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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 5:30am-6:01am AST

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the president driven l moines say no elections have been held since 2016. the state of emergency has been declared until wednesday, when the nighttime curfew will be in effect from 6 pm until 5 am stephanie decker, which is 0. now on tuesday, the e, you will launch a multi $1000000000.00 plan, they hope to better prepare you for the upgrade of us defense industry comes as nature holds its biggest exercise since the cold war step fast and reports from cushion diego component its nature parading its military mites edits eastern slang troops from france, germany 30th the k. crossing the fistula river and poland. practicing to move reinforcements to the east. the enemy is imaginary, but it's no secret when they to believe this threat is coming from. we are in a big, pretty big security crisis, cynthia, base and of ukraine. so nato needs to understand what we need to do to defend the alliance. so may 2 leaders have one rush. i could detect one of its members within
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5 to 10 years. the russians will continue with this war because put into the given that's one seconds. if they would win the war and you can, it's not the end of instability. and it's a crisis. it is the content it's, it's the start of even more, because we also know that he's emissions are larger than ukraine, so the threat is real. that's why donald trump's waste wentworth raising doubts about the us. commitment to nato have shocked many in europe. since the end of the cold war, the continent has drastically cost its defense spending. countries like germany, i'm fond of struggling to produce enough weapons and ammunition to send to ukraine . that alone used for its own defense. despite their show of force, many here realize you are if it's not ready to defend itself without health from the united states, the largest german on supply or recently predicted, it will take a decade until your upcoming. i'm
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a nation to become independent. military lead us are urging you repeat and still wake up and stop taking peace for granted. are we going to produce electrical box or we're going to produce things for the military? people have to understand that these changes in the groups have an impact on our lunch. on tuesday, the you will present its defense plan to bring europe's defense capabilities up to speed. preparing the minutes we for possible attack is one thing, but convincing people who have not personally experienced for for more than a generation, another step fosten, l, g 0, crossing the eval, poland. well, that's it for me. the listing post is next section and thanks for watching the the ship is home to survivors of last year. earthquakes and took care of floating
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hotel, its features, rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers over lessons to president, still recovering from their ordeal. 4 to 5 year old school note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily, we have the sea and we are leaving on a ship bill a small well hey, we our family. and eventually they have something to look forward to. the amusement park reopened, giving many, here for the life is a loss of returning to normal. they're playing nothing, but the trauma is never far away. we're almost 5 months into israel's war on gods. and among the institutions whose reputation so taking a beating over their coverage, the new york times a german film festival worthy of its own award for the worst performance in the tacit support, ivan is really generous. and why bother investigating more crimes in dogs?
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when is really, soldiers are documenting those prime cds and incriminating themselves? the sense is really launched. it's a salt on god's in october, many western news outlets have seen their credibility. take a hit accused by audiences and staff members, a like of succumbing to is really propaganda. that includes one of the world's best known publications, the new york times. and the tory s case in point and investigation. the times published back in december, which alleged that from mazda, deliberately weaponized, rape, and sexual violence on october 7th. those claims have since been on substantiate. if not, this proven revealing the times is pro, is rarely anti palestinian bias and leaving the papers. news room a ribbon by descent. but for the times is critics including some of its former reporters. the article is that mirror symptom of an age old problem,
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a persistent double standard in the stories the paper deems fit to print on israel and palestine, and those it does not. the role of the new york times is not defined by of circulation is defined by the fact that it sets the agenda. that's number one. number 2, most newspapers do not have foreign bureaus and so they will run the times foreign coverage. so that's the power of, of times and sets the agenda starting with something that is definitely not breaking the with the american newspaper of record, the new york times has a track record of supporting israel. what is new are the states? israel is on trial for genocide at the international court of justice court to which propaganda effort has been framing her. mazda is at times on october, 7th, as extraordinarily sadistic like something out of the nicest place. the wholesale
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mexican mutilation, raped and abduction of as many citizens as the terrace could find enter the times and this story published in late december. it accused the palestinian militants of a webinar using rape and sexual violence, systematically unleashing and on is really women and men of lowered allegation, a sensational story, but one that the evidence simply fails to support. when the new york times said, we've done a 2 months long investigation, we interviewed a 150 people. and we found abroad passive sexual violence on october 7th, sat for lots of people. just closed the case if the new york times is saying it, then it must be true. i even had friends who know how much israel misrepresents
