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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 7, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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naples by faithful city, by giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improved, it's possible to protect and save different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today on algae is here. the of the hello silver robin, your email just it renews online for my headquarters here in dough hall coming up in the next 60 minutes living amongst the ruins with israel's will and golf entering it's 6 months. move in. so 2717 palestinians have been killed since october. the 2nd south africa of appeals to the international court of justice to issue and emergency food gains to as well to increase the amount of salary and aid into garza to of,
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of salmon. also targeting schools use really all these steps of compass rates and continues towards the education facilities right across the palestinian territories . plus, i'm sort of a job aide in the door from on the by just on the front, on the border. and i'll tell you why preparations are being made for a possible influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees, schools and businesses in haiti, a shots and people are leaving the capital after the lead to of the gang wounds of a civil war. unless the prime minister resigns spoken to the news release to 20 children have died of hunger and malnutrition in garza, as israel's will on the strip enters its 6 month. so $2717.00 palestinians have been killed since october the 7th, including both and $13000.00 children and his casualties. mount the u. n. has
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warned its attempts to get a trucks into a gauze sailing. michael, apple begins our coverage. a woman scream, pierced as the chaos of the soft mosque, and jamalia, northern garza, following is riley, shall rescue teams rush to the side. several bodies are paid from under the rubble. the. some are like the doctors can do nothing for several children, bro. 10, confirming with all the parents with nice thing. the minute the most good to value was directly targeted without warning. children were playing the the most because they normally do suddenly the most coast bombarding killing people in india. and now there's, this is the enemy's talk in children's dates comes in many forms in god's palestinians,
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a dying from bombardment and from starvation. the desperation evidence is they screwed up. what's the aid they can find amongst the debt to the model? we are collecting this food from the prompt. we are unable to get that kind of salt dns or anything which supplies is not the reaching us. we are picking the bins from the ground. i have no idea how we can, that's wrong about makes them delinquent. the stuff to where we are when the other of the world food program says widespread hunger is a nice history. but israel is blocking the aid convoys and several countries. a dropping food into gaza cannot meet the needs on the ground. we have food enough to feed 2200000 people just outside guys. we just need to make sure that we are able to negotiate the access into the different parts of cars, north and the south to make sure that the trucks are able to get it to the people that they, the drops would never be able to replace the oh yeah, the, the,
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she hugs her daughter for the as lifeless body and things. you're a piece of my heart. it's a broken one. like so many others and garza. yeah. michael apple. oh, dessert. honey about mood joins us now on the side and from rasa. honey. i mean, what's the latest on the ground in terms of security and a distribution? it's uh, fluid situation. a good morning. so, and we were looking at an overnight night of tax and usually our of this morning to continue not only to cold people, mostly children and women, but also create very difficult conditions on the ground in terms of age delivery. just a late hours of last night. another incident of a larger group of people who work that's currently searching for fluid reach to an area around it. so i had been going to make the particular point. wade where aided
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truck easily arrive or get to gaza from they were shut out by these really military, there were reports of civil injuries were reported to a ship. i have to tell them we know the story or the ship a hospital that very difficult. right. and i over will make situations, no medical supplies and, and no medical staff available to intervene. you with the medical intervention. just same line. is that the fact that the ongoing attacks related to the attack concentrated as of over the last night, i knew that i was there this morning and when trouble area mainly were looking at nearby. and it looks like the rest of the calendar that i have in the area describe as a deep zone for people to back away to. but not deep at all. i'm gonna tell you, right, right. you can, this is not the 1st time we're seeing directly as you can being related to be targeted. so we're looking at a total of at least 17 people and just reading the names of people who are accounting overnight attacks. we realized that all of them are display cam just to
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chrome family names. we know where they're coming from, either the northern parts or ga, the city. and they follow these really monetary order. i'll be back to ition only to end up being killed by these unpredictable colon button on the central area of the situation. in con, it's nearly eastern time noon continues to be very difficult of is really going to try keep conducting the systematic and controlled pollution of residential homes, the entire eastern areas, hunger is going to clear to complete me. there no signs of life, right? they are no public, i'm part of it is or, and press structure of residential on a, the, in the computer. it's a ration of i've had with the national compound, conducting math arrest and, and they aggressive search at the plaza, flat building to building. and so for over 250 people have been detained by these really military sending me the source science and honey of course will be checking
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in with you throughout the day. a 15 year old palestinian girl has been rescued after spending 3 days under the rubble of a home in con eunice. one last sweet. yes ma'am. yes. for sure how this will happen. she lives here. that was the conversation on so today between how that happens and, and how wrong cold she desperately waited to be saved. these really military targets at the residential complex. when i finally was seeking shelter, 6 of her relatives were killed, including her parents of the month and how much money the as the women do. when is the level of understanding of in my and i'm going to
