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tv   Generation Football Patrice Evra  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm AST

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just a goal of a 5 percent rise in economic growth in 2024 the same as last year. that's katrina, you reports that will be much harder to achieve this time. the opening of china is national people's congress and aging was full of pageantry and low and surprises. giving his 1st government work report is premier lee chung announced a gdp target of around 5 percent for 2024 and inflation. target of 3 percent. and the creation of 12000000 new jobs and cities. for while these figures mirror last year as targets li admission, they would be more difficult to achieve feasible size. it's, you least expect their tardies, i propose taking into accounts both domestic and international situations. so just keeping this target this year is not an easy task. in 2023, china had just reopened. following the pandemic locked outs and optimism around so cool to prevent spending was that high. but that post pandemic rebound proved
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disappointing. instead, chinese leaders have been grappling with low consumer and business confidence in exodus of for an investment property debt crisis. speaking to china is almost 3000 strong, call them at least said badging would continue to pursue reasonable growth while working to contain the financial risks. during his speech, premier leach on acknowledge there were many deep seated problems affecting chinese economy and he said the government was committed to transforming its course model into one that relies less on high levels of debt and over capacity. the chinese motors are clearly has this trade off between short term growth and long term agenda. and they have been prioritizing a long term agenda of going up in the supply chain on prioritizing technology, and also directing more capital into the higher tax exit high tech sectors, including electric, cars and planes, as well as also special intelligence. another priority reinforcing china is
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military extensions rise, but the tie one, the defense spending budget will be increased by 7.2 percent in line with presidency, didn't things goal of turning the people's liberation army into a world cloth fighting for clothes. the term leaders vowed most support for families and a growing number of elderly hoping to address a record full and the birth rate and the rapidly aging population. katrina, you all to 018 as i'd say some of these generations football is on the next day with on the on march. the 7th us president joe biden will deliver his state of the union address with issues like immigration, economic recovery, add america's response to global conflicts on his agenda environment. re up to him,
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his leadership credentials in this personal election year. special coverage from washington. the welcome to generation football. coming up, we find out what's happened to us dennis stands use women's national football team instead of going to the side them in portugal in 2020. what. how is the full effect with a live and work to that hoops of the features mix? i'm get a i need welcome yet thought. a football bush and puts us is the life of the football for elite players. i sat down with the trees ever fonts is full of purple caps it right now. yeah, these are children. i'll fix it by violence. at manchester, united he won 5 english premier league and the champion in his ma'am, why? i love this game. he opened up for the 1st time i thought his experience of a piece as a child for people. it was like really weird for patrice to be talking about the
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child. i boost because i am a human being. but he also said the football with a lifeline that saved tips the trees. thank you for coming to speak to me today. you know, i call you um one of the my successful football heads and recent history. but since for times of what we've done so many things you've done, pundits treat lots of social media. activism. well is the thing you most enjoy doing with your time at the moment is finally don't set up in a loud noise. these like meeting people inspired people helping people, 3 things i didn't have the time to do it. you know? because i always say when you a football player, you leaving the bubbles and you're like it's like trap inside the box. and it
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doesn't allow you to do many things you would like to do. so now i, i be honest i, i've seen a free as, as a pass on, but also mentally. and i can think about different things we should talk about. you'll pick, you mentioned the neighborhood least where you're from and a lot of really, really successful parents came from that like to your own, we must, as i, what do you think is about the french subset produces such successful. k is, is so many different nationality. you know, is a mix and do your laser, these we are the only to be related to c t we, we every trophy like between me and mosse and like differently. so is so many buttress ever so many children, all these so many months out of it might need to tell. oh, to say it is because it's so many go to like you're going to have like people from sending out for months. yeah. yeah. for money and all this mix and we live play industry, i think playing football,
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save you volumes daily to stay away from being naughty or whatever. so good bodies, a way to communicate with other people. and when you're leaving the street for bodies, the most important thing many people have spoken about, you know, coming hardships is a child policy, drugs violence, but they're very faithful and is at your level with that spoken about child abuse. as you have done, the book opens with that. why was important for you to start the book that way. uh, i never talked about it before but way came is because i opened myself to the woman of my life. and margot and we were watching something on tv about the federal fire and we look into, so my god is someone do that to a key that we go crazy and she sold my of it. my face was really like, you know, angry interest to you. okay. and i say yes, i'm fine. she said, no, you know, took a bunch of switch them out to. and so when i tell the she cry of schools and i cry too, from that day i start to understand, you know,
