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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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we believe it's doable. what this is real for. i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the . ready ready the wind rolls of a nutrition crisis thing goes or is israel blocks in a calm voice? i'm reaching the isolated knolls, the hello so raw, me what you all just there like? well, headquarters here in the also coming up international a group say the occupied westbank is the most dangerous place in the world. the children have these prime minister tries to return home from puerto rico is guns won't be genocide if he doesn't step down. there's never been one like this has
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never been anything so conclusive. this was an amazing, amazing night. donald trump celebrates his super tuesday, windsor supporters, as he gets closer to the republican nomination. the welcome to the price on we're getting gone. so the well food product on says that a truck, a 14 truck age colombo, a heading to the nose has been turned away by is ready full since the you and it's describing food shortages in gauze as a nutrition crisis. and possible why the humanitarian catastrophe. israel's assault on the strip has left hundreds of thousands of palestinians, not food or clean water. continued strikes have killed at least 86 people in the last 24 hours. i suspect begins on coverage. a good one kind of process be between age people displaced or was that proper shelter? israel's trundle holds on palestinians and gaza is getting tied to it by today. i
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do help install since to the special ed the one of them as well of while i'm. i'm living in this town with my mother in law and my in those ocean children. we have nothing to no food or water. we're living on handouts, sometimes they receive one come food container. it's not sufficient for the age of us. and just like that the food is gone. they're not sure where the next me a little come from. know when was yes that for more or less was to have that all children the suffering they are living in fear and hara know starving to death had to have what room do they do. this is also in justice and the whole world is sitting and watching hospitality. i've seen a surgeon, man, those children. and i know i'm up with a live sammy. most children like this boy. sammy have symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea and are suffering from internal infections and hepatitis due to pull youtube food and water. they're living in unhealthy conditions and tense,
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expose to the cold. any food and water they can get is not clean. somehow the students have resulted to eat an annual fee to survive. others look forward to wherever they can find it. and what type of condition it's in the very least an age is getting in. although just as desk comes from the so to dislike saving supplies. even the united states has been forced to use pains to get around these rate the blockade, but it's not enough to feed the people here. i said big i to do, of course, but honey, but new to the soul of the phone from rough. uh morning, honey, i mean just bring us up to speed on the overnight to tax. why should we be focusing all retention on wednesday? right, so how well not only when looking at a situation where palestinians across the gaza strip are struggling don't daily basis to 6 your food supply than water supply. but they are also enjoying an
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intense bombing campaign by land and by air. just there is a constant, ongoing artillery showing since the mid nice day or spending all the way through early hours of this morning. and at this time of preparing the report that the eastern part of reference to the l as well. 6 the eastern part of the central area and time unit, there is a, a, a, it is really mandatory in the city of pioneer, particularly the western part of the city. where for the, for the past 2 days, the raining monitor, younique's and bathing forces are conducting building to building on a flat, flat, aggressive search and how much the residential compounder and conducting most of math. the rest of the young people enforcing gather into more internal displacement reports of many injured as these. these invading forces have been surrounding the entire residential compound to another attorney for the past 2 days. and the
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operation has not finished yet. and they're in an overnight, a pack from the center i'm here. yeah. maybe there is about a at city and just a reminder color of the order, but i think he was designated as have they gone for people evacuated from the northern parts and god because they other types of defense from the area when there was a surgeon, the there is where i can only define as of right now the a, the subjects of these women plus the fact that we're looking at 3 people it killed into overnight attack, including a journalist. and this is not the 1st bible game journalist wearing app. i think you'd be the best and have folding is fine. that it clearly shows that they are journalists, have been the target of, of these berlin, the air strikes across the gaza strip. there also the treasure of what we're looking at in fine unit, mainly the eastern part of the city, opposite side area. and the surrounding area has been great and then it's already
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pulled out from there. and there at least $25.00 bodies have been collected from the tree and from the uh, the, the residential homes that have been destroyed then as the military was pulling out . and that happened yesterday that please, 17 bodies were collected. so we're looking at a total of lee is the $35.00, a to 40 body has been collected within the past 24 hours. it from the eastern part of pon unit. some of them reported to the guys are the positive that the tree and area between the on, on unit at the the, the misery continues as the, the, the strikes continued to pound across the gaza strip and continued to create those difficult conditions on the ground that keeps barring at the delivery of a, it's for the note in r, as in dog and city causing you further misery and ending in increasing living conditions difficult before an already displaced and traumatized populace setting.
