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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 7, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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in fact, in this product, the judge argued that political and economic interests con, be more important than the protection of civilian lives during the war. the yeah, the, the and greece deuce and devastation, israel's genocide and gaza has now kills more than $50700.00. until mccrae, this is all just there. a line from doha also coming up so that it just be you ins . top core to issue an emergency or role as round to allow aiden to cancer. 20 children type stuff. i should say. nickels president dissolves the governments and
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replaces the prime minister after the constitutional council rules against the life elections beyond april. i'm so i'm a big job in store for me on the part to find the funds on board to and i'll tell you why preparations are being made for a possible influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees. the it's been 5 months since, as well as devastating ball roland gaza. susie 1717 palestinians have been killed including moving 13000 children and this casualties. mount the u. n. has warned its attempts to get a truck since a gauze styling. gus has helped him industry since at least 20 children have died of hung up. michael apple reports and women scream piece is the chaos of the sauce mosque in jamalia and northern gaza. following is
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rarely shannon. the 1st few teams rushed to the side. several bodies are paid from under the rubble. some are like the doctors can do nothing for several children rotate along confirming the parents with nice name. the minutes the center, the sound of most good jamalia was directly targeted without warning. children were playing the the most because they normally do suddenly the most coast bombarding, killing people and into another's. this is the enemy's talking. children's dates comes in many forms in god's palestinians dying from bombardment and from starvation. the desperation evidence is they scoop up what's the aid they can find amongst the date and the model. we are collecting this food from the prompt. we are unable to get to kind of solve dns or anything which supplies is not the reaching
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us. we are picking the bins from the ground. i have no idea how we can run my thought. makes them delinquent this stuff to where we are. on the other one, the old food programs his wide spread hung a is a nice history, but he's rails blocking the aid convoys and several countries. a dropping food into gaza cannot meet the needs on the ground. we have food enough to feed 2200000 people and just outside guys. we just need to make sure that we are able to negotiate the access into the different parts of cars, north and the south to make sure that the trucks are able to get it to the people that they the air drops. wouldn't never be able to replace the oh yeah. the she hugs her daughter for the as lifeless body and things. you're a piece of my heart. it's a broken one. like so many others and garza. yeah. mike level older 0
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a set africa has us. do you ins, top core to impose new emergency orders on as well, to allow humanitarian agents? the goal is to prevent famine. so the african says palestinian children stopping to death as the direct result of israel's actions. it's age the world court to take the missions without should you like another round of hearing siding, the extreme urgency of the situation. and it's request south africa states that in the bosnian genocide case, the court decline to order the additional provisional missions requested on the 27th of july, 1993. within 2 years, approximately 7336 pulse needs. and the circled safety area had been sleuthing and bolt this quote, retrospectively determined to have been a genocide here. so that for could respectfully, coal is on this quote to act again now before it is too light to do what is within its power to science, palestinians in gaza from genocide will starvation will. jonathan kotob is an international human rights lawyer. he says they are a soul of legal grounds,
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but south africa's request i think the request is very proper. under international law. people seem to forget that it is the obligation of is it a under international law to provide food and basic services to the people under this occupation? not only has it say failed to meet that obligation because also obstructed a preventive others from bring you food in as part of a deliberate strategy. just of the senior people. in fact, your doesn't now, we will have cut off food. we will cut out water. we will not allow fuel and we will let a lot of these things it. and then they started allowing gifts in, in a drip, drip fashion. we will allow, if you address your life, you trust there, but we will also control not only how much food comes in and what kind of food
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comes in. we also want to control who does that distribution and whole safeguards, these convoys in the beginning, it was the police who would save god this called voice. but then these are have started targeting these please, because they are in uniform. sometimes they are on. so they consider them any combatants members of a mass and issued them. then after a while, the convoys have no protection to protect them. uh, once they come in. a 15 year old palestinian girl has been rescued after spending 3 days under the rubble of the home. and con, use the one that has to be just on this for sure. how this will have to show that there was a conversation on saturday between the hollow husband amada and her uncle,
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as she desperately wasted to be saved these ready military targets at the residential complex, where his family was taking shelter. 6 of her relatives were killed, including her parents and sister, the old but it on the bed month and how much money the as the women do when the other spend astray. i'm in my and i'm going to spend the, my old on the mobile just of us on the end of it. i'd be in a but the new and my head especially if the, if the account on the, on the,
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on the kind of the items that they've got. i just may, you know, come to the china is foreign minister, has called the war and goes a disgrace for civilization. still hood of your soul. when those have no reasons, can justify the continuation of conflict and no excuses can absolve the killing of civilians. the international community must urgency, take action, making an immediate cease by the overriding priority. the china family supports the just cause of the palestinian people to restore the legitimate national rights and has always been committed to a comprehensive and lasting solution to the palestinian issue. we support palestine is membership as a full united nations member state and call on certain security council members. not just set up that goes to this with at least 3, silas have been killed in a hurry. the attack on the cargo ship. the attack happens in the gulf of 8 and
