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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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to stay with alger 0. so it continued coverage. so the us selections 2020 we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know. as far as i said, i'm going on the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the china is lead as online plans are equal making revival. that's an annual meeting of the national people's congress. the products of a revenue want to say, we're like the headquarters here in the hall, also coming up lots of it as well as bombardment of the gaza strip. at least 8 palestinians are killed in a series of explosions in ship. all the
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readings that cover in haiti is um, games buckling with security forces to control of the country's main apples. and it's super tuesday in the us being single most important voting day. in the presidential primaries, we have a report from north carolina, the book into the program. china is top leadership, has gathered in basing to announce plans to re energize is slacking. economy. speaking at the national people's congress, premier lead chang said the china was projecting 5 percent growth over the next year. but this is far below the double digit code that had for decades powered the world's 2nd largest economy. recently china has suffered for the next bulls and massive debts. it's property sector for me at lee also announce spending on defense would be to 7.2 percent to close the watch to go when it's minute trip. tibbett's
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ease of being focused around tie one. katrina, you has moved from beijing chinese premier lee tongue addressed about 3000 of trying his most helpful officials in beijing to set the policy direction to the next year by opening his work report financing this g. d p. target for 2024, which is $0.05. now this is the exact same thing that was named in 2023 this year that think it is more and visit is going to be more difficult to attain by lead tons own admission to the fact that last year tony was cutting off a very low base, post pandemic, those expectations for big read down this year that we then did not materialize in china, may have to work hard in the form of a supportive economic policies. in order to achieve that, the analysts are down, playing expectations for any may just stimulus. now, all this being said, lee tom was acknowledging the long list of economic wars that china has been
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experiencing in the last year. he mentioned insufficient demands, low consumer confidence problems, and the real estate sector, a sector that is a traditional driver of growth. and that is now in prices. he also mentioned increased pressure on trade in foreign investment due to global fictions. but it is very clear at this and p. c. leaders over the next few days are going to have to balance 2. prior to one is reviving economic growth into is really staying on the costs of continuing to try to transform china's economy to one that relies less on the debt or the capacity into one focus, more high quality development, high tech manufacturing and innovation. patrice elgin's 0 stage dunaway and gives the chief economist with hon. so i think in china, she says, basing needs to focus on job creation to stimulate economic growth. the chinese leadership clearly has this trade off between short term growth and long term
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agenda. and they have been prioritizing a long term agenda of going up in the supply chain on prioritizing technology and also directing more capital into the high tech success rather than the low tack or just off the consumers access. so, so far we have seen a weak market confidence and it was really not bolstered by today's conference, and the government needs to do more while it is so quite a tough task for chinese government, there are a number of things that need to prioritize, but the number one of them is definitely job creation. so they, they are very aware that about more than 11000000 trust graduates will come into the market this year. they need to create high quality jobs, not just construction jobs, but even when it comes to the lowest, get with back to construction or uh, they just digital online platform which hire. so lots of the informal workers and they have become more of
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a headache in recent years because of the job policies having deteriorating. most of them do not have a social security or pension program attached, and that means actually for chinese government, they do need to create enough jobs. but they also need to pay more attention to the kind of social welfare and that people can access the . so it's also continuing in kyra and reaching to see solving garza, the framework proposal would see females sick and elderly kept is released in exchange for a 6 week trees. the us says israel has more or less agreed to the deal, but as those tools continue, there's no end as well as bombardment on the ground. the body of refugee camp is searching these levels of survivors and bodies. after a series of plants, at least 8 punished indians have been killed, molding 70500 people so far of being killed. the policies wages of food have like
