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tv   The Stream Congoisbleeding Achieving Solidarity  Al Jazeera  March 7, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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the surfaces controls the streets show of the extra vigilance as prime minister and not into remote. he makes his 1st visit to the valley. in more than 5 years, the prime minister told the crowd to the region had been transformed into a success story. the power of development opportunities relates tourism of the support for farmers and the use of germany. one customer will begin a new era and paved the way for developers cushman. this is a significant visit for the prime minister. it is 1st since the government strips the region of semi autonomy and brought it down to the control of the central government. in august 2019 the moody government revoked article 370 of the constitution creating 2 new federally administered territories. while it was a popular decision with many indian voters, many customary politicians and opposition policies brand at the move unconstitutional media. freedom and a journalist came under the unprecedented restrictions that continue to this day.
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and many local people criticize what they said was a crack down on the civil liberties. moody told the crowd that included many government employees change was necessary dummy one customer is reaching new heights of development because today, general and customer was breathing freely. the freedom from these restrictions was possible only after raising article 370 with an eye on general elections just weeks away. he announced developing projects for the agriculture and tourism sector with motor $600000000.00. with critics say, the prime minister is using the muslim majority kashmir valley to drum up support among his cool constituency. elsewhere in the country. it's actually just an advertising done. i would say that he is, but actually nothing has been done on ground for the people of the ones with a 0 honest residence once they made
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a piece of record so far. and what the hopes are full of the election, or how many expectations we hunt through the prime minister will extend the same level of dedication and commitment to kashmir as he has demonstrated across india. tom, good job. we want alexis to take place and the formation of our own government prime minister mode, the only makes from saw but never delivers. duty is in the final months of his 2nd term as prime minister or role he took on in 2014. if you look at the latest among the pollution parties, there is no need to we who can match the popularity of feminist under the movie. there's no doubt that he's the front or left which victory almost such. and even before the election dates have been announced, who these pre election travel is being seen as an early victory left? jessica washington 0 to 0 and the stream is x time row about this and stay with us . expo 2023. the world,
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the fascination to join us and let's discover a better world. expo 2023. the 6000000 have died and more than 6000000 have been displaced by a crisis. we have largely ignored democratic republic of homo has been built in conflicts for nearly 3 decades. now. we're here today to remind you why i'm on these boards and this is this tree the we need to talk about the silent genocide happening in congo. the expectation of companies, people is claimed millions of lives and the media is not talking about 206000000
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congolese people have lost their lives over the past decade. around every hour. 48 women, sexually assaulted, really in small, have been displaced. also the west of well could continue to benefit off of condos, natural resources like cobalt. the land of congress has the largest amount of cobalt which is a critical mineral used in technology west of nations like for us the u. k. and for all. and so given minute treat and financial aid to groups and for wanda and uganda to invite coble rich areas. and because of these invasions kimberly's, people are the killed or in slaves and forced to mind cobalt which includes pregnant women and children. to did you know your rates could be using materials extracted by child labor or that key components in your phone could be sourced from contested minds in a conflict causing the deaths of thousands of people every day. these are the issues that people campaigning for the congo one to, to be thinking about. among them are our guests today. how did your ali, from friends of the congo?
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she's joining us from washington dc. poppy orient founder of focus. congress who fled the country as a child. he's joining us today from munich, and reagan, missouri, a congress. these research are and human rights activists. joining us from go, my, thank you all so much for joining us here on the screen today for this very important conversation. before we begin, though, here's a clip. how did you i posted on, took talk that may help us. oh, scituate this crisis right now, this modern day sleeping, going on in the tongue of province, which is down here of the d r c. because the u. s. u. k. fonts, israel, china, everybody wants new york, these resources, they want the colton, they want the cobalt, they want the gold, they want the diamonds, they want everything that's in the d r c in the east and part of the d r c as well . they want everything that is in there that they have uprooted everybody who used
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to live in these communities so that they built mines. and here with the border with rhonda rebels funded by both the governments of the d r. c and wanda. how these are the columns like to in the congo has been going on for decades now? why is it important for you to bring attention back to it these days? to thank you for having me? first of the conflict and condo has been going on for decades now. since 1996 and largely the world has been either ignoring it or just hasn't been told enough about it. we need to talk about it now more than ever because 8 affects all of our lives . it's the one conflict in this world that is directly linked with the luxuries that we get to enjoy the mobile phones and our electric cars all and all of us today is affecting millions of people like coffee,
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for example poppy. what would you say are the most pressing challenges right now? once again, we're talking about a conflict that has been going on for decades, but what are the most serious issues at the moment? yeah. all right, thank you again for having us. and i think the challenges humongous oh, in this conflict, right. and if you're on the ground in the eastern congress specifically in government, you will see that the challenges we the of, as i would say, the one challenge of the thing that human human that uh, i re deals at to, to nothing randy like we have in this display as comp one of the display as comp we have about a 100000 people. however, the people have not for their they have no, no basic need basically are,
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people are just living like undermines. and so i would say that would be the 1st challenges that we're facing by of cause. they cannot be all is luxuries without without piece. and as i walk around, not capable of me, it would grab us and meet with people that are doing that to our society. and i asked myself, what is going to happen to, to, to the people or tomorrow, and where is going to happen to even this kids that you have children, texting me or that a, and this comp. and i've been taken by different school. i took them into the army as i was under the impression we had to pay for the time of the skin. so to get back home by been the challenge is correct and we, we don't know at this point was as soon as she is going to uh, reagan. you are in go more right now. do you agree with poppy? the challenges are enormous. yes. uh there is uh,