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that means that force in relative clauses will continue to check in with you, honey, throughout the day. thanks very much. i as well as the honey just suppose to join this behind us. i like man was killed. and even though it is really a time to talk to this house in there about that. so i'm, it was a report and to present for the palestinian accent, news channel based in garza since october, the 7th day is really on the as killed $133.00 each. and this reporting from the strip it's all continuing to negotiate to cease following. garza during name was the month of ramadan, which starts next week. i'm also shad his proposal for us. he's fine with mediators in colorado. and the senior official says then waiting to hear from israel didn't suddenly go straight as to the talks female. then it'll be the what the enemy has failed to achieve on the battle ground. it will never achieve on the negotiations. people how people's vision and aspirations will must be achieved results,
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a complete ceasefire. i'm of the withdrawal of israeli forces from all parts of garza. i'm the immediate access to aid and released our people in the gaza strip. this is our most priority and any present itself would never be possible without the chief in this. we would like to stress the costs of negotiations come, must be opened without limit that bad law. is there any will cabinet member the any guns is due to discuss the will on garza with the u. k . foreign sexy david camera and in the coming hours the guns met to us secretary of state entity blinking in the us capital on tuesday. she had her tennessee as well, from washington dc as the us cause a and egypt push for a potential see. so prism very biting on cheese, they put the onus on him us. what else? how close they were to a deal by didn't have this to say the bill is in the hands of hamas right. offer rational offers and wait. you see what mosque
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us earlier. the state department, secretary of state blinking, that would be to tarry prime minister and foreign minister is realized to maximize every possible means every possible method of getting assistance to people who need to have more stuff on the water. does that? i'd see see that we've seen that just to go and speak. i'm very, very concerned about me. thing is really will cabinet minister many guns met with thinking over on capitol hill, guns them with the democratic policy, congressional leadership of the kansas visitor washington is said to be on sanctioned by the is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as one of the free members of the as ready will calvin over us officials say they have no obligation to meet him. none the less, but gallons his visit as also being presented as a way for the administration to show its frustration with method yahoo, even as it continues to provide as well, with the diplomatic cover and on this for the destruction of goes up. in the
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meantime, the us air drops more ready to meals and it goes on tuesday. but and g o z a, each drop contains less than one trucks worth of aid. she ever times, the outer 0 washington is really sole, just a shot that 5 young men and boys base featuring rates on the occupied westbank over the past 4 days. international a groups say the policy and territory is the most dangerous and the will to be a child, st. just one of the reports from the village of berman in the occupied westbank. this is how, how you, they are killing children. he says, clutching the shoes of his 10 year old nephew, a blood, so trout covers um, are in a jars headboard and a father unable to look at his sons lifeless body. also unable to pull himself away, his mother says um, or was no threat to his really soldiers who rated bullying on monday, he was just sitting in a car with his father going to the shots when he was shot in the head and fell into
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his father's lap mohammed, i'm insisted on going out with his father, even though we tried to stop him. when he was leaving, i put the hat on his head. he asked me why i told him i was worried about him getting cold. for other palestinians were killed in the occupied westbank this week . ages 132 were 16. 1 was 18 all from high velocity ammunition fired from military rifles. it is typical of life under is really military occupation that has been going on for decades by thought of good things that keep going to affect the future of the scene and be able to. so i just think just didn't denying them their rights killing them. slight, you're kidding, the future of does it can for them. but if you think the future of the senior people international a group say, israel's military has made palestine the most dangerous place in the world to be
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a child. in the last 5 months, it is far more dangerous, far more deadly to be a child in the occupied territories than it was for an american soldier, enough gone. it's done over a rock, the funerals for palestinian children, little boys, young men, it's so common place. and more and more dying from gunshot wounds to the head and chest child protection group say right now is really tactics or more brutal. they are targeting younger people and shooting to kill as i'm or new jars. family leaves him to west. they're asking the same question as so many palestinians families before then why the world is watching children dying, but doing nothing to stop it. same bus, raphael, 203 and in the occupied west bank. the spring, some of the days of an east from across the world,