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that's according to us central command. now the 1st vitality since through these began its attacks on commercial shipping in protest against israel is more on gallons on the ship is reportedly addressed and on file, there were 20 crew on board and 3 um security guards, shepherd, towns even pulls from washington, dc. us central come on down, depends the good and saved of a vessel. hips was a ball day. those flag liberian owns boat carrier that was transiting the gulf of 8 . and it's very difficult to tell from that whether there is any us connection as we who with these claim given the opacity, the lack of transparency, the flags of convenience and international shipping. the pentagon did give us some more information there about the context of this latest attack they say is the 5th and the ship ballistic missile, followed by the who's. these are the last 2 days, 2 of those missiles impacted to shipping vessels, and one was shot down by the u. s. s. comic who these say that they will continue
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targeting vessels linked to what they call the as rarely a genocide as long as it continues as long as the us allows it to continue. but there's no change in policy from the state department, aust. as to how successful us policy is of determine the parents and the degradation of who's the capabilities map middle of the state department spokesman simply said it's a long term price task, but apparently still the $1.00 the one elements of us a still don't consider drink is stopping or attempting to stop was there with you say as a genocide, and does she ever times the out? is there a washington? is there any forces have right at the civil towns in the occupied west bank of an ice into boston the north a civil explosive devices went off during confrontations between his ready soldiers and palestinian fonts is at least one pill us and the young man was injured is there any forces missing preventing an ambulance from reaching him of
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the last 2 weeks of political turmoil and protest. and the goal is present. mackie saw, has set a date for the delayed presidential election is to, to take place on march the 24th. the top court ruled the proposal to hold the vote . optus old man died expires, was unconstitutional. nicholas hoc reports from senate goes capital the car and finally it date to senegal is presidential elections a month after president mike, you saw the lady, february's pulled citing concerns of a corruption over the list of candidates. the standing of these people go to the polls on march 24th, a date made public in a statement after the weekly cabinet meeting and the constitutional counsel reject itself suggested election date of june. second. so you can not overstate his time in power to organize the vote. his term ends on april. second,
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his decision to delay the pull sparked widespread protest and condemnation, including among his closest allies. enough is enough cynical deserves base. it would make you saw, has done with a fix has a legacy, and that's what the country for future generations actually. and countries to see in an attempt to appease the crisis, members of parliament adopted an amnesty law between 20212023. send the goal, witness several episodes of violent political unrest. thousands of protest chairs were picked up by security forces during that time, including opposition to respond sancho, he could be released, but rights groups criticized this amnesty law. these are the name of the right to just is true and transparency. so just to deciding that i missed the will be voted inside again after saying for 3 years that the investigations has been go or has been going on. such a elements such as the kennings of more than 60 purposes inside it is
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a dimension of around 1000 persons who are participating in for the test is just a denial of justice. it's just a cop out of from the government. solve has dissolved the government to allow the ruling party candidate permanent drama, due back to focus on the upcoming campaign that is now shorter than expected. at the end of the day, the main question that remains is why when she performed these elections in the 1st place, because he 1st mentioned and talked about institutional crisis. so today we have the to the city, god is in the institutional crisis. and in the form of christ, the constitutional council's decision to stand up to the president and reject his suggested election date is seen as a tribute to senegalese democracy. and the new election date comes as a relief to many senegalese who will finally have a say over their countries future. nicholas hawk, calendar 0 the car for you as an estimated 1700000 undocumented afghans have been
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living in pakistan. but since the government cranked down on migrants began late last year, many has been full staff now a deadline for them to leave as possible. the state is facing monthly funds, $100.00 us dollars. but some of the binge of, i'd reports from telecom on the ask in pakistan border after spending 40 years and focused on s on the law. because back in nevada sponsor, he stayed there to set a business phase. and the 1st deadline for undocumented, oftentimes to leave expired. now he's decided to return home. he was 12 years old when he crossed into pockets on with his family. and now he has a son of nearly the same age. most the focused on the i'm not fortunately, we're happy for the people of focused on we have spent a lot of time there. they've been good to us, but this time the police how we did not trace us rise. the government and police never behaved in a good way. scans were detained and forced to pay bribes,
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and then they would let them go. the one thing with this was for the of an estimated one and a half 1000000 undocumented under for g as in part of sun, within half a 1000000 have either been deported or have left voluntarily since last year. it's a difficult transition for hundreds of thousands of people to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just a staging point from here. the journey continues to the place is a version. inside of the sun. the government to focus on says it's expending everyone who does not have legal documents. not means thousands of off guns, many who are born in pockets on must leave. it just maybe in the good or about all of the illegal migrants are being sent back. they have no rights to be part of any activities in pakistan. those citizens who i hear legally with us can civilian cods or refugee spaces, focused on the policy, is that they cannot take part in political activities in the country. many of guns
