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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 6, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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al jazeera in the winery charges with which to new extinction. now the army enjoys and community groups. the group the back from the brain. when east investigates the, [000:00:00;00] the alonzo rom, and you are watching the i'll just it renews online for my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. they call it super tuesday for a reason. donaldson, sweet super tuesday. celebrating with supporters of the inches closer to securing the republican nomination for the presidency. also,
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the president shaped by not just wins and democratic primaries across the us, but faces a growing tired of uncommitted phases over the full inc. donald, so that if it's to media to see solving dollars a continuing con, right. but on the ground, palestinians are in desperate need of age and causal and emergency meeting as violence in haiti escalates can lead as more of a civil war unless the prime minister steps down the welcome to the bag and we begin in the united states. polls are closing in super tuesdays, i think that's one of the most important days in the presidential primary calendar . 15 states and won't have a tray of choosing the republican and democratic nominee trip by and double trumpet and basically unchallenged this year. from times when almost every other state but was denied a clean sweep by nikki haley, his only challenge she was in the moment. trumpet,
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secure to $757.00 delegates so far. he needs 1215, delegates to win the republican nomination. on the democratic side, j biden is called virtually on charlotte and, and she currently has the support of $839.00 pledged delegates and counting. well, as we mentioned, donald trump has level based in every state that's being close to becoming the republican nominee for the presidential election in november. i was bishop has moved from west palm beach in florida with trump has been commenting on the results . a bonus on the thought he would do well on super tuesday. and did he ever, he won an all the significant buffalo drawings and took a lot of on a at model lago. what he said. this was the time for the republican party to know, still fighting among themselves and concentrate on winning the election in november . so we're going to take back our country. we're gonna make sure
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the we're going to do it right. we're going to have the greatest economy ever in the history of our country. we're going to tough. what we did the term campaign will be looking at the exit polls the to see if there are any vulnerabilities there who voted for nikki haley. well, those republicans speak with him in november, or are they likely not to turn up a tall or even watch thing the could you imagine drift golf to the jewel by the campaign. donald trump knows there is a lot of work still to be done. but his campaign believe that they can win in november and they can return him to the white house. i was so sure i'll just see the west palm beach in florida. the real bundles look, so it was a head full bite. and from top to the super tuesday, success is the former president,
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donald trump slipped all but one of the super tuesday contest defeating is only remaining republican opponent and former allied former south carolina governor nikki haley. we did a window selection because we have no choice if we lose the election, we're not going to have a frontier. haley did not make a public appearance after the returns came in, leaving her supporters and those who crossed party lines to vote for her. wondering whether she would continue in the race because even in losing hailey one significant percentages of republican voters highlighting one of trump's vulnerabilities. trump is very clearly going to be the nominator of the republican party. but it has massive general election weaknesses that have been revealed by the fact that a 3rd of people are about a 3rd of republicans are voting against them. trump's other liabilities include his pension for extreme rhetoric, which turns off more moderate republicans and the $91.00 criminal indictment see
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faces, including for his alleged role and inciting, the january 6th 2021 failed insurrection against the last national election result . some of those court room trials may be under way during the campaigns final months. well, another case about falsifying business records to pay hush money to an adult bill. mattress may start within weeks. president joe biden, who faced no viable opponents, also accumulated super tuesday primary wins on his way to an all but certain nomination at the democratic convention in august barton has problems with his voters as he goes into the general election. many including democrats think that at age 81, he's too old. his approval ratings are low and voters are unhappy about the economy . there is still that concerned about inflation. prices really high. people are feeling great. younger voters, the parties left wing and muslim,
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and the error of americans are angry at bite and for his support of israel as it wages war on gaza. here in california, which awards more delegates to the parties nominating convention than any other state. the voters told us they're frustrated with the increasing negative anti and divisiveness. and this serious political campaign for many, the trump by re match, generates little enthusiasm. the stuff that's going on overseas has really upset actually. and then to have all the bitterness in the politics doesn't help. so yeah, this is a pretty rough time. we're going through right now. i think it's very much. so the political tribes of democratic versus republican and this thing, social media is at the forefront of this, getting everybody there are more primaries and caucuses to come with the and dramatic 1st phase of the 2024 presidential re match could be over soon. bite. and,
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and trump are likely to win the necessary number of delegates to secure their respective nominations within a matter of weeks. and then campaign season really be get rob reynolds alger 0, huntington beach, california. well, that's the best continue to check in from the super tuesday states president trip boston has released a statement on the result. and so fall saying that they leave the americans with a clear choice in the upcoming 2024 election. the statement goes on to estimates as if they'll keep moving forward, or lot of trouble to bring the country back to what biden describes us, the chaos division. documents that define trends to as president. lots of last month, buttons approval ratings have dropped to about 37 percent as well. just mentioned in that report. according to reuters itself poll. well, since 2021, it's being below 50 percent, and it's typically the threshold for incumbent candidates who are seeking the 2nd
