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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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the region and the world. a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the hundreds of thousands of palestinians pushed to the brink of famine. but israel continues to block a convoys from reaching northern garza. the head of them are a kyle, this is out. is there a lie from doe who also coming up more is really strikes strong civilian homes across the strip, over 80 percent of simians killed in the last 24 hours. eighty's prime ministers in puerto rico, trying to return home as guns will now will be civil war seats. us step down nikki haley is expected to withdrawal from the republican presidential nomination. race
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to donald trump wins big on super tuesday. the is 14 gmc, that's full pm and central gone. so with all reports of several palestinians being killed by as ready, forces was trying to get to aid hundreds of thousands, all without food or clean both. so on tuesday, the well food program that a 14 truck aid come boy heading to the north, was turned away by is riley forces. unless be no less often as wells as sold on the strip goes. as health ministry says at least 86 people have been killed in the last 24 hours. i thought big begins are coverage or one kind of process be between age people displaced or was that prep a shelter? israel's trundle holds on palestinians and gaza is getting tied to it by today. i've help installed since to the special ed, the one of the most reliable. and i'm living in this town with my mother in law and
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my in those often children. we have nothing, a tool, no food or water. we're living on handouts, sometimes they receive one come foods container. it's not sufficient for the age of us. and just like that the food is gone. they're not sure where the next me a little come from. know when well, i guess that for more or less was to have that all children is suffering. they are living in fear and horror. now starving to death had to have what room do they do. this is also in justice and the whole world is sitting and watching hospitality. i've seen a surge and many of those children and i know i'm up with a live sammy. most children like this boy. sammy have symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea and are suffering from internal infections and hepatitis due to pull you took food and water. they're living in unhealthy conditions and tense, expose to the cold. any food and water they can get is not clean. somehow the
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students have resulted to eat an annual fee to survive. others look forward to wherever they can find it and what have a condition except for really to a dis getting in. although just as desk comes from the so to does live saving supplies. even the united states has been forced to use paints to get around these regular decades. but it's not enough to feed the people here. i said big i just there. honey met with gives us this update now on the phone from rafa of the living conditions then for the duration of the cross job is to the forcing palestinians across the spread to gate to go anywhere and reach to city where they are possible to get through in order to, to find some of the basic necessities of food supply that provide for this families and just to keep them alive in the face of the diamond and spreading everywhere. the reports we're getting right now is from the why the, the that's one area between god and the central area of the gall,
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this trip where these aids or the food aid that is available at that area, was it from what was dropped it from there within the past 48 hours by that were daniel de moratti's and then the, uh, the, the new us as well. so that, that was, it was in that area that has been designated by these really military as a combat zone. and nobody was able to reach to, uh, the, uh, the suicide parcels that were dropped as of today as given the time. and they acute fountain right now where people are side of the hydrogen is our vision to try to reach to where the area to get to the food that is on the ground. and that's where the, where shot at by hear the machine guns and by the time so there's 7 people reported it goes right at the spot with injuries. and the fact that those injuries we know from past experiences that because of non operation of health facilities,
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the people who are injured at risk of losing their life as there is no way to get to the proper medical intervention. what so ever? are you guys warning as well, that it's patients as running outside of the humanitarian situation, and garza is ready. we'll cabinet minute. so many guns is in london. why? he's beating the bushes, financed extra to have it. cameron cameron's face of the dreadful suffering and garza on tuesday. he several things we boss these rate is to do, but i have to report to you'll note sheets has the mind debate because in february it was about hoff won't go in in january. so patients needs to run very soon and a whole series of warnings need to be given. that's got more on this now from correspondence or challenge is live for us in london. and boy will impact if any might defending against his meetings with the purchase for an sex, we have
