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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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the, the is ready for us is up and file and palestinians as a trucks arrive in northern garza, the other ones are in jordan. this is all just a rough night from dell also coming up around a 1000000 cases of infectious diseases undetected in gauze. the medical situation in the strip is described as extremely catastrophic. china sets a growth target of 5 percent ahead of the annual meeting of the national people's
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congress. and the reco, low voter turnout for iran, solemn entry elections. only 41 percent of an integral focus costa fox news . we begin in northern gaza. we have palestinians waiting for a to have come on the is ready fire a supply convoys arrived. the plans have been injured, buys reading for us is while waiting for supplies that the out to a, to round about and gauze, a city only a few people were able to get some boxes that included water, flowers, and other items. the trucks left carrying some of those engines. fine. is there any gun? fine. see what is what he strikes on 2 homes in the rough. i have killed 17 palestinians, central gods as also being targeted. but is really a tax. cutting 13 people in being a set up refugee camp more than 15500 published commands. i've now been killed
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since as well. they've got it's war and gaza in october. i'm a highland rivers of the with the bands rescues going for a fast campbell to find somebody that's pulling another. it's really strange. i got stuck on homes in the field, but this neighborhood left several people dent in the east of the city. another it's really striking. several other palestinians is right. designated rough uh, safe zone, but telephony and cell phone, anything but safety that i knew who it was for the demo. shame on them to stop this blog stuff. well, i just blog why, why the exterminating us? if you want to annoy like to ask, why didn't they just do it once and for all, there is no safe place on who told you roughly safe every day. foaming, foaming, school minister, there is no safe place on and with how much the house is full of children, women and men. i found myself under the rug who i'm injured slightly. i won't be our will to stop this. will we need to cease 5?
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because we're facing genocide, despite is the rise bombardment of desperate palestinians continued to head to the city from other parts of gus that if you want to eat, you have to die in the pursuit of getting fluids. we said no to this and decided to hit to the south effects to in central gulf cse us. this is the of the to month of yet another strike on the say, a rot coming. well, let's talk when that, i mean, i know we were sleeping in our house when suddenly we had the sound of the miss unexploded. and we came here to see the house completely destroyed. this house was rented by civilians had nothing to do with the resistance or any minutes reaction. the displace people that came from the gulf a see spot, drug on the people on floods. the continued to body dead didn't have them. how much does the how does it was targeted by susan was in rough and southern guns that announced the latest as well as the pressing one with its military attacks and
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different areas in areas. also the uh, the designated as a safe zone in the beginning of this complex we have been seeing and hearing more loud explosions in the summer and parts of the city or con units as also a number of illumination slash being funny is in this call in the city in the saw the recall alongside with the western part to run far as people are completely terrified. does the sound of fight exchange is still going on to this brief moment along side that there are more attacks to day when you go into the city where again, i'm going to round about had been targets is where people were waiting for. humanitarian supplies to reach to the number of parts one kind of seeing a piece that has been killed with number of presidents also being pointed in. this has happened multiple years in the past. if you days as people in the north are completely suffering from increase of a level of pneumonia attrition and the hydration today, a new power screen,
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the child has died because now you christian, where is somebody to know no longer full time with food items and basic necessities and this is absolutely terrifying scenario that palestinians in the north, facing them, this number which hildreth being died. i believe that completely since the beginning of this conflict is expected to rise because of melanie attrition until an immediate medical and distributed target intervention could be carried out to save the lights. israel's continued bumming of guns as health facilities has resulted in the health care system really collapsing because a health ministry says is detected about a 1000000 cases of infectious diseases describing the medical situation in the strip as extremely catastrophic. 350000 chronic patients are at risk due to a lack of medication. $60000.00 and pregnant women and girls that are in danger due to lack of access to health care. and around $10000.00 cancer patients and gaza, i would risk of dying. so what are you in team has delivered some essential medical
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supplies to hospitals in northern gods for the 1st time since the war began in october. the situation there was described as grim with severe levels of malnutrition, children dying of starvation sera shortages, a few food and medicines. you inspect the general spokesman, stefan derek. gabe, this updates the team made up of world health organization and the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs. unicef and you had population fund or visited the out. i would uh and come out and one hospitals in northern garza, yesterday. they did that to deliver fuel and essential medical supplies, that the visits were the 1st to those specific hospitals since early october. despite our ongoing efforts to gain more regular access to the north of gaza, the team delivered $9500.00 leaders of fuel to each of those hospitals. but as you can imagine, this is just