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spend the, my old on the sheet of us on the end of it. i'd be in a but the new and hudson and the ends, especially if the, if the count on, on the, on the kind of the items that they've got. i just video kind of of, of assistive bustle, plus among 6 people killed. the south africa has asked the united nations topcoat to impose new emergency orders on israel to a long humanitarian aid into garza to prevent simon. south africa says palestinian children a starving to death as the direct result of israel's actions. it's about the will
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call to take the measures without centurylink, another round of hearings site to meet stream emergency of the situation it's it's in request. ringback and it's required south african state, such as the pulse of the genocide case, the court decline to order the additional professional measures requested on the 27th of july 1993. within 2 years, approximately 7336 both means and the cycle safe area have been slow to and what this called retrospectively determined being called genocide. he is south africa respectfully calls on the court to act again. now, before it's too late to do what is within its power to save palestinians in garza from genocidal starvation? well that was the statement. jonathan cutoff is an international human rights store . he says that all solid legal grounds for south africa's request i think the request is very proper under international law. people seem to forget that it is
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the obligation of is there a under international role to provide food and basic services to the people under this occupation? not only has it say failed to meet that obligation because also obstructive ad preventive. others from bring you food in as part of a deliberate strategy, just of the senior people. in fact, it doesn't. now, we will have cut off food. we will cut out water, we will not allow fuel and we will let a lot of these things it. and then they started allowing get in, in a drip drip fashion. we will allow if you address your life, you trust there, but we will also control not only how much food comes in and what kind of food comes in. we also want to control who does that distribution and whole
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safeguards, these convoys in the beginning, it was the police who would save god this called voice. but then these are have started targeting these please, because they are in uniform. sometimes they are on. so they consider them any combatants, members of a mass and issued them. then after a while, the convoys have no protection to protect the uh, once they come in, is there any falls is a rated several towns and the occupied westbank have a night in the northeastern city of 2 by several explosive devices went off during confrontations between his ready soldiers and palestinian sciences, at least one pulse to be 9 was injured, is ready, forces was seen preventing him from billings from reaching him, saying this probably isn't ramallah in the occupied westbank mouldings. i mean, the raid spies, riley's continue, and really the palestinians kind of need to stop by and watch because confrontation
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could be disastrous and possibly fatal. i mean, you're absolutely right to the overnight. we saw at least 20 raids in chaos and may have once again across the occupied westbank. and again, it is absolutely seemingly endless. where are the homes of the home of one of the residents of ramallah. her home was rated at 2 am and we just want to give you a sense of exactly what's left behind when the. ready the forces, the soldiers, we've destroyed laptops completely up, turned living room. they went through every nook and cranny of this house, causing absolute chaos and destruction. property damage at a complete scale. this whole, this home is completely trashed. everything has been up turned, it cuts through. so far as the even destroyed part of the toilet seat for some reason pulling framing off the doors, pulling the doors off, the hinges,
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searching for what it is unclear. this is the home of a single mother of 3 children with no history of any sort of activism or criminal activity of any kind. all that she was guilty of is that she had a friend visiting that the israeli soldiers wanted to locate and the rest were short. but we'll was that friend. she was here. she came to visit her friend. spend the nights as normal. people do looks at the wheel, a journalist, and active as known for her reporting on issues of prisoners and detainees. 18 soldiers came into this home a home where there is a toddler, a young woman, 2 young sons, a single mother living here. they beat her, they beat her in front of her friends. they took her into a room, she was heard screaming by her friend. uh, get your hands off me. her head scarf was torn off. she was beaten,
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and violently taken away at 2 am. and this is a nightly occurrence and communities of ross the occupied westbank and there was no one to stand between palestinian civilians and his really soldiers. and of course a and you know, we've heard that everyone is a potential targets and, and no one, no, no where is safe in the occupied westbank certainly right now. and so many years as well. but this seems to be a focus on students right now. why, i mean nowhere is safe in the occupied westbank. that's exactly something someone said to me here this morning. but there was definitely a focus on arresting thinkers, doors activists. and there was a specific, a endeavor, human rights group say, to attack higher education systems. now in gaza, we saw the wholesale destruction of universities of schools, something activists and human rights groups call the hallmark of a terrorist organization. not
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a democracy. dozens of teachers and administrators killed. it really has affected the education system there. but in the west bank is really detained, at least a 135 students from birthdates, university and ramallah for opposing the war. campus raids, intimidation come and play students and teachers describe what is going on the, the, the action that is real is taking its academic institutions against school. they say is akin to a forced brain train of the palestinian people. here's our report. in 5 months of continue responding, israel has destroyed nearly all of causes higher education system. 12 of 19 universities completely destroyed. 95 professors and ph. d holders, 231 teachers and administrators all killed. one of the 8000 college students, those left a life won't have anywhere to go back to school. palestinians describe witnessing of parallel and systematic war on education designed to wipe out because of schools