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a situation on the ground. what are you saying? you're going to get back to israel with the, the express disappointment and frustration of by the united states and united kingdom ringing. and it is lots and these are just words at the moment is uh yeah, with david cameron saying patients is running out. well, the logical extension of that is that spell that might be running out there is still patients in capitals like london and, and washington dc. ends until the tops of west in mid a tree aid and diplomats a couple of are actually turned off. benjamin netanyahu can still, i think play more to the right wing of his own coalition. that he is listening to the, the voiding words of, of london. and washington and there is also, yeah, the aspects of, of who is betty can what role does he play in,
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in this coalition that he's a part of the cabinet, but he's in all positions empty. he's arrivals and that's in yahoo, this trip that he's been on doesn't have the express a sense of the the and that's me all who government, they've been quite critical all that particularly those members of the file right flank subscribed to cover the shipments. you think that this is a search raising for the united states to that, which is between is radiance and smugly. and as it renews to focus on the 2 state solution sites that expect that. but the dentist is going to be going back to jerusalem and get a warm reception from nets and yahoo. and so that will be an open a for, for everything that he's been hearing on his trip so far and worry that in the, you k. what's the public opinion towards the will on golf? like often because they do that by election when for george galloway who campaigned on something it, i mean yeah,
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well certainly i think those the early days of supports for is round off to the far as of october, the 7th of large the evaporates it has the was going on, public opinion has been turning more and more against israel. so supports for israel is now if you have a minority position and certainly the more people who are sympathetic to the palestinian cause at the moment going on the lights is polling done by you guys, which is i fear it as a sort of a company that lives in so many different things like this they are looking at. so it's a bit of sympathy for how to stein is growing 20 at the sense of britain site. they support assign sympathy for is right as forwarding or the 16 percent of brits currently site. they support israel and sympathy for both sides. equally. it's, it's forwarding as well with any 22 percent. whether you can extrapolate for that to have more uh, punish cut outcomes like the the rushed out
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a by election by george galloway. one, i don't think we can make that lead, that was particular circumstances around that bar action, which i don't think mean that the to the some side of that. so he's going to be spelled trouble for the main parties like labor. and the conservatives go into the next election. okay, really challenge bring us the leases that from london. thanks very much. laurie. as the above forgotten rejoined hates. he has worn civil war breakouts. if the prime is arial on rates has not stepped down. the problem is to has arrived in puerto rico and is trying to return home. officials say he rides in san juan off to being denied permission to land to the dominican republic. hey, to is in the states for emergency alta guy needs to announce that we're going to over throw the government stephanie deca before this man is essentially holding k t hostage. jimmy sherry is a nick named barbecue, again leader,
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former police officer, and now determined to bring down the government, demanding prime minister audience. oh he resigned really? oh yes. i want every all to hear the reason. so the, because it felt and read does not resign, the country will go straight to genocide. see if the international community continues to support audio and read. it will lead to straight into a civil war. federal leads to a genocide, a recent speculation over all of these whereabouts is now over these still photos appeared to show him landing and puerto rico fighting between gangs in the army around the main airport and the haitian capital has led to flights being cancelled since sunday the fighting is also displaced thousands of people i would like the government to say something because we do not have any hope. no one is helping us. i would like the government to talk to us to remove us from the situation because we do not feel safe every way it is getting well and we have sleeping and we have
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to be vigilant. but there is little left here, and the longer the prime minister is way and the say, the week or here comes, was he was sworn in on elected of to haiti's, president juvenile. more say was assassinated in 2021 by columbia and mercenaries. elections were supposed to be held by the 7th of february, but they haven't happened. and that sparked protests at the time of the left for can you last week to finalize a deal for you and task force to help restore order in his country, prompting this latest crisis. i've been working in on around 80 for 30 years now, and i've never ever seen it this bad. it's absolutely catastrophic it being the human rights situation in that a terry and situation. a lot of any kind of political, anything discussions, negotiations, hey dee, is one of the poorest countries in the world. heavily armed guns are now in charge