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a lot of challenges on the ground and yes, i think the biggest, uh, as he said is protection of cdn. so uh there is a lot of display, especially around the city. uh there is also on going uh fi too right now. very close to the city notes uh to keep them it does from here and uh, i'll punch some dodge i think that's the 2nd biggest challenge is the fact that the states you each you, it's not good that they do stop. he already, you know, certain way, some place states. so i think that is the biggest job is because it's makes people know tabi annual put a student because it's less you have the authority to your file. those dates less. you have on no rolls. it means that's uh,
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this will be going good. oh no. so copying popular ones to way and i'm gonna, i'm gonna, i wanna bring back the whole political issue into the conversation. i will bring that on a little bit later. but poppy go ahead 1st. a. yeah. as a, just a 2nd less my brother does say as in the 3rd, but then the dangerous thing is that people are taking this as a nom now because i see like there is no head. oh, we don't have it so exactly like as our company sizing around the was. and so people on the ground that thinking this is always going to leave the rest of our lives and that's into either tomorrow or we died. uh, we're gonna die because of lack of food or local shelter basically. and so you have vis children working around that thinking. ah, we don't, we don't have no future. there's no vision for the future. so that is very, very dangerous. when you'll see, when you really see that children don't think about anything as then, okay,
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the best thing i can do is getting beyond me. oh, absolutely. there's no there. there are no prospect rise in the face and is more like, because this is always going to be like this. i want to bring it into focus here the, the issue of these online campaigns. there's quite a lot of talk going on online right now. how do use your the online movement is quite big at the moment to bring attention back to the congo. do you think he can be translated into real action on the ground though? it's absolutely it is big, but it's not as big as it should be. and why, because this country is we get so much we take so much from it and the, the level of consciousness that though the level of the people of the world have regarding that conflict is just not nearly enough. right? like i said, there's a, um, a concerted efforts by the people who benefits these other governments and
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international corporate media to hide this conflict from, from, from the rest of the world. right? so that they can take that they can continue the calendar. and so all of us each and every one of us has to speak about the title to come with these people because it affects each and every one of us that exploitation that is going on in the global life in eastern calling goma. that exploitation directly benefits each and every one of us on a day to day basis. so each and every one of us really should be speaking about the conflict of the d r c. it is very interesting, right? then i will go to you in just a minute, but i want to bring up an element that we found while researching for the show online. one of the things that campaigners are pushing for is for us to rethink our consumption habits. take a listen. over 6000000 people have been lived in the past 25 years. that is a little over 714 people a day. at least 48 women are being grapes daily and don't even get me started on
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the men, women and children being blown up in those mines just for us to have our dates in our carts. i'm gonna just say this knowing that has completely changed my perspective and i love my carts do, but no hit or high in the world is worth the lives of innocent people. reagan, would you agree with what the social media use or just said? yes, i think that's part of the problem, but it's not the only problem i would say um i have some issues with people who just defined the conflicts. he, i a correlation in relation we've, uh, we've mind there is, are lots of to say about these conflicts done just the lives we've, we've mine, of course, there is a mind in the some places of close the minds to this conflict. of course, the people what then if they think of the uh,
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of discount fees, because the big gets cheaper minds or the minds without going through the right way. but there is no more them, these end up being a more that this is much more about when we talk about the product. it's uh they den or issue thank dental challenges, but also the extend which on his book. but i think it's important. but especially when you're outside of the country, it's important to focus on your own responsibility. and of course, the why, the way of prescription. it's a, it's one way of thinking about google is thinking about who's going to be down there about the school that i think yes. yeah. we, uh we, we, i book it for more drugs, speed on sci fi book as well. no, i put the ability for uh, both uh governments and the, and companies i think that's the right thing to do. and that's see of also size the
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outside. yeah. see, can have we've got the d r a, so you just held the election late last year. and the campaign slogan for the re elected president, read unity security prosperity. it couldn't be further from what certain connelly's people are experiencing at the moment online. we found a significant amount of criticism like this one, for example, the people of congo deserve a government. the power its sizes, their safety as well be continued collaboration with the f d o r and other melisha undermines this fundamental expectation and requires immediate corrective action. how these are you? i saw your, your, you were not doing the for your take on this whole political issue within the country and the difficult to the authorities there have in terms of just getting a grip on the situation. yes, i wanted to add on to what my brother had had just said that we cannot reduce the whole call these people or the companies conflict, all the beautiful country. and the d. r. c to mining. we cannot do that. we have to
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remember that color is also home to the largest, the 2nd largest reinforced in the world. and so this the color base, it is very important in combat and climate change. and so us with our organization in terms of the congo, we work in all those areas in the, in the, in the mind as well as in the reinforcement also with governance. right? because we need to support local police communities in grass roots, organizations that are trying to combat the need to them that you know, that goes on. and so that's the sort of the companies people become the beneficiaries of the people who benefit the most from the lands natural resources and instead of the few what the top a coffee your take here. i mean, you have to clear country when you are really young and it's been going on for 30 years. why comp, politicians in the congo just get a grip and fix this?