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dental and this is really fine. as those aids convoys arrived, several post, it needs to be then judge by use very forces in d. o. in the quite round about area of the city and the a few people able to get some boxes of which included water, flowers, and other items. now the trunk, so that's coming. some of those in just by that gun. find out cuz that was correspond to this part of the rules was that to create round about before is by default is open fine on people waiting to aid. no. not a shad as well. i had been the open, i do, i quit, take a look here now. and so how the road knew creek and about that would mean tearing. 8 from south casa, arrives in this area, is really forces of committed the so called flower massacre and opened fire and police, the civilians who are trying to get flour from 8 trucks at all. no books around about the rest of kansas city. what the, what they could add a not
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a project and we'll batch on the, on the human side. definitely. today we got some a in this we found water and cans. water is fine, but we need food for the children, and the elderly people in the holy month of ramadan is coming soon and we need flour to big bread setup china, the 3 truck, so the 470-0000 people, the inpatient medical part of that. i that if you will, we will speak about the a to every day that is saving us 3 or 4 trucks of a to thousands of people. my son told me that he's hungry and he couldn't wait anymore. my children catch up hungry every morning and i have nothing to offer them . this isn't life. me. the citizen's hopes are very high that more and more trucks will end to gather strength a month. but still, the number of trucks carrying aids is very limited. it's mainly the whole just deal . honeywell who the correspondent joins us now on the phone from rough or let's just begin with the ongoing strikes on cutting voice of
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a that seems to be relentless, honey. yes, outlined by that right now the situations are very, very critical. and then the part of distribute, given the avenues it's printing really quickly across that part of the bible straight where we have more people particularly children vulnerable do and victim lars. they've been victim of the genocide or word died of the hydration and it started ation. and also here's a great deal of frustration and that is because by a statement by the, the defense department. and the guy said that the stated that the mac and is ingle a delivery as well as uh the uh, the ongoing restriction uh by just really monetary on the ground, the truck, a delivery to hungry, largest hungry, papa's. and then what about 30 to kimberly, hitting the dangers with the 4th time. now it lives. i know we are ada trucks are
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being targeted a either the people are trying to direct the or the, the truck itself being a targeted directly as what happens in there. and by, within the past 48 hours, as of right now, as though nothing crazy. now i'm doing that thing job of that's a very popular site right now because it's happened before where people yeah, they're in large groups waiting for you to try to get that to that, to the guy the know the part and they, they so they are able to get some of the food supplies that get back to their, their family so far. sure. going on my patients start patient. why this kerry farmer shows to get there. there's been food, so spies and water and they don't think that we're talking about it. they are basics for human survivors. right now i haven't continues to spread, but it is of the fact that it's happening for the 4th time as
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a lot of people to express that it's happening deliberately. and there is it all you have to be going into this part of the gulf stream and only feed into as one person describing only didn't to one conclusion, which is either people will die of starvation or eventually it will have to to leave elsewhere. as for example, as expressed multiple times, this is what is referred to as a voluntary integration, but it's happening. it looks more like the $46.00 ball jet explosion by starvation or by the intense bombing campaign going on. the report of many people who are injured and arriving to health facilities are largely autumn protector receive this kind of emergency right now. they're all out of service in the northern part of the city, no medical supplies, and sufficient medical staff for the life me that'd be losing their lives their, their shot now are being charged and waiting for public is very high about me.