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i need to get rid of that boxing masculinity because i go out by striking is a sign of weakness. so she unlocked something and i was like, okay, i con my did my october fee and don't tell everything. and after, of course, for people, it was like really weird for patrice to be kept in a refreshing us, you know too much to say united to talking about is a child abuse. but because of my, i am a human being and i think we need to help each other. and me really think this book has been so many over the past and i feel really bless and grateful to a point. feel a bit exposed, having spoken about it, or is it been positive? april because of the reaction that you've had when things happen like that, you don't talk about that because you just like raise them from your memory and sometimes it can be shame about yourself. so it's not like i was like, worry about what the, the, the, to like with think about it. my, my biggest meeting was when i was in 5 years and i see my mom and to tell her face
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to face my abuse up. and when i was 30 years old, and now going to see when you 39, and, you know, i noticed that she was the best that she was i, but patrice, uh, you said you're going to release your book. you're going to mention it. and i say yes ma'am, she say, are you sure you're not the scale to? and i say mom, i'm not doing my book for myself. i do to, to have for the children. and she was like, uh, go for it. and how do you think the experience kind of holding on to that besides long affected the personnel profession a didn't make a difference? do you think? but of course you make via a robots a machine. you don't trust people. you don't trust, though. it's always a because you was my, my head teacher, and actually i realize every time, you know, i was like, oh, why sometimes aggressive why? i'm a soldier eyes because i from the street you know, from street you have to pretend to be a guy state about you not to use just a way of surviving. and since i open myself to,
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to margot and i start to realize actually uh, damaged me so much. i was someone, uh trying didn't, wasn't in part of my life. you know, i couldn't believe people even just watching a movie. good price. so i keep all those emotion inside and you just like a bunch some some people they were like, wow patrice, you know, oh, you old with the strong like dodge, you never show any, any weakness you know, you never feel like you are now about or whatever but now i'm a different man, you know, i'm, i'm all much you and i, i can control my emotion and i'm happy to, right? and with only that experience and now you're speaking out about it, how does that link to what's the kind of advocacy and are required to doing? so what i'm trying to achieve is i want to change everything myself, but i think i want to make sure like those, those kid, you know, have the strains to say like, okay, you know, i've actually save, right,
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exposed himself in front of median people. i think i should talk to someone, so that's the just people to try to, to up and do you think that there's something about football that specifically makes it difficult to speak about these things compared to other sports, for example, or the space it's football is like they say you, you can show in even, you know, ability and i pay i play, we've um gave players and they were coming and talking to me because they know all hope and that was about it. but they would never speak in front of a one because people will reject them. and i have a perfect example when i was playing for wisdom and someone from the english for the ration comment, talk about the subject. you know, we need to accept, that'd be one. and you can see in the room some people where like going crazy, embody someone who's gay of to leave. after i stood up and i say about silence to everyone. can you believe in 2020 at the time we still live,
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say we're going to reject, you know, is, is not fair. you've been involved in some of the mice kind of contentious debates about base a one time you a quote against her in french government because you had taken a stand he was to pull in one if you'll finally pay is and you went on strike when you look back, is that how do you feel? do you think that things have changed? now? do you think things are better or what is oh no, nothing change because like i said, football is a platform where you can send a message. but the problem is that society, like you said, you cation no, no baby bonaza, race is best on what so different. so i'm not surprised. i remember when he was reading, let's play and, and miss depend on it to you and they get a lot of abuse and people start pointing or day news find they are raises. i was like old on, you know, is the same everywhere and footboards like we falls when we strike for, for, for the court and that it got. so the lea, uh,
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they forget your french possible. it sits at the new just the sending of. so i was like, this is let's, let's still be portrayed in the football where that's the way happen. but to blame the food boys, things it is not just that is the societies bigger than that, but i think we should do a lot more than what we do a and i say to people, we have to stop pretending and you know, you know, not talking silence, he's a crime and we can change things. but like i say, i'd like to give that example about the sheep at lee. and you could see like, like the one was you need in the, the find they, they put this, the whatever. i see some of my x 2 made in 28 and it was on t v. like we made it to people when just talking about it and i look at it and it was like, but i wish, you know, we got the same and as she to fighting you know, against the race is the truth is when you know, you don't touch the pocket of people and they want change things,
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a number of high profile back man and creating newborn james. and daniel lee had spoken about the addictive feeling of being in the zone at the top of you. okay. and, and how winning can become this you forward? the thing that you're always chasing is that how you felt in 2014, off the intensity paying with might see united and if it keeps, say during that time you felt quite depressed are due your robot. and especially, you know, when you get under someone like so i'd expect your son for august on teach you winning is not important. winning is normal. and every year, if i don't win the lead on the truck because whatever you feel like a failure, i remember some time we were like scrolling, go to whatever i was even like, don't need to celebrate because it's normally is your job, but actually is not if you asked me, you know, i, i don't live with any regret, but you, you can enjoy the moment because it's so much pressure us so much focus. and when you play from frost, a brazilian globe what people expect you to win the tournament. so you know,
