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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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to and also showcase is the incredible story of the football. this is let us get this done to escape the telephone generation for episode one on how to 0. the, the polls open in virginia, else kicking off super tuesday the us the single most important voting day. in the presidential primaries, the you're watching on to 0 light from the headquarters, and del fine to you. navigate is also coming up running for cover in haiti, armed gangs battle it out with security forces for control. the countries main airport. no light up in israel's bombardment of the gaza strip as talks in cairo
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and without reaching a ceasefire. and ukraine says it's destroyed another russian worship, and a maritime drone attack in the black sea. the hello voting has just begun in the single most important day in the us presidential primaries, also known as super tuesday 15 states and one territory, including delegate rich california and texas are casting their votes and presidential primaries and caucuses. these are the live pictures and one such voting station in charlottesville and virginia. this is a day that can often decide the candidates for the republican and democratic parties. but this year it's joe biden and donald trump, who faced little challenge and they're not a nation contests. well, donald trump is describing a supreme court ruling which allows him to run for re election. and the state of
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colorado is a big win for america. the ruling is set to allow the former president to stay on balance nationwide. the highest court in colorado had disqualified him from the ballot there for being an insurrection of trump to nights, orchestrating the attack on the capital 3 years ago, after claiming joe biden stole that election from him. we have with us, and besides bri, jackson is joining us from washington dc for you just set the scene for us and talk us through what we expect to see on the super tuesday. hello there. so we cannot emphasize this and not super tuesday is the biggest election day on the primary calendar. there are more than a 3rd of all available delegates for both republicans and democrats. they are up for grabs when it come to this race. i'm on the republican side, it is former president trump against fort former union bastard nikki haley. in former president, trump started off this week with a legal when after the supreme court ruled that he can stay on the ballot in
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colorado. trump has continued to dominate his march toward the republican nomination, but former you and, and bastard, nikki haley. she is determined not to give in. so republican voters in more than a dozen states and one territory will weigh in today with more than $800.00 delegates at stake. for republicans, trump, he is favorite to pick up political victories across the board. but even if he were to win every single state today, he would not reach the 1215 delegates needed to win the nomination. but that could happen as early as next week. meanwhile, when it comes to the democratic contest today, president biden is by far the favor to so when each one and new polling shows that a former president, trump leads president biden, and a potential 2020 re match within the margin of error. so for you, i mean, are there, do we expect to see any sort of surprise is this time around as far less suspenseful?
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just to reality as we don't expect any surprises. the biggest surprise may be how much of a when the sports president trump have. but nikki haley is committed to staying in this race. and she's also using super tuesday as a way to continue to fund raise side to try to point to areas where the voters may show that they don't want the former president trump or president biden, to be back in the white house. so that's something that nikki haley has continued to say on the campaign trail that she wants to be the alternative to those 2 candidates. but the bottom line is she is trailing former president trump. uh, when it comes to the number of delegates picked up so far. all right, thank you so much for jackson reporting from washington, dc of surgeon migration at the us mexico border has become a focal point in the votes. and republicans accused the bite and administration of
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neglecting border security. democrats say the republicans are sabotaging their efforts to deal with the issue hardy. so castro reports from texas were candidates, visited the border this week, a allen, city, english cross cultural and a has most people living here have the, it's still morning at the mercury, don't flea market in the gallon, but the sell sedan has already been playing for hours the music drifts over the knick knacks and the produce to wear 18 year old on us is working at her mother's vegetable stall. she does so much to provide for our little family because it's just me and her. and i was born in the united states, shortly after her pregnant mother across the border from mexico. she's asked us not
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to use her last name. she says the candidates in this election have all turned demonizing immigrants to get boats. and that hurts the immigrants are here to work hard and try their best to get into this when they help to basically, or economy re. she's looking forward to voting for the 1st time. but she says she wishes she had better options for president than donald trump and joe biden. but it's like a note to meet him like that. i guess i would just go provide a few stalls down our tools. santian almonza is selling tools to make his rent. he's 68 and works 2 jobs, get the pin number stuff and i have my papers now, but migraines going through a hard time. they also need help off the role they've gone through to make it here . a record number of migraines have crossed into the u. s. during biden's presidency. despite his administration's efforts to block them, trump says he did
