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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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in building caring, showing, planting, purifying teaching, and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal. the is ready for us is up inside and palo stands as a trucks arrive in northern because the other ones are in jordan, this is obviously around live from del os. i'm coming up around a 1000000. the cases of infectious diseases are detected in gaza and medical situation in the strip is described as extremely kept us from china assess the growth targets a 5 percent ahead of the annual meeting of the national people's conference plus
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reporting from portion near fall in poland, where with $90000.00 soldiers that vehicle exercises taking place since the end of the the beginning northern gauze, i with palestinians waiting for the aid of come on the is really filed a supply convoy arrived a several palestinians have been injured, buys ready for us as well as waiting for much needed supplies at the l. q a to round about and gone to a city. only a few people are able to get some boxes included water, flowers, and other items. the trucks left caring, some of those engine bike is really done fine. because when he strikes on 2 homes in the rough, i have killed 17 palestinians, central guns as also being targeted. but it's really a tax cutting 13 people in minnesota refugee camp. hold on for 2500 pallets to me
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and i've now been killed since as well. but again, it's more on gaza in october. i'm how much report of the, with the bands rescue is going to verify some both to find somebody that's pulling another. it's really strange that tech on homes in the field. but this neighborhood left several people dent in the east of the city. another, it's really striking. several other palestinians is right designated, roughly as a safe zone. but telephony and soft found anything but safety that i knew who he was. this is a sin, stopped his blood to stop it. why does not, why? well, are they exterminate to not if you want to in isolates. awesome. well why don't they just do it was up for there is no safe place and a go told you were off. i stay every day. don't being phone bang, storm things. there is no safe place with how much the house is full of children, women, and then i found myself under the rubber boot. i'm injured slightly. i won't be our
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will. to stop this. will we need to cease 5? because we're facing genocide, despite is the rise bombardment of desperate palestinians continue to head to the city from other parts of gus that if you want to eat, you have to die in the pursuit of getting fluids. we said no to this and decided to hit to the south effects to in central gulf cse us. this is the of the month of yet another strike on the say, a rock come. let's talk when that i mean the, i know we were sleeping in our house when suddenly we had the sound of the miss unexploded. and we came here to see the house completely destroyed. this house was rented by civilians who had nothing to do with the resistance or any minutes reaction. the displace people that came from the gulf a see spot, drug on the people on floods. the continued to body dead didn't have them just the opposite or has power got. but as soon as in the rough in southern gauze,
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and how's the latest? as well as the pressing one with its military attacks and different areas in areas . also the uh, the designated as a safe zone in the beginning of this complex we have been seeing and hearing more loud explosions into southern parts of the city, or con eunice as also a number of illumination. slash be funny. is this calling the city in the southern cost along side with the was turned on to run far as people are completely terrified. that was the found a fight exchange is still going on to this brief moment and i'm afraid that there are more attacks to tell you when you come to the city where again i'm going to round about had been targets is where people were waiting for humanitarian supplies to reach to the number of parts. one kind of thing, a piece that has been killed with number of presidents also being on that. and this has happened multiple years in the past. if you days, as people in the north are completely suffering from increasing the level of small
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nutrition and the hydration today, a new policy, the child has died because of the value christian, where if somebody cannot no longer afford him with food items and basic necessities and this is absolutely terrifying scenario that palestinians in the north facing and this number which hildreth being dead died. i think that completely, since the beginning of this conflict is expected to rise because of melanie attrition until an immediate committee code on distributed target intervention could be carried out to say of the lights. as well as continued bombing of gauze as health facilities has resulted in the health care system, the collapsing, because the health ministry says if detected about a 1000000 cases of infectious diseases, describing the medical situation in a strip as extremely catastrophic. 350000 chronic patients are at risk due to a lack of medications. 60000 pregnant women in guns that are in danger due to a lack of access to health care and around 10000 cancer patients and gaza,