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are yes cents. yeah, i'm looking back here. my childhood and how i was, however, affected by these being recruited as a child surgeon and having to flee because of fear of what would happen, where it happened to me and the, and on, and coming back to the air, tacoma, and looking are the same as like a cycle, the same thing is still happening today and that really, that really touches my heart so see to look at these kids and know that they're in the same case that i wasn't being recruited. and so, and then i look at the politics of the country and i'm like a, i don't know, i don't see, i don't see know how to, cuz you'll see all these. colorado is in colorado to a politician and as election was going on. i was there, my says and that so i see are the south cable which is my region. we have
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a 1000 the power over 1000 people contesting for, for government because they understand the magnitude of the money that the they're getting from their, from the government. and so many young people, they're just went. they don't want to to be in a plastic in order to better their lives of the people. but they just want to be there to, to get that in mind. you to, okay. all right, and all these companies that are kind of multinational companies that are going to come in and that was also overlaps, was minding, giving them corrupting them with money in order to lobby for them on their own, the national level. and so they want to be able to do that. so the level of corruption is, is, is a huge and going back to our, to mining again, of course is not the, the only problem we have. but i think somebody says a huge fraud because our lives compared to the mentoring level, which is coming out of chromebooks and i've been surprised to to,
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to the outside world is quite a huge and we about that the outside world is not functioning. and so for many, much a national company about sponsoring this politician in order 100 and for them to know before the man. of course, we have some human rights activists that out now also part of their government because they're being corrupted by this government. there was speaking against it now this, this speaking pro, their government. so this is, is a huge problem. and it's the picture that you paint here. i mean, as you said, the cycle of violence in the cycle of hopelessness, that seems never ending reagan. you brought a little bit of hope earlier into terms of the organizations and, and just the way the initiatives coming up from among the people. uh, can you tell us a little bit more about that? do you see that spreading and having a little bit more strength or like copying,
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do you think that we're going to keep watching more of the same address? congo? turned out there is some cool uh and up seats because of uh, the people are the grounded. shut this uh, which of the ground. yes. i think uh with this uh, with this graphics grounds. i literally rolls a lot of, um, uh uh, i can't say no, i don't have stuff for you, but also i don't know of resilience of poppy. you wanted to add something. uh and then how do you get a copy 1st if that's all right. yeah, i definitely, i think that there is a help in congo, and we have been working and, and really trying to attend the narrative because that's our ad focus from the realize that, you know, the major media outlets of the one that we're not really talking about that hope of chrome and what uh, chromebook this is like if this minimal is either we know telling people okay,
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don't, don't come in mind and come back this mind this. mine must benefit the people of congress. of course, you know, that's why we want and we want to show the young people of color that this, why don't you have your quote and better have the it belongs to you. it doesn't belong to some force is coming from outside the audience or that. yeah, you measured very good point. how does uh you want to weigh. yeah. and then i'll, i'll go back to regular. how did you want to do what i wanted to in on the hopeful part. there is a lot of hope and now especially more than ever now, the more people, right, the world is being exposed to the long standing suffering of the companies people. just last month, december of 2023 friends of the combo was able to raise $100000.00 an average of $20.00 from $5000.00 people across the world. you see this kind of solving there. it is kind of global, solely that with these. what's the company's people need and they will get it
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because it's about time that we put a focus on the d r c and what's been going on there. so there's absolutely is hope for this and an end to the conflict hopefully very soon. um, on the global solidarity aspect, and reagan, i have not forgotten about you. i will go back to you. but on the global solidarity issue, many aspects of this crisis are being talked about online as we mentioned. here's another casualty. all the conflict and the mining the d r. c that had deja has mentioned the environment. the one thing you can do right now in regards to speaking up is talk about the congo bass. get the environment on the line because a lot of smaller tech and other companies are trying to get it because what they want our resources again, the congo basis is the largest or is the continent of after a bunch of companies are buying different plots of the land to do oil is track this for us. we have a repairable climate repercussion. i'm going to do
