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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 7, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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so the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm installing the attain, this is a new line from the coming up in the next 60 good or no response across the goal is the strength. at least 5 palestinians are killed. and is there any attacks on the devali refugees and desperate for food supplies? and garza 7 palestinians are killed by his randy forces. as they scrambled to aid to stay alive, the son of dollars president as all the governors and fires,
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the prime minister of the constitutional court rules against the delay of elections . beyond the warning of civil war and hatred of the gangs demand that the prime minister resign and we're investing back in the country. the and in mexico city purchased is broke down the door and the presidential palace. as the president gave the press conference. in full mind, just city closing in on the champions the quotes, the final split defending champions a to one up against copenhagen at home. 5 to a heads on i can get the hold. we begin this news, our in gaza. is there any strikes on the los commune, jamalia? and then also the strip has kills at least 5 people, including children. and that came as the united nations again said that there are times to get
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a trucks into garza all failing and already said that most people are dying of malnutrition. is there any attacks have killed nearly a 100 people over the past 24 hours? michael apple has been a woman scream piece has the chaos at the salt last mosque in jamalia, the northern gaza following is rarely shannon. the rescue teams rushed to the side several bodies. okay. from under the rubble, some are like the doctors can do nothing for several children brought along confirming with all the parents with nice thing. the minute they say that my bedroom is due to sunday. the sound of most good to value was directly targeted without warning. children were playing the the most because they normally do. suddenly the most coach bombarded killing people into another's. this is the
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enemy's talking. children's dates comes in many forms in gauze, palestinians, a dying from bombardment, and from starvation. the desperation evidence is a scoop of what they can find amongst the debt and the we are collecting this food from the prompt. we are unable to get to kind of solve dns or anything which supplies is not reaching us. we are picking the bins from the ground. i have no idea how we can do one more that makes them deliver this stuff to where we are. when the other 2 old food programs, his widespread hunger is a nice history. but israel is blocking the aid convoys and several countries, a dropping food into gaza cannot meet the needs on the ground. we have food enough to feed 2200000 people and just outside guys. we just need to make sure that we are able to negotiate the access into the different parts of cars,
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north and the south to make sure that the trucks are able to get that to the people that they, the drops would never be able to replace that oh yeah, the she hugs her daughter policy as lifeless body and things. you're a piece of my heart. it's a broken heart. like so many others and garza yeah. like levels. oh dessert as well. so i'm africa has filed an urgent request for the international court of justice to impose more provisional measures on israel in order to prevent funding and gaza. and says there is already widespread starvation in the strip and additional orders on needed to protect the palestinians. in january were cool, the ones top court ordered as well to refrain from any acts that could fall under the genocide convention, along with 5 of the provisional meshes. so don't forget canes that as well as ready breaching those orders. well, let's dig into this with the elders here as senior political analyst of all of the shar, he's in london. and help us understand a little more about what's happening at the international court of justice right
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now. it's already impose these provisional measures on israel. what sort of additional provisional measures could we see? what the south africa want? it's certainly just the idea of insulting what it's doing undermine the, the justices i p i c j that is right, is not responding is right. okay, is uh, basically uh, stepping on and humiliating the quote, the size, but then it gets back to supplement nations and then taking uh the opposite roads. uh, not only is it continuing with the bombing siege with the tax on hospitals under special buildings. and of course uh the lines for fillings, but it's also spawn, be, uh people are starving children that might need to show me the diseases and the siege now the skinny people,
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sign them clean. so genocide is clearly taking place. i'm drugs, i think it's been fine with the intent because we all understand now that the trucks are waiting on the border and hundreds of the even worse responders for the united states. that's been begging, begging the government the for the because it doesn't want to look this bad in front of its own public and international law. one even saying that is rather acting with impunity. is anything that sold off or go all the court does is any of that in line to use to make any kind of a difference? well, judging from the actions of the right, it seems to us, it seems like they are. so 1st issue that the united states will protect and has detached in the past. now, in 5 months or more of the se,
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visionaries have come to us, giving them a sure says that they will allow the humanitarian that the way to reduce the casualties along the palestinians. but they don't do that. they don't flow. so anything, it's all turning into a new soles on top of injury. that is right. it is human. do you think it's online? it's embarrassing. as far commerce in the west wind continues to carry one with his jo side of the scenes or children dying the scenes of children begging for food the scenes, the destruction garza and the whole. remember that this has to be a war on children or women which also civilians has been collected on benefits here. so this continues,
