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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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people pay attention to the deal is very good, the bringing the news to the world. from here, the israel has to maximize every possible means every possible way of getting assistance for people who need in the us. secretary of state says the humanitarian situation and goals are, is unacceptable. and on sustainable the understand me say that this is out just a life from dell hall. so coming up, no lights up in israel is bombardment of gauze or a safe spot talks in cairo, conclude without consensus on gangs in haiti time laid out with security forces felt of the main line for the
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whereabouts of the prime minister. another, the halls open in the us gigging of the single most imposing voting day in the presidential primaries the we begin in washington dc. the us secretary of state is asking him us to accept an immediate cease fire with his violence and the war on garza anthony blinking made the comments off to holding chokes with contest prime minister. and following that, especially if one how much the non profit might have been just them as sign the but then can also cold for a dramatic increase of humanitarian aid into garza. i'm the release of captives. a situation for children, for women or men, were caught in the crossfire for mazda is making inside of gaza is unacceptable and unsustainable. israel has to maximize every possible means. every possible method
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of getting assistance to people who need united states will continue to strongly support those efforts along with many other countries around the world. but it requires more crossings. it requires more, a getting in. and once that aid is it, it requires making sure it can get to the people who need it. so we will continue to press that every single day because of the situation as it stands. we simply unacceptable. and the us secretary of state is kind of the main thing with these writing wall cabinet. and then the penny dance dance has already met the us, vice president campbell of harris during his trip. she told him the us support, so see its fine. we have correspondence covering both sides of the story in a moment will speak to him, the cells wrote and occupied east jerusalem. but 1st let's get the latest from washington dc which you have redundancy. so should have, we've seen that some statements by blinking on the same spot, following
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a meeting with a customer a fine minutes the before he goes to meet with ben against is some kind of diplomacy still in motion here. or diplomacy is in motion, but to what is this again more for formative filter in some ways again, when we have blinking speak, but you wouldn't, you wouldn't necessarily know that without us support. israel couldn't continue it's atrocities and bombardments and goals that couldn't continue. keep solving the people of gauze are these, these are the 50 us on the sidelines. that's really what's interesting. in the last few hours, we just got a report from actually off on us officials. i might, but it appears guns as people have now given bad narrative of what's been going on in dc in the last couple of days. so the us officials and all of those us officials to try to galaxy off the guns, observed a lot of the frustration of the white house. the b is right. the house with the israeli government right now. um, the
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a convoy does the circle of the art sales and goals, or the flower mastercard. 118 people were killed as they were trying to get food. was a turning point for the bite administration, us officials till actually off. and that's why, by them to get to the ad drugs and also that meeting with the vice president comm a lot higher as this looks like is really officials and guns as people told actually all the administration wants to continue backing as well. but there's really government needs to do, it's paul chords. the vice president said, help us help you be as ready, official said, i'm downs has been surprised by the strength of criticism about the humanitarian crisis. how far apart is, are of us when it comes to the possible operation and rough uh the, the white house that which the slim chance is the reaching the mega deal with saudi arabia. that includes normalization with israel as long as the war continues to. these are the official narratives, them being linked to the press for us to report upon. but the messages that we're really giving up against then we're frustrated. and we're telling him as a blanket was saying that there's no excuse but still moved their leverage. been
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using their conditionality on the diplomatic cover in military age to as well as far as we can tell. all right, you have, thanks for putting that into perspective for us. let's pick for now what's been happening elsewhere diplomatically because how massive causes presented is proposal for a cease fire agreement to mediators in kyra, let's go live to have the some hope she joins us from occupied east jerusalem. so we know those cairo talks of concluded wherever they ended well, the talks of essentially ended with a standstill is really media reporting that they have been stalled. and remember, the is really side didn't even send a delegation to the egyptian capital to negotiate on their behalf. and that's because these really is had asked for a list of captives who are still a live and in gaza, but how mass had refused that request. so at this point in time, there are conflicting narrative. these rarely say they're waiting for him,
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asked his response. well, how much says they are waiting for? israel's response mediators in the middle are trying to bridge these gaps, trying to find a solution between both sides. but it seems that there are sticking points that just can't seem to be resolved. and remember, how must have said their position remains the same. they're looking for not just a pause in the fighting, but an end to the war overall. while these rallies have said that, even if there is a pause in the fighting, if it's 6 weeks long, no matter how long it is, they are going to go back to the war. so there are 2 completely different perspectives and 2 different sticking points here on what the other side is not willing to compromise on it is really officials themselves, including israel's prime minister, has said that even though there are discussions around the ceasefire, there are talks it in no way means that we're anywhere closer to a deal. sammy. all right, thanks so much from the social. as an escalation of these right
