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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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all dislike with no political background. she inspires them to become ginnie's 1st line sen. within the realm of politics, the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0. the, the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters in delphi, and getting you navigate the insurance was coming off to the next 60 minutes. polls open in virginia kicking off the single most important voting day in the us presidential primaries. as much as go to the polls on super tuesday, we look at the foreign policy and cuban writes positions of the 2 principal content is running for cover and hate to arm games.
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battle it out with security forces for control of the country is main airports. no light, often israel's bombardments of causal us from us, presents its proposal for a cease fire to mediators. we reach remote areas of northern pockets on we're on seasonal snow and heavy rains of triggered land slides. at least 40 people are dead in sports. so building up to have people who are not in the european champions league with quote, a final place is up for grabs. and one of the biggest names in women's football. so i'm kind of set to face trials off to being charged with racial harassments, of a police officer, the hello, it's just gone, pass $1300.00 gnc. so we begin in the us. that's where i'm voting has begun in the single most important day in the presidential primaries, also known as super states 15 states and one territory including delegate rich
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california and texas are casting vera votes and presidential primaries and caucuses . so these are the live pictures from one voting station in charlottesville and virginia. it's a day that can often decide the candidates for the republican and democratic parties. but this year joe biden and donald trump faced little challenge in their nomination contests. so on 100 reports from raleigh, and one of the super tuesday states north carolina in pulling places across the us super tuesday is the great designer. the biggest date on the presidential primary calendar with 15 states awarding a 3rd of all the delegates, often clears a path to the white house. and the super tuesday, his seal the parties nomination for democrats. bill clinton, al gore. i will fight for you and john kerry and it's
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made standard bearers of republicans, george w bush, and his son george w bush. i've had a proud record of working both republicans and democrats, which is what our nation nice. this time the results are expected to help president joe biden emerges, the democrats, presumptive nominee and former president donald trump. to serge, ahead with an unsurmountable lead for the republicans for the losers. the pulling boobs of super tuesday states are often where hope goes to die. like a water level for losing candidates if you don't do well on super tuesday. and both parties process is you haven't really a steep hill decline despite what you said. i'm not giving up despite went for republican nikki haley. analysts say a big loss on super tuesday could mark the end of the trail. some voters say they're focusing on personalities. i'm voting for anyone whose name is donald trump . why? cuz i believe in the human isn't fairness, compassion,
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none of those traits. i believe he possesses, others on issues. i think there's a lot of our infrastructure that needs to be dealt with. we need to spend money at home as well. but i think if you're praying falls, then russia isn't a very good position to come against us. failing a historic surprise, the odds favor a familiar face off despite the all but inevitable prospect of a do over with the same candidates room 4 years ago. whole show voters have a big problem with that large percentage of americans who say that they do not want a trump bite and re match. i mean, it's 6065 percent, which is you know, these days you can't get 65 percent of the american public to agree that the sky is blue. this year the race comes with a wild card with trump facing $91.00 charge using for trials you just possible just possible the trump could finish his campaign is a convicted criminal. after the biggest day of primary voting his cemented his
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place is the republican party's presumptive nominee. john henry and l g 0. raleigh, north carolina. she ever tunzia is joining us not from washington dc. so she have voting has just started, just talk us through the day and what we should be watching out for. and i haven't gotten to summarize it pretty well. there are many surprises expected. we are expecting donald trump and joe biden, to win most if not all well of settings and bite is capable of of his contests at the wildcards there all the dogs, donald trump, get a clean sweep. does he, when every single contest in the republican primary and what that means, when did you have him that would make you have these folks have been on the cable new shows already that, that tilting up the possibility of doing well in some northeastern states. in particular, committee heavy is also taking a tack when she loses, if you loses, but still gets about 30 or 40 percent of the various you take. so i don't know what
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kind of victory strong about still this is on the majority of the minority and the republican party from which she takes. she takes columns, but in the end they're nikki haley. as with all american politics, it's just about money. it depends on whether she's blowing out of the water. so a huge, really, but actually her deep popular diagnoses, sofa ones, you've got to stay in the race. now tell her enough is enough. we're not going to waste any more money. you've made your, you made your point even if you have yourself is often always that you would stay until at least super tuesday. so that's what we're looking for. that is the weather . she does very well. she won the fee over the weekend, which wasn't a surprise, but whether she wins any or does even vaguely well any of the home tests for barton, the big issue is i'm committed re. so what happened in michigan last week, over a 100000 versions in michigan, key swing state, decided to vote for uncommitted and sort of bite and protest of the by the administration is green lights. so you will be as rarely atrocities that isn't so much of an organizing campaign in the states where uncommitted is
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a possibility. that's massachusetts, minnesota, to colorado, north carolina, tennessee, vermont, and alabama. um, so i think somebody would, i just was trying to downplay the chances of having such a great result as we have the michigan. but still we're going to keep an eye on that protest but against bite. and primarily because it all says sponsorship of the is there any atrocities and caused it? but also because of what john was alluding to, the general sense that bite is too old and totally unpacks, isn't the best kind of that to go against old trump, right. and she have, i mean for are international viewers, just explain why super tuesday is so significant because there's so many delegates up for grabs. it's, you know, the, the, the bottom is very, been seen over 15 contests. and each, each policy you need to get to a certain threshold of delegates. currently trump has 273 delegates. and then did you have you have 43? in on, on the republican side, trump needs 942 more delegates of 100 drums 100 just suggested that there aren't
