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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the i think she died just a few hours ago. these really ministry installed this case at the entrance to the village mother is about to give for the music to go to the hospital like no, no which gate is open and which one is closed? the pool from the rubble, 2 children are rescued in central gaza. israel's war and says it's 6 months. the pennsylvania is good to have you with us. this is allison 0 lives from the also coming up the remains of 47 palestinians or return to gaza, weeks after they were stolen from a graveyard, biased really forces chaos and lawlessness on the streets of haiti. gang violence
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grips the country and mid mountain calls for prime minister ariel on re to resign and incentive. all precedents mackey sell confirms and election day after weeks of interest following a delay on the phone. the israel's warren gaza, has entered its 6 months and attempts to bring about a ceasefire. stalled, almost as israel has sported all attempts by mediators to reach an agreement, but says negotiations will continue on the ground and gaza. bombardment goes on unabated. but despite the difficult conditions, rescuers have managed to pluck 2 children from beneath the ruins and darrow by like a laugh. what begins are coverage. i know the night is riley strike on an apartment block and dead old paula in central gaza leaving some residents. dave always
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stays too much debris for rescue is to move by hand. so a bulldozer is put to what scraping open an entrance with the search for survivors can begin the . busy on to some time, they think they found a young boy a line but it's to the been the young girl image in the me, what's your name? the keels. so if you have the, the
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book, so then the in the and then a 2nd and 100 in the car just in the right to use all of the for the painstaking work and cover several more bodies among the ruins, entire families killed as they slipped the mike level, which is there is real, has returned the bodies of $47.00 palestinians killed and it's one garza, the bodies were transferred via the current level. so them crossing and they've been buried in a mass grave. they were withheld by these really forces houses here. historical boys who is on the phone from 7 guys, it target, i wanted to ask you to,
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i wanted to ask you about this. do we know whose bodies is real returned? and also why was israel keeping dozens of dead palestinians in the 1st place? a well generally serial total. now the, the names of these did bodies to unclaimed into fine because israel did not provide a key less to the people, those names of people being taken off from different areas in the gaza strip. i've got that i've got as government me to office said that is when i pretend dozens of bodies that have been she and from grace in the disused care at 3 as it's not the 1st time just multiplying, taking bodies from the goddess trip to each rail as good thing to have pretend, $47.00, you buddies, they were sent back to the gods. a strip. first thing 12 is good throughout a current present in the crossing. then later on metro hospital, an officer being later buried in an ice cream that had been sent. please talk to me and drop off the bodies. i beat that for you. i'm transferred to east van at the
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club under the pretext of extermination and verification to ensure they were not to do some hostages hilton, regardless track this is according to the government media office. and at the same time, the uh, the issue of did not provide much details about this incident as the time of did not do anything about this. absolutely, because it, it to be the 3rd time isabelle doing such act here on the ground, handing them over to authorities here in this other pond to because a strip until this very moment there is no need to sign up there. but i mean, i've been taken because there's key distortion. it's touch parties that have different ones. but today to the office trip, i talked a couple of them, reporting from russell and the southern part of a strip. thank you very much. stark and the latest round of talks to reach a ceasefire dealing garza has ended and how most delegates have now left egypt. there has been no breakthrough on a deal, but negotiations are expected to resume next week. on the cell,
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which is an occupied east, jerusalem monitoring this. so home that we're in this great area, no break through, but no break down. what are you learning? the latest round of talks in cairo has ended with out anything fruitful coming out of them. we do know that how mass has confirmed both in a statement and 2 and a jersey the that there will be talks again next week. and there delegation has since left cairo. it is worth mentioning, these rarely themselves declined to send a negotiating team to the gyptian capital because they were demanding a list of names of captives who were still alive from us. who refused that request . they said they couldn't divulge that kind of information until there was a final deal on the table. now they're still concessions, but both sides are not willing to give up sticking points. but seems to be some of the reason why these talks are stalling. i must have said that their position is
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clear and is not going to change. they want to see an end to the war entirely, or is these rarely as have said, even if there is a long pause in the fighting. they are going to continue with a military operation once the cease fire deal expires. because it is the only way they can ensure that they will achieve all of their military objectives and goals. now, mediators that have been quite optimistic throughout this process, specifically the united states. but again, there are these sticking points that aren't seemingly going away so well. this round of talks has stalled and has ended without any conclusion. there will be talks again next week. all right, honda so who will be following those as well? thank you very much for your reporting this our, this honda. so who'd from occupied east jerusalem? humans who the fighters have killed 3 crew members in an attack on a ship ship in the gulf of 8 in the depths or the 1st since cruces began targeting commercial ships in protest against israel's war on gaza. the other crew members