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imagery offensive own gaza has killed at least 97 palestinians and wounded a 123. all this and just 24 hours people waiting for 8 in gaza city. what again targeted. i'll just sort of thought a couple, i assume it's on the phone from the southern guns. are all the details of the attack becoming any clear at this point? tonic yes. it seems that the israel continues to impose movers, corrections and deliveries to the very desperate awesome cause of where people that are completely in a very desperate need for a strict criteria for the carrier concentration in garza food. and i haven't found that have yet to be met by the situation of fact remains really di and united nation organization have these things that child, mom, depression levels, and another installer were very esteem about 3 times higher than in this town of the palestinian territory. when new i have been completely deemed available and the situation seems to be repeated as
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a work has alongside with the human. it's very in a with people who are waiting for 8 supplies, how being targeted and assigned. but isabel is talking people in the news to force them to flee from that pause. what's causing how people have practically started to sleep escaping from hand as they are particularly inc, forward to the holding on to them. and people continue to feel hungry. you can say that you are no longer can be able to be with the situation, but at the same time, 81 cuz cannot feel complete despite due to collapse of security as international court was being named by us. an please note back to, to ask for israel to kayla the 8 on humanitarian aid to the talk to them out. isabel did not practically at least protect the human attorney and go voice or facilitate. it's a was on the ground. all i thought it was assigned to and take all view is now to the us president joe biden. he's talking about his,
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he's financed listening to what he's saying. the concern about your phone number the the the
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that was the us president joe biden. they're saying we must get more 8 into garza and he's working on a seas. fine of this comes as well as israel launching a series of attacks on southern lebanon. at least 3 members of a family have been killed in the home and hula, including a mother and a child heavy shutting. also talk through the town of comfortable strikes, the buildings in the area are on fire, causing significant damage. at least 49 civilians have been killed in southern lebanon since israel alone since for on garza in october. joining me now is my job's wait a, who's the director of the golf study center, and i'll tell the universe to good to have you with. i think i'm going to do, but start with hopes for a diplomatic solution to this. the cairo talks of rap top whether those hopes then now. so i think the uh, the split condition now would that they would be um, i would say unexpected efforts convincing come as of what it is
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to give both of them some concessions and findings, a strategy to each to the 6 weeks a ceasefire. what does appear now that the many cars working on changing the dynamic of bizarre, the politics by having guns in washington and talking about defense matters, trying to clear is there some way to pressure and that's in yeah, i think that is that is the start to do to push on when they got work so, so far them lots, but they assume that when guns go button goes back out of the media when, when, what are the active, his visit? what he would say that's will change the dynamic considering the fact that already there is different dynamic within is there any politics? there is a lot of a criticism to lack of achievement of the, of many of captives. the argument straightened, there is no actually meant underground. a tool can be delivered to the is, are it is the economy situation is being deteriorated to,
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to the auto many elements together kind of push up missing. you know, however, it's obvious that um, by them try to differentiate between sup, support thing is right. and support to, uh, nothing. you know, he tries to say, you know, he is supporting administration is what it is. but they have a problem with nothing. yeah. no, we hugged statements just a few seconds ago of 5, and before that we had statements by the us, secretary of state, we've had become a law. how is the vice president talked about? the need for sees 5 is the us policy evolving here? i think it's, it's obvious that this is a, this, this is disciplined and with this, i know that evidence tells us that homeless, i'm very confident policy has failed in the last 25 years. they, i'm very confident policy has failed sold. i need a regional problem in the middle east, and actually if you go back to the 1st year of by then in the white house,
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when he said his problem policy to move to the east to china and actually put the, the middle east aside. that tells us that actually only this was nothing his on his list as a priority. now he's back when lack of, of, of, i would say power of for the one. and if you're out of your one thing is the politics and the why is the bank with a lack of how the us still does retain a lot of leverage of israel? it's, it's, that's fine. a lot of weapons which is where i was using right now. in gauze a why do us officials look like they talking about a conflict over which they have very little influence over? because basically they believe same thing. what kinds is to support as well? and this is a security if this has nothing to deal with. nathan, yahoo! as a politician who's very difficult to deal with. so the pressure of, if it's a problem outside, if some of them he wants to seize, find those tools if you was serious about this. so you are the channels that you
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think would play with that, is that actually not? so if the out of serious they could do this, they could say, okay, we would have stopped, for example, supporting you a weapon. they already send a request to and send you a whole until the 15th of march. they have to sign editing. declination that depends would not be a use. the targets of it is what would be the responsibilities god knows. so i don't have the best sense. i mean, they have the leverage, but they are not using it. and we're looking at a very, a rare situation to say the least in garza where the world seems to have been content for so long to watch a people into a decades of occupation. years of siege, and now we're seeing people, sickly children dying of mountain nutrition, going hungry. i mean, how to rationalize this. it sounds like
