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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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of the israeli strikes, todd of central dogs, at least 11 people are killed of a night in the city of the law. the law of elizabeth put on them. and this is algebra live from the also coming up in his state of the union speech. the us president tools as well not to use a as a bargaining chip and calls for an immediate c spot to allow essentially supplies into gaza. the state of emergency and haiti is extended as the guys look to see the full control of the capital and gotten the rate of school in northwest nigeria. kids nothing more than
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$280.00 students and leaving desperate parents demanding offices. the will begin in gaza with 5 months into the war as well as the tax on the strip show . no signs of addressing off at least 11 people have been killed and strikes on the city of that all the lot in central garza. there are reports of many of the injuries and most people displaced as a result of the attack. as strikes have also been reported across the moving parts of the strip as bringing on corresponding hunting my food. he is joining us on the phone from alpha and honey gauze. health ministry saying that at least 78 people have been killed in 8 separate is rarely attacks and gaza over the past 24 hours.
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i apologize, we have lost connection to honey in alpha. so let's move on and no doubt we will try to establish a connection with him again for more than 1700000 palestinians and gaza have been forced to flee their homes the by the families. among those displays, they escapes where to get tax the normal, some sort of refuge in the south, but remains of a life before the war is packed inside a small makeshift room that off us obviously was spent 24 hours with them and documented the daily routine little have some them that's the, you know, the full for the, for the yes, mr. net. chad, the name, the girl hasn't had a behaviors miss for the the hey will. how do what they have done is instead of a sudden that i mean necessarily that and that's, that should be home the civic outcome. however,
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the car with questions apparently missed also to settle the pacific theater. and you can most recent mom. rodney, so what is the law? most most of us fedex is in 5 successive misqueso comes to do the autopay settlement based on the left. and then that was the nemesis i'm. i'm to see if i'm able to see more soon because the know i'm a member of mr. moseley. mr. moseley memory office. ma'am. i assume that the med zillow and the can put it back to, you know, sort of most of the use of the alarm. yeah. and that can remember people harkins in the past does look good
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and know how to get this thing they use. and then ma'am s i played out all the rest of a sudden my can reset me. so i've had to put this and put on my bill how super i'm with the last the last, the last name for the when it came in the my much something man, the 7th, the surprise me, the secret add a 5 and it should because of the i mean the, i don't know the fact that the, on the, on the, with the, the make a place, the mountains and i had enough, the mchenry, i had, had got me in a position if we call from this and the peak of live and peaceful play yet all the best in quinn, ethnic, i assume that a type of small file and multiple things. but let's try going back to our
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correspondent honey mountains, is joining us on the phone from the alpha for an update on the nation situation and gaza and honey were here in gauze as ministry of house saying that at least $78.00 people have been killed in 8 separate as really a tax over the past 24 hours. us yes, the design, this number is probably going to increase within the coming hours as we understand it from civil defense to cool on the grandparent metix and from past experiences the with there are more people is still under the rubble, then the likely take the entire day and sometimes more than just the tune, the company 24 hours searching for more bodies under the rebels, or try to save those who might have to revive these atrocious attacks that overnight attacks in the central area. and there is black at city where we're looking at 11 people and mostly women and children, elderly kill display. it's
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a family just from the northern part in gaza. city been shouldering and the city of there is but i had the residential home was targeted without any warning whatsoever . and, and caused a great deal of destruction not only to the house, but also the surrounding area that forcing people into more internal displacement and causing great deal of the difficulties for their living conditions. here in norfolk city, also a residential home was targeted and we kind of waited until we have some of the figures verified by the jar hospital. and in the past, however, looking at the entire family, i would say lima family, including 2 children who were killed in an overnight a attack on the residential home that took so much time for the civil defense. the crew and the ground could pull these 5 bodies, it from the ground and get them reported into another job at hospital. and that
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causing other injury to the surround, to people who, who were, who lived within the vicinity of the area again, causing also great deal of destruction to uh, to the surrounding residential homes, people and got them to know that part are still facing a acute fam in the, the children are dying of dehydration and star vision. their parents are killed, the trying to get the food supply that from either the gleick around it. i don't. so i had been rhodes, or in the both feet, a roundabout on the coast of the rashid world. we're looking at at least the $300.00 people gathered at late hours of last night at do waiting for food trucks to get to gaza. where all the sudden the where surrounded by is really times 10 armies, vehicles in. and unfortunately, up till this moment, the fate of these 300 people is unknown, as we understood that at, at. and what's going to happen to them could be similar to what happened to people
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who gathered it within the past few days, trying to get flowers from one of the trucks where the flower a massacre took place. so it, or there might, they could, uh, what happen could be similar to the mouth or risk taking place elsewhere. these really military, this build operating in the western part of the city of han units, particularly around how about residential a, how is it didn't show compound were conducted at please at 258, a rest of the young people in a still doing these aggressive 3rd shift black, a flat is building the building and it's causing great deal of distraction to the property of the city beyond recognition and still buying the entry of the human interior in a to do the health facilities. and how are you in a city that we can confidently pay right now?