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time and no issues with age and mental competency has dominated biden's campaign. kimberly how could explains a us president joe biden has always been known in washington as a man who speaks his mind. don't listen to rumsfeld. he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. but since his election in 2025 and his mind has shown signs of slowing down, as you know, initially present mexico, c. c, did not want to open up the gate to be met, the president of egypt, not mexico, but mixing up world leaders names occasionally unable to recall basic facts and even his walk. all signal that it 815 in is every bit showing his age. as the oldest president in us history, in fact, it's a concern for many american voters. definitely not something i really like the
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political powers from the ninety's and stayed in for too long. finding has plenty of good news to run on the economy's improve steadily under his watch growing 3 percent in just the past year. his popular trillion dollar infrastructure bills creating jobs and revitalizing the nation's roads, airports, and bridget's still biden's. declining cognitive ability is overshadowing his accomplishments. the white house's countering this with a social media campaign, including take talk videos to attract younger voters and down play perceptions about his age. you're kidding. of all by his team says there is no need to defend the president's mental acuity. the president doesn't need a cognitive test. he passes the cognitive tests every day, every day as he moves from one topic to another topic. it's not like 5 and will likely be facing
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a young opponent come november. wow. all signs indicate another match up with former us president donald trump. but at age 77, trump also struggles publicly at times to remember basic information. despite donald trump's own advanced age it hasn't stopped him from mocking president biden . on the campaign trail, he's called for 5 in to take a cognitive test, something the white house says is unlikely. kimberly healthcare algebra 0. the white house, because of the cold, is a professor of american politics at the university of sydney's united states studies central enjoys us from sydney, could help you with this mr. i called on the program. so it's what we expected, perhaps that it'll be sort of a trouble buses by the election with the public at large having to make a choice between 2 very different approaches to the presidency. this is an incredibly long time. find usually the party out of the us has a longer primary season. elizabeth for drama effect. donald trump is one pretty
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convincing victories across about 14 states today. it looks like out of the 5th thing that the were in sick to choose day. so we got this long predicted rematch, something that's very rare. and american politics for x president to have a chance to. ready when the presidency back kind of a big kid once and us history with like perfectly planned in the 19th century side . so many people, this is so i think outside of the united states. remarkable thing. yeah. the donald trump is the best candidate to the republicans of putting forward and some people to apply to would have been better off just to be a 4 year one to him president and passed it onto the next generation of the democrats need a, which is occurring so we have this re max. ready 2020 election very largely date. it's very interesting time post to super tuesday because i suppose from now on woods to will it's new event the both of them will have to treads very cas late in terms of the woods that they use. because everything that comes out of that miles
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will be scrutinized from shoots from the hit bite and stumbles to find the right words. yes, i think the white house has recognized that hiding biden from press conferences, letting the economy speak for itself isn't going to work. i think there's a sense that button is going to get to show that he's more confident to gain versus trust. now that's quite often how we invite is full view of an incumbent. that's negative. people often turn off and that kind of open to maybe the opponent. but the remarkable thing was obviously it pointed to someone who had a for many people around the world, i think a terrible re quote on target, appraise it and say full of lies. and then a remarkable claim that the election was stolen from him on the basis of no evidence site. we have 2 candidates who are by his start. and stan, it's incredibly unpopular nationally, not particularly popular within their own parties. but these are the 2 main that
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are going to be put forward and 91 year old is the side of the 77 year old side because is where american politics is that the politics you know, involves obviously the economics and biden's approach to that to the state of the country's finances is that, you know, the general impression is that he has improved the economy jobs available at on the up. so i on employment is down. but getting that sort of good news out that isn't something that his team has very good job right now, because at the end of the day, he is continually targeted on issues of inflation and global recession. some countries around the world, autumn recession, and in a very muslim world that we think is interconnected. a yes i'm in an increase in price is something that to be quite deadly in politics. inflation is often led to changes of government. so that is something that button has to, i think you or is it an australian has to have a better story on that. your wages are going up. most people are employed. rick
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would sort of left low unemployment levels in united states. i think there has to be much credit to the administration on some of its actions. stimulus plans. i mean, there's been a sense sometimes by economies sometimes by people in my profession, put sides. it's saying the economy is not really in the hands of presidents as much as presence with light decline when it goes well and, but it doesn't guys. ready well, it's a lot of ways the folks with the particular president site bought, and i think same have to spend a lot of time working out how they can cross the message that the buttons administration to gain a lot of credit for the good things in the economy and they should have some message about inflation being well past that was but prices event out of lee increased in the united states. and that is something that is a clear sort of weakness and something that the slide some about is to think about funding for trump. again, we're gonna see what happens in the one side. i'm sure we'll get you back for more analysis for the brands that are coming from the university of sydney. thank you