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a fraction of what is actually needed. of the director general of the world health organization, doctor tedra spoke of quote grim findings during the teams visits, including several levels of bound nutrition, children dying of starvation, hospital buildings, destroyed, and serious shortages of fuel and food and medical supplies that come out one hospital is the only pediatric hospital in northern garza and it is as you can imagine being overwhelmed with patients. dr. tedra said the lack of electricity poses a serious threat to patient care and the lack of food lead to the death of 10 children as the w h o t was informed of uh, doctors at the hospital when l. yeah, michael need for the body by who spoke to doctor n. g is a canadian physician who spent a week treating patients inside garza and as in close contact with colleagues that we asked him what's triggered the spike in disease if with the overlapping food and
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clean water and housing and security that has pretty much lost. no one on the not a menu. every single person has been entirely touched by those overlapping crises of food and water and shelter and security. it has led to the conditions of overcrowding, of this book, displacement of people living in tens and prop or sanitation and clean water to the point where we're seeing so much communicable disease and not of respiratory infections. joshua and test all disease, including a major outbreak of hepatitis a and, and these are preventable infections and diseases can also be boxing it against an end to, to steal from such things. we need nutritious food, we need clean water. and without such things, we're, we're seeing the worst of the worst ones, not only, and these communicable diseases. these instructions, which are entirely preventable, and also treatable. and we can't even treat the because of block about occasions
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locker antibiotics, as you've already said. we also have children dying of mom nutrition, especially in northern guys. and this is happening at an extremely alarming rate. they're on the desktop of course, but they're also long term consequences to, to these children not getting the proper nutrition. they need, you know, i, one of the children that i saw was the sickest child that i've ever seen in my entire medical career. they were a child carried in by his mother and wasn't able to walk anymore because of how, of, you know, malnourished. he was and i could write my index finger on my phone entirely around both the upper arm and the lower like of this child. and he was 910 years old. and i'm worried that this is one of the children that have already died since i met of 2 years to 2 weeks ago. and the number of children have died from severe malnutrition is now with the double digits. and the head of the united nations,
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palestinian refugee agency has wandered without additional funding. that could be serious implications for global peace and security. util. the un general assembly, the unrest, functioning hand to mouth, only was monday. it embodies the promise of a fat and lasting political solution. this small thing, the agency and gods on the west bank, including east jerusalem would only so those who oppose such a solution. but his tinged references would feel 75 years after the next uh that the international community is once more turning its back on different i think editor james base as more from the united nations, a very good picture. he painted all of the situation in garza and of the pressures on his agency on which is the main humanitarian agency in gaza. it's the only real
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deal in town that in terms of the you and yes, there are other parts of you and they're all the and she goes. but they all the ones with the capacity to deliver aid across garza. and he said, these agencies now breaking point, this is because of the continued is really, but is really bombardment of gaza. but also because remember israel made those allegations that 12 of the stuff had been involved in the events of october, the 7th of allegations. but it hasn't shown the us any proof or evidence off to this stage. in fact, to you m team is with told funding really going to be allowed to go to jerusalem. and we'll have to see if they've given any of the evidence that those allegations are based on. but it's meant that's 16 of the main funding countries for under a have pulled that funding for $150000000.00. and that means that fundraising a very, very difficult position. according to mister eliza reeney,
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and he made it pretty clear that he thought this was a deliberate attack. he said he was facing a deliberate and concerted campaign to undermine its operations and ultimately ultimately end them. and when we heard earlier on from the is right, yeah. and by so that he said exactly that he said, onrush should be defended and dismantled. and in the last few hours here as president joe biden has said, the white house is continuing its efforts towards a cx 5 deal in a post on the social media platform x 5. and it says that he will keep pushing for a deal that secures the release of the captives brings us these 5 to guides and for at least 6 weeks. and allows for more aid into the entire strip for you as far as president. a couple of harris says express the concern about the situation in gaza . i know israel to take additional measures to increase the flow of 8 hours has been holding towards with current member. these ready will cabinet many guns in washington dc. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reportedly told embassy stop in washington, not to help in facilitating kansas trip, but you have
