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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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these business uptake these roads thought no bundle dashed before he is the the hello i'm 0, ben. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha coming up in the program. this hour is really strikes target central, gaza, at least 11 people are killed, overnights in the city of darrow butler. in his state of the union speech, the us president warrens israel, not to use aid as a bargaining chip and calls for an immediate cease fire to allow essential supplies into god's gunmen rate a school in northwest nigeria,
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kidnapping more than $280.00 students and leaving desperate parents demanding answers. the state of emergency and haiti is extended as armed the gains look to seize full control of the council. and i'm side of how much was scored. 5 day has arrived for the biggest focusing showed on all 3 years sofa from a world champion, antony joshua is set to take call form a u f. c. template francis. and i know in saudi arabia, we hear from both sizes later on initially the so we begin in gaza where 5 months into this war. israel's attacks on this trip show no signs of letting up. at least 11 people have been killed in strikes on the city of darrow, by the in central gaza. there are reports of many other injuries and more people
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displaced as a result of the attack. strikes have also been reported across the northern part of the strip. well, she's here as a honey man who joins us now on the phone from rafa that's in southern gaza. so again, honey, here we are talking about the new round of is really strikes on guys, the killing and displacing more palestinians. tell us what happened. yes sir. ally, and so far what we're seeing here is the can system patterns of, of killing right now we've gotten, has been going on for just the beginning of this genocide of the war. but more visible within the past weeks were see a pattern of entire families inside residential homes that they have been show during and for a while are the targets. now there are no clarifications or explanation of why these kind of attacks are happening to entire family. the movies, the entire family that we talked about at least 2 generation and one family. the parents and their children are 5 times explained to 3 that are age,
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including the grand parents, their children, and their granted children, or at once they example, you're tapping overnight in there. but i did it as a clear example of how entire families and come into the target of the lenses areas strikes $1011.00 people that be killed children and fight a residential on holiday. a great deal of destruction to the surrounding area. older woman. oh, really exhausted, hosted the right, how is we've heard of from a, a, one of the civil defense to go on the ground in one of the, in a video and that social media discarding the terrible conditions at a lockbox. but the right now as more people keep poured into to the hospital either they are shouldering inside the hospital or a coming carried when speaking medical intervention and the treatment in the hospital. but they don't find any similar situations in over a crowd is going to be not only over. 1 that would tend everywhere, and we would over crowded streets that we see and, and
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a similar pattern of entire family unit type inside their visit and show home with the family. we're looking at father's mother and their children and they're a lot all in one residential homes. to being children here also kills an overnight attack. it will be other problem that we sleep deep. has the happening is break every morning. early hours of the morning is the constant, ongoing artillery, some of the eastern border over to the non stop i in re every day. how do you something else i wanted to ask you about is what the us president said over night. he promised to get a lot more aid. it's a guys a bye. see, bye building a temper report. i wonder, is this something the palestinians in gaza know about care about and if so, what are they saying about this as well the no proposal, bye for that invite and add the state of the union speech is just another another
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indication of how key outing the situation is when it come to humanitarian, he and their delivery and delivery profit. and together just one more proof. in fact, for a lot of people here thought to see that the a mechanism is largely bulk and now and the u. s. is unable to you, the laboratories on these really government to allow more humanitarian aid by opening the crossings and to secure them on the ground. and just the ongoing proposals. an alternative to rock outcropping or kind of asylum or area to the crossing at are not really the the right now because you're dropping did not work. the, the a, the, the other options that were provided by the, and by the american american administration did not work as well. and right now, just to propose that to know the doc that would take weeks to construct a by the way it would be really long. until it start operating. so again, it's
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a library book and mechanism of a delivery. yeah. and the us present didn't indicate a timeline. so that peer to start working for that a to start being delivered. we just don't know at this point honey. thank you very much. for that reporting, social 0 is honey. my mood reporting from southern gaza. more than 1700000 palestinians in guns that have been forced to flee their homes. and the but the family is among those displaced. they escaped is really attacks in the north and sort refuge in the south. what remains of their life before the war is packed inside a small makes shift room in rough? well, i'm sure 0 spend 24 hours with them and documented their daily routine. little head and then the, the full for the output for the yes, mr. net. chad, the name that's go hasn't had a behaviors miss for the the hey will. how do what they have done is instead of a sudden that i mean necessarily that and that's,
