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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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us and somebody in the seattle journal got an estimate in zambia, a new series of advocate direct on our, which is 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the, the put ottoman this is the new zone line from doha, coming up in the next 16 minutes and has stayed with the union speech, the us president williams as well. not to use a as a bargaining chip and calls for an immediate cease fire to an out essential supplies and the guys up job. i didn't make this case for a 2nd time in the white house by how nice things are treatments and corn. donald
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trump dangerous the state of emergency in the hazy is extended as the gun slip to seize full control of the capital on hong kong on bills proposals for a new national security and the one that includes live sentences for treason and insurrection. the beginning garza with 5 months into the will as well strikes showed no signs of messing up. at least 11 people have been killed in the city of the law in central garza and the tax continued across the northern part of the strip. let's go to our correspondent honey, my movie is joining us on the phone from dasa. so honey, what is the latest on the strikes across the gulf stream? yes, elizabeth, good morning. you on to our viewers another night where i've been,
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which palestinians across the guys is for todd in your, a massive intent that a bombing campaign or from the northern part to the students from the area and the city of hon unit for the reading military. the bill as by using it valid terry a quote from the i'm and i'm a vehicle then tax around. they have a residential building and conducting math arrest them, and the grass that searching from building to building and drive to flat then. and then a statement that may have released by the, the military said that they, they conducted all of the 250 as a rest of what they described as the associates with a, with how much then, maybe the, the, the worst of what happened over died of taxes, the read the repeated air strikes that they do. but i think the way we're looking at a residential home for the place, the, the people was attacked in at least 11 people so far with more still under the
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rebels and multiple other injuries only reported to alaska hospitality in the northern part of the a, gaza trip where he'd be, or tillery showing, coupled with the air strikes on the city, would be the here, and that we get body a refuse. you can't do it because of tens of injuries, all reported to issue for hospital and you cannot one hospital that's not a mid sized hospital in the northern part of the trip. large, the non operation of that's where we see a rifka of lights right there. as there, there are no medical supply that no medical intervention of proper one. it to save those injuries. there at least the 300 people have been a concern cold and surrounded by these really times and the garments vehicles that the doubles the round about the close to load the sheets for as the gather, waiting for a truck to get you guys and the northern part of that and,
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and so far they are still under this nother, terry, se, the 300 people and then the 8th, it has not been delivered and, and, and there is so much concerns going on right now as the, uh, that is really monetary at any point might either conduct this math or any of these $300.00 people or waiting for it or it could be worse as we seen in the past. uh, an atrocity good happened as people wait for that foot fluid supplies the situation are getting very difficult to. there is a drawing of car then across the trip, maybe here and, and run the d as a and the, the ongoing constant are killers. think of the eastern part of the city, and on top of that there is a growing depletion of basic resources and basic supplies and an over crowded. yeah, honey, i think we can actually hear the drawings that you're mentioning on the phone line with you, honey. thank you very much for that correspondent,
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honey. my whole joining us on the phone from dasa or, or the war on gaza was one of the topics you as president joe biden touched on his stage of the union speech to congress, to use the annual address to lay out his policies and took off his achievements, choosing his prudence as a donald trump of jeopardize and freedom at home and abroad. he had tough was as rarely leaders urging them to avoid holding off humanitarian aid for political purposes by an old of the us. some other treat to lead an emergency mission, to build a temporary peer in the mediterranean to facilitate more a deliveries to gaza on ukraine. the us president said he will not abandon support for key, but it's war against russia was involved. the russian president vladimir putin wouldn't stop if you claim is defeated domestically invite and try to use the speech to show. he has the capacity to serve another 4 years as president. he made life of his age, which has become an issue for many bushes. like hanover pulls from washington,
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d. c. and unparalleled opportunity to lay down a mock up for the november election line. you had the admins challenge of what could be a re match against republican donald trump and president fight and pledge to build a future based on what he called american coal values on his, the decency, dignity and equality. and like you said, his pre, this is a new throughout the speech he never referred to by name. so the people might see it differently. the american story, every revenge and retribution past not be as expected. the president emphasized stuff, his administration's turned around the economy, unemployment and inflation or down salaries are up. it doesn't make no, but the news in a 1000 cities and towns, the american people are writing the greatest come back story. it's never told that's it and find it. and pointed out that you,
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one year old take cox and the old you and she was the 1st pregnant at all to sue for the right to terminate the pregnancy off to the supreme court overturned roe v wade. and removed a woman's right to choose a right, the president promised to restore the return of the we would have no can about the power women. but they found out what reproductive freedom was on the ballad. we want 220222200. and we went again to 2024. also attending us guests in the chain. the relatives of american captives taken by him austin to gaza last year. and president by didn't use the occasion to outline a new plan to open a marine route for him at a terry and supplies. and spoke directly to the survey, the leadership, not mandatory and assistance, cannot be a secondary consideration or guardianship protecting and saving it as and why it's
