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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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to go to the hospital like not know which gate is open and which one is closed? the running the cover in haiti, um games back with the with security forces, the control of the countries may not afford the funds to hold robin. you're watching of civilized headquarters here in the also coming up. paul's, i put in virginia kick your super tuesday in the us. the single most important voting day in the presidential primaries. so lots of it as well from bob minutes of because it's strictly tools for a possible see sign continue in egypt. and china is the design line plans that you can make. revival as an annual meeting of the national people's congress,
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the book into the product. and we begin in hazy, heavily on games a trying to seize control of the main international apple. it's the latest in a string of attacks in recent weeks, but the weekend um games over on the 2 largest prisons and free thousands of inmates. stephanie dec over pulse in the international airport has stopped operating. no flights in or out paralyzed by gang biden's like much of the country . a gang leader and former police officer jimmy sherry's. a nick named barbecue is claimed responsibility for the attacks seeing the aims to force the prime minister of yellow only to stand down. in an unusual move, the guns are uniting to bring down the government. and analysts say this could be a turning point in the eighty's already to much was history. the government gave us
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the weapons to fight with our brothers and sisters now retained the guns and gave them to fight them because they don't do anything for us. games is over on 2 of the main prisons in the capital, producing several 1000 prisoners, including gang leaders. gun bottles are taking place in the streets. prisoners of escaped from several jails. it's miserable. the crisis is guessing list everywhere is unsafe. a con, find clients my taxi to make money to feed my children. i'm an old man. nothing seems to be functioning here anymore. thousands of people are fleeing their homes. many are having to queue up to get clean water. some tell all g 0. they haven't been able to find drinking water since sunday. we feel discouraged, we flew in a children conquer to school. we can't buy food. how can we live in such a situation?
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we fight to my fellow haitians while with the same haitian people do us. administrative sion has urged americans to leave the country as soon as possible, kind of dry his clothes. it's embassy, and some 8 organizations suspended their operations due to the dangerous situation . thank you very much. the prime minister flew to can you last week to finalize a deal to set up you end task force led by can you to help restore order that triggered this latest crisis. but there is still no un troops on the ground to help authorities restore order. and the prime minister has yet to return stephanie decker, which is 0 of the hey to stuff a decades of time or lowest this poverty. i'm not troll disasters the full. i'm a french colony, built on the sugar and coffee slave tried, gained independence in the 19th century, but didn't hold his 1st free elections until 1990 present. joan betsel, a steed, was ousted in the queue. just 8 months later,
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us troops intervened in 1994 while you and peacekeepers were deployed lights to help stabilize the country. out of state return to power in 1999, but flooded to exile in 2000 and full of political and rest on violent protests increased in 2010, a magnitude 7 to of quite killed around the course of a 1000000 people in depth of state to the economy. 10 years later caving 19 locked down is compounded income loss, food shortages, and the constitutional crisis percentage of another. more ease was assassinated in 2021. after refusing to assign an organ on an organized crime, gang strength, and that control. we know neil is a united nations expert holding the human rights in hey, jesus, intervention by you in full say is the best type to stabilize the situation. stare has been bothered serious pilots for many, many months now. i think the intensity increased over the last several weeks as it
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became clear that there may be was now some momentum to finally getting the international force authorized by the security council of sensitivities. and also the announcements that there would be elections perhaps held in august 2025, which is a long time from now. so i think that was one of the excuses in a way that the games took some games. not all. some took up to increase the level of violence and these attacks, huge chunk of the capital has been in the control of the gangs and long before just last week. 80 percent is the number used. it's probably sometimes it's a 100 percent. it depends on the games move, and then of course, the most of the rest of the country is not over the control of games. there are pockets here in there. but it really is a problem around for the prince and the suburbs around it, which is again the heartbeat of the country. everything. so centralized and 80 that puerto prints really counts for just about everything that matters. most patients,
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if you ask patients who are under the some of the games whose life is being terrorized and women getting raped and, and, and people be kidnapped in food becoming so expensive because the games caught put a tax on everything. every haitian i talked to are my visits in the slum areas, can't wait for the force to arrive. it's some of the gang leaders that don't want it because they understand one thing and that's force the same thing has just begun in the single most important day in the us presidential prime result of data super choose day 15 states including delegate rich california and texas the casting, the votes in presidential primaries and caucuses. these a lot of pictures felt like voting station in charlottesville in virginia, is a day that could often decide the candidates for the republican and democratic parties, but the sheer j 5 and then double trump faced little challenge and that nomination
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comb tests of donald trump is describing a supreme court ruling, which allows him to run for re election in the states of colorado as a big witness to america. the ruling is set to allow the full, the president to stay on balance nationwide. the highest quote in colorado have disqualified him from the ballot. the full being in selection is from today is august right to the attack on the capitol 3 years ago after claiming the j bikes installed the election from him. he is a while a search and migration of the us makes cable that has become a focal point in today's phase, republicans accused the bite administration of neglecting both the security and democrats saved the republicans of sabotaging the efforts to deal with the issue. how does it cost beautiful stuff in texas? what candidates visited the board or this week? allan city and his surgeon.
