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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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they say that this is the least of which they can give to their p plus the has 20 children die of starvation in gaza. israel's allied us president joe biden is expected to announce of the temporary porch for 8 hours to me and say that's a distract the i'm how much in room this is out. is your life from? don't have also coming up felt officials and gaza urge the international community to send blood units for tens of thousands of palestinians injured in his really military attacks. by jerry and authority, say gunman have abducted more than $100.00 schoolchildren. and he extends the state of emergency and curfew at night to curb gang violence. that's
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a brute. it's thousands of the health officials and gods are desperately appealing for blood to treat tens of thousands of palestinians injured in israel's war. they say they don't have enough basic supplies, such as blood backs. the war has entered at 6 months, but there's been no progress on the ceasefire. negotiations. how mouse has pledged to continue the talks while excusing israel of hindering an agreement. and as michael apple reports to palestinians are locked in a cycle of death every day a the end of the night is riley strike on an apartment block and dead old bala in central garza leaving some residents dates always the stays too much. debris for rescue is to move by hand. so a bulldozer is put to what?
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scraping open an entrance with the search for survivors can begin the office some time. they think they found a young boy online. but it's to the then the young girl image in the me, what's your name? the keels. so if you have the, the, the, the in the, and then
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a 2nd and 100 in the car, just in the last young the, on the for the painstaking work and covers several more bodies among the ruins, entire families killed as they slipped the mike level which is 0. israel has returned the bodies of 47 palestinians killed during the war was, remains were seized by troops from a hospital in southern gaza. they were brought to the strip through the camel beside them crossing for burial in a mass grave and verify the remains are yet to be identified. israel's been, i've been blocking life savings, mandatory and a despite widespread starvation and famine, and garza now it's ally the u. s is expected to establish a temporary port on causes coast to bring in more aid. presidential biden is
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expected to make that announcement during his state of the union address in the coming hours. since 2007 is real shot, almost all gaus as border crossings except areas for the movement of people and get them up beside them for goods. since the war began, israel has shut areas crossing and only allowed aid to get into gods or through cut them up beside him and the crossing with egypt few in has been urging his real to reopen crossings in the north. since 1967, israel has exercised full control of god as coastline and territorial waters, blocking ships from reaching the city. and since 2007, the port has been under israel's naval blockade. because a sea port is the only mediterranean port close to shipping. israel says it supports the us plan to build a temporary port. it's from the center heard reports from occupied easters. this is really official speaking anonymously to is really media are welcoming the decision by the bind administration to set up this port in to see that will help with
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a delivery of a. this official also said that these really is, will be involved in the planning with the united states. now for ports mentioned that there will be screenings of this aid at that port in cyprus, where it will then go on to its final destination in gaza. so the is really, is, are going to be involved in this, but their level of involvement is still a no and wants to president of the united states formally makes that announcement we can expect more information to come out. 5 i'm the is really, is additionally as rules work have it is meeting this evening so it could be something on the agenda for them to discuss as well. the americans have been dissatisfied with the little amount of humanitarian aid that has been going in to gaza. in fact, there was something that was brought up when war cabinet administer benny against met with american officials in washington earlier this week. but again, the policy of these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been to supply as
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minimal amount of 8 as he can in order to she says, preserve is rules, image with his allies. and additionally, to prevent a humanitarian disaster that catastrophe, as we know, has been folded over the last 5 months in the war. now entering it 6 months. secret cause the u. n. senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for gaza. so the port is nearly not enough to meet the staggering needs for the people. i cannot repeat, air and see is not a substitute for land and nobody says otherwise. the addition ality, however, at this critical juncture, will be very important. now, how frustrated am i? i think i don't have the luxury actually i've, i've taken on this near impossible assignment because i believe it's a moral imperative for all of us. we have to do the utmost against all the possible obstacles and challenges on the way. it's our duty. so i don't have time and i,