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has to be for the president made no apology for his ongoing unqualified support of israel, a position that has come under criticism from members of his own party as a genocide and gaza continues the issue of fight and sage has also been brought up by some party members as a concern when the president attempted to choke and he brushed away. i know mary now look like it bobbing around while you pulls up the president biden speech indicated. a job well done. use hope that he'll be delivering his full state of the union address next year by kinda i'll just sierra washington. okay, g bush, a spanish, just the alabama, delivered the republican response to president biden speech. speaking from home and montgomery input for dishonest biden's immigration and economic policies. president
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payton inherited the most secure border of all time. the button minutes after taking office. he's suspended all deportations. he halted construction of the border ball and he announced a plan to give amnesty to no ends window that president biden didn't just create this border crisis. he invited it was 94 executive actions in his 1st 100 days. president biden's boarder policies are a disgrace. this crisis is despicable. and the truth is, it is almost entirely preventable. the american people are scraping by. well, so this barton probably proclaims that binding nomics is working. goodness,
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you all. bless us heart. we know better or what we're joined now by marco and jones associated professor of middle aged studies at home. i've been calling for university. very good to see you. we will talk in more detail about what president, 5 and announced about gaza and had to say about gaza. the 1st the what did you make of him beginning his stage of the union address by focusing entirely on foreign policy. but i think it shows the importance that the genocide knowing garza is taking in terms of us domestic politics. and i think really it's also 5 and trying to reaffirm fundamentally a support for israel fast and trying to also a swayed some of the criticisms he's getting from members of his own party about to us respond to the gaza. but i really do think it shows that this is going to be one of the most important points leading up to the election in november. but i think, you know, we started talking about the, the, the situation from october, the 7th. so he's clearly adopting the is really line that everything that doing the
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genocide, the mass killings is a response to october. the 7th, to framing it in a very clear way that says is ro was still with you. but by the way, we're giving you a few, you know, mine does that. what you'll do with aid is, is not on, but really this is by and coupling down on this commitment is yeah, it's funny because he has moved. it looks like he's moved on some things, but it's not when framing that this began according to israel and something that he very friendly stands by, that this whole issue began on october 7. mr. jones, stay with us. we are going to come back to you shortly. list of about go with the nets here for most of about go to, he's the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. and he says that the discussion about building a portion, gaza as a distraction from as well. it's was solve ation, america's inability to end the blockade. this is nathaniel idea. it seems to be just on another day for today the attention somebody initially here,
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which is that the 700000 people just thought of it in those guys are now. and is there any is not that are in the money to, to on a need that for them north of that i spoke as a said that out of tens of thousands of next week and got the gibson border and we don't understand why the americans cannot special design is to allow these, the next will get and, and all these ideas about drugs about the new board must think about the f. what is to that tension from the fact that there is a tell they've been looked at and that is getting people and the united states and the international community are doing nothing, but shudders that are in some discipline. and they speak about the afford. this will take months to be better and people continue to buy and does it daily. i'm losing tens of people because of starvation. so this is not the solution besides other kids about this issue, this idea of
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a new port. and one of them is that the people that i paid that might be used to help people in some guys, which is exactly what the, who wants another, it's mackenzie engel, understand people's all right, let spring moto and jones back in. so what do you think of president biden announcing the building of this? they call it a temporary peer, but you know, building this infrastructure to send aid into gaza when there are crossings on gauze is what it is that as well as impeding aid from the many trucks on these board is waiting to be found in the whole thing is ludicrous, i mean so, so, so let's look at where this comes, right? he's doing it at his sort of right at the state of the union address, right. so he's obviously using this as some sort of propaganda point to try and reassure. again, you know, democrats in the us that he actually cares about god, but ultimately is ludicrous the most efficient way to get 8 into gaza would be through the roof of crossing through these trucks, which israel have consistently hinted right. and so the idea of building
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a port is quite upset, not least for the reasons you know, most stuff i mentioned, which is that it would take ages as actually big questions of how the aid would even be distribution within gaza. right? because they've said the americans have said there will be no boots on the ground. so who will distribute the who will distribute and this is another important point about what's going on. i don't necessarily see this entirely as a distraction. actually i think this plays into israel on own right. as we know after the i c, j, we willing in january, which basically stipulates that israel had to do the utmost to get aid to guys and is a launch. the campaign weather was smearing the united nations accusing of of terrorism . we had various countries including australia. you came to us withdrawal aid. and that was us doing while they've ad dropped 8. and now they're saying they're building a port. what does that actually meet? what it means that they are sort of saying, well, safety, as well as legitimate reasons not to use one route to deliver aid based on that smack outside. you know, i think it's actually less a distraction more tying into this is really propaganda campaign that's seeking to dismantle the owner who had a key distributed of 8 in gaza. exactly. and,
