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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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a teaching and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal. the is a big one, right? this is never been anything so conclusive. this was an amazing, an amazing night and amazing day. donald trump celebrates is super tuesday wins with supposes, as he gets closer to the republican nomination. the hotel mccrae, this is, and we'll just say we're line from also coming up. president job. i didn't think support is up to sweeping the primaries and it just them to fund back against the trunk is real has to maximize every possible means every possible method
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of getting assistance to people who needed the us secretary of sciences, the humanitarian situation in gaza is unacceptable, and i'm sustainable and he's prime minister ariel already arrives in puerto rico. his games won't. they will be a genocide if he returns home. the we begin in the united states, revising has ended on super tuesday. that's one of the most important days in the presidential primary calendar. the 15 states and one territory a choosing the republican and democratic nominate joe biden, and donald trump mostly unchallenged this year. trump has so fast whipped almost every state defeating that he highly has. on the challenges he has secured 751 delegates on fine. trump needs 1215,
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delegates to win the republican nomination. and over on the democratic side to abiding, has gone virtually, i'm challenged. he currently has the support of 772 pledge delegates. while, as we mentioned, donald trump has one almost every state edging closer to becoming the republican nominee for the presidential election in november. and fisher has moved from west palm beach in florida, with trump has been commenting on the results a bonus on the thought he would do well on super tuesday. and did he ever, he won an all the significant baffled groans and took a lot of warner at model lago. what he said, this was the time for the republican party to know, stop fighting among themselves and concentrate on winning the election in november . so we're going to take back our country, we're gonna make sure the
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we're going to do it right. we're going to have the greatest economy ever in the history of our country. we're going to top what we did the term campaign will be looking at the exit polls though to see if there are any buttons or abilities there who voted for nikki haley. well, those republicans speak with him in november, or are they likely not to turn up a tall or even watch thing the could you imagine drift off to the jewel by the campaign. donald trump knows there is a lot of work still to be done. but his campaign believe that they can win in november and they can return him to the white house. i was for sure, i'll just see the west palm beach in florida. has numbers continue to trickle in from the super tuesday states president drove by them has released the statement on the results. are 5 saying that they leave americans with a clear choice in the upcoming 2024 election. the segment goes on to ask versus if
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so keep moving forward or allow trump to bring the country back to what binding describes is the chaos division and darkness that defines trumps tune as president . well as of last month by the ends, approval pricing has dropped to about 37 percent according to a voice as if sauce pump. now since 2021, it's being below 50 percent. that's typically the threshold for incumbent candidates who was seeking and not the 10. and now issues with age and mental competency has dominated biden's campaign. kimberly how kit has more as us president joe biden has always been known in washington. as a man who speaks his mind, don't listen to rumsfeld. he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. but since this election in 2020 biden's mind has shown signs of slowing down. as you know, initially present mexico,
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c. c did not want to open up the gate to law. he met the president of egypt, not mexico, but mixing up world leaders names occasionally. i'm able to recall basic facts and even his walk all signal that it 815 in is every bit showing his age as the oldest president in us history. in fact, it's a concern for many american voters. definitely not something i really like the political powers from the ninety's i've stayed in for too long. finding has plenty of good news to run on the economy's improve steadily under his watch growing 3 percent in just the past year. his popular trillion dollar infrastructure bills creating jobs and revitalizing the nation's roads, airports and bridget's still biden's. declining cognitive ability is overshadowing his accomplishments. the white house's countering this with
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a social media campaign, including take talk videos to attract younger voters and down play perceptions about his age. you're kidding. of all by his team says there is no need to defend the president's mental acuity. the president doesn't need a cognitive test. he passes the cognitive tests every day, every day as he moves from one topic to another topic. it's not like 5 and will likely be facing a young opponent come november. wow. all signs indicate another match up with former us president donald trump. but at age 77, trump also struggles publicly at times to remember basic information. despite donald trump's own advanced age it hasn't stopped him from mocking president biden . on the campaign trail, he's called for 5 in to take a cognitive test, something the white house says is unlikely. kimberly healthcare algebra 0. the