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a chance to joins us live now from washington dc. she have so how of us officials been a welcoming guns there in washington? you have the highest level, it's not no pleasing vent against what meetings are biting but meeting the vice president, but also meeting with the key, the key decision makers when it comes to biden's cause or policy, not paris, but jake sullivan, the national security advisers of the white house breton, the good, the national security council. i'm at least coordinator on monday. and then as we blinking on choose a the secretary of state. oh, there's not withstanding this the story. that's the story line that, that in yahoo have them give them the green light for guns. the trouble whether the administration thinks that this makes them seem like they have been rebels and they're being yeah, and all student and yahoo, whatever i get that because you're out of time when the base is disgusted with the green lights, the vitamins given to genetically all here, whether that's been a or factor is on clear, but i'm going to put the white house as the guns off for this meeting. he's
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a key member of the wood cabinet, which is early free people in the world capital. and so as a result, you caught really see, this is a split to him is ready policy. he is one of those most comfortable for all the various atrocities that you've been revolting over the last 15 minutes also. so there's, it's, i don't know whether they're trying to get some p all spin out of this, but you know, whether they're just tools to try and see about the past most likely to succeed that on yahoo as well, that probably would be quite useful for them to i guess the country have, but we heard from vice president coming to iris on sunday. cool for an immediate cease fire this 6 week. pause. what's the, what's the politics of play? here's a, i mean, i think a lot was made of this, this, these comments, but she was just simply restating the, by the policy which drove by and just read it out as you, as you mentioned, to ex spouses as you, as you just mentioned. i mean that was, it was interesting though, but josh, who was making that speed. it's a sofa alabama replaced, which is imbued with the spirit of human rights and fighting for justice. but she didn't get to chose to finish the sentence. she said,
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when i'm calling for an immediate cease fire on the crowd erupted, reflecting the bases demolish for an immediate si spot, but, but completely sci fi fi, not a cx 5, which is an added very quickly to last of the 6 weeks, which is if you would just basically need to she was just restating the bite and divided ministrations, paula se bucks the base us are eager to hear the word seems file from someone from the administration living that said that she got this sort of viral movements and you know that there's some discussion as to whether this was designed to whether she was taken taken by surprise. but now i'm gonna shoot you. this was reinstating the dividing administration policy. i just barely different as well. she does when she speaks about goals and she talks of the palestinians of human beings and the moral outrage of what's going on, which we never hear from, from bite. but it's clear that the white house trying to make as much as possible on a performance of level about the concern when hire as well. someone speaks because of that rebellious in the base that we're seeing. we saw in the primary in michigan last week for the 100000 people versioning uncommitted, instead of by providing in the democratic primary. and then we have super tuesday
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on tuesday. so actually i think it's coming to them in the home, but substantially they don't changing any of the policy. they're just giving a 0 degree line. all right, does she have her time? she lives there in washington. she, i'm thank you as well so, so it's coming here and i'll just say we're including reports of gunfire near haiti's international airport. it's gang step up the tax force and the government to the kind of a state of emergency or not to stay with the hard hitting interviews as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than a part to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem. it access to if he of the story on told to how does era the
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generation football. so swollen french captain, teresa bra mcclintic t j. c. waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an aluminum to open conversation there, and very few people for that that facing about child abuse is you. i am a u. n. b. and i think we need to help each other. and also showcase is the incredible story of the foot folders and fluff dennis done to escape the telephone generation for episode one of the challenges here with the
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the welcome back. you're watching, i'll just say a real quick reminder about top stories here. this is randy forces have again opened 5 and palestinians waiting for the aid to ride this time of the l q way to round about in kansas city. it happened to $38.00 trucks arrived, several people spinning as well continues to target, densely populated areas and southern gone. so it hundreds of thousands of display scholars demands of taking shelter be 17 feed book hills, and by far as to husbands football and the u. n. team has delivered some essential medical supplies to hospitals in northern casa for the 1st time since the world began in october, situations, as described as grim with severe levels of malnutrition chosen and dying of starvation, and see it will show to just a few things. and that's now the well 2nd biggest economy of china has said mothers,
