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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm AST

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are the the one who owns a fireman is almost inevitable in gauze as, as well blocks and a convoy from reaching the isolated know the of them or carl, this is out, is there a lot from so, so coming up and special a good say occupied westbank is the most dangerous place and the wells for children, hazy is prime minister is in puerto rico, trying to return home as guides will, and that will be civil war if he does not step down is a big one, right? this has never been anything so conclusive. this was an amazing an amazing night.
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and donald trump celebrates his super tuesday. wins with support, says as he gets closer to the republican nomination, the beginning garza where the world food program says a 14 truck, a convoy heading to the north, has been turned away by his ready forces. un is describing food shows. g. as in golf, as a nutrition crisis, i'm part of a why that humanitarian catastrophe, as well as assault on the strip of left hundreds of thousands of palestinians without food or clean bosa continued aid strikes. i've killed at least 86 people in the last 24 hours. i thought of bank reports or one kind of process be between age people displaced or was that prep a shelter? israel's trundle holds on palestinians and gaza, expecting tied to it by today. i've help installed since to the special ed,
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the one of the most reliable i'm. i'm living in this tent with my mother in law and my in those ocean children. we have nothing, a tool, no food or water. we're living on handouts, sometimes they receive one come food container. it's not sufficient for the 8 of us . and i'm just like that the food is gone, then not sure where the next me a little come from. know when i just have one more left has to have that all children is suffering. they are living in fear and horror. now starving to death had to have what room do they do? this is alta and justice and the whole world is sitting and watching hospitals. i've seen a surgeon my nurse children and i know i'm up with a live sammy. most children like this boy. sammy have symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea and are suffering from internal infections. and hepatitis due to pull youtube food and water, they're living in unhealthy conditions intends expose to the cold. any food and water they can get is not clean. somehow the students have resorted to eat an
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annual fee to survive. others look forward to wherever they can find it, and what type of condition it's in. barely to a dis getting in. although just as death comes from the so to does live safe and supplies. even the united states has been forced to use paints to get around these regular decades. but it's not enough to feed the people here. i said big i just there. oh honey, my hood is following developments from rafa and southern gaza or so far whatever has been allowed into the gun. 4 since the beginning of this genocide of war and imposing this sort of fees is nowhere and not nowhere enough to meet the needs the reader needs across the gods driven. we're not talking only about people who are you hunger right now. there are, this is that there's the health care sector that lacks extremely and that all kinds
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of medical supplies necessarily for improper minute medical intervention. right now we've seen many of the hospitals either one out of service because of the attack direct attack for them or simply because they don't have enough medical supplies or equipment to help saving a lives across the gaza strip. but the fact that within the past couple hours, the con boy of 14 the trucks by organized by the, was through the program were forced to turn back. and we're not allowed to enter the a do drive or to get the data guys on the other part is a reminder that this, the 8 mechanism is largely broken. not only in terms of the supply chain, jen at supply chain eh, mechanism and safety on the ground. but the fact that it is being targeted directly and ongoing restrictions and of obstruction on pay the full capes. but barring data from entering people who are desperately in need of them right now,
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this is an example of what the is very mandatory is conducting on the ground and pointing more restrictions that by trying to forcing the the trucks to go back within the past 4 days, 4 times in a row with which being examples of how a trucks were targeted deliberately, vive is really mandatory on the coast of the rashid gold. and they are in the mid 3 minute rejection and on and i had been wrote as the trucks were making their way to gov up the the city and john list. mohammad solomon has been killed and overnight as riley attacks the talk to his house in darrow bala. solomon was a report from presenting for the policy at all acts of news channel based and gone zone. since october, the 7th is really ami has killed a $133.00 inch unless the pulsing from the strip person is expected to warn israel lace on wednesday that it's patients hes running out. so have, if you want to turn situation in, garza is really cool cabinet minister,
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but against as meeting the case, foreign sexy david come on within this next hour. that's following down some diplomatic meetings in the us capital comment in spite of the dreadful suffering in gaza. on choose day, and that's big now as well, correspondent in london, boy challenge. he's across the whole of this for us. so what we're, what sort of reception is benny guns selected to receive from david cameron of the door. i think the message that guns is going to get from david cameron is pretty similar to that message that he's already been near rings for the last few days on his trip to washington dc, meeting with us officials. and it's a messages, dissatisfaction, and deep frustration with these ready conduct to of the war. now david cameron has been speaking about what he is going to say to, to betty guns. he has said that he's been boarding for weeks about the impending