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that should be home the amount and we will have to find the outcome. however, the car with questions apparently missed also to settle the pacific theater. and you can most recent, i'm driving. so what is it level? most of all surface fedex is in 5 successive misqueso comes to do the autopay of settlement be assigned to the then that was the sum of the fees because some of the more 10 because the choice let's move to kind of want me to move, you know, my office, ma'am, i assume a level lead zillow and again, but a big deal that we should have most of the loses
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allow me on it to remember people's heart. this in the past. does look good in the good news they use. and then ma'am, as i played out on the screen, my can reset the software to get this and put on my bill how super i'm with the last the law. everything like that, a lot men see with the when it came in the my limited the man, the 7th, the reply i am it me the secret, add a 5 and it should because you know, i'm, i mean the, i don't know the fact that the i was on the list, the list, make a place, the low, the mountains, and i had enough the mckendra hudson. i do mckenzie. and it shouldn't be call for this and the fee to flip
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a peaceful play yet all the best in quin esna got him the type of small bob and i put in so the war on gaza was one of the topics us president joe biden touched on in his state of the union speech to congress, he use the annual address to allow his policies and pork up his achievements accusing his pre assess for donald trump of jeopardizing freedom at home and abroad . now he had tough words for is really leaders urging them to avoid holding up humanity or an aid for political purposes by an order the us military to lead an emergency mission. as we said, to build a temporary peer in the mediterranean to facilitate more a deliveries to gossip on ukraine. the us president said that he would keep supporting keith and it's war against russia. he warned of russians. and during threats, if ukraine would it be defeated domestically by and tried to use the speech to assure that he has the capacity to serve another 4 years as president. he made light of his age, which has become an issue for many voters,
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like kinda reports on this from washington dc, and unparalleled opportunity to lay down a mock up for the november election line. you had the amends challenge of what could be a re match against republican donald trump and president fight and pledge to build a future based on what he called the american coal values on his, the decency, dignity and equality. and like you said his previous as a to throughout the speech, he never referred to by name. so that's why i see it differently. american story. how resent revenge, you retribution as not be, as expected, the president emphasized stuff. his administration's turned around the economy, unemployment and inflation or down salaries are up. it doesn't make no, but the news in a 1000 cities and towns, the american people are writing the greatest come back story. it's never told
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president, find it and pointed out that you one year old k to clocks and the old you and she was the 1st pregnant at all to sue for the right to terminate the pregnancy of to the supreme court. to overturn roe v wade and remove the woman's right to choose a right, the president promised to restore the attorney row. we would have no clue about the power women, but they found out what reproductive freedom was on the ballad we want 220222200. and we went again and 2024 also attending as guests in the chain. the relatives of american captives taken by him austin to gaza last year. and president by didn't use the occasion to outline a new plan to open a marine route for him at a terry and supplies and spoke directly to the x ray. the leadership, not mandatory and assistance, can not be a secondary consideration or guardianship. protected and saving into some lives has
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to be for the president made no apology for his ongoing unqualified support of israel, a position that has come under criticism from members of his own party. as a genocide and gossip continues, the issue of fight and sage has also been brought up by some party members as a concern when the president attempted to choke and he brushed away. i know mary now looks like it bothering around while you're pools of to president biden speech indicated. a job well done. use hope that you'll be delivering his full state of the union address next year. my kind of, i'll just the era washington and the u. n. senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for gaza, said biden's plan for port in gaza is not nearly enough to meet the staggering needs of the policy and people that i cannot repeat air and see
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is not a substitute for land and nobody says otherwise. the addition ality, however, at this critical juncture, will be very important. now how frustrated am i? i think i don't have the luxury actually i've, i've taken on this near impossible assignment because i believe it's a moral imperative for all of us. we have to do the utmost against all the possible obstacles and challenges on the way. it's our duty. so i don't have time and i, it's a privilege to be frustrated. i think all of us see the image is state in the out. we work for innocent civilians. let's talk about this a little bit more with marco and jones associate professor of middle east studies. and i'm, i've been a for the for university. it's, it's good to have you in studio there. there are many layers from this announcement that the us is going to build a port in gaza. serge, a, i mean, there's the politics of it. there's the actual efficiency, what, whether this will work. there's also the timeline. so many things we could say i just wanted to start with your thoughts on this announcement, which was one of the big announcements of the evening. well,