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were rescued by the engine navy. stephanie decker reports a delicate and difficult rescue operation, needing absolute precision. the indian navy released this footage, showing its rescue of dozens of crew members left to drift in the gulf of aidan, following a. who's the attack on their ship? the, the crew members are now getting treatment into booty their vessel cold. the true confidence was operating under the slides and barbados. it was attacked by going to the group that's been constantly disrupting shipping and the crucial shipping lane and with that global trade. that's why the, the naval forces of the game, any unforeseen carried out a targeting mission against the american ship,
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to confidence in the gulf of age and the number of naval vessels. this tract was accurate and let's refer a breaking out on the vessel. targeting operation came up to the ship's crew, ignore the voting messages from the many on forces. the tax, if prompted the creation of an international task force to help secure a device from shipping name, the us and others of also carried out air strikes. and who's the positions in yemen? the united states will continue to hold the cookies accountable for their attacks, which have not just disrupted international commerce, not just disrupted the freedom of navigation in international waters and not just endangered sea fairs, but now tragically killed a number of them. this facial attack is the 1st since the who these launched us to the teas stating there in response to israel's war on garza but angelo say the wrong. in fact, rebels have their own political agenda that goes beyond that war. and they've
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managed to close widespread destruction to the global shipping trade with our actions. stephanie decker o g 0. the eighty's capital remains paralyzed by violence. with the gang lead a warning, a civil war, prime minister ariel all read doesn't step down or re is still in puerto rico. unable to return home violence has surged in the past week since he left the country seeking international support. haiti is currently in a state of emergency and the international airport in for the prince remains closed . most businesses and schools shut down the and you have me, oh sorry, no, the, the, we have no one. we have no food. is everyone for themselves. a car to get to my home over the package while we don't have a medical service here. so people like may have very vulnerable, for example,
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in my case. so i run away from home, abandoning everything i had it's, it's a neighboring dominican republic says that it is reinforcing its border extra troops have been deployed there. the government says it wouldn't allow haitian refugee camps on its territory. dominican authorities deported. tens of thousands of patients last year were joined now by teresa both with in dash bohn. that's on the border of haiti and the dominican republic. teresa, tell us what's going on at the border and whether it's currently closed or open for haitians wanting to either leave or enter their country. well, that's correct. i'm right. the border between the dominican republic and the hazy would be seeing some people coming here to buy some goods. they go to a market that's on the haitian side of the border, but they're not allowed to cross forward several, many countries. we have seen, however, some us citizens before you will have sion and us nationals who have been allowed
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to go into the dominican republic. however, many of those who have been trying to leave are not allowed to go in. we also, as you were mentioning before, we do know that the airport's important friends in haiti's capital is close. now. it's been under attack at least for 2 days. the northern part of the air force was attacked by guns, and this is making it extremely difficult for evacuations to take place the situation on the ground in haiti. we've been told by many of those for coming here to the border. but also we are in touch with people inside a port of princess, extremely difficult. we're hearing of losing the full thing. our son has got control large parts and all totally of the capitals, but also of the country we've been told. but many of those were cutting right here today, that they are, again, not far away from where we are. and that's why the dominican republic security forces right now are telling us that they're on highlights. and is it possible,
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as far as you know, is it possible to across from where you are into haiti? because if not essentially means that 80 is now blocked. i mean, a cut off from the outside world as well. we do know, well, i mean we as international journalist, we've been told that the dominican republic is not allowing anyone in or out. however, as i just mentioned, is very, very fluid us nationals has been allowed to crossing to the dominican republic. but those national haitian nations are not being allowed. and then this is something that has been ongoing for quite some time. we do know that on the other side of the board and not far away from where i am, there's people before desperate they're desperate for food for medicine. and that's why they're allowing them to come to this market. not far away from the border. as i said before, you know, the guns are controlling large parts of the country. this is making it extremely difficult. for example, for a don't get a stations to distribution,
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thoughts to provide assistance to those who have been injured were hearing. for example, according to the united nations that hundreds of thousands had been displaced that over a 1000 people had been killed the only this fast year that thousands of others had been injured and many of them are making, make finding it extremely difficult to be treated in the hospitals and the top is having specially that are, have completely collapsed theresa 5 months ago. the united nations approved and international security force to go into haiti and pacify the capital and restore some semblance of order. what's going on with that international force as well? there's lots of anger when you talk to haitians. here they say that haiti in general, the prime minister are we are and we who many believe you know is a and then in the due to my leader because he was not selected. but still he has been asking for assistance because of the situation on the ground doesn't guns became stronger police force in haiti is not strong enough to fight against them.