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a page out of some kind of hungry games movie rather than a reality. you would witness. in the 21st century, admits the oversights of an administration in the us. that said, it's coming back to bring cool values back to american font color, ongoing failure. i mean, the americans, the europeans, they knew the last 17 years that since then yahoo is taking that agent for the point. what's happened the 7th of october, because basically he destroyed the 1st thing in the project. but it's been in the states and basically he and i knew hope to have any a bureau, but has been in the state by expanding this limits the, the was the was seen here is actually seeing all of this getting all of this destruction out the children to the, according to the children and woman and not moving stopped, this is thought of ation. that itself reflects to one major think that the another 2 of those are $87.00. if you're buying the minds of the politicians are nearby and
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they're not to fill actually affecting their judgment. and that is itself, it's, it's a, it's a sad to see after seeing or what time it has. and they know that, that it's a inaccurate and live based. all right, thank you so much. my job is way thanks from coffee university. right? still ahead on i'll just here. well, there's nothing good to look at in the feelings and go with the less national emergency declared and zambia are off through a severe drought devastates farming that the it's a top destination for travelers seeking them by the power dice experience. but the i did a archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global rising water levels and unforgiving storms have triggered some of the world's 1st government lines relocation as
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a result of climate change. people empower us want fiji. the last resort on a jersey to frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense. say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial work. and we live in the neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, the mood and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on the
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you're watching out 0 time to recap on 5 lines. now, the us secretary of state has also come us to accept an immediate cease fire with his railing and the war on guns and made the comments off. the holding talks with the code 3 prime minister then can also cold for a dramatic increase of humanitarian aid in 2000 and the release of taxes is realized to maximize every possible means every possible match. getting assistance to people who need the mass has presented its proposal for a cease fire agreement to meet the h. as in kyra, it says it's not waiting for a response from israel, which did not send delegation around this tools from the ground and gaza is ready,
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forces killed almost a 100 palestinians in the past day gains in haiti of battling police and army for control of the main apples in the capital, the country is in the state of emergency off the gang leaders announced that would go into over throw the government. the whereabouts of prime minister ariel laundry is unknown to, into nairobi last week to finalize a deal on sending kenyan police the hazy to help but has not returned. kenny, as ministry of foreign affairs says he flew to new york on so i think it's definitely that can. now the international airport has stopped operating. no flights in or out, paralyzed by gang biden's, like much of the country. a gang leader and former police officer jimmy sherry's, a nick named barbecue is claimed responsibility for the attacks seeing the aims to force the prime minister of u l. o v. to stand down in an unusual move,
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the guns are uniting to bring down the government. and analysts say this could be a turning point in the eighty's already to much was history. the government gave us the weapons to fight with our brothers and sisters, now retained the guns and gave them to fight them because they don't do anything for us. the games of over on 2 of the main prisons in the capital, producing several 1000 prisoners, including gang leaders, gun partials are taking place in the streets. prisoners of escaped from several jails, it's miserable. the crisis is guessing list everywhere is unsafe. a con, find clients my taxi to make money to feed my children. i'm an old man. nothing seems to be functioning here anymore. thousands of people are fleeing their homes. many are having to queue up to get clean water. some tell all g 0. they haven't been able to find drinking water since sunday. we feel discouraged,
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we flew in our children can't go to school. we can't buy food. how can we live in such a situation? we fight to not for the haitians while with the same haitian people. do us administrative sion has urged americans to leave the country as soon as possible. canada has closed, its embassy, and some aid organizations suspended their operations due to the dangerous situation. thank you very much. the prime minister flute to, can you last week to finalize a deal to set up a un task force led by can you to help restore order that triggered this latest crisis. but there's still no u. n. troops on the ground to help authorities restore order. and the prime minister has yet to return stephanie decker, which is 0, the from coast to coast evaluating is begun and the most important day in the us
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presidential primaries node a super tuesday 15 states and one 3rd for young, costing the ballots. today that can often decide the candidates for the republican democratic policies, but this head, joe biden, and donald trump faced little challenge to then organizations, a surgeon migration at the us mexico border has become a focal point in the vote. republicans accused the by the administration of neglecting border security, and democrats say the republicans of sabotaging their efforts to deal with the issue had to jo castro reports from texas where candidates visited the board of this week. we're in the calendar and i had people living here in the it's