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will leave the exposure and is a pressure tactics to push the kind of bond government to kind of the people who pockets phone calls terrace. the box on the, the bundle t t p carries out the tax inside pocket sun, while its leadership is based in have gone to sun. focus on says the measures of the curve, illegal migrants with a burden, and some are involved in criminal activities. near the border with pockets on this to kind of meet too long, comp is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. those who arrive here are registered, provided with temporary shelter, and given a $130.00 each to help with their on the journey of on the does deny the influx of refugees will be in addition to the burden if a g comp, proficiency, regardless of the legal status, people should be treated with respect and what's it based on what we should look at it right now, the pakistani government is the union to have the refugees. but still we are prepared in case they change their minds or they've even jailed women and children . we have told them that if they have to,
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they should arrest or jail the men and they shouldn't arrest women and children. you the west of office of those to the if i'm less on mrs. is friends and school in bach. hassan for now he's hoping his father stopped again. and the son, which he hopes will be their home forever. so i'm going to drop it off 0. perfect. and a sense as well. so here's, here on the al jazeera, the in columbia sales is pushed back against government reforms, plus under on 100, in north carolina, one of the many super tuesday states with nikki haley last. after that, she found out that the rings the,
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however, we got some of the live, the weather in the full cost of part. so the middle east, as we go through the next couple of days, not too bad at the moment, logic, dry, crusty arabian peninsula. but when he makes by the no, it's up to, we'll see a coke assess, and that's going to run his way to both the cask. and what you say one to 2 shot was the answer. why mon and the other side of the peninsula wanted to shout, see, i'm not going to be free to for some went to whether something positive sally saves some live use out. as we go through friday, i take, i look a satch day that looks like really nice. the one for the you a that will cause flash flooding. somebody to keep an eye on that went to weather, coming in across that eastern side of oman. elsewhere, tempe just rising at last couple we getting up to around 8 sales. just as a winfrey shower was in the mix, the sales and went to the showers just across the cool cuz is the eastern side of them? it is right. it is allows you try for an apple one or 2 showers, and you can say they will extend the way down towards casa, for a time retreating through with us today. and then pushing in once again as we go on
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into friday. but the weather, the weather and some wintry weather will be there across stucky. it's also some way whether to just pushing it across the final, the west of africa. a few live the showers just rolling course in the positive morocco into northern areas of algae area. and showers, increasing west africa. the, the president biden says, wants a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit places the state houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege as a journalist, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching it, which is there a reminder about top stories, the ssl and the goals present and make you sol has dissolved the government instead of the dice, the delayed presidential election. the decisions came just off the syndicate was constitutional court rule that the election must be held before president solves man died in the next month. so that i forget his honest to you is talk to him as additional emergency measures against his ro, which it says is preaching goes really in place. so that focuses palestinian children starving to death. as a direct result of is rose actions and at least 3 sizes have been chosen with the attack on the congo ship in the gulf of aiden fitz,
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according to you as central come on the 1st by tell us the sensitivities began their attacks on commission shipping in protest against as well as for on gaza family members of palestinian victims and gowns i have met you in 6th street general antonio terrace. some of the families have lost more than $100.00 of the relatives in gaza. christian salumi reports from the un headquarters in new york and they met privately with the secretary general and members of the security council and publicly with members of the media group consisting of about 10 palestinian americans and a woman from gaza, who recently escaped with her injured sister and they all shared heartbreaking stories of men suffering in gosh, uh, where family members have been lost either to bombs or snipers or from lack of food and medicine. one woman
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a doctor from texas has lost 150 members of her extended family. she described her conversation with the us and bass and her to the us. i think we were heard. and i think it's important that all of us have shared our stories. the disconnect is always the powerlessness that seems to be could be communicated. we understand we understand, but again, today none of us are here for condolences. we're not here for the apologies were here for immediate action. meantime, the u. n's, humanitarian coordinator for gaza, says they don't have enough aid. preposition should, is really troops and bade rasa. we have very wide of, of the incursion into the guys of the military and cause and if it does take place, because simply they're not without, right. know, we'd actually addressing the needs of 1400000 people who are displaced into the rafa area. so be, that'd be have a contingency plan in place to do that. if the majority of those people are forced
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to move because of any military incursion into the alpha, we have a contingency plan at the top of a contingency plan. and we don't have the supplies to preposition the necessary to material foods and shelter to absorb people that they do move. and to be perfectly honest, i don't know where people would move to. but despite these please and concerns that still no action from the security council, kristen is telling me, i'll just here of the united nations. he's capital remains mostly paralyzed by violence with gains voting of civil war. if prime minister around already doesn't step down already is still in puerto rico, unable to return hon. this being the surgeon violence in the past week since he left the country in a bid for international aid. heidi is in the state of emergency the international airport phone and portal prints remains closed, and most businesses have shut down. washington says it's not cooling for heidi is prime minister to resign, but does want him to speed up