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for joining us. my pleasure. the amount associated this proposal for us is fine with me to inquire right. a senior official says they're not waiting to hear back from israel, which didn't send a team of negotiates as to the tools female. then it'll be the what the enemy has fail, sir, chief on the battle ground, it will never achieve on the negotiations table. that's how people's vision and aspirations will must be achieved. the results are complete ceasefire. i'm the withdrawal of israeli forces from all parts of garza. i'm the allow immediate access to aid and released our people in the gaza strip. this is our most priority and any present itself would never be possible without the chief in this. we would like to stress the costs of negotiations come, must be opened without limit correspond, honey, my new joints, you know, on the phone from profit. good morning,
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honey. what's the mood like in the region while you are considering the snow would have a ceasefire? an age continues to come under attack from is really 5. why should we be focusing our attention on wednesday morning? yes, good morning. well, while there are, talks is still going on in cairo with no signs of any progress. the part of from the delete report. so if either they're making some progress in area, then other areas where are certain at the backs they can in place so far as people here in across the gaza strip mainly. and in the $600000.00, it is largely a traumatized and, and it's part of being a starved to death in the northern part of cars that are quite tor and when it comes to the disk. because that one at the keeping an eye on here on detox, but at the same time during, during the ongoing stab. and as well as the,
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the cons then an ongoing artillery showing and relentless air. it strikes that continue to target the residential homes and continued to target them as they gather any groups waiting for gated trucks. just that uh, within the past, the 24 hours looking at 2 different incidents that involve a being delivered to uh or, and their way to be delivered to you guys and then know did parts, it became a target of these really machine guns and it drawn missiles and barring people this problem, a reaching out to a, at a, in, and different parts of the northern part thing guys did the one time that i had been rolling the other time very close to an intersection between the city and the central area. i just causing a great deal of, of a dissipation, but it's also very cautious right now because there is no solid the outcome coming out of these talks and,
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and that people describe it as the toward sure before that because we don't know what's going to happen and the likelihood that it's going to be expanded and, and in terms of the ground invasion, that's what to keep people very concerned right now. talking about move that forward. the invite, the things that they will close will uh check in with you later in the day. thank you. uh the content of the prime minister and is ready will cabinet member benny guns have met with the secretary of state hunts. and he blinking in washington dc in 2 separate meetings because that was the main focus on the discussions with all sides seeking a 6 week sci fi and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the strip shepherd, tennessee has moved from washington dc as the us cause a and egypt push for a potential c. so prism very biting on cheese, they put the onus on him us. what else? how close they were to a deal by didn't have this to say. the deal is in the hands of hamas right?
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offer rational offers and wait, you see what mosque us earlier. the state department, secretary of state blinking, met with the guitar, a prime minister and foreign minister, is realized to maximize every possible means every possible method of getting assistance to people who need to have more happening everywhere on the water. does that? i'd see see that we've seen that just to go and speak. i'm very, very concerned about me. thing is really will cabinet minister many guns met with thinking over on capitol hill, guns them with the democratic policy, congressional leadership of the kansas visitor washington is said to be on sanctioned by the is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu was one of the free members of the as ready, war cabinet, or us officials say they have no obligation to meet them, none the less. but gallons this visit is also being presented as a way for the administration to show its frustration with method yahoo,
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even as it continues to provide as well with the diplomatic cover and almost for the destruction of goes up. in the meantime, the us air drops more ready to meals, and the goal is to on tuesday. but n g o say each drop contains less than one trucks worth of aid. she ever times the outer 0 washington the united states son, jordan, the dropped additional humanitarian aid to gauze at the us central events as mold in $36000.00 meals was sent to the strip post, which i bought and said that on choose day of washington is committed to pulling out every stop to get more a to those who desperately need it. the will say program says that a faulty and truck aide come by to northern gauze as being turned away, biased way. the full says it was the you and agencies 1st attempt to reach the area in nearly 2 weeks. the peace deputy chief called sucky says that's how we quote, well, the, today's code void did not make it to the no, to provide food to the people who are starving. wsp continues to explore. every
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possible means to do so. he adds it drops or last result of a lot of that simon. emphasizing with need entry points to northern garza that will allow the delivery of enough food to hoss a 1000000 people in desperate need. while the united nations are describing food shortages in gauze as a nutrition crisis and possible why the humanitarian catastrophe. 5 months of his royal's assault on the goss this trip, as resulted in mass displacement and left hundreds of thousands of palestinians without access to food or clean water. as a bank repulse, one kind of process, beef between age, people displaced and was that proper shelter. israel strangle hold on palestinians and gaza, expecting type to buy today. i'd be helping stop since to the special ed, the one of them as well of well i'm, i'm living in this town with my mother in law, in my, in those ocean children. we have nothing to no food or water. we're living on handouts