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white house. the issue of abortion access in the united states is motivating by susan candidates this election year. since the supreme court i have attends nationwide abortion rights nearly all states and the self imposed restrictions on the one of them hasn't. and that's virginia. patty, kyle. hi and reports from richmond. some proud to be one of the individuals to help help secure that victory. to be more precise, one of 3 delegate, michael sagan's when last november over an incumbent, gave democrats control virginia's house of delegates and put an end to the governor's plan to ban abortion. after 15 weeks, he credits his victory to the issue of abortion access. after the supreme court overturn the law that allowed for limited abortions nationwide get out of the weekend, you know, tv weekend weekend before and a c bus loads of individuals. there was a line of sneaking through the parking lot of people rates and knocked doors that weekend. we had individuals coming from from washington in california that that
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came out on their own dime that knew what was on the life. when democrats took back control the state house politicians across the country side, a portion access was going to be the issue in 2024. but now, according to polls, people care mostly about immigration, then the economy, an 8 percent, say abortion access will determine their vote. it's not just the politics. april green works for a non profit that helps women pay for abortions. she says they've been losing support after the jobs decision. um, we had a lot of support, a lot of donations, a lot of folks reaching out saying we want to do what ever we need to do to, to make abortion and keep abortion accessible in virginia. and unfortunately, i will say, you know, some of that of fire has, has started to dampen a little bit to check if the polls might be right. we, as people casting their ballot early in virginia, what was driving their vote, stock, immigration, and closing the border. the economy,
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you know, and have in a safe countries to live in not one mention of reproductive freedom. a potential sign that would happen in virginia might not be replicated nationwide. in november, patty, calling al jazeera, richmond, virginia, as one of the decisions that it was facing versus the super tuesday was which all the candidates will best advance and us interest. so on the global stage, donald trump is policy is rooted in the slogan. american fis, joe biden adopted the fries. america is back and they have foreign policy positions appear complete opposites. but in terms of human rights, the gap between them is narrow, like kind of reports from washington dc. as donald trump sites for a 2nd time, he doubles down on some of the most controversial aspects of his 1st threatening to abandon nato allies. should they come under attack in this and match and re
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compensation with a nato leda? but one of the hedge in the country stood up and said, does that mean that if we don't pay the bills, then you're not going to protect the associated? that's exactly what it means. exactly. i'm not going to protect from continues to rail against international agreements from which is administration unilaterally withdrew and upon becoming president, go bite and attempted to repair global relations. america is back. diplomacy is back from supplier and fascination with dictators is bad on immigration from predominantly muslim countries is assistance on separating migrant children from the parents or reflected the world view in which human rights had no place. and now the position that by didn't pledge to reset, we must start with diplomacy routed in america's most cherished democratic values. defending freedom champions, opportunity upholding universal rights,
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respecting the rule of law and treaty. every person with dignity in this potential re match. the philosophy of global liberalism is up against that of nativist isolation. the administration on the west wing portrays itself as morally and ethically superior to the last. this reduces the foreign policy and human rights positions of the 2 contenders to black and white. it's not that simple. find an old, the withdrawal from us. we're gonna use done a budgeting, those who fought against a ton of bond and the name of the us along with millions of women whose emancipation had been so brief. he's on questioning, support of israel has not waited, despite genocide in gaza and trumps decision to break with decades of policy and recognize jerusalem as israel's capital has not be robust whether he did or whether