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i'm gonna be 2. and the west continues to assure us that the are put the pressure the pressures my have and see how it works. oh, dropping food from be there. as you just heard the my conditions, official is no work. it's once again, it has been sold to injury in the sense that this one is the d. no say that use the to use the i, c i, c, j needs to think all what is going on to make a judgment accordingly. law when you talk about pressure from israel's western allies, is there any will cabinet minister benny guns has just been in london and before that he was in washington dc. what's your assessment of his tour of western capital's? i think it's more theatres. i seem to be budgetary restriction, has been on table. i'm willing to put sufficient pressure on the government,
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for example, stopping the arms, stopping the salt pork, making it support on the can we get? so what condition if anything and the squeezing a. so this uh for the form of, uh, some decisions and these are that they are appealing to one side to the one cabinet is on the other with miss you mind or do was around the world. the very guys is and has been a long time ago for more than a decade now. i mean he's the one who is bombing guys drive back to the start page in the 2014. or he is the architect of the ongoing genocide in gaza. nothing, you know, sits in his office ethics, political decisions, the architects of the war, the ones who. ready are managing the general side, are big guns and guns,
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and isaac got other generals on his right. so for the united states to make the good guys, it's like it's just the one of the monitors is above, which is just in crisis. he doesn't know what to do. and benny guys uh charles goes between the the, the washington i'm on the right of course in law that he used to sitting here. ringback washington washington way because the water is and we know for a fact we are fine because we are the american officials that the so the more even after whatever the pharmacy fires to be guided out. so they continue to support senior. ready or diesel computer. so for the kind of interest in the south part, oh gosh, what they're asking these days to do is to try to reduce the casualties because contested. so embarrassing is online in the west,
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because now they are going to get to the ongoing genocide and gosh, on the on the shower, out of there, a senior political analyst that for us in london today. thank you moment. meanwhile, israel has approved plans to build some 3 and a half 1000 new set to homes and the occupied westbank. the organization piece now says the units will be built and the legal settlements of molly out or mean effort and conduct israel's fall. right? finance minister does it all smoke church, one of an expansion of to is using incident in one of the settlements 2 weeks ago homeless i've heard reports from occupied the stories of these really government essentially approving the 3500 housing units in the 3 different illegal settlements across the occupied west bank. this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war on october 7th. and we have seen approvals for housing units in illegal settlements
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now in the leading up to the war as well. in this time period it occupies jerusalem, is 3700 housing units in illegal settlements were approved. now this came after israel's finance minister known alter nationally, fits on as smart, rich had said that there would be a legal settlements expanding in retaliation for a shooting that took place actually at one of the settlements back in february. now it is worth mentioning, he's not just the countries finance winters to finish administer, excuse me. he also holds a role within israel's defense ministry. so he is in charge of some civil affairs within the occupied west bank, primarily those that would oversee and approve at settlement housing unit. so i don't have to go through this long drawn out process, they can be approved at his demand. additionally, what we are seeing is comments from him that were made this morning. he said that
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in the last year there had been $18515.00 housing units in legal settlements that have been approved in the last year. so we can expect in the occupied westbank construction to begin on those 3 legal settlements, totaling in $3500.00 housing units. whole families of palestinians killed and israel's warrant garza has met with you in secretary general antonio guitars that speak to kristin settling and she joins us now from un headquarters in new york. christa. what exactly do we know about what was said and not meeting today? and so this is a meeting that was organized by the palestinian ambassador to the united nations and it involved 10 people, mostly palestinian americans with family members who been lost in gaza, but also uh palestinian american doctor who had recently traveled to gaza to help
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with the medical operations there and also a woman who recently escaped garza with her sister and is getting medical treatment here in the united states. but they all had these very heart wrenching, horrific stories to tell about family members that had been impacted by the ongoing conflict. one woman by the name of dr. roll a l f r. a said she had lost 150 family members in gaza. she told some horrible stories about the 2 brothers whose entire families were trapped under the rubble and lost only one son survive. going to the hospital for 2 days and died there from his injuries later and pain. all of this was to make a point about what is happening on the ground in guys and not only to the secretary general, but also to the security council that has been talking about a ceasefire resolution,
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but has yet to enact one that they are so desperately wanting and calling for, and we learned that this group also did get to meet with some members of the security council, including the united states and bassett, or linda thomas greenfield. here's what they told us. i think we were heard. and i think it's important that all of us have shared our stories. the disconnect is always to the powerlessness that seems to be, could be communicated. we understand, we understand. but again, today none of us are here for condolences. we're not here for apologies. we're here for immediate action. we have demonstrated that every minute signifies the loss of a life the starvation of a child. and so we need an immediate and permanent not temporary