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. sometimes they receive one come food container. it's not sufficient for the age of us. and just like that, the food is gone, then not sure where the next me a little come from. know when? well, i guess that for more or less was to have that all children is suffering. they are living in fear and horror. now starving to death, what room do they do? this is alta and justice and the whole world is sitting and watching. the hospitals have seen a surge unmet notice. children may not end up with a live sammy. most children like this boy. sammy have symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea and are suffering from internal infections and hepatitis due to pull youtube food and water. they're living in unhealthy conditions, intends expose to the cold. any food and water they can get is not clean. some palestinians have resorted to eat an annual fee to survive. others look forward to wherever they can find it. and what type of condition it's in the very least an age
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is getting in. although just as death comes from being so to dislike saving supplies, even the united states has been forced to use pains to get around these regular block kate. but it's not enough to feed the people here. i said big i to do so let's bring in shown is a car. he's an assistant professor at counsel universities goals study center good talking about this again on the program, we just begin with the sci fi talks, day 3, still low break through us. we heard for what correspondence, those a trucks in the world food program even just trying to get to the know the part of the strip of being turned away. starvation is leaving and time is running out exactly every time you're finding out that i mean even the negotiations. uh, they are a spark. even though there are some signs or some, some of the office of their keeps saying that there's possibly to reach the deal. there is fairly delegation install, talk to you, and so that would not be any,
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any breakthrough through it for the negotiations as far as the strategies i'm not committed to do something. so this is, this is all on one side. and the other part of the stuff as you set them in, despite everything as we are, we've listened this days. there is no commitment from these fairly effort this to allow more a to enter, add to the substrate. i mean, united states frustrated about i'm, the professional was withdrawn or maybe that they need to use era a, a, i mean there are media a tool to, to, to send aids. so god bless sleep. now they said that they offer ice a sheep from the 2 to 20 to the sea, but this is not the, not from the trucks. i'm not able to enter gusta, and there is no way that the start mission can be limited and so far and of course we have been following, you might say the movement of the senior is right. the political leaders both in tell of even also in the us with the betty guns having trotted, as we mentioned in our reporting with various officials in washington. he's now landed in london. there was
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a very different tone change here. the british have been a bit more vocal in the us as has europe. he's in meetings today, we'll find out later what those comments saw from from the brits of sidney david cameron, the foreign minister will be speaking to him. please call to listen very carefully to what the partition is saying, because britain themselves and the people of the united kingdom being voicing that concerned about cause of very loudly we can, we can. yeah, i mean, i mean both the union in the us. i mean, the results of the elections yesterday with 20 percent of the boat that's in the democrats, voted uncommitted in the minnesota shows. but the big thing about the 2 to buy them that they're on the boat, that's how i'm not happy with the foreign policy of, of, of, by the end of this and vision. and this issue of the 5 up come on the hardest for the 1st i was very strong in the and her statements with, with guns made, they even have to day to revise to begin to draft for different solutions. they've not been nation secured. the going to, i think for the 1st time, immediate cease fire, something that this up, you know, in the,
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in the news the civil fed them privacy is probably they are the media. so this is how going to change the phone on the us as well. and i mean, the frustration of the, at this it's, i'm afraid that a, so i, we assume that the u. k. would be awesome as showing much more. and as i said, even though it's insane to east rad or, or the guns you need to transfer this message to that. but yeah, with that, we are going to up group something in the nation. so it gives a concept that when the mind you to do something that us apart from offering something that's so far and how much the bucks that it is interesting, isn't it the in the last week we've seen a what would be a what we call a bi election in the united kingdom of a candidate to who argued the war in gauze a was wrong and he won upon them and receipts. this is really for producing jitters amongst a political establishment in the u. k. as they head towards the general election, laborer is looking the opposite official position in the u. k. is looking at it
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strategy and how to use the right words in a 2nd. full garza, this is now going to become a much more loud election issue. fewer goes to the polls in june as well as like golf and was not driving away. no, i mean i'm, this is interesting. the different, the biggest ation became a come on topic of conversation on the political level of national level. and every you'll be in country, but also a bill by the front. but we have different opinions from the different office or from viewed opinion shows that they need to get the equipment position of the european level, including the u. k as well. it based on the public opinion that'd be, gets changed into what's a person more and more long, long last in solution. but this has been, like i said, people. so, i mean, still is too heavily to define whether this is going to produce any change of the united nation. so good to go through. but let's we saw the people. it's showing that when they both for something that it's not related directly to wrestle. but with their own at the states,
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they are somehow thinking about what is the foreign policy behavior or something that before was not very, very cool and we'll see sydney what happens. and of course just looking at this will change the goals with kathy and special coordinate, who will be speaking at the un security council. later in the day, we keeping of a place sign on that conversation to for the moment till the chance to call her thank you for joining us. so i want to bring you some footage of an explosion on the israel goal is a boldest film in southern israel, looking into northern goals and others plus the code. just a few of those go to others like it will seem along the border on choose a morning. israel has said that it wants to establish a buffet so on a columbia, to wide strip of land along the board with gauze to despite international objections that would destroy palestinian land. that was where the soldiers have shot and killed 5 young men and boys, mostly during rates on the occupied westbank over the past 4 days. international