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things and lies hoops, said i the now surely you have to give some credence to what to say, but it's a case of journalistic fraud because it just doesn't deliver the goods. the principal criticism lies within the main claim, which is that not only did sexual assault and occasions of rape occur, but that they were used systematically since not report has been published. major flaws have emerged, not just in the content itself, but also when it comes to the actual journalists and authors behind the report. a whole tentative us news outlets. subscriber funded ones like mando for our tronic intifada. and the gray zone went to work debunking the times and story. they noted the article contained 0 direct testimony from victims. that the alleged eye witnesses, the paper quoted, were either anonymous or dubious credibility that the family of
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a woman killed on october 7th disputed the times as a search that she had been raped. another of the times this source is accused, the reporters of pressuring them to speak, saying it was important for israel's p r. f. one of the reporters involved and not schwartz had never filed a new story before october. second, she is a filmmaker whose wikipedia page said she had worked for his reading. intelligence had the times done his homework. it's editors would have known that schwartz is social media accounts revealed. she had liked some disturbing posts, including one the advocating turning gaza into a slaughter house, a post to south africa, included in its case against israel at the icy check. not that the story was schwartz, his id. she explained to his really army radio. i know times amount, we're not saying kid, i don't even want to need that. so it just smells
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t my show. am womack color? that's awesome. manning and i always look up the columbus color coding mesh. me. it was an odd way for such a report to come to get still the times published it. and showcase imagine it was the other way around. any palestinian who whispers, something that is considered politically incorrect is out in the 2nd and you had, you have this person who worked for the israeli intelligence. it wasn't a journalist and who liked on social media. these blood, curtis, and calls for the death summation of palestinians in gaza. and that's the person you hired a report on your store. disparity between the standards, staggering the new york times article had an enormous impact. i've seen it cited repeatedly, even by some human rights organizations. but i have to say,
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i think that it had less influence than it might have had. if independent media outlets had not exposed the floors in the new york times is used to getting away with this. and this time they did the critics of that times report included people on the inside the papers pod cast the data planned to produce a version of the store, but dropped the project. following descent in the news room over concerns about the journal is roughly 6 weeks later, when you, when officials highlighted, quote unquote, credible allegations that is really is had raped or sexually assaulted palestinians . they have imprisoned, including children. the times failed to cover the story. then there was the writing, the paper has published by thomas for a former jerusalem bureau chief turned columns. friedman, infamously, backed the 2003 us led invasion of iraq that was based on lines and did so in the
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most offensive cavalier way. and what they needed to see was american boys and girls going house to house from boshra to baghdad. and basically say, well stop on this. ok. this time around friedman can come to the coma. comparing the middle east to an animal king with america cast as an old life, iranians as wasps. and for mos, some kind of spite. when keith like coons, the palestinians, and various other players in the region to animals, it's terrifyingly offensive. at the time when the israelis are saying that the palestinians and gaza are human animals and even more offensive than that is treating a situation like this. some kind of fables from farmyard story ross's are
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actually understanding the reality of the palestinians that this is an oppressed people. this is an occupied people, is classic colonialism, classic racism. and wherever you look in a settler colonial project, the british and kenya or india, they spoke in the same language. and they used overwhelming force to subdue a population that they considered less than human and only capable of understanding violence. friedman in the rack was the famous one who said, we hear the rock because we could, thomas friedman is one of the spokes people for that twisted idiology. and that's why he does as well as he does. the new york times is not alone and failing. it's american audience. on the garza store, there was the wall street journal report on israel's allegation that on the relief
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agency so many palestinians depend on it, had been infiltrated by her moss. the paper swallowed israel's unsubstantiated side of that story, hook, line, and sinker. there's cnn and the fake news be headed babies, mary, babies and toddlers were found, with their heads decapitated. neither cnn nor the journal, however, are considered america's news. i was glad of records the way the times is, but should have, despite some worthwhile investigations since october 7th, like this one, showing the destruction cost in by 2000 pound is really bombs. that does not begin to address an imbalance. that goes back decades beat fun mistake about pro israel bias coming out of the times is jerusalem bureau where chris hedges worked in the early 2, thousands. you have had more than one case where the reporter assigned to