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permanent ceasefire. now they said that the united states promised to carry the family's messages to washington dc and 2 officials, they're as they continue to work on a ceasefire resolution here at the united nations and talks are ongoing in the region. kristen, sending me the following that i'm using for us do in headquarters. thanks kristen. a while and bracing years synagogues presidents, monkey sol, has, does also the government and replaced the prime minister naming syndicate called the to the post. and not move comes just off to the countries constitutional counsel projected a proposal to hold the presidential election on june, 2nd as unconstitutional. now, the council ruled that a vote must be house before present not case house mandate ends in april. you might
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recall mass protests erupt at last month when sal postponed the election. the opposition has been accusing him of trying to extend his time and power. he's not allowed to run for office again. no sound has been either. is accusations saying he took the decision because of control vesee or the candidates who a bought from standing in those elections by the quotes. well, let's be trial correspondent, nick us, how he joins us now from the senegalese capital dot com. now let's unpack this, i don't have to because i don't happens in the last couple of hours, including, i think, just in the last few minutes, a possible new election date being declared wherever we are now. well, that's right. the president spokesperson has announced a possible well, a new election date that will be announced to a decree of march 24th. and that would be just before the end of president. lucky selves mandates that ends on april. second, this announcement may just minutes after the decision,
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the rejection by the conscious constitutional counsel to hold election after his after president lucky sauls mounted a. now the council made several reasons for a for this decision. effectively say that president my to solve this isn't true. first of all, the lady elections that were supposed to take place on february 25th was in breach of the constitution, and that an election cannot take place after the end of his mandate and that his mother not be extended any further. so my consult, take me this decision also this, solving the government allowing for his prime minister. i do bob who is also their ruling party candidates to focus on the campaign that will take place during the holy month of ramadan. no sound interesting. nick, what kind of reaction are you saying that they were focused even protests and the
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streets before? and obviously lots of concern by, by other countries who watched what's been happening and sent it all with, with great concern of the. well 1st of all, there's a sigh of relief. for many senegalese will probably only have a date on when they will be able to have a say on who the next president will be. there's been a months time between the moment that he knows a delay in the election and then an announcement of a new day, a month of unprecedented uncertainty for the senegalese people. there's also reassurance for the international community that president monkey style will stick to the rule of law and sticks to the decisions taken by the constitutional counsel, the decisions taken in the interest known of the president, but perhaps of the constitution and of its, of the country itself,
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so this is also significant for members of civil society who came to the streets to peaceful demonstrations, to have a new date of an election that they want to take place as soon as possible. so now many more questions i had on what will on how this election will take place because they were elements of controversy among the list of candidates of sent in the list of candidates is of course, the popular jail, the opposition to figure we spun sancho and i am the head of the a be this which is one of the largest political party for reward who's currently an exile. though i know they will not be able to take part in the election. that is going to take place in just this month in a campaign that will be sure to in time, that sounds interesting that you say that because obviously these previous issues, which was why not, he's all said he was placed, finding the election. they obviously haven't been resolved. what do you like to say hibbon from the opposition?
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what are we've been hearing in the lead up to this decision of the? well, the says as we speech the national assembly in the m p. 's or our gathering to discuss a bill of amnesty misty that was suggested by president lucky sell for all those that had been arrested during the political and rest from march 2021 to february 2024. and well, this lucy bill, you would have thought would have united people in a piece of crisis. what we see on the floor is the national assembly in the parliament where we were just hours earlier is a divided country where politicians are arguing against this. how does the bill? because 60 people were killed during these protests. some of them accuse the security forces of torture. and on this, the bill would allow a level of impunity according to rise of those that have perpetrated those crimes. also crimes committed against businesses against
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a gas stations or super markets that were attacked. so by taking this decision, this t moment we're seeing a politicians divided by 2. so again, trying to comfort the country, but also the region at large that he is going to protect democracy in this country and that there will be an election held on march 24th before his mandate. the ends on april 2nd and the 1000. yeah. next year, talk about my case. i'll one thing to, to comes that the country comes at other regionals. how is given the decisions that he's made, given the election delays and given all the control of the scene so far? how to regard of now as, as a man, as a president, what kind of a legacy is he anything as well that's exactly the issue at hand is the type of legacy that he wants to keep. and remember, she came in power in 2012, admits a crisis,