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it's a privilege to be frustrated. i think all of us see the image is to in the out. we work for innocent civilians. and as we mentioned, joe biden will give the 3rd state of the union speech of his presidency in the coming hours. as alan fisher reports, the pressure was on the president approved. he should be elected for another term. he's delivered to state of the union speech is but never have the stakes being higher, but his start for dual bite. and this isn't just the plan for the next 12 months. it's about laying out his case for re election in november. the president will outline an agenda that is about continuing to build on the progress that we've made over the last 3 years. the economy will dominate bite and believes he's a good story to tell low unemployment load inflation and rising salaries. republicans on buying it if you had to describe in one word what you believe the state of the union is. you've heard the word crisis, you've heard catastrophe. i think maybe a summary is decline. last year,
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bike negotiated with republicans right from the podiums by some when the booth is position over, continuing support for the country senior as we all apparently agree, the social security, medicare is off, is off the books now, not the right pardon the push for renewed aids to your clean painting is a us security issue. you'll also know it's an american military operation to get more aid into guys. and people will be watching to see if you're in use calls for a ceasefire there. and how willing he is to push that idea. and then there's the added pressure to advise you with this, you speak to the strong, his age has become a key factor in the election, any stumble, any mistake, any error will be magnified by the trump campaign. could hit his hopes of delivering another state of the union island fisher. i'll just see you there at the
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white house of all right. our white house correspondent, kimberly how can joins us live now from capitol hill. kimberly this is a pivotal moment for president joe biden. it's his 1st day of the union speech since he announced his re election campaign. so what do we expect to hear from biden during his address? well, the hard, we just got a few excerpts from the white house, so we're already getting a clear picture of what the president's point to talked about. we do know that he is trying to appeal to undecided voters. you have to remember that this is his last state of the union before the november election. we know that and decided women will especially be cheese. so he is going to appeal to them directly. he is promising to restore ro, the way that is what the supreme court recently and did it is something that has been in place in the united states for a half century that allows women the right to an abortion in the united states. now that has given the states the power to choose whether or not that is legal,
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if the president saying, but if he has another term, he would restore that as federal law the right to choose. he also says that he will continue his economic plan building from the middle out and the bottom off instead of the republican plan, which is trickle down economics. he says that as well, he is going to pay the contrast between himself and the presumptive republican nominate donald trump. in fact, he will not mention donald trump by name. it appears, but he will directly attack his opponent without mentioning him by name, essentially, or as he's done already, paging him as a threat to democracy and also challenging the notion that at $81.00. but joe biden is too old to serve. another term he will make the argument that at 77, he will say some people just like i am are he will refer to the president,
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sorry, as some other people, my age, see the american story as one of resentment, revenge, and retribution. that's not me. so clearly, joe biden, going out, fighting in front of the american public as he delivers this speech clearly trying to pay the contrast between himself and his opponent in the state of the union speech. and kimberly biden is also expected to make a major announcement during this address. what more do you know about that? yes, this is interesting. and we know that the us presidents policy, when it comes to israel, is very controversial, particularly when it comes to it's war on gaza and particularly within his own democratic party. in fact, we know they're going to be members wearing cease fire pins and they're from his own party. and so what we expect from the president is an announcement about
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a 10. 2 a report being built in gaza because there has been so many obstacles put in place 5 is really government for allowing humanitarian aid. and here's the, here's, it's going to be constructed by the us military, and it's go recall and many of our viewers will, the us military or rather the us government has said no boots on the ground in israel. so if the is really, or rather the us military is building this temporary port, this is opening up the president to some criticism that he has reneged on that promise. so this could be a little controversial, but at the same time welcomed in terms of the a that is we know so desperately need it. all right, kimberly, we know you'll be closely watching all the developments around joe biden. the state of the union speech. thanks so much. that's al, just here is kimberly how get joining us from capitol hill or a state of emergency in haiti has been extended by a month as gang violence continues to spiral authorities of band public gatherings and extended a nighttime curfew in the west of the country,