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people living here have the it's still morning at the mercury. don't flea market in the gallon, but the sol sedan has already been playing for hours. the music drifts over the knickknacks and the produce to wear 18 year old on us is working at her mother's vegetable stall. she does so much to provide for our little family because it's just me and her on. i was born in the united states shortly after her pregnant mother across the border from mexico. she's asked us not to use her last name. she says the candidates in this election have all turned demonizing immigrants to get votes. and that hurts for immigrants are here to work hard and try their best to get in to this point. they help to basically or economy. she's looking forward to voting for the 1st time,
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but she says she wishes she had better options for president than donald trump and joe biden. but it's like no to meet him like that. i guess i would just go provide a few stalls down our tools. santian almonza is selling tools to make his rent. he's 68 and works 2 jobs, get the pin number, and i have my papers now, but migraines going through a hard time. they also need help after all, they've gone through to make it here. use a record number of migraines have crossed into the u. s. during biden's presidency . despite his administration's efforts to block them, trump says he did a better job to secure the border. they like drugs and polls showed the majority of americans agree, and they'll bite and one the majority of the hispanic vote in 2020 trump now has a 6 point lead among that group. michael barney, yes, says spending
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a day at the flea market with his family helps distract from his worries about his trucking business. this current administration has the, has crippled to me. they have crippled me. i have to cut my trucking company in half. i've already full half my fleet. he says he'd like republican nikki haley to become president, but he'd be happy to support trump to texas has voted for a republican to become president for more than 4 decades. analysts say this year, the state may turn in even deeper shade of red, and that whoever wins over voters on immigration and the economy will win the presidency. heidi jo, castro, elders, era, macallan, texas. then you can what challenges there is special coverage. all the super choose day and all of the issues that match the stalls and k all. and i'll just there, i'd hate to 1800 hours, gmc the
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and now there is no end to as well as bombardment of the gaza strip. the people in jamalia refugee campo searching the rebels, the survivors and bodies after a series of glass. so at least 8 palestinians have been killed in those attacks mold. and so 2600 people have been killed since october, palestinians wasting full food, have again come on the is really fine as a to call boys arrived is riley time full. 17 trucks heading to northern gaza, filled mainly with flour and water to stop and unload. as people approach the trucks they will show sense. a similar cold boy was attacked on monday. several pilot studies ended up being quite round about $10.00 a city. only a few people able to get some boxes included, volts of flour, and
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a few other items, the trucks that's coming, some of those and just find these ready guns. hi honey, my move joys the snow on the phone from the rough. uh you have to know the incident of is riley's firing on hungry people trying to get food. just bring us up to speed on what we know about this particular incident. yes, this is their mother. and then the patient. how did you take a moment, please? you can use our patient and one of the nice things to just to collectively, thomas, how many i have been demoted, product and job at the 4th, been over crowded southern part of this check not only was looking at bill destruction and restriction the ground that bought it from getting to people are largely the trauma, apply the hungry as found in the paper right now. the 2 and a pattern of systematic and deliberate attack on either trucks the best way to do all the time being targeted. and then the people approach the,
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the truck are being shot and killed and we just witness within the past couple hours is 1780 trucks, supposedly slower and water and that's involved a lot of can much needed right now for this put population in the northern part of the gaza strip was supposed to load and the people to try to approach and to try to grab some of the aid on the ground. they were shut out by this very time can be the really on the vehicle in and they are the result of many injury that for a lot of people, i mean for the instant that within the past 4 days repeated itself more than one time. in fact, the date it the date input and the 4th, and i wrote only that indication of how there's really another 30 and 6 on not only starving people to death. and what's an example of how people are dying of this hydration and for vision? and from that because it's a different life being immediate is now they're being shut out. income plus will