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that's always enough to thank if as the, as far as presidents as voice that she calls what she voice is what she calls deep concerned about golf learners as well. to do more to increase the flow of humanitarian aid. capital harris has taught tolts in washington with these many will cabinet member binding guns. prime minister benjamin netanyahu report to the tell these by the embassy stuff in washington, not to help guns with the visits she pretends he has moved from the us capital. despite the reported objections of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, many gaps is being received full list of the highest levels of the by did ministration. not president biden himself, but the vice president, a selection of the key decision makers for foreign policy in the administration. national security advisor, jake sullivan, and national security council at least coordinator breton, a good on monday, secretary of state as the blinking of the state department. on tuesday,
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the white house says that guns requested the meeting and it made sense to, to meet him given he is a cool part of the free ma'am. more cabinets in the read out of the meeting, vice president comm, a harris says she expressed her deep concern about the humanitarian conditions in garza. i'm the recent terrific tragedy around an aide convoy in northern calls that she called on how much to accept the terms on the table for the 6 week feast, far and unable to subject them out of town assistance throughout garza, they discussed the situation and rough or and the need for credible and implementable humanitarian plans prior to any military operation. the and she urged israel, according to the read of take additional measures incorporation with united states and international partners to increase, increase the flu. a few hours here in assistance in 2000 shepherd, nancy elder 0 washington let's it most of the month. so corresponded, occupied east to reset. but we know the focus of the navy and certainly from the
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israeli government is on many gotten says movements in washington dc. won't say shut joe for tuesday, the moment schedule officially, so far as just a meeting with the us executive state, the united states, as chief diploma. i'm thinking in terms of the readout from these really side from campuses, team as to that meeting would come with a higher as the vice president particular i've just got some details from them in the last few minutes of how they talked about the fact that he focused on the imperative of removing a mass from gaza, finding what he called a sustainable solution to ensuring that humanitarian aid reaches civilians. and in terms of that, one thing to work on coordination with countries in the region to try and focus more attention on how the a gets the as well as normalization. and looking also the feature of the return of hostages. and very much expressing his gratitude, his team said to the us for the pressure they're applying on the issue. of course
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the us officials are also trying to a set pressure. you might say, volume to uh, for these ladies to agree on this framework. all the sci fi deal, but they're all hurdles and sticking points for this various stakeholders. what more are you hearing about this? well, so far these randy says no, yeah. can fun whether they are indeed sending a delegation to join those mediation adults in cairo they did in yesterday and they confirmed, they happened to send a team yesterday from us for the last few days. came about one of the challenges being that on willingness to release the names of those held captive inside cause they, even though a prisoner exchange both sides, the greed wouldn't be part of any deal. what we're now hearing from a mass official speaking publicly over the last that say 12 of 50 now is, is that it's actually very difficult for them to share those names of those still alive and side. cause that because of the challenges around communication inside
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the strip, it's not just that officials ins say that's all in the stumble, representing the organization or unable to reach those inside calls. it may be that those inside calls having difficulties. community communication between different groups. folding both captive so hell. so it's actually a physical challenge behind this inability to release the hostage names as opposed to just chat intransigent not may. the explanation may help to unlock be as really dom on all, not specific issue. and then we'll come back to add pounds that story and souls article that move in a month so far as an occupied east. jerusalem, is there any forces of again, carried out raids in the occupied westbank until the crime is by the soldiers stone, several homes interested at least 2 palestinians. similar operations also took place and had from jessica uncomfortably done. yes, it is very false as of detain, ninty 7 and a half 1000 palestinians since october. still
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a head here on the houses that are more than 8000000 people are risk of getting hungry in chance. we looked at what's led to the christ a frank assessments his essentially the lang, the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate, ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash, but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big boys informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial award. we live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera generation football focuses on the french captain, teresa bra, mcclintic t. j. c, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an illuminating,
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open conversation. 3rd, very simple for that said, facing about child abuse is you. i am a u n b and i think we need to help each other and also showcases the incredible story of the foot folders and fluff dennis done to escape the telephone generation for episode one of the colleges here with the the book about kill watching on just bear with me. so robin in doha,