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of most of the capital. and it's not clear if or when the prime minister will return stephanie decker, ultra 0 egyptian pounds, as we can to a record low against the us dollar. egypt. central bank height interest rates by $600.00 basis points, the bank confirmed, they would let the pound trade freely and attempt to restore economic stability evaluation and a flexible exchange rate to keep them on the egypt from the international monetary fund to define in grain exports are continuing to cause protests, the neighboring poland, hundreds of farmers have taken to the streets of the capital, both so demonstrates as se ukrainian goods on friday, driving down prices and threatening the livelihoods gave, has condemned the act of political provocation. well, step by some, as more for me to come on the positive side of the border to big protests they, again here for the farmers in poland and many are now heading for war. so we are
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a big riley is happening today, but also on the board us here at the border crossings. they're also still farmers blocking the roadside. the board is completely blocked at the moment and we've seen our ukrainian trucks long queues having towards board a weapon. stop here for weeks and you have to remember, this is a border crossing that only 2 years ago with a 1000. so if you, for a 1000000 refugees for a while, only while comes into poland when russia and say that you frame the situation of the mood has completely changed the promise i'm very angry. they say ukrainian brain is flooding the polish market and is actually putting them out of business. i just spoke to one of the pharmacy said ukrainian, great is half the price of what polish farmers can offer it right now. so they basically not selling anything. so what they want from the government is to make sure that you premium green cons and or poland or to you any more. uh, some of the farmers suggested it to be sold in africa. uh,
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but also they want to subsidies from the, from the pony supplement and from the you to compensate for their losses. and also what all the other farmers in europe have requested half of the mind in the past few weeks. they want this e ring deal to be off the table, which is a climate deal, which basically of course has a lot of extra production costs for farmers within the u. mcbride is and key with the ukranian reaction to those protests. a crane. this is a deeply troubling dispute coming right in the middle of a war, which isn't exactly going the way it once at the moment as president landscape has said, for troops out on the eastern front and daily rushing shelling. if they look back and see what's happening on ukraine's western frontier, it is in his woods it down right? mockery, especially compared with the feeling which did exist right at the start of the wall
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when poland threw open its doors to refugees, into all of the exports that were coming from ukraine without question of the quotas and terrorist and so on. we have seen, according to the training, and so they rose and all that sold a diety. and according to ukraine's on bassett, or in poland, the only people who are really benefiting from this, the russians in practical terms. it doesn't impact farm, is here too much. i wrote me about 5 percent of grain was being exposed to across the board or into poland or the quote to ukraine. it doesn't stop there will get sold there. it goes on to world markets around 90 percent of ukranian. great. and is one small being exported through c routes across the black sea, either from a desperate where they've re established a great in colorado all through ports on the river down you a but all of the hold up all the trucks coming into ukraine is impacting the delivery of all sorts of goods, including according to international organizations, some humanitarian aid, and even military as equipment. but there is also
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a feeling here that there is not much ukraine can do about what is seen as a domestic polish dispute. rubbing fried, i'll just keep police in south korea has started to some of the leaders of the country's largest doctor's association for questioning. southcourt as president, has cooled, the strike action taken by thousands of training adult just as a legal insisting that strict legal measures would be taken. unis kim has more from tucson and south korea and a lengthy statement on a wednesday south korean president unit on your under line that consequences await the thousands of young medics who have refused to return to work despite a government order. he also called the walk out illegal collective action multiple times president you did recognize some of their grievances though the long hours and low pay juxtaposed against a seemingly unbalanced high reliance on the resident and intern doctors at the
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nation's top hospitals. he pointed to the current state of disarray after the walk out as evidence of a doctor shortage. and a problem to solve as south korea's hospital structure is reformed to meet global standards. this comes as the health ministry and police are taking the 1st steps to punish the striking young medics including a 3 month suspension of their medical license. police have started questioning what is expected to be 5 leaders of the korean medical association and mid suspicions at the doctor's lobby group had encouraged the mass walk out by thousands of training doctors last month. something the k. a may insist was done on their own volition, eunice kim alda 0. who's on south korea? i said i had hail announces era thailand tries to little more tourists to revive its economy. but is it making a difference? and then special age groups say the occupied westbank is the most dangerous place