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age groups say the palestinian territories, the most dangerous the well to a child seems to be to pull stuff from the village of the ring. and the occupied westbank have resolved from the higher they are killing children. he says, clutching the shoes of his 10 year old nephew, or a blood, so trout covers um are no drawers headboard and a father unable to look at his sons lifeless body. also unable to pull himself away, his mother says um, or was no threat to his rarely soldiers who rated bullying on monday, he was just sitting in a car with his father going to the shots when he was shot in the head and fell into his father's lap mohammed, i'm and insisted on going out with his father, even though we tried to stop him. when he was leaving, i put the hat on his head. he asked me why i told him i was worried about him getting cold. c for other palestinians were killed in the occupied westbank this
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week. ages 132 were 16. 1 was 18. all from high velocity ammunition fired from military rifles. it is typical of life under is really military occupation that has been going on for decades by thought of good things that keep going to affect the future of the scene and be able to. so i just think just didn't denying them their rights killing them. slight, good kidding. the future of does it can for them. but if you think the future of the senior people international group say, israel's military has made palestine the most dangerous place in the world to be a child in the last 5 months, it is far more dangerous, far more deadly to be a child in the occupied territories than it was for an american soldier, enough gone. it's done over a rock, the funerals for palestinian children. little boys, young man, it's so common place, and more and more dying from gunshot wounds to the head and chest
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child protection group say right now is really tactics or more brutal. they are targeting younger people and shooting to kill as i'm or new jars. family leaves him to west. they're asking the same question as so many palestinians families before the why the world is watching children dying. but doing nothing to stop the same bus, raphael to 03 and in the occupied westbank. israel is always a series of attacks on the southern level. at least 3 members of the family have been killed in the home and who like, including the mother and her child. have you shelling has also talked to the tons of casa, the strikes that buildings in the area of fi causing significant damage. at least $49.00 civilians being killed in something less of them since is where a lot of does for and casa, it'll tell you that it has. the law says that it slows the tenant tree strikes in response to the kind of give those civilians and leveled these images from northern
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as robles and 50 volt kits for funding towards the city of cuba. yet shimoda still had him on offices. there was news, i will tell you why the working class in some parts of the united kingdom are switching. their religion says to the labor and timelines, government tries to a multiple is to revive the economy, but it's it making a difference the the tell oh, that's how it was. the weather will cost for europe and we've seen some heavy snow fall across the outs, and it's gonna be more of that to come next to where the systems are moving the way from west to east west. all those affecting the south east of europe over the next few days behind that. some brighter in care of conditions coming in across the west . we will see more in the way of wet to weather starting to move in as we go into thursday from
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a band of heavy rain that starts to sweep into spain and portugal. but across the northeast is looking largely quiet and dry. the pots of scandinavia, some winfrey web coming into southern parts of no way but to the north, sees it as long as you eat, dry and bright from that sunshine. pushing into poland on wednesday as well. for the person on the island of island, some patches, showers here and there, but that main finger of rain is being below not by the wind on thursday. and that's not the case down in the south. some very wet and winfrey, weather continuing to effect moving parts of italy with snow in switzerland and austria is something like a bit of a washout for large areas of the balkans. and that will be the same story to spain and portugal on thursday. you can see that very heavy rain starting to edge its way further east. we'll see some of that come into madrid of the next few days. cloudy with rain on friday. the
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not too long ago this kimberly's 5 to is what box named yami. how they call themselves was a lender. their role on groups have to decide that differentiates to help the government forces defeat the homeland enemy. thousands of fighters have been deployed to post the number of soldiers on the phone lines. they accuse run this president, forgotten me. upon the entity 3 examples, tearing size, she's not afraid to die. i'm a soldier. i see my relative suffering. that's why i decided to me. yeah. that one on the border. colanda here say there was is to make sure that go month is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that i'm 23 flight does not seem to the 16 for now the see the focus is pushing back empty 3. your company's board as for di trying
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the the feel what you all deserving. so rob, the reminder of on told stories, the boss has presented to this proposal for c 5 agreement to meet h. as in conroy, a senior official says that not waiting for a response, miss royal, which did not send a delegation to the tools he was present. tripod massaging is a bolt, has to fight back against drums to sweeping states so far. and super cheese they probably would come to the house. the real challenge for the democratic policies normally told me wrong is dominating the republican party. primaries has any rival, nikki haley is all behind. she's not leak,
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not to face pressure to draw fast. the right to trump is on goals to run for the presidency, for a certain time. and it's all official repulse is like, you know, the nation secures his make america great. again, movements take eva of the republican party a years ago, he entered politics as a self style disruptor. fighting against the democrats and the republican establishment. donald trump is the establishment, at least for conservatives. effectively seizing control of one of the oldest political parties in america. this was a hostile takeover and so what you are seeing are people who are not necessarily republicans, but you are seeing people who are trapped loyal is. and so they have taken over the republican party despite losing a presidential election in 2020. his control is not even stronger. he punishes this loyalty. the new republicans feature in the house of representatives r street was elected while one comp support. if one moment summed up crumbs
