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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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brutally murdered by one of the millions of illegal border crossers president binding chose to release into our homeland. so as a mom, i can't quit thinking about this. i mean, this could have been my daughter. this cut has been yours. and tonight, president by he finally said her name, but he refused to take responsibility for his own actions. mister president, enough is enough. innocent americans are dying and you only have yourself to blame for us though your oath of office reimburse your policies in this crisis and staff the suffering fab,
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please. we know that president by these failures don't stop there. his reckless spending, doug, our economy and to a whole and sense the cost of living through the roof. we have the worst installation in 40 years and the highest credit card debt in our nation's history. what's that think on hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet today, and with storing a mortgage rates and sky high child care costs. they're also struggling to have a plan for tomorrow. the american people are scraping by. well, president barton probably proclaims that by the nomics is working. goodness, y'all. bless us, hurt. we know better. never forget stopping at
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a gas station and shooting county when evening. the gentleman working the counter told me that after retiring, he had to pick up a job in his seventies so that he didn't have to choose between going hungry or going without his medication. he said, i did everything right. i did everything i was told to do, i worked hard, i said i was responsible when i hear similar concerns from fellow parents, whether i am walking with my friends or whether i'm at my kids gains, but let's be honest. it's been a minute since joe biden pump gas ran a car pull, or even push to go grocery garden. meanwhile, the rest of us see our dollar and we know it doesn't go as far. we see it every day . and despite what he tells you,
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our communities are not safer for years. the less have coddled criminals de funded the police. oh, well let a repeat offenders walk free. the result is tragic, but for civil from our small towns to americas, most i conic city streets, life is getting more and more dangerous. and unfortunately, president binds weakness isn't just hurting families here at home. he is making us a punch line on the world stage where i'm from your word is your mind. but for 3. ready years the president hasn't demonstrated that america's word that's had mean what he use to a from a b engineering or allies in his disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan
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to desperately pushing another dangerous steel with iran. precedent binding has failed. we've become a nation in a retreat. and the enemies of freedom, they see an opportunity proves brutal aggression in europe has put our allies on the brink. iran's terrace proxies have slaughtered is really, she was an american citizens. they've targeted commercial shipping. and they've attacked our troops nearly $200.00 times since october, telling 3 us soldiers and 2 navy seals. meanwhile, the chinese communist party is under cutting america's workers. china is
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buying up our farm land, spying on our military installations, and spreading propaganda through the likes of tech talk. you see the c c k knows that if it congress, the minds of our next generation, it conquers america. and what does president biden do? well, he bands tick tock for government employees, but creates an account for his own campaign. y'all here make this stuff up. look, we all recall when presidents faced national security threats with strength and resolve. that seems like ancient history. right now, our commander in chief is not in command in the free
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world deserves better than i can say. the rain and diminished leader america deserves leaders who recognize that's a sure border, stable faces faced streets. and the strong defense are actually the cornerstones of a crate nation. just ask yourself, are you better off now than you were 3 years ago? there's no doubt right across roads. it doesn't have to be this way of feeling it. but here's the good news. we the people are still and the driver seat, we get to decide whether our future will grow brighter or whether it will settle
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for an america and decline. well, i know which choice our children deserve. and i know the choice, the republican party is fighting for. we are the party of hard working parents and families, and we want to give you and your children the proper kennedy's to thrive. and we want families to grow. it's why we strongly support continued nationwide access to in vitro fertilization. we want to help loving moms and dads bring precious life into this world, wesley. and i believe there is no greater blessing and life in our children. and that's why tonight i want to make a direct appeal to the parents out there. and in particular to my fellow moms,
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many of whom i know will be up tossing and turning at 28. i'm wondering how you're going to be in 3 places at once, and then somehow still get dinner on the table. first of all, we see you. we hear you and we tend to i know you're frustrated. i know you're probably disgusted by most of what you see going on in washington, and i'll be really honest with you. you're not wrong for feeling that way. look, i get the task in front of us isn't an easy one, but i can promise you one thing. it is worth that. so i am asking you for the sake of your kids and your grandkids, get into your arena. every 10 or ration has been called to do hard things. american greatness rest and the fact that we