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including the capital for the prince. last week games launched coordinated attacks on infrastructure, demanding the resignation of prime minister ariel on re. he's been unable to return from abroad after the airport was closed. the neighboring dominican republic has been reinforcing its border with haiti. our correspondence a reasonable has more from the board or town of double living here all day. and this border is now closed with me to see people from hey you to coming to market. that is not far away from where i am, where they buy some supplies, medicines, and food, among other things to take back into hazy. however, this border is shows people are not allowed to enter the dominican republic hayes. these aerospace is also close after there was there was p to the attacks on the airport. him for the prince, apparently, gaines attack the northern part of the airport. that's why all the flights have been cancelled and this is happening as the shooting booting. the arson is ongoing
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in the capital for the friends and all around the area. we're also being told that gangs have extended the area of influence to other parts of the country and operating the also on around the territory of the situation is i always heard that the role food program, for example, has cancelled all the transfer to transferred, carried out by c and across several parts of the country, at least 50 percent of the people in haiti are facing acute hunger and suddenly this violence has a huge impact on their lives. the nigerian authorities say more than 200 schoolchildren have been kidnapped shortly after a morning. assembly official say, gunmen attacked a primary school in the northwestern town of could ega in kaduna state. authorities are still trying to confirm the exact number of children taken, but say it is likely for more than initial estimates. fidelis, my boss has the latest from the capital about john. it is such
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a risk. the team has been deployed by the military to try to rescue these children who have ducted thursday morning should be after they've left the school assembly to the class. the government had invaded the school and will 2 bags and kind of do about 300 of the students. they've screwed up the keys at to distinct governor who did the the tech school hours after that to about $25.00 of these students had returned to the parents and that $275.00 were still missing. of these 275 children that are still missing about so 175 of them were between the age of 8 to 15. this is one of the major school abductions and recent to yes, because this abuse was in 2014. when about $276.00 school goes. we have dr. from chico in ne nigeria. you mean to authority? said they would do everything possible to try to rescue the children. i don't have
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a recent weeks. we've had a tax and all the areas and also adoptions. but said immediately saying that they don't do like which ones to be able to confront. and also have a power based on groups, and the chief would be for us that'd be to generalise. and that's who generally simply, that's if you has one percent of the items that he's given to you create that nigeria will be peaceful. he's saying that people with money and they're not able to protest weapons from countries to dennis. and i'll just be right about you. but you and secretary general antonio gutierrez, just calling for a pause in fighting and sudan during that. i'm a bon. the conflict has killed more than 14000 people and more than 8000000 i fled their homes. diplomats at the security council are hoping to vote on a resolution to pause the fighting as early as friday. kristen salumi reports noting the ongoing violence, food and security and massive displacement ins threw down the un secretary general
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. antonio bu chairs warned the security council that the conflict. there could be 2 regional instability of dramatic proportions. and he called on the street in these armed forces and rapids support forces to lay down their arms. it is time to silence the guns and to raise the volume for peace. in just days, the whole, the months in front of them will commence. so from this chamber today, i'm making it to you, as i call or no policies, even so then to honor this elusive what i'm of them by on learning good or i'm, i've done. secession of of stanley sees many members of the security council clearly shared the secretary general's concerns, the united kingdom, put forth a draft cease fire resolution. let's you have to be clear, the scene, these armed forces and the record support forces are responsible for the surrender
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situation. we're still seeing showing and attacks and both sides in heavily populated urban areas. so that's why we vote for the resolution security council resolution quoting for an immediate cease fire before the month of ramadan and urging old parties to announce unhindered cross border law in humanitarian access, the student using bassett or question, how such a mechanism would be implemented? the one says because of the violence, 18000000 student needs are acutely food and secure, and they're already reports of children dying from malnutrition. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations, and eastern democratic republic of congo. the army group and 23 is open to new front line and the town of ritual in north keeble province. its forces have also captured the town of 9 valley in north keeble. 2 days of fighting has forced more than 100000 people to flee their homes and shots that it has accused neighboring lawanda backing in 23. but king ali denies involved a still