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i would risk of dying. so when are you in team has that if it's some essential medical supplies, the hospitals and know them does that for the 1st time since the war began in october. the situations there is described as green, with severe levels of malnutrition, children dying of starvation, sierra show there's a few food and medicines, the you and 2nd to general spokesman stuff on the generic gabe. this updates the team made up of world health organization and the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs. unicef and you had population fund or visited the out and come out, add one hospitals in northern garza, yesterday. they did that to deliver fuel and essential medical supplies, that the visits were the 1st to those specific hospitals since early october. despite our ongoing efforts to gain more regular access to the north of gauze of the team delivered $9500.00 leaders of fuel to each of those hospitals. but as you
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can imagine, this is just a fraction of what is actually needed of the director general of the world health organization dr. tedra spoke of quote, grim findings. during the teams visits, including several levels of bound nutrition, children dying of starvation, hospital buildings, destroyed. and serious shortages of fuel and food and medical supplies. the come out loud one hospital is the only pediatric hospital in northern garza and it is as you can imagine, being overwhelmed with patients. dr. tedra said the lack of electricity poses a serious threat to patient care and the lack of food lead to the death of 10 children as the w h o. t was informed by doctors at the hospital. when any of my calling for the body by it was spoke to dr. ethan g. he's a canadian physician who spent a week treating patients inside garza and i was in close contact with colleagues. dad. we asked him, what's the figured the spike and diseases with the overlapping food and clean water
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and housing and security that has pretty much left no one on the not a menu. every single person has been entirely touched by those overlapping crises of food and water. and of shelter and security, it has led to the conditions of overcrowding, of dis, book displacement of people living in tents and prop for sanitation and clean water . to the point where we're seeing so much communicable disease and not of respiratory infections. joshua test all disease, including a major outbreak of hepatitis is a and, and these are preventable infections and diseases can also be boxing it against an end to, to feel problems such things. we need nutritious food, we need to clean water. and without such things, we're, we're seeing the worst of the worst was not only, and these communicable diseases, these infections, which are entirely preventable,
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and also treatable. and we can't even treat the, because of the lack of medications, locker antibiotics, as you've already said. we also have children dying of mine nutrition, especially in northern guys. and this is happening at an extremely alarming rate. they're on the desktop of course, but they are also long term consequences to, to these children not getting the proper nutrition. they need, you know, i, one of the children that i saw was the sickest child that i've ever seen in my entire medical career. they were a child carried in by his mother and wasn't able to walk anymore because of how, of, you know, malnourished. he was and i could write my index finger on my phone entirely around both the upper arm and the lower like of this child. and he was 910 years old. and i'm worried that this is one of the children that have already died since i met of 2 years to 2 weeks ago. and the number of children have died from severe
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malnutrition is now with the double digits. well, the un general assembly is held back to back meetings on guns as efforts to alleviate the suffering of civilians, the full to a group say conditions of polish demands, and the strip a breach breaking point question. somebody has the latest from new york, noting the largest 8 supplier in gaza. honora has reached the breaking point. it's commissioner general called a member states to ramp up support. 16 countries suspended aid to the organization after is real or 2 staff members are participating in a mazda is october 7th attack. only one is facing the deliberate and concert as compared to undermine its operations. and ultimately, and does that operations at the monday, the business assembly, the parts of this campaign involves you know, dating donors, was mis information designed to foster distrust felipe plaza. rainy's comments came
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as efforts to negotiate a ceasefire. have made little progress. the security council's most recent attempt to demand one be towed by the united states. you want officials have long called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. it's a position supported by 3 quarters of member states in the general assembly and 13 out of 15 security council members. the use of the veto triggered a meeting in the general assembly where the united states explained its increasingly isolated position. we urged our colleagues not to proceed with a vote in caution. the doing so could disrupt the intensive efforts already under way. and the palestinian ambassador continued his call for an immediate cease. fire is the close to the palestinians. the palestinian people have 3 options. they give us 3 options. displacement,