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when the former president of july was wanted to extend his time in power. and he's a man that has, has manage several crisis during his mandate from the a bold outbreak. the cobra that break the fall as a rush or you train crisis and know at the end of is man, the base price is over trust in the electoral process. the most important trust in his ability to unite the country and his, and his ability to try to uh, to, to, to, to re bring rebuild that trust in the institution of the democratic institutions. because the final ears of his mind that mandate has been marked by police repression, according to rights. but also the imprisonment of several opposition figures from kareem was the son of the former president to the former mayor of the car to leaf itself. and most recently, last year was mine, sancho,
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who is still currently in jail don't if there is a law and this deep voted to the parliament. this could pay the way to the liberation of hundreds of political detainees, including perhaps who's been sancho pressed as an incredibly enforcement 9th the and the sunglasses. capital stock on nicholas hoc on the ground. first of all, the latest. thank you very much. i not a bridge is embassy and yelling, as well as american officials say that 2 sailors have been killed in an attack on a bulk carry a ship and the gulf of aidan a ship was hits about 90 kilometers of the coast of aidan greek. all praises have named the vessel as involve a dose flagged at true confidence. the ship is reportedly addressed and on fire. that while we understand some 20 crew on board a plus 3 on security guns. well, in a televised speech, humans, ruthie ministry spokesman,
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yesterday i claimed responsibility for that attack on the congress. you know, for the google, the legal forces of the game. any armed forces carried out the targeting operation against the american ship through confidence in the gulf of either with a number of nathan. we saw it was. the strike was accurate and look to a fire breaking out on board the vessel. the target to operation came after the ship crew ignore the warning messages from the germany. naval forces in the many of the many on the forces, persistent, upholding the religious, moral, and humanitarian duties and supporting. so present the colors to new people. the operations and the red and autopsies will not stop until the aggression stops. and the seas on the policy of people in the gaza strip is lifted off. and all that is paint, does she have or times a he's across this for us from washington, dc. she having that press conference, we just tried to repay say that they hit an american ship,
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which is not the indication that we have from the shipping information we have on the vessel. you were saying earlier that everything's still looking for 0 page. the bad shipping generally is shipping is latoria slee overpaid, we don't know if there's an american connection, but in these, these different ships that are owned and operated and flagged in various different, different ways. i mean that's by design, isn't that? that's doesn't the torres for shipping and we do get this statement from the pens again, a couple of hours ago we just said it was a ball bay. those flags, liberia and a boat carrier for the multinational crew. i mean there's, they're denial of the us in the us connections that we know we, i think that's still a bit of a mystery right now. but the other thing seems, i think it was, it was connected to the us in some way. there was a but no information in this statement that this is the 5th at the shit, ballistic missile 5 by the, everything's in the last 2 days, 2 of those impacted to shipping vessels. one to shut down by the us as com, a. m. m. i mean that there's
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a lot of framing here about how reckless the who these are by killing innocent civilians. well, you talk about the sure thing is the only thing that solves a us has also been on doing this house to strike truthfully, target save now imposed sanctions to tries account funding from the wrong. how successful have washington strategy has been so filed when it comes to what we're saying? the red sea or pretty clearly not stopping the disease from continuing its attacks as a result of the u. s. u. k. building now of of u. m. and then on your own, you how many targets as well as well the with the say can stop all of this, which is the genocide and goals are, as they said, and the u. s. u k. support for that. i think it's quite interesting. you get that sense that they've been, the search has been rockville, that's from the state department briefing was a few hours ago and someone else would. i mean that it seems like your campaign of the toner and degrade. and so making things better. and so they can, things perhaps was middle of the state department spaces and just said, well that these things take time, it's a long term price. he said,
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but usually you do own choose the onto the bank and was speaking the press when the guitar, a prime minister wasn't in town and everything it ended. but i'm lincoln started up again and saw that, you know, it was, was a message there who we things with this sort of framing your, your room. and then you international standing. you're killing innocent people. it has to stop what the cost of it you just say no. this is about the us. i'm you to and israel, it kind of get us and people in god. and when you stop back then, then we will stop. we will stop attacking the shipping. it's quite easy how we stop this, but the, the frame is really curious today. it's a who are things of killed, innocent civilians, whether actions these reckless attacks. i've taken the lives of international c 5 is simply doing that job has, which are some of the hardest jobs in the world. this is very much kind of framing we're hearing from blink of us. move empathy for see 1st cause was terrible that anyone is dying but, but you really often see that, but he expressed to the dad in cause of the reckless attacks. innocent civilians being killed in gauze. it's
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a little bit curious framing from both of us and the british, actually a given what else is happening and because of the root causes of what, why ships a big attacked in the red sea? she ever times a bear with them here for us from washington dc. thanks. you have a the all the united states says it is not pushing haitian prime minister are allowing me to resign because it does want him to expedite efforts towards free and fair elections. he is currently in the state of emergency of the gangs announced that they were going to overthrow the government. one powerful guarantee that has threatened that civil war will break out. if one we've doesn't step down. we understand he's conjugate in puerto rico and trying to our town home. well out of here is a white house correspondent can be a house that has worn out from washington dc. for months, the by the administration has been pushing the haitian prime minister ariel already to leave a transition towards democratic elections. but many in the international media had
