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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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boss and the boss of data because it didn't be different than what you had to get up to both side of the get him for the, the, the just 2nd i the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'm for the back to the, this is the news out on alger 0 life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes, israel carries out multiple attacks on residential buildings and people seeking aging guys. killing a 124 palestinians in the past. they around 1000000 cases of infectious diseases detected in guys have
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a medical situation in the strip is described as extremely catastrophic. the u. s. a tends to pay the mediator between has been not. and israel as cross border attack, escalate plus imo and fisher in model. lauderdale were donald trump. i said a big when from the supreme court, hey, the super tuesday and columbia release as a form of one or 2 spend 2 years in prison in the us for drunk traffic news . thank you for joining us. we begin in 7 guys. our way is really strikes on 2 homes in vasa, half katie, 17 palestinians. central gas is also being targeted with these really attacks getting 15 people in the c, a rod refugee camp. more than 30500 policies have now been killed. since these are as well on guys that began in october, how some how to dig into that coverage of the, with the bands rescue is going for
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a fast campbell to find somebody that's pulling another. it's really strange. i got stuck on homes in the field, but this neighborhood left several people dent in the east of the city. another it's really striking. several other palestinians is right designated, roughly as a safe zone, but telephony and cell phone, anything but safety that i knew who was part of the demo. shame on them stopped the slug. stop it while i just blood. why, why the exterminating us? if you want to annoy like to ask, why didn't they just do it once and for all, there is no safe place on who told you roughly safe every day. foaming, foaming, school minister, there is no safe place on and with how much the house is full of children, women, and then i found myself under the rug who i'm injured slightly. i won't be our will . to stop this. will we need to cease 5 because we're facing genocide, despite is right, as bombardment or 5 desperate palistine is continued to head to the city from other parts of gus that if you want to eat,
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you have to die in the pursuit of getting fluids. we said no to this and decided to hit to the south effects to in central gulf cse us. this is the of the month of yet another strike on the say, right. come, let's talk when that i mean i know we were sleeping in our house when suddenly we had the sound of the miss unexploded. and we came here to see the house completely destroyed. this house was rented by civilians who had nothing to do with the resistance or any minutes reaction. they had displaced people that came from the gulf and a see spot talks. drug on the people on hudson continued to body dead, didn't have them have the disease. and we're just getting a news that a know of in guys a 3 a convoys have come under is really a talk is really forces open fire on palestinians waiting for a to a right read the alka way down to about in guys
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a city. these are the latest pictures we're getting from the sea now that attack, people say they had been waiting since 8 pm on monday for the a to arrive. and only a few of them were able to get some boxes that included water flowers, and a few supplies. the trucks left carrying some of those injured to buy these really gun fights. tarry gap was amazing rough and southern gaza, with more on the situation across casa, as well as the 1st one with its military attacks in different areas in areas. also the uh, the designated as a safe zone and the beginning of this complex we have been seeing and hearing more loud explosions in the summer and parts of the city. or con eunice as also a number of illumination, flags being funny, as in this call of the city, in the southern con, along side with the western pond to run far as people are completely terrified that the sound of fight exchange is still going on to this brief moment alongside that,
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there are more attacks today when you come to the city where again, a point to round about had been targets where people were waiting for humanitarian supplies to reach to the number of parts. one kind of thing, a piece that has been killed with number of presidents also being pointed in this has happened multiple years in the past. if you days, as people in the north are completely suffering from increase of 11 of small nutrition and the hydration today, a new power stream the child has died because it now get christian where if somebody cannot no longer afford him with food items and basic necessities and this is absolutely terrifying scenario that palestinians in the north, out facing them, this number children being at that died. i think that completely, since the beginning of this conflict is expected to rise because of melanie attrition until an immediate medical and distributed target intervention could be carried out to save the lights. this is where i was continued bombardment of guys
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as health facilities as resulted in the health care system practically collapsing gases. health ministry says is detected about 1000000 cases of infectious diseases describing the medical situation industry fast, extremely catastrophic. 350000 chronic patients at risk because of non administration of medications and a 60000 pregnant women in gaza are in danger because of the lack of access to health care and around 10000 kinds of patients. at risk of death, a u. n. t, meanwhile, has been able to deliver essential medical supplies to hospitals in northern garza for the 1st time since the war began in october. the situation is described as green with severe levels of non nutrition children dying of salvation and syria shortages of fuel, food and medical supplies. the un secretary general spokesman stefan jerry gave this update as the team made up of world health organization and the office of the
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coordination of humanitarian affairs. unicef and you had population fund all visited the out out and come out and one hospitals in northern garza, yesterday. they did that to deliver fuel and essential medical supplies. that the visits were the 1st to those specific hospitals since early october. despite our ongoing efforts to gain more regular access to the north of gauze of the team delivered $9500.00 leaders of fuel to each of those hospitals. but as you can imagine, this is just a fraction of what is actually needed of the director general of the world health organization doctor tedra spoke of quote quinn findings during the team's visits, including several levels of bound nutrition, children dying of starvation, hospital buildings, destroyed. and serious shortages of fuel and food and medical supplies. the come out loud one hospital is the only pediatric hospital in northern garza and it is as you can imagine,
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being overwhelmed with patients. dr. tedra said the lack of electricity poses a serious threat to patient care and the lack of food lead to the death of 10 children as the w h o t was informed of uh, doctors at the hospital. hardly, i spoke to doctor you paying g, who's a canadian physician who spent a week treating patients inside garza and is in close contact with colleagues said i asked him about what's triggered the spike in infectious diseases with the overlapping food and clean water and housing. and security that has pretty much left no one on the not a big deal. every single person has been entirely touched by those overlapping crises of food and water and shelter. insecurity. it has led to the conditions of overcrowding, of this book, displacement of people living in tens and prop for sanitation and clean water.
