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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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receives patients with a gunshot wounds or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many inver fixing volunteers and say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict. the children pulled from the rubble, the miraculous rescue of 2 young kids in the central balance. the following is very strong. the on the clock, this is out 0 life and uh, also coming up more aid ad dropped into gaza as desperation and hunger was in the international community pressures, israel to let more supplies into the strict,
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hazy power lies by violence as gang leaders and the prime minister remains lost in this time. i'm finished up on the border between hate and the dominican republic excuse was on the street so hazy people here at the border tell us that they are desperate for any assistance that will stabilize their country. and then send a go, the president back, you sell confirms and election day don't to weeks of unrest pulling the delay the israel's war and gone to has ended it 6 months and attempts to bring about a ceasefire. i have sold a mass, says israel has quoted all attempt is buying mediators to reach an agreement, but says the ghost ations will continue on the ground and goes as the bombardment goes on unabated. but despite the difficult conditions, there is hope for 2 children of the risk who is pulled him out of life from under ruins and the father mike left will begins
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a coverage. the end of the night is riley strike on an apartment block and dead old paula in central gaza leaving some residents dates. always the days too much debris for rescue is to move by hand. so a bulldozer is put to what? scraping open an entrance where the search for survivors can begin the . busy to some time, they think they found a young boy lines, but it's to the then the young girl image to me, what's your name here?
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so if you have the, the, the in the and then a 2nd and 100 in the car just in the right. you've all of the for the painstaking work and covers several more bodies among the ruins, entire families killed as they slipped. mike level, which is 0. well is realize, returned the bodies of $47.00 palestinians killed during the war. the remains had been taken by his ready forces,
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not the hospital. they were transported to the strip as for the cause of them crossing the burial in a mass grave. some palestinian families gathered at the sides and rafa hoping to find the bodies develop ones for the government. officials said the decomposed remains had not been identified, which has to be 12 zeros target. i will assume who's on the phone from southern gallagher and tart, what more do we know about this transfer. busy yes, in fact, as everyone knows, data is real, estate has reached and 47 buddies after being taken from tarzan specifically from a graveyard and officer hospice, who according to is very immediate report saying also that they use bodies were buried in the roof after being transferred to our hospital for an initial identification and for later to be for back for burial. today we have been talking to a number of medical sources describe the condition. busy the these it did, but it's just found treated critical and difficult as there was no on a lease sign that could refer to the identity of such bodies. specifically bass as
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well. did not till now provide key comments or justification of the transfer or boost of buddies, and also did not provide details about the names that they have been also killed in such symmetries. but mainly we can say that these bodies have bc's up trust that is still on the pretext of forensic examination. just to ensure that those studies are not completely hostages being healed in the same time is. busy multiple, he had committed a number of bank of nations as destroyed a number of symmetries in old areas of operations as a possible. it creates the cards into the portion of its ministry campaign in the territory which is considered to be a platen page for all international knows that they have been seen to day. families are gathering around the grave and hope to find one of their family members could
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be a from one of their was a hospital from do studies, the top 310 effect. 2 studies cannot be easily identified as they were just to this found some of them were composed according to miracle source. very distressing situation that those target was him on the phone from the southern goals. hey, how must allegation is left car without a breakthrough in san diego association is broken by egypt cuts out in the united states. the group says it talks of not collapse and it will continue negotiating through mediators. a member of the political bureau from us has told us that is right, is not responding to that amount from both of them and also accused america of not being a fat mediator said on the last day i had a good time as to the beginning of the division of how much has left cairo today to meet with the leaders of how may i ask the low cost of patients regarding what's going on. the, the, the recent around the folks in cairo and it's, is glue that,
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and that's in the whole. and the government of as well uh, we've been sitting on playing with all the pop is of the not responding to the made the mines not on the palm as of our but as the in the paperless then is that the of the rating as these via the necessity of allowing the display of speed to go back to note the guys that have to go back to the homes allowed to be a monetary and a to go 3 d without conditions to the guys as, as the code section that will have been off the war, the occupation is refusing to accept these main demands of our policy and the people, and they don't remember that the american administration is not the impossible. and is not a fed made the a to the administration is a pot not directly with nothing. yeah. who and his government in the war again,
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as i look forward to seeing, you know, people, the u. s. administration is supported and nothing. yeah. hope politically and mentally financially and on the diplomatic level of fluid the you as a veto and the security account. so that's why what is said by the asset misplaced and not only mean statements without re will to stop the war. and that's just and by the run from a mass, from more than this. let's go live now to a 100 us so who to joins us from what you fight is tristan and have to what see sense in israel about the car tools to remember that the is really is didn't even send a delegation to cairo for this latest round of talks that there was no resolution in them. so these really some said that they were waiting for a mass response. meanwhile, a must have said that it was these rallies who had sworn in the talks in general.