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a transition to inclusive governance and ensure free and fair elections. it's not the united states acting alone in this. so with this regard, it's of the united states, in consultation with partners and there in the region are having these conversations. and what we are saying to the prime minister is that he needs to expedite the transition to empowered and inclusive governance. including the, the, the appointment of a transition counsel. so that's what we'll continue to, to discuss with him. daniel foot served as the us special invoice, a hazy in 2021. he says washington's reluctance to c r l o. re step down is not helping the situation. it's not up to the united states and they have been asking area on reed for 12 years to form a transition government and to have a dialogue with civil society and opposition. and he's refused to do so. so at this point in the past week,
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the protest in haiti have turned into an all our revolution and you have the lead. so right with the oligarchs align with the former army guys align with the gags. everybody wants this guy gone, but by waiting so long, i mean us, it's still still looks like they want him to go back there. the issue is, if he goes back there, he's not going to survive. and i don't mean his prime minister key will not live through the month if he goes back there. so the united states really should scratch his head and figure out what is the right thing to do for, hey, it's not our, your protest as in mexico has knocked down the door to the presidential palace while the president was inside, giving his daily press conference. they were demanding justice for 43 students who disappeared a decade ago. the adoption by cartel and good at the state has been the focus of a long running investigation. the government human rights commission. so the
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incidents involved law enforcement officials or in columbia thousands of protesters, vincent, the anger against president gustavo petro, as push, but it cannot make and social reforms. the president's attempts to over a whole health care pension and labels facing wide spread on position. i will send you around p a t reports from colombia as capital book with the of the suite of people out to become the rallying cry for those who express a deep discontent with the reforms. back by the left, the government of gustavo pay through thousands took to the streets and the capital battalion across major cities, even the largest rallies since paid through a former rebel fight. during this youth took power 2 years ago, promising to fight public. do you mean the quality they believe over holding health care, pensions,
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and labor laws put them in the country at risk for the middle part of all. and i'm here for the future of my children for the use because they will not have one otherwise because i'm afraid to lose my health services. yes, we need to fix some things, but not destroy the system that we have to prove test. there's also march the gains, bay throws attempts at reaching piece deals with remaining on groups in the country, which they say we can, the military, some flu is the real splash in support of its war and gaza, which fits ro open the criticize the drug test. there's also believe that the return of a former parent military commander side of authority, mancuso is a political move up target their leader, former president, as i'd would eva, would he was accused of having links to men cause group. does he don't know what that is? clearly what is happening, that's why they went looking for mancuso in prison and offering him benefits to attack others. the president and his political party, a full of resentment and hatred. what can you expect from the person there was
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a gave the left side to the approved test. there's a took to the streets on wednesday. we were in general, white or older in richard and the average colombian representatives of a portion of the country that has long been in power and is to regain it. so if they want to grow, they need to diversify the number of parts that protest against the federal government that they need to draw out a stronger reaction from the administration. having said that, you know, i think the opposition still relies on very polarizing figures, such as that about to leave a list to as, as their main sort of standard bears. and that could bring out a huge weak weakness about them. and this was a major success for opposition park days in columbia. it shows that their base is motivated than willing to come out and protest against policies they believe could hurt the country. and for many here, this is also the 1st step of
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a campaign to retake power. in 2 years time. i listened that i did adjust the both the in the us nikki highly has pulled out of the price for the republican presidential nomination of to a crushing defeat in the super tuesday primaries. she congratulated her opponent the old trumpet did not endorse him. who withdrawal since the search for a trump 5 and re mentioned november's presidential election, john henry and reports from raleigh in north carolina. in the in crowd, nikki haley came closer to the white house than any republican woman in us history . she overcame a field of debate rivals she dismissed as the phyllis which she could not overcome. former president donald trump after a delegate drubbing and 14 of the 15 states on super tuesday, she ended her campaigns, acknowledging that her improbable path to victory was now all. but impossible,
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the time has now come to suspend my campaign. the former south carolina governor and united nations in basset are made history, is the 1st republican woman running for president to we in the primary defeating trump in vermont in the district of columbia. and did it as the daughter of indian immigrants, my mother, a 1st generation emigrate, got to vote for her daughter for president only in america. his record has been, she sought to lead a more traditional non mag republican party, back by talking to donors. and she increasingly traded barb's with her arrival at some point, maybe we should say, the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump, a, by the way, she's not up to the job. but in state after state republican voters answered with overwhelming support for trump. she pointedly decline to endorse arrival. citing


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