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and while we're providing services that as well as actually obligated to on the international norm here. now again, by building this pool to deliver a wouldn't american be taking some of the owners again away from as well. i mean, absolutely. this is another thing that one that helping the ally, but also it shows the relative in a way weakness of what the rest the day because they are showing that they are unable to pressure their ally into allowing the aid getting to go to guns, right. but other unable or are they on willing why not use the leverage that they have to tell as well again, and now those at least hundreds of trucks, if not more of a, the way seeing it than that. and for this, well, you know, i, i think this of whether they're able, unwilling is one of the big debates that's going to come out to this. because ultimately, as we've seen fund bivens say, do you need these still standing with his ro? so it still seems like he's really starting his commitment to them and buying into that narrative. let's not forget this whole thing. they even try to get a to go through the national court in israel, but that was basically blocked by right wing is right, because we said no,
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we don't want under our basically coming to our ports, right. so i think that's a really important point and you know, frankly, i think it's a reflection of not just with us weakness, but i think the way the thing is incredibly cagey. i think biden's still once that is right, the support and the design is lovely. support for the election. for the same time, you can see a level of frustration in the bottom in ministration, but as well. yeah, absolutely. mon calling jones, thank you. as a wife for your analysis, i appreciate it. it's just ahead of job alive and space. hundreds of protests is gathered across from capital who as in various parts of washington, dc the demanding president joe biden for, for an immediate cease fire and, and as well as located of gall. so some of holding balancing items, legacy is genocide. he has been facing protests votes during the primaries from that section of democrats who voted on commissions in states such as michigan and
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minnesota. while israel has been blocking live savings, humanitarian aid, the spot widespread starvation and famine and gaza. now it's ally, the us has to establish a temporary pulls on gaza as close to bring in more aid. as we mentioned, the president biden announced that during his state of the union address since 2007 israel, his shots almost all the officers border crossings. except it is for the movement of people and cut them on the solemn for goods. since the will began, israel closed the air as crossing and only allowed a to get into gaza through cut them up, sign him. indeed. also crossing with egypt. the un has been urging israel to reopen the crossings in the middle of since 1967 israel, and has exercised full control of gauze coastline and territory loses blocking ships from reaching the city. and since 2007, the polish has been on the israel's naval blockade gauze. a sea port is the only mediterranean port closest to shipping. it was a 1700000 palestinians,
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and garza had been forced to flee their homes the by the family. as among the displays, they escaped as randy attacks in the north and sought refuge in the south. what remains of a life before the was packed inside a small make shift. moving in rafa lounge a 0 spent 24 hours with them and documented their daily routine. little head from them. that's the you know, the full for the for the yes. not chad. the name, the girl hasn't had a behaviors of miss for the, the, hey will, how do what they have done instead of a sudden that i mean necessarily that and that's, that should be home the amount and we will have that for me, but i listed it as can, however, the car with questions apparently missed also to settle the pacific did. and you
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can. mm hm. new city. so now i'm driving. so what is the law? most? most of us fedex is in 5 as fast as i know the misqueso comes to do the autopay of settlement, but then the, then that was the some of the fees as the more 10 because the know i'm a member towards let's move to god, i want me to move, you know, my office ma'am. i assume a level med zillow and again, but a big deal and there was sort of, most of the news. the news allow me on it can remember people harkins in the past does look good. not good for me. they use and then ma'am, as i played out on the screen,
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my can reset the software to get this and put on my bill how super i'm with the last the law, everything like that. a lot men would say when it came in the my limits, the man, the 7th, the surprise me, the secret at 5 and it should because of the, i mean the, i don't know the fact that the it's just on the with the, the make a place in the mountains and i have not of mckayla hudson neg do me in a position to call for this and the fee just left at 1st reply, yet all the best in quinn. esna got him the type of small bob and i put in the
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state of emergency. and heidi has been extended by month as a gang continue their attacks. that includes setting fire to the police station and looting of food market. the gang leaders of the monitor, the resignation of prime minister audio and on we have a main standard, a broad choice of, of reports from dodge of on and neighboring dominican republic as the they say the are in charge against controlling the street. so for the prince, on thursday 5 fights between the armed groups and the police were ongoing and haiti's capital prime minister at elan re, remains in the us territory portability equal. unable to return to his country. gang say he's returned with trigger a civil war and are demanding his resignation, will not allow real and re to return. he's not good for haiti. the state department says it's pushing id and, and we who was not elected to collaborate with that transition into