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he didn't. he denies it vehemently, while trump openly stated that the relationship with saudi arabia was more important than the mood of journalist jamal could shoji by didn't condemn the killing, but continues to embrace relationship. and if a lead is to be judged by the company he keeps, the jury is still out of the room. mike kinda, i'll just say around washington, the us has shared his proposal for a cease fire with media uses in colorado, as senior officials is done now waiting to hear back from israel, which didn't send a team of negotiators to the tox, female. then it'll be the what the enemy has failed to achieve on the battle ground . it will never achieve on the negotiations people. i'm at the shop how people's vision and aspirations will, must be achieved. the results are complete ceasefire. i'm the withdrawal of israeli
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forces from all parts of garza. i'm the immediate access to aide and released our people in because of strep. this is our most priority and any present itself would never be possible without the chief inc. this, we would like to stress the costs of negotiations come, must be opened without limit pick, salary prime minister, and is rarely war cabinet member been against, have met with us secretary of state entity blinking in washington dc in 2 separate meetings. garza was the main focus of the discussions for the whole side, seeking a 6 week see spot and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the strip chaper tons. he has moved from washington dc as the us cause a and egypt push for a potential c. so prism gigabyte and on cheese, they put the onus on him us. what else? how close they were to a deal bite and have this to say. the deal is in the hands of hamas right? offer rational offers and wait,
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you see what moscow over here at the state department, secretary of state blinking met with the guitar. you prime minister and foreign minister is realized to maximize every possible means every possible method of getting assistance to people who need to have more happening everywhere on the water. does that i'd see see that we've seen that just to go and speak. i'm very, very concerned about me. thing is really will cabinet minister many guns met with thinking over on capitol hill, guns them with the democratic policy, congressional leadership of the kansas visitor washington is said to be on sanctioned by the is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu was one of the free members of the as ready will calvin over us officials say they have no obligation to meet him, none the less, but gallons this visit is also being presented as a way for the administration to show its frustration with method, yahoo, even as it continues to provide as well with the diplomatic cover and almost for
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the destruction of gauze. in the meantime the us air drops more ready to meals and the goal is to on tuesday. but n g o say each drop contains less than one truck's worth of aid. she ever time c l g 0 washington steen, i said states and jordan have and dropped additional recommended terry and i didn't the guns or the us central command says more than 36000 meals with sense of the strip president to abide and say, don't choose type of washington is committed to pulling out every storm to get more to those who desperately need us. for the world. food program says that a 14 trunk, a convoy to northern gauze, it has been turned to flight buys, where the forces, it was, the you in agencies, boost attempt to reach the area in nearly 2 weeks. w. if peas deputy chiefs call scouts is that although today's convoy did not make it to the north, to provide food to the people who was stopping w if pe he continues to explore. every possible means to do so. he is that it drops
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a last resort and will not avoid famine emphasizing the need for entry points to northern costs. so that will allow the delivery of enough food for half a 1000000 people who are in desperate need that a powerful gang lead. and heidi has threatened civil war and genocide, of prime minister or ill or a dozen step down. the prime minister is trying to return home after a visit to kenya seeking help to combat games. official site here arrived and puerto rico after being denied permission to land in the dominican republic heights . he is in the state of emergency of the gang leaders announced a we're going to or the through the government by the we still need me. i've got to do what if i real only doesn't resign, if the international community continues to support him will be heading straight for civil war that will lead to genocide. but still a hit here on the l g 0. what international aid curbside the occupied westbank is the most dangerous place in the world for charles. and we've report from
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a film festival and our ha, that's a lot you've had for emerging filmmakers from right across the middle east, the, the hello. the weather is set to turn more on, settled across the middle east, live and over the next few days, as thanks to weather system working its way across to kia bringing wet and wintery conditions here. some of that rain dripping down into the event. and you can see those blustery wins pushing their way across the region of your showers, developing across saudi arabia as moraine to come for armando by the end of the week. and so that we can, we are expecting those cloudy conditions to bring rains light to showers, to the likes of katasha doha on thursday. we'll see thunder storms potentially on friday night as well, but a slight improvement coming back in on saturday. and what's the weather?