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when you don't have a good tournament, after you have to, you have one month for the day. everyday people we talk about it, you have to go back to your club. you don't have time to, to reach out. that's why we should leave the work up a before you, if we care about the mentor to half of the player, because the human being and we need to stop thinking about business, because this is business, this is the money. but what about the mentor you and i know we have toys, you get a injury out, we buy a new player and you've been so successful with football, it's given you the freedom to travel and be in different places. and i wonder if you would have been able to have that kind of growth and experience if you hadn't paid full and what would have happened if you didn't have to create a new type. whether or not you would have made that footboards in my life. boat, it allowed me to speak 6 different layers. i wasn't that great, that's good. but you know, traveling with the, with the team isn't make sure that's why i say to every child in the world,
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when you get the opportunity to travel, to meet different people to, to do it. you open your mind a worldly, so be. but if you stay just where you leave and you don't travel, you won't understand what do you want, understand different people, different religion. but of course the way i grew up, most of my friends, you know, some of them ed someone up their mind jets. it could be, could be like a, a by joining for pressure, and that's why i always asked the bless and dreadful you do has, and every comment to you about you, you know, i can feel like what you're saying to me and that you've been through this process and really kind of put things in their place. is that little of that down to the book or what we, what are you going to say? i don't, i, i'm really don't know is just like i'm so passionate about life. and i don't like to find, excuse when you get sexually abused at the edge of the new grew up with these trauma when the, you know, you're dropping this read is on about like so 5 a and uh when you, you boat and as of like best at least it doesn't vision this with. i don't have
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their own for me. i can tell you is because i, i talk with my goal because of my book. i don't have the answer. it's just nice to see. anyway, you know, i cannot, but it cannot been and it's beautiful because even many people they were like, wow, partridge, you so nice! you can be a clown, you can be funny, whatever. but when you're angry, something different, and yours is a fight or something. we all have a dock side and i think me was become a lot from my trauma and i realized that when, if he's on my side to side now i feel confident. and when you play you, you never content because you keep chasing, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, and told you a motion as on the side. now i am leaving my best like to know that the 09 a i just want to say thank you so much. your coming and speaking to me. thank you.
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it was no ordinary football tool. as the taliban games that control of us got it started in 2021. it took numerous failed attempts, a safe house to flight, and that zip domestic efforts a full country for these players from the countries used women's national football team to make it to this portuguese page. 24 year old ask and canadian fox and douglas ties captain of the gun women's national team, coordinated the evacuation of a the $200.00 foot board. as we saw many members last time i was in portugal. so a couple months ago i doing to on a visit to see how that goes with settling into the new life in portugal off to the powerless job. and when the calvin took over a dentist in the government tell,
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the football federation asked me to help evacuate the use national players because their lives were at risk. and so immediately i started looking for possibilities to get the mount. unfortunately, i didn't get the response that i was looking for in canada. and so kind of frustrating. i was a former, a ronnie, national team had coach, she's in a ronnie american. she connected me with us government officials through her sister and immediately we started got started on an evacuation of all the countries in well that you could be evacuating refugees to why was it portugal? it just made sense for everyone to come to one nation and uh, portugal was willing to support them and their family members as well. whereas other nations just wanted to support the girls and that just wasn't going to be a viable option. can you tell me a little bit about the goals and what they're like? so the girls are predominantly 14 to 18 years old. they're some of the most passionate and dedicated girls to the game. some of their parents support is i'm
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but a lot of them didn't and didn't know that they were competing and learn always and all of them being and i sleep. so today we're going to visit so that i us. unfortunately, she did not come with her parents, and so she's looking after her siblings. she's playing football, she's learning online. she's doing an incredible job. the, as usual, used to come the scenario. so to use that, i wasn't able to make it out in the 1st flight. the 3 months later, she made it on to another flight that the clinton negotiated the
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german story like simple, how did you get into it? and to learn it, magazines that i hold on when she was at the 5th grade when she was younger, associated with those like were, has a passion for like surface and juggling and stuff. and then the kids would play football and girls and boys together there. and so she would join in and that's kind of where she like began play was also uh at the start of spectrum. and even one of her friends were playing on the national teams and like the national you 15 team and asked her to come like try it out. so she try it out. i got accepted into that like made the teams in the house. absolutely. do you feel that you want to continue that is that in the she wants to continue to use those because your parents and the over the why didn't they come with the hope i was to cut out those