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a powerful gang leader and haiti hosts reckoned civil and genocide. if prime minister ariel re doesn't step down, the prime minister is trying to return home up to seeking help in kenya to come back games and his country officials ivy. he arrived in puerto rico us to being denied permission to london nathan dominican republic. hayes. he is in the state of emergency. everything i need is around so they were going to of a, through the government. what if i real only doesn't resign? if the international community continues to support him will be heading straight for civil war that will lead to genocide to those things over all the signatures they. what was the most important days in the us presidential primary calendar 15 states and will interpret tree where choosing the republican and democratic nominees tre. pardon, and donald trump uh basically unchallenged they, she a trump husband, almost every state but was denied a clean sweep by nikki haley. his only challenge. she was the moment from secure 910 delegate safe all he needs 1215 delegates twin the republican nomination. and
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on the democratic side, j biden has gone virtually and challenged. he currently has the support of 1350 pledged delegates, and the counting countries. rope rentals looks at what lies ahead for the buying and shot. and after the success is on super tuesday, former president donald trump swept all but one of the super tuesday contest. defeating is only remaining republican opponent and former allied former south carolina governor nikki haley. we did a window selection because we have no choice if we lose the election, we're not going to have a frontier. haley did not make a public appearance after the returns came in, leaving her supporters and those who crossed party lines to vote for her. wondering whether she would continue in the race because even in losing hailey one significant percentages of republican voters,
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highlighting one of trumps vulnerabilities. trump is very clearly going to be the nominator of the republican party. but he has mass of general election weaknesses that have been revealed by the fact that a 3rd of people are about a 3rd of republicans are voting against them. trump's other liabilities include his pension for extreme rhetoric, which turns off more moderate republicans and the $91.00 criminal indictment see faces, including for his alleged role and inciting, the january 6th 2021 failed insurrection against last national election results. some of those court room trials maybe under way during the campaigns final months. well another case about falsifying business records to pay cash money to an adult bill. mattress may start within weeks. president joe biden, who faced no viable opponents, also accumulated super tuesday primary wins on his way to an all. but certain
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nomination at the democratic convention in august button has problems with his voters as he goes into the general election. many including democrats think that at age 81, he's too old. his approval ratings are low and voters are unhappy about the economy . there is still that concern about inflation. prices are really high. people are feeling great. younger voters, the parties left wing and most of them and era of americans are angry at biden, for his support of israel as it wages war on gaza. here in california, which rewards more delegates to the parties nominating convention than any other state. the voters told us they're frustrated with the increasing negative anti and divisiveness. and this years political campaign for many the trump by re match, generates little enthusiasm. the stuff that's going on overseas hasn't really upset to actually and then to have all the bitterness in the politics doesn't help. so
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yeah, this is a pretty rough time. we're going through right now. i think it's very much so the political tribes of democrats versus republican and this thing, social media is at the forefront of this. getting everybody there are more primaries and caucuses to come. but the and dramatic 1st phase of the 2020 for presidential re match could be over soon. bite and, and trump are likely to win the necessary number of delegates to secure their respective nominations within a matter of weeks. and then campaign season really begins rob reynolds, l g 0, huntington beach, california. the soul still had, hey, all, just the thailand tries to the old mo torres to revive its economy. but is it making a difference? and we report from a film festival into all this, giving a launching pad to imagine filmmakers from across the middle east to stay with us here on, on the
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had a lot of that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for south east asia. and as you can see across more northern areas, valley, a cloud in the sky, so not much rain coming into the philippines in china. and that hasn't helped the quality in henry vietnam. we have had some small issues. the good news is, by the end of the week, we are expecting more in a way of showers to start to move into places like vietnam, as well as kind of bode you about to the south of this. you can see more rain flooding in spots of indonesia, places that have already seen flooding. we could see more of that places like bonia, things and very heavy falls. by the time we get into friday, the rain pushing its way further east and south. and we're seeing heavy rain continue to affect northern parts almost ready storms and showers. he has some
