franchise, winning margin, the best performing team in the league, flash, the golden state warriors 100. 88 jaden brown's thoughts with you 9 and jason's 8 and 27 on what was the 26th to say. and that's 11 winds in a row now for boston. called us al cortes be dropped on the down in the netflix slim exhibition match the pay played each other in front of a sellout crowd in las vegas. part of netflix is supposed to live or live and stream is vince beg your pardon? that was being started the injury and many expect this to be his last season. but
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he showed signs of the skills that have owned him 22 grand slams. the 37 year old eventually losing 2 alvarez who is the will the 2 in 17 years younger. and the big question for the down now is whether he will be for us to play may springs open, which is one full team size. and i really believe is what is appeal against losing his ranking points and prize money off the was disqualified from the do by tennis championships last week for big was default. so the, and he sent me final against alexander public for swearing at a long judge in russian fits of commerce and full of those. taking the social media to force they disapprove, and that's a decision. privilege has gone back to number 5 in the world, but still have to pay over $36000.00 for the violation on k t both. it became the lowest thing phase. when a w k 5 under type lean 3 years of to should spend 6 seed mazda, acosta in the san diego, open with boyfriend and recently crowned mexico open champion and extend the know, watching on rent 49 saying the window 5 victories at the event time. begins to
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$1500.00 votes to thank them and know for making the trip a day off the defending. he's type, lean, acapulco against casper and small special. thank you to our boyfriend to my and i really wasn't embarrassing, so you go down to 415 taxi. this morning and the 6 o'clock slide to be here today. so i do appreciate the dental and do pump believes wrong. sideboard it takes to women and olympic middle in paris for one, the los angeles evans, the time they 1st see 19 use, the pump, skip the 15. so it's 6 nations to face as i'm preparing for the games in the french capital. that's all the small things for the time being. i'll be here again later with wilson. thank so much please. now that i had on al jazeera, why nato troops and taking part in the biggest ministry excise since the cold war
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harmonics. patropolis attends ex defense expos. here and go home and that will be shown for the future of warfare is increasingly on the business like this. this brought to you believe, i guess is i live slowly on. one of your lives makes more than please the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. news . the welcome back nato troops are taking pilots in a huge minute tree exercise in poland. the largest since the cold war, the exercise cold. no, the corresponds $24.00 brings together. 20000. nathan swedish soldiers is designed
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to test this. defense is in the face of russia's war and ukraine. the boston has moved from new in poland on the day's activities. so this is the largest made to access high since 1988 to the end of the cold war and preparations for steps fos, the defender stopped and already after the rushes occupation of crimea. but also the russian facing of ukraine fee as have increased. that of nato country could be next. what this exercise wants to showed is that nato is very ready to defend the alliance, but often remarks by donald trump. uncertainty has come to what the enforcement of the united states will be in the future. he encouraged, basically russia to do it afterwards. once with a natal member, that doesn't say enough on defense. and that's a very painful point. so many european countries, which for the last 30 years have closed out arms factories. i'm a nation factories,
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i'm barely invested in a defense on tuesday the you will launch a multi $1000000000.00 plan to upgrade its defense capabilities. but military leads us where they need to have side that not only the industry, but also people in europe need to be more aware that the piece is not a given step fast and l just a rough costs and you have go in poland with jamie. she is forming a tow deputy assistant secretary general for emerging security challenges, joins us live from brussels. good to have. you will also who is the the enemy in this exercise? so good evening, send me. well, the grocery, i think, is clay the rupture for many years making so conducted. so the generic exercises in which the adversary had no name, but it's obviously clear since the russians invasion of ukraine 2 years ago. the nato now sees russia as the primaries, right. and when they to lead is made even feel in yourself to lie for the 1st time
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since the end of the cold will. they issued a declaration in which they say russia is the primary threat to al security. so the gloves are off in the sense that nato is no longer conducting fictitious scenarios . any sites this size is it's now being totally realistic. i'm preparing for what if it was could happen, which is a conflict between nature and russia. and this exercise is designed to demonstrate to russia that like joe's teacher, i mean to apologies, defense that determines what the social good reality check for nato. the, the plans that have been drawn up by and they told general, so the defense of bureau can be actually carried out in practice. well, sort of message is data sending when it's holding an excise like this, the biggest i assume quite costly a since the, the cold war. and yet, while it has money for this in it's getting difficult to send or is funding
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challenges for some later members to send money to crime as well your i but they chose 1st. charles good is not to you crying as important as the days may charge the primary task. that's the reason why the allied success is to ensure the collective defense of its own member states. and this exercise which shows you referred to stead false defend. so it has 2 purposes. i mean the, the 1st purpose is to demonstrate that nato can get his forces into place. because currently, nato still has comparatively modest forces on the front lines in the central, in eastern europe, particularly in poland in the baltic states. and so most of them they chose, defense comes from reinforcements which has to be sent across the atlantic, not just the troops, but all of the equipment. all of the supplies go from western europe into eastern europe. so the exercises that designed to show the nitro has that ability for massive, rapid reinforcement. the 2nd thing is i me use that as you can see from ukraine was
