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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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as those people actually left in the early days of the war, i couldn't do this job without the best cameraman best produces the best pictures. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the is there any forces open for on palestinians is a trucks arrive in gauze us i see the other that or i, kyle, this is out is there a life from doha also coming up around 1000000 cases of infectious diseases all detected in golf and the medical situation and the strip is described as extremely catastrophic china sense of growth targets of 5 percent ahead of the annual
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meeting of the national people's congress plus reporting from college in napa and poland, where with $90000.00 soldiers and problems in some states since the end of the the so we begin and go on. so where palestinians waiting for aid have again come on the is really far as supply convoy arrived. several pie finance have been injured by is waiting for us as well as waiting for much needed supplies will be al q a 2 rounds about in garza city. only a few people were able to get some boxes that included most up flowers and other items. trucks left carrying some of those injured by b is really gone fine. as well as bringing now emotional care,
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he's the israel and palestine director of human rights. watson joins us live from chicago. so here we have is ready for this again, foreign own people waiting for a the 2nd such attack since yesterday, and often moving a 100 people of course, were killed in a similar situation. last week. this seems to now be happening with some alarming regularity. what do you make of that? look, i mean, let's start with a clear responsibility here. if these really government, they're starving, the palestinians of gaza, they are using starvation of civilians as a webinar for which is a war crime as the occupying power. these really government has the duty not only to ensure the humanitarian needs of the occupied population are met. but they have to provide for the welfare for that population and they have to restore public order and safety they're failing to do so. they are creating the catastrophic conditions that are leading to these sorts of situations and more over the user.
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actually, government has a long track record of using unlawful. excessive force against policy means not only in the context of air strikes, but also in normal policing situations, whether it was the protests during the march of return and 2018 or 19, or the world chain killings of palestinians in the west bank. there is a decades long patter of these abuses taking place with impunity. that stuff seems to be particularly poignant. they're given that they are bringing in a very tiny amount of age and then far in on people who are so desperately trying to get hold of it. absolutely, i mean people are and gaza, facing incessant bombardments. they are being stars. they like access to basic resources. they have been displaced multiple times over most of their most for most of them, their homes, their hospitals,
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their community institutions or schools have been damaged or destroyed. and they're left every day just trying to survive. and the idea that people are being killed as they sky image for meagre rations of food is just appalling. and as a reminder why there must be international immediate action to prevent further mass atrocities. this is a sign of just how desperate and catastrophic conditions are 6 months into this nightmare which began worse not in the vacuum, but no reality of new years of closure of unlawful killings, of abuse of occupation, of a part time in persecution. denial of try to reach or there's a larger context, but we've seen an unprecedented scale of killings and refreshing. i always thought they were us, vice president, come on, harris calling for more age into goals are somewhat police and they also cooling for a sees for us is also have been involved in an aide drop. what sort of message does
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this sends? and we know that the us is as well as number one, bathroom without the weapons that it provides as well, wouldn't be able to carry on. this will a look. i mean, people have been warning about this very scenario for days, weeks and months in the united states has failed to use its leverage to put action behind its words. and those words have been need words, but any sort of action in order to prevent the sort of situation the united states unquestionably has to leverage. but the united states have simply been unwilling to stop providing arms to these really governments to be much more strong and their condemnation to support action or on the account ability. and then to complicity and to actually put teeth behind and pushing these really governor. and his embarrassment to you, the us as role in the world that is doing this a job. look. i mean, for some families, this a, you know, could provide the vertical a shouldn't,
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and the situation of starvation look pass up. but at the same time, the united states can and should be doing so much more and it's failed to do so, but lives still hanging in the balance and wished and there's still time to act. uh, people are not born in egypt. see medicare in age should not be something that can be bordered and bargained the way they should be provided immediately. just as hostage civilians held hostage should be immediately unconditionally relatives of the un. it's top. courtney and special court of justice has all that that as well does not commit acts that could be cooled, genocide who is we'll have to produce a report a week or so ago to say how it was meeting that commitment. so what was your view on us? it was not complying. that is crystal clear is really government was ordered to insure basic services and humanitarian aid. this is a binding order from the world's core, and they failed to do so. the amount of,