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storms and showers as well for central parts of w a. but that rain does start to ease. thursday in to friday, we are likely to see some showers. however, starting to move into path on friday, bringing the temperature down slightly here, but temperatures will be on the opposite, the se, places like adelaide. if we have a look at the 3 day here, we're going to be touching up close to 40 degrees celsius by saturday. lots of hot and dry conditions. and temperatures have been yawing for the south island in new zealand. but we'll see a cool down in christ church on friday. the ask like a narrative from african perspectives. just checking to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key, is youtube. to short documentary, fine for can still make it from ivory coast. and the sea
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turtle god, and i may in zambia, new series of africa direct on algebra. the book about kill chokes there with me. so rahman, the reminder of all told stories, how boss has presented to this proposal for a ceasefire agreement to meet h as in colorado, a senior official says that waiting for a response from as well. the default setting negotiate as to the tools the possible getting adrian hays. he has threatened civil agend assigned a prime minister really on rates doesn't step down. the prime minister has tried to return home after seeking, helping 10 year to come back. gains in the country. officials say he's kind of late
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in puerto rico, super tuesday. phasing is entered into us with president j buttons sweeping the democratic policy primaries across the 14 states. pull the president, trump is dominated the republican side of the contents. more than 40 people have been killed and dozens and just following heavy rains and stifled in the mountains of north west and buck hassan, i'll just say it was come all high to consist of pulled from the remote village of just the con in the swamped valley there's heavy snow covered the landscape as far as the i can see all the earliest spring. it looks more like the middle of winter of good roads have been cleared with travelers. bay, how relates by god y'all need to reach. i did call related trash can be made on for these people are going to offer the condolences to the families of february to be but it goes by a sudden lance like big gather on small batch of flat land to off upgrade.
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i did that. i had to drive it back from the middle leave after you heard of the dead, so big family member was just so down up to me to do this, to me. i was in saudi arabia for work. when i heard that my house had collapsed due to the land slide, i immediately came back and found that my father and mother wife and 2 daughters were killed. only 2 children survived that they'll badly wounded. now there's no one to the golf to them. i've lost everything located, religious guard, kept books, and use their bare hands to find bodies. now, most people in this village, i wondered about their own safety focused on is one of the more than one of the countries when it comes to climate change. in 2022. it's are devastating floods. and now we are seeing snow in spring. it took more than february, large for rescue games. great. i headed by the military to find people who were missing the worst. how does it are based on steep slopes without pre covered and
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why does that or do the elements? it's uh, does us performs on f f. well, the construction is going on, watches its expos. and it's one that i bought in chrome pop up quick as well as sliding learn sliding and also the flux. so the most appropriate wait for it. it's as to do manual planning in on the buttons, sorting goal and zoning, land use planning and zoning guidelines would prevent you boulevard development in his r d as voting with changing weather patterns focused on experiencing more frequent exhausted, and environmental experts say it needs to be better prepared to prevent more tragedy. come out of hi the i just did. uh, did god really in swat liters the shows us the on summit to hold against junctions and the south china sea that they say in danger piece,
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australia and 10 southeast asian countries issued the declaration of the end of the meeting in melvin. early this week, the philippines accuse china of talked and gets vessels in the disputed wolf as australia, as a prime minister, and say, all the needs a this to say. i am very concerned in australia is concerned about any unsafe and a stabilizing behavior in the south china sea. it is dangerous, and it creates result miscalculation, which can then lead to escalation. a senior advisor to timelines prime minister says the economy isn't a critical situation. and won't economic data as address was, has to come, and that could be bad news for government. the problem is to lift the economic claim to any chunk, explains the crowds of tourists at what i wrote in the temple of doom and bank called many who they could be the answer to the governments. prince tourism was