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complete control over this party, it was this. mitch mcconnell and good trump when he criticized them perusal in the january 6 the sold on capitol hill. what do you notice? he was stepping down as the senate republican leader, the new his party changed many false mist understanding politics and is not one of another. the whole party mechanism, the on and see the republican national committee is expected to pass from someone who was loyal, but no more well enough into the controlling hands of a huge trump supporter. and trump daughter in law adults in law, who said she would spend every penny to help donald trump in 2024. that was enough to anger. one republican donald trump is now turning the republican party into his own. trump still faces 90. 1 criminal charges across 4 separate court cases. 2 supporters doesn't matter. they believe he's being politically target. this is pull
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numbers, go up. he makes frequent stumbles and errors doesn't matter. his numbers go up. and there's a warming to those to think if trump loses, then the republican party goes back to what it was. over the next 234, possibly even 5 presidential election cycles. people attempting to try to emulate donald trump and his profit get ways. most republican, both to see the light comes policies and well, many suggest the wish, the park to to another stunted beer to the new for the moment. he's the only game and time own for sure. i'll just either washington that the issue of abortion, accessing the united states as motivating very design candidates. this selection. yeah, this is a pretty cool to over to a nationwide abortion rights and in the old states in the south imposed restrictions. any one of them hasn't. and that's virginia,
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probably complained reports now from richmond. i'm proud to be one of the individuals to help help secure that victory. to be more precise, one of 3 delegate, michael sagan's when last november over an incumbent, gave democrats control virginia's house of delegates and put an end to the governor's plan to ban abortion. after 15 weeks, he credits his victory to the issue of abortion access. after the supreme court overturn the law that allowed for limited abortions nationwide get out of the weekend, you know, tv weekend weekend before and a c bus loads of individuals. there was a line of sneaking through the parking lot of people rates and not doors that weekend. we had individuals coming from from washington in california that that came out on their own dime that knew what was on the life. when democrats took back control the state house politicians across the country side, a portion access was going to be the issue in 2024. but now, according to polls, people care mostly about immigration, then the economy, an 8 percent,
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say abortion access will determine their vote. it's not just the politics. april green works for a non profit that helps women pay for abortions. she says they've been losing support after the jobs decision. um, we had a lot of support, a lot of donations, a lot of folks reaching out saying we want to do what ever we need to do to, to make abortion and keep abortion accessible in virginia. and unfortunately, i will say, you know, some of that of fire has, has started to dampen a little bit to check if the polls might be right. we, as people casting their ballot early in virginia, what was driving their vote, stock, immigration, and closing the border. the economy, you know, and have in a safe countries to live in not one mention of reproductive freedom, a potential sign that what happened in virginia might not be replicated nationwide
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in november. patty calling al jazeera richmond virginia. are they possible going me to in hazy, a certain civil and genocide as prime minister other little re, doesn't step down. the prime minister is trying to return home after a visit to canyon seeking to help come by games. officials that he lives in puerto rico, i've been denied permission to land and the dominican republic. haiti is in a state of emergency after gave me doesn't, i don't say we're going to over through the government. by the way. what if i real only doesn't resign? if the international community continues to support him will be heading straight for civil war. that will lead to genocide. though the case really conservative policy with a landslide victory in 2019 promising to make breakfast a success and reduced regional in equality. but months ahead of the general election support for the conservatives is at its lowest mold in 40 years, especially in traditional working class areas. we forget to travel to stakeholder trend about ongoing constituency with confidence. the country's political leads is
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on the strain of the conservative control of the united kingdom is on the knife edge. the quality consolidated power in 2019 promising to level up the regions by slashing gaps of health wealth and opportunities between rich and poor areas. but fewer than 20 percent of projects are on track. many local businesses and al, cutting the losses and quitting the conservative. you know, set to bill cycle and try it was for many years a so called red, we'll see one of a number of traditional labor voting working class areas in the midlands or north of england. that wasn't till 2019, where many people decided to switch their religions from right to blue packing. the conservatives redrawing the nation's electro landscape breaks. it was a major factor in demolishing the red one,
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many traditional labor seats back and conservatively devoris johnson. and his promise to make breaks of the success, you will say, promise great to investment and economic security. but this illusion with a lack of progress, many voters are ready to return stoke on trent end of a former ride little seats. the key is tom, is labor, definitely lazy. i mean, you know, me and my husband have always been laid. the says to lay can class. i don't think they've them hardwell has been promised by the conservative policy. so yeah, i think they will be voting for labor this time i do enjoy reverend jeffrey as a is being gauging his parishioners opinion, some mold in a decade, face in politics, he says, is in short supply, i think the temporarily see that politicians have to do with the ecosystem makes it very difficult for them to for me. so long term change because they're looking for short term gains in the me to see and in the fire in the for any. so from the