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let's be clear. i mean firstly it is 5 and the saying is right, well i'm not doing enough to get a job, but it's also binding, trying to frame in some ways the issue of the genocide and gaza as almost a logistical problem as opposed to political problem. remember, the fundamental problem here is that israel refusing to allowed agents because that we've seen this and other quotes in our study. of course, we've seen this at the border and as a bundle, lion said quite clearly, the most efficient way, not the most of the most efficient way is to get 8 across the board it right? so with the problem here that is so that wasn't under, sorry. yeah. see if that works for you and aid coordinated? yes, yes, yes. so, so she is on the line with saying that it's a privilege to be frustrated which is a very strange thing to say. but i think there is this issue we're trying to frame this issue as purely logistical which detracts from the politics of this whole situation. which is israel basically preventing aid getting into gaza. and i think we need to get away from this framing because it's fine to say, well, but it's almost an attempt to be politicized situation across it by saying it's a humanitarian crisis without a cause. but the cause is very clear,
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the causes that the is really ami. i've gone through gaza evicted people from the homes on the now i'm asking them at the rapid border. so yeah, you're saying this is an attempt to make this a logistical issue. and it is a logistical issue to yeah there's, there's a but i understand your point that they, i think humanity are in crisis of political crisis. and at the end of it down stream from all of that, there's the logistics of it. yeah. so this appears to be an attempt to, to side step is real, right? if they're going to be blocking trucks entering a trucks entering gaza, then the us is going to send aid through the c. that's the big message that would still require some level of as really participation that, oh israel have said that, that welcoming this move. right. which could just be some sort of diplomatic sort of rhetoric. but at the same time, it makes me wonder yes, but bypassing israel to an extent, but who also they bypassing all the bypassing under. and this is my concern. i worry about this whole attempt to sort of talk about this port is a way of trying to say, okay, we don't want on what to be the people who distribute a,
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we're going to people to do it in collaboration as well. and i worry about this because obviously we know, since the i teach i really in, in, in january that is what i have been smearing under and even trying to dismantle on . right. so i do have this kind of secondary fear that this is all playing into this trap of trying to basically cut under out of the picture and have the us in combination. it is, well not allies deliver 8 in a slightly different way. oh, that's interesting. and it's worth being in mind that in light of what you just said that in britain benjamin netanyahu has a plan for postwar garza, he said on wash and exist. so to, to your, to your point i, there's something else i noticed an invite in speech. i wonder whether that was notable to you. he quietly seemed to acknowledge things that he had previously um. uh, undermined. so he's saying that there are 30000 pallets the in depth. interesting because of the beginning of the war. he was disparaging, the death tolls coming out of guys and saying they're almost run so maybe we shouldn't trust them. he also acknowledge that the majority of those people killed
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by israel or civilians. it's, i mean it's right there. yeah. um, and he's also talking about immediate ceasefire, which is a word that the americans have spent a long time trying to avoid all those things that he quietly came on board with. yeah, well i think it's a really interesting. i mean, he was very explicit that the big after october, the 7th, to actually replicate a lot of is really propaganda not just about doubting how much that's the biggest, but also talking about these things. but, and i've been discredited stories of the head of babies for example. so i think what he's doing firstly, it's obviously he's putting a little bit of pressure on in israel, but it's hard to know to what extent these kind of the top think about these things are just an attempt to tell, is, are listen, you know, i'm willing to up my rhetoric, if you don't, for example, stop using 8 as a bargaining chip, but the extent to which is actually indicative of something more pressing. it's hard to say as, as we know, the state of the, we're talking about this because the state of unions happened one, the build up now to the us elections on the hills a bite. and this trump and bind is also going to want to make sure he secures the, the support of the is there. and i'll be when he knows that trump is also that,
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you know, courting that vote. and he's being very vocal, for example, on his support as well as an electric company in, in cause. i started buying this, trying to supply line where he wants to know, adrian, at his own party. the same time he does wanna alienate those important supports as pro israel support those who vote democrat. okay, so listen day's words. but more importantly, look at his actions. the talking about the domestic politics angle on this because that's part of the protocol with the state of the union speech. there is always a right of rebuttal if you will, that is delivered by the opposition and this time it was katie bridge. senator, for alabama, who delivered the republic in response to present inviting speech. speaking from her home in montgomery, brit criticized biden's emigration and economic policies saying that the american dream has become a nightmare. president hayden inherited the most secure border of all time. but minutes after taking office, he suspended all deportations. he halted construction of the border wall and