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i mean they did not turn on the top of water. you know, we have destruction of water infrastructure. we did not turn flip the switch on electricity, and not only that, but the amount of the trucks entering gaza shockingly, even decreased as compared in the weeks before. you have a reality which went from about 147 trucks a day to under a 100 to even are on 50 in middle and, and that'd be great. in addition, almost no trucks are going beyond real far and southern, regardless of northern gauze, it remains facing the most catastrophic scenario. as we've discussed, a con boys have been struck. you mentioned organizations. i've stopped being able to provide many of them services a northern, a, gaza. in addition, we can continue to tax on hospitals, scores of policy bodies piling up by the day. these really government is not complying with this order, and states must use all forms of leverage, including sanctions and bar goes to press the is really government to comply. this
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is a test of the rules based international order and the world is failing. and because the heads of under uh, fairly painless arena's taking that as well as trying to eliminate that a organization, just give us an idea of how essential on what is to the promised to them people and how powerless is it's survival. it was indispensable. it is the largest provider of humanitarian services, humanitarian organizations that operate in god that have said, we cannot replace monroe and rule is unique in its ability to provide services. again, in a situation which there is a looming spam and people are starving, it is appalling that states have caught funding to owner of, of these are serious, obviously obligations or spacing. but human rights watches are viewed the evidence . there is no, no, uh, evidence, actually it's backed up these claims,
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but that's not really the issue here. the issue here is that, you know, this is an agency providing service. the policy means nothing to do with those implicated. aid must be restored. and part of what these really government has done to not comply with the i c, j order has been its efforts to dismantle the owner a while, which is part of for years long, efforts to liquidate the policy refugee, cause that cannot be liquidated. these are basic rights to return under international law, and it's critical that, oh no, i'll be allowed to fulfill its essential duty. now it's more important maybe than ever and choquette with human rights watch. thanks very much. take some time sold trust or the out as era. thank you. as well as continue bombardment of golf is health facilities is causing the near collapse of the health care system. the goal is a health industry says it's detected around 1000000 cases of infectious diseases describing the medical situation in the strip as extremely catastrophic for
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a 150000 chronic patients are risk due to a lack of medications. 60000 pregnant women and gone to are in danger due to a lack of access to health care and around 10000 cancer patients in gauze are risk of dying. as a u. n team that's deliberate, essential medical supplies to hospitals and northern goals are for the 1st time since the will began in october. the situation that is described as grim with severe levels of malnutrition, children dying of starvation, serious shows just a few food and medical supplies. humans actually general spokesman stuff on the journey, gave us this update. this update. the team made up of world health organization and the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs. unicef and you had population fund or visited the out out and come out and one hospitals in northern garza, yesterday. they did that to deliver fuel and essential medical supplies. that the
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visits were the 1st to those specific hospitals since early october. despite our ongoing efforts to gain more regular access to the north of gauze of the team delivered $9500.00 leaders of fuel to each of those hospitals. but as you can imagine, this is just a fraction of what is actually needed of the director general of the world health organization dr. tedra spoke of quote quinn findings during the team's visits, including several levels of malnutrition, children dying of starvation, hospital buildings, destroyed, and serious shortages of fuel and food and medical supplies. the come out loud one hospital is the only pediatric hospital in northern garza, and it is as you can imagine being overwhelmed with patients. dr. tedra said the lack of electricity poses a serious threat to patient care and the lack of food lead to the death of 10 children as the w h o t was informed by uh,