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and universities. when you have a life pulled cost, also the destruction of a complete university that has one meaning. you don't want the university to be the the size of the destruction that we see today in higher education institutions is really something that is um president in the west bank. israel's crack down is less violent. but still obstructive includes university usually teeming with people all but empty. now, most students told to stay home to keep them safe from the dangers and indignities of checkpoints and roadblocks. young adults increasingly profiled and targeted by israeli troops and settlers since the war began. yeah, every corner of the university has meaning to me in memories, but now i feel that there's just books and was empty, meaningless. since october 7th,
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birthdate's university has seen multiple military rates. dozens of students round it up, most without charged obvious attempts administrators and students say to silence peaceful protest at a century old institution with a history of fighting for freedom, mobility, campuses, and activism. go ahead and for zation numbers here in romo light is no different. this is exactly the kind of thing it is really is trying to start a place where young post indians are encouraged to think, evolve and grow a threat to the status quote from how well it's my whole email, how it is. this is an attempt to annihilate the police, seeing an influence on the academic word. there's more that police time can give. there hasn't even been cyber attack since the world again targeting the university's network and servers says a serious threat and we should not underestimate that one of the human capital
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students have is education. and this is really a main pillar in order to cut short an order is this service and or education, how we, how we are raised. you know, education is the most important thing, is reels, motives or clear rate campuses suppress students crush hopes for a better future by trying to deplete power stein's greatest resource. it's people zane bus route, the old 0, the occupied westbank, that at least 3 sailors have been killed in the tank volume and safety falling to is that a concave shift and the goals of 8. and that's according to us central command. that all they all the 1st fate, talent agency, these began there were times on commercial shipping in protest against israel's war on grounds that the evidence of the vessel say that the true confidence was struck . 90 columbus has off the case of a ship is repulsive. they addressed it on fire. they went 20 crew on board and 3 um security codes. not for the google. the naval forces of the human
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forces carried out the time to think operation against the american ship through confidence in the gulf of either with a number of naples. besides this, try cause accurate and look to a fire breaking out on board the vessel. the target took opperation came after the ship crew ignore the warning messages from the gemini naval forces. in the many of the, many of the forces persistent, upholding the religious, moral, and humanitarian duties and supporting so oppressive policy and people the operations and the red and autopsies will not stop until the aggression stops. and the seas on the policy of people in the gaza strip is listed on his job and she has potentially has moved to washington dc. the us central come on down depends the good and saved of a vessel hit was a ball they those flag liberian owns boat carrier that was transiting the gulf of 8
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. and it's very difficult to tell from that whether there is any us connection as we, who would fees claim given the opacity, the lack of transparency, the flags of convenience and international shipping. the pentagon did give us some more information there about the context of this latest attack they say is the 5th and the ship, ballistic missile, followed by the who. these are the last 2 days, 2 of those missiles impacted to shipping vessels and one to shut down by the u. s. s. comic who these say that they will continue targeting vessels linked to what they call the as rarely a genocide as long as it continues as long as the us allows it to continue. but there's no change in policy from the state department, aust. as to how successful u. s. policy is of determine the parents and the degradation of who's the capabilities map middle of the state. department spokesman simply said it's a long term price task, but apparently still the $1.00 the one elements of us a still don't consider drink is stopping or attempting to stop. was there with you
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says a genocide and does she ever times the out? is there a washington? the space in the days of the news though he's, he's comfortable. he's basically power lines by violence with guns warning of civil war. if prime minister ariel re, doesn't step down, the only is still in puerto rico, unable to return home. that's been a surgeon violence in the past week since he left the country. they've been international aid. but hating is in a state of emergency, the international efforts impulse footprints remains closed. and most businesses i've shut down. so the us says it's all clean slate. these prime minister to resign but wants him to speed up a transition to inclusive governance initial free and fair elections. it's not the united states acting alone in this. so with this regard, it's of the united states, in consultation with partners and there in the region are having these
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conversations. and what we are saying to the prime minister is that he needs to expedite the transition to empowered and inclusive governance. including the, the, the appointment of a transition counsel. so that's what we'll continue to, to discuss with him. daniel foot served us us special envoy to hazy in 2021. he says, washington is reluctance to see i will only step down is not helping the situation . i think the white house is confused and stability is always the priority and a but by backing be legitimate. the fact of prime minister, which the us anointed shortly after the assassination, which led to my resignation. um the us has put katy in a difficult position at this point in time, even if the us with the blah blah press conference by