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been reporting in the last 24 hours that there had been an about face by the, by the administration and, but it had sent a message to the haitian prime minister that he should resign. that's why on wednesday, the bottom and ministration found itself clarifying its position that was not the case, the by the ministration sending the message through its state department. but in fact, it was not calling for the resignation of the haitian prime minister instead that it was urging the transition towards an empowered and inclusive governance structure. a position that was reiterated at the united nations by the us ambassador linda thomas greenfield. we've asked the haitian prime minister to do is move forward on a political process that will lead to the establishment of
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a presidential transitional council that will lead to elections. and we think that it's urgent that it's urgent that he moves forward in, in that direction. and start the process of bringing normalcy back to to the people of haiti as the united nations security council takes up the issue of the crisis and escalating violence in haiti. there is also the question about whether or not the united states will send troops to support the haitian national police. it's security operations, the latest word from the national security council spokesperson, john kirby, however, is that the 5 ministration will not send troops. instead, what the bottom the administration is proposing is to mobilize support through with international partners to support and restore security as well. we know that
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the by the administration senior government officials is in contact with senior government officials in the haitian government. the state department is also putting forward $200000000.00 to support the efforts in haiti to try and restore democracy and security. however, there is a problem in the us congress in the summer public and members believe that the united states cannot afford to send that money at this time. kimberly help it al jazeera, the white house was still ahead here on out of here the 1000 mountains, all the time against president could stop and pinterest, economic and social reform. and anthony joshua and francis and gunner come to face to face ahead of the heavyweight showdown. and saudi arabia will hear from both fighters in support. check
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the hello. it is letting losey quiets and dry across the good pos of northern europe. nice big area of high pressure in charge here, so that will keep it set hold a little bit of missed and look into that eastern side of the english. had scotsman having said that, but to try and find quite the across sky to move your to the positive but no one year to with i reapply. pressure in place is blocking off these weather systems. try to push in from the atlantic that getting forced by the south was so the next plan to wet weather will make its way for people to feel coming in across the good pots of stain snow over the high ground. the united says centralize. if you up long as you try and quiet minds in 10 says on the temperatures still the few showers just around the balkans. what's the weather making his wife by the race which as we go through into friday then. so i said, what does the just coming across greece into ducky, i still
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a few showers look and narrow across the bulk. and i'm at next batch of west to whether ramping up was it pushes in across northern possibility southern areas of promptly, some snow over the high ground. next patch of very heavy rain pushing into political ad. that stage could call some localized flooding. so about whether it cost will make his way across the north of morocco, event states, and move them out to you area by the south. it's not the try. the, it's a top destination for travelers seeking them by the power dice experience. but the i did a archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global war. rising water levels and unforgiving storms have triggered some of the was 1st government lines relocation as a result of climate change. people empower us, want fiji, the last resort on
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a jersey to blank like police brutality and indigenous mother inbox, on an incredible jenny for justice time as the seeking reparation all dislike with no political background. she inspired to become chimneys 1st lying sen within the realm of politics. the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0, the the welcome back and watching all to 0. just remind you about top stories, the ssl,
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at least 5 people have been killed and then is really attacked and the last engine volume in northern garza. and in the center of this trip, 7 people were killed. and 14, all those wounded as being wasted for a few days. so don't forget, has fallen an urgent request for the international court of justice to impose more provisional measures on as well in order to prevent famine and goes on. in january, the court ordered israel to reframe from any i can fall under the genocide convention along with 5 other provisions. and the goals present, like you saw, has does all the governments and replace the prime minister naming syndicate called on to the 1st 7 ounce march 24th as a new date for the presidential election officer. the constitutional counsel rejected a proposal to hold or to insure the protesters and mexico have broken down a door of the presidential palace while the president was inside, giving a press conference on the