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continue to monitor what goes on that with you through the day, honey. my mood that for us in rough so it's also continuing and kyra aimed at reaching us e sign in gaza. the framework proposal would say females sick, an elderly captives released in exchange for a 6 week truce. the us vice president as voice what she calls deep concerned about cause i asked as well to be moved to increase the flight of humanitarian a couple of hours. because our tools in washington with these really will come with the betty guns 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. reports of detailed as rarely as the stuff in washington, not to help guns with the visits. hello julia sunset, now is it between 5 blocks. he's the professor of conflict. resolution that the, the institute for graduate studies and all through of unfinished revolutions gammon, libya and to disease after the arab spring. always good to get your insights on to what's going on here and then the legal stuff for him. let's just talk about this
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ongoing conversation to cease fires in washington. we've got by the guns talking to the americans. and yet we don't have the israelis up. you might say the main negotiating hub, which thing tyra, right now. we're not quite sure which way to look east or west. actually, we should look both ways. uh, because the folks and title, the seeds filed folks with we and how about somebody's way to government to present the official side of the negotiations with the, with the being as well presented by the 5 minutes. but been given that the whole while at the same time what's happening in washington is equally important because in a different direction. i think washington, the us administration has become extremely frustrated working with benjamin netanyahu. and we have seen this and the statements made by carmella head as the vice president just yesterday, which would present the most critical position that has been thinking by us of
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a show that she even use the web immediate ceasefire. the thoughts, the channel that's open then washington is working not only on the present and prisoners exchange, but also on other issues. and i think it has to do more with and those play and that the to the couldn't benjamin netanyahu government. and the long term vision for the 2 step solutions of the day after and of how a washington can wear us with a future government in his life. so it's much more than just the prism those exchange it's, it has to do with the day after and the little vision uh for the costs. and then if anybody watching on they might actually think, how can we talk about the long term vision of the day after and relations with the rest of them, at least when they contact the deal with the head right now, when we talk about behavior, now, we're talking about those negotiations and find the tile and one of the sticking
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points, it seems that even what our correspondence in the region is saying, is that a mass? i think less than 24 hours, the guy we're trying to explain to the negotiate has to enter with via them to as well. but even if they didn't know how many captives were alive, where they were communications a so bad in the cause of straightened now they comp give the links to the israel requires. this is a huge sticking point because israel once a confirmed list, how much co give them once a how to get down to this entanglement. well, this is something actually has become logistically, unlike bad. we know that the, you know, most of the guys us type has been now the selected as a result of the constant is why they bombardment and now how much auto spread and so many different places. so we can look at the recent history when uh, when they come us almost a month and something in order to confirm with the 3 prisoners the captives is
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why the captains that we have killed all the way to still a life. because um and then we saw this uh, video taping coming uh, just 2 days ago, confirming that they were they were killed by is labeled. but then at the, at the, at a mass announced about a month and a half ago that they lost contacts with them. so that is definitely a logistical issue here. and not sure to the extent how much is a, is able to get this less then also let's keep in mind that the caps of i'm up only with how much, but also with some is lemme just have an even with some of our families. so there's definitely a logistical issue here and the benjamin if you know, has to deal with the data and it's a difficult one that will take time this way to entangle for them. and then for the about every 5 or thank you for joining us. thank. it's still a head, hey, a thought, i'll just say the ukraine says it's destroyed. another rushing, more ship in amount of time dry and attacking the black sea will have the latest.