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a deep dive tomorrow, but make sure you are talking about the congo base and right now. um reagan. do you agree that environmental activist could be a good source of support here for you guys? yes, i think i think yes it end up being is one of the issue that needs to be uh a push because off of close it, it gives the whole and also it shows dot com. well, it's not only up from the complex of it towards the solution, and so i think that's right steve of seeing face and know that's going to so useful . but for that to be able to do to happen, we need to support people from going well to make sure that they cannot stay. that's good for thanksgiving. this far as because it's in the interest of everyone . how does your taking, how can the world help the congo right now in the congo these people,
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like reagan just mentioned, and i'm definitely making sure that we are supporting local companies, institutions supported people, human attainment efforts on the ground and condo. for example, if you have it raising funds, make sure that all of it, or most of it is going into the hands of the companies people to the beat and bolster the uh, the, the, the efforts to make sure the correction is, is 1st and foremost eradicated because corruption is very relevant. and another thing we talked about the blankets, the more costs are what people find out about the blood. that is all over the supply chain. they want to separate themselves. so let's put pressure on these companies to do the right thing. we have a lawsuit in collaboration with it's not for rise. advocates on behalf of 14 companies families to support that feeling better or support so that he might
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hear and what's going on with the co mac deep. and also it was focused on popular ryan and together we can definitely we can definitely see change and also last the pressure on our governments and us in the you k has been found to the supporting level groups in eastern congo. we have to stop that because millions of lives the being lost at a rate that we cannot even imagine. and this has to stop in your mind, detaining catastrophe that has to stop. and i want to give a final word here to poppy. this is obviously a conflict we all mentioned here was there so much at stake and it's a very international conflict despite the fact that we a, the international community has largely ignored the poppy. if you have been particularly affected by this conflict, as you mentioned, you were recruited as a child. so there, can you tell us just the final word. what do you hope to see? come go, go through in the next few day in the next few years. and decades,
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what do you hope for the future of your country? now at the help of come to uh, the item, its hope that oh, i would like to see to see piece in the entire entire congo. oh, to see a condo is todd working off in the morning and knowing that they want to be able to hear the sound of bullets. oh oh oh, being scared of of someone kidnapping them or somebody telling them to see it accommodates woman working up and working. i've got a to and if i'm not being scared of being wrapped, i also want to see i've been international community looking at coldwell as important as an important country. you know, we know that our co and has been forgotten, not only because not only because we our firewall, we don't know, continental platform, but also not a lot of people are the ones come going to be known by the international community
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. you know, if you go to our, some of our neighbors, that would discourage you. don't come to colorado because this country is full of savages full of, of people that were with kerio. and i wanted to tell you that congo is full of amazing people. we have their inquiry ideas and lot of young mcquaid as we have. not all the young people heard. i like you can see that a one to see chromebook a tips for players and friendly players and we are very hospitable as well. so i want to see us enjoying what is our as well as to we have been blessed with all the resources that we have. so we talk about this such a lot just when far as we have is i've been traveling this and really discovering it. and when i realized it was, you guys are definitely part of the solution for the cold go. i want to thing kadijah property and reagan for joining us here on the stream for this very important conversation. and thank you for watching. as per usual,
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we would love for you to parts of the show. if you have a comment and i do or a subject that you like to flag for us, you can use a hash tag or the handle a stream. and we will look into your suggestions, take care, and i'll see you soon. the in examining the impact of today's headlines is objectivity is still possible for you. we're not only a fortune the most is look, we are moving this algae 0 sets the stage. a guy is a powerful tool and enables bad people to do bad things, giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and save different programs such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today on alger 0. business like this, this wrote to you believe i guess is i live it's funny on one of your rooms makes
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modern plates. the business like just is free to you believe i guess is a light supply on one of your makes modern plates. the
12:00 am
the hello, i'm about this and this is the news on life from joe coming up in the next 16 minutes . and they are miraculous rescue of 2 children. incense of guys are following is really strikes as it is dropped into gaza. president joe biden is expected to on, on so the us will build a temporary report to get more agents. the district page is finalized by.


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