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jerusalem b. as in bronner, for example, as children are serving in the id, yes, i mean imagine that if a palestinian reporter will cover in gaza, his kids were in an armed wing of any palestinian faction. so i was sick on the one sided coverage, used vacation time to go to honda, eunice, and write a magazine piece for harper's called a guy's. a diary that was published and i was informed that i would never report again from the middle east for the new york times. i'm an arabic speaker, by the way. they don't have a lot. so you pay a heavy price. if you attempt to report, we requested interviews with numerous reporters at the times, and as folks person saying, all of them decline. instead, the paper set this state. we remain confidence in the accuracy of our reporting and stand by the teams investigation which was rigorously sourced and editors. we could
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have asked about the papers, famous motto, the one created in $1897.00, that's still a durance, it's masthead today. and perhaps suggested an edit, something like all the news that's fit to print and something that clearly is germany is under a long shadow of censorship when it comes to god's situation that is so grand, it can be, can be the good times. the latest example came at a film festival in berlin, where and is really and the palestinian teamed up to win an award. i mean obviously, robbie is here with more the, the is one of the so called big 5 film festivals worldwide. and does a major cultural institution in germany. it was already facing criticism for that silence on the genocide and gaza service. the makers pointed out in protest and festively workers demanded the organize this call for the seas file. it only came to
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a head when no other land assume about the ethnic cleansing and settling of protestant in villages in the west bank won the award for best documentary. the phone was quoted, acted by policy and inactive as deposit audra. and it's really fun maker. you've all abraham, i am these really by cities by the senior. and in 2 days we've been go back to a land where we are not equally. i'm living under a civilian law invest that is under military law. the situation was a part time between us to see any quality. it has to end. the festival quickly distanced itself from abraham's remarks, which were hardly contribution. the german press and politicians criticized abraham jewish is really calling his statement and to submit tick buttons. man said the words would intolerable. the country's call to a minister who was criticized for applauding the same because then satisfied she was coughing only for abraham, all the noise it addicting. this example of the toxic climate in germany for any
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discussion about the water and gaza. a billing based coalition of awesome culture workers call it an ever present documents, feel a feel. so censorship and suspicion on social media and in the workplace in institutions. and on the street is really media went all in on the story as well. so that's against the makers of no other land have intensified. and you value abraham, who says his family and israel has been targeted by his writing modes. says he's now to a face to go back home. back to me after a mazda is a tax on october 7th is really leaders spoke openly about the annihilation of gosh, they said there were no innocence there called palestinians animals with no right to exist. they were in sight of genocide, a message that was clearly heard on the battlefield because in one video after another is where the soldiers have recorded their. busy the war crimes celebrating as they moved at homes, destroyed houses or set them on fire filming, as they mocked humiliated and assaulted the palestinian captains. it is
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a sign of the impunity. they think they have that so much of that material has been brazenly posted on social media. it's now in a way, palestinians have seen this kind of thing before going back to 1948, but never have the images. the videos been this wide spread explicit. and barbaric . the listening post has collected some of that material and asked 3 experts on human rights and torture to assess it. first of you are warning many of the images in this report are difficult to take in the,
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there has been a remarkable number of videos posted by is really soldiers on social media depicting themselves, pillaging property, mocking the death and destruction that they are causing, and most egregious lea, a torturing humiliating and mocking the turn palestinian prisoners local, pre, pre the images of messrs of torture
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by the spinny ends of numbering their bodies, which is that i'm in a sense of images. one of us have seen from 131 ability, but this image is a testament to us. but a spinning is have long been saying, which is that this, this set to the gene is utterly violent. me. so the nature through which this genocide is unfolding in the gaza strip, they also show that seem vitality and torture environments. other this regards of human life, transforming these vitamins concepts into expect to contribute and watched a on social media posts. they lacked specific intelligence about who actually might be from us and because they lacked intelligence. the, therefore a rounding up everyone in order to hope to extract information through interrogation. the fact that they've been stripped to their underwear is, you know, a manifestation of cruel in humane and degrading treatment,
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which is also illegal in addition to torture. the fact that they're photographing these things, it's like trophy shots. what this to picks, i think very vividly is the humanize ation and torture. you know, the idea that somebody can be just like their body is just being attacked, you know, in their most vulnerable position. his hands are bound behind his back. he's lying face down. soldiers stepping on his face in a sensitive utilizes torture. in general purpose fleet, harming someone who's in custody. the custodial relationship is a particularly vulnerable one, where you know, the custodians have all the power and the prisoner who is in this case, not only on the ground and tied up but completely powerless. the images are showing us in thing us how sensitive imprisonment or carson and practices are through the steps that could run energy towards a human nation and degrading con, bostic and spanish pinions is not simply restricted to the gaza strip. the also