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enough delegates up for grabs and saturday for from to finish that, that number tonight. but once you get over that threshold, you all affect to be the know many older it goes to the convention for a nominating and all moving process. but once you have those other goods, you know it's, it's in the back with vitamin as well. you know, i'm actually interested in michigan. i'm can we just got 2 delegates who will appear at the democratic national convention later or later this. yeah. but again, it's about the double good count. i mean, they get to the bottom. it, it's, it's a whole bunch conclusion, but we're still looking for those any with as little as color product expert still insignificant that i think the bite and especially in swing states, the button campaign is rather wide, especially because the forthcoming collection is going to possibly be about a few swing states with very narrow modules. okay, thank you so much. do you have a time see reporting from washington? well, one of the decisions facing voters, the super tuesdays which are the kansas best advances us interest on the global stage. and one can that it's policy is rooted in the slogan america. first,
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the man who succeeded him as president adopted the phrase america is bought. therefore, and policy positions are apparently complete opposites, but seen through the prism of human rights. the gap between the candidates narrow my kind of reports from washington. as donald trump sites for a 2nd time, he doubles down on some of the most controversial aspects of his 1st threatening to abandon nato allies. should they come under attack in this and match and re compensation with a nato leda? but one of the hedge in the country stood up and said, does that mean that if we don't pay the bills, then you're not going to protect the associated? that's exactly what it means. exactly. i'm not going to protect from continues to rail against international agreements from which is administration unilaterally withdrew and upon becoming president, go bite and attempted to repair global relations. america is back.
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diplomacy is back from supplier and fascination with dictators is bad on immigration from predominantly muslim countries is insistence on separating migrant children from the parents or reflected the world view in which human rights had no place. and now the position that by didn't pledge to reset, we must start with diplomacy routed in america's most cherished democratic values. defending freedom, champagne, an opportunity upholding universal rights, respecting the rule of law and treaty, every person with dignity in this potential re match. the philosophy of global liberalism is up against that of nativist isolation. the administration now in the west wing portrays itself as morally and ethically superior to the last. this reduces the foreign policy and human rights positions of the 2 contenders to black
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and white. it's not that simple. find an old, the withdrawal from a forgotten he's done. abandoning those who fought against a ton of bond in the name of the us along with millions of women whose emancipation had been so brief. he's on questioning, support of israel has not waited, despite genocide and gaza, the and trump decision to break with decades of policy and recognize jerusalem as israel, as capital has not be robust. whether he did or whether he didn't. he denies it vehemently. well, trump openly stated that the relationship of saudi arabia was more important than the mood of journalist jamal could shoji by didn't condemn the killing, but continues to embrace relationship. and if a lead to is to be judged by the company he keeps, the jury is still out of the room. mike cannot, i'll just hear a washington, a search and migration at the us. mexico border has become
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a focal point and not vote. republicans accused the buys and administration of neglecting border security, and democrats say the republicans are sabotaging their efforts to deal with the issue. how does your castro reports from texas were candidates visited the border this week? a city english cross cultural and a hit most people living here have the it's still morning at the mercury. don't flea market in the gallon, but the sol sedan has already been playing for hours. the music drifts over the knick knacks and the produce to wear 18 year old ana is working at her mother's vegetable stall. she does so much to provide for our little family because it's
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just me and her on. i was born in the united states shortly after her pregnant mother across the border from mexico. she's asked us not to use her last name. she says the candidates and this election have all turned demonizing immigrants to get boats, and that hurts me. grants are here to work hard and try their best to get into this when they help to basically our economy. we. she's looking forward to voting for the 1st time. what she says she wishes, she had better options for president. then donald trump and joe biden. but it's like a new to meet him like that. i guess i'll just go provide a few stalls down our tools. santian almonza is selling tools to make his rent. he's 68 and works 2 jobs. get the pin number and i have my papers now, but migraines going through a hard time. they also need help off the role they've gone through to make it here . a record number of migraines have crossed into the u. s. during biden's
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presidency. despite his administration's efforts to block them, trump says he did a better job to secure the border. they like trump impulse show, the majority of americans agree, and they'll bite and one the majority of the hispanic vote in 2020 trump now has a 6 point lead among that group. let me try to cover one, michael barney. yes, says spending a day at the flea market with his family helps distract from his worries about his trucking business. this current administration has the, has crippled me. they have crippled me. i have to cut my trucking company in half. i've already full have my fleet. he says he'd like republican nikki haley to become president, but he'd be happy to support trump to texas has voted for a republican to become president for more than 4 decades. analysts say this year the state may turn in even deeper shade of red,