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and remember, the reason why they did not send a delegation to cairo in the 1st place was because these rarely had demanded for a list of names of captives who are still alive and gone a request. but how must have declined. now, there are sticking points and concessions that both sides are simply not willing to give up. how must have set, their position remains the same. they are looking for a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning an end to the war. meanwhile, these realities have said that even if there is a pause in the fighting for however long it is, they are going to continue their military activities after that, even if the pause is 6 weeks long. so you have both sides who completely want different things, mediators in the middle for still quite optimistic like the united states. but for now, these really subset of these talks are stalled. there has been nothing fruitful to come of them, but how mass has confirmed this statement that there will be talks next week in
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cairo as well. and thanks for that update. honda civic, the in occupied east jerusalem. united arab emirates in egypt to bed dropped more 8 into northern gaza view at ease minute theresa? is it delivered? $53.00 tons of food. a medical aid international pressure is growing on israel to allow more a into the strip conditions remain dire in the knolls where these really minute tree is stopping a truck from getting in. the u. n says at least 300 trucks and needed every day to ease the suffering. the let's say not from this go to anderson, who isn't rosa. see me a deputy director of operations in garza, and he says that i dropped some not effective in addressing the humanitarian crisis to. so the only agents got through recently of any, any type of in the air drops. and while they're dropped, you're very welcome. it's not gonna allow the scale, what's needed on air drop, can do 3 to 4 metric tons of one truck and bring 18 metric tons. so we'd much prefer to bring a lot of trucks and we do appreciate the air drops. it is getting some good, it's north, but it's not. it's not at all sufficient. think the challenge we face is that there
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is an order of desperation ignored when i was just there last sunday. i talked to people, talked to parents you've not been able to feed their children, children every evening for 2 days. and the challenge that we face is that desperation has led to groups getting closer and closer to one of the to check points that allow us to access the north of wadi, the north of guys that through. why do you guys are in a that does get across the check point is being attacked or looted by these people . and it's not getting to the most vulnerable people in the north who are the children and the elderly. when it's what we desperately need is something to change our entire approach. a new crossing permission, brilinta north of ya. so that would allow us to flood the north width food in reverse. what is a very significantly bad situation the
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to hates, you know, where the capital poor. the prince remains in a state of conflicts, games with type via for prisons and police stations. a powerful gain leader has threatened civil war. if the prime minister read on read does not quits, civilians are feeling the impact of lawlessness. we have no authorities, no leaders, we have no one. we have nothing. it's everyone for themselves. i can't even get to my home and i really want to go home. i want to leave, since it's each person for himself and we have no authority. i don't even know what to say. the country is very difficult for me. i don't know what to do. i know i did to university courses, but it didn't do me any good. the states authorities are leaving us defend for ourselves in the streets with the country currently prolonged honda is killing us in this country. well, that's area on re and he's been in puerto rico since tuesday. i'm unable to return to hate to his paws home. blog of dominican republic denied his play. permission to
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land prompting protest outside of his hotel problem for lack of money. like we, i hear cold by the haitian community reside in new code, 3 goes to protest against the presence of aria alone rate that was drenched in blood and hygiene because he did not kill the elections as he should have. so we a, he, a protesting so that this gentleman at least pull to the code from because he has been assigned a non grata autonomy for the haitian community for many, but also for the dominican community that is being affected by the current situation and how you take the dominican republic is now reinforcing his board with a team extra troops have been deployed. the government says that waiting to allow haitian refugee comes on its territory, correspond the trades of both is intelligible. and on the border between haiti and the dominican republic, i was told that the border is now closed. the security forces here are on high alert and mostly tens of thousands of prisoners were free by guns from jails. and that's why a security forces here are separating men. they're being got fence towards an other