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haiti has no military, for example, so it's become increasingly difficult. and that's why it was decided that the united nation was going to put together a multi national security source to come in to haiti to assist the haitian national problem. this has not happened. i mean, we've been seeing foreign minister of yelling we travelling to can you trying to pull to this force together to assist the haitian national police? we've been talking to united nations officials for say that countries like the united states, among others, have been not, you know, way to secure ring guy or, or leading this force. mostly because there's lots of fear about how this a force has the has proceeded in in would proceed. let's not forget the history here in hate to the united nation. that was the united nation peace keeping force in the country. there was lots of factory stations of human rights abuses among other issues of color outbreak. so there's lots of resistance in a way to what type of a move time, natural force, you know, how it would be on the ground. but when you talk to people here,
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most of them are telling us that they're desperate for some type of security. and that the only way that that security is going to happen, or is going to take place is with a help from an international force. all right, else zeros theresa bow reporting there from the border between haiti and dominican republic. teresa is as close as one can possibly be right now to haiti. give them that the country is cut off from the outside world. we will be interested in anything you're learning about what's happening inside the country. thank you very much, theresa. the still ahead on elsa 0. the earth oceans have been breaking temperature records for the past 9 months. we look at what impact that is having on the planet and its people the i'm sort of a job aide in the door from on the box on the front of the border. and i'll tell you why preparations are being made for a possible influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees. the
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i had a lot of that has been vast improvement to the west coast south asia, certainly for pakistan. and of got us done just days ago. we had very heavy rain, very heavy snow, but look at that. he a skies and settled conditions. and that is the trend across the region for india as well as bangladesh. up and to nicole, just a few showers here and there. but we will see the return of more wet weather in the days ahead. we've got heavy rain across the gulf that's going to move into iran slowly working its way towards pockets dawn. it's going to bring a bit of a wintry block once again to areas of afghanistan, some of that moving into the north west of pakistan. but the south west managing to stay relatively drive the heaviest of the rain pulling out to sea. and it is looking rows of the dry across much of china, certainly cause northern and eastern areas. lots of sunshine was settled, conditions,
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temperatures in the teens with aging and shanghai. some weather weather is starting to creep into. the very south was cloud cover. we'll see temperatures come down to places like hong kong as we go into the weekend. on a winter, we bloss moves away from the korean peninsula, pushing into japan, bringing him some snow into horseshoe. some cooler conditions coming in here, temperatures below the average for cities like tokyo, at 13 degrees on saturday. the . this is the 1st and i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves along the surface disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers
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how the news is covered. the. the, [000:00:00;00] the, the one thing else is 0. a reminder of our headlines this hour, at least 20 children have died of hunger and now nutrition and gaza as israel's war on the strip entrance. it's 6 months. negotiations to bring about a ceasefire stalls. at least 30800 people have been killed since october. the 2nd at least 3 sailors have been killed in a, who's the attack on a cargo ship in the gulf of aidan that is, according to us central command. the desk or the 1st since with these began its
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attacks on the commercial shipping protest against israel's war on guns. the eighty's capital remains mostly paralyzed by violence with gangs warning of civil war. prime minister ariel all, read a step down. there has been a surgeon violence in the past week since already left. the country and a bid for international aid is now in puerto rico, unable to return home for years, an estimated 1700000 undocumented atkins have been living in pakistan. but since the government crackdown on migrants began late last year, many had been forced out the deadline to leave voluntarily has passed. and those who have overstayed or facing monthly fines at a 100 us dollars. but some a bunch of aid reports from the hom on the f ken pack a stand for a lot for spending 40 years and focused on this on the law. because back in nevada sunset, he stayed there to set a business phase. and the 1st deadline for undocumented, oftentimes to leave expired. now he's decided to return home. he was 12 years old