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reminder of all the top stories. china has volunteer. transform is economy by setting a growth target of 5 percent this year. lots, despite that suffering from folding exports and massive companies that did that. speaking of the national people's congress primarily can also announce spending on defense would be 7.2 percent to repeat a series of glass and the giovanni a refugee camp in gauze, or at least a palace and he hasn't been killed is ready for says, have killed more than 30500 people since october is 80 soldiers and police have been fighting gun buckles with gang members. they've been trying to seize control of the main apple vote. they come to pull type rings as close to the state of emergency and the night time cause he continues the government to impose that. i've done those games stalled, the countries to main jails and fried all those tools. thousands of christmas. the
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government gave us weapons to fight each other, but now we're turning on them. they don't do anything for us. we feel despondent. we're fleeing our children can go to school. we can't buy food. we can't live in a situation like this. really many lives like united nations x, but it's all in human rights in the hazy he says, intervention by you and false is the best type to stabilize the situation. stare has been bothered serious pilots for many, many months now. i think the intensity increased over the last several weeks as it became clear that there may be was now some momentum to finally getting the international force authorized by the security council of sensitivities. and also the announcement that there would be uh, elections perhaps held in august 2025, which is a long time from now. so i think that was one of the excuses in a way that the games took some game. not all,
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some took up to increase the level of violence and these attacks, huge chunk of the capital has been in the control of the gangs and long before just last week. 80 percent is the number used. it's probably sometimes it's a 100 percent. it depends on the gangs mode. and then of course the most of the rest of the country is not over the control of games. there are pockets here in there. but it really is a problem around for the prince and the suburbs around it, which is again the heartbeat of the country. everything. so centralized and 80 that portal prints really counts for just about everything that matters. most patients, if you ask patients who are under this, some of the games whose life is being terrorized and women getting raped and, and, and people be kidnapped in food becoming so expensive because the games cards put a tax on everything. every haitian i talked to on my visits in the slum areas, can't wait for the force to arrive. it's some of the gang leaders that don't want it because they understand one thing and that's force the
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15 states in the us including delegate rich california and texas will test the votes in presidential primaries and caucuses. super tuesday is the single most important voting day in the presidential primaries and it's a day that could often decide the candidates for the republican and democratic policies. but this yet, j, bison, and double trump faced little challenge and then on the nation. come test. 1200 reports, not from raleigh. and one of the super tuesday states, north carolina, the imposing places across the u. s. super tuesday is the great designer, the biggest 8 on the presidential primary calendar with 15 states awarding a 3rd of all the delegates often clears a path to the white house. and the super tuesday has sealed the parties nomination for democrats. bill clinton, al gore. i will fight for you and john kerry and it's
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made standard bearers of republicans, george w bush, and his son george w bush. i've had a proud record of working both republicans and democrats, which is what our nation these, this time the results are expected to help president joe biden emerges, the democrats, presumptive nominee and former president, donald trump, to serge, ahead with an unsurmountable lead for the republicans. for the losers, the upholding moods of super tuesday states are often where hope goes to die, like a water level for losing candidates. if you don't do well on super tuesday and both parties processes you haven't really a steep hill to climb. despite what you said, i'm not giving up despite went for republican nikki haley. analysts say a big loss on super tuesday could mark the end of the trail. some voters say they're focusing on personalities. voting for anyone whose name is and donald trump . why cause i believe in humanism fairness, compassion,
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none of those traits. i believe he possesses, others on issues. i think there's a lot of our infrastructure that needs to be dealt with. we need to spend money at home as well. but i think if you praying falls, then russia isn't a very good position to come against us. failing a historic surprise, the odds favor a familiar face off despite the all but inevitable prospect of a do over with the same candidates room 4 years ago. co show voters have a big problem with that large percentage of americans who say that they do not want a trump bite and re match. i mean, it's 6065 percent, which is you know, these days you can't get 65 percent of the american public to agree that the sky is blue. this year the race comes with the wild card, with trump facing $91.00 charges, and for trials you just possible just possible the trump could finish his campaign