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line, but they have set up here for security checks. however, as i said before, they not being allowed into the country. we saw some haitian us national do nationals wherever allowed to go into the dominican republic, the worst keeping the situation in the country right now. what we do know is happening is that there's a real thing going on. sure thing going on in business are closed schools, universities and most public services are not working because of the situation on the grounds with gang controlling most uh the most of the areas within the capital with a gang say that so they, it's a real and we prime minister, i really comes back or goes back to the country, there is going to be a civil war. what we do now, however, is that what a 40 go, he has said that he would try to come back to haiti. the united states is trying to negotiate with him to help in a fist towards a transition in the country. we're not sure what is going to happen with that,
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but we do know that right now there's desperate natural to set top. i move a national security force that will help stabilize the country. and when you talk to video of the people that are really here, what they're telling you is that most of them do not support prime minister ariel. and we are saying that he is a legitimate that he was designated by the president of join, and maurice who was assassinated back in 2021. they want free elections in the country, but before that happens, there has to be some type of security in the country. i said i had heard out 0, you have been through the 5. does it tend to call go ship in the gulf of aging? at least 3 silence killed the the, the route to you by visit capital. i had
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a lot of that has been vast improvement to the west coast south asia, certainly for pockets on and off. got his done just days ago, we had very heavy rain, very heavy snow, but look at that. he has skies and settled conditions. and that is the trend across the region for india as well as bangladesh up into the pole. just a few showers here and there, but we will see the return of more wet weather in the days ahead. we've got heavy rain across the gulf that's going to move into iran slowly working its way towards pockets. don is going to bring a bit of a wintry block once again to areas of afghanistan. some of that moving into the north, west of pockets done but the south west managing to stay relatively drive the heaviest of the rain pulling out to sea. and it is looking rows of the dry across much of china, certainly cause northern and eastern air is low. so sunshine was settled, conditions, temperatures in the teens for basing and shanghai. but some where the weather is starting to creep into. the very south was cloud cover, we'll see temperatures come down to places like hong kong as we go into the weekend
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. on a winter, we bloss moves away from the korean peninsula, pushing into japan, bringing him some snow into horseshoe. some cooler conditions coming in here, temperatures below the average for cities like tokyo, at 13 degrees on saturday. the weather brought to you by visit castle expo 2023. the world, the fascination of joined em. let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news
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the other guy watching out 0 from one of the top stories this hour and 2 children have be pulled a line from under the rubble left by and is really striking. central garza israel's bombardments of this trip, isn't it? 6 months and the death toll is nearing $31000.00. united arab emirates in egypt of ed dropped more humanitarian aid into northern java comes, has international pressure is growing on as well. to allow more supplies into district un says at least $300.00 trucks and needed each day in northern gauze, alone pages capital remains in a state of conflict of to on gains. it took me a present to police stations. there also preventing the problem mister arrow on re, from returning home here, wants him to reside. we'll have 2 weeks of political time, all of them prior to
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a set of goals. president, microsoft has set a date for the presidential election. it's due to take place on march 24th. a top court ruled at a proposal to hold the vote off the south mandate expired was unconstitutional because hot reports now from signing goals, capital of doctor the finally a date to send a goal is presidential elections. a month after president mike, you saw the lady, february's pulled citing concerns of a corruption over the list of candidates. the senegalese people go to the polls on march 24th. a date made public in a statement after the weekly cabinet meeting and the constitutional counsel reject itself suggested election date of june. second, so you cannot overstate his time in power to organize the vote. his term ends on april. second, his decision to delay the pull sparked widespread protest and condemnation, including among his closest allies. enough is enough cynical deserves base. it would make you sell his double a fix has a legacy,