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crest targeted around 5 percent is the same as last year. and as when it comes as thousands of delegates gathering basing for the national people's congress. 50 is agenda is set to be dominated by china is like an economy which is grappling with slipping growth, deflation, massive debt and a decrease and expos, major reforms and government appointment several. so expect it with a more on this as cost to katrina, usually live for us from vision katrina, this is china is biggest political gathering. so what can we expect to see as people's congress that as well right now, 3000 as the country's most powerful men and women in this building behind me. this is a great whole of the people as the opening star ones, the national people's congress is taking place. and over the next 7 days, we're going to see more government meetings. and it's so significant because it's really offices as a read direct window into what the government's concerns are and what they've prior . she's off for the rest of the year. now premier, the child has just started giving his work report,
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which is an extensive speech summarizing that vision outlining some new policies, as we know are from the early electric pulled that he's set. this year's gdc grows target of about 5 percent. now that is the exact same ticket that was mentioned last year, but we have, keep in mind that this year, 5 percent is a much more ambitious target because last year they were cutting off their relatively lower base just coming out of the curve. it's locked down so that tells us that that this is nbc, there's going to be a theme of revising economic growth. we also know that the government has announced the creation of 12000000 new oven jobs. that will keep the official unemployment rate at about 5.2 percent. so also telling us that we expect to see some policies that are designed to reassure the publics and the consent of the bad, the stagnation economy, all being hud, and uh, being address. now outside of that, we also expect to hear more news. more announcements about this focus on new productive poll says of what she didn't think is cooling, innovation,
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self reliance, high quality developments, and also focused on national security. yeah. and katrina, it's all happening at a time when china's economy is in trouble, isn't it? and that's why it was the last 2 decades telling us so this exponential double digit growth. now the time is economy it and its growth has sold post pandemic that was a broom and many other parts of the world. but we did not see this economic revival here in china, or at least that the expectation of that post 10 demik boom did not men materialize . now the government is facing a long laundry list on economic challenges, including a publishing crisis. deflation, a stock market route x. so this a foreign investment and mounting local government debts and overall what it is is a big problem of confidence, confidence, a confidence crisis faced by consumers by investors and by businesses. and unless the chinese government is able to address that,
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the stolen economic growth will not really be fixed. all right, so katrina, you live for 7 days and katrina. thank you. the hey t is government has declared a state of emergency a nighttime coffee following a surge and gang violence on the storming of the countries too. because presents prime minister ariel only has been visiting kenya to establish an international police force to help control the streets. they've been reports of heavy gunfire near the international airport in the capital, stephanie back our report. the deadline in the streets, the result of an ambush by gang members on the prison in the haitian capital popular pulse, nearly 4000 prisoners were freed, including high profile gang members. in the i took 2 bullets, one under my arm, and one in my chest. as long as you're just swap, people have been dying. so sunday evening i was sleeping in my cell. i woke up when i heard shooting. i saw the cell gate open. many of the prisoners escaped,
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and many died. police have been deployed since thursday as well armed guns have stepped up there are tots, including on the international airport. the powerful guides are in control of parts of the country and estimated 80 percent of the capital. and they say they want prime minister of you had only to stand down. thank you very much. all he left for can you last week to finalize the deal for an international force to help restore order in a t. it would be part of the un task force that's something that appears to have prompted. the latest violence is partly blamed on gangster and former police officer, jimmy chevy is a noun as barbecue has been sanctioned by the u. n. and the us, it's many linked to the official trip that the prime minister took to kenya. as the notorious gang leader barbecue, uh, claim that uh, united, uh, pretty much all the gangs, uh, rival games and part of prize to fight against the government and topple it in
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response to that deal that the apartment is to assign with the king and government gains and, and, and then security has played katy for years exacerbated by the 2021 assassination of president driven l moines. say no elections have been held since 2016 stage of emergency has been declared until wednesday when the nighttime curfew will be in effect from 6 pm until 5 am. stephanie decker, which is 0 to columbia with judges, have decided to free the power amended your lead salvatore, my cruise from prison on tuesday was returned to the capital of bunker to office having a 15 year sentence in the united states on drug trafficking. he has admitted involvement in numerous muskets to the wrong has announced the results of last week's parliamentary elections. the interior minister says $25000000.00 ballots with cost . that's a record low turn out to them to 41 percent. i'll just say it was rachel said our