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the spokesperson today. it's not up to the united states and they have been asking area on re for 12 years to form a transition government and to have a dialogue with civil society and opposition and he's refused to do so. so at this point in the past week, the protest in haiti have turned into an all out revolution and you have your leads, all right, with the oligarchs aligned with the former army guys, and with the gags everybody wants this guy gone. but by waiting so long, i mean us is still looks like they want him to go back to the issue is if he goes back there, he's not going to survive. and i don't mean his brian minister key will not live through the month if he goes back there. so the united states really should scratches head in and figure out what is the right thing to do for, hey, it's not our, your, i mean, anything,
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dominican republic says it's reinforcing as bold extra shapes of being deployed. the government says it wouldn't allow haitian refugee comes in its territory. dominican authorities deported. tens of thousands of haitians. las t a are focused on is expelling thousands of undocumented haskins across the border code into the united nations bucket. sonya authorities are forced more than 450000 to return home. and human rights watch organization says more than 20000 have been directly deported. they include women, human rights defenders, john lives on the form of government, employees who flight of call this non after the talent on to cave. in august 2021. they are at risk of persecution when they were 10 buckets on estimate small, the 1700000 as guns have been living in the country without documents for years and most arrived in waves following the service invasion. and i've got a son in 1979. now the deadline to leave voluntarily has passed,
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and those things i have a state that are facing monthly fines of $100.00 us dollars. a solid binge of it reports nothing to come on. the ask and buckets, bundled after spending 40 years in buckets done, i signed the law because back in and bought a sponsor, he stayed there to set a business phase. and the 1st deadline for undocumented often to leave expired. now he's decided to return home. he was 12 years old when he crossed into pockets on with his family. and now he has a son of nearly the same age. most the focused on the i'm not, fortunately, we are happy for the people of buckets done. we've spent a lot of time there. they've been good to us, but this dining police how we did not trace us rise. the government and police never behaved in a good way. scans were detained and forced to pay bribes, and then they would let them go. the one thing i of an estimated one and a half 1000000 undocumented under for g as in part of sun, within half
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a 1000000 have either been deported or have left voluntarily since last year. it's a difficult transition for hundreds of thousands of people to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just a staging point from here. the journey continues to the place is a version. inside of the sun. the government to focus on says it's expending everyone who does not have legal documents. not means thousands of off guns, many who are born in pockets on must lead. give just maybe in the good or about all of the illegal migrants are being sent back. they have no rights to be part of any activities in pakistan. those citizens who are here legally with us can civilian cods or refugee spaces, focused on the policy, is that they cannot take part in political activities in the country. many of guns will leave the exposure and is a pressure tactic to push the kind of on government to kind of the people who pockets phone calls terrace. the box on the valid bundle
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t t p carries out the tax inside pocket sun, while its leadership is based in have gone to sun. focus on says the measures of the curve, illegal migrants with a burden, and some are involved in criminal activities. near the border with pockets on this to kind of meet too long, comp is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. those who arrive here are registered, provided with temporary shelter, and given a $130.00 each to help with their on the journey of on the dis, denied the influx of refugees will be in addition to the burden comp proficiency. regardless of the legal status, people should be treated with respect. and what's it based on that we should look at it right now. the pakistani government is the union to the futures. but still we are prepared in case they change their minds or they've even jailed women and children. we have told them that if they have to, they should arrest or jail men and they shouldn't arrest women and children. you the west of office of those to the if i'm less on mrs. is friends and school in
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bach. hassan for now he's hoping his father stopped again and the son, which he hopes to be their home forever. so i'm going to drop it off 0. talk from one to son. hudson calling joins us not from his mom, a volunteer. he's a focus on us. got his son analyst who is with know both countries for the past 20 years and stuff con. good. talk you with us on i'll just or before we get into the intricate politics of what's going on, we seem to have sort of a day for expulsions, at least won't. so yeah, with the african refugees story. is this the last time now as far as the bulk is funding, governments are concerned. the thank you very much. i think the government policy of uh, expelling the illegal immigrants with that of bonds with the other nations is to that's a policy and still continue. have about the ductless now is that instead of listing them out of forcibly what we're doing them, practice on
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a new approach is to convince them and to encourage them to go to the country. most of these uh, a 1.5 or 1.7 medians without having any documents, neither they have the p o r card, neither they who is the one citizenship card. so that should look like this. on his own problem was one focused on was facing a lot of the comic issues at the moment too. and then focused on security issues facing a lot of security challenges, especially in the provinces of but not just on and have a full web. so this decision was vacant and the doors were not suggest to those who do not have any of that card with the back, the signing authorities, they should go home to their own country and i've gone through a particularly mention that isn't was there is, there are other mediums off of gun a be able to just crossing the topography, not in various points, have a light from 1979 till date. a blonds were coming to bach is on specially why 3