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still morning at the murky don't flea market in the gallon, but the sol sedan has already been playing for hours. the music drifts over the knickknacks and the produce to wear 18 year old ana is working at her mother's vegetable stall. she does so much to provide for our little family because it's just me and her on. i was born in the united states shortly after her pregnant mother across the border from mexico. she's asked us not to use her last name. she says the candidates in this election have all turned demonizing immigrants to get boats, and that hurts the immigrants are here to work hard and try their best to get into this when they help to basically or economy. she's looking forward to voting for the 1st time, but she says she wishes she had better options for president than donald trump and joe biden. but it's like a new to meet him like that. i guess i would just go provide
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a few stalls down our tools. santian almonza is selling tools to make his rent. he's 68 and works 2 jobs. just say your pick them up and i have my papers now, but migrants going through a hard time. they also need help off the role they've gone through to make it here . use a record number of migraines have crossed into the u. s. during biden's presidency . despite his administration's efforts to block them, trump says he did a better job to secure the border. they like trumps and polls showed the majority of americans agree, and they'll bite and one the majority of the hispanic vote in 2020 trump now has a 6 point lead among that group. michael barney, yes, says spending a day at the flea market with his family helps distract from his worries about his trucking business. this current administration has the,
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has crippled to me. they have crippled me. i have to cut my trucking company in half. i've already sold half my beat. he says he'd like republican nikki haley to become president, but he'd be happy to support trump to texas has voted for a republican to become president for more than 4 decades. analysts say this year the state may turn in even deeper shade of red, and that whoever wins over voters on immigration and the economy will win the presidency. heidi jo, castro, elders, era, mac, allen, texas. and you can watch out just as a special coverage of super choose day staffing and as low. hoffer now 1800 gmc congress president has signed the bill removing the last obstacle to sweden's membership of nato. hungry was the last of the nato countries, blocking sweden's accession essential and all that sweden will become the 1st, the 2nd member of the alliance within days. and these already taken part in the
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ministry maneuver with all the nato countries to zambia has declared a national emergency as a severe drought kills of crops. a lack of rain has devastated foaming, affecting more than 1000000 families out on the task. so reports crops of struggling to survive in zambia. every day peter shut, my partner, goes to check on his maze. and every time he comes out, yes he was. that was a good fit. we, my whole cups have been destroyed. there's nothing good to locate in the field and go with glasses that we will do that. we do that, i will president how guy and a to lima says the drought brought on by el nino and also blamed on climate change will affect more than a 1000000 households. zambia has gone without rain in the past months, 4 weeks at a time. it wasn't planned, we didn't get a warning if that would be a failed nino. so we still went ahead and took
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a gum. implanted the 35 acres of make up that definitely has a good potential in terms of income is ambience. have experienced droughts before farming is, is in the blood so that we understand the cycles. so there's some, some years where we make it less some years. so the only alternative source of income unfortunate is to life and according to the world food program, zimbabwe botswana, southern malawi, easton, and going and pots of mozambique are also in trouble. that'd be, as government saves you many, terry and 8 will be made available. so people don't go hungry until then many can only wait. hardwood tasa out of their and that brings us to the end of this show. you can get more information if you head over to our website. i'll just 0. don't com,
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whether it's on next and inside storage looks at the events going on. need to stay with us the the and once again, this rather active, whether it's way sweeping through greece, you'll see jade in to us. turkey. that will be rain or something. so that a significance there on the high ground to the east, that right and extend down to live bands is file size probably almost as gauze as the certainly through lab and, and, and once again it's through, it's bringing with it. so if at least if was network last long, but just me wednesdays a bit disappointing. east of all that things are relatively fine, as you can see. but just down the bottom of iran and affecting our mind briefly, you a significant thunder storms where the case wait for it of the bush khalifa, the total is lot in conductor in the world getting hit by like the run of the
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chances out of those shows will move around into or minus and the way from the you're either being replaced by a bit of a breeze, but you're, unless you follow it right there are shouts of, of in this pond from saudi arabia. so we have to get it done so as well, and certainly the dust is going to be picked up by the strength of that when that last through wednesday into thursday, the shower, we right, pushing down towards the seller. surprisingly underway from us got in tropical africa, so plenty of big cheryl's around like victoria, but probably the focus is got to be this tropical cycling in the mos on the channel . the thoughts of haiti are under a state of emergency. often escalation involves games of taking control of most of the capital, one prime minister ariel on race house. so what's behind this unrest of luck? would it take to restore long lasting stability to the country?
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this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm joe. know how hate is capitalism war? that's the warning from the countries director of national police for the prompts has been over run by gangs. the state of emergency has been declared off. the gang members attacked to prisons freeing several 1000 prisoners. the security situation west and off the president of juvenile moyes was assassinated 3 years ago. 4 months protest as have been calling for prime minister ariel on re to step down. they're angry about the late elections there.


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