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crowd that you see that was demanding justice. a 43 students who disappeared a decade ago now they're induction. find the content, guerrero estate and the involvement of law enforcement in that incident has in the subject of yeah, as long investigations presents under, as many of them has a parental, it says that human rights organizations involved in the case has been very confrontational on home and has more on those protests from just outside of the presidential palace in mexico city of what happened on wednesday morning, seem to have a bill more of frustration than anything else this semester to publish a match card behind us. it's where the president, under this manual lopez over the lips and gets his morning press conferences, and you can see that there's a standing comp in front of it. these people were hits for tests. the lack of the resolution of the case of 43 students who with disappeared in the country now almost a decade ago, that case has been envelope become emblematic in mexico, of the moodle. $100000.00 people,
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the missing in total. now this is the last day of the standing kind of what they were looking for. was a meeting with the countries president. he had a wanted to give them that meeting and a group of younger protest as a went around to the side. come and did a truck and then reversed that truck into the side doors to try and get into the palace and into the morning press conference. they didn't get ready for. they were repelled almost instantly by military police wielding gas a riot shields. but the causes of that dissatisfaction remain. they write scripts said the 1st president lopez over to the sink team to help resolve this case. but this time is going on. and especially as the mexican army, which a key is a key pillar of support for this government began to seem to be in both more or more. in the case is becoming increasingly reluctant to release information for his administration. and it's a general attorney to release information to help solve the dots with these protests is want to try and clear up with them. he said that he's now going to give
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them a meeting in 1520 days once he's looked at the evidence, you have to see what happens next, john home and how does it a mexico city? a whole thousands of protesters have taken to the streets across columbia against present, gustavo and petra is pushed for economic and social reforms. the left during president's attempts to over the whole health care pension enable us, haven't met with heavy opposition. demonstrations have cooled, the rally, the march of the majority of summer, and jessie has more on those protests forced from the time what they are saying is that they came to the streets, not only here my a number of cities across the country to express a deep discontent with these reforms that are currently being discussed in congress . one in particular, the houses were formed very close to being passed and the people here will tell you that they feared that this could truly change the nature of the economic and
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political system in the country. concentrating much more power in the hands of this faith and this is something they see here. now the crowd that was out today was in many ways wider, older and richer then the average columbia and very conservative, very religious. one of the jokes here is that this is the crowd you usually find and country clubs across the country more than protesting on the street. but it show you chose you that this base the base through the upper right wing part these traditional parties that have been in power for very long decades in, in columbia feel multi, very motivated to come out and protest against this, a government and the things that they see could hurt columbia. ha, nikki haley has pulled out of the race to be the us presidential republican candidate. she congratulated her opponent donald trump and wished them well,
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the following sort of endorsing him. i mean, all the ensures that trump will stand for the republicans and the presidential election in november of the time has now come to suspend my campaign. i said, i want it americans to have their voices heard. i have done that. i have no regrets . and although i will no longer be a candidate, i will not stop using my voice for the things i believe in. it is now time to sport history massaging. i thank you. how does mentioned city a closing in on the quotes of one of the champions league, they all to one up in the last 16 2nd like against etc. copenhagen. manuel, a kennedy opened the scoring of the as it had rolling in from a hole in alvarez corner. it was an alvarez himself, preschool. the 2nd just few minutes later trying is that some distance and helps out by some pull go. people from come, you robera, copenhagen pulled one back for the nicely works, move finished off,
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find home the l, you know, see, but city got this a just before half time out in holland, with his 29th cold season to see a cruising into the last 86 to up on advocates. well, 100 currently facing light steaks. they went one lot at the building to buy your things different assist junior, who was set it, set up for g spelling and b, and it's national found out earlier. he's been suspended for to leave games is showing an aggressive attitude of being denied like when or against valencia last week. will live 2nd full the gold back for they still trail rayleigh trade, to one on advocates and rails. coach call on joyce he is on the sidelines for the match, but he's placing up to 4 years in prison. also being teased his tax fraud, spanish prosecution site and she was, he failed to declare over a $1000000.00 in earnings from his image rights during his 1st into charge of well, 20142015 will spine as cracks down on top football stalls. when it comes to
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the texas foam and the dread coach, josi murray near received a one year suspended sentence up to pleading guilty to tax for in 2019 christie on . rinaldo paid a fine of nearly $22000000.00 the same year. i'm just giving a to you a suspended sentence on leno. messy in his folder were found guilty of tax food with more than $4000000.00 on income made from image rights, but also avoided a jail sentence by paying big fines a japanese team. yokohama, s marino's out of to a winning style, so the quote you find was the asian champions league. they want to want to wait to china is shunned. don't tie shawn in the 1st take advice. hi. i'm just the lopez in young mateus school. the goal is to put them to a heads and i will cruising thoughts tend to was able to pull them back to the home side and at a time which keeps them in contention. heading into the 2nd like in the oklahoma next wednesday. so angry seems to the end with coach and stuff for both teams.