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to the point where we're seeing so much communicable disease and not of respiratory infections. gastro intestinal disease including a major outbreak, us hepatitis is a and, and these are preventable infections and diseases that can also be boxing the gaps and, and to, to, you know, from such things we need nutritious food. we need to clean water. and without such things, we're, we're seeing the worst of the worst ones, not only, and these communicable diseases, these infections, which are entirely preventable, and also treatable. and we can't even treat them because of the lack of medications, lack of antibiotics, as you've already said. we also have children dying of mine nutrition, especially in northern guys. and this is happening at an extremely alarming rate. there are the best of course, but they're also long term consequences due to these children not getting the proper nutrition. they need, you know, i, one of the children that i saw was the sickest child that i've ever seen in my
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entire medical career. they were chipped carried in by his mother and wasn't able to walk anymore because of how, you know, malnourished. he was and i could wrap my index finger on my phone entirely around both the upper arm and the lower like of this child. and he was 910 years old. and i'm worried that this is one of the children that have already died since i met of 2 years to 2 weeks ago. and the number of children have died from severe malnutrition is now with the double digits. the 1st belgian plane is on its way to add drop humanitarian aid to gaza and increasing number of countries and dropping age into guys as land deliveries become increasingly difficult because of his dress . ok to the strip is there as war? has this grace at least 85 percent of guys this population. and the suffering from acute shortage is a food clean water and medicine that's referred me occupied westbank funeral has taken place for a teenager,
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shot dead by is really forces in ramallah the data to the 16 year old stuff. the other show back to rest. these really military carried out what is taught to be largest read in the policy in administrative capital in years is really raise a policy occupied. westbank has been a me and might be occurring since the war on guys i began. us vice president coming to harris has expressed deep concern over the situation in gaza and urges rather take additional measures to increase age slope. harris has been holding talks with the current member with a current member of these really war cabinet benny gan, seen washington dc. these are the prime minister benjamin this now reportedly instructed the embassy staff in washington not to help in facilitating guns. this trip that speak to she advert times the in washington dc talk to us more she had about worst come out of the meeting between benny johnson,
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the us vice president or we, we not have a read out of the meetings contents. it's pretty boiler plate stuff. how iris reiterated the us to support israel's right to defend itself. the vice president expressed a deep concern about the humanitarian conditions in gauze and the reason terrific tragedy around an aide convert northern garza, she called on her mouse to accept the terms on the table for a 6 weeks east fire. they discussed the situation and rough uh, and the need for credible the implementable humanitarian time to contemplating any major military opperation. but i'm charged as well to take additional measure it measures and cooperation with the us on the flight of monetary assistance. but as you've been reporting, even while she's having these meetings, the atrocities, atrocities continue, why that the white house, at least in the guise of the vice president, as well as the national security advisor, direct sullivan, the national security council's mid least cool data. brett macbook and then asked me blinking tomorrow us time in the state department,
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why they've chosen to host benny downs when they don't yahoo. he says that he has not authorized this trip. i mean, that's up for debate. presumably it's to show some kind of displeasure with that in yahoo, but can guns is in the world cabinet. there are 3 people in the world cabinets. it currently has operational input into the atrocities going on here. but i guess he's kind of beat acceptable face of genocide for this warehouse. right. and, and why we, he hearing she has, i mean, what looks like grab some of the change in tone, but the timing of the comments by the vice president, you know, in alabama on sunday, calling for an immediate cease fire. why is this happening now? is it genuine, or is it also being done for political purposes? the powers has spoken of the past are in a way that's very different to president biden. she actually speak to the policy and is human beings. that's not something we hear from from joe biden. and that's speech she gave her the bomb, i mean, it was sort of misconstrued. it was a measure of how much the base in alabama that wasn't that hard to say that was an
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immediate cease fire, but you didn't finish our sentence before the crowd erupted. but in that same settings who was at an agency swap for 6 weeks now, what the crowd was, it was a total of these 12 for goods. but that wasn't what she was offered. she was just rephrasing the bite and the budget ministrations position were here. but yeah, we all say more of this performance of performative gestures, them from the white as well. the policy remains fundamentally the same. it's very difficult to divorced out from the primaries on the way we saw in michigan last tuesday. a 100000 versions preferred to the i'm committed instead of biting in the, in the democratic party primary that the cause of his green lights to, to as well for the atrocities. and then we have to put cheese, like coming up tomorrow, here in the us, where in states where uncommitted votes are allowed. and we were going to be looking carefully. if we wondering whether this, the ad drops you, that we thing or a run, think off or full which of before, which of just as old buttons place and associates these 5, but nothing terribly substantial. thank you shape for that she everytime say in