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he announced a plan to give amnesty to no ends. window that president binding didn't just create this border crisis. he invited it with 94 executive actions and his 1st 100 days. ok, so if we turn away from the foreign policy aspects of the biden speech, we looked at domestic policy because of course, this is an election year ago. you, you saw the rebuttal there from the republicans. what do you make of that? on the domestic level i make on domestic. i mean, i think for us, they are the a fedex of it a pretty. i find the alarming it's international women's day and you have this kind of very uh, forward, very visibly in a crucifix that very well manicured woman sitting in a kitchen, you know, kind of a symbolic of, of domestic. you know, why some people believe a woman belongs in a very popular thing, right. so i think it's this kind of was, that was that you're reading of that to me. yeah, that's very american. it and some of our just, i mean, i think americans,
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but as of the 1950s, almost this error of conformity. and i think this is very reflective of us politics . now, this kind of one, you know, this, this desire to sort of go back to this era of proceeds debility. i mean, there's no secret conceptions often. so to talk back to a time and imagine retirement rose tend to time with things with staples. as you had what you said was she was talking about, you know, us as in chaos. danger is attempt to portray what's going on now is almost an apocalyptic scenario. and for that to that rhetoric is all about having the savior come and redeem the situation and that save. and this guy says, trump. so i think what the conservative doing a trying to hawk back to this kind of 19 fifties idea of america, and at the same time try bite and is this person who's kind of creating this chaos in the us and that trump is going to be a savior to this, to this kind of different, really, really leading into this message because i remember when uh, when trump was elected in 2016, he then gave early 2017, his acceptance, not his acceptance speech. sorry, i'm forgetting the name of the speech you give,
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which to what you become president over. and he spoke of an organization as thank you very much. and he, he spoke of american carnage. i really raised eyebrows because normally you're supposed to give a speech that's hopefully you know, this right part of it, part of the, the protocol of that and, and the americans and trump is leading the pack as a big i think if i'm the republicans and trump is the in the back have no interest in doing that. they're doing exactly the opposite. well, i mean, i think some would argue about, you know, this part of this messiah on a kind of approach. the trump of how does if you look at a lovely, a sceptics the post as you know, the fine arts around trump is about trump standing in this almost apocalyptic like scenario. the american cottage, again as the savior. you know, and this is very much part of, i think trump's appeal or how he's positioned himself, especially to the kind of evangelical kind of base or the sort of a very christian base as a savior. who's going to save america from this american cottage, which is induced not just by buying and etc, but by liberals and these safe havens and democratic citizens. right. so i think
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that's very much a rhetoric of play. this kind of idea about americans under threats not just by levels, but again by the immigrants that were mentioned in the and that trump will say that and, and this notion of cottage is very familiar because i think there is this attempt in order to try and big oh man, up, what do you do? well you have to cite that there's a state of chaos and we see this actually translating into how biden's been talking about the how the, the us economy for example, is doing pretty well. but this is not being focused on and you actually speak to people when they've done surveys about what americans think of the economy. most people think that it's worse than it actually is. and that's actually strategic, right? because if you have people thinking it's less than is they going to actually think that this rhetoric about american cottage about being a pastor is true. so what do they do? well, that will vote for the person who is an incumbent because they've been led to believe in the past, and his incumbent is the one responsible for his economic degradation, which isn't actually factual. marco and jones, thank you very much for your views, your perspective on all of that, both the foreign policy and the domestic politics of the state of the union speech
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. thank you. thank you. of the gunmen in nigeria have attacked 2 schools and kidnapped hundreds of children. the governor of could do an estate says at least $287.00 students were taken from the town of kareka. it's the 2nd mass, abduction within a week in nigeria were armed groups, often demand ransom addresses individuals with more on what happened, the government said they would do a search and rescue operation in the area around inquiry guy and beyond. to ensure that every child, every student is returned to their families. square gates of is a vulnerable support according to what the local say that is currently north dakota, to post in the town. the last police station that operated in that area was moved to a neighboring area. and so when the government typed the village, there wasn't enough security to do to deal with the problem. how about that a little confusing,