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and that whoever wins over voters on immigration and the economy will win the presidency. heidi jo, castro, elders era, macallan, texas. oh, you can watch off. is there a special coverage of super choose date starting at 1800 hours? gmc, the who hate to know are heavily armed gains are trying to seize controls the main international airport. it's the latest and a string of, of tasks in recent weeks of the weekend armed gangs over room, the 2 biggest prisons and free thousands of inmates. stephanie decker reports. the international airport has stopped operating, no flights in or out, paralyzed by gang violence, like much of the country. a gang leader and former police officer jimmy sherry's. a
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nick named barbecue is claimed responsibility for the attacks. seeing the aims to force the prime minister of yellow only to stand down in an unusual move, the guns are uniting to bring down the government. and analysts say this could be a turning point in the eighty's already to much was history for the government gave us the weapons to fight with our brothers and sisters now retained the guns and gave them to fight them because they don't do anything for us. games is over on 2 of the main prisons in the capital, producing several 1000 prisoners, including gang leaders, gun partials are taking place in the streets. prisoners of escaped from civil jails, it's miserable. the crisis is guessing, louis everywhere is unsafe. a con, find clients to my taxi to make money, to feed my children. i'm an old man. nothing seems to be functioning here anymore. thousands of people are fleeing their homes. many are having to queue up to get
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clean water. some tell you 0, they haven't been able to find drinking water since sunday. we feel discouraged, we flew in a children conquered to school. we can't buy food. how can we live in such a situation with fights? not feller haitians while with the same haitian people. do us administrative sion has urged americans to leave the country as soon as possible. canada has closed, its embassy, and some aid organizations suspended their operations due to the dangerous situation. thank you very much. the prime minister flew to can you last week to finalize a deal to set up a un task force led by can you to help restore order that triggered this latest crisis. but there is still no un troops on the ground to help authorities restore order. and the prime minister has yet to return. stephanie decker, which is 0 of the whereabouts of hates is prime minister,
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are currently unconfirmed, arial, and re fluid to kenya. to finalize the deal to set up the un task force. but he hasn't returned to ac county has ministry for an affair, says already flew to new york on saturday. it's not clear if he's still there now. believe moni eliza, united nations expert on human rights and hate see, he says that intervention by a un force is the best hope to stabilize the situation. the stair has been bothered serious pilots for many, many months now. i think the intensity increased over the last several weeks as it became clear that there may be was now some momentum to finally getting the international force authorized by the security council of sensitivities. and also the announcements that there would be uh, elections, perhaps held in august 2025, which is a long time from now. so i think that was one of the excuses in a way that the gains took some games. not all,
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some took up to increase the level of violence and these attacks, huge chunk of the capital has been in the control of the gangs and long before just last week. 80 percent is the number used. it's probably sometimes it's a 100 percent. it depends on the gangs mode. and then of course the most of the rest of the country is not over the control of games. there are pockets here in there. but it really is a problem around for the prince and the suburbs around it, which is again the heartbeat of the country. everything. so centralized and 80 that portal prints really counts for just about everything that matters. most patients, if you ask patients who are under this, some of the games whose life is being terrorized and women getting raped and, and, and people be kidnapped and becoming so expensive because the games caught put a tax on everything. every haitian i talked to on my visit in the slum areas, can't wait for the force to arrive. it's some of the gang leaders that don't want it because they understand one thing and that's force the
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how about assess presented? it's proposal for a cease fire agreement to mediators and cairo. it says that it's not waiting for a response from israel, which did not sense of delegation to this round of talks. and talks with the is really worth cabinet member. been against the vice president, campbell of harris reiterated us support for a cease fire. and guns is now expected to meet the sec, to recite and send it blinking in the next few hours. so like to have this sample joining us from occupied a through so before we talk about many gallons over in the us and let's talk about what you're hearing about the latest round of ceasefire talks that had been taking place in. kyra, what's the update but we do know that the 2nd day of talks has ended in cairo and how massive saying they are waiting for these really response. however, these rallies are saying, but they're waiting for him. that's his response. so there is
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a lot of conflicting reporting when it comes to exactly who is waiting for what. but we do know that these rallies chose not to send a delegation to cairo in the 1st place. and that's because they were quite firm on the fact that they wanted to receive a list of captives who are being held in gonzo, who are still alive in order to proceed with these negotiations. but after high must have said that they're not willing to divulge that kind of information until perhaps there is a final deal in place. is really sad, decided not to send their negotiating team. all of this comes on the heels of a lot of pressure on the is really government from their own population, specifically from the families of the captives who are eager for a deal. they've been saying for a 151 days. these really government has essentially failed them and not brought upon process to use that would bring back the remainder of the captive. so for now there are still a lot of gaps left to fill. as mediators seem to be scrambling to get answers from
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both sides, right, and to find any guns as we've been reporting has been over in the u. s. u, then heads to the u. k. how is his truth being feet viewed, and israel and the what's, what are you hoping to achieve as well. let's 1st talk about the agenda items. he went to the united states with sources and dances. office have told us that there was a wide variety of things many guns wanted to discuss with his american counterparts . one of them was continuing us support for israel trying to further legitimize israel's image in the war. been against the saying that israel is fighting this war in a just way and that is real, does have this right to defend itself. so a lot of this trip was really trying to cement that, trying to give more support for israel out of time where the image is coming out of gaza or continuously devastating. nearly 31000 palestinians have been killed as