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humanitarian disaster that he says we have now reached the point of seeing on folding in gauze of right now. and that's what we just said, honey. talking about that, he said that they've been asking these riley's for many, many things for a good deal of time. but that he can reveal that the amount of a that was less and in february was on the hoss the amount of a that go to is a gaza of bodies riley's in in january. and so he says that patients has to run very, very, very state and indeed a whole series of warnings as he puts it, needs to be given at starting with that means somebody's gonna hold with guns. one particular warning that he's saying should be conveyed. so you can see is that his route, these, the occupying power, eighty's responsible, david cameron says that enclosed with a israel is compliant with international humanitarian law. so that will be some take the button in person and things that been against will go back to you as well,
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thinking about but don't worry what impacts might any of these meetings, guns have, has have on the situation on the ground because he is the, with out so prime minister benjamin netanyahu was back yeah, exactly. so there are a couple of things to consider here. first of all, you know, when david cameron says that patients needs to run very, very sit in both the logical extension of that is that there is still patients despite everything that's being going on in gaza. despite the unfolding humanitarian situation. the western powers, like the united states and the, the united kingdom. they may be frustrated, but they all still giving the as ready war machine enough, right? weapons, etc, and diplomatic habits. a carry on doing what it is doing also, as you say, who is penny guns anyway? how much power does he have within these ready government?
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yes, he's a will competent man, but he is an opposition. politicians. he's a rival that's a benjamin netanyahu. benjamin that's. and you know, he's not sanctioned this trip and it's being reported in these ready media that actually dates. and that's me all who told the is ready embassy in washington to withhold support from again so on on this visit. so there are plenty of politicians in nets and, you know, he's coalition particularly on the far right fringes. i think that this is a, a kind of freelancing trip by ben against. i think he's a trojan horse for the us to smuggle in a 2 state solution back comes the agenda and he will not highlight to expect have a good to be warm reception from netanyahu when he gets home. okay, well we challenge benny, thanks indeed for that update. the the 2nd of all the world news now and a powerful gang leader in haiti has won't civil war will break out. is the prime
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minister aisle own rate does not step down from it. it says right in puerto rico and is trying to return home. officials say he rides in san juan, off the bank, denied permission to go on to the dominican republic. hates. he is in a state of emergency altogether, needs announced they were going to over through the government. stephanie, to report this man is essentially holding k t hostage. jimmy sherry's, a nick named barbecue, again leader, former police officer, and now determined to bring down the government, demanding prime minister at all he resign usually. oh, you allow you to the lawyers. i want every all to hear the reason. so the, because it felt and read does not resign, the country will go straight to genocide. see if the international community continues to support burial and read, it will lead to straight into a civil war. that's what leads to a genocide. a recent speculation over all of these whereabouts is now over these still photos appear to show him landing in puerto rico,
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fighting between gangs in the army around the main airport and the haitian capital has led to flights being cancelled since sunday. the fighting is also displaced, thousands of people that i would like the government to say something because we do not have any hope. no one is helping us. i would like the government to talk to us to remove us from the situation because we do not feel safe every way it is getting violence. we have sleeping and we have to be vigilant. but there was little left here and the longer the prime minister is way and the say, the week are here comes, was he was sworn in on the elected off the hate? he's president driven no more say, was assassinated in 2021 by colombian mercenaries, elections were supposed to be held by the 7th of february, but they haven't happened. and that sparked protests at the time of the left for can you last week to finalize a deal for you on task force to help us to order in his country prompting this
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latest crisis. i've been working in on around 80 for 30 years now, and i've never ever seen it this bad. it's absolutely catastrophic it being the human rights situation in that a terry and situation. a lot of any kind of political, anything discussions, negotiations, hey, gee, is one of the poorest countries in the world. heavily armed guns are now in charge of most of the capital. and it's not clear if or when the prime minister will return stephanie decker ultra 0. but as a friedman is a professor of no conflict and a global development reading university, she says haste, he needs reasonable support as to step in, in the history of hate, say, is one of the international intervention of conceptual takeover of to one another ever since. hate 2 of us through the colonial rule of thoughts i'm 20 years ago.