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election. i think people look around and the may be interesting to see the turn that when it does come out of how many people don't focus as much as those into even with a rapid decline and conservative support, this will be a bloody and bruising election. labor needs more than double the swing and cheated any election since 1945 to secure a majority in parliament. meaning an overall labor majority is no cost to drive the ball crowd to 0 stoke on trent leaders. the shows us in some of the gains actions in the south china sea, but they say in danger, piece, australia and 10 southeast asian countries issued the declaration of the end of the summits in melvin. early this week, the philippines accused china of hounding the vessels. the disputed wolf is. a senior advisor to thailand's prime minister says the economy is at a critical situation. a won't economic dates as the address was to come. that could be bought these for government that promise to lift the economic claim. as tony cheney explains,
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the crowds of tourists at what i wrote in the temple of doom and bank called many who they could be the answer to the government's prince. tourism was nearly 20 percent of titans, gross domestic product is being slow to recover from the code of 19 pandemic. and b 's a wave is don't seem to be increasing visits, a numbers or red. but why can't we rely on a particular industry for our main income? that's a risky thing. we never know when they will be labeled economic crisis with some kind of natural disaster tonight. we have to manage the risk and distribute across the board to the other sectors of performing poli, to the economy contract within the last quarter of 2023 trend expected to continue this year. agricultural products, the backbone of the tiny economy suffered from increasing prices unload the amount like industry in which thailand was once
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a leader has suffered because of supply chain problems. and the lack of investment in denise here in vietnam has lead broke to head in china is economic slowdown is a button which thailand has no control. so the united states economy is not growing much why the unemployment rate is too high. we don't see any significant improvement in europe and japan, a most important trade partner. china is also having its real estate crisis. how did you tell that the prime minister set to auto we send his outlined extravagant plans, including making thailand into a tech frame in finance hub. but he hasn't even delivered on his election promised to give both has a digital wallets containing a handout of nearly $300.00. here at the bank of thailand, there's growing frustration with the government and they repeated requests to low interest rates. the government say they need to stimulate the economy,
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the bank and say it's something the thailand just comfortable. that's a sense of and no shed by many ties with the cost of living rising and interest rates, staying high hoops for a brighter economic future. a saving fast tony trying out is there a bank of bills and for 2 people being killed and dozens injured, following heavy rides and snowfall in the mountains of north west and focused on the flooding has completely wiped out hundreds of homes in the region of sarah has come out of high that has this report from the route, the village of just the con in the countries swamp. funny. there's heavy snow covered the landscape as far as the i can see. all the early spring. it looks more like the middle of winter. after wards have been cleared, we travel to bay. how relates by god journey duty truck, the god religion has to be made on for these people are going to offer the condolences to the families of february to be but it came by
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a sudden glance like they gather on small batch of flat land to offer pray i did that, i had to drive it back from them. i believe after you heard of the dead. so big family members the so that up to me to do this, to me, i was in saudi arabia for work. when i heard that my house had collapsed due to the land slide, i immediately came back and found that my father and mother wife and 2 daughters were killed. only 2 children survived the del, badly wounded. now there is no one to the golf to them. i have lost everything. no good religious guard kept books and use their bare hands to find bodies. now most people in this village are wondered about their own safety. focused on is one of the more than one of the countries when it comes to climate change. in 2022. it's are devastating floods. and now we are seeing snow in spring. it took more than february, large for rescue games. great. i headed by the military to find people who were
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missing the worst. how does it are based on steep slopes without pre covered and why does that or do the elements? it's uh, does that performs on f f. well, the construction is going on, watches its expos. and it's one that i bought in chrome pop up quick as well as sliding learn sliding and also the flux. so the most appropriate wait for it. it's as to do manual planning in on the buttons, so they go and zoning, land use planning and zoning guidelines would prevent you boulevard development in his r d as vault with changing weather patterns focused on experiencing more frequent exhausted, and environmental experts say it needs to be better prepared to prevent more tragedy come out of high the i just did. uh, did god relate in slot to into right. and then such thing as volts. evacuation of
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thousands of people in the brazilian stays event crate, roads and properties. and the capital reopened on cause was swamped when a recent past, its banks and emergencies being declined. in 19 municipalities, cruise prime minister, alberto or the law, has resigned to being accused of trying to influence government contracts to favor a romantic interest. amount alleged to be a total loss is hood offering, a woman helps who gets a job on government contracts and leaks audio recordings. the women in the recording has denied any romantic involvement with us. what role is exit from government? could trigger a cabinet re shuffle, which is required by peruvian lo. the ones peacekeeping chief is wont even solved saddam is not ready for elections day to this. yeah. jump. yeah, laquatta briefly, security council following his visit to the african country last month and election is scheduled for december as part of some sort of democratic transition of