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always answer that call. it's who we are. we never forget. we are 8 in the blood of patriots who, over through the most powerful empire in the world mean walk in the foot steps of pioneers attained the wild. me now carry forward the same flame of freedom as the liberators. i'm going to press your up. we continued control courage from those who bent the moral arc of the universe. and when we gaze upon the heavens, never forget that our dna contains the same ingenuity that put, ma'am on the moon, or america has to be tested before. and every single
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time we've ever heard on about an item broken, our history has been written with the threat of men and women who got knocked down. but we know their stories because they did not stay down. we are here because they started to back up. so now it's our turn, our moment to stand up, improve ourselves worthy of protecting the american dream. together, we can re awaken her ro, it spirit of a great nation. because america, we don't just have a rendezvous with destiny. we take destiny's hand and we will be that our future starts around kitchen tables just like this,
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with moms and dads, chest like you. and you are why i believe with every fiber of my being that despite the current state of our union, our best days are still ahead. may god bless you and may god continue to bless these united states of america. hello, you've been listening math to republican seneca, casey brits, of alabama. she was delivering the republican responds to the president state of the union address. as you saw that from her kitchen table. she says, the american dream has turned into nightmare and that the american people can make a different choice. now, it made her criticisms of biden's policies on the border and the rising cost of
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living. she did mention that republicans on full support of the rights to ivy, as in buford redlands nation, that's been a huge issue and has state of alabama often a recent court ruling on the right to live through the future of that industry and many families into chaos will that spring in our white house correspondent can be how get through those are listening in from capitol hill can be settled and brit, i believe, is the youngest republican women to have been elected to the senate. she is $142.00 . and as speaking mike johnson pointed out, she's also the only time for public and none of school age kids. subbing in the senate. this was an attempt to highlight by the age. right. did it walk of the well, you know, certainly there was the attempt to try and make the case about joe biden. and the fact that he has had, what many would argue has been a border in crisis. but even as she was making that case,
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and it was certainly one that she tried to highlight when she brought up the case of like can riley, the woman who was allegedly killed by a documented migrant, the nursing student. that is something that actually joe biden was able to have. oh, it is state of the union speech rather. well, we did see that moment where one of the members of congress, marjorie taylor green, was wearing a t shirt that said, say her name and handed joe by the in a box. and that had lake and riley's name on it. and as she shackle joe biden during his speech, where he was talking about his porter policies, joe biden broke away from his page, broke off an ad lives that portion of this page, and held up the button and directly address this and, and discuss it, said was not rattled by this at all, but actually said her name and is confirmed to be issue. and really through the
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issue back on to republican say, look, i've tried to address this, but you've let politics get in the way. i've put forward a bill that is by parts of the nature that would solve this problem and you've decided you want to fight. so in many ways the issue that, that the senator is bringing up is one the job 5 and has been bringing up himself and has been able to make the case. but the solution is there and politics are getting in the way. 2 even as this rebuttal has been making that and taking a stab at joe by then, i don't know if it was successful. kimberly how could that washington how was correspond to speaking to us from washington d. c. thank you so much. kimberly. well, if you aren't just joining us, it's just gone post quarter past for gm to you. that's off the 11 o'clock at night
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in washington dc. and that's bring you up. today's us president tri bite and has delivered a feisty state of the union speech to congress. used his annual address to lay down his policies and took off his achievements, accusing his pre descent without mentioning his name, don't want trunk of jeopardizing freedom at home and abroad. he also had tough was for israel is made, is adding them to avoid holding up humanitarian aid to palestinians and gaza for political purposes. he's also announced a plan to set up a temporary pin on the coast of gaza to bring more supplies into the water. and stripped tonight, i'm directing us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer in the mediterranean on the coast of gaza. i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine, a temporary shelven. no us boots will be on the ground. a temporary peer will enable a massive increase the amount of the mandatory assistance getting you guys every
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day. the room is room must allow more in the guy to ensure you mandatory workers aren't caught in the crossfire northern gauze leadership. this is real. i say this humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or guardianship a united states walks away. it will put you crate at risk. your present risk, the free world be a risk and bullying others to do what they wish to do us harm. my message, the president, food, the white moon for a long time is simple. we will not walk away. the