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going for a long time. so it's no good getting the troops the, if you called, sustained them for several months. and so this exercise reached out to the like january, will carry on to my precisely to demonstrate the light so can sustain this type of mutual patients over that period of time. and those 2 factor speed of reinforcement sustainability over time, on the crux of like $55.00. so most of the crux of showing rush on the track or make joke would be totally counter productive. all right, good to get your thoughts. thank you so much. i missed you on the doha international maritime defense expedition and conferences on the way here room casa, the latest tech innovations aimed at enhancing naval and defense security being shown that the expedition to 0 is defense added to alex, go topless as more from the conference of some of the trends here, i didn't think so far on systems. let me show you what i mean by on month. so here
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we see the traditional quoted cup to before seen them before this time loaded the small payload, but this up here is a successor. looks like a normal flying drone really can take off land vertically. more importantly, it can talk to other drugs, communicate with them, and smooth and attack a single target, and then disperse, which is the new technology is now coming online. the only connect to it with aerial drones that communicate with a man patrol vessels in the sea. and here on land, we see, looks like this for me to bowl robo for you, but isn't quite there yet in terms of technology. looks aggressive. for the most part, the easy to destroy by soldiers themselves. so this will be used for that. it just takes for surveillance and will act as mobile centuries. protecting things like pipelines, etc. but over here and development is the latest and come because the symmetrical
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phones that we've seen, similar prototypes attacking russian ships in the black sea. this, it designs to travel along the surface of the ocean. and then at the last minute, when i send supplies in enemies, ship dogs under water strikes, it's sinking. it's the, these are being cold. it takes 2 soldiers buckle, feels tomorrow. now apple is been fine. nettie, $2000000000.00 by the you for on fairly favoring it. so in using streaming service of arrivals. the move is the 27 nation blocks 1st time to trust penalty against the tech giant. the you says it bind developers from telling uses about cheaper music subscription services outside the investigation was triggered by a complaint from swedish streaming service company. specify cell 3. people including a child have died in a fire in spain, a 120 feet away,
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evacuated from the building in the oil. so near a gun it happened less than 2 weeks off to another. 5 killed 10 people in valencia raising fears about building safety standards. from to become the 1st country in the world to explicitly protect abortion rights in its constitution, parliament mentioned a historic joint session and the sign to hold the final vote. the president's government has been pushing for the move since 2022 comes up. we have a model that to all of these women women who have suffered in the flesh and in the mines sometimes to the point of losing their lives. yes, we are haunted by those women who died for one thing to be free. yes, we are haunted by the needles of backstreet abortionist. yes. we also wanted by those who escaped. clandestine the for abortions abroad and fearing for their lives . yes, we also wanted by the suffering and memories of so many women. it brings us the end
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of the show, all the about, the bows back to the moment, so stay with us. the blank, blank police brutality and indigenous mother inbox, on an incredible jenny for justice timeless, be seeking reparation for others. like with no political background, she inspires to become chimneys 1st, lying sen within the realm of politics. the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on al jazeera. it's a top destination for travelers seeking an island, paradise experience. but the idea that archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global rising water levels and unforgiving storm. i've triggered some of
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the was 1st government slammed relocation as a result of climate change. people in power us want fiji. the last resort on a jersey to rights organizations filed a civil suit against it that states saying supply is around with via parts for f. 355 projects extend that lens complicit, impossible war crimes and gaza. then that lens has house the repeating distribution center for f 35 spare parts from where it's also supplies israel. in 2022 and exported spear parts worth $2400000.00 to the country with the escalation of the war and gas at this number is now predict just to be much higher. for the 1st time, the court has ordered the country to stop sending weapons to israel. the verdict is seen as a severe blow to the dutch government to add onto it. that's stopping it's gone for the ocean to the ex. $35.00 program would jeopardize it's 5 with us and its welf. i
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must have a civilian. it cannot make inside. in this verdict, the judge argued that political and economic interests. com be more important than the protection of civilian lives during the war. the israel carries out multiple attacks on residential buildings and people seeking aging guys by killing 124 policy means in the past 24 hours. the play you're watching how to 0 live from bill. how with me for the back. people also coming out the security council has been prevented repeatedly from calling for any.


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