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washington dc the united nations general assembly has been debating the us veto of the major security council, draft resolution calling for a cease fire in gaza. the policy num, bye for the to the u. n. re add month, so address members he said is are as well on guys. amounts to a genocide for 5 months now. is it a, it has been committing atrocities against the palestinian people on check and unhinge. and the security council has been prevented repeatedly from calling for an immediate cease fire to put an end to these atrocities. this is what we are talking about, and that's why we are here today. stopping the daily war,
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crimes and crimes against humanity that are integrated to this is an easy assault. and putting an end to the genocide underway, spring, you know, to promote it is a james space that the un that meeting james, triggered by the us feature of the ceasefire. talk to us about what we heard from member states and what the prevailing sentiment is at the general assembly. yeah, this is a new system that was put in place almost 2 years ago. it was a general assembly decided that it was going to force any permanent member of the security council that they use this b type power to come and explain itself to all of the united nations, all 193 countries of the un, the u. s has used as retail and a resolution on a seesaw in gaza 3 times now. and we have the deputy, us, and boss the robot would make it clear that they couldn't support the resolution was put forward. but towards the security council in the security council. because
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they said that it would affect the negotiations that are ongoing. but i have to tell you the 2 countries that show intermediaries and those negotiations kept on egypt, they have no problem with that resolution. that was proposed in the security council by algae area. it's clear when you have a meeting like this of the general assembly that you get the views of all of the countries of the united nations. and it's very clear that most of those countries want to see saw. most of those countries are disappointed and frustrated. the, the us is the one country and the security council is blocking that happening. and it's been a busy day, james, at the general assembly. we also had a head of the united nations, palestinian refugee agency addressing members phase and lots of really philip plaza, really wanting that without additional funding. they could be serious implications for global peace and security. he told the un general assembly that on while i see you when agency for policy and refugees is functioning,
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hand to mouth less sick. this last monday it embodies the promise of a fat and lasting political solution. the small thing, the agency and gods on the west bank including these terrorism would only so those who oppose such a solution. but it's ting references would feel 75 years after the next uh that the international community is once more turning its back. so a guy wanting the from lots of any james, his agency on right, has been under extreme pressure in gospel. yes, a very good picture. he painted all the situation in garza and of the pressures on his agency on which is the main humanitarian agency in gaza. it's the only real deal in town that in terms of the you and yes,
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there are other parts of you and they're all that. and she goes. but they all the ones with the capacity to deliver aid across a garza and he said these agencies now breaking point. this is because of the continued is really, but is there any bombardment of gaza but also because remember israel made those allegations that 12 of the stuff had been involved in the events of october, the 7th of allegations, but it hasn't showed in the us any proof or evidence solve to this stage, in fact, to you and team is with told funding really going to be allowed to go to jerusalem . and we'll have to see if that given any of the evidence that those obligations are based on. but it's meant that's 16 of the main funding countries for under i have pulled that funding for $150000000.00. and that means that fundraising a very, very difficult position. according to mister eliza reeney, and he made it pretty clear that he thought this was a deliberate attack. he said it was facing
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a deliberate and concerted campaign to undermine its operations and ultimately ultimately end them. and when we heard earlier on from the is right the and by so that he said exactly that he said unreal. it should be defended, dismantled. james, thank you very much for that jane spaces on different medic, editor at the united nations. the, the, you know, the news now haiti's government has declared a state of emergency and nighttime care if you following a search and gang violence and the storming of the countries to prisons, a prime minister, the 2 biggest persons i should say, prime minister, i get on he has been visiting kenya to establish an international police force to help petrol. the street stephanie decker has more the deadline in the streets. the result of an ambush by gang members on the prison in the haitian
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capital popular pulse, nearly 4000 prisoners were freed, including high profile gang members. in the bible, i took 2 bullets, one under my arm and one in my chest. but as long as you're just swap, people have been dying. so sunday evening i was sleeping in my cell. i woke up when i heard shooting. i saw the cell gate open. many of the prisoners escaped, and many died. police have been deployed since thursday as well armed guns of stepped up there were tots, including on the international airport. the powerful guides are in control of parts of the country and estimated 80 percent of the capital. and they say they want prime minister of you had only to stand down. thank you very much. all he left for can you last week to finalize a deal for an international force to help restore order in a t. it would be part of the un task force that's something that appears to have pumped at the latest violence. it's partly blamed on gangster and former police officer, jimmy chevy is