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that's been kind of that opinion. it's have no operational hospice, so it'd be a situation that just could not be more stock county. thank you very much for that . having the most of the laces on the phone from the off this with of long gaza was one of the topics us president joe biden touched on in his state of the union speech to congress. he used the annual address to lay off his policies and took off as a chase then. so choosing his pre assess, and donald trump of jeopardize and freedom at home and abroad by them also address the issue of his age, which has become a major issue for voices like how to reports. an unparalleled opportunity to lay down a mock up for the november election feeling good lying. and his vehemence challenge of what could be a re match against republican donald trump and president fight and pledge to build a future based on what he called the american coal values on his, the decency, dignity and equality. and like you said, his pre, this is
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a new throughout the speech he never referred to by name. so the people might see it differently. the american story, hobbies in revenge, and retribution as not be as expected. the president emphasized stuff. his administration's turned around the economy, unemployment and inflation or down salaries are up. it doesn't make no, but the news in a 1000 cities and towns, the american people are writing a great is come back story. it's never told. hesitant, find it and pointed out that you, one year old kate cox and the old you and she was the 1st pregnant at all to sue for the right to terminate the pregnancy of to the supreme court over to and roe v wade and remove the woman's right, to choose a right, the president promised to restore the attorney row. we would have no clue about the power went in, but they found out we'd,
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reproductive freedom was on the ballad. we want 220222200 we went again and 2024. also attending us guests in the chain. the relatives of american captives taken by a mazda to gaza last year. and president by didn't use the occasion to outline a new plan to open a marine route for him at a terry and supplies and spoke directly to the x ray. the leadership, not mandatory and assistance, can not be a secondary consideration or guardianship protecting and saving it as of why it's has to be for the president made no apology for his ongoing unqualified support of israel, a position that has come under criticism from members of his own party as a genocide and got to continues the issue of fight and sage has also been brought up by some party members as a concern when the president attempted to choke and we brush away. i know mary now look like you've all been around while you're pools of to president biden speech
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indicated a job well done. use hope that you'll be delivering his full state of the union address next year by kinda i'll just sierra washington. we'll just ahead of that speech. hundreds of protests has rallied outside on capital, who age joe biden, to poor for an immediate cease fire, an end as well as the blockade of casa some displays. banners saying by the legacy is genocide. he's been facing protest of all this during the primaries from a section of democrats who cost uncommitted balance in states such as michigan and minnesota and area and my colleague, the stuff to take spoke to us, mama home with the lead, organize the full vote on committed minnesota, she gave us her reaction to the president's speech, or i think that myself and other organizers were disappointed. so here the president had to say about god's them. we heard
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a lot of flowery language around his empathy, his lack of empathy for palestinians. this might be the 1st time that he was even mentioned, the massacre palestinians, and the star basin of millions and the displacement of millions. but he started with october 7th as if this was where it started and that's not the case. so i think that he further alienated voters who already were feeling like surprised. it hasn't been listening us about can i ask you a little bit about your, your, your own personal story. why are you uncommitted? was there a moment or a particular point in time that that pushed you over the edge? i'm committed because i care of a palestinian life. i october 7th, wasn't the start of when i started hearing about palestine. but i have friends in gaza that i will never hear from again. i have a friend and got that who has been displaced or alpha. and now he's heading back to
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god's that because he can no longer afford to live in golf, or he has lost dozens of pounds since i last saw him. also what did you make as of the announcement around this pair and, and this intention to try to get more humanitarian and into garza? i think that that can be a start. but there are trucks waiting right now and positive. bided can make a call to not in yahoo to let those trucks. and i'm wondering why that isn't an option wire. those trucks being let and there have been dozens waiting. why not let the 8 into rough law and why are we allowing israel to carry a ground operation out in rough or as a state of emergency? and hazy, has been extended by a month as the groups continue their attacks that include setting fire to a police station and losing the food market. again, leaders that amount in the resignation of prime minister air and henri,
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who remained stranded abroad. so there's a lot of reports from the hub on a neighboring dominican republic, the the, they say the are in charge against controlling the street. so for the prince, on thursday 5 fights between armed groups and the police were ongoing and he's capital prime minister at union re remains in the us territory portability equal. unable to return to his country. gang say he's returned with trigger a civil war and are demanding his resignation, will not allow real and read to return. he's not good for haiti. the state department says it's pushing id and, and re who was not elected to collaborate with that transition into a more inclusive government that will lead to free elections. as violence continues in the capital, photo stories were forced to hold operations. after thousands of people looted the