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a more inclusive government that will lead to free elections. as of islands continues in the capital port authorities were forced to hold operations. after thousands of people looted the containers for distribution has become a problem as low as mass looms across the country. the world food program says they have to suspend their c operations to distribute food because of the severity of the situation. ariel henri did not rule the country well, he's traveling and we are starving. the keels in the country as far as the dominican republic to increase security at the border between both countries. patients, i know they're allowed to cross into the dominican republic. the only permitted to reach the market to find cushion food and medical supplies to sell or take back. security forces are on high alert in the dominican republic after gang through these thousands of prisoners from jail. and that's why man, we're trying to come to
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a market that is not far away from here. are being asked to line up for security checks. carmen says the prime minister has to resign on the will, needs to send international assistance. and i'll say nothing has done nothing for the people, nothing in the haitian national police need more support to fight the violence. hate and needs help. the un has set up a multi national security emission that will deliver personnel and equipment to assist the police. but nobody really knows when it will happen or if we will help deliver the stability people here desperately need. very so we'll just see that the have one. but you inside of the general is cooling for a pools and fighting. and saddam, during the muslim holy month of ramadan, the bachelor for control of the country since last april has killed at least $14000.00 people, faced millions from the homes and closed the food shortage crisis. for instance,
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literally reports from un headquarters in new york. noting the ongoing violence, food and security and massive displacement ins threw down the un secretary general . antonio bu chairs warned the security council that the conflict. there could be 2 regional instability of dramatic proportions. and he called on the street in these armed forces and rapids support forces to lay down their arms. it is time to silence the guns and to raise the volume for peace. in just days, the holy months of ramadan will commence. so from this chamber today, i'm making it to you, as i call or no policies, even so then to honor this elusive what i'm of them by on learning good ramadan cessation of hostilities, many members of the security council clearly shared the secretary general's concern, the united kingdom put forth a draft cease fire resolution let's you have to be clear,
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the seed in these armed forces and the record support forces are responsible for the surrender situation. we're still seeing shelling and the text and both sides in heavily populated urban areas. so that's why we vote for the resolution security council resolution quoting for an immediate cease fire before the month of ramadan . and urging old parties to announce unhindered cross border and cross by and humanitarian access. the cities and baset are questioned. how such a mechanism would be implemented? and they when says because of the violence, $18000000.00 student needs are acutely food and secure and they're already reports of children dying from malnutrition. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nation and government and nigeria have attached to schools and kids, not hundreds of children. the governor of could do an estate says at least $297.00 students were taken from the town of creature. it is the 2nd mass abduction within
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a week and larger area because it's frequently demand ransom. us police officers have been cleared of misconduct after the evolved a school shooting in texas 2 years ago. a gunman killed mine team students, and 2 teachers and the attack us as a counsel investigation acknowledged many stages when the blamed families who rushed to the school to compromise and the police response that follows the department of justice criticizing the lack of urgency by hundreds of officers who took more than an hour to confront until the government, a train passengers in germany being long just moving mass of disruptions because of the latest strike. my drivers and lufthansa, airline passengers will want to being disrupted by to day will count by brown ground stuff dominic a and reports from the land. so this is bowling central station. normally dozens of trainers would come through here every hour. but this thursday,
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very few are due to industrial action by the train drive as union. and while some passengers sympathize with the strikers, others all less understanding is on spring. it's really stressful and you have to constantly try to walk out whether you're going to be able to travel. no, i see on the board a lot of trained on to even running the whole project slides, drugs, the good thing final comment. let me see my content this time when they come sit down to find a table, they'll find a solution that lives in con, cancellations, and travel disruption have hit the main apples to see and funk for to a grand stall off of the ally. lift times. are on strike, affecting hundreds of thousands of passengers, but the transport sector is not the only one affected by striking action in recent months, many of the industry so see similar process is hard. now i'm going to mention at the time that we are not striking for no reason and the demands are old, was very important things, shortening of 4 hours and also more be to make up for inflation and puts you into
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our side instead of us. in many cases, the companies off on sympathetic to these demands decisions which are added to the sense of a winter of discontent. in germany, we are seeing most strikes of the relatively small boxes, technically important unions like the trained drivers o apple testing them and they have a lot of negotiating. paul companies are reluctant to given to that about to because they have so much power. i'm afraid they will use it, so we don't see most by all of which means that people using germany's airports and it's railway station is like this one. i'll go to have to get used to sites like this with fuel trains and fuel plains on those days. of strike action. so i'm going to, came out, was there a bullet still ahead on knowledge a 010 years off from malaysia and on slot vanished with 292 people on board to him from the families of the missing for