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a noun as barbecue has been sanctioned by the u. n. and the us, it's mainly linked to the official trip that the prime minister took to kenya as the torrent gang leader barbecue claimed that the united uh, pretty much all the gangs, uh, rival games and part of prize to fight against ottoman and topple it in response to that, that deal that the apartment is to or sign with the canyon government gang violence, and then security has played katy for years exacerbated by the 2021 assassination of president driven l moines. say no elections have been held since 2016. the state of emergency has been declared until wednesday, when the nighttime curfew will be in effect from 6 pm until 5 am stephanie decker, which is 0. have a report of heavy gun fire near the portal brings international airport in the past
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hour. so let's get an update from journalist how isaac, who joined his line from the haitian capital. what can you tell us about the situation of the airport? well, if i'm clear right now what is happening at the airport, but many reports are indicating a heavy gun fires, exchange of fires between authorities and potentially band is trying to breach the perimeter of the airport. but at this stage, it's still very early to know what exactly are damages or casualties from these confrontation, why the airport is it? because the prime minister of, you know, he was supposed to return in port of friends today. it's still unclear to whereabouts of the prime minister and whether or not it was coming today or sometime this week. uh clearly all the international slides for the most part are cancel as it is right now. uh, at least for the coming couple days. and um,
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and it's unclear how and when it be coming back, but the, the airport carries a lot of symbolic way, uh for bandits to the best part against theirs to attack. and that could be part of the reason why they would be targeting it. right. and who are these gangsters that i've been a, you know, let me try and find the right way to hear that i've been, you know, destroying it would seem the haitian capital i mean with, with the present storming and so on. who's behind this up search in violence that we've seen in photo planes? well since the, the signature of the agreement between um, the prime minister on re and came into the 30s on uh, a rest of the protocol agreement to have a police officer is coming in to haiti heavy and police officers violence, game finance has been waging in a heightened level over the town and over
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a port of france. and what happens is, is that the, the coalition that is now uniting rival gangs is led by jimmy. sure. he's a also known as barbecue will promise and plans to toppled the governmental button re in response to that trip. right. and so what about the haitian population as a whole, all the in favor of an international force coming into the country to, to step life security situation. while the vast was the vast majority of folks here are trying to cling onto whatever hold the can get the haitian government had formerly requested international assistance with its fight against gangs since october of 2022. so its been caught ever since in a process, an international process to gather support funding and the units to come and fight with the gangs here in haiti. so it's been a long wait for folks here to see something happening. thank you very much for
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updating us on the situation there, and photo pres, prints independent. janice, how issac live there and hate to thank you for your time. the us supreme court has handed donald trump a major victory overturning a decision that excluded him from colorado. silas trump is the front runner for the republican nomination to challenge president joe biden. the states top port had ordered him off the ballad from december, citing his road, leading up to the january 6th 2021 a time from the capital. trump is welcome. the decisions stressing the need for presidential immunization democracy, immunity for president, and not immunity for me. but for any president, if a president doesn't have full immunity, you really don't have a president because nobody that is serving in that office will have the courage to make in many cases what would be the right decision or it could be the wrong decision. it could be, in some cases, the wrong decision,
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but because they have to make decisions and they have to make them free of all tara that can be reined upon them when they leave office or even before they leave office. and some decisions are very tough. island fisher has in my life a folder and explains the significance of this morning. this is an important one for donald. trump essentially means that he will be on the ballot in all 50 states if he wins the republican presidential nomination. which is almost setting at this stage. certainly, you'd also been excluded from the ballot in illinois and maine, but those decisions had been suspended until the supreme court made the decision. and other states may well have kicked him off of the ballot to if the supreme court had ruled any other way. but during the initial hearing, it was clear, the court was heading in this direction even what the liberal justice is, being incredibly skeptical that a state could exclude someone from the presidential election ballot. what is more
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complicated for donald trump is the question of the community. the of course is asked the supreme court to rule that, and the thing he does while he is in the office means that he cannot be prosecuted, that essentially a president is above the law. one of the arguments during the hearing with the supreme court was that a president could essentially alter the assassination of a political arrival unfreeze no consequence to that. it seems highly unlikely that the supreme court will agree that that is something that the founding fathers had discussed had intended and actually wanted for the united states. i most acute constitutional implications for the united states as well. if the we have to rule and these people that decision, of course, to, to come somewhere in april. so a win for donald trump head of super tuesday, but not something that it concurrent on going forward as the faces. remember 91