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the international interference meant that the elected, the power speed was put on the plane and taken out of hating and a new government installed, that international act is preferred, makes very different sense of an economically for kenya to going to be involved. and certainly the countries that are proposing to send the forces with kenya assuming that the disconnected prepaid to really what we ought to be saying is, hate these regional neighbors. it's friends and allies like venezuela and cuba and bolivia. there's some credit taking with their own freedom from colonial rule. we should be seeing them stepping up and supporting patients rather than having get a know the international intervention that looks like a phone with me out in here. it is the regional allies and friends of hate age support, hate and patients with resources and with the skills and with those sorts of all the assets that they need. but really it's, it's 1st and foremost, but i really don't me to resign in an interim government to come into place. and then i think that those neighbors and friends of hate, you will step up to what they will be looking to do is to support patients to find
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the patient's solutions for haitian problems. rather than get to know the international intervention from country to projects, even though i hate is on the map or your client in brain export. so continuing to cause protests in neighboring poland. hundreds of farmers have taken to the streets of the capital bull. so that was nice and safe cleaning goods on friday, driving down prices and threatening the livelihoods gave us condemns the act as political provocation. egyptian pounds as weakens to a record low against the us dollar egypt. central bank height interest rates by 600 base points. the bank confirms they would let the pound trade freely and attempt to restore economic stability. the evaluation on the flexible exchange rate is a key to mom for egypt from the international monetary funds. the seller has hair on houses, arrows, highlands flies to mil. i'm not a tourist to live, it's economy isn't making
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a difference. the is the biggest global that extra and you out in history, the world's biggest democracy, both its own epic showdown john main screen of off in grandfather viewport box city, focusing on india. as i traveling across the country examining the issues of 6 and the 4th of athletics at this critical moment in the country of history, begin beautiful. coming soon on. on march, the 7th us president joe biden will deliver his state of the union address with issues like immigration, economic recovery, add america's response to global conflicts on his agenda environment. re up to him, his leadership credentials in this personal election year. special coverage from washington blind like police brutality and indigenous mother and
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box on an incredible jenny for justice. time was the seeking reparation for others . like with no political background, she inspires the people to become chimneys 1st, lying sen within the realm of politics. the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0, the, [000:00:00;00] the annual what challenges there has remind you about top stories. this of a powerful gone lead in hazy, has won several will. breakouts have 5 minutes to
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r l on rates as not step down. 5 minutes was trying to return home office seeking help in kenya to come by games in his country. henri is in the us territory of plus or we can see when it's describing spiritual, susan goals as a nutrition crisis. and part of why that came out as her and catastrophe, as well as assault on the strip, is left hundreds of thousands of palestinians without food clean wilson. and is there any will cabinet minister, but again, it's as meeting you guys for an sec to david cameron in london and is expected to won't as well. but his patience is running out. so hopefully to monitor and situation and gaza counselors in the us capsule. amazing top officials on tuesday. that's why the soldiers have shown that 5 young men and boys basically during reigns on the occupied west bank of the past 4 days, instructional aide group saved policy. the entire tree is the most dangerous in the world to be a child named best profit report from the village of, for,
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and in the occupied westbank. this is about how you, they are tooling children. he says, clutching the shoes of his 10 year old nephew as a blood soaked shroud covers um, or no jars, headboard and a father unable to look at his sons lifeless body. also unable to pull himself away, his mother says um, or was no threat to his really soldiers who rated bullying on monday, he was just sitting in a car with his father going to the shots when he was shot in the head and fell into his father's lap mohammed, i'm insisted on going out with his father, even though we tried to stop him. when he was leaving, i put the hat on his head. he asked me why i told him i was worried about him getting cold. for other palestinians were killed in the occupied westbank this week . ages 132 were 16. 1 was 18 all from high velocity ammunition fired from military