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border plans like the, the german border plans like the total number points of the what i'm con uh the, i'm good enough about the point is but now the policy is now 5, your son will continue encouraging the one that they used to go back to the countries, but the policy was not to be the one that we did get take a government pursued by pushing them. unfortunately, at this thing, the my putting them in jail, ottoman diamond centers. okay. if that's the case, then uh all the refugees pumps. just pull into that much logic game of the ongoing deteriorating relationship between islam about and cobble i think to an accident, we can say that the reason was uh when uh, the amount of his, i mean uh, the new funded government came in a copy of the pocket something was expecting that uh there was not allowed as well . do i agree? mean, the travis grew up to use the appliance side against any of any country including
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focused on, but unfortunately, the day the lawn kind of want to go with the government and cover the uh, the number of data as x and focused on increase phenomenally, en, mostly in dallas and so side it takes a lot of national this is what a found to be in water soap august sometime in again a brush the complet administration to the non dim and for the high i agreement where it was that i live on. angry not to allow excited to be use against focused on hobby, but instead of responding to the focus on request that i live on, come to blame focused on uh for uh for encouraging the i s i is a dice. that is a 2 line to take and set it up. line is fine. i think that was the deteriorating point. weird focused on, especially the military administration. that took the, this decision that this is the time if the bonds are not responding to the progress on request it this refugees,
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especially those who are not having the proper documents. one focus on enforced a one document to the gene a full on particularly for i've gone previously thousands. as i said earlier, thousands, thousands of of guns were just crossing the body to without having any documents. now pockets on has strictly enforced this decision that no up line will be allowed without having a problem with our activity documents. second pockets on started pushing those refugees. what not having any of the station cards on the travel document is pushing back to the country. so they were in hundreds like across to 500000. a lot of that would use including the families, including women and children. they were just pushed through the budget a lot of wind and sent across without i think, given, given opportunity to back up your business is to collect the data belongings in properly settled them off and go. but i think i will say unfortunately, we'll have to leave it mister car. we'll see how this last wave
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a say in the coming weeks. of course, i'm sure we'll get more analysis me in the days ahead. thanks for joining us on onto there. and still has here on the news on setting goals present. lucky sol confirms and election dates and replaces the prime minister after weeks of unrest following a delay on the face. the green columbia as those is postponed to things got moved before the hello. it is letting losey quiets and dry across the good parts of northern europe . a nice big area of high pressure in charge here. so that will keep it set hold. little bit of missed and look into that is the side of the english as scotsman. having said that, but to try and find quite the across sky, them
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a really good positive but no one year to with i reapply pressure in place is blocking off these weather systems. try to push in from the atlantic that getting forced by the south was so the next plan to wet weather will make its way for people to feel coming in across the good pots of stain snow over the high ground. the united says centralize. if you have long as you try and quiet minds in 10 says on the temperatures still the few showers just around the balkans. what's the weather making his wife by the race which as we go through into friday, then as i said, whether they're just coming across greece into ducky, i still a few showers. look in there across the balkans and that next patch of what the weather ramping up is. it pushes in across northern possibility, southern areas of promptly, some snow over the white ground. next patch of very heavy rain, pushing into portico at that stage to cool some localized flooding, subject whether of course, we'll make his way across the north of the rocco event states and move them out to you area by the south. it's not the tri,
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the thing is, this is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find the challenge and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decision working at the 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us. then divide the
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about 2 weeks ago because there was news with me. so robin, in the heart of mind to evolve top stories. hastings capital remains basically power lines by violence with guns warning of civil war. they've probably been, it's a real only doesn't step down, but it's been a surgeon violence in the past weeks is on. we left the country for a bit to find international aid. you know, in puerto rico, unable to return home will slip off his phone is expelling thousands of on the document stuff, guns across the border,
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according to the united nations office on you authorities, a full small, the full 150000 to the time home. as a deadlines them to leave fall entirely expires. and israel's will, on thousands ends at 6 months, at least $30717.00 people have been killed since october. the 7th south africa has us the united nations to call the i c. j to impose new emergency old as on israel to allow humanitarian aid in 2000. the dirtiest havens do this a mile show. he's a professor of security and military studies at the institute for graduate studies . so many areas to focus on at the moment i might just want us to go to where we are in terms of the various, see what officials and diplomats across europe assessing. and having warned israel of settlement expansion, they announced little settled about a month expansion. the last 24 hours is like a red flag to a bull listen to it, to,