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doctors at the hospital and my colleague fully about to impose folks who don't say a peg g. he's a canadian physician who spent a week treating patients inside garza and his close contact is in close contact with colleagues that we also was trick at the spike and diseases with the overlapping food and clean water and housing and security that has pretty much lost no one on the, not a big deal. every single person has been entirely touched by those overlapping crises of food and water, and shelter and security. it has led to the conditions of overcrowding, of dis, book displacement of people living in tens and prop for sanitation and clean water . to the point where we're seeing so much communicable disease and not of respiratory infections. joshua and test all disease, including a major outbreak of hepatitis is a and, and these are preventable infections and diseases can also be boxing it against and,
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and to, to steal from such things. we need nutritious food, we need to clean water. and without such things, we're, we're seeing the worst of the worst ones, not only, and these communicable diseases. these instructions, which are entirely preventable, and also treatable. and we can't even treat the because of block about occasions locker antibiotics, as you've already said. we also have children dying of mom nutrition, especially in northern guys. and this is happening at an extremely alarming rate. they're on the desktop of course, but they're also long term consequences to, to these children not getting the proper nutrition. they need, you know, i, one of the children that i saw was the sickest child that i've ever seen in my entire medical career. they were a child carried in by his mother. and i wasn't able to walk anymore because of how, of, you know, malnourished. he was and i could wrap my index finger on my phone entirely around
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both the upper arm and the lower leg of this child. and he was 910 years old. and i'm worried that this is one of the children that have already died since i met of 2 years to 2 weeks ago. and the number of children have died from severe malnutrition is now the double digits. yes, vice president cala harris has expressed deep concern over the situation in gaza and israel to take additional measures to increase aid flow. iris as being holding torques in washington dc with buddy's guns and some member of the as rainy will cabinet. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu is reported? they told embassy stuff in washington, not to help facilitate guns trip. chapper tennessee has moved from washington dc. despite the reported objections of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, many guns is being receivable, most of the highest levels of the by the administrator and not the president biden
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himself. but the vice president, a selection of the key decision makers for foreign policy in the administration. national security advisor, jake sullivan, and national security council. i'm at least coordinator breton, the good. on monday, secretary of state as the blinking of the state department on tuesday, the white house says that guns requested the meeting and it made sense to to meet him given. he is a cool part of the free ma'am. more cabinets in the read out of the meeting, vice president come with. the harris says she expressed her deep concern about the humanitarian conditions in garza. i'm the recent terrific tragedy around an aide convoy in northern calls that she called on how much to accept the terms on the table for the 6 week cease, far unable to search. if you monetary assistance throughout garza, they discussed the situation and rough, or, and the need for credible and implementable humanitarian plans prior to any military operation. the. and she urged israel, according to the read of take additional measures incorporation with united states
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and international partners to increase, increase the flu. a few hours here in assistance in 2000 shepherd, nancy elder 0, washington you in general assembly is held back to back meetings on gone. so as efforts that to alleviate the suffering of civilians, volta 888 organizations have conditions upon us and ends in the strip have reached breaking point. questions to lead me has the latest from new york. a noting the largest aid supplier in gaza. honora has reached a breaking point. it's commissioner general called a member states to ramp up support. 16 countries suspended aid to the organization after israel, a 2 staff members are participating in a mazda is october 7th attack. only one is facing the deliberate and concert as compared to undermine its operations. an ultimately and does that operations at the monday,
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the basis assembly part of this campaign involves you know, dating donors, was mis information designed to foster distrust felipe plaza. rainy's comments came as efforts to negotiate a ceasefire, have made little progress. the security council's most recent attempt to demand one be towed by the united states. you want officials have long called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. it's a position supported by 3 quarters of member states in the general assembly and 13 out of 15 security council members. the use of the veto triggered a meeting in the general assembly with the united states explained. it's increasingly isolated position. we urged our colleagues not to proceed with the vote and caution. the doing so could disrupt the intensive efforts already under way and the, palestinian and bassett, or continued his call for an immediate cease. fire is the close to the palestinians