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and that's what the country for future generations actually. and countries to see in an attempt to appease the crisis, members of parliament adopted an amnesty law between 20212023 single witness. several episodes of violent political unrest. thousands of protest chairs were picked up by security forces during that time, including opposition to respond sancho, he could be released, but rights groups criticized this amnesty law. these are the name of the right to just is true and transparency. so just to deciding that needs to know will be voted, incent again, after saying for 3 years that the investigations has been go or has been going on. such a elements such as the kennings of more than 60 purposes inside it is a dimension of around 1000 persons who are participating in for the test is just a denial of justice. it's just a cop out of from the government. solve has dissolved the government to allow the ruling party candidate permanent strongly due back to focus on the upcoming
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campaign that is now shorter than expected. at the end of the day, the main question that remains is why we should perform these elections in the 1st place. because he 1st mentioned at talked about institutional crisis. so today we have the to the city, got these in the institutional crisis, and a new form of credit, the constitutional council's decision to stand up to the president and reject his suggested election date is seen as a tribute to senegalese democracy and the new election date. comes as a relief to many senegalese who will finally have a se over their countries. future. nicholas hawk challenges 0. the car, the nation democratic republic of congo, the on group and 23 is open the new front line and the time to for children in north keeping province. its forces of force a capture, the town of nice and valley in north keeping. a 2 days of fighting has forced more than a 100000 people to flee the homes congested. his accused,
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neighboring rwanda of buckingham 23, but could hardly tonight's involvement. the young man's who is the fighters have killed 3 crew men. ready and an attack on a ship in the gulf of 8 and the death. so the 1st and see things began targeting commercial ships in protest against israel's war and goes to the other crew members were rescued by the indian navy. stephanie deka has this report, a delicate and difficult rescue operation, needing absolute precision. the indian navy released this footage, showing its rescue of dozens of crew members left to drift in the gulf of aidan following. who's the attack on their ship? the . the crew members are now getting treatment and you booty their vessel cold. the
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true confidence was operating under the slide for beta. it was attacked by evans, who's the group that's been constantly disrupting shipping in the crucial shipping lane. and with that global trade, the, the naval forces of the game, any unforeseen carried out a targeting mission against the american ship, to confidence in the gulf of aging, with a number of naval vessels. this tract was accurate, and let's refer a breaking out from the vessel. the targeting operation came up to the ship's crew ignored voting messages from the many on forces. the tax, if prompted the creation of an international task force to help secure a device from shipping name, the us and others of also carried out air strikes and who see positions in yemen. the united states will continue to hold the cookies accountable for their attacks, which have not just disrupted international commerce, not just disrupted the freedom of navigation in international waters and not just
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endangered seafarers, but now tragically killed a number of them. this facial attack is the 1st since the who these launched us to the teas stating there in response to israel's war on garza. but angelo say the iranian backed rebels have their own political agenda that goes beyond that war. and they've managed to close widespread disruption to the global shipping trade with their actions. stephanie decker, which is 0 for you, is an estimated 1700000 non documented off guns. it'd be living in pockets done. but since the government crackdown migrants began late last year, many have been forced out the deadline to leave voluntarily has paused and those you've overstayed are facing monthly fines of $100.00 us dollars. it's all have been job aid reports, not from talking on the gun focused on board after spending 40 years and focused on s on the law, because back in and bought a sponsor, he stayed there to set a business phase. and the 1st deadline for undocumented often is to leave expired.