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in the world for children, the the hello that was not in south asia. and the good news is that has been some improvement for i've gone this time and pockets down that softer west. any disturbance, but heavy snow and rain, causing avalanches and funding. but you can see it has cleared up. it's still quite cold. temperatures well below the average for places like couple in of gums time. but that what the weather has crept across into the north west of india. northern areas seeing some showers, but we have no warnings out for that. no warning so much of india over the next few days, just some showers coming into eastern areas like addition and a few bits and pieces of rain falling of places like carol, as well as for lack of the next few days, but a largely settled picture with lots of sunshine and there's some improvement coming
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in for china because the temperature is climbing in beijing and shanghai with the sunshine coming back in a little bit cooler in hong kong. you can see the cloud cover, the rain as well, but some pieces of rain here and there. but for the new launch, the k, a picture, things will clear out for the korean peninsula as well. that wintery wave pushing out for the east to russia's far east, and back into japan. with the thailand, all the system could bring some heavier rain into the eastern areas of hong shoot over the next few days and 11 degrees celsius that in tokyo, on friday the it's a top destination for travelers seeking them by the power dice experience. but the i did a archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global rising water levels and unforgiving storms of triggered some of the world's 1st government
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lines relocation as a result of climate change. people empower us, want fiji. the last resort on a jersey to the the other again, you are watching out there as remind you about top stories. that's alice. a powerful guy and liza in have she has one civil will, will break house as a prime minister ariel on which is not step down time is trying to return home off to seeking help. and can you come by games in his country? henri is in the us talk tree of puerto rico. is there any will cabinet minister been against is meeting the u. k for and sexy david cameron and london person was
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expected to one as well. that is, patients is running out, so i have a few minutes here in situation in gaza counselors in the us capital. me thing, top officials on choose day me. you and it's describing food sourced, isn't garza esl nutrition. prices across from wide, extreme monetary and catastrophe. as well as assaults on the strip has left hundreds of thousands of kind of themes without food seen bosa. as well as a freeze plans to build 3 and a half 1000 new step la homes in the occupied west bank for organization peace. now, as, as the units will be built in the illegal settlements of all i do man efforts and cut off as well as far right? finance minister best allows smart trips wound of an expansion of to a shooting incident. and one of the settlements 2 weeks ago, and this old hood has moved from occupied east jerusalem for centrally seeing for the 1st time since the war began settlements being approved in the occupied westbank. we're talking about 3500 housing units in 3 different illegal settlements
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. that were approved, it is worth mentioning, the bedside of smelt rich is not just the country's finance minister, but he also is a minister with israel's defense ministry responsible for some civil affairs in the occupied west bank. this was an agreement that was laid out when he 1st entered this governor. it with the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu know back in february when there was a shooting incident on one of these. a legal settlements smiley a. do me im small rich had said that there will be settlements advanced in retaliation. now this morning he has tweeted that in the last year there have been approvals for 18515 new homes in a legal settlements that is both in the occupied west bank and an occupied east jerusalem now in occupied east jerusalem since the war began last month,
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we were looking at 4 different approvals that were in total, $3700.00 housing units. so what this will mean across the occupied westbank is that in these 3 different illegals settlements, there will be construction, and there will be new housing units for his early settlers that will be built there . is there any soldiers have shot dead? 5 young men and boys may state during rates on the occupied west bank of the past 4 days, instructional aide groups say the palest and in touch with the most dangerous in the world to be a child. same as well as the reports in the village of baron in the occupied westbank, dissolved from the higher they are to him. children he says, clutching the shoes of his 10 year old nephew as a blood soaked shroud covers um, or no jars. headboard and a father unable to look at his son's lifeless body, also unable to pull himself away. his mother says um,
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or was no threat to his really soldiers who rated breeding. on monday, he was just sitting in a car with his father going to the shops when he was shot in the head and fell into his father's lap. mohammed, i'm insisted on going out with his father, even though we tried to stop him. when he was leaving, i put the hat on his head. he asked me why i told him i was worried about him getting cold. for other palestinians were killed in the occupied westbank this week . ages 132 were 16. 1 was 18 all from high velocity ammunition fired from military rifles. it is typical of life under is really military occupation that has been going on for decades by thought of good things that you've been to the thought of good things, the future of the scene and be able to. so i just think just didn't deny exam their rights killing them, slide good kid in the future of does it convince target think the future of the