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like just local community melisha as well. protecting the environment at that particular village. but what we hear from lucas is that the number of the attack as was so overpowering that they couldn't do anything. and they couldn't even chase of to them. now it would seem over the past few weeks, how the benefits of stepped up, their prices way of just 5 minutes describes that have killed several leadership or similar commodity. it's of these. i'm groups across the northwest. now i get it from candles from cups and ask them for that. and so co to as well as cub unit state itself. now what we understand is that this cool compound was housing to different schools. initially, it was a private school for the gap village, but then another school, this population of another school student population of another school was moved to could he got for safety. because of this cool way that was stating before was not saved or conducive for the learning, it was valuable to such a task and which seemed to increase in the number of people being kidnapped to this
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is one of the biggest number of students now have been kidnapped from a school in northern virginia as a whole. remember, it's also happening just a few weeks to the anniversary of the kidnap of the 272 to book goals. in ne, i generate how many degrees i would use either of them. a chris kwansa joins us from a boot, just more on this or an associate professor at the center for peace and security studies at money bought adama university and in nigeria. so why do we keep seeing these massive breakdowns in security the masses bring it down, the sick surely to be in town. so the frequency of mass adoptions which see that people across communities terrace is truly don't put your data storing all the high level for the nation
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sophistication at that time. the fines could even that deal. that nice, clean out of hoops we are talking about and most importantly, the successes recommended by these people know groups easily huge on building on the time in the car when it comes to the schools. wow. how to move idea ways to get these best. suddenly asked the kind of position, we've see the content is this for waste your timely city? on the, on the environment, the least, the g o o piece one with the selection by all means give credence to the successes we, we talked about. i told you is all happened in the recent wow.
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the level of coordination, amongst security, you know, just which the national stage of why so i've been talking to how i was saying that this never know quite initial, not really yet in terms of bringing down the not for the frequency of did not. secondly, if the commitment, the commitment by the don't meant to what the instrumentation or the community policing strategy that are being sold, no, the ocean, the legislation, we will go manage. we will be on the measuring up be go implementation because the level of trust between citizens and this t on dollars to watch this call. and then we'll disc trust that fits. it also contributed to citizens, maybe leading to the best or given india in council information,
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all intelligence tool to secure the g e. o. this is the security search as the conjunction, just providing you spoke of complicity in the environment that allows the criminal groups to carry out these mass abductions, who is complicit in these abductions. the probably wouldn't be from the communities within which only been aware of this past because where you have a comment from the outside, easily easy to not being allowed to to moment be you know, the free we're not police then 15 minutes the level on this finally all the sudden biomed meaning how do we go about that? is not something that is think i'm just wondering. it's something that really involved in the well,
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by some knowledge of that community. and that is what i'm going to mention in my energy doing your kind of o d o t. you're able to win the trust of the people. and the, the point that leads about the strategy that immediately kept talking about, we need to have a mind all the citizens. i think we still probably wouldn't be to exit out of the community. wow. that's how my oldest sits. it is essential. how would be a when they want to deliver public safety and security? it might not be, i mean, dental vision might be a public safety and security might be different because to be the issue is not just the securities or something at home that spot machine. fuller. okay. and the by the same too slow facing when did it is for me to be okay. call willing to to be used for this kind of li incidents. chris quanta of the
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money boy down my university in nigeria. thank you very much for joining us on the program this hour. still a head on alpha 0. phone con unveils proposals for a new national security law that includes life sentences for treason and insurrection. also in sports, a 5 star performance by liverpool and action from the roughly coming up later on in the hello. it's shaping up to be a pretty rough couple of days across western positive. you have also class weeping in from the atlantic areas of low pressure here. we ganging up the lining up, tearing up, to proceed to spite and pulse cool fronts as well. things look pretty nice. the
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weather course gotta maybe we've got this big, every pressure still blocking off the systems. that's why we're getting that where to where the droning down to was west and in south west in areas or if you have in between quite tightly packed types of us. so a dry way and being fed in from the continent across the england, scotland mounts of island pushing up towards moving the other 3 wells as well, brought in bracy for the most competent clout there. and to both these things. lived eastern parts of best scotland, but as cyber towards the south west, we really need to concentrate on some learning off the weather, running in on some very, very strong winds. gale force winds could say some flooding coming into positive ports because as we go through the remainder of friday when, when the wintry weather coming in a cost a good positive front stay for the parent. nice. know that too full the opposite will. pushing further east with us, we go on into west half day of the bright and breezy day, up towards the north west quite to the central and eastern pas. quite 2 across the northeast of africa. but for the north west, there is wet weather there for northern morocco and out syria, the,