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to the palestinians and to the islamic community to see this happening when there's also tool cause a potential to state solution sometime in the future. absolutely, it's further and so still injuries and we know 7 subject over a came and because of the pop up because of the supplement activities, part of the fucking because of the escalations in jerusalem. unfortunately, because of, of, you know, they, they the unresolved history of the, of this conflict. and of course, this is a, is basically taking us into assume of that escalation and some of that around investigation. so i don't know if it does not the, it means that a peaceful resolution for this conflict is just for getting further and further away if it will ever be existing, various organizations of coal that like a powder keg waiting to, to explode. really there's not much and in the region, especially the occupied with bang. yeah, it's a the ox wide, the west bank at the moment. you see a bit of an escalation of the moment. you see some of the patient even from some of
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the special forces units in gaza towards the west bank. that is the sometimes they send a force as a specialized forces from the gaza strip to the west. bank and sometimes they withdraw them from the west bank together. so which means that we're going to see a bit of more escalation on that in both the both spaces. mainly because of these uh, supplements policy that you told you about the escalation over the past. several months, even paste october. the seconds we see that increasing is really raids, attacks, shootings, all palestinians in the occupied westbank. yet there was no have us in the occupied westbank. the attacks into israel did not come from the occupied westbank yet. israel is going to get even more heavy handed, the normal. the issue is never come. us. uh the issue is bigger than homeless. um, even in, in the gaza strip at the moment we were talking about 67 for the city and organizations in the west bank. how much has some presence,
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but it's not the dominant presence. but there are other organizations as well that the launched a, it was sort of an insurgency into westbank, and these are these raised where, where a more or less of the following get a very harsh content, insurgency policies in that sense. um and uh, if the settlement continue, if a, the, the settlement activities, the occupation activities continues, i think there will be more of more assistance in that, in that direction and solve that resistance so it will be violent. and then we'll see another cycle and or seeing another cycle at the moment, it would just escalate a tens of its intensity scale and scope. usually what happens any again in the coming days now, since i've been to emotional like for joining us from the institute the, the spring use of the days of the news. now 2 weeks of political turmoil and pray to set a goal as president lucky. so a set,
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a date for the delayed presidential election is due to take place on march. the 24th. a top court ruled at a proposal to hold the vote of to sounds monday to expires, was unconstitutional. nicholas, dr. pulls from southern goals, capital stucco. the finally, a date to send a goal is presidential elections a month after president mike, you saw the lady, february's pulled citing concerns of a corruption over the list of candidates. the standing of these people go to the polls on march 24th. a date made public in a statement after the weekly cabinet meeting and the constitutional counsel reject itself suggested election date of june. second, so you cannot overstate his time in power to organize the vote. his term ends on april. second, his decision to delay the poll sparked widespread protest and condemnation, including among his closest allies. enough is enough cynical deserves base. it would make you sell his double a fix has a legacy,
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and that's what the country for future generations actually. and countries to see in an attempt to appease the crisis, members of parliament adopted an amnesty law between 20212023, sending gold witness. several episodes of violent political unrest. thousands of protest years were picked up by security forces during that time, including opposition to respond sancho, he could be released, but rights groups criticized this amnesty law. these are the name of the right to just is true and transparency. so just to deciding that i missed the will be voted inside again after saying for 3 years that the investigations has been go or has been going on. such a elements such as the kennings of more than 60 purposes inside it is a dimension of around 1000 persons who are participating in for this is just a denial of justice. it's just a cop out of from the government. solve has dissolved the government to allow the ruling party candidate permanent strongly due back to focus on the upcoming
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campaign that is now shorter than expected. at the end of the day, the main question that remains is why we should perform these elections in the 1st place. because he 1st mentioned and talked about institutional crisis. so today we have the to the city, got these in the institutional crisis, and a new form of credit, the constitutional council's decision to stand up to the president and reject his suggested election date is seen as a tribute to senegalese democracy and the new election date. comes as a relief to many senegalese who will finally have a say over their countries. future. nicholas hawk challenges 0. the car now at least 18 people being killed by so far. it is an eastern syria. it happened that it does, it have in any town of a whole bunch of in the province of data suited those killed was searching for truffles. several people have been injured on more than 50. others are missing, protested at mexico,
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have knocked down the door to the presidential palace while the president was inside, giving his daily press conference. that would demanding justice for a full 6 week students who disappeared the decade of good. that abduction by costs letting go. those states as being the focus of a long running investigation, the governments human rights commission. so the instant involved, lower enforcement officials told holbert to pull stuff from the mexican capital to happen and wednesday morning, seem to have a bill more frustration than anything else. this semester will probably submit skirt behind us. it's where the president, under this manual lopez over the lips and gets his morning press conferences, and you can see that there's a standing camp in front of it. these people were here, it's protests. the lack of the resolution of the case of 43 students who with disappeared in the country now almost a decade ago, that case has been envelope become emblematic in mexico of the mode 100000 people, the missing in total. now this is the last day of the standing camp while they were