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a few to give out the hollow, we've got some really live the way about pushing into western pos, if you see the big mass. so cloud line of cloud which stretches all the way down into west spain and portugal, very active area of life pressure. this will cause disruption as we go through the next couple of days, but it's bumping into this large area of high pressure just over scandinavia, when is around the high traveling a clockwise direction. so busy slee, when speeding enough to milk, bringing a bit of mr. book into the east, the side of england pushing across into east in process golf and further west. still less that wet weather. coming in and it's driving rain. 20 snow wave of the parent is pushing across a good pots of spain and portugal coming into southern areas of france. west to
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pass the prompts to will snow coming in across the alpine regions the western side of the med looking pretty unsettled, but some really heavy rain lights are on friday, which will drive its way across spain and portugal. really horrible. couple of days coming up here as we go one through us towards the we can focus and must be the right in studies to saw despite having said that still allows you dry up towards the northwest. somewhat dry over towards the south east. that is the side of the mediterranean. meanwhile, west of whether just around the spain and portugal, bringing cloud and drain to morocco. the examining the impact of today's headlines is objectivity is still possible for you . we're not only to question the most is look, we are moving this algae 0 sets the stage a hey i is of household tools and it enables 5 people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and save
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different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today on ologist here in under federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront on how to 0.
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the challenges they obviously and i don't have a mind to yvonne top stories to tell us president joe biden has amounts of time to set up a temporary portion of the cost of concepts and bring in aid may be announcements, year in his state of the union address, he is as well not to use age as a bargaining chip and repeated his calls for an immediate cease fire. providing use to speech to congress to took off his achievements with a co donald trump dangerous and to choose 10 of jeopardizing freedom at home. and abroad and during that speech, by them promised that washington will not abandon ukraine and its war against russia. united states walks away. it will put you crate at risk in europe or is it risk the free world? we risk and bullying others to do what they wish to do us harm my message, the president food in white moon for
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a long time is simple. we will not walk away the who joined now by vladimir something called an associate professor of international relations of the highest school of economics and moscow. a thank you very much for your time. so what did you make president biden staffing his stage of the union address by talking about russia and the war and ukraine. thank you very much for having me on the program. actually i have nothing you plus i, i just for the, the watch, the, the, his features very a very and excitedly, i'm ready to jump to was all i, i found that there is nothing you but the most saying the only thing that to move
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to some how it seems to me that the mr. present by them on the sheet that the russia, according to his opinion, is going to do to oh, more than you praise god. i think this is the wrong impression because russia and present to jim in particular, they would like to, to finalize the finalize the goals they reach. e s looking up windows 7 is the rest of the accounts just for the ration of reaching all the goals, which were to uh before, uh, russian. i mean, when we saw, started to executor 3 years ago. okay. what are those goals then as well, the goal, so simple, this is again, m p is ready to rate it's a lease and his address. so as i mentioned, this is the do not define, then honestly fine. well, for ukraine, this is the, the removing will be then your,
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from the ukraine, which is emanating from the grain of the actually, you know, that's it because it's actually started by the mind to adjust the innocence utilizes the goals and stuff so that there was a range of a rush that you've been with looks like. so that's why that's why that goes with this. what was funding to binge which is going from that pro law as a review with your brain, which it doesn't want to communicate with the district level, at least as a banjo. so i think the, the, the, this is the main goal that, okay, then that's the reason why it and the, the, the great, this is not in the column. you said that there was nothing new and present in bivens address. but he did celebrate the expansion of, of ne, so it was sweden being the latest member to join. how was the russian looking on of this expansion? you know, that's uh, uh, we have
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a pretty minutes left. the suite actually is a rather member of rachel, because uh yeah, i probably probably, it would be useful for feeling done. the problem is that you go up to the suite in the state and you drove so russia understand it as a legend and self made. so this is against the russian national security of interest as president will do set the will prepare for for any particular uh, any possible um, development over events in the west. so because this is russia said, as a said the provocation, as i say, to guess basis, the additional, what does this, does russia see the expansion as a further provocation? yes, yes, yes. yes. so the, to summit, somebody else because these are the guys know we actually see this thing is with which was fighting. not only would you trace without fighting with the who know