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report from a capital tara to 3 days for you want and those to official results of the parliamentary elections. elections last friday was seen as a test for the particulars published in the country. as it was, the 1st born, immeasurable public opinion, ceased a nationwide protest. in 2022. emma cheated discussions between the competing parties about what to turn out. the results were announced on monday, 4 to one percent of eligible waters and casting ballots to how you. ready despite the propaganda of global arrogance to keep our people as a from the ballot boxes, the radians made a glorious presence in the elections. iran, water turnout is a primary source to place the music for the poles that could establish forth one person turn out is the lowest electric outcome. these lumber to the public has seen stop judgment in 1979. but the results were celebrated by door towards that
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number is a deeply reflective of an overt disenchantment and a choice of many people not to participate in india elections. the political establishment is, of course, trying to celebrate or suggest that the 41 percent is more of a fixed rate because they expected the results to be even lower. 8 percent of the was were either invalid or blackbirds. some suggest this was a result of a silent protest. are you ready in parliament has 290 seats. according to the results, $245.00 seats are now distributed among around $150.00 conservatives. toward the reformist and independence, $45.00 candidates passed the electronic trash hold, and we compete in a drama election. in the capitals to run the reform respond to the turnout was lower than the national was just for turkey. person. many of reform is including
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the for the centers around the present, how several honey would disqualify from the raise that we show as a result, the conservative candidates, one of the majority of the seats in the companies, 88 suit as simple experts with potentially we point the company's next supreme leader because ever people to come to stop this one doesn't see the election results as of the fees, whether the form is and those were advocate for them. let me work with we have the most turned out as a victory. but one thing is clear, the state your school remains on cheese, as opposed to what these will continue to control over the 3 branches of government . the judiciary, the executive service cetera, from says, become the 1st country in the world to explicitly protect abortion rights in its constitution. parliament matching on historic joint session invest side to hold the final vote. president emanuel microns government's been pushing for the move since
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20. 22. well that's it for me down jordan, for now you can find more information on our website. i'll just here come there. it is on your screen to, to access areas coming up next time the way. stay tuned. thanks for watching the the, the weather brought to you by visit castle had a lovely day. let's have a look at the weather full cost for north america and a winter storm wallet to the west coast of the us, bree blizzards and very heavy snow to northern parts of california. well, the good news is that storm has waned. we also seen some flakes pushing across the rockies, but we'll see more in the way of where the weather is starting to creep in on tuesday, tripping down into most southern parts of california by wednesday not going to
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attempt to down in los angeles, 17 degrees celsius the on wednesday of it has been more improvement across most central parts of the us. further north of this, the central canada, the wintry weather, working its way for the east, but temperatures have improved for places like a calgary. they'll be coming down however, across the east coast of the us as a rush of severe storms push that way, further east bringing a threat of flooding, some powerful winds as well. and if we move to central america and the caribbean, you can see those storms brewing around the gulf of mexico. moving across the florida panhandle, bringing some very heavy rain as well to the bahamas over the next few days. but the law actually quiet story for the south of this very drive of places like panama . instead we're going to see the very wet weather continued to intensify across power quite as well as the southern brazil. as we go tuesday into wednesday. the weather brought to you by visit castle and counting the calls that you really revolves from is around the world protested ac to the lake and climate policies. we
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speak to the mexican agriculture minister about how it grows in mexico. of coping plus inflation is slowing down, will central bindings put interest rate soon? counting the cost on l just there. the the the in the world with short food and governmental and international responses to global challenges. a glaring non governmental organizations step in to bridge the gap. providing critical services and support. these organizations reach the most vulnerable, often overlooked population being not just age, but has the full front of this humanitarian efforts. as the international rescue committee led by david met of on founded at the behest of albert einstein and 1933
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c i o. c has become a beacon of relief and recovery. so those costs and the cost was.


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