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looking for was a meeting with the countries president. he had a wanted to give them that meeting and a group of younger protest as a went around to the side. come and did a truck and then reversed that truck into the side doors to try and get into the palace and into the morning press conference. they didn't get really far. they were repelled almost instantly by military police wielding gas a riot shields. but the causes of bad dissatisfaction remain. they write scripts, say that the president go piece over the tools, think team to help resolve this case, but this time is going on. and especially as the mexican army, which a key is a key pillar of support for this government began to seem to be involved. more or more in the case is becoming increasingly reluctant to release information for his administration. and it's a general attorney to release information to help solve the dots with these protests is want to try and clear up with them. he said that he's now going to give them
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a meeting in $1520.00 days once. he's looked at the evidence trip to see what happens next, john home, and how does a to mexico city in colombia, thousands of protest as of then to the wrong go against president gustavo, petra's push the economic and social reforms. the presidents attends to eva whole health care pension and labels all facing widespread or position. i live under m p a t report, so from columbia capital bunker top as the suite of people out to become the rallying cry for those who express a deep discontent with the reforms. back by the left, the government of gustavo pay through thousands took to the streets and the capital battalion across major cities, even the largest rallies since paid through a former rebel fight. during this youth took power 2 years ago, promising to fight public. do you mean the quality they believe over holding health care, pensions,
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and labor laws put them in the country at risk for the middle part of to do it all . and i'm here for the future of my children for the use because they will not have one otherwise because i'm afraid to lose my health services. yes, we need to fix some things, but not destroy the system that we have to prove test. there's also march the gains, bay throws attempts at reaching piece deals with remaining on groups in the country, which they say we can the military, some flu, israel's flag in support of its war and gaza, which fits ro open the criticize the protesters also believe that the return of a former parent military commander side of authority. mancuso is a political move up target their leader, former president. as i'd would eva, would he was accused of having links to men cause group. does he not know what that is? clearly what is happening. that's why they went looking for money also in prison and offering him benefits to attack others, the president and his political party,
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a full of resentment and hatred for them. what can you expect from the person there was a gave the left side to the approved test. there's a took to the streets on wednesday. we were in general, white or older in richard and the average colombian representatives of a portion of the country that has long been in power and is supposed to be getting it soon. if they want to grow, they need to diversify the number of parts that protest against the federal government that they need to draw out a stronger reaction from the administration. having said that, you know, i think the opposition still relies on very polarizing figures, such as that about to leave a list to as, as their main sort of standard bears. and that could bring out a huge weak weakness about them. and this was a major success for opposition park days in columbia. it shows that their base is motivated than willing to come out and protest against policies they believe could hurt the country. and for many here, this is also the 1st step of
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a campaign to retake power. in 2 years time. i listened that i did adjust the both the the field technician in the us has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. 5 of the faithful onset shooting of another crew member. having a good time rush was responsible for the fire on that discharged live bullets on the site to the movie rust in 2021. cutting this sort of talk for holly out of hutchins guitar, a space up to 18 months in prison, to alec baldwin was pointing the gun at hutchins when it went off his months. the trial is set for july night in the us. nikki haley is pulled out of the rice sold the republican presidential nomination of trade, crushing defense in the stupid cheese de primaries. she's congratulated her repugnant double shrub, but not in dulcet withdrawals. that's the stage by trump 5 and re much in november's presidential election. 1200 reports not from raleigh in north carolina,
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a crowd of nikki haley came closer to the white house than any republican woman in us history. she overcame a field of debate rivals she dismissed as the phyllis which she could not overcome. former president donald trump, after a delegate drubbing and 14 of the 15 states on super tuesday, she ended her campaign, acknowledging that or improbable path to victory was now all but impossible. the time has now come to suspend my campaign. the former south carolina governor and united nations and basset are made history, is the 1st republican woman running for president to we in the primary defeating trump in vermont in the district of columbia. and did it as the daughter of indian immigrants. my mother, a 1st generation emigrate, got to vote for her daughter for president only in america. his record has been,