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they to elias and which we're supplying, missed a sophisticated weapon reach. it's a great and so this is not the man, but another new member in nature. obviously it is, this actually publication that the, the west is going to be the direct conflict with the washer, which would also 1001 to let them use something called joining us from must go to the thank you for your perspective. i just, i guess, as well in you claim women with medical qualifications and now the client to register for possible military service. rob mcbride visited a training, kohls combat, metix, and the key region both serving soldiers and civilians. these people are practicing skills needed to save lives. in the heat of battle, like those in the medical battalion hosting this course, they are roughly divided equally between men and women treated gym group. if a woman meets the physical criteria and has the right cycle, logical motivation, she can absolutely perform tasks at the level of any man as
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a dentist. all you know has registered for possible military service if needed. but living in the sumi region that is often under attack from neighboring russia, she says she needs these 1st date skills now in civilian life. for most to stop stop, you don't know what's going to happen or work much full and someone will be hit as a person with a medical background, i have to know what to do. so far, there are no plans to expand the list of disciplines the required women to register for military service beyond the medical sector. but as you crane begins the 3rd year of this full scale war, there was a growing awareness of the need from old military purse and now both men and women . and didn't come about medicine. any gen to disparity and physical strength is often outweighed by skills. women possess, i do believe women have a high volume in the army, and for some physicians they're more suitable even according to my milk a month. so i do believe that there is a place for each woman,
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but i understand also that it should be very hard for mothers to leave the family and children. but as the will grind zone, it's a decision increasing numbers of women may be called on to make a profit fraud. i'll just say a rep key as the host days have scaled up their attacks. the red sea, despite the presence of an international naval task force, it is one of the walls, busiest mountain time routes for container ships and security is a priority. looks good, top loss is more secure and trade routes as dumping up piracy is an age old problem, but management security is now the full of international concern nation. still struggling to prevent the missile attack. so much of shipping, passing through the red sea as well as coping other legal activity. the finally challenges for a lifetime security is mainly based on the money and trafficking, the piracy and the, you know,
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smuggling. so the countries in there to tell you to see they try to get to teams and you know, test courses to prevent the merits or thinking and efficient bias enables in the prevents the actually, the, the, so the traffic into the cv, any you task force is being reinforced as the, who's the own group attack switching vessels using it phones. this is now growing, need for the tow supposed to be posted with the latest types of worship capable of destroying these missiles before they hit merchant ships. this is the bridge, the operation center for the latest autonomy and multiple frigates that will be sailing through the red sea in the gulf of agents as part of the maritime task force to ensure security for shipping. passing through the tell you forget for the recall martin, then go will be a cool part of this. so mentioned you merits our mission off the coast of you having a pretty good thoughts. radars long range precision because it's capable of intercepting
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most types of fruits. the weapon is being patrolling from the red sea to the horn of africa, ensuring it detached as most potential attacks. we have been deployed the football team, direct seat goof of ogden and this right of by, by monday in support of the talent that are sort of there then ways which i want to task. because we stopped working on the d. u flag as a flagship or vocation of atlanta. the e u naval mission was initially set up in 2006 to stop piracy of the horn of africa . since then, its mission speed extended. like i'm thinking of the ease of real time that we achieved me, needs a lot of effort and the continuous presence i india. this presence will be secured by these funds. naples vessels which are able to perform some mandatory, as well as military missions. the task will be to cub piracy and trafficking, and also it's a missile attacks that the who's the group shows no signs of stopping. alex could
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topless out to 0. so the hong kong government has published the draft of a new national security law, which includes life sentences for treason interaction. the safeguarding national security bill compliments the national security law imposed by bay jang 4 years ago . that followed mass protests, demanding most of the liberties and the rest of the movements lead is one of those set and to excell human rights groups. so the new legislation will further rather deal economy of the fuller brush colony. look, the gal is joining us from badging. he's wise president of the center for china. and globalization is also a former chinese foreign service officer. thank you for your time. has always missed a gallon so the bill is expected to be approved. but to what extent do you think that assault useful address rights concerns that i have been closed for by many diplomats legal scholars rights advocacy groups? i thank you very much for having the i think the passing of this nice little
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security law being home call will be. and then mock effect in the calls of the whole call special administrative region. these ironically, just restore the situation back to before 1997 because i don't like what the british trained before. 1997, there was very significant special operations. you hancock was not found by the chinese side of costs. it was stopped by the police side, and the purpose was to protect the national interest of the british government of the british, hong kong government. when the british left the phone call, the end of june 1997. the brought away all the operatives and icons on the national security operation, and find the basic law chime on the to fielding the gap around the way. however, it was delayed by more than 2 decades by home, by adults, people who are hong kong which completely disregard this very important provision.