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now he's decided to return home. he was 12 years old when he crossed into pockets on with his family. and now he has a son of you need to be the same age. most the focused on the i'm not fortunately, we're happy for the people of buckets done. we've spent a lot of time there. they've been good to us focused on the police, how we did not trace us rise. the government and police never behaved in a good way. scans were detained and forced to pay bribes, and then they would let them go. the one thing for the of an estimated one and a half 1000000 undocumented under for g as in part of son, within half a 1000000 have either been deported or have left voluntarily since last year. it's a difficult transition for hundreds of thousands of people to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just a staging point from here. the journey continues to the place is a version. inside of the sun. the government to focus on says it's expending
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everyone who does not have legal documents. not means thousands of off guns, many who are born in pockets. son must leave it just maybe the illusion or about all of the illegal migrants are being sent back. they have no rights to be part of any activities and pockets done by citizens who are here legally with us. can civilian cods or refugee sizes focused on policy, is that they cannot take part in political activities in the country. many of guns believe the explosion is a pressure tactic to push the kind of on government to kind of the people who pockets phone calls terrace. like sunday, the bundle t t p carries out the tax inside pocket sun, while its leadership is based in have gone to sun. focus on says the measures of the curve, illegal migrants with a burden. and some are involved in criminal activities near the border with pockets on this to kind of meet too long. comp is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. those who arrive here are registered,
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provided with temporary shelter. and given a $130.00 each to help with their on the journey of on the does deny the influx of refugees will be in addition to the burden if a g comp, proficiency, regardless of the legal status, people should be treated with respect, it was it based on this with ok, right now the pakistani government is the union to the fees, but still we are prepared in case they change their minds. they've even jailed women and children. we have told them that if they have to, they should arrest or jail men and they shouldn't arrest women and children. you the west of office of those to the if i'm less on mrs. is friends in school in bach hassan for now he's hoping his father stopped again in nevada sun, which he hopes to be their home forever. so i'm going to drop it off 0, talk them upon the sun. now the average temperature of the world's oceans is now at it's higher since reckless begun is believed to be rising faster than at any time.
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and at least 2000 years. this has serious implications, not least for the world's carl weeks, maureen, scientists of what a, a mass bleaching of carl could be on folding right now. in the southern hemisphere perhaps the worst and the planets history. according to the use, copernicus, climate change service, the average global sea surface temperature has exceeded the previous record of $20.00. 83 celsius. now signed me at 21.0. 6 degrees doesn't sound like much of an increase, right? but in fact, this is way off, the charts of was normal and it matches because it threatens fish talks while i run the hurricanes and speeding up the collapse of the polar ice sheets such as stress, healthy oceans on the critical to all life on a fetus. they regulate our climate and they generate most of the oxygen we pre fails to provide more than 3000000000 jobs. lively. matthew, england is professor of ocean inclement dynamics, university of new south wales and australia. and he says,
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the rise in ocean temperatures is potentially disastrous to assess of the items of where out marine, life sits. and so an actual that marine life is used to a certain temperature range. and these temperatures are shooting up going to to much higher levels than we expected. i mean, it's a, there's only in your line in your cycles, but we know that our global warming is pushing these temperatures up. but i think even so, even though we've been projecting this woman for decades now, the rate of only out of the last couple of years as cool as good as i've got a little bit anthropogenic climate change. if you look at a temperature series over the last 50 to a 100 years, you can see is progressive warming. it jumps above that every only in your year and dips below for low nino, but super imposed on those short term cycles is a very clear warming trend. and we know that that warming is due to after project emissions of carbon dioxide. so the burning of fossil fuels and a little bit of warming from deforestation. so yeah, it's definitely
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a human footprint in columbus system. i'm not blowing at the surface is potentially disastrous for ecosystems. for hurricane intensity. it raises the levels, it intensifies storms, it makes the atmosphere more human and brings flash floods, ryan events as well. so there's a lot of negative impacts from this warming. and that's why we've been keeping track of it. but also warning about our ongoing emissions of comm, docks on a soft career is hosting an exhibition and cutting edge driven technology. the countries ministries already starting to drive to fill gaps and it's capability that it says it caused by low birth rate. and it's kim has more from pusan the critical role of drones in warfare, as seen in the ukraine and cause a conflict is not lost in a country like south korea, a high tech power house with an adversary to its north, north korea, at this military wing of growing show korea drone box, the drone catchers and.


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