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she sought to lead a more traditional non mag republican party, back by deep pocketed donors. and she increasingly traded barb's with her arrival at some point. maybe we should say, the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump. by the way. she's not up to the job. but in state after state republican voters answered with over whelming support for trump. she pointedly decline to endorse arrival. citing a quote from former british prime minister, margaret satcher, never just follow the crowd. always make up your own mind as it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond. it, who did not support whether he really will ultimately endorse donald. trump remains an open question and there's competition for her supporters. president joe biden said he would welcome them into his campaign. the delegate,
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math was all but insurmountable after trumps of near sweep, on super tuesday, with 1215 delegates needed for the republican nomination. trump is tantalizingly close with $995.00. john henry and l g 0. raleigh, north carolina. purchased those in the us state of minnesota and this weeks democratic nominating context is raising more questions. i have a president, j biden's re election campaign. 19 percent of democratic victors chose uncommitted in the presidential pro real super choose day in protest against the government support as well as the types on garza protest. votes of up to 12 percent were coded in 6 other states. the alabama is governor, has signed the bill to protect in detroit visualization clinic some little since i'm criminal prosecution, lost some of the state supreme court rule that 5 member is, have the same rights as children. and that means the adf clinics and doctors can be held liable to embryo damage or death during the procedure. the decision to respond
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to the outcry across the united states, at least 3 clinics of suspended the treatments. the new little will allow clinics to resume services as well. still has a on out. is there a getting that how does, does he find down to about the annual traditions intent but to, to maintain an ancient most
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the book about the wells ations of uh, being broken though, have broken global heat records for the past 9 months. according to the european union climate agency february,
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so the highest temperature ever recorded. having averaging around 13.5 full celsius will lead to set a goal of trying to keep moving below 1.5 celsius. the 2015 powers agreement color, but the tempo is the right. so all the, your opinions, corner, capers, climate change service. he says that these reco, temperatures will cause many issues the direct impact on the a, the marine ecosystem on fisheries. and, and all that is related to life and in the ocean, but that they are also impact on, on the climate. the impact on the estimates here impact on t o, the processes that have a connection more or less direct with the, with us. and so we do, we do know for instance, that we're mer temperature, but in general, the ocean the brings,
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make some phenomena more intense. now they'll just, well, skin lollies ation. so they have to look to the great to most kids being restored unexpected. how's the story excitement on the streets over 10 bucks to this is these people have come to get the hands to see 0 here to help reply to this one of 3 great most in the ancient town considered the gateway to the har, reduce it, the plastering of the months, cuz an annual tradition here in terms of to it's a big festival. everyone takes part old and younger. like that's what is the name of the most to survive to the present day. it's thanks to the work we do every year is an almost carnival type atmosphere in the year. everyone has a relative size. craftsman prepared the mud by about powder is added to the mixture. and the consistency has to be just right and i show hi,
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daddy explains that the festival is about molding the reply string of one of tim buck, two's wills. here 2 sites ma'am. on the strength and social cohesion and cultural mixing here, there is no race. there is no with mister t, there is no religion we've come to celebrate. we've come to dress up the most kind to give a post to the vision of the city of 10, but to for some, the annual festival is a welcome escape from a difficult life and the troubled region of the will. the in for the 9. it's a time when once a year people really come together to severe themselves, but it have fun. it shows are whether it be in our resilience, despite all the difficulties we face all day long. while this annual restoration is a fist full of fun, pre guides the hands that through the woods, praying of the mixture that will help the building pencilled the hush elements. for
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now the this most can stood for steven hundreds and one handful of plaza. is it time these mason se they'll make sure it stands for another 700? is not alex speed, which is 0. most of them will use up to the bike. it's a top destination for travelers seeking them by the power dice experience. but the i did a archipelago of fiji is also on the front flight of global rising water levels and unforgiving stalls have triggered some of the world's 1st government lines relocation as a result of climate change. people empower us was fiji. the last resort on the jersey to this is the 1st genocide this we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to scream at 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. this is essentially curious on just lost jobs to find expeditions under british jurisdiction vs to us of endangering national security, security and civilians and soldiers by accident to reveal vast amounts of classified information. among that classified information was the videos of the us helicopter, attacking the rock that killed 11 people, including civilians and 2 voices. janice remains inside belmont prison here in london awaiting a final decision whether he can't appeal his legal team, says they will be arguing on the basis of freedom of speech. there's never been a prostitution via the knowledge up before. so use a lot of free speech documents,
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federal documents that they weren't gonna set you all back in the us. his wife died and said he has said to united states political prisoners. that's what happens is legal team says if this attempt fails, the last remaining option is to appeal to the european court of human rights. the, the living rooms with these rounds will on dollars the entering it 6 months old and searching $1717.00 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th. the is there a line with headquarters here in den also coming up south africa, appeals to the international court of justice to issue an emergency order against


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