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when he crossed into pockets on with his family. and now he has a son of nearly the same age. most the focused on the i'm not fortunately, we're happy for the people of buckets done. we've spent a lot of time there. they've been good to us, but this tiny police how we did not trace us rise. the government and police never behaved in a good way. scans were detained and forced to pay bribes, and then they would let them go. the one thing, one of an estimated one and a half 1000000 undocumented of gone refugees and by his son within half a 1000000 have either been deported or have left while integrity since last year. it's a difficult transition for hundreds of thousands of people to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just a staging point from here. the journey continues to the place is a virgin inside of the sun. the government, the focus on says it's expending everyone who does not have legal documents. not
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means thousands of off guns. many who are born in pockets on must lead give just maybe the illusion or about all of the illegal migrants are being sent back. they have no rights to be part of any activities in pakistan. those citizens who i hear legally with us can civilian cods or refugee spaces, focused on the policy, is that they cannot take part in political activities in the country. many of guns believe the exposure is a pressure tactic to push the kind of bond government to kind of the people who pockets phone calls terrace. the bikes, signing the bundle, t t p carries out the tax inside pocket sun. while its leadership is based in have gone to sun, a spark hassan says the measures of the curved, illegal migrants. what a burden and some are involved in criminal activities. near the border of the pockets on this to kind of meet the long comp is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. those who arrive here are registered, provided with temporary shelter, and given a $130.00 each to help with that on the journey. valid on the does deny the influx
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of refugees will be in addition to the burden. if a g count proficiency, regardless of the legal status, people should be treated with respect. what's your bed? so not to be sure. okay, right now the pakistani government is the union to have the refugees. but still we are prepared in case they change their minds or they've even jailed women and children. we have told them that if they have to, they should arrest or jail men and they shouldn't arrest women and children. you the west of office of those to the if i'm less on mrs. is friends and school in bach. hassan for now he's hoping his father stopped again. and the son, which he hopes will be their home forever. so i'm going to drop it off 0. talk them upon the sun. after weeks of political turmoil and protests set a goal as president mackie so has set a date for a presidential election. it is due to take place on march the 24th. the top court ruled that
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a proposal to hold the vote after south mandate expired was unconstitutional. nicholas hack reports from set of goals, capital the car, to finally date to synagogue as presidential elections a month after president, mikey solved the lady, february's pulled side and concerns of her corruption over the list of candidates. the sending of these people go to the polls on march 24th, a date made public and a statement after the weekly cabinet meeting and the constitutional counsel rejected. selves suggested election date of june 2nd. so you cannot overstate his time in power to organize the vote. his term ends on april. second, his decision to delay the pull sparked widespread protest and condemnation, including among his closest allies. enough is enough cynical, deserves base. it would make you sell his double affix has a legacy, and that's what the country for future generations and countries to see in an attempt to appease the crisis,
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members of parliament adopted an amnesty law between 20212023 cent of gold. witness several episodes of violent political unrest. thousands of protest chairs were picked up by security forces during that time, including opposition to respond sancho, he could be released. but rights groups criticize this, amnesty law. these are the name of the right, the justice truth and transparency. so just to deciding that i missed a lo wouldn't be voted, incent again after saying for 3 years that the investigations has been go or has been going on, such a elements such as the kennings of more than 60 processes inside they've got into the dimension of around 1000 persons who are participating in for this is just a denial of justice. it's just the cup out of from the government. sol has dissolved the government to allow the ruling party candidate permanent strongly due back to focus on the upcoming campaign that is now shorter than expected. at the end of the day, the main question that remains is why we need to postpone these elections in the