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the blind, like police brutality and indigenous mother inbox, on an incredible jenny for justice. timeless, be seeking reparation for others. like with no political background, she inspired to become jenny's 1st learning center. within the realm of politics, the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0. an unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue . that is a context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront on how to 0. the
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the for watching else is 0. reminder of our headlines is really air strikes of targeted, northern and central gaza. at least 11 people were killed in the city up there on the ballot with many injuries reported and homes destroyed. the us presidents has announced they plan to set up a time for reports on guns as coast to bring in aid. joe biden made the announcement during his state of the union address your dis, real not to use 8 as
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a bargaining chip and repeated his call for an immediate cease fire. fighting use his speech to congress to talk up his achievements. he also called donald trump dangerous, and accused him of jeopardizing freedom both at home and abroad. during that speech, biden promised that washington will not abandon ukraine in its war against russia. listen to this. united states walks away. we will put you crate at risk. your present risk, the free world be a risk and bullying others to do what they wish to do us harm. my message, the president food in white moon for a long time is simple. we will not walk away. the peters of my f is executive director for your raise democracy initiative. you are
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joining us are from keyboard very interested in the perspective from ukraine. i just wonder how those words will be received in ukraine. your thoughts as well. uh, we found that uh, very encouraging that the american president decided to, um, to bring up the oh, an overseas more at the very top at the very beginning of his address, which is always considered quite unusual by the standards of american politics. essentially was making a political argument to be re elected and ukraine to demonstrate it is front and center of his gen thought. he made it clear that, you know, he agrees with the ukraine's argument that clinton is not going to stop in your brain. he's going to roll you quote and roll over ukraine and continue his aggression. this is something that even though your brain has tried to convey to the western world, and i think he also,
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i think he had the right buttons when he said that we are dealing with our greatest geo political falls, such as russia essentially without shedding a single blog of american soldiers, the brain is doing all of that at a very modest cost to our treasury. i think that's as a, as a and effective an argument that could be made. but i suppose the speech told us 2 things and told us where the president stands and he says he's going to be steadfast. he himself, personally, joe biden, is steadfast, and will continue to be supportive of of ukraine. but it also underscored that he needs the help of congress in order to keep providing ukraine with the level of weaponry that ukraine's asking for. and right now he doesn't have. busy the support of congress on that stupid because he actually does have a support that's kind of the rest. so, you know, by all accounts and i have personally, you know, engage with some of these congressmen from the republican party,
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some of whom are very close and long and, you know, term friends up the ukraine. and the simple fact is that, you know, should that both be brought to the floor by speaker mike johnson. the majority will actually be filed to vote for it. yeah. so i would say, uh, yeah, it's not the majority of republicans and overall majority. there are still, um, you know, quite a few republican policy makers who are not, you know, on the same page with donald trump that you know busy should, could wait. i think all trumpet cynically actually using this he, you know, i would love to rule out the fact you know, a possibility that trump actually might continue supporting a crate and he be re elected. but it's clear that he's actually banking on the situation of open borders. and a may have happening in your brain so that he can accuse bite and his political opponent of that, that's a very cynical and yet, you know, politic. busy approach to it the, the thing was by the tried to communicate is that the brain does not have the
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luxury of waiting till after the presidential elections. we see that the russian army is trying to take advantage of in some, a mental math to the capture of, of the if got and it's continuing to capture them what you praise territory. so this is a do or die moment for us. yeah. and, and by and try to draw a very sharp contrast between him and trump, um, on the issue of ukraine. he paraphrase trump saying, my professor, a former republican president tells, puts in, quote, do whatever the hell you want. all right, this was a page to, this was the opening gambit of president biden's state of the union speech, how the ukrainians look at that meeting, the alternative, if trump were to come to power. that well that's the, that's precisely the contrast is so you know, uh, reagan spoke with gorbachev, tear down this moment mister gorbachev and bye and trumpet started to go out in a st. quite the opposite. the other bed and the continued the direction of putting in the what is what russian called it's near