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criminal charges a cost for different court cases that are ongoing at the moment? oh and for sure, i'll just do the model logo, florida still ahead on the news, our native serv. so taking part in the biggest military exercise since the cold war will explain why russia, someone's germany's ambassador in moscow, the hello that was not down on the, in australia. and we seeing some very what, whether there's more of that to come, especially across moving on west in pot, southern areas as well. see some on the stones and heavy rain. you can see it developing that to the north of western australia, pushing down to that south east as well, but not full path remains. launch the hot and dry just continuing to rise here over the next few days will be hitting the mid thirty's that on thursday. hot and dry
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conditions as well stretching down towards the se, temperatures, however, typing down ever so slightly satellite and melvin's 30 degrees celsius. the on wednesdays, and temperatures all coming down across new zealand. x sites with south west city flow, bringing kula and have your showers and wintery conditions touching into the very cell. but it is going to look more settled across both islands on wednesday morning . the way it's sunshine was christ church seem to attempt to pick up as we go into the end of the week. as long as we settled story, oklahoma and pots of south east asia, the, he's continuing to build across parts of thailand like bank called, as well as protests. but for the south of this, a very wet story across indonesia, we think flooding in java. we can see more of that as you see, the rain continues to for heavy us to choose day into wednesday of the,
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of the biggest global electron yet in history. the world's biggest democracy pull up its own epic showdown john main screen of off in grand for the fuel for fox, really focusing on india as i traveling across the country. examining the issues of 6 and the 4th event, blake, at this critical moment in the country of history, the india coming soon on examining the impact of today's headlines is objectivity is still possible for you . we're not only pushing the most this looks. we are moving just algae. is there a set the stage? hey, i is a powerful tool and it enables bad people to do bad things, giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and save different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today. on ologist. yes,
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for the watching the news, our on algae 0. a reminder of our main stories. is there any forces of again, open fire on palestinians waiting for aid to arrive this time at the alcoa to found devout in guys, a city. it happened this. 3 a truck survived. several people have been injured. and these are all continues to target, densely populated areas in southern guns that way hundreds of thousands of this face kind of threw me into taking shelter. at least 17 people were killed in rough us. 2 homes went back and a u. n. team has deliberate, essential medical supplies to hospitals in northern guys left for the 1st time
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since the war began. in october. situation is described as green with severe levels of non trish children dying of starvation, serious shortages of your food and medical supplies. the health officials and these are, i'll say, a missed strike in the north of the country has killed one person and wounded several others. the attack was carried out on a small village along the border with 11 on these are the military says it struck the source of the launch is been near daily. cross border fire between is around and has for last since october. meanwhile, the us special envoy in most high shed and has been visiting beveled for talk same, that ending the escalating fighting between his room and his beloved washington says he is pushing for a lasting security arrangement. is anna called every for some beveled. it has been says it has lost more than $200.00 men among them, field commanders, since the start of confrontations with isabel. it's been 5 months since the lebanese arms group opened
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a 2nd front to help relief pressure on its ally. hum us in garza international efforts are now underway to reach a ceasefire, and garza has blessed says it will stop firing and adhere to any ceasefire that's agreed on condition as well does the same. but that may not happen. that it is, it does not necessarily happen that when you have a c's, fine, does it just automatic the extent that is why we're here today to be able to have a conversation and discussion on what kind of arrangements that could be reached here in life. it's not an automatic us and for a must hausten is in bayview to continue diplomatic efforts involving arrangements that would allow residents on both sides of the border to return the us has been trying to prevent the near daily confrontations between israel and hezbollah from expanding. but has molasses, western and boys have only one goal,
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and that is to ensure as well security. it has said it will not discuss security arrangements for southern lebanon until there is a permanency fire in garza in level 4 an invoice come to 11 on to discuss his riley threats. no one talks about stuffing the aggression on gaza. what they say is the aggression in gaza will continue. we have said this clearly in the past those you want to mediate most immediate and the aggression but as well recently stepped up into our campaign and has linked the suspension of hostilities to hezbollah as withdrawal from the border area and the re deployment of the lebanese army with increased numbers and effectiveness, us amboy, aimless hausten war and what he called the limited war between is roland has the loss is not contained a vote. he also says a new security paradigm is needed along the border between 11 on and as well. in other words as well,
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will not agree to return to the situation before october 7th. that means new security arrangements and 11 on has now been informed through the united states of what is needed for quiet to return to the border side of their elders. eda bailey, the found drive in use in france has become the 1st country in the world to explicitly protect abortion rights in its constitution. parliament met and a historic joint session inverse side to hold. the final vote. president, evaluate my phone's government has been pushing for the move since 2022 comes up. we have a model that to all of these women women who have suffered in the flesh and in the mines sometimes to the point of losing their lives. yes, we are haunted by those women who died for wanting to be free. yes, we are haunted by the needles of facts street abortionist. yes, we also wanted by those who escaped con, destiny for a portions abroad,