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charm i thought of hire and not that amount of them, but i didn't go through that in my that made them my that amount of can be the kind of linguistic i'm don't know, we didn't find out and i made them j match forwarded to me is the hard them. yeah. yeah. and then all of them they do me get the extra i don't, i didn't get that. what is not the one that us to me. okay. well enjoy it. i see them on the website and then yeah, i need to find out about that. and is that how much can a, how do they do it? oh, that's what was done on the how about sense? oh my god, that should then i was okay and for job it you don't have the time. what does it can to do? and i should of as, as maybe start and get in midland between you and make a new start because connected. yeah, i'm enjoy obviously the cost gauge not asking me with a i'm, i'm well that's gonna be josh. a sharma zang is that got hold on with them. that sure could. could as soon as any right. yeah. that's good. hi to somebody to come us class. that's cool. that's good. i have to do feel safe. is it okay,
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and i don't know. my 1st name is you don't know what i understand. i'm yes, ma, pushed in on because i told him i exit personnel last so your looking off day, your siblings, that's a big responsibility. how do you find it? this must be on a dental exam, is the highest was the best. so the only kind of best on site as they do me time left gigabytes, you've had to do them no signature for them to have mission last night from visual that'd be done everything. i'm all that i said is a fat enough, so i'm not, i'm a okay. is that any plan for me? daughter stuck. i know she has skipped behind me on the outside like the classroom now in case change classroom dish that
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is that the the because the goal is to spread out across the country, events like this awards ceremony or an opportunity for them to catch up. thank you so much for taking care of the national players and continue to empower these young girls. thank the it was also a chance to me to meet on the play is on the team. what's the transition been like for you over the period of months? so you've been here, actually good still a we have a new place to leave and we have a phone for you though the do you know that it has also there has, she's like, oh,
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you know, no language. we're just trying to get up to the new environment. you know, the jensen is a different country completely. are you still in touch with. ringback other people from that kind of kind of jazz curse. yeah. and what's her relationship like now now the you are here. i mean it's interesting. it's what else you know, so i personally do so you feel guilty? yes. sometimes i think it's, oh, i am guilty because why i couldn't, i cannot help what people and why the end part today and, you know, do this, they do a, this can mean calm is that to think about the future? so try alone. right now transferred and making strong do that can help their pupils like that you didn't, people can be proud of her. 2 of the an hour and a half from lisbon. 17 year old. now janine saline is training with her local club
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. the i was told that you came on the 2nd round of slides. what was that experience like fee and the football? let me tell the most about i'm sure. um, what would you tell by just like in composing was best or not give me a dr button. uh. yeah, cool. yeah. comes out of the mileage um from, from, from them, but uh, bottom of my face got can nemo cartridge, making him k. i'm going to be to make it done up on someone that's not because she, um, i'm and i've had that you are a stokes, a, a, and that you're going to play some international games that must be really exciting . well, is your kind of vision of the teach and when it comes to football mix, i'm good and yeah, and it woke on it's thought it would but emotion,
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but i'm not that are in them. you can get an extra support from k, i name um the, the model, the model of the kid in the custody case. the cost, what i see a joy can me costs less heat. and who are you ramos? i don't know that a football um would agreement um and the sea water and all this. but i love any, not my phone kid. miss lou will not bushnell meantime to hold them bush and running and or do i need to come gloom, get lost. i'm really not misled get misty when i was in the find that as an ocean and a lot of colors come to find the best doesn't know much them. uh um, i'm the
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fucking that has strong i'm missions for the future. these play is and for the ask on women's leads, we might not be in afghanistan anymore. spart might be on band for female footballers, but the mission is to get that restarted, allowing them to inspire future generations as well. and we're back on the international stage, competing and see if competitions and international from list the
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a generation subordinates, premier league legend vincent company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. most of it starts and appear in it, is the representation is rides for the rest will follow and travels to add syria to discover how this will pay the key role in shaping the country from its struggles to liberation, to the 2090 protests of political reform generation simple episode to phone out just the of the latest news as a break current, closer to the philippines was drafted and approved after the 1986 last uprising with exclusive reports. that one across the board. dr. kalonde is here. say there was this to make sure that go, ma, is protected from around the world has already been banned from running for public office until 2030. but his supporters will show voters that the president still has
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political clout, unique perspectives that place himself in dallas. and told the palestinians to go to on heard voices through humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable har as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or the us is always of interest to people around the world. this has been going on for a number of surprise, but obviously the report 34 that's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important to impact the lives at the height of the storm. water was still high by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good the
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bringing the news to the world from here of the israel has to maximize every possible means every possible method of getting assistance for people who need the us. secretary of state says the humanitarian situation and goals are, is unacceptable. and on sustainable the understand me say that this is out just a life from dell hall. so coming up no less often is rosabelle involvement of golf receipts fine. talk think.


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