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a result of israel's assault on the besieged palestinian territory. so you have that public image as part of the agenda. then you also have gans who said that there needs to be some sort of a distribution mechanism that perhaps there can be an international system for this . which is quite interesting because these really prime minister himself has said that he is allowing the minimal amount of a necessary to prevent humanitarian disasters. but as we know for months that humanitarian disaster has been unfolding before our eyes and simply gets worse every single day. and finally, against wanted to further put pressure on the americans for pressure on other mediators to try and secure a deal against was also reiterating that this war is needed in order to defeat him ass. and also trying to persuade the americans about why it's necessary for these really is to invade the drop off, even though there was
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a lot of that pretension around that military maneuver. given the fact that there are more than a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge there. so a lot of agenda items for been against to achieve their and in terms of how it's being received. and israel, well supporters of nathan, you all who have been say thing, but this was something that was perhaps politically motivated on the behalf of gans netanyahu was reportedly very angry, according to reports within his rarely media, but against his office that he informed the prime minister of his travels, you had let him know that he was meeting with american counterparts and it goes to show you that the americans are willing to work with other is rarely leaders. it comes at a time where the bind and administration is seemingly dissatisfied with nothing. yahoo and his policies, but have seen this war drag on for nearly 5 months now. so the americans have said that they are willing to work with other is really leaders. and that wants to nathaniel, who's 10 years over there will be another result is really leader for they are going to work with certain hops. this is a step in that direction,
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but none the less money against is hoping to accomplish more in the u. k. okay, thank you. i'm to some home for 40 from occupied east jerusalem. well, joining us here on the side us, but i am a fe, hotties of professor of conflict resolution at the doha institute for graduate studies. i'm the author of unfinished revolutions, even libya. anton is here after the air spring. welcome back to elgin 0. so as honda was just reporting, that is really say that they're waiting for how much is response, how much says they're waiting for the is really responsible some sort of conflicting information on who's waiting on who or is this some sort of negotiating tactic good, but he more does this now dash all hopes of a ceasefire to be concluded before them on. while i think there is a deliberate as like a policy here that's trying to sabotage these negotiations and this is clear to buy the evidence of ad didn't get no condition to the negotiations that was never
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before, which, which is uh, the list of all the live captives that we have, how about us a, a. that is why the government knows the past has lost connections with most of the kept those the captives of love for me with how miles that on some of that was is that means you had some of them even with, with, with the fabulous that not all in one place that you that you can just get the list of those captive. so it fits it's an impossible mission. and it might take it old enough to give this list accurate if my thick months in order to do that. if at all logistic, any possible, that's one to even part as part of the negotiations. in order to get information. in the literature of negotiation, you'll have to pay for it. you can just get information from the other side with the just for free. and we saw this actually in the previous experience when gil out
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shirley was a captive with how most in order to get that information that's with that he was alive or month is running. the government has to do these some policy then prisoners in order to get this information. now that is way government is asking for this information for free and also it's a legit knowing that logistically not at all possible. so it's just another condition where we have a hearing about it from that is why are they going to make the negotiation is, is a might, that is impossible to succeed, of the least condition. and what we've heard from the some reports, according to what, how much those demands are, is that they're demanding a full ceasefire, or withdrawal off is really troops from gaza as well as allowing display scans to return to areas, particularly in the north before from us, gives any information on the names of the captives, but these is real, have said in the past,
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but they're non starters. so where do i because the concessions come from the conversations wouldn't have to be an innovative solution. uh at this, at this point. the but finished, we have to have good faith on both the pump is in order to be able to reach some sort of an agreement before the button. and they know that i'm solution could be something like, but inducing the number of prisoners because now is right, is also asking for at 40 captives in order to breach or, you know, the police have a beam on that. now for the prisoners, how about us has approximately, as was the amount was about the $120.00, so that's almost 50 percent of all the kept as of how much house, which is how much like slips such condition is gonna end up with a small number with this one number of, of, captives that's not going to be able to allow us to negotiate lymphatic ceasefire,
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reconstruction of drugs and withdrawal from, from guys. in addition, we have seen the number of those captives with killed actually by the way, the government itself. mm hm. as a number of. busy in a different locations including um, uh we do tell me about possibilities by that is like the government. uh bye bye bye . they all to me just 2 days ago. right? yeah. so, and they're all saying that they design the governors. nathan yell in particular simply does not care about the captives and the smoke and would be at a leave for him if they all get killed, which is what pam us is. so that's why we are seeing that he is pro long getting delaying. and uh, while number of them are being killed by is really bullets on that level without changing the position of, of that is why they give them. and now the last point on this one is about how mess with this kind of negotiations. they can meant they have the pressure on that as