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nearly 20 percent of titans. gross domestic product is being slow to recover from the code that 19 pandemic. and b 's a wave is don't seem to be increasing visits a numbers or read. but why pay for we rely on a particular industry for our main income, that's a risky thing. we never know when they will be labeled economic crisis with some kind of natural disaster tonight. we have to manage the risk and distributed across the board to the other sectors of performing poli, to the economy, contract to the last quarter of 2023 trend expected to continue this year. agricultural products, the backbone of the tiny economy suffered from increasing prices unload the amount like industry in which thailand was once a leader has suffered because of supply chain problems. and the lack of investment in denise here in vietnam has lead broke to head in china is economic slowdown is
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a button which thailand has no control. so the united states economy is not growing much why the unemployment rate is too high. we don't see any significant improvement in europe and japan, a most important trade partner. china is also having its real estate crisis. how did you tell that the prime minister set to auto we send his outlined extravagant plans, including making thailand into a tech frame in finance hub. but he hasn't even delivered on his election promised to give both has a digital wallets containing a handout of nearly $300.00. here at the bank of thailand, there's growing frustration with the government and they repeated requests to low interest rates. the government say they need to stimulate the economy, the bank and say it's something the thailand just can't afford, that's a sense of and no shed by many ties with the cost of living rising and interest rates, staying high hoops for a brighter economic future. a saving fast tony trying out is there
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a bank of the u. k. is really conservative party one, the landslide victory in the 2019 general election promising to make breakfast a success and reduce regional in equality. but months ahead of the election now support full, the conservative is at its lowest in more than 40 years, especially in traditional working class areas. the bulk of travel to stick on trends of battle, ground constituency. my confidence in the political elite is on the strain. conservative control of the united kingdom is on the knife edge. the policy consolidated power in 2019 promising to level up the regions by slashing gaps of health wealth and opportunities between rich and poor areas. but fewer than 20 percent of projects are on track. many local businesses and now cutting their losses and quitting the conservatives, you know,
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to bill cycle and try it was for many years a so called rad. we'll see one of a number of traditional labor voting working class areas in the midlands or north of england. that wasn't till 2019 where many people decided to switch their religions from red to blue parking the conservatives, and redrawing the nations electro landscape brakes. it was a major factor in demolishing the red one, many traditional labor seats back in consecutively, devoris johnson, and his promise to make break through the success. you will say, promise great to investment and economic security. but the solutions with the lack of progress, many voters are ready to return stoke on trent end of a former ride will seats. the key is tom, is labor. definitely laser mean you know me and my husband, those bentley, the says working class. i don't think they've them hardwell has been promised by the conservative policy. so yeah,
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i think they'll be voting for labor this time. i do enjoy reverend jeffrey as a it's been gauging his parishioners opinion, some old and a decade. sites in politics, he says is in short supply, i think the temporarily see that politicians have to do with the ecosystem makes it very difficult for them to, for me. so long term change because they're looking for short term gains in the me to see. and in the fire in the for any self in election. i think people look around and the may be interesting to see the to and that when it does come out of how many people don't focus as much as those who do even with a rapid decline and conservative support, this will be a bloody and bruising election labor needs more than double the swing a cheated any election since 1914, 5 to secure a majority in parliament. meaning an overall labor majority is no cost and dried. the ball cultures 0 stoke on trent. the cause always holding its tents annual come rough as to hold to false, to the next generation of filmmakers from the region. now the events and find some
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of the biggest names in the industry to do how to help us finding office develop that work. but it's always bad reports, it's a lifeline. the young palestinian filmmakers rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest names in the industry. young filmmakers from across them, at least get them in touring. they need to get these stories to the wills. i think people appreciate truth more than anything else, right? that's what they cling to that or maybe that know it, but this month i may know when something is real or not. and this year on its 10th anniversary cobra, it has taken on a deeper meaning why do we celebrate the progress we have made? we are also confronted with the genocide them because uh, and the ongoing attempts in silencing the voice is crying out against it. it's extremely frustrating and disappointing to see creative spaces once considered safe havens for free expression become oppressive.
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it's fostering that freedom of expression that draws many young phil.


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