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. the palestinian people have 3 options. they give us 3 options. displacement subjugation, automated the, an estimate, cleansing up outside or genocide, israel's and bassett or to the united nations however, told the general assembly that the time has come to dismantle unrra each roll in guys that is finished and it must be replaced. many member states return to the general assembly in the afternoon to voice their support for on rock and call for more funding is shameful than we even having this debate today. whether to discuss it, i know i should be funded or not history of register. what's going on now? without honor, they fear not just for civilians, but also for the prospect of a 2 state solution. kristen salumi al jazeera, the united nations monday. the commission and general of under what has confirmed
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the agency has compiled a report on abuse, has committed against palestinians including unrest, off leave it as a reading says the victims were detained by israel and returned to gauze and last month, or the plastic as to james bass has moved from the united nations of speaking to reporters, here in new york, the head of on rough commission to general felipe plaza really has reveals that his organization has compiled an internal report thinks, having abuse carried out by these radio torches against palestinian prisoners. many of those prisoners were taken into israel for interrogation and when they returned to gaza, they were interviewed by unreal stuff. that was a risk allegations of abuse. we had stories alpha people, not on the having been systematically mediated. we honda, quite to the north about the people that been, uh uh, being uh, you know,
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obliged to be a naked picture. naked being uh the subject of the verbal and psychological abuse or that having the effect of the use of a director of fusion we, we know that they have been some, a lot of the state, the probation, all use offer extreme noise to prevent people to steve we heard about the use of adults to intimidate the people commission like general, as it really says, he will share his internal report with the us human rights bodies. james pays out to 0 at the united nations. so head here on out, is there a gun? find that hey, she's hate, sees ins, actual apple, it says gang step pump. there a tax supports in the government to declare a state of emergency the
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handler that let's have a look at the weather full costs for north america and a winter storm while up to the west coast of the us. bree blizzards and very heavy snow to northern parts of california. well, the good news is that storm has waned. we also seen some flakes pushing across the rockies, but we'll see more in the way of where the weather is starting to creep in on tuesday, tripping down into most southern parts of california by wednesday. nothing attempt to down in los angeles, 17 degrees celsius. the on wednesday of it has been more improvement across from the central parts of the us. further north of this, the central canada, the wintry weather, working its way for the east, but temperatures have improved for places like a calgary. they'll be coming down however, across the east coast of the us as a rush of severe storms push that way, further east bringing a threat of flooding,
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some powerful winds as well. and if we move to central america and the caribbean, you can see those storms brewing around the gulf of mexico moving across the florida panhandle, bringing some very heavy rain as well as the bahamas of the next few days. but the larger the quiet story for the south of this very drive of places like panama, instead we're going to see the very wet weather continued to intensify across power white as well as the southern brazil as we go tuesday into wednesday. the unique perspectives that play students up and they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really
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a lot about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out to 0. the the for the annual watching out is there a is remind you about top stories this i'll, is there any forces have again opened fire on palestinians waiting for a to arrive this time at the out q way through round about in kansas city. it happened this 3 a trucks arrived several people i've been in judge d u n team to live in a central medical supplies. the hospitals in northern garza for the 1st time since the world began in october. situation though, is described as grim with severe levels of malnutrition,
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children dying of salvation, serious sources of food, fuel, and medical supplies. i mean, in general assembly has discussed efforts to alleviate the suffering of civilians and gone to the head of hon. has appealed for increased support to the agency, which the lifeline for many palestinians and the walls. second biggest economy, china a set of motors growth rate of growth targets of around 5 percent the same as last year. not so it comes as thousands of delegates gather inmate james for the national people's congress. this is a gender is set to be dominated by china, is lacking economy, which is grappling with slow growth, deflation, massive test, and a decrease in exports. let's bring in a reaching correspondent, katrina, you should joins us from outside where the m p. c is down to the end. katrina. this is china is the biggest political gothright and what we've been hearing from it so far of the employees decide from premier lee challenge. who gave this