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images and videos that have been set up clicked in from the us bank since october 7, over 7000 students have the only thing which is the number on hand all over the past. the kid, the, he's really soldiers have quite remarkably taken to converting their masses really unprecedented destruction of posted in homes, hospitals, mosques, university, churches, into entertainment videos. there's
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one video where is where the leaseholders are showing some residential homes that they've set on fire and attached to a song news. there have been many, many images of uh is rarely soldiers who ransacked palestinian homes and confiscated their personal goods. one in particular is the red negotiate that appears to be seen. and so many is rarely videos where is rarely, soldiers are mocking and advertising. they are very deliberate intrusion of the home of a palestinian woman, the confiscation of her most intimate apparel and flaunting that in a way that's desperately intended to be provocative and humiliating. the videos
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further reinforce a discourse that is coming out of every sector of the israeli official machine in clear all palestinians are the enemy, the dumb logging bit. many officials have said they deserve to be eliminated. when you see it manifestation in that kind of want to be, you know, that soldiers are expressing as they destroy palestinian homes. and there is a consumption of this kind of image that kind of fortifies the anger, the hatred, the anti palestinian sentiments and the kind of complete disregard of the humanity of palestinian civilians. there is such a high level of confidence among these idea of soldiers that they can do whatever they want to say to the whole world. look at what we're doing to palestinians, and gosh, look at how we are lising detainees. look at how we're humiliating every
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single man, woman and child, as we destroy their homes, set fire to them and make fun of it. and they are provoking and challenging the whole world to say we can do this, we can get away with it. and no one in the world can stop us, no is riley, has found themselves sanctioned by the international community by countries that have these tools, which again has only reinforced the belief of israeli soldiers that they are immune, that they are exempted from a, complying with international laws from basic human rights laws that they are above the law, the
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since the beginning of this inside the war, the service had been put up, who are the service? they are then fired the portion of the state of society. there are the chairs, professors, to the doctors, methics artist cried, there's journeyman, is these images the are not only directed to a small audience, they are directed to broad audience, is among black. this is city visualizing dehumanizing, but his opinions, these images, and these, the view is entirely sure how it is really violence is also not the only data to the woods, but it's been the livelihood, but also the material being so that houses did their belongings really mean anything but it's been in existence, but it has taught us that the human is ation of subjects is essential because i'm fixing the violence, i think is a, it has
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a perfect fit. this in this course and in practice. but this is nothing new. it dates back to the beginning of this state through which by the student in so would expect to degree that human nature killed and effectively forcibly disappear. and finally, this past week, more than 50 international broadcast journalist signed a letter calling for free and unfettered access to gaza. the letter was addressed to the states responsible for cutting off the strip from the outside world, israel and egypt. since october 7th, only a few 4 and reporters have made it into god's most of those imbedded with these ready military. and they were not allowed to speak with palestinians, which left us to rely on the courageous work of local journalists and unprecedented number of them. have paid with their lives. it is long past time, but israel and egypt let journalists in the awful scenes this past week and gauze,
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a city. these randy militaries massacre of more than a 100 palestinians who were lining up for food. simply underlines how important that journal this to access can be. what's the next time here at the listening post, the frank assessment of his essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate, ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions we don't live in a postcolonial work and you live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, tens of thousands of chinese asylum seekers are risking their lives in
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a dangerous route to the us. we're in america. so what happens once they make kids impart to have a special investigation? $1.00, oh, $1.00 east of chinese, my friends, if the american dream is, was there risk and the sacrifice on out to 0? and just ask for me, k is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in some of the most dangerous parts of the world to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day . everyone, hey, he's watching the news on the mobile phones. unlike your eyes, they don't watching full the news. they watching that he was being destroyed in real time. when you're on the ground, when you're showing people what's going on, whether it's a war, natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand less simple language is absolutely crucial. facilities already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually left in the early days
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of the war. i couldn't do this job without the best cameraman best produces the best pictures. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the is there any forces open far on palestinians as a trucks arrive in gauze us? i see the other that or kyle, this is out, is there a lie from doha. also coming up around 1000000 cases of infectious diseases on to tech, to engage with the medical situation. and the strip is described as extremely catastrophic . china sets of.


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