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senior people international group say israel's military has made palestine the most dangerous place in the world to be a child in the last 5 months, it is far more dangerous for more deadly to be a child in the occupied territories than it was for an american soldier, enough gone. it's done over a rock, the funerals for palestinian children, little boys, young men, it's so common place. and more and more dying from gunshot wounds to the head and chest child protection group say right now is really tactics or more brutal. they are targeting younger people and shooting to kill as i'm or new jars. family leaves him to west. they're asking the same question as so many palestinians families before then why the world is watching children dying, but doing nothing to stop it. same bus raphael to 03 and in the occupied westbank the
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making heavy, the last remaining content, the challenging donald trump republican presidential candidacy is expected to withdrawal from the race as single forces. haney will suspend a campaign by making a concession speech within the next hour. a withdrawal would fletchley and show the trump will stand as republican candidates in the us presidential election in november. but it comes on the heels of super tuesday voting, which is one of the most and full sundays in the us presidential primary calendar. 15 states and one territory which using republican and democratic know many trump has won almost every states. nikki haley only managed to win in vermont from secure 995 delegates, so fall he needs 1215 to secure the republican nomination. the democratic sign to boston has gone virtually unchallenged. he currently has the support of 1497 pledge,
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delicate and counting. let's talk now to john henry, joining us live from raleigh and north carolina, and john expecting haley to formally announce her exit. so what do you know of the? well, it looks like a general election has unofficially big guy nikki haley was trying to be the alternative to donald trump, a non mega republican. and the party resoundingly answered in the voice of voters. they don't want 1. 2 out of 3 voters said that they would still find donald trump to be fit even if he were convicted of some of the $91.00 charges that he faces right now and a number of people who were supporting hailey. she was drawing from independence. she was drawing from democrats and open elections and she was drawing from moderate republicans as well, but it just wasn't enough in to delegate. math wasn't adding up. she had with 1215 delegates needed trump as you were mentioning a few minutes ago,
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has 995 hailey had 89. it just wasn't even close. donald trump is the presumptive nominee after super tuesday, where he just racked up the votes. haley did, she did make history there by winning to election, vermont in on super tuesday and the district of columbia. so it was a historic run, but now it appears to be over and said and do think now that it's a haiti when induced donald trump? that is the open question. now the campaign is signal that she will not endorse trump today, and indeed she's definitely burns and bridges with him. he wanted her to get out of this campaign earlier, so he can begin campaigning against joe biden, who is clearly the democratic nominee, sweeping on super tuesday, or trump has been attacking her on a daily basis. now we did the same thing with rhonda sanders,
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but rhonda sanders bailed out of the campaign after iowa immediately endorsed trump and all was forgiven. it seems trump, which was willing to say nice things about him. he hasn't done the same about haley . it's not clear whether she will just simply not endorse him as the republican a standard bear, or whether she might do an independent run. there's a party called no labels that is very much interested in having haley run on a ticket that is neither democratic nor republicans. so we will wait to hear from that announcement in the next hour or so. but i would not expect haley to be endorsing trump during that. okay. who will be watching how speech place me? thanks very much. john hampton no senior advise that's a thailand's, a prime minister says the economy is in a quite critical situation. and as long financial data suggests that the west is yet to come. now that could be bad news for a government that promise to lift the money to treat gloom. so many chang has more
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from bangkok, crowds of tourists at what i wrote in the temple of doom in bangkok, many who they could be the answer to the governments. prince. tourism was nearly 20 percent of titans. gross domestic product has been slow to recover from the code that 19 pandemic. and b 's a wave is don't seem to be increasing visits, a numbers, all right, and that's why i prefer you rely on a particular industry for our main income. that's risky, things we never know when they will be labeled. economic crisis has some kind of natural disaster connected. we have to manage the risk and distribute across the board to the other sectors are performing fully to the economy contract within the last quarter of.


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