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fearing for their lives. yes, we also wanted by the suffering on memories of so many women. now to columbia wade judges have decided to free the power military leader, salvatore mancuso from prison. mancuso is returned to the capital. the task after setting a 15. yes, sentence in the us on drunk driving. he's admitted involvement in numerous massacres. let's speak to our correspondent dallas on that. i'm get t was in bogota, columbia as capital for a. so how did the judge explain her decision on michael says for me to yes, fully as of what the judge said was that um, it might cause uh uh could be allowed to be released from prison given the fact that he had said it's time under a transitional justice law known here in columbia asked the justice and peace law
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that was passed back in 2005 and was the law that essentially get created the framework for the demo by station the paramilitary forces that sounds about to do. and it's not about the mancuso a sorry at commanded at the time a but she also said or put in place a number of conditions. so starting with the fact that mind cool. so is also facing and under another number of trials both here in the comfortable with that and in the city of butter and key on the coast. for many massacres in which he is allegedly involved, the a number of or thousands of killings and some 60000 primes. so for the time being he will remain in prison. but the expectations is that with today's decision, he will soon be released and be able to start as work as a special piece advocate. that was designated by president of gustavo pay through
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the expectation of what the government is that man cause it will work as a sort of. busy which between the government and a number of on groups that our successors vase, a former parent military forces that are still operating in the country and that the governments hopes to bring to the negotiating table. but this decision on his son though it is controversial for many people in columbia. it's absolutely we are talking obviously about somebody who's everybody's here called a war lord that has been responsible the order to a really extremely high number of crimes. this forces were responsible for thousands of force disappearance at killings, but at the same time, he is also a person who has been a fort right in giving a lot of the details of what has happened during the countries internal conflicts
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to just recently. and an at testimony that he has given to a transitional, a piece that transitional piece tribunal in columbia, a help to find a mass grave in the city of cope with that, where dozens of bodies have disappeared, people were found. so on one side, the victims are saying that obviously they would like to see him in prison, but they are also expecting him to continue doing what he has been doing. so talking about what happened with this crime, help them find the bodies, for example, of many people that have been disappeared by a pair of military f forces. there is also expectations for information that he has that would a connecting port then for the patients, including the former president of columbia, alberto, who would event and other political and business that leads of the country with the power of another series at because the countries,
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the troops commissioned as though we've already proven that the many of the countries in the, the, and the countries mail it to where it fits and complicity with. apparently they to be forced as in their work against the rebel fighters back in the ninety's in the 2000. so a very complicated situation here, but also the expectation that it could be helpful for the reconciliation of the country for shredding, shedding lights on, on a number of crimes. and also participates in a further piece process is that the government here is hoping to begin. thank you very much. i found that before that time is founded on p t live there in the top, a nato to so taking part in a huge military exercise in poland, the largest into the cold war. the exercise called nordic response. 24 brings together tens of thousands of made to and swedish soldiers is designed to test his defenses in the face of russia's war on ukraine. since the end of the cold war,
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europe has drastically cut his defense spending. all allies contribute something to nature, so let's take a look at who pays what the united states has a biggest military power in. they do expense $860000000.00 a year on defense. that's nearly 3 point. 5 percent of its g d, p. poland is another big spender, promising $24000000000.00 to its military. that makes up 4 percent of his g d p. but recent figures show belgium pages $7000000000.00 for defend. that's just over. over 1.6 percent of its gdp step boss and has moved from poland on the days activities. this is the largest need to exercise since 1988 to the end of the cold war and preparations for steps fos. the defender stopped and already after the rushes occupation of crimea. but after the russian station, a few crane fields have increased. that the nato country could be next. what this
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exercise wants to showed is that nato is very ready to defend the alliance, but often remarks by donald trump. uncertainty has come to what the enforcement of the united states will be in the future. he encouraged, basically russia to do it afterwards. once with a native member that doesn't say enough on defense. and that's a very painful point. so many european countries, which for the last 30 years have closed out arms factories. i'm a nation factories, i'm barely invested in a defense on tuesday the you will launch a multi $1000000000.00 plan to upgrade its defense capabilities. but military leads us where they need to have side that not only the industry, but also people in europe, need to be more aware that the piece is not a given step fast and l just a rough costs and you have go in poland, pressures for administrative says it's some and the german and boss are in moscow after russian media publish