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rifles. it is typical of life under is really military occupation that has been going on for decades by thought of good things that you've been to the thought of good things, the future of the scene and be able to. so i just think just didn't, i'm denying them their rights killing them. slide. good. kidding. the future of does it can for them. but a good thing. the future of the senior people international group say, israel's military has made palestine the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. in the last 5 months, it is far more dangerous for more deadly to be a child in the occupied territories than it was for an american soldier, enough gone. it's done over a rock to funerals for palestinian children little boys, young men. it's so common place and more and more dying from gunshot wounds to the head and chest child protection group say right now is really tactics or more brutal. they are targeting younger people and shooting to kill
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as i'm or new jars. family leaves him to west. they're asking the same question as so many palestinians families before then why the world is watching children dying, but doing nothing to stop at the same bus, raphael to 0 percent in the occupied west bank. an organization that examines the expansion of illegal is rarely supplement, says 3500 new seth lee units have been approved. pace now says the is really high upon in council. as green, let construction plans and 3 existing supplements any occupied westbank they on the i'll a, i don't mean f lots and had a piece down is based in tel aviv. i'm the advocates for 2 state solution the facing on super tuesday. one of the most important days in the us presidential primary calendar is over 15 states and one task tray,
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which using the republican and democratic nominees, joe biden, and donald trump, i'm mostly on challenge best. yeah, trump is one almost every state but was denied a clean sweet blind. nikki haley, his only challenger, she won in vermont. trump secure 995. delicate sofa is 1215 delegates to win the republican nomination. and the democratic side, j 5 and has gone virtually on challenge. 90 currently has the support of 1497 page delegates. i'm counting. reynolds takes a look at what lies ahead for bites, and i'm trump of the successes on super tuesday. former president donald trump swept over one of the super tuesday contest. defeating is only remaining republican opponent and former allied former south carolina governor nikki haley. we did a window selection because we have no choice. if we lose the election. we're not going to have a frontier hayley did not make
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a public appearance after the returns came in, leaving her supporters and those who crossed party lines to vote for her, wondering whether she would continue in the race. because even in losing hailey one significant percentages of republican voters highlighting one of trump's vulnerabilities, trump is very clearly going to be the nominator of republican party. but he has mass of general election weaknesses that have been revealed by the fact that a 3rd of people are about and a 3rd of republicans are voting against them. trumps other liabilities include his pension for extreme rhetoric, which turns off more moderate republicans and the $91.00 criminal indictment c is, is including for his alleged role in inciting the january 6th 2021 failed insurrection against the last national election result. some of those court room trials maybe under way during the campaigns final months. well another case about
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falsifying business records to pay cash money to an adult bill. mattress may start within weeks. president joe biden, who faced no viable opponents, also accumulated super tuesday primary wins on his way to an all. but certain nomination at the democratic convention in august button has problems with his voters as he goes into the general election. many including democrats think that at age 81, he's too old. his approval ratings are low and voters are unhappy about the economy . there is still that concerned about inflation. prices are really high. people are feeling great. younger voters, the parties left wing and muslim, and the error of americans are angry at biden, for his support of israel as it wages war on gaza. here in california, which rewards more delegates to the parties nominating convention than any other state. the voters told us they're frustrated with the increasing negative anti and
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divisiveness. and this serious political campaign for many, the trump by re match, generates little enthusiasm. the stuff that's going on overseas hasn't really upset actually. and then to have all the bitterness in the politics doesn't help. so yeah, this is a pretty rough time. we're going through right now. i think it's very much so the political try of democratic versus republican and this thing. social media is at the forefront of just getting everybody up against there are more primaries and caucuses to come with the and dramatic 1st phase of the 2020 for presidential re match could be over soon. bye. and trump are likely to win the necessary number of delegates to secure their respective nominations within a matter of weeks. and then campaign season really begins rob reynolds alger 0, huntington beach, california. and just in the past,