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containers for distribution has become a problem as low as mass looms across the country. the world food program says they have to suspend their c operations to distribute food because of the severity of the situation. ariel henri did not rule the country well, he's travelling and we are starving. the keels in the country as far as the dominican republic to increase security at the border between both countries. patients, i know they're allowed to cross into the dominican republic. they're only permitted to reach the market to find crushing food and medical supplies to sell or take back . security forces are on high alert in the dominican republic after gang through these thousands of prisoners from jail. and that's why man, we're trying to come to a market that is not far away from here. are being asked to line up for security checks. carmen says the prime minister has to resign on the will needs to send
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international assistance. no, i'll say nothing has done nothing for the people, nothing the haitian national police need more support to fight the violence. hate he needs help. the u. n. s. set up a multi national security emission that would deliver personnel and equipment to assist the police, but nobody really knows when it will happen or if we will help deliver the stability people here desperately need. very so we'll just see that one still ahead on knowledge a 0. refusing to give a holiday. we'll hear from the families of malaysia airlines, passengers and crew. 10 years on from the disappearance. the colors, the inside, the showers continue across the good parts of southeast asia,
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particularly through us to mount dora and just to the west of some monitor over a 100 millimeters of rain in 24 hours. so he's gonna be 40, or that will say some really big down bullets as we go on through west fast. i just, i think, a little further a switch over the next couple of days. so i'm showing a shot with mima into the philippines. a few hmo showers, hopefully just knocking top of those temperatures. the across thailand. vietnam had also a through allow stocum to temperatures. we got some very high temperatures into the southeast of australia. big area of high pressure just around the tasman sees were drawing in the winds from the north that way so a will hold direction of boys looking call this. we can full if you sell just the for bradley the 13 though i may have in melbourne. it looks like a pretty hot one then for the pool ferry, folk festival, which takes place this weekend. we're going to keep those kind of heat. so across the west side of victoria, down across the southeast of australia, west of whether you can see it pretty wet last 3 months of a w way. just around the n c as well towards the cape you opened interests
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gathering the showers to just around the east coast over the next couple of days starting out in the southeast, but allows you dry the new sealants of the in the whiners. and so i just would switch to new extinction. now the ami enjoys and community groups, the group, the box on the brake. when east investigates the challenges here with the the,
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to watching the i would need is with put on and don't have a mind to of on top stories. the sound is really strikes of target at northern and central gaza. at least 11 people were killed in the city, a bit of a love with many injuries. and homes destroyed the us president and just announced a plan to set up a temporary pool from goddess carson to bring in a job. i had made the announcements during his stay for the union address. he is as well not to use a balcony, nevada, and also used to speech to congress to toolboxes achievement. the cold, donald trump dangerous and accused and of jeopardize and freedom at home and abroad . government and nigeria have attached to schools and kidnapped hundreds of children, the governor of could do the state. so at least $287.00 students were taken from
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the town of co teacher. as the 2nd mess, abduction within a week and nigeria went good, awesome demand run, set off. what address has moved from georgia? the government said they would do a search and rescue operation in the area around cri guy and beyond. to ensure that every child, every student is returned to their family square gates of is a vulnerable support. according to what the local say that is currently nursing co are divorced in the town. the last police station that operated in that area was moved to a neighboring area. and so when the government tied the village, there wasn't enough security to do to deal with the problem. how about that a little confusing, like just local community melisha as well. protecting the environment at that particular village. but what we hear from lucas is that the number of the attack as was so overpowering that they couldn't do anything. and they couldn't even chase of to them. now it would seem over the past few weeks, how the benefits of stepped up,
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their operations wave, despite military scribes that have killed several leadership or similar commodity. some of these i'm groups across northwest, now i get it from kind of from cuts and ask them for that. and so go to as well as cub window state itself. now what we understand is that this cool compound was housing to different schools. initially it was a private school for the gap village, but then another school with this population of another school student population of another school was moved to could he got for safety because of this cool way that was staying before was not safe or conducive for that learning it was butler but to such a task and which seemed to increase in the number of people being kidnapped to this is one of the biggest uh, a number of students now have been kidnapped from a school in northern virginia as a whole. remember, it's also happening just a few weeks to the anniversary of the came up of the $272.00, triple goals. in ne, i generate how many degrees i would use either to the un secretary general is
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cooling for a poles and fighting. and saddam, during the most them holy month of ramadan, the bachelor for control of the country since last april has killed these $14000.00 people, forced millions from the homes and calls the food shortage crisis. christian salumi reports from the un headquarters in new york. noting the ongoing violence, food, and security and massive displacement ins threw down the un secretary general antonio bu, chairs, war and the security council that the conflict there could be 2 regional instability of dramatic proportions. and he called on the street in these armed forces and rapids support forces to lay down their arms. it is time to silence the guns, and today is the volume for peace. in just days, the holy mounts in front of them will commence. so from this chamber today, i'm making it to you, as i call or no policies, even so then to honor this,