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well. i think about a month from with then with the families of the captives are frustrating the government. that is why the government at losing faith and trusts and their okay. thank you so much about him today. how thank you. well, the is really military has killed at least 97 palestinians and wounded a 123 others and gaza in the past 24 hours. it's attacks of struck residential areas and giovanni and baseline here as act. so as i'm of it's reports, people waiting for humanitarian aid and gaza city were also targeted smoke and explosions on the horizon in north casa, after israel bombarded the area. it's still unclear if there are any casualties. the attack follows a night, the relentless environment on the residential areas in jamalia and beta law. here several tell us students were killed in the offensive search operation is underway for survive. the in gaza city people were seen q and get to q weighed around about
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seeking humanitarian aid, only to be met with gunfire. the witnesses say he's rarely vehicles nearby, open fire on 3 trucks, caring flour, water, and otter supplies. i that if you want, we'll move. they speak about the 8 every day that deceiving us 3 or 4 trucks of 8 for thousands of people. my son told me that he's hungry and couldn't wait anymore . my children catch up hungry every morning and i have nothing to offer them. this isn't life for you to allow me. they seem to care in a crisis in gauze these were sending as malnourished people, including children, are struggling to survive. dr. say these children are dying from a variety of diseases because of the food short. the trickle or humanitarian aid being dropped by various air forces is not enough to feed almost 2 and a half 1000000 people. human rights advocates say israel's,
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for starvation of palestinians as a war, crime people are and gaza facing incessant bombardment. there being stars, they like access to basic resources. they have been displaced multiple times over most of their most for most of them, their homes, their hospitals, their community institutions or schools have been damaged or destroyed. and they're left everyday just trying to survive. and the idea that people are being killed as they sky image for me, garage sions, of food, is just appalling. there are 1000000 cases of infectious diseases reported by the garza health ministry. which few facilities left to treat the sick. the systematic shelling of gauze hospitals by israel has crippled the health system. the u. one is renewing calls for a ceasefire to save the money in cost of the danger axles i know which,
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which is 0 impact this done on seasonal snow and heavy rain have left at least 40 people dead after land slides blocked roads and destroyed homes. authorities say 700 houses have been damaged. come oh hi. there has more from swat valley this spring and the hendo gosh mountain. i know this time of day. yeah. you would see green foliage. but inclement weather and heavy snow have covered the entire area with a blanket of snow. it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon when double con, along with the 11 family members, would enjoy in a warm, quiet yeah. seeking protection from the snow. when the really judge heard a loud noise and they saw the grounds slipping under their feet, 7 of them and good and go far the dead children that's gone. and
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even darted enroll, located immediately, moon that will be there tomorrow to fully quote in a while i was going to, i was removing smoke from my roof of my daughter, suddenly sheltered lot as well. that house kilometers. i rushed here and so to construct them for the month life, i'm a little bit as crying for help and rescue time. we are afraid of living the fact that the where the person has completely changed. i've never seen snow fall in the month of march. the that i don't, i don't want them up as on the toner, the physical data will vary according to the prevent or the doctor management, or tartar d. dozens of people have been getting into hyper, booked, and well proven rewards that being block landslides are washed away and die sections on the highway. and it is also a difficult dog to tried to reach those people in need of had like all the showed the effects of climate change and the devastation it did living. and it's rick come
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out of the data and that's the mother of swat. under weather presenter, rob mckelly has an update on south asia as active weather in the winter until recently in pakistan. and afghanistan particular is particularly dry absence of rain in state. but that changed pretty rapidly, fairly recently. and the thing up to about to meet the snow fell in the fall north of india, northern pakistan and afghanistan. and that's just an example of the image show per dash just to the north event and this a mattress. now happening suddenly, up in give you the funnels of pakistan produced this avalanche. now it looks fairly small. it is fairly small. that blocks he's go, but it's certainly expanded fairly rapidly and eventually coming down the road, chase. the film was back a bit nervous. as far as i know, but that's a, i think, fairly stunning picture of the mattress trends. it comes down one channel and produces this very small amount for lots and that could be
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a repeat performance. given that we've got another west of these, devons coming through, that means reading from backwards of sides with not a huge a mind. i mean do cause problems in the last week of certain, but it's just done. but i think this right will be less heavy than that, but snow a game will show itself enough kinds of maybe over the city of capital, heading up the was no, the impact is done. by the time you get to assess the, the most places with the exception of the final, the some, whatever to and it still has on the houses there are and who is our china's leaders outlined ponds for economic revival at an annual meeting of the national people's congress and it's a significant weak for the 2 players ahead of india and england's 5th and final thoughts. jim, i will explain life and support the phone, counting the calls, a real revolt farm is around the world protest against fee to the like unemployment policies. we speak to the mexican agriculture minister about how it grows in mexico
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. of coping plus inflation is slowing down. will central bindings put interest rates soon? counting the cost on l, just their diverse nature color and meaning with these really made it to your patient front and center. nothing about this. exemption is traditional or permanent or dis work place next to younger artists. it's a reminder that there is one under his way, the bombardment i think that's something they refuse to die certain to very few so that quite an open exemption only to be closed after the war. and as it drags on menu on these paintings, maybe a survivor of causes are the
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kind of again, the top stories on the houses here in these. our millions in the united states are voting in the presidential primaries to choose nominees for the democratic and republican parties. holes leading up to super tuesday show that november's election is likely to be contested between jo biden's and donald trump. soldiers and police and hate. so you have been fighting gang members trying to seize control of the main airport. and the state of emergency has been imposed officer jailbreak by nearly 4000 prisoners from us, has presented its proposal for a cease fire agreement to mediators in cairo. it says it's not waiting for a response from israel, which did not send a delegation to this round of talks on the grounds and goes on is really forces