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subjugation, automated the ethnic cleansing apartheid or genocide. israel's ambassador to the united nations however, told the general assembly that the time has come to dismantle on rough each road in guys that is finished and it must be replaced. many member states return to the general assembly in the afternoon to voice their support for onrush and call for more funding is shameful than we even having this debate today, whether to discuss it otherwise should be funded or not history of register. what's going on now without honor, they fear not just for civilians, but also for the prospect of a 2 state solution. kristin salumi algebra united nations use for the commission of general of under a confirmed that the agency has compiled the report on abuses committed against palestinians, including unrest off for the luxury news says the victims were detained by his
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rails and returned to guns at last month on diplomatic editor james bass as more from the united nations. speaking to reporters, here in new york, the head of under commission to general felipe laza really has revealed that his organization has compiled an internal report thinks, having abuse carried out by these radio torches against palestinian prisoners. many of those prisoners were taken into israel for interrogation and when they returned to gaza, they were interviewed by unreal stuff. there was a risk allegations of abuse. we hunt stories, alpha people, not only having been systematically mediated. we honda, quite to the north about the people have been, uh, uh, being uh you know, uh obliged to be a naked picture naked being a subject of verbal and psychological abuse
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or that having the effect of the use of electrocution. we, we know that they have been some, a lot of the state, the probation, all use offer extreme noise to prevent people to steep. we heard about the use of adults to intimidate the people commission that the general as the read me says he will share his internal report with the us human rights bodies, james bayes out to 0 at the united nations. kind of the last few hours us president joe biden has said the white house is continuing its efforts towards the sci fi deal in a post on the social media platform, x 5 and says that he will keep pushing for a deal that secures the release of the captives brings us the spice of gaza for at least 6 weeks and allows for more aid into being ta strip. seen, all of us vice president come to harris has expressed deep concern over the situation in gaza and israel to take additional measures to increase the flow of
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aid. how is has been holding towards with current member these ready war cabinet? many guns in washington is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reportedly told him, was he stopping to washington no to help and facilitating guns his trip. she advertise, he has moved from washington dc. despite the reported objections of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. many gaps is being received full list of the highest levels of the by did ministration. not president biden himself, but the vice president, a selection of the key decision makers for foreign policy in the administration. national security advisor, jake sullivan, and national security council. i'm at least coordinator breton, a good on monday, secretary of state as the blinking of the state department on tuesday, the white house says that guns requested the meeting and it made sense to to meet him given he is a cool part of the free ma'am. more cabinets in the read out of the meeting,
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vice president come with. the harris says she expressed her deep concern about the humanitarian conditions in garza. i'm the recent terrific tragedy around an aide convoy in northern calls that she called on how much to accept the terms on the table for the 6 week ccr. unable to search for monetary systems throughout cause a, they discussed the situation and rougher and the need for credible and implementable humanitarian plans prior to any military operation. the and she urged israel, according to the read of, to take additional measures incorporation with united states and international partners to increase increase the flu. a few hours here in assistance in 2000 shepherd. nancy elder 0 washington. i don't think so. a break here and i'll just here, right, when we come back, reports of gunfire and yeah, haiti's, international airport as gang step up, there are times forcing the government to declare a state of emergency stevens, the
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low that let's have a look at the weather across the southeast asia and there is more heavy rain to come across western parts of pucca sound that are already been hit by devastating floods. you can see a westerly disturbance moving its way from iran across of gone to sun, pushing eventually into focused on by the mid week. if we take a closer look, you can see that disturbance taking the winterly weather and some very heavy rain across pots of, of gun this done. it's gonna feel very heavy across the southern part of the lots, just on as we get into wednesday. we've already had thousands of people evacuated from that area, but it also brings a risk of, of further avalanches across the western areas. the, as the snow continues to full elsewhere across the region, it is a large, the central story for much of india. if your shower is affecting the very north east, but not as heavy the rain as we have seen in recent days. lots of sunshine that