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a better job to secure the border. they like trump impulse show, the majority of americans agree, and they'll bite and one the majority of the hispanic vote. and 2020 trump now has a 6 point lead among that group. let me try to cover one. michael brown. yes. says spending a day at the flea market with his family helps distract from his worries about his trucking business. this current administration has the, has crippled to me. they have crippled me. i have to cut my trucking company in half. i've already sold half my leak. he says he'd like republican nikki haley to become president, but he'd be happy to support trump to texas has voted for a republican to become president for more than 4 decades. analysts say this year the state may turn in even deeper shade of red, and that whoever wins over voters on immigration and the economy will win the
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presidency. heidi jo, castro, elders, era, mac, allen, texas. well, you can watch out, is there a special coverage of super tuesday on the issues that matter, starting at 1800 hours, 3, mt heavily on gangs and haiti are trying to seize control of the main international airports. this is the latest in a string of attacks and recent weeks at the weekend, armed gangs overran the 2 biggest prisons, unfreeze thousands of inmates, stephanie decker reports. the international airport has stopped operating, no flights in or out, paralyzed by gang biden's, like much of the country. a gang leader and former police officer jimmy sherry's. a nick named barbecue is claimed responsibility for the attacks. seeing the aims to force the prime minister of yellow only to stand down in an unusual move, the guns are uniting to bring down the government. and analysts say this could be
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a turning point in the eighty's already to much was history of the government gave us the weapons to fight with our brothers and sisters now retained the guns and gave to them to fight them because they don't do anything for us. games is over on 2 of the main prisoners in the capital, producing several 1000 prisoners, including gang leaders, gun partials are taking place in the streets. prisoners of escaped from several jails. it's miserable. the crisis is guessing list everywhere is unsafe. a con, find clients my taxi to make money to feed my children. i'm an old man. nothing seems to be functioning here anymore. thousands of people are fleeing their homes. many are having to queue up to get clean water. some tell all g 0. they haven't been able to find drinking water since sunday. we feel discouraged, we flew in a children can't go to school. we can't buy food. how can we live in such
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a situation with 5 to not for the haitians while with the same haitian people? do us administrative sion has urged americans to leave the country as soon as possible. canada has closed, its embassy, and some aid organizations suspended their operations due to the dangerous situation. thank you very much. the prime minister flew to can you last week to finalize the deal to setup un task force led by can you to help restore order that triggered this latest crisis. but there is still no un troops on the ground to help authorities restore order. and the prime minister has yet to return stephanie decker, which is 0. william o'neill is a united nations expert on human rights and hate. and he says intervention by you. one force is the best hope to stabilize the situation. the stair has been bothered serious pilots for many, many months now. i think the intensity increased over the last several weeks as it
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became clear that there may be was now some momentum to finally getting the international force authorized by the security council of sensitivities. and also the announcements that there would be uh, elections, perhaps held in august 2025, which is a long time from now. so i think that was one of the excuses in a way that the games took some game. not all, some took up to increase the level of violence and these attacks, huge chunk of the capital has been in the control of the gangs and long before just last week. 80 percent is the number used. it's probably sometimes it's a 100 percent. it depends on the gangs mode. and then of course the most of the rest of the country is not over the control of games. there are pockets here in there. but it really is a problem around for the prince and the suburbs around it, which is again the heartbeat of the country. everything. so centralized and 80 that portal prints really counts for just about everything that matters. most patients,
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if you ask patients who are under this, some of the games whose life is being terrorized and women getting raped and, and, and people be kidnapped and becoming so expensive because the games cause put a tax on everything. every haitian i talked to on my visits in the slum areas, can't wait for the force to arrive. it's some of the gang leaders that don't want it because they understand one thing and that's force the how much has presented it's proposal for a ceasefire agreement to mediators in cairo, it says that it's now waiting for a response from israel, which it did not send a delegation to this round of talks. well, joining us here on such as what i am, if i had to use a professor of conflict resolution at the hot institute for graduate studies. and he's also the author of unfinished revolutions, yum and libya, and soon as you, after the air of spring, welcome back to elgin 0. we're also hearing from the reuters news agency,
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which is not reporting that the ceasefire talks of ended with apparently no break through. what do you make of this latest information? well, this is expected actually, and it's not but a surprising unfortunately, because we are seeing a very strong as lated position. that's defusing to negotiate on serious math. that is, that's for the seas volume. that is why the government basically wants to, they needs the captives and does not want to stop the work. and this is not going to happen because for him us, this is the only remaining a whole lot of comp that they have in their hands, which is the captives. if that it is the captives, nothing. yeah. whole, that is why the government is going to mix the pick of guns off the map to basically it is a and this is the only way to push out of that is why they government from within is a through the, the cap. those the how much has so that's how most,