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have killed almost a $100000.00 units in the past day. china is leaders have gathered in beijing for the opening of the country's national people's congress, the week long meeting. so that's the policy agenda for the coming year. premier lead yang announced a g d p. target a 5 percent. the exact same figure, a target in 2023. but it's katrina, you reports that goal will this time be much harder to achieve? the opening of china is national people's congress and aging was full of pageantry and low and surprises. giving his 1st government work report is premier lee chung announced a gdp target of around 5 percent for 2024 and inflation. target of 3 percent and the creation of 12000000 new jobs and cities. for while these figures mirror last year as targets li admission, they would be more difficult to achieve feasible size. it's,
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you least expect their tardies. i propose taking into accounts both domestic and international situations. so just keeping this part is this year is not an easy task. in 2023. china had just reopen the following depend, demik locked out. an optimism around so cool to prevent spending was at a high, but that post pandemic rebound proved disappointing. instead, chinese leaders have been grappling with low consumer and business, confident to exit as a for an investment property debt crisis. speaking to time is almost 3000 strong, call them at least said badging would continue to pursue reasonable growth while working to contain the financial risks. during his speech, premier leach and acknowledge, there were many deep seated problems affecting chinese economy. and he said the government was committed to transforming its course model into one that relies less on high levels of debt and over capacity. chinese leadership clearly has this trade off between short term growth and long term agenda. and they have been prioritizing
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a long term agenda of going up in the supply chain on prioritizing technology, and also directing more capital into the higher tax exit high tech sectors, including electric, cars and planes, as well as artificial intelligence. another priority reinforcing china is military attentions rise with the tie one. the defense spending budget will be increased by 7.2 percent in line with presidency didn't things goal of turning the people to ration not me into a world cloth fighting false. close the term leaders vowed most support for families and the growing number of elderly hoping to address a record full in the birth rate and the rapidly aging population. katrina, you all to 018. let's make to ann stevenson yang, who's a co founder of j capital research, an author of wild writers, short history of the opening and closing of the chinese economy. joining us from wonder, welcome throughout the 0. so that target that was set by chinese leaders,
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a gdp target, a 5 percent of do you think it's an ambitious, one or realistic one? you know, there's a saying and chinese neither tiger nor horse and that's what i think this, this target is completely unrealistic. and the deficit spending target is also unrealistic. in the end, the inflation target and the last 2 of a sudden inflation target of 3 percent. and then placing came in, that negative point 3 percent or something like that, which just shows there weighed down by this debt deflation. so what are the sort of the biggest domestic hurdles going forward? do you think? well the big problem is that they have this huge weight of on payable at the sitting on on the balance sheets. busy the local governments and the property companies, and that has to be, uh, they have to figure out what they're going to do with that. and this target means
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that they're just not figuring out what, what they're going to do with that. basically, china has a choice between flooding, the economy was currency in order to pay some of that debt and going into a low or negative growth period. and here, you know, if, if the g p target is always just us a political signal. but if they had said a $5.00 or above, that would mean oh, we're going to pour him money on the economy and, and how. busy with the, with the rim and b rate, if they had said around 4.5 percent, that would mean that they're going to pull back on credit. 5 percent just means we don't know what we're really going to do. we're prior lives, right. and the, i mean, as we've seen, obviously the unexpected thing happened as well. whether it's a pandemic, likely solid code 19 or global tensions. howard china saying that they're going to reduce those risks out. they made a clear, and they haven't. and, you know, everyone international economists are all saying, well, you have to turn toward the consumer economy. so china's response to that is, is a,
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is it almost laughable sort of cash for congress program where they're going to buy back old cars and they're all, and, and they renewed appliance program where they're going to buy old appliances from consumer is in order to give them money to buy new, that really is an industry stimulus. it doesn't have anything to do with the consumer. and it's also very, very small. but that's that they just don't have a lot of solutions. when it comes to sort of the international arena. i mean, we see countries like the united states and certain ones in europe who, who say they want to sort of, quote unquote contain chinese trade practices. the bank considered to be unfair or national security threats. how is china going to deal with that? i don't think that there's a plan right now this, this idea of pouring more money into uh, electric vehicles and so called high tech sectors that really just, it actually is just a damper on innovation because companies are incentivized to create volume in these
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things. and to export more of them demand is already low in china and it's, it's dropping in the international world. and so trying to has to subsidize more of the tech sports. and that's really not good either for innovation or for relationships with the international world. okay, we'll leave it there. thank you so much for speaking to us from london in the philippines or some in china is deputy chief of mission to manila over what it describes as aggressive actions by beijing in the south china sea. in the latest incident, the philippine coast guard says, wonder if it's vessels was damaged in a collision with a chinese coast guard ship. philippines is accusing the chinese crew of dangerous maneuvers. both countries claims sovereignty over the disputed scarborough show that's recognized as the philippine territory under international maritime law. i'm speaking of the as the on australia summit. the philippine for a minister says his country wants to solve maritime disputes with china,