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and the basic law they track to be they created all the situation delayed, the enactment of the nationalist encourage the provision in hall call. now, yes indeed, they're out. the board in the world will claim that this national security look for all your homes, all wheel over the year old. there's no call to human rights in hong kong. however, if we look around at any country in the world, the us britain, problems, or any other country, as well as the territory is name any single territory which does not have a national security for operation. what, in fact, you're right and you know, noise in the line of the drugs and national security interest, but lawyers have analyzed the draft. i've actually said that at 1st glance that you know, the elements of the revise sentences awesome of those west and ones where they are different is that provision such as those for submission for state secrets, a much broader and potentially tougher a homepage that judgement,
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that judgements can only be made by the people in hong kong and under the overall dealership of the central government. no other country, britain of the united states or any of the western countries has any justification to it's up to you in that process. so the problem is that the problem is that the question is and why that might be coming from or the seas. the criticism is that people in hong kong themselves have less space to make these criticisms. you yourself are saying that it's a land mock law. it will be a land mock. hello. so why is lead john lee in such a rush to pass the bill, he said that it should be done at full speed to that law. oh thats provision under consideration right now. should have been inactive immediately after the transfer of sovereignty from franklin to china in 1997,
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which is the bank of trend. now why it was the late from 1997 all the way to today, which is already turned the 24. we know the reason we know the riots and then the our to prevailing even hong kong for a few years. and this is exactly the reason that you home called there was no national security. the law immediately after 1997. because just imagine any country now territory which can be open to the interference brought anyone to investigate as well as a broad. busy international and security considerations, no, there is no country, no jurisdiction which will open itself exposed to itself to following the feelings of domestic end up getting is as far as the last again, the so again, the criticism is how hong kong is doing it. and given it's, you know, it's status as a financial hub. the protests that we have seen in the policy described them as and keeping, given hong kong staff is kind of risk not protecting individual rights. i
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don't think there is any need to distrust discovery god to any individual. right. that's another problem. for example, wall street to use a manhattan which is in the city of new york and the state of new york, and that should be freedom of operations. well, finance, by any violation of the us national security law be happening in wall street or otherwise should be dealt with as treason. and the us law about national security by an agent is very strict, and i think there is only, there is also a death sentence for the he knows offences. so let's be using the st. spend that's call national security violation as it is call the safety of individual civil rights as it is. and i hold all civil rights for any individual you hold off to be fully protected, colorado but national security interest should also be fully protected at the same time. like the gal joining us from badging. the thank you for your time. we
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appreciate it. thank you very much. well, thank you to a some democratic republic of congo. now with the on the group, 23 has opened a new front line in the town of north should have and north cubic province. the full size of also captured the town of mountains on it. in most cases, the united nations as 2 days of fighting history is more than a 100000 people to flee that homes neighboring lawanda denies backing the m 23. 5 has set a goal delayed presidential elections will take place on march 24th. the announcement was made following a cabinet meeting the top court. what will the proposal to hold the voted concert president, microsoft mandate expires on april. the 2nd says unconstitutional. nicholas, hans reports from sending goals, capital dakota, the finally a date for senate goals? presidential elections? the crisis is over says this newspaper headline, a month after president microsoft delayed february's bold citing concerns over
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corruption. over the list of candidates. the senegalese people will go to the polls on march 24th. a date made public and a statement after the weekly cabinet meeting. so for full time is short for a campaign, but it's better than nothing because not holding a vote would have been a catastrophe. this is not again, we can flip the minority. okay. well, it seems like we're link over an election dates, take our people hostage. i won't, inc. awesome. we have a constitution and everybody, including the president, needs to be respected. the constitutional counsel reject itself suggested election date of june. second, saying he cannot overstaying, is time in power to organize the vote. his term ends on april. second, is decision to delay the poll support widespread protest and condemnation, including among his closest allies in an attempt to a piece of the crisis. members of the parliament adopted an amnesty law between 20212023. senegal. witnessed several episodes of violent political interest.