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we've got us media reporting sources saying that the republican presidential hopeful nikki haley will exit the republican presidential race, leaving the pals class for trump, donald trump, to become the republican presidential. no, many now lead is c, as, as in summit, have warned, against actions in the south china sea, which they say danger piece stranger and the $10.10 southeast asian countries issue the declaration at the end of the meeting in melbourne. this week. the philippines accuse china of talk, 2nd specials in the disputed most, as i've seen, to advise that since highlands prime minister says the economy is in a critical situation. i just want financial data suggests that the west is yet to come. it's gonna be bad news for the government, the promise to lift the monetary gloom, trying as more from bangkok,
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the crowds of tourists, at what i wrote in the temple of doom and bank, called many who they could be the answer to the government's prince. tourism was nearly 20 percent of titans, gross domestic product has been slow to recover from the code of 19 pandemic. and b 's a wave is don't seem to be increasing visits a numbers or read them. but why pay for we rely on a particular industry for our main income, that's a risky thing. we never know when they will be labeled economic crisis with some kind of natural disaster tonight. we have to manage the risk and distribute across the board to the other sectors, the performing poorly to the economy contract within the last quarter of 2023 trend expected to continue this year. agriculture will product, the backbone of the tell you economy, suffered from increasing prices, unload the mon, liked industry in which thailand was once a leader,
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the suffered because of supply chain problems and the lack of investment in denise here in vietnam, hopefully from the head. china is economic slowdown is a button which thailand has no control. so the united states economy is not growing much why the unemployment rate is too high. we don't see any significant improvement in europe and japan, a most important trade partner. china is also having it's real estate crisis. how did you tell that the prime minister? so it's not how we send his outlines extravagant plans, including making thailand into a tech frame in finance hub. but he hasn't even delivered on his election promised to give both has a digital wallets containing a handout of nearly $300.00. here at the bank of thailand, there's growing frustration with the government and they repeated requests to low interest rates. the government say they need to stimulate the economy, the bank and say it's something the thailand just countable. and that's
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a sentiment no shed by many ties with the cost of living rising and interest rates, staying high hoops for a brighter economic future. a saving fast. tony chang, l 20. thank and that's it for me. laura kyle inside story will focus on hazy. next hello that was not in south america and heavy rain has cost flooding across the north west of brazil. but the good news is, the skies have cleared. warnings have extended further east to north eastern areas, as well as the east coast since the tail end of the system, bringing that rain into rio over the next few days, some heavy rain. continuing to effect ecuador, we have got some red warnings out there for funds phones with a chunk of lightning the for the south of this, the heat continuing to build for places like chile santiago, seeing the temperature increase over the next few days. if we have
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a look at the 3 day, they will see sunshine friday sat to date, 30 degrees celsius with several conditions. and it's been launch. we settled across the central america, the carrier being lots of heat for costa rica and panama, with temperatures well above the average here, in terms of what the weather, the west, all the rain moving across florida into the bahamas. and so what's the weather coming into the western parts of cuba on thursday, the showers developing in his span, yoda, but largely quite for much of mexico. and it is looking a lot quieter across the west coast of the us. we all going to see some intense storms coming into the east coast of the us wednesday into thursday. the thoughts of haiti are under a state of emergency. often escalation involves gang since taken control of most of the capital, one prime minister ariel murray house. so most behind this unrest,
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what would it take to restore long lasting stability to the country? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm joe. how hate he's capitalism. war that's the warning from the countries director of national police for the prompts has been overrun by gangs. the state of emergency has been declared off. the gang members attacked to prisons freeing several 1000 prisoners. the security situation west and dr. president of juvenile moiz was assassinated 3 years ago. 4 months protest as have been cooling for prime minister ariel on re to step down. they're angry about


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