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peacefully highlighting or putting in the media incidence of the south china seas. it's precisely a part of our democracy and it's really trying to inform the people of what's going on. and some countries are one country police as a had some difficulty with that. but our simple explanation is if you would stop harassing us and uh, and perhaps um, uh, performing other uh, actions. uh, there wouldn't be any news to report. ukraine says it's destroyed another russian worship in the black sea. a ukrainian military spokesman said the patrol boat had been previously target is what was loaded up overnight by maritime drones. in the kurt straight here, finally of the attack follows the launching overnight of 22 russian drones targeting the ukraine in florida for a desktop time for an update of a sports news. here's demo. thank you. 31 of the biggest names in women's football,
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sam co has kate is not guilty to racially aggravated harassment of a police officer. you'll strike the accounts and denies the charge which relates to an incident in the u. k. last year involving an officer responding to a complaint about the tax, he's a guy who plays for chelsea is set to appear in court. next february. our correspondence sarah clark has moved out from prison as well. this has come as a shop to astride ends up its dillman. i should be a strong the media all day on tuesday. i'm anything blindsided by these charges including football to strive of course, matilda is coach a ton of good stuff and i'm to his touch. he says he only loose about this on tuesday morning when he was top not to put a bit of context is to santa and sushi. she's one of the biggest schools in names in australia. you can easy cool, cool. her a household name sheet, a cool school that winning goal, the goal setting goal should site and stride you business in the last year in the world comp. and that's closer actually i the kind of cough injury to playing that
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dime now center has my women's football and simple. one of the most watch sports in australia i believe is and in particular i philosophies will come. so this is a huge flight to the strong you, after a successful run in last, these will come out in a center position is a national captain. it cool. so come with a scrutiny now. she's caught a sideline to due to injury. and what come back to feel for this a life at the see but on the football study was preparing to confirm his tries to olympic farewell friendlies against shot on tuesday with these press conferences scheduled for us to be an ad light in both of these press conferences were, i've shadowed by this breaking news. he's popular strong. you see your james johnson. i work up this morning like everyone else did to to the news and, and that's when for those try, they found out about this unsettling events. of course it's a, it's very serious allegations. it's good for god's racism and there's no place for racism in our sports. at the same time, sam has rights,
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natural justice rights. we've got to stablish the facts. we're going to get some answers before we have a view one on one on what should be done as a next step. i haven't spoken the same other than a text message just to check in on her, on her well being at the moment cuz she is an employee of a 1000. and there's also the player. we should not that sam to has play, did not guilty. and of course, to pull the stratus it, is it still trying to establish the facts that lit up? so these uh the, the charges back in, not last year in january and a ton of good stuff and says he will support center and he was also support at the water team being the tools. but it, besides the focus that he says is now when the in and picks off and on monitor and make, i'll try to is challenging his team to win or that remaining primarily games that they want to lift the title that was off to watching his side to thrash sheffield united, 6 mail away from home. also, captain moss got school the 1st of the 5 minutes. and then go and then
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a gabriel moss, and that is fine. put in 3 and a lot within 15 minutes. and how about this? just 16 minutes in shepherd's united's head coach made a cool substitution. the sheffield united funds had already seen enough to thought, so they also have horses that has plenty more to share. a balance is kind habits made it for. now that was still time for one more before the break. that from nice is for an awesome to say, the full defend the ben white's go. sit on the act in the 2nd 6 it finished. i've also made it 7 premier league wins in a roof. they may fax within 2 points of lead as livable and the points behind sacrifice. nonsense decisions decided that there were a screen that many goals and those 2 and these angry sign. but he's about winning henry game and does the demise of those to close up with over the last 6 or 7 years . and the task ahead of us 5 minutes whole season is on the line later with the job . and so i'm needing to win the champions league last 16 time. it's not fair to stay in with a realistic tons of some silver. but by and have what do they trial one note from
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the 1st like and it's a, it's already been announced that had coach and thomas took a will leave at the end of the season with his team. the 10 points of the pace in the window sticker, the table has played down, suggestions that tuesdays month with lots here could be his final game and charge. it's been built out of the competition. it's difficult to look at the bright side of this, of, of this child. but still it's important to accept the challenge. it's important to stay positive. i'm totally in most of it would be a 100 percent and more be involved until until the last match for by munich for, for the best possible outcome. take holes, form aside power, sasha, mount or whatever else they'll say that they actually have a tenant lead from this last like kidding them by high school. one of those goals, the front 12 cup when it was in the headlines again last week for refusing to sit with his teammates after being substituted and leave match coaches with enrique was off how we cope. so we will, we extra meet her attention on and by force we look at is very easy to manage,
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accept the questions, can be whatever the john was wants and just on. so what i want, that's my formula because you don't want me to, i think we are in an exceptional moment of the season considering all results. and i can count on all the 23 players that are available for the match here in the sense the best in christiano renados our last the last the 1st leg of the agent champions, the core to final the 9 times out of champions have never won the confidential title, and they went one know down a ways lane and the united arab emirates, sandra, he meet with the goal, went out, it was twice denied by the island goalkeeper kind of ice. i produced a stunning reaction. safe with around 10 minutes left in the game. i lost that also had a mind sense of the 2nd leg is coming up next week in saudi. the winter that somebody is guaranteed a sent me final against saudi or physician full time. what is our head alti? out if you have later on tuesday, it won't sign as this. i will be out of class. okay. i'll head out 131. when they mentioned that domestic need last week. it's the 2nd quarter final in the western