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a head on out 0 on don't want to kind in, fell in where a day of strike action is cripple germany's planes and trade networks. and we'll tell you why south korea's now with the cutting edge of military drone technology the the, brought to you by visit capital. hello. we are going to see some of the live the storms developing across the deep south. the us over the next couple of days, you see this area of cloud here associated with this particular area of low pressure. another area of light pressure just around the canadian prairies pushing over towards the midwest. and behind these 2, we have got some relatively cold ass, still very much in place,
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and the red down towards the se in cold 20 for dallas 6 foot time. but temperatures come together was a, go one through friday to get up to around 20 full. there in dallas, at that stage, but it will full back 16 sales just their ones fast. they put us to obtain that for them, but little tongue of somewhat less cold. they're starting to push the sway in, but it's split those features coming together. the temperature contrasts savvy guy with eyes big storms font, his students coming in, we have got warnings right across the big southwest. i could see some flooding range damaging ways possible. it could be on to a tune 8. i'm mixed in that as well in the else and what state just brought up into the midwest. well, about the east disabled for the time. big west. the weather will grassy, make his way over to was the file east of the us and noticed some smoke coming into weston passed by that stage. meanwhile, across the caravan, as long as the sunshine and showers with some very wet weather, but the bahamas of the quote to you by visit cuts on
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in the whiners and tried to switch, switch to new extinction. now the ami enjoys and community groups, the group, the back from the brain. when east investigates the challenges here with the the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top stories. this, our health officials and gaza are desperately appealing for blood to treat tens of
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thousands of palestinians injured in israel's more they say they don't have enough basic equipment including blood backs. washington is suggested setting up a temporary report in gaza to allow aid in by c. u. s. president joe biden is expected to talk about the proposal in his state of the union address. and the coming out with the, with the is the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. he says the discussion about building a port in gaza is a distraction from israel's worth starvation and america's inability to end the blockade. this is nathaniel idea. it seems to be just on another day for today the attention, somebody an issue with you, which is that the $700000.00 people now to start to be in those guys are now. and is there any notes on our end to get a money to be on a need that for them north of dennisville guys assume that out of tens of thousands of next week and got the gibson border and we don't understand why the americans
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cannot split a show that it's an end is to allow these, the next will get them. and all these ideas about the drugs, about the new products. nothing about the efforts to that tension from the fact that there is i tell they've been looked at and that is getting people and the united states and the international community. i'm doing nothing, but i should isn't in some of this look at this be about to afford this will take months to be better and people continue to buy and does it daily. i'm losing tens of people because of starvation. well, this is not that solution. besides other kids about this is this idea of a new port. and one of them is that the people that i paid that might be used to help people that i'm guys, which is exactly what nathaniel, who wants another. it's mcclin's ingle understand people's evidence presented to the international court of justice by israel in january was incorrect and
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misleading. that's the conclusion of a london based investigative team. the evidence was submitted and a case brought by south africa. it accused israel of genocide and gaza. and called on the court to issue provisional measures against israel. charles stratford explains it is being more than a month since the international court of justice ordered israel to take immediate an effective measures to protect palestinians in the cause of str. ready from the risk of genocide, but rights groups and governments around the world say, as well as fail to comply and an investigative to include the forensic architecture group based at the university of london says, some of the evidence is well presented for the i. c. j hearing was incorrect and misleading. let's have a look at some of the images as well presented to the cold. of israel says the while i see the red box is evidence of a rocket. not so i mixed the gallons of water at the sound of nation planned the forensic architecture group. i analyzed the picture using satellite images and 3 d