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is a convicted criminal. after the biggest day of primary voting his cemented his place is the republican party's presumptive nominee. john henry and l g 0. raleigh, north carolina. electro mentions the voters. there's not much choice. they seem to choose day. we spoke to some americans about what they think about the candidates and the issues, but not to, to the, or i'm not going to be supporting either candidate. so from the ones to be a dictator. but by this thinks it could be just a butcher. and we're not stupid, you know, the public is aware that our government is funding, mentor crime, they're both. so bottom line, they're more interested in themselves. that what is what the people i know i'm not voting for trump, because i don't, i wouldn't put a racist in that row. the money to ukraine needs to stop. there's a lot of veterans that are sleeping in the street and thank you for money that need help. this country needs help on non voting for by then. um,
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he hasn't done anything on reproductive laws have been rolled back. he hasn't done anything to help daddy said he was going to forgive student loans. he hasn't done that. and you can what challenges are a special coverage all the super tuesday. those thoughts here on al jazeera, at 1800 hours, g m t some of the days of it, he's now west food shortages on the west and christ and tried to continue the united nation says $8000000.00 people will go hungry this year. that's almost half of the population of the dresser pulls from the capital. the crisis follows april harvest. so re fuel prices and an influx of refugees from neighboring countries. markets across chart have lots of that possible trade is try go to sell their products as fuel buyers come to make a purchase. when they do, it's a fraction of what they used to buy off behind the bread, milk, meat, vegetables,
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everything is expensive. prices have doubled, in most cases, we are barely surviving. great, se they not typically mean i mean the, the medical one of just when we transport goods, we pay almost double of what we use to the transports as tell us it's because of the increase in cost of fuel effective. that is clearly felt by people who've tried 2 weeks ago. the government of tried to now was to hike in the price of fuel, was made to it, declared an emergency in areas of food and nutrition. the united nations listed chide is one of the world's most insecure countries in terms of food supply, mainly due to the impact of climate change. the world food program says the food in these warehouses on it has 4017 percent of chattsworth, the nation. that's 2900000 people who depend on the toner supplies. the u. an agency says it needs $414000000.00 to provide food for the next 6 months.
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and right now, it's out of money a day just as one the coverage show to just an inflation asset. to get worse, it's going to get tough. so now during the lean season, so you have this new season. well, basically people have all their syria that they have in the house. now they have exhausted everything and they need to wait for the next august. and september climate change and need security are forced many promise of the line. and for the inflation neighborhood, countries isn't helpful to try some countries also all now having post them on, on the export. so some countries where we will use to buy, you know, buy chad. we cannot. so we are really counting on the cereals that we can build chase locally in charlotte. this has made competition for nuclear, valuable for items more intense. it's the for, for of lost out,
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especially now the 8 agents is popular to or no money to help. how many degrees i'll give you that a lot set, finality bought good movies and just in the house last time. but next it's inside story. so to stay with the same on opposite the so this seems to be a good bit of winter for the water table in front of its elite s. so spain and portugal is more right on its way in, is coming up against what still fairly cold air up here. so there's an enhancement in what full value, this guy, particularly when it is snow, briefly that we looked at what's been happening in the central and then the eastern met. it's still windy weather through the islands, particularly sicily, but the major was going through the g and as a for the rest of the tuesday, it'll be took is to to get rain all, some snow behind it,
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right to weather. but you'll notice is all kids that his or our pine studies folding at some rate. so that will lead to an avalanche danger off having dropped an awful lot of us now and it. this is where the code is encroaching, the attempt has made dropping it a bit in vienna and cheesy now even book arrest eventually, but on the edge again, a bit of snow is forwarding. otherwise it's fairly mild bit of rain, but that so long as you going by wednesday. so enjoy your sunshine. an example of the cold down to 3 degrees even to was aren't much breezing key for the next 3 days . next 3 fatty bright days. the wind is still the file g area and to dizzy for a day or so. for most of north africa in huntington, the breeze means more dusty weather, but with showers. staff is here in the air and gunner, the, it's a top destination for travelers seeking them by the paradise experience. but the i
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did a archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global war. rising water levels and unforgiving storms have triggered some of the was 1st government lines relocation as a result of climate change. people empower us, want fiji. the last resort on a jersey to the u. s. has vetoed all 3 resolutions of the un security council calling for us the spot in concepts sense since is well launched, its war in october. so is washington miss using its veto power and also the counselors voting system need to change? this is inside story, the .


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