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it is a story across all the parts of africa setting from a rocco on wednesday to thursday, a weather system bringing some of the showers, a blustery winds to coastal areas there, but allows the dry across more northern areas. central air is the way to weather affecting the democratic republic of congo. over the next few days, we could see some flooding from those very heavy rains that develop on 1st a heavy rains as well. putting into madagascar could bring some will flooding here because most southern areas of south africa and improvement in terms of west to whether it is going to be rather hot and humid. in presenting a tell to the end of the week. ask like a narrative from african perspectives, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key is you to do short documentary spine, african filmmakers from ivory coast and the sea
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turtle god. and adam may, in zambia, new series of africa, direct on algae, sierra, the the the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the south. you as president to abide and has swept every state so far in super tuesday primary contests. he has no real challenges for the democratic parties nomination, but trump meanwhile is dominating the republican party. primaries is only 5 on the key, highly is found behind. she will likely now face pressure to drop out of the rice.
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and the moss has presented its proposal for cease by agreement to mediation. as in colorado, a senior official says the now waiting for a response from israel, which did not send a delegation to those talks. is there any soldiers have shown and killed 5 young men and boys mostly during bride, told me occupied westbank over the past 4 days. international aid group side of the palestinian territory is the most dangerous and the will to be a child. said beth round. the reports from the village of boron and the occupied west bank have resolved from the higher they are killing children. he says, clutching the shoes of his 10 year old nephew, or a blood soaked shroud covers um, or no jars, headboard and a father unable to look at his sons lifeless body. also unable to pull himself away, his mother says i'm or was no threat to his really soldiers who rated bullying on monday. he was just sitting in
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a car with his father going to the shops when he was shot in the head and fell into his father's lap. mohammed i'm and insisted on going out with his father, even though we tried to stop him. when he was leaving, i put the hat on his head. he asked me why i told him i was worried about him getting cold. for other palestinians were killed in the occupied westbank this week . ages 132 were 161 was 18. all from high velocity ammunition fired from military rifles. it is typical of life under is really military occupation that has been going on for decades by thought of good things that keep going to affect the future of the scene and be able to. so i just think just didn't denying them their rights killing them. slight. good kidding. the future of does it can for them. but if you think the future of the senior people international group say, israel's military has made palestine the most dangerous place in the world to be
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a child in the last 5 months, it is far more dangerous, far more deadly to be a child in the occupied territories than it was for an american soldier and it's gone. it's done over a rock, the funerals for palestinian children. little boys, young men, it's so common place and more and more dying from gunshot wounds to the head and chest child protection group say right now is really tactics or more brutal. they are targeting younger people and shooting to kill as i'm or new jars. family leaves him to west. they're asking the same question as so many palestinians families before then. why the world is watching children dying, but doing nothing to stop it. same bus raphael to 03 and in the occupied westbank. israel has launched a series of attacks on southern living on at least 3 members of the family had been killed in the home and a hula, including
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a melba into chop. it'd be showing as also target of the town of cuff or the strikes it buildings in the area on fire causing significant damage. at least 49 civilians have been killed in southern living on since is right, launched its 4 on guns in october. and here's the law says it has launched a metallic tree strong some response to the coming of us of indians. and they put on these images from northern israel. more than 50 rockets were fond towards the city of k yet simona. the 2nd, let's get some of the world news now and peruse. prime minister alberto auto dollar has resigned to being accused of trying to influence government contracts to fight a romantic interest. a man, a ledge to be of the role is hood offering a woman, help to get a job and government contracts and link to audio recordings. the woman in the
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recording has denied any romantic involvement with all, so it'd be flooding has falls. the evacuation of thousands of people in the present in states of arkwright roads, in properties in the capital for your brain code was swamped when the river boost its banks. and emergencies being declared in 19 municipalities. well then 40 people had been killed in thousands injured following heavy ryans in snore ford in the mountains of north west and pucks done well than 500 houses had been partially damaged. nearly a 100, i completely destroyed. how does arrows come out of honda has this report from the remote village of china capital in the countries swats valley? there's heavy snow covered the landscape as far as the i can see. all the earliest spring. it looks more like the middle of winter. after lords have been cleared with travelers to bay. how relates by god y'all need to reach,