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must be honest. the threat to democracy must be defended. my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6. i will not do that. this is a moment to speak the truth and the barry lies. here's the simple truth. you can't love your country only when you, when they last betty the freedom to choose criminalizing doctors forcing survivors of race and accessed, to leave the states to get the treatment. they need many of you in his chamber. i my predecessor, a promising to pass on national battle reproductive freedom. my god, what freedom else would you take away? book. so decision, no returned robi way to supreme court majority wrote the following. and with all
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due respect, justices, women are not without electro electrical power. excuse me, electro or political power. you're about to realize just how much you i will not demonize immigrants say they are portion of the blood of our country. when like my predecessor on my 1st day and all designed to use a comprehensive bill to fix it on the graces and take a look at it as all these and more secure the board provide a path right? is it for dreamers and show much more well, as you are hearing it and his speech, joe biden, to address the ever present issue of his age several times. a c one year old bite and attempted to present his age though as an advantage. i know mary now looks like
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it. i've been around a while when you get to be certain things become clear, the never normally american story again and again, i've seen the contrast between competing forces in the battle for the soul of our nation and my career. i've been told was too young. how do i they don't let me understand the elevators? well, sometimes it's not a joke. and i've been told i'm too old isn't oh we are. it's how old are i do? who is there any retribution or the oldest of ideas? but you can lead america with ancient ideas. only take us back. let's go back to our white house correspondent convey hawkins. she was on capitol hill for us this
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evening. double digit mentions of his previous test that, kimberly was saying on it without mentioning prompts name. this was this page about just how different now of the there's no question that threw out the speech. the us president tried to really portray himself as a direct contrast to his predecessor in this was very much a campaign speech, not a state of the speech he tried to, as he has done in the past, say that he is putting democracy on the ballot in november, he tried to portray himself as the future as one that is really for training and opportunity for america. as a vote for donald, trump would be a vote to plunge america into darkness. he really was making the argument that donald trump is an ancient idea, and even though he is 81 and donald trump is 77,
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but he is progress. it, it really was remarkable to make that argument given the fact that he is sort of the elder of the 2 geriatric men, one a former president, one a current president, one more thing that we should point out in all of this that i think is interesting and all of this is that there were a couple of moments that we duty to highlight, and that is the fact that when it comes to pull numbers, the 2 men are really neck and neck. and one thing about that is, is that donald trump really was low in popularity when he left the office in july and was very high. and the point where things changed for joe biden, in his presidency, was really the withdrawal effects out of afghanistan. and he's never really recovered from that. and there was a moment during the state of the union address where joe biden was hack. well,
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there was very hard to hear, but what's the man was shouting was at the gates. and really what that was about was the killing of 13 sir risk members at abilene gates in the afghanistan. and he was yelling it until 5. and remember that i remember those service members who were killed, and it's important to remember because that is really what led to kind of this real challenge for jo bivens in that his total numbers now match the man he is likely to face and november. and so that's what's a really, the remainder of his term is going to be about. and that's why he mentioned donald trump for peters lee will not my name is but he is now facing off against the former president and a pre match that really no american one can be. how is that a white house correspondent for us on capital hill tonight? thank you so much. kimberly. well, that's not bringing joan ferry, he's a partner of f, the advocacy. he's also a republic and he joins us too,
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from the us capital this evening. john, it's fairly unusual to give it a state of the union this fall into an active election cycle. as kimberly was just saying, this was a campaign speech rather than a typical state of the union. what did you make of a yeah, i think that's right. i would imagine joe biden say this exact same speech in that chicago convention. the uh, you know, my mom is this page where instructions are on the rack, rally the democrats and the shavers. you know, shaw and just wondering what he was saying, which is very unusual for a stadium. there's always kind of so i work in the capital for 50 years. nurses, you know, i've been to 50 to these interviews and you're going to have, you know, the different side of standing out and things like that. but the, this time it was only the democrats or republicans were pretty much sitting on our hands all time except for the, the moment retail reuse of other members would handle the pressure,
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which i don't think really play that well for the republicans to the case. you know, give a job, i have a lot more energy. yeah, he's fun to use a car. so i kinda saw it was a crazy old man. ah, you're a democrat. you're just not delighted that he showed up and that he was t shirts. and so somebody was probably give them some sense that he will, you'll be able to withstand the campaigns next 6 months. well, we so minutes late, the side of the case he brought to the, the republican response looking very much to the approachable mom at her kitchen. table, what did you make of that? she emphasized board of issues and board a policy that's obviously it's usually as usually a political issue heading into this campaign season. the very nice job of showing that contrast. uh, i think the most important things you did was really clear that republicans are in favor. oh, i am yes. which is you said are, is a big controversy right now. this,