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a recording said to be of german army officers discussing supplying weapons to ukraine, and a potential attack in crimea. germany is defense minister has accused the crime native conducting what he called in information more to create divisions within the berlin government. domini cane has been following development, assembling a whole lot from this scandal has developed on monday with different voices and searching different fact. so we still shots, the german shotzel effectively laying down the law saying that he has, chancellor says how the situation is. that's how it is. but he is also use the degree of conditionality about the tourist missile system saying that if it requires control on the ground physically in ukraine, and if it could be 5 into russia, that's not something german soldiers can do. it will not happen. but there's a degree of ambiguity there. conditionality and multi set and then you have on the other side of things, the russian foreign minister said a lover of referring to what was in the conversation,
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what has been reported and saying it sounds very much as low as the germans were talking about, giving the weapon system to the ukrainians in such a way that they wouldn't be found out as it was behind all of the stands. a very clear sense from the german government does not want to give weapons to a country which could then use those weapons to fire into russia. the german government doesn't want gym and trips to be on ukrainian sortland doing that. there's also one other factor at play here, which is the degree of embarrassment to the german government. this is being caused the fact that it was entrusting some of its communications very sensitive communications to web ex, a platform which some here in germany, a questioning the, the security of it's clearly from mr. shots, he's trying to draw a line in the sand. there are lots of questions being asked. don't want it. kane al jazeera bowling. hey ron solemn entry elections last week has seen
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a record low turnout. the interior minister says 41 percent of the 61000000 e radians and digital to cast their ballots voted on friday. that's down from the previous know 42.5 percent in 2020. and from the high of 71 percent who voted in 1996 still a hand on entre 0 elements that have more legal protections in bangladesh with conservation is a loans along won't help the endangered adams,
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the the, the working back,
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the fine to control us so done between the army and the power military rapids support forces a scale at least 13000 people. in the past 10 months, local responders say the actual death toll is much higher, continues finding has been bodies of being buried in the streets. even morgan re for some on demand for the 1st time since last august. yeah. yeah, of product is returning to his home district of what new by we in under mine. he's come to visit the grave of his friend, a neighbor malia who is buried in the street in front of his home. he died when he couldn't find the medication for his illness during fighting between the power military rapids support forces and the sudanese army. and please my coffee, are you ready? you got the photo, nobody were there was no way to reach the cemetery. the places were all fighting areas and dangerous, and under the control of the rapids support forces movement was difficult. so malawi, a state in the house for 5 days before someone smelled the decomposing body and
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brought to people wisdom to take a grave and bury him here as well. its holes on buildings and with new by we show signs of fighting with the marks of artillery shells that landed on them. a mid 0 in images of lives destroyed the army and the rest f have been fighting since last april. the united nation says at least 13000 for the needs have been killed. local responders say that total is likely to be 3 times higher because of many bodies have not been able to reach hospitals to be counted. and many others are yet to be buried. the 5 day my cousin who lived with us had diabetes and there was no waiting to take him to the hospital. the roads were closed and there was no access to the cemetery because of the back of. we found the 3 others had been buried on the street, so we buried him here too. and then another body was added a few days later to make this a make shift summit tree cemeteries where the dead are normally buried,
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have not been spared the brutality of the conflict. this one is littered with unexploded artillery shells. i've had students show where others have exploded while this part of the mind has been recaptured from the ira stuff by the army. the cemetery remains inaccessible to civilians. this isn't the only cemetery in the capital that has been destroyed by the conflict. it's left to many families wondering about the bodies of their loved ones who they buried before the war. it's also means as fighting continues, many of the dance that wants to get a proper final resting place. yeah, he says he'll wait until the conflict is over to reaper a mile. yeah. in a symmetry rather than have his grief in the street. many others are also waiting for the fighting to end to give a loved ones, a proper burial. heap of morgan knowledge of vera on through mine. in pakistan, heavy rain has left at least 32 people dead and 50 others injured after land slides
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prompt roads and destroyed homes. authorities say $700.00 as have been damaged. come all hide every for some swan finally in the spring and the hendo goes to mountains. and this time of the you will see green for the age. but implement rather and heavy snow have covered the entire area with a blanket of snow. it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, brenda, better con, along with 11 family members. what, enjoying a warm, quiet. yeah. seeking protection from the snow. when the really judge heard a loud noise and they start the ground slipping under their feet, 7 of them and go, didn't go far, the dead children that's gone. and even darted enroll, located immediately, moon that will be there tomorrow. the for the quote in a while i don't want to go into, i was removing smoke from my roof of my daughter. suddenly she shouted as well.