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1st place. because he 1st mention at talked about institutional crisis. today we have to approve the city got us in the institution of prices, that a new form of crisis, the constitutional council's decision to stand up to the president and reject his suggested election date is seen as a tribute to senegalese democracy and the new election date comes as a relief to many senegalese who will finally have a say over their countries future. nicholas hawk balance is 0. the car railing, the airport workers in germany are working off the job and a new round of strikes. employees are demanding a pay rise to be able to manage the rising cost of living. hundreds of thousands of passengers are facing disruption to train stations in airports across the country. airports in frankfort, that's germany. busiest and henberg are cancelling, departure flights. send you as president joe biden is set to deliver the 3rd state
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of the union address of his presidency. it's a crucial moment, as by deals with criticism from both democrats and republicans. president vitamins expected to face off against his republican freed assess for donald trump in november as the general election. allen official reports from the white house, members of congress, is that state of the union. and by following the we the most important he's got to lee. i just not the agenda for the next 12 months, but essentially for the next 5 years, he's got to tell the american people how he thinks he can make their lives better. now, if you will talk about the success is that he's had an office. the fact that inflation has died, that unemployment is starting to reduce the up. the economy seems to be taking a lot. but the reality is, most people don't feel as if they're better off not with the new where under donald trump, and that's replayed in almost every single pole that we see. so joe biden has got to lay out his agenda of how he's going to make things better for ordinary
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americans. one of the things he's going to talk about is the tax button. and again, you'll repeat that anyone ending under $400000.00 a year will not have any any more than tax under dual buying. but he is going to make corporations pay more money. he is going to go after the high honors who are not involved in tax avoidance, but certainly knew where the tax breaks are and could exploit them far better than ordinary people. you'll talk about his success in driving diag pharmaceutical prices for ordinary people and what he's going to do to keep pushing along. and you'll also talk about what's happening in ukraine and the importance of us support . we'll talk about israel and the importance of us support. but he's also likely to talk about getting more age into gaza as soon as possible. so it's a big night for joe biden, and of course he's got to avoid any stumbles because that would feed into the image that joe biden isn't quite the jo bite. and everyone used to remember the alabama
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is governor, has signed a bill to protect in vitro fertilization, clinics from lawsuits and criminal prosecution. last month, the state supreme court ruled that frozen embryos have the same rights as children . that means ivy f clinics and dr. is, can be held liable for damage or death of embryos during the procedure. the decisions sparked an outcry across the united states and at least 3 clinic suspended their treatments. but the new law will allow clinics to resume services. south korea is currently hosting an exhibition showcasing cutting edge drone technology. the hardware has many uses, including industrial and military, as a nation is grappling with an unprecedented li, low birth rate, a country's armed forces, or training to drones to fill the gaps. units kim has more from was on in the critical role of drones in warfare. as seen in the ukraine and gauze. the conflicts is not lost and a country like south korea,
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a high tech power house with an adversary to its north, north korea, at this military wing of growing show korea drone box, the drone catchers and reconnaissance you a these are on display. the army is also exploring how to integrate artificial intelligence into various weapons systems. currently in conceptual stages. it's also to prepare for a looming threat and the sprinkling manpower due to the countries record low birth rate. you tell you good to go look down. it's due to the 2nd demographic drop off military results is a continually decreasing, making the survival of each combatant more important than anything else. it's anticipated. the drones can compensate for lack of personnel and minimized casualties. suit collaboration, the data links between on man systems that by enhancing come by to efficiency. south korea is making up for lost time in the automated arms race by collaborating with some of its biggest companies. korean air is developing these economist
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fighter jets equipped with a i, technologies that enabled the squadron to a ton of mis. we execute


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