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the supreme court ruled that a embryo is a he would be and she's awesome. we're all right. yeah, because we're a girlfriend. why? as she also messaged you, talking about, which is the number one sees you, the number one is you most or box. and that is the over more, which is like flooded into many different cities, increasing crime and really increase in drug use, especially spend off. and she, you know, by talking about when you're really talking about this kind of especially problem and many big cities surely kind of put, put the kind of a bind touch on that, that this is something that we should be worried about. and she call the president for not doing enough to secure the more john ferry, the partner at f. b advocacy, or for a republican. great to get your thoughts in the, in the often mazda of both those speeches. thanks very much for joining us on to 0
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. well, that's not bringing our side hassan, he's a democratic political strategist, you know, and he joins us now from burlington ends. i'm on our side as we've been talking about huge concerns ahead of the state of the union. about bivens age. we saw a fuse, stumbled. did he manage to sound sufficiently useful? he was always a trying to sound very energetic. is really was very gentle. he was vigorous, he was vibrant. some of the complaints i'd seen from republican pundents said that he was talking too fast and to buy bread. and i think if you're doing something right, i suppose a people are going to bass late with contradictory criticisms like this. if you look at the substance of what buying was saying, he not only laid out a number of policy positions, really not a very clear contrast. and if biden is going to win for this general election, that is exactly the voters the to see. you've got a number of voters on the democratic side who are going to be provided no matter
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why a number on the trump side. you go for treatment or what the rest need to see that there's a difference between the 2 candidates. and that is what by them laid out. well, one of the things they focused on was the economy. and i was interested to see polling ahead of the speed shows that many americans believe it as administration has done badly when actually the thing is quite the opposite. he was very specific about accomplishments and then policies. was that enough to explain it to, to the american people? you know, i always say that when people bust out the data as a, as a, as a way to persuade people, it really doesn't stick. and i don't think that's the right way to go about it. one thing that i do think is important is actually some of the republicans are doing that is about to backfire on them. it's ask themselves where they were 4 years ago . and 4 years ago, the whole world in the united states, of course, as well, was mired and a massive economic and public health crisis. so people are really going to be thinking back where they were 4 years ago and where they are now and who handled
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what crises? well, then i think that's gonna end up well for us to have to see this. now that when we're talking about pulling heads, had pulleys nearly a year before the election, don't give us very much information. at this point, 4 years ago, trump was beating biting for her. and when the election came, inviting one the election make over 7000000 votes. people pause and ask themselves no questions. now, the proposal tells very much about a head to head match. i just have, i have a very, very brief, almost one was question to ask you one, what on? so i'm asking for, did he do enough to convince on the sizes so uncommitted democratic searches on garza, he's on the pack. he needed a reversal, and i think he started that results today. and i hope that reversal continues personally on our side has on that democratic political strategist and without it allows us for us from bonding tons of long. thank you so much. are set. well,
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that is it for me. and as strong as you to remember, you can always find much more on our website, algebra dot com. you've been watching special coverage of the state of the union from capitol hill in washington dc. weather is next. and then inside story the, the weather brought to you by visit custom highline. we've got some pretty nasty weather in the full cost of possibly me least over the next couple of days. think sleep is some places are kind of close. southern parts of the arabian peninsula will be picking up the coast and lots of showers as we go through into the we can fraud. i say some big a showers just developing rep, eastern parts of a mom pushing across into the you. are you able to assess, today we go to worry about that is what is the cause? why spread flooding is that system just push these was way back across the strength
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of the moods. we'll see some showers that just pushing into that east. the side of it around just running up to was i've kind of done a police just a couple of warming up the last on celsius here. meanwhile, we got some when he weather up to what was that is the side of ducky a running to was a cool cuz he's could see a shower or 2 just a rolling across the itchy and some heavy rain into that. the eastern side of the magistrate is cypress, could cease and lobby shells. sat, was pushing into the western side of syria, down towards lebanon. maybe just easing down towards the occupied comes to new territories as we go $13.00, fast ice i. so the some on several web a possibility. well, as you try that across that notation corner of africa, what's the weather i would to was the north west of africa and then we got the usual showers just around the golf with getting the seasonal raise. now stretching quite nicely across central positive africa and america the west brought to you by visit cuts on friday. the 3rd is human at.


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