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thousands of protesters were picked up by security forces. during that time, including opposition, leader was spun sancho. he could be released from the foot rights groups, criticize this m, this the law. these are the name of the right to just is truth and transparency. so just to deciding that i missed to know would be voted incent again. after saying for 3 years that the investigations has been go or has been going on, such a elements such as the kennings of more than 60 per this is inside again is a dimension of around $1000.00 persons who are participating in for this is just a denial of justice, it's just a cop out of from the government, so has dissolved the government to allow the ruling party, candidate prime minister. i'm going to back to focus on the upcoming campaign that is now shorter than expected of the end of the day. the main question that's remains is why when she performed these elections in the 1st place, because he 1st mentioned at talked about institutional crisis. today we have to
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prove the synagogue is in the institutional crisis and in the form of christ security forces that were on the street corners of the capital have been removed. the tension has now dropped for critics of the government. this is seen as a failed constitutional cruise supported by judges who stood up to the head of states to ensure the vote takes place sooner rather than later. for many here, this is seen as a tribute to the strength of sending goals democracy. nicholas hall, calendar 0, the car to the head on alger 0, south korea is now the can get just military drunk. technology will explain while to break
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the 10th anniversary of one of agents biggest unsolved mysteries. i'm an agent and on site are 293 people on board vanished while flying from quanto them put to badging as stones. louie reports grieving relatives continued to demand answers as for the last 10 years general, whose life has been consumed by one purpose, finding out what happened to flight and meet you at 370. it disappeared with the $239.00 people on board, including his mother. he stopped to walk to focus on the lobbying for the search for the missing plane to continue for him, pick them up with your needs. nissan hotel, my life there is activity has changed dramatically. this change is not something you can choose. you meet this event, you have to face it. and even with hindsight,
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i would still make the same choice to the voice my life to the i also meant for the the plane deviated from its flight path and ended in the southern indian ocean and international such as it found nothing. a us marine robotics company has proposed a new search. last attempt in 2018 came up empty. it hasn't mentioned any specific technological breakthrough, but says it continues to analyze previous data in the hope of narrowing the search areas. the malaysian government says it's reviewing the proposal the parts of the wing washed up on the union island when oceanographic using data about coverage, had predicted deb, we could end up his modeling also suggests the wreckage could lie 50 kilometres north of the proposed search area. it's 4005 has to meet you to. so 4 or 5 kilometers below. and the crowns are not very strong there. and it's very cold. so it's,
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it's like it's worse than being in the fridge. it's about 2 or 3 degrees in terms of the temperature. so many things like the engine is the wheel base and all of that will be still intact, the disappear and so if i make sure $370.00 prompted the aviation industry to improve flight safety, they be many, many advances put in place in terms of procedures, processes, enforcing systems, the regulatory system slots, safety systems, emergency response system, or one of the systems are extremely well developed. but the next one critical item and that's a set of law gps tracking system. that is a ton of this. the international civil aviation organization initially set a 2021 deadline for carriers to install a system that will transmit location data every minute in emergency situations. the target dates has now been pushed to 2025,
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and the rule will only apply to new aircraft. but so maybe a shouldn't ex but say that to may not be enough to prevent another tragedy, like image $370.00 from happening again. florence lee, which is 0 quality report, south korea is struggling with an unprecedented load. both right now it's on full solicitation and drones to fin labor gaps. the country is showcasing cutting edge technology that has many uses, including industrial and ministry. eunice can report from the sun the critical role of drones in warfare as seen in the ukraine and gauze. the conflicts is not lost and a country like south korea, a high tech power house was an adversary to its north, north korea, at this military wing of growing show korea drone box drone catchers and reconnaissance you a. these are on display. the army is also exploring how to integrate artificial intelligence into various weapons systems. currently in conceptual stages. it's
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also to prepare for a looming threat and the sprinkling manpower due to the countries record low birth rate. you tell you good to go look down. it's due to the 2nd demographic drop off military results is a continually decreasing, making the survival of each combatant more important than anything else. it's anticipated. the drones can compensate for lack of personnel and minimized casualties to collaboration the data links between on man systems that by enhancing come by to efficiency. south korea is making up for lost time in the automated arms race by collaborating with some of its biggest companies. korean air is developing these a ton of mist fighter jets equipped with a i technologies that enabled the squadron to a ton of mis. we execute a given mission. the future of warfare looks to be increasingly built on cutting edge technology unit. kim alda 0,
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who's on south korea and that's set for this news all but do stay with us. we are back in just a few minutes with more of today's top stories. thank you very much for watching the, the, the the the center i've been getting.
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the unique perspective desktop plays students up and told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable har as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the are hard hitting into blues as a un, i'm back to the position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is better than that at any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult press than i've had to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is a may just don't think,
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look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does era what we do. and all just sarah is try to balance the stories and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy. the as rarely strikes and gaza at least 11 people are killed of an item. the central city of the, the, i don't want me, elizabeth put on i'm in the says i'll just even live from don't ha, also coming out and has stage of the union speech the u. s. president who owns as well. not to use a dis, a bargaining chip, and polls for an immediate cease to allow
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a central supplies into casa. vitamin also makes his case for a 2nd time of the white house by highlighting the treatment of pulling donald trump


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