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are the god religion has to be made on for these people are going to all for the condolences through the families of february to be but it goes by a sudden lance light they gather on small patch of flat land to offer, pray. i did god, i had to drive it back from them. i believe after you heard of the dead. so rich family members the so that up to me to do this, to me, i was in saudi arabia for work. when i heard that my house had collapsed due to the land slide, i immediately came back and found that my father, my, the wife and 2 daughters were killed. only 2 children survived the del, badly wounded. now there's no one to the golf to them. i've lost everything. no good religious guard kept books and use their bare hands to find bodied the. now most people in this village i wondered about their own safety focused on is one of the more than one of the countries when it comes to climate change. in 2022. it's
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your devastating floods. and now we are seeing snow in spring. it took more than february lodge for rescue games through a headed by the military to find people who were missing. most houses that are based on steep slopes without tree covered and what does that or do the elements it's uh, does us perform zone if, if, well, the construction is going on, watches its expos. and it's one that i bought in chrome pop up quick as well as sliding learn sliding and also the flux. so the most appropriate wait for and it's, it's to do manual planning and on the button. so they go and zoning, land use planning, and zoning guidelines would prevent you boulevard. do a left my in his ard, yes, vault with changing weather patterns focused on experiencing more frequent exhausted, and environmental experts say it needs to be better prepared to provide more
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tragedy. come out of hi the jersey uh jack you called village in swat. at least 47 women had been kidnapped in ne and nigeria, the women from displacement camps and were gathering firewood new the cameras border community leaders from nogales in for no stage blame and the group linked to us. so for the attack, but you ins peacekeeping chief is wanting that south sudan is not ready for election slice of this. you jump here like crew, free for the security council following his visits to the african country last month and election is scheduled for the same time as part of south students. democratic transition. 72 children have been reported missing in northern mozambique, following attacks by the groups units if says font, as have been targeting schools and the combo delgado or province forcing 125 of them to close since january tens of thousands of women and children have been
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displaced abreast and the guest rich provence began in 2017. when i saw a city is declared a campaign to establish a california. well, malcolm with has more details from the kenyan capital, and i wrote the, the local authorities in the south of cab. i doubt got a proven, said, said the 72 children are missing. following an exercise to be united children have been separated from their families in the space of recent attacks. by um, groups against the villages, humanitarian agencies that are close to nearly 70000 people looking for us from that home. since january surviving villages say that the attackers would set their homes on fire, the headings with widespread. and typically families can get scan said in these attacks over the last couple of years of the conflict. some of those children have been separated from their parents have ended up being abducted by the on groups and forced to become child. so just completely gone more than 6 years ago,
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and the own groups started attacking police posts another government facilities. at the same time, the international oil companies stopped. it took a path to extract tens of millions of dollars worth of natural gas from nearby offshore deposits. islamic states has claimed responsibility to some of the groups the tax since then. soldiers from rolanda and from southern african countries have come to help the mozambique and governments, french oil john total. having had his operations sold by the conflict is expected to resume its opperation late to this. yeah. meanwhile, the southern african forces have said that they believe in the coming months malcolm web l g 0. and i wrote the can you look at the is holding is tense annual a camera festival to foster the next generation of filmmakers from the region that they have been to invite and some of the biggest names in the industries at doha to
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help aspiring office develop their work and just like speed reports, it's a lifeline for young palestinian filmmakers. a rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest names in the industry. young filmmakers from across them, at least get them in touring. they need to get these stories to the wills. i think people appreciate truth more than anything else, right? that's what they cling to. that it may be that know it, but this month i may know when something is real or not. and this year on its 10th anniversary cobra, it has taken on a deeper meaning why do we celebrate the progress we have made? we had also confronted with the genocide them as a and the ongoing attempts in silencing the voice is crying out against it. it's extremely frustrating and disappointing to see creative spaces once considered safe havens for free expression become oppressive.


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