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that is very unlikely to go and sign under and give on these conditions in order to accept for those that are given. that is why i think about a minute is not. and there is a consensus within the, with the will counsel what's called that they want to proceed with this. what so the, the gap is a huge and that needs to be some sort of an innovative solution. and then the innovative compromise in order to reach ibex so where will these concessions come from? and now, as we're also reported, we're hearing this from us is a staying in cairo, expected to hold more talks with the egyptian and the customer, mediators. what do you think these discussions are going to center around that particular? yeah, i think that is very important thing is to keep in mind here despite the huge gap between the 2 pop does, that is was to have that they have to continuing to negotiate a over at least some age of issues like that humanitarian crisis. we obviously gab,
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i'm a human at that and can fast or feed that's unfolding in gaza. and this is also now is put, think that is why they government in a difficult position instead of nationally, it's losing job support. it's becoming more and more isolated. it's the us administration is the only policy, that's the support thing. that is why they government, so with international pressure that has to be some concessions, for example, on human, if that interests we are, as you know, we out of those seeing it, it drops over human. it's at an id which is, which has proved to be very efficient. it's uh, the is the following in the see or sometimes in the southern parts of as well as it's not reaching the need the and hospitals and all of that. so thoughts on the humanitarian, it shows that can be some one thing that they can discuss. and the other thing is
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that again, we are approaching the month of my bon design and government is seriously interested in order to have a ceasefire building. since the month of ramadan, temporarily seized by it not appear dependencies by him in order to re add and jets on things and not to gain more pressure from the international community. and also, especially because the us administration has made it very clear that during the month of ramadan, that has to be some sort of, as he is fired. so there's a government this feeling, the heat from the us administration specially especially with inviting downs, was one of the world council members to washington in order to show some seriousness in this. and that's why we don't see that you're welcome, bye restriction. taking any concrete steps that they may say,
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some of the right things. i mean we've heard couple of harris say there needs to be a ceasefire and does all but only for 6 weeks. but what's, what's kind of pressure, are they actually putting on israel a, the, as a, is the us administration is not using the financial, military and diplomatic leverage. and that, that has overlays, lane and government is i cannot continue this war for one week without the continuous support of the united states. and the us has been a session has become also in a very difficult position on one hand that i can with they think all i twink refreshes and government is the most extreme is 5 point government in the history of as well. and on the other hand, the us a better solution. the democratic pump is used as losing immensely in all the pulls that we have seeing at. busy but it's position on guys that are even a disagreements from within the democratic party and the democratic fund
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institutions as well. so uh you uh, submit a session that was trying to balance uh, some, some of this pressure, but it goes the democratic policy without the seems via the democratic pop is losing motor support, right? and we are approaching the election. so that's why we sold the statement coming from camella. how does that go? it's temporary for 6 weeks about making the subject without a statement that a ceasefire must be the immediate right? so that's the kind of the us position that's trying to manage the pressure on, on, on autopay. so all right, thank you so much. i can fax it so well in gaza itself. there's no end to israel's bombardment of the district. people in the jabante a refugee accomplish searching the rebel for survivors and bodies after a series of loss. so please, 8 palestinians have been killed and those attacks,
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more than 30600 people have been killed since october. and palestinians waiting for food have again come under is really fire as a convoys arrived is really tanks for 17 trucks heading to northern, gaza. filled mainly with flour and water to stop and unload. and as people approach the trucks they were shut out. some of their convoy was attacked on monday. several palestinians were injured but to wait around a $1000.00 a city. only a few people were able to get some boxes that included water, flour, and other items. the trucks left carrying some of those injured by the is really on fire tiny muscle. just joining us on the phone from f off. so honey, yet another incidents of israel firing on hungry people trying to get food, bring us up to speed on what you know. and what else is happening across the gulf has strep right now. a yes,
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very low and intense loving campaign is since the last night extended all the way to early hours of this morning. and just in the right here, dollars a day after one or more bombing in the center of the area 1000000000. doesn't look like it on a record you can, and that's the right there. that's the lunch on part of the center of the a very close to the coast of florida and rhode island and all the parts of the god restriping job idea where a overnighted pot people are still living the aftermath. but having a big self search under there are those for more body. they've been buried under large pieces of some concrete on cement as the building completely level to, to the ground. and it's trying to do what's going on is the 5 that we have now, a pattern of the american heart on a truck. and a week ago, the northern part with more than 500000 people, the large age promised 500, are faced with that with the graphic family that is fighting everywhere right now.