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continues for through a long cut as well. just a few showers here in the as we get into the mid week. but for east asia, it's a different story. what a developing wave pushing its way across southern parts of pakistan. bringing some very heavy rain here, snow as well to haunt you will see temperatures drop here. there will be only up however, for beijing with more sunshine coming in. if we haven't looked at the 3 day for tokyo, we'll see a toss a seat on friday. the teams in the gaza strip as is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it used to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is ratings and actively these human eyes of palestinians. this is not the time for just a ton of ways, tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news conference
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can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past. the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back here watching out just the right quick reminder about top stories here . this allies ready for us is that again and of, and 5 and palestinians waiting for me to day to arrive this time without to wait to round about in kansas city. it happened to $38.00 trucks a ride. several people been injured as well, continues to target densely populated barriers and southern gaza, with hundreds of thousands of displaced, understands taking shelter. of the 17 people were killed in the rough uh, there's 2 homes, football and
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a u. n team has the liberty central medical supplies to hospitals in northern casa for the 1st time since the war began. in october, the situation is described as green with severe levels of non latricia children dying of starvation. steve, a show for just a few feet and medical supplies, the wells 2nd biggest economy, china said i'm not as growth targets around 5 percent is the same as last year. they announced when it comes to thousands of delegates gathering beijing for the national people's congress. this is agenda is set to be dominated by china is like an economy which is grappling with slipping growth. deflation must have that and a decrease in exports. what some of them is less cost to katrina use use live for us from beijing. katrina said this is china's biggest political gathering. tell us what's been announce sofa a will pardon me, a li chung that has just finished giving his work report outlining the vision pulsing announcements. the themes for they see i've got it here. i suspect for 15
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minutes. quite has the and i really noticed this 3 themes, the fuss was economics stabilization and revising economic growth. he named the gdc target a 5 percent, which was the exact, they could target his last year with a chief, 5.2 percent g d p. but keep in mind these 2 achieving that will be a lot more challenging because we're not leaving, as we're not coming from as low base as we came from last year, given that last year was coming out of those course 10 demik lockdown. so that suggests we're going to see some economic policy to support growth. although analysts say that may not be any sort of the zuka style stimulus. also we saw that the government announced the creation of 12000000 new oven jobs to unemployment, the official race, a 5.5 percent. just in the hearing that people are doing it tough and that they need reassurance that the government are hearing that concerns and addressing. does that concerns given the sag nation economy? yeah, and katrina, it's all happening. as you say at a time in china's economy is in trouble, isn't it?
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and that's what nissan was actually quite acknowledging of these economic problems that china faces would not uh, not so now in an era where china was with decades experiencing double digit growth that time has ended now. the economy, it's sold in post 10 times. we did not see the boom that we saw in many other western countries. and now a lead telling himself knows that there are a number of problems needed to be addressed. the top, the announcing unemployment until it's about low consumption stuff. market value invest is business is a role really need more confidence in order to send in order to invest in china. and he said that china will continue to work towards that. how as a china will also continue to maintain its transition small, high quality growth, meaning that the pain from that transition uh will remain. and that will be some short term suffering. we're not going to see return to reliance on market forces. instead, the government is going to retain
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a sunroof on the economy as it tries to steer in the direction that it wants. it's hoping it's public will be patient enough to come along with it. all right, katrina, thank you. well that's bringing on the mock. he's a senior research fellow at the center of, of china and globalization, think tank. it joins us live from beijing and the good job you with us. so what a difference a year makes on the last year with big funding fed delegates fully approve. she's in ping for this unprecedented for time as president. this here though, the event will be overshadowed by china is loving economy as katrina was saying that must have debt for the next boats. what seems to have gone so wrong on the are one very intrigued by this framing of china's flag in economy. so it grew at 5.2 percent last year, which was one of the highest rates of any major economy in the world. we're looking at a target of about 5 percent this year, which we've heard is offer a higher base. so are you believe?