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annual work report which really outlines the vision, the country, the country's government has full the following year and the policy focuses, and they would see that really stood out to me. the 1st was stabilizing and reviving the economy, which is currently stagnating. now trying to name degrees target, as you mentioned, a 5 percent is identical to the target named it last year is what report with a chief, especially 5.2 percent g d p for 2023 spots. we have to keep in mind that this year that talk, it will be much more difficult to attain because last year they were coming up with very low base author overlooked downs of 2022. so in order to achieve 5 percent this year, we can expect that the government rover are rolled out some suppose as economic policies and may not be as analysts have said, many major bazooka like stimulus, but there may be some support this. secondly, we also heard that the government plan to create 12000000 new oven jobs 420242 the
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trying to keep the official unemployment rate at 5.5 to send you out of town was very much at pains during his speech to reassure the public that, that concerns around the livelihoods given the sold academy are being addressed and listened to. and the 2nd focus, which stood out to me was a boosting of china is self reliance. not only when it comes to high tech innovation industries, but also when it comes to china is our energy supply. what is a or an agricultural resources contribute to the how much trouble is china's economy actually, and as well, it's fine experience decades of double digit course. but that era seems to be well and truly over in lee chung, during his speech seemed to also acknowledges. he said that there were many difficulties faced by time his economy and many deep seated problems. he talked about in sufficient demand to load consumer confidence problems and investing in the realistic set the effect to that we know is currently in crisis. he also talked
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about increased pressure on trade and for an investment due to global frictions and gear political tensions. so despite all these issues that needs to be addressed and that the government is grappling with, are, you did double down on the aging determination to continue to transition china's economy way from one that relies on cheap exports and risky debt. once that is more based on the high quality growth, a high quality development and a n a really mature. so this is sector, so that transition is involving a lot of pains as we're seeing the people that are experiencing now. but while he was trying to reassure the public about those spends is also saying that long term these changes will be worth while. so also asking the public in a way to be patient, but that process. okay. katrina you brings late, is that from badging? thanks very much. katrina and hazy heavily. the guys have tried to seize control of the main force and the latest attack on key government sites. tucson,
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literature. international airport was closed when the attack occurred when the plains operating as new passengers on site. on monday, the government declared a state of emergency and a night time cough you following a search and gang violence and the storming of the countries to biggest prisons. apologize as an independent journalist, and that's more from the haitian capital, a fine clear right now. what is happening at the airport, but many reports are indicating a heavy gun fires, exchange of fires between authorities and potentially band is trying to reach the perimeter of the airport. but at this stage, it's still very early to know what exactly are damages or casualties from these confrontation. it's still unclear to whereabouts of the prime minister and whether or not it was coming today or sometime this week. uh, clearly, all the international slides for the most part are uh,
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cancel as it is right now. uh, at least for the coming couple days. and um and it's unclear how and when it be coming back. but the, the airport carries a lot of symbolic way. uh for bandits to uh, is for the guys there is to attack and that could be part of the reason why that would be targeting a while since the, the signature of the agreement between um the prime minister honory and canyon of forties on uh a rest of the protocol agreement to have a police officer is coming into haiti, county and police officers, violence game on it has been waging in a heightened level over the town and over part of france. and what happens is, is that the, the coalition that is now uniting rival gangs is led by uh, tv series, a also known as barbecue promise and plans to topple the governmental button. re in
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response to that trip. on tuesday the you will launch a multi $1000000000.00 plan, which they hopeful batch up for pay europe for war. the upgrade of your ups defense industry comes as nato holds as largest exercise since the cold war. well, the 90000 soldiers are participating step by some of what some course and you have a in poland, nato for rating its military might edits, eastern slang troops from france, germany 30th the u. k. crossing the fistula river and poland practicing to move reinforcements to the east. the enemy is imaginary, but it's no secret when they to believe this threat is coming from. we are in a big, pretty big security crisis, cynthia, base and of ukraine. so nato needs to understand what we need to do to defend the alliance. so may 2 leaders have one rush. i put a test, one of its members within 5 to 10 years. the russians will continue with this war
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because put into the given that's one seconds if they would win the war and you find it's not the end of instability. it's a crisis. it is.


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