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one example, a case has documented a people's items, a children of the hydration, and starve ation and being largely emaciated as $3.40 a good is going on right now, but maybe weren't hard to bring it right now. is the fact that the trucks that are supposed to deliver for time into means of transportation to transfer injury as well as that coined round about or at next, or even in our section or within the past 3 days and see ended up carrying the body to the account as the quotes, the number of days round about distance, the daily normal for palestinians, and the fact that it's happening in sports sports in a row right now is that invitation to food as a spot is used as a weapon. and star vacation is that is a tools inside is very monetary to collectively how did, how experience in the northern part and guy the cool remained in there, home, been guides, us and then noted far as the bombing continues and the ground invasion. so it's all
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on the entire area causing further a civilian casualties in destroying those vast majority of life. their origins of life have been destroyed in that area, but their large number of the point it kills and large number of injuries was forwarded to health facilities that are right now, non operation. i'm just putting the risk of those injuries. one, right? okay, thank you. so much honey, my phone was reporting from rough. it's still a head on all to 0. china as leaders outline plans for economic revival and an annual meeting of the national people's congress, the frank assessments. here's essentially the lang, the democratic process. the current government knows not be a to win the index sense, say they want to find time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are
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struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial award we live in a new colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened this independent . we won't be i want to freedom. we don't have to leave them in the policy of it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services as claimant. and you're saying you'll have your reports for that. i should just trust a few months out of the community, off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and i'll just be her integrity
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in the pursuit of the the, here's a reminder of the top stories on how to 0 this, our millions in the united states are voting in the presidential primaries to choose nominees to sound the november's elections for the democratic and republican parties. poles leading up to super tuesday shows that it's likely the contests between joe biden and donald trump. thomas has presented its proposal for a cease fire agreement to mediators in cairo. it says it's not waiting for a response from israel, which did not send a delegation to this round of talk. ukraine says it's destroyed another russian
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worship in the black sea. a ukrainian military spokesman said the patrol boat had been previously targeted, but was blown up overnight by maritime drones, drones, and occurred straightening your time. yeah. the attack fall is the launching overnight of $22.00. russian drones targeting the ukrainian port of odessa and china as warren. but there'll be no quick fix to the struggles of the world's 2nd largest economy at the opening of the national and people's congress and beijing, premier lee chang announced the same g. d p. target a 5 percent as last year and that's still far below the double digit growth powered the economy for decades. leeside the growth target will be much harder to achieve as the economy grapples with lower exports, reduced consumer spending on for an investment, as well as a property debt crisis. katrina, you has more from beijing, a chinese premier lee tongue addressed about 3000 new ton. his most helpful
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officials in beijing to set the policy direction to the next year by opening his work report financing this g d p. target for 2024, which is $5.00 to cents. now this is the exact same thing that was named in 2023, but this year that is more and vision is going to be more difficult to obtain by the tons own admission to the fact that last year 20 was cutting off a very low base post pandemic, those expectations for big re down this year that we then did not materialize. and to find a may have to work hard in the form of supported economic policies. in order to achieve that, the analysts down playing expectations were any may just stimulus. now, all this being said, lee chunk was acknowledging the long list of economic wars that china has been experiencing in the last year. he mentioned institutions, demands low consumer confidence problems in the real estate sector, a sector that is
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a traditional driver of growth. and that is now in crisis. he also mentioned increase pressure on trade in foreign investment due to global fictions. but it is very clear at this and p c leaders over the next few days, they're going to have to balance 2. prior to one is reviving economic growth, and 2 is really staying on the cost of continuing to try to transform china's economy. it's one that relies less on the debt or the capacity into one focus more high quality development, high tech manufacturing and innovation. patrice alda, 0 stage, 72 children are reported missing in northern mozambique officer attacks by arms groups. unit set says rebels have been targeting schools and cab. they'll gather province, forcing a $125.00 of them to close since january, tens of thousands of women and children have been displaced. fighting and the gas rich proverbs began in 2017. when fighter is affiliated with iso declared a campaign to establish the caliphate. i will have more news at the top of
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the hour right here on alta 0 up. next. it's a check of the weather. then inside story, we'll look at whether the us is misusing it's vito power at the un security council by the there are still warning sides of high temperatures. over a good posit raj and teen run for the north. but within this regime, i think attempted to come down to fed bid and it's generating shares a heavy switch. and now wrapping power g y. so by a blank is 23 is not particularly high, whereas santiago's 3rd one is on the high side. and this is sunshine, it's predominant here, shows the in that line to go through product, right. the, the heaviest ones that has been flooding in the last week or so on, the bolivian brazilian border and the still we're headed to the could be bigger
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showers in this area. so, potential repeat is that otherwise it's a dry, you should picture now drying up in some of the amazon basin, but still looks fairly wet for the rest in peru, for example, and even equitable. and it's quite possible get some pretty big childs in the bahamas in florida. but the science of that, it's just general, like to shows, i know how you might think temperatures in panama city and not worth 33. it's a tour on the high side. they are about right, so this time really surprised me to now the us is still a fairly big story, won't stress, you know, through the pay and states has been pushed out of the way by more cold. so it's will not through the great lakes bear, but that car was all associated with. yes, another blizzard risk up in the sierra, nevada of california will be on of the is the biggest global election yet in history. the world's biggest democracy post
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its own epic showdown john main screen of offering jane butterfield really focusing on india as i traveling across the country, examining the issues of 6 and the 4th of athletics. at this critical moment in the country of history. the india coming soon on august the, the u. s. has vetoed all 3 resolutions of the un security council cooling for us, the spot in the concept that since is well launched, it's war and october. so is washington miss using its veto power and also the counselors voting system need to change. this is inside story, the .


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