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well not, are we mathematically in numerical terms? this is going to be again, a stellar performance. if china does meet its targets, edit, history is any guide. we certainly seen china uh, almost always hitting its world target. so, so what do you think the economic priorities then it would be for china in the year ahead? would it be about pushing money into the economy to stimulate growth, or would it be about cutting debts and also setting low growth targets? what do you think? i and i think again this is a very balanced in new lots picture here. so while i think the chinese economy again has performed as one of the best in any major economy, there certainly are challenges. so the real estate sector, i think, needs to move to a more sustainable form of development. we know that the historical model
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has been this flying wheel of a commercial or residential real estate as a store well, for many or very chinese people, a source of funding for chinese local government. that this is going to transition to a different model. and this will not be an easy task. so i think this is clearly one area. we look at the important role of foreign sentiment and for an investment. and i think here we definitely see an acknowledgment by the gulf of treating a foreign invested enterprises with national level treatment as a positive signal. and the one of the big events is premier lead chung's annual work report. we're watching at the why is this a report so important? what does it tell us then about future policy as well. we 1st have to recognize the national people's congress, is the supreme law making body in china. and so it's a cornerstone of china's governance. so this report, of course,
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provide to the store full detail on how the previous year went, but perhaps more importantly for investors and policy makers where china is heading . and we can see you again. i think it's stave, of course, there are some modifications. we're looking at a 3 percent deficit to a g d p ratio, which is higher than traditionally the number has been set i think, which shows uh the importance of some fiscal support. but at the same time, i think we're not seeing a radical changes. and this is, i think, demonstrates the consistency in the reliability of the chinese political approach. right. i think it's all a likely the human heart, right, that it's vital into uh, well, most of the country, but also very predictable. let me say the final thoughts to you and a um, then pacing is often referred to as a rubbish time parliament or legislative because its main function is seen as formerly approving, pre made decisions. and there's never any real debate there anyway. so why is the and pc spent important to watch?
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and it's vitally important to watch. i think again, this is a misperception and a misunderstanding of chinese political system. it is quote unquote, a rubber stamp organization because it is responsible for an implementation. passing the laws implemented the policies as well as implementing them. so this would be the same as calling the c o o of a major corporation, only a rubber stamp because he or she implements the decisions order made at the board level or at the ceo level. so again, i think this is an unhelpful misperception to call the n p c a rubber stamp it in fact is crucial for implementation. we all know whether it's a business or government and engine, no plans or of course execution is everything on democracy. good for your time. i really thank you for your time and in our society. thank you very much. indeed. is no. haiti is government, has declared a state of emergency,
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a nighttime coffee following a surgeon gang violence, and the storming of the countries to the gets presence. prime minister ariel already has been visiting kenya to establish on international police force to help control the streets that been to pull some heavy gunfire near the international airport. stephanie deca ripple's of the dead line in the streets. the result of an ambush by gang members on the prison in the haitian capital popular pulse, nearly 4000 prisoners were freed, including high profile gang members. in the bible, i took 2 bullets, one under my arm and one in my chest. but as long as you're just swap, people have been dying. so sunday evening i was sleeping in my cell. i woke up when i heard shooting. i saw the cell gate open. many of the prisoners escaped, and many died. police have been deployed since thursday as well armed guns have stepped up their tax including on the international airport. the powerful guides
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are in control of parts of the country and estimated 80 percent of the capital. and they say they want prime minister of yellow only to stand down. thank you very much . all he left for tenure last week to finalize the deal for an international force to help restore order in a t. it would be part of the un task force that's something that appears to have prompted. the latest violence is partly blamed on gangster and former police officer, jimmy chevy is a noun as barbecue has been sanctioned by the u. n. and the us, it's mainly linked to the official trip that the prime minister took to kenya. as the notorious gang leader barbecue claimed that the united uh, pretty much all the gangs, uh, rival, gangs, and part of has to fight against the government and topple it in response to that deal. that the apartment is to assign with the king and government gang violence,
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and then security has played katy for years exacerbated by the 2021 assassination of president driven l moines. say no elections have been held since 2016. the state of emergency has been declared until wednesday, when the nighttime curfew will be in effect from 6 pm until 5 am stephanie decker, which is 0, are now on tuesday, the you will launch a multi 1000000000 dollar plan. they hope to better prepare your for the upgrade of us defense industry comes as nature holds the biggest exercise since the cold war spent fast and reports from cushion diego component nature operating its military, mice edits, eastern slang troops from france, germany 30th the u. k. crossing the fistula river and poland practicing to move reinforcements to the east. the enemy is imaginary, but it's no secret when they to believe this threat is coming from. we are in a big, pretty big security crisis, cynthia, based on of ukraine. so nato need to understand what we need to do to defend the


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