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we'll keep the a developing middle storm system here will produce a fair amount of scenario. thing for home too, but then it's on its way out by the end of wednesday taking the reading within that range. originally titled off into china that's gone through as well. hong kong, as time she will probably drop for a few degrees because he is coming down, though not extremely cold is cold, but once he exists the moment. so by the time you get to see we're down to about 20 degrees here, snow might show itself occasionally on the high drive and the korean peninsula. otherwise it's sunshine. once it gets nothing, please, most of china, it's bright ish, not a most of japan. the weather in northern india no longer plague, particularly by fog, is about to get some of the dogs of what's been the case the last week significant
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rain or snow in the high gr optically haven't show pradesh it's nothing was happening elsewhere, but the focus probably is coming from the west, i found this time and particularly capital had spell on the ground. and this next wave will bring more rain to books, but it just down eventually into pakistan. and here it is. snow up in towards kind of stuff and eventually knowles and pack is done once more that it will happens on wednesday. probably the time you get to 50 as the snow sheriff there die out. the sun comes back to you, but that will be in about the 3rd wave of significant weather, a unique perspective that plays students up and does they told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to
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unspeakable har as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention. the stream on out to 0, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about you want to go to there with me. so he'll run the reminder of all told stories. soldiers and police and hazy have been fighting gang them as finds these control of the main apples. a state of emergency has been imposed on a jail grape vine, any sort of 1000 prisoners. millions in the united states all voting in the presidential primaries to choose nominates to send in the election for the
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democratic and republican policies. poles leading up to super choose. they say that it's likely the contest will be between a bunch of and some, some series of lots of killed at least a palestinians. and the devali a refugee come to johnson is right. the forces have not killed molded, 30600 people since october. the ukraine says it's destroyed another russian bullshit in the black sea. the cleaning and military spokesman said that the patrol, but have been previously talented, but was blown to people not by maritime drives in the coast. straight dick find this type follows the loan. she gave it only to twins, 2 russian britons talking the ukrainian post of odessa as get more of this from above, the broader correspondents in the ukrainian capital kiva. and robert, devastating a tackle this patrol ship,
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what most of the ukrainian saying about it of the yeah, it does seem to be another significant claim success by ukraine, against russia's navy and against the black sea fleet. in particular, this patrol ship the surrogate co, tough, was apparently in the could straight that's just off the eastern coast of the crime in peninsula when it was attacked in the early hours. still during darkness. according to a footage that we've seen on russian media or you can see and hear what appears to be machine, gun fire seemingly coming from the vessel. it is trying to defend off the attack by dro, no drones. this then a logic explosion. then we have had 14 released from ukraine's intelligence. busy what appears to be the same attack, but from the view points of a camera on board. one of the drones itself, again, showing a large explosion that ukraine has been making big advances in its a c drone technology. and the power of these uh small vessels. the speed and also
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that range reaching a hundreds of kilometers across to the black sea. it's meant that the rushes, black sea fleets has had to restrict the areas that can operate to move back more towards the east and southern parts of the black sea. but seemingly still within range of these drones. what so? so what reading from a russian perspective is that a low this was a small by so it's a cool that size uh, with just the 80 crew members. it was one of russia's newest vessels that only came into service a couple of years ago and seemingly of russia's ships in the black sea. they knew old steele comp seem to find an answer to these ukrainian matrons. well, thanks very much for the update route, but probably the for us in keys. the european union is launching a multi $1000000000.00 plant aimed at increasing preparations full a step by some repulse in poland. the upgrade comes as 90000 soldiers joining nato