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central's chelsea say that backing style strong, cuz some car off did she pleaded not guilty to racially aggravated harassment of a police officer. the australian women's team captain was charged following an incident in london last year, when the officer responded to complaints about the taxi fi who's currently in a long entry level since june to face trial. next february, she has a full support and she knows that and it's really important, i get that across to something i really, really value. you know, this difficult bowman's this tough times and that's what my role is. and this football club is to make sure the cost to our people, and i just mean i want to be clear that side will be fully supported by me and everybody else at chelsea. francis and gone, it says he's ready to shop for. well, i'm beat anthony joshua. the former us, the heavyweight champion from cameron, is going up against britain's to time boxing heavyweight champion in saudi arabia on friday. and what is just
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a 2nd fight outside the octagon is 1st saw him knocked down the undefeated types of fury before eventually losing on a tight points decision. i relate to god and shut the door, you know, of the uh, into the factory building, you know, train the learning and i think um, when i really gonna get it, i think that's where the will going to be sure of. and i trust the process. i trust my team, the work that we'll put in in, you know, so, is going to build a site and then may, i think, was it 2426. so that wasn't the 1st time we started in the heavy bag ahead and pets . he'd been doing it from a young age. he's really was always to be a books. and so i'm, i know i'm up against, you know, i look at what he's a small details, bought a spa, i do my field study or that type of stuff. i keep a professional book on the night, so in the night that's different or not text, but stuff goes out in a window. and you just go be within this, give you a best. it's already written in the stalls was going to happen. i'm just gonna
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follow my destiny. what size is harry was in the audience full of that press conference and there was a tasty exchange within gunner who believes he actually one that points. i don't sorry about respect the fact that boston is protecting your boss and the rules of books and it's protected most goes out of that without that good. nothing in front of our beach. i be too heavy day. twice on sunday. sadie arabia's also hosting the 2nd formula one from pre of the season. but my just polls governing body the f i f i is facing allegations of race into fair in spite as president, is looking into reports that mohammed been selling on seen here on the left sort of a ton of penalty given to fernando alonzo at last is saudi arabia ingram, pre mercedes drive of george russell who missed out on a podium place to alonzo says drive is wants to know what's happening. you know, we want to see one of the facts and just have total transparency really. we were racing. hey, we want
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a fair and level playing field for us to showcase what we can do. right. it's almost says he's learned a lot about captain see during the test series against england, india have already won the series heading into the 5th and final much and are i'm sharla, which starts on thursday. so significant one for indian spin at rugby. ashwin, england joanie best or both place a 100 test for me personally as well as a captain. uh, this was probably the cds where i bought the loan a lot about how to utilize the players at what it is you have a, you know, at the best. and i'm glad that i was getting the cds. uh, it made me understand, you know, where i have lacked as a captain as well. and what are the things that i need to do differently? the right, that is like a sport for now. it is, but it's in the stalls. yeah, thanks so much. sure. well,
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still ahead for your hair on how to 0 guessing that how much does a find out about the annual tradition and conduct to, to keep the ancient the might be in a lab the needs and in everybody's office will still be married at 16 mostly could not even imagine being arrested about to decide if that's her grand daughter, would not face the same restrictions. 3 years ago when sonia was 15, what the convinced on a card off the on her home to take in a mighty put difficulty getting a job and that's what i'm gonna have to do with the may i please individual. well, in the by well my,
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i'll probably put them with the video the the welcome back fall is in poland. have clashed with police during a protest in warsaw. they've been protesting for months now against ukrainian inputs and you climate policies, borders with ukraine, built in hundreds of ukrainian trucks off stock, unable to cross. step boston, has this report from the data on the published ukrainian border. the farm was sunday and go on the riot police in war. so protests against policies from brussels are escalating,
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and these farmers increasingly considered the debt. and to me only 2 years ago, thousands of ukrainian refugees were warmly welcomed at this border. now it's blocked. police pharmacy use support for ukraine has gone too far, not to go shows greatness. she's un ukrainian green is flooding. poland and we're getting poor and poor. we don't know what to do with our products anymore. i mean, for the whole month bundle for just it's green and corn close to the border, ss of to russia in faded ukraine and you lifted import duties on ukrainian grain lost most of his income. he does not believe few queens claim that only 5 percent of its grade is passing to poland to moment then while she will, this is pain. i want the government to take concrete decisions we want action. i want the government to understand and help us financially, or to expose this grain from ukraine to countries in africa. for example. the blockades have cost kilometers long queues of ukrainian trucks at the border. so
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i'm haven't moved for weeks. the board, i'm located so causing major delays of deliveries of goods into ukraine, awhile. the problem is i saying that they lack military and humanitarian a pass. these protests have seriously damaged ukraine's relationship with the one country. that's how the most sense you are invaded every day ukrainian drivers hope the blockades will end so their goods can pass. they don't understand why polish farmers have gone this far. you out post them is up at the store and buy off the polish bomb, is what else do you need in europe? they have 0 loans, they have everything, and i still carrying ben is complaining wash and you cry and everything is much more difficult for us. let us again, 1st step above it. sir. ukraine has accused of both testers of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up in june. images of farmers carrying pro russian baptists and support of president fulton have made things even worse. but