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that house kilometers i rushed or so to construct. under the model of life on the woman is crying for help and rescue time. we are afraid of living the effect of the weather, and that's completely changed why i've never seen snow for the month of month. the guy at the door of i'm on and was on the corner because of difficulties. i was very, a guardian to prevent or dr. management or tartar d. dozens of people have been killed in the hive of books and well proven roads, have been brought landslides, have washed away and died sections of the highway. and it did go through our difficult dog. tried to reach those people in need of head. but all that showed the effects of climate change and the devastation it did living. and it's rick come out of how you the data and that too much of swat not to bangladesh with cold his band, the adoption of elephants, to protect them from exploitation, rice gould,
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say this will stop the animals being tortured while being trained. but conservation is se laws aren't enough time. they have chandra re for some chiral hills on the border with ne, send india a loss of happy that is increasing the forcing ellison's to migrate, causing conflict with human, someone to save their crops and homes. people here in northwest bangladesh, use whatever the can, including fire electric fence and all the tools to find the elephants, resulting in dozens of casualties each year in both human analysis and populations . nor the competence father was killed by an alison a little more than a month ago. well, happy and extra almost sense opens causes many problems for us. they destroy our trees, plants and homes, and sometimes attack and kill villagers. it's becoming a challenging situation for us. according to the far as department, 35 people have been killed. you know, it's gonna have tax and the last 9 years in northern bung with ash of the community
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here once something done about it. no other than that of how the whole law. if the authorities built concrete walls between the elephant range and now the village, it might help all these fences and barriers on no protection from elephants. they break them very easily. allison's have already lost nearly 2 thirds of their habitat across asia. and climate change is pushing them into new areas. experts say i live in migration that chris brought a request, cooperation between india, myanmar and bangladesh. to establish cross bought our heavy depths, bangladesh has more than 13 natural crossing points with india and me and my that ellison's regularly move across, but they haven't the destruction. deforestation. and the growing presence of people opposing major challenges to these vital pathways. according to the international organization for conservation of nature, the ation elephant is an endangered spaces. there may be as few as
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40250000 elephants remaining in the wild in a ship. by mother alone has witness 98 allison depths in 20 years with only 300 left, no reason. high court ruling a suspended all licenses which prevents the capture adoption or expectation of the patient outcomes various condition to the different if need be. the court ruling is a good initiative if the force department and relevant authorities move forward and implementing it, then we may see positive changes in conservation and protection of the captive and wild elephants. despite these laws domesticated alex, i'm send your expectation in circuses, tourism and logging in many ation. countries comes or vision is tier se laws alone will not protect h as while allison, restoring and securing their natural habitat is also crucial for their survival controlled re, i'll just say to a girl hills,
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bangladesh of the doha international maritime defense exhibition and conferences on the way here in kata, the latest tech innovation zane that enhancing naval and defense security are being shown at the exhibition. ouch is here as defense, as are alex got popular as has more from the conference. some of the trends here, dick's a for a month systems, let me show you what i mean by on month. so here we see the traditional quarter cup to full, seen them before this time loaded the small payload, but this up here is a successor. looks like a normal flying drones are really, can take off land vertically. more importantly, it can talk to other drugs, communicate with them, and smooth and attack a single target, and then disperse, which is the new technology is now coming online. the only connect to it with aerial drones. they communicate with a man patrol vessels in the sea. and here on land we receive looks like
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this for medical robo for you, but isn't quite there yet in terms of technology. looks aggressive. for the most part, the easy to destroy by soldiers themselves. so this will be used for that just takes for surveillance and will act as verbal, centuries, protecting things like pipelines, etc. but over here in development is the latest income because the symmetrical phones that we've seen, similar prototypes attacking russian ships in the black sea. this is designed to travel along the surface of the ocean. and then of the last minute when i send supplies in enemies ship dogs under water strikes, it's sinking. it's the. these are being cold, it takes 2 soldiers. buckle feels tomorrow as i can use our own ologist sierra country more as always on our website at algae 0 dot com. the very latest on all, all of our top story is on there, which is sierra dot com. that's it from me for the back to go in the holding. use
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our team here. thank you very much. watching. con is dying. jordan is where the next with was based on the it's a top destination for travelers seeking an island, paradise experience. but the idyllic archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global war. rising water levels and unforgiving storm. i've triggered some of the was 1st government slammed relocation as a result of climate change. people empower us want fiji. the last resort on a jersey to hodge, i mean to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than that in any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all that
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good cooks. i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem. it access to if he of the story on told to how does era instead of these cries, it's good. it's been dead silence if it wasn't for grandmother and had a seal about how was a neighbor after midnight trying to get to a hospital includes is really me the 3 check points to the way. i was embarrassed in order for me and waited on what's my fear for the baby was stronger, but not every story has a positive and through last day it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to the death certificate on the same day in 2003 soldiers asked her to sit quiet. you. she started shouting. i gave birth,
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followed by silence. and then another shot. i think she died just a few hours ago. these really ministry installed this gate to the entrance to the village. mother is about to give for the music to go to the hospital. like no, no which gate is open and which one is closed? the is ready for it is open 5 on palestinians as a trucks arrive in northern garza. the blue ones are in jordan. this is out as a red line from dell also coming around a 1000000 cases of infectious diseases are detected in gaza. and medical situation in the strip is described as extremely catastrophic. the us attempts to play


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