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as long just exercises since the cold will. the nato parading its military might edits. eastern flags troops from france, germany 30th the u. k. crossing the fistula river and poland. practicing to move reinforcements to the east. the enemy is imaginary, but it's no secret when they to believe this threat is coming from. we are in a big, pretty big security crisis, cynthia version of ukraine. so nato need to understand what we need to do to defend the alliance. so may 2 leaders have one rush truck with a test, one of its members within 5 to 10 years. the russians will continue with this war because put into a lot of different, that's one seconds. if they would win the war and you can, it's not the end of instability and crisis. it is the content it's, it's the start of even more because we also know that his ambitions are larger than you current. so the threat is real. that's why donald trump's waste wentworth raising doubts about the us commitment today to have shock money in europe. since
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the end of the cold war, the continent passed drastically cost its defense spending. countries like germany, i'm fond of struggling to produce enough weapons and ammunition to send to ukraine, that alone used for its own defense. despite the show of force, many here realize you are if it's not ready to defend itself without health from the united states, the largest german on supply or recently predicted. it will take a decade until your upcoming. i'm a nation to become independent. military leaders are urging europeans to wake up and stop taking peace for granted. are we going to produce electrical box or we're going to produce things for the military? people have to understand that these changes in the groups have an impact on our lives or on tuesday, the you will present its defense plan to bring europe's defense capabilities up to speed. preparing the minutes we for possible attack is one thing,
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but convincing people laugh not personally experienced for, for more than a generation. another step, fosten elgin's era crossing the apple, poland, china as well. the bill being the quick fix to the struggles of the world's 2nd largest economy at the opening of the national people's congress invasion, premier leak young and i was of the g d. p. target to 5 percent growth would be the same as last year. still fall below the double digit growth that how would the economy for decades, they said the guys target will be much harder to achieve as the economy grapples with low rex bolt. reduce consumers spending at a property that price is katrina you has moved from basic chinese premier lee tongue addressed about 3000 new ton is most helpful officials in the aging to set the policy direction for the next year by opening his work report financing. this g d p target for 2024, which is $5.00 to cents. now this is the exact same thing that was named in 2023
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this year. that is more and vision is going to be more difficult to attain by lead times own admission. due to the fact that last year, tony was cutting off a very low base post pandemic. those expectations for the read down this year that we then did not materialize. and to find a may have to work hard in the form of a supportive economic policies. in order to achieve that, the analysts are down, playing expectations for any major stimulus. now all this being said, lee chung was acknowledging the long list of economic wars that china has been experiencing in the last year. he mentioned institutions, demands low consumer confidence problems and the real estate sector, a sector that is a traditional driver of growth. and that is now in crisis. he also mentioned increase pressure on trade in or an investment due to global fictions. but it is very clear at this and p c leaders over the next few days, they're going to have to balance 2. prior to one is reviving economic growth,
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and 2 is really staying on the cost of continuing to try to transform china's economy. it's one that relies less on the debt or the capacity into one focus, more high quality development, high tech manufacturing and innovation. patrice, i'll to 0 stage, you know, to focus the where the exposed values of cultural products is a crucial source of revenue amounting to it was 20 percent of foreign exchange headings, but frequent floods and prolonged drought. and so if it the set to hold, come all high to as well from this one valley in buckets of northern region focused on quad riley. it's very much for the river idea of fresh fruits and vegetables. however, this is more than the healey territory. and most of the farmers here depend on rain those pretty much you the or some some yeah, with the patients and now unpredictable in the range. don't come on time and when they made it also over the last few years, we've seen excessive rank, sorry,
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which is lead to huge losses of how this whole city focused on. and one of the more than one letter. but in the countries when it comes to climate change, and that of course is having a serious and devastating effect on food production. but in fact, on mail, or, i mean most of the areas that haley and farm is totally dependent on timely rains. and this is adversely affecting the crops also because of global warming, it's leading to huge losses in the area or more needs to be done to mitigate the effects of climate change in order to ensure progress done for to go to d. and to ensure that farmer that able to learn the crops and get the benefits come on like the data swat of the somebody has declined a national emergency after severe drug devastated the agricultural site to the i think more than 1000000 families, the region is experiencing its driest february and 40 years as har. latasha reports


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