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the farmers insist they'll remove the blockades as long as their incomes. and the future can be guaranteed. step fast and l just sierra the dk at the police ukrainian border. the widow of russian or physician later alexi, nevada is quoting for people to protest against a president that of a person on the election day next month. usually end of elia wants people to go to upholding stations and launch numbers. i've learned local time on march 17th before he died last month in a prison calling me in the optic. because i only had cool so far it has to for me long to is it punting stations and then for, for anyone except for it in the russian president is for the expected to win. and now that 6, he had to have an office. egypt central bank is a floating the egyptian pounds to allow its exchange rate to be set by the market that moves the cause. the pound 2 is moving a 3rd of its value within minutes on wednesday. nama vall hospital,
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is it just economy crisis has been going on for years with sorting inflation rates, the cd to show up to, to, for them to kind of see on the gap between the official and black markets rates has been huge. many egyptians say that lies in cost of living is a nightmare. but the addiction central bank seems to believe it has a solution. it's flow to the national kind of see a low in the market to determine the price of the seller. the decision had them immediately affect the efficient value of the rows from just over 30 to more than 49 edition pounds. and the pounds lost nearly a 3rd of its value in minutes. many on the waiting to see how the black markets rate of 70 pounds, but us dollar would be effected. this sense some bank says it's trying to unify rates to can inflation data relating the exchange rate has been at the top of a list of reforms. the month to buy the item after 40 plants 1000000000. so fellows, to egypt. the i m f says egypt wants to accelerate the loan process because it's
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concerned about the impacts these faces from easily this war on guys are the most direct impact is from the switch canal they use to collect $700000000.00 per month from revenues. now traffic is down by 5560 percent that needed the effects, the country that is already facing difficulties. this is a country where stability of energy permit this 3 energy. but the met this to the whole middle east, the opposite of a say the data deletion has been encouraged by a recent announcement by the united auto. and it was to invest $35000000.00 in egypt. and more of this 15000000 has already been deposited and the remaining balance is to be made available in 2 months. smart, i cannot be movies yet. put a note on most of the things unofficial korean, but it may be some so the team in the article, we're talking about 30 choice 1000000000 into months, which we will use to solve the problem is money liquidity. and in addition to that,
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the attempts and government will have 35 percent of the projects profit. nearly 2 thirds of egyptians live below the poverty line. and they can only wait to see whether egypt taken on big loads would benefit them at all. how much fun of does, you know, the oldest mosque in molly's ancient city of tempe, up to the great mosque is being restored. this annual tradition is a significant event for the local community that has no excitement on the streets of 10 bucks to this is these people have come to get the hands to see the room here to help reply to this one of 3 great most in the ancient town considered the gateway to the sa, how reduced the plastering of the mosque, is an annual tradition here and conduct you. it's a big festival. everyone takes part old and you'll know like that's what is the name of the most to survive to the present day. it's thanks to the work we do every
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year is an almost carnival type atmosphere in the year. everyone has a relative size. craftsman prepared the mud by about powder is added to the mixture. and the consistency has to be just right and hi, daddy explains that the festival is about moles and the reply string of one of tim buck twos wheeled here, 2 sites ma'am, on the strength and social cohesion and cultural mixing here, there is no race. there is no with mister t, there is no religion we've come to celebrate. we've come to dress up the mosque and to give a post to the vision of the city of 10, but to for some the annual festival as a welcome escape from a difficult life and the troubled region of the will. the bottom up in further line . it's a time when once a year people really come together to spear themselves, but, and have fun. it shows are whether it be in our resilience,
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despite all the difficulties we face all day long. while this annual restoration is a fist full of fun, pre guides the hands that through the woods, praying of the mixture that will help the building pencilled the hush elements. for now the this most can stood for steven hundreds and one handful of plaza. is it time these masons say they'll make sure it stands for another 700 is not like speed which is 0. busy all scares and phones have a lucky escape, as an avalon does not really mess them, take it back. now this happened and someone in the group of 6 k is with just out of reach. this video was recorded by mountain guides . you said a police helicopter arrived within minutes, but found no casualties. a whole lot set for this new south. and i'll be back in just
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the, this is essentially curious on just lost jobs to find expeditions under british tier inspection fee is charged of endangering national security security of civilians and soldiers by accident to reveal vast amounts of classified information among our classified information was a video of a us helicopter, attacking a rock that killed 11 people, including civilians and 2 voices. janice remains inside belmont prison here in london awaiting a final decision whether he can't appeal his legal team says they will be arguing on the basis of freedom of speech. there's never been a prostitution be espionage that people use a lot of free speech documents, federal arguments that they weren't gonna set you all back in the us. his wife died and said he is set to united states political prisoners. and that's what happens is
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legal team says if this attempt fails, the last remaining option is to appeal to the european court of human rights in the final charges would switch to new extinction. now the ami enjoys and community groups, the group, the back from the 311 east investigates. in an increasingly complex world, it's turned out to be direct instruction was, or should teach international law is need to be this month. and so to discussions that come through the norm upfront on how to do, what do you consider amazing lexus we believed in the luxury of choice. introducing the
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in the power of the session with you, energy reveals itself analysis of a plugin hybrid electric the the kind of that i'm just going to tell you, this is a new, the life from the coming up in the next 16. so the goal is present, dissolves the government and fires the prime minister of the constitutional council rules against the delay of elections beyond the 8th.


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