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modeling to calculate the size and the depth of the highlighted feature and the groups conclusion. these right, the legal team code, a palestinian rocket launch select was actually a crate to made by a 500 to a 1000 pound bomb dropped in. and these really attack these really legal team will start presenting face image claiming they'll cook's hospital was being used for military purposes. but protest in unified is which justified israel's targeting of the hospital and other medical facilities. the table associated the image showed what it described as a terrorist. entering the hospital with a rocket propelled grenade launcher. the forensic architecture group's conclusion, the labeling of the image body is ready. the legal team was a game incorrect. the group says the building is not a hospital, but a building use for both commercial and residential purposes. the group goes on to say, there's no evidence palestinian. all the operations were being carried out inside
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the hospital. under these rails claimed that a projectile was fired from inside el codes, hospital which falls these where the legal team will say, present to this image, claiming it shows evidence palestinian fighters fight a rocket from close to a humanitarian zone. and a un facility and rough uh, the forensic architecture groups. conclusion, the annotation is misleading. as no such humanitarians even existed, as the boundaries of so called safe areas are not clearly defined or communicated. they are, i'm doing of how much says it's been given the authority to mediate the release of captives held by humans. ruthie rebels that's according to a senior. cassandra gauge leader who spoke to alger 0. she said the who with these informed them any decision regarding a ship and its crew detained by the rebels, would be made exclusively by the cassandra gates and the truth. the attacks and the
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red sea are in response to israel, starvation of palestinians and gaza. there with these also vowed to continue their attacks on ships in the red sea until israel pulls out of district. sweden has joined nato nearly 2 years since it launched its bid to become a member of the military alliance. the hand over of documents took place at a ceremony in washington dc, which sweden applied to be part of the alliance after rochelle launch its military invasion of ukraine, ending decades of political neutrality that german rail and airport workers have walked off the job in a new round of strikes, they're demanding higher wages to cope with the rising cost of living. hundreds of thousands of passengers are facing delays and cancellations. as dominic can reports for berlin. this is bowling central station. normally dozens of trainers would come through here every hour. but this thursday, very few are due to industrial action by the train drive as union. and while some
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passengers sympathize with the strikers, others all less understanding spring, it's really stressful and you have to constantly try to walk out whether you're going to be able to travel or not. and i see on the board a lot of trained on to even running the whole idea of slides, drugs that gets a little common. let me see my content this time when they come, sit down to find a table and go find a solution. and the con, cancellations, and travel disruption have hit the main apples to see and funk for to a grand stall. so the ally look tons are on strike affecting hundreds of thousands of passengers. but the transport sector is not the only one affected by striking action in recent months. many of the industry so see similar process card numbers i'm going to mention as of the time that we are not striking for no reason. the demands are old, was very important things, shortening of 4 hours, and also more be to make up for inflation and cartoons outside instead of us. in many cases, the companies off on sympathetic to these to months,
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decisions which are added to the sense of a winter of discontent in germany. we are seeing most strikes of the relatively small boxes, technically important to unions like the trained drivers o apple testing them and they have a lot of negotiating. paul companies are reluctant to given to that about to because they have so much power. i'm afraid they will use it so we don't see most by all of which means that people using germany's efforts and it's railway station is like this one. i'll go to have to get used to sites like this with fewer trains and fewer planes on those days. of strike action. so i'm going to came out, was there a bullet, a liquid, sugar and chemical waste is leaking into a major river in bangladesh. that's after a major fire broke out on monday at a sugar factory in the porch city of chicago. more than 100000 tons of raw sugar has been burnt. the sugary waste streaming into the kind of the pool. the river is
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killing fish and other marine creatures. a new report into the school shooting and you've all day texas in 2022 has cleared local police officers of misconduct. right . because of the investigation ordered by you've all day city council acknowledged many failures. when the blamed families who rushed to the school for compromising the police response in january, department of justice. investigators criticized officers. lack of urgency and confronting the gunman at rob elementary, killed 2 teachers, and 19 students. hundreds of officers were deployed to the school, but it took more than an hour to confront and killed the gun. south korea is struggling with an unprecedented low birth rate now which armed forces are turning to drones to fill.


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