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side, champions a tournament is divided into 2 geographic hops until the final in india have already won the series against england. but the 5th and final test on says they will mark a huge while starting for roughly ashwin and johnny best day to face play in the 100 test match. any one's all in the history of the game has taken a movie kits on ashwin off for a 100 tests, and that is a shoreline collecting the timer, registering especially 7 year old fits 9th. on the time we keep taking list, i'm how's the full? nice 5, we get whose best art is set to become the 17th englishman to reach the model started in 2016, he set the record for the most runs by england, with a key put in a cotton dia and spearheaded the stops to bend steaks. brenda mcculla, there was 4 hundreds and 5 innings i think it's a pretty big issue, but it sounds over to those of it. but yeah, it doesn't change anything from the dispatcher to you to provide the same way that you want to go ahead and on the board. and despite the score and you want to be able to just my so deeply, lucky is going to be an emotion wake up. so they, they,
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i'm a very proud of, you know, i'm like, i'm an emotional kind of guy. so at some point, get it is ready, which is using and keep your eye on the boy l starting in any hurry, smashed the 6 low challenges bangalore, in the women's family. that was an old, she flashed, the boy went straight through the window. what does this one that says cause talks on the foundry. she checked off the woods, but she was worried because she didn't have any car insurance in milwaukee bucks. where without them at som, i should say, you know, his answer to come play, but still came also on salt lake and the, at a cliff is damien. the lead scored $41.00 points in the absence of to time of the pianist who was out with an achilles injury box taking this one once the scene points to $1.00 oh $6.00. so that's 6 straight victory. hands ready to go to best school? 25 points and 16 rebounds for the minnesota, tim, which is i think the portland trailblazer is 119 to 114 escape as full. she said
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it's almost double of the season. and the wind movement associates the top of the western conference and that is what you'll support from me for now. 3. sure. my thank you so much. well, katara is holding it's the 10th annual criminal festival to foster the next generation of filmmakers from the region. the event invites the next some of the biggest names in the industry to go ha, to health aspiring directors and producers develop their work and is alix baird. reports the event is a lifeline, particularly for young palestinian filmmakers. rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest names in the industry. young filmmakers from across and at least get them in touring. they need to get these stories to the wills. i think people appreciate truth more than anything else, right? that's what they cling to that a maybe don't know it, but this month i may know when something is real or not. and this year on its 10th
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anniversary, cobra, it has taken on a deeper meaning. why do we celebrate the progress we have made? we are also confronted with the genocide them as a and the ongoing attempts in silencing the voice is crying out against it. it's extremely frustrating and disappointing to see creative spaces, once considered safe havens for free expression, become oppressive. it's fostering that freedom of expression that draws many young filmmakers to come to the bahamas. oh my god, he is from god. his film, some of the streets follows a young palestinian boy in a refugee camp and leave it alone. but history is to one day returns a gaza and tell the stories office home the 1st 4 months of war. i didn't do any i didn't answer my e mails. i didn't work at all. i felt helpless,
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not functioning at all, but also that time, i realize that if i keep watching the news and feeling frustrated and not able to do anything, what this can lead me to, you know, making industry lead as he is helping him to hurt his work so he can support his family and friends with trips and what was being abroad. you know, i cannot take them out of gaza. i have tried most like various ways. it's really, really, really hard. and i think is the only thing is, is for me is to take action. hold them for the film. projects have been into this. yeah. come back from at least 20 countries. and it's hope that disadvantage will help amplified via voices from across the region that organize and say, needs to be heard. alex, be it, which is era the oh, that's it for me for the moment. so the, we're back in just
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a few moments right here on out 0 and will have much more of the days news. and all the latest headlines. see you then the a frank assessment of his essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate, ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions we don't live in a postcolonial work and you live in the neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera, landmark day in the rates for the president. watch big will see millions votes across the 15 states as super tuesday looks set to move joe biden. and donald trump, a step closer to a re match, stay with alger 0,
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so continue to cover it should be us selections 2020 bits of top destination for travelers seeking an island. paradise experience. but the idea that archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global war. rising water levels and unforgiving storms have triggered some of the was 1st government lines relocation as a result of climate change. people in power us want fiji. the last resort on a jersey to the ship is home to survivors of last year. earthquake center kit, a floating hotel, its features, rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers offer lessons to president, still recovering from there or to 4 to 5 year olds. good note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily, we have the sea and we are leaving on a ship bill, a small well hey, we our family. and eventually they have something to look forward to. the amusement
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park reopened, giving many, here for the life is a loss of returning to normal. their playing nothing, but the trauma is never far away. of the holes open in virginia kicking off the single most important voting day in the us presidential primaries. the headquarters until 530. you navigate also coming up the running for cover and hate t armed gangs found that out with security forces for control of the country is main airport. no let out the rules.


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