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i lose of what i'm of them by on learning. good or i'm, i've done secession of those steel. it sees many members of the security council clearly shared the secretary general's concerns, the united kingdom, put forth a draft cease fire resolution. let's you have to be clear, the scene, these armed forces and the record support forces are responsible for the surrender situation. we're still seeing showing and attacks and both sides in heavily populated urban areas. so that's why we vote for the resolution. security council resolution quoting for an immediate cease fire for the month of ramadan, and urging all parties to announce i'm hearing that 1st quarter and close by and humanitarian access, the student using bassett or question, how such a mechanism would be implemented? the one says because of the violence, 18000000 student needs are acutely food and secure, and they're already reports of children dying from malnutrition. christian salumi
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al jazeera, the united nations to you cry now with women with medical qualifications and now are required to register for possible military service. well, mcbride visited to training center for combat medics, and the key region both serving soldiers and civilians. these people are practicing skills needed to save lives in the heat of battle. like those in the medical battalion hosting this course, they are roughly divided equally between men and women, treat and gym group. if a woman meets the physical criteria and has the right cycle, logical motivation, she can absolutely perform tasks at the level of any man as a dentist. again, a has registered for possible military service if needed, as but living in the sumi regions that is offered under attack from neighboring russia. she says she needs these 1st aid skills now in civilian life for wants to stop, stop, you don't know what's going to happen or work much full and someone will be hit as
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a person with a medical background, i have to know what to do. so far, there are no plans to expand the list of disciplines the require women to register for military service beyond the medical sector. but as you crane begins the 3rd year of this full scale war, there was a growing awareness of the need from old military personnel, both men and women, and didn't come about medicine. any gen to disparity and physical strength is often outweighed by skills we've been possess. i do believe women have a high volume in the army, and for some positions they're more suitable even according to my mail command. so i do believe that there is a place for each woman, but i understand also that it should be very hard for mothers to leave the family and children. because the will grind zone, it's a decision. increasing numbers of women may be called on to make a profit bride. i'll just say era keith. the hong kong government has published a draft of a new national security tool,
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which includes live sentences for treason and insurrection, beside god and national security. but the compliments national security, no one posed by day during 4 years ago, that followed mass protests demanding most of the liberties and the rest of the movements leaders, while others fed into exile, human rights. groups of the new legislation move for the relative to go to me. of the former bridge colony looked a goes, a vice president of the center for china and globalization. he's also a former chinese phone service officer, and he says that this will be a land mock, little the passing of this national security. the law inc phone call will be denmark event a, in the cause of the whole call, special administrative region. this ironically, just restore the situation back to before 1997. because unlike what the british claim before 1997, there was very significant national law operations here on call. it was not tom by
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the chinese side of costs. it was stopped by the police side and the purpose was to protect the national interest of the british government and the british, hong kong government. when the british left hong kong uh end of june, 1997, the brought away all the operatives and i cards on the national security operation and find the basic law chime a need to fielding that gap around the way. however, it was delayed by more than 2 decades by home, by adults, people who are hong kong which completely disregard this very in public provision. and the basic law, they track the, the, they created all the situation, delayed, the enactment of the nationalist, encouraged to provision in hong kong. now, yes indeed, there are people in the world who claim that this national security and all you, hong, all wheel for the year old is all the human rights in hong kong. however, if you look around at any country in the world, the us britain, problems,
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or any other country, as well as the territories name, any single territory which does not have a national security for operation. and which country, or which region will not protect the national security interest? or as the 10th anniversary is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries, an aviation history. 239 passengers and crew on a malaysia airlines jet took off from quantum pool, but never arrived in badging as loans. louis reports only a few pots of the records are washed off on beaches and grieving. relatives continued to demand dances for the last 10 years general whose life has been consumed by one purpose. finding out what happened to flight mh 370 disappeared with the 239 people on board, including his mother. he stopped to work to focus on lobbying for the search for the missing plane to continue for him. pick them up. what's your needs? nissan hooks out of my life. there's activity has changed dramatically. this change
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is not something you can choose. you meet this event. you have to face it, and even with hindsight, i would still make the same choice to the voice my life to the for the, the plane deviated from its flight path and ended in the southern indian ocean and international such f. it's found nothing or us marine robotics company has proposed a new search. it's last attempt in 2018, came up empty. it hasn't mentioned any specific technological breaks, but says it's continues to analyze previous data in the hope of narrowing the search areas. the malaysian government says it's reviewing the proposal the parts of the wing washed up on the union island when oceanographic using data about current had predicted deb, we could add dep, his modeling.


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