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a myriad effect. those were likely effect elections insults. so then, a federal leading economy as intensified fights over resources and led to high unemployment, particularly impacting the youth. in addition, political competition are amongst the ruling elite increased into come, you know, classes and the added strain inflicted by the influx of right to our knees on refugees escaping the conflict. and so them of all combined towards an assessment that elections when held are going to take place in an environment of elevated tensions. at least 47 women have been kidnapped in the northeast of nigeria, community leaders and not the bonus states blamed in um, group blink twice before the attack. the women were from displacement comes with gathering fine with the the color in bold at the time. still head here, all the use, i will pull fully film festival in the hall this the launching tab for emerging film because from across the middle east,
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the the back, the latest depends expo has been taking place in castle and has been highlighting an increase in demand for all types of trains that was the preserve of major power, such as the united states, countries like china into kia. and i also securing more expos owed as ultra service defense, such as alex at the top less reports the from the a sense of weapon systems is increasingly on manned. and a wide variety of drones of growing sophistication are on display the dim dixie defense expos though,
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built for land seal and the able to watch wide areas. video crowds attacked targets, very supplies and sink ships. the united states lead the innovation for decades as drones of them used in a variety of missions. there's many applications of these platforms, from military, to civilian search and rescue humanitarian assistance that they provide that information. they provide the overlarge to better inform and make better decisions based on the actions that are necessary, whether be 1st responder described. so everyone can afford the high end to the expensive drones. merging alms exporters, such as china took care of developed a range of efficient buckle, tested drones that are cost effective and easy to operate. as we have seen in ukraine in azerbaijan, in syria, in media, on the same, especially because because the way these are much more attractive and much more
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effective when you compared with the old kind of war systems. this is this effectiveness that is driven drove technology and it's used from the repo all the way down to the ordering munitions number and best of us. and this is just the beginning. these systems are increasingly so sufficient to, to off the official intelligence able to communicate with each other and carry out what is the false becoming the battlefield weapons of tomorrow, alex could helpless to 0. so the customer was holding it's 1010 your cobra festival, to false, to the next generation of filmmakers in the region. the event invite some of the biggest names, the industry to help aspiring filmmakers develop that work. looks bad reports. now it's a lifeline for young palestinians. they'll make us the rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest names in the industry. young filmmakers from across them, at least get them in touring. they need to get these stories to the wills. i think people appreciate truth more than anything else, right?
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that's what they cling to that or maybe that know it. but this month i may know when something is real or not. and this year on its 10th anniversary, cobra, it has taken on a deeper meaning. why do we celebrate the progress we have made? we had also confronted with the genocide them as a and the ongoing attempts in silencing the voice is crying out against it. it's extremely frustrating and disappointing to see creative spaces, once considered safe havens for free expression, become oppressive. it's fostering that freedom of expression that draws many young filmmakers to the bahamas. oh my god, he is from god his film, some of the streets follows a young palestinian boy in a refugee camp and leave it alone. but history is to one day with tons of
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gaza and tell the stories office on monday, the 1st 4 months of war. i didn't do any i didn't answer my e mails. i didn't work at all. i felt helpless, not functioning at all, but also the time i realized that if i keep watching the news and feeling frustrated and not able to do anything, what this can lead me to, you know, making industry lead as he is helping him to hurt his work so he can support his family and friends with trips and what was being abroad. you know, i cannot take them out of gaza. i've tried most like various ways. it's really, really, really hard. and i think is the only thing is for me is to take action. hold them for the film. projects have been into this. yeah. come back from at least 20 countries. and it's hope that disadvantage will help amplified voices from
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across the region that organize and say needs to be heard. alex, be it, which is era the that's it for me. so hold on, i'll have more news of the other side of the break until then likes to stay with us . the stuff ation is being used as a what the only way to stop. so i'm going to tell patients is to allow you then people are surrounding it, sparks goes with the flower just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of disorders of human experience, aids we have no blanket, no food, and no rule to i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed as yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacement the the
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phone causing the call saves will revolve. farm is around the world protest again, so you can always and climate policies. we speak to the mexican agriculture minister about how it grows in mexico. of coping plus inflation is slowing down. will central binds, put interest rates soon? counting the cost on al jazeera generation football focus on the french captain. teresa, you never did. j. c, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for the night to open conversation. 3rd, very simple forward is that facing about child abuse is you. i am a u. n. b, and i think we need to help each other. and also showcase is the incredible story of the footfall. this is fluff dennis done to escape the time of the generation for the episode. one which is 0. this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program in partnership with the global sustainable tourism
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comes this country homes more beauties that just those use looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin green star restaurants coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties the the roles of a nutrition crisis in gauze efforts to media to cease by instruct, continue, but on the ground palestinians of desperately in need of food and water, the, the washing of 7 lights and also coming up on the program, the call is super tuesday for
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a reason. donald trump winds 12 states on the super tuesday celebrating with the photos of the inches closer to securing the republican nomination for the


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