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a brought the baltic states multiple law. i mean, this will have uh, changed reactions if the truck would to be rejected and would continue this sort of rhetoric and policy that he's advocating. this would lead to what cascading effect of obviously china being in bold into active when it comes to taiwan. but as well as the young uh, as, as remote as it sounds in south america that could also set off that particular conflict, serbia versus comfortable already full. and so foreign minister roddicks, of course, he has said that if you were to allow for the 2 women ukraine's bowl that would have to go with nuclear and arm itself with nuclear weapons. i mean, the domino effect is just staggering and it will have world light repercussions. all right, peter is on my end, the executive director for your razor democracy initiative and keith, thank you very much for joining us on the program. sweden has joined mesa, almost 2 years after launching, it's been to become a member membership documents were handed over at a ceremony in washington dc,
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sweden ended decades of political neutrality by applying to be part of this military alliance. this was after russia invaded ukraine, and a state of emergency in haiti has been extended by a months, has armed gangs continue their attacks that include setting fire to a police station and looting of food. market. gang leaders are demanding the resignation of prime minister ariel re remain stranded abroad. theresa bo reports from that boy in neighboring dominican republic as the they say the are in charge against controlling the street. so for the prince. on thursday 5 fights between armed groups and the police were ongoing and haiti's, capital prime minister at eland re, remains in the us territory portability equal. unable to return to his country. gang say he's returned with trigger
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a civil war and are demanding his resignation. will not allow real and re to return . he's not good for haiti. the state department says it's pushing id and, and we who was not elected to collaborate with that transition into a more inclusive government that will lead to free elections. as the violence continues in the capital port authorities were forced to hold operations. after thousands of people looted the containers for distribution has become a problem as low as mass looms across the country. the world food program says they have to suspend their c operations to distribute food because of the severity of the situation. ariel henri did not rule the country well, he's traveling and we are starving. the keels in the country as far as the dominican republic, to increase security at the border between both countries. patients, i know they're allowed to cross into the domain. it can republic the only permitted
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to reach the market to find cushion food and medical supplies to sell or take back . security forces are on high alert in the dominican republic after gang through these thousands of prisoners from jail. and that's why man, or trying to come to a market that is not far away from here, are being asked to line up for security checks. carmen says the prime minister has to resign on the will, needs to send international assistance as well. and then also, you know, it has done nothing for the people, nothing in the haitian national police need more support to fight the violence. hate and needs help. the un has set up a multi national security emission that will deliver personnel and equipment to assist the police, but nobody really knows when it will happen or if we will help deliver the stability people here desperately need. very so we'll just see that how one of the hong kong government has published the draft of a new national security law,
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which includes life sentences for treason and insurrection. safeguarding national security bill complements the national security law, imposed by badging 4 years ago. that followed mass protests, demanding more civil liberties, and the rest of the movements leaders, while others fled into exile. human rights groups say the new legislation will further erode the autonomy of the former british colony. victor go is the vice president of the center for china, and globalization is also a former chinese foreign service officer. and he says that this will be a landmark, lo, the passing of this national security law. incom call will be denmark event in the cause of the whole call, special administrative region. this ironically just restore the situation back to before 1997. because unlike what the british trained before 1997, there was very significant national operations here on call. it was not tom by the chinese side of costs,
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it was stopped by the police side. and the purpose was to protect the national interest of the british government and the british, hong kong government. when the british left hong kong uh end of june 1997, the brought away all the operatives and icons on the national security operation and find the basic law chime and the to fielding the gap around the way. however, it was delayed by more than 2 decades by home, by adults, people, the hong kong which completely disregarded this very important provision and the basic law, they track the, the, they created all the situation delayed, the enactment of the nationalist encourage the provision in hong kong now, yes indeed, there are people in the world who claim that this national security and all you, hong, all wheel for the year old. there's no gold of human rights in hong kong. however, if you look around at any country in the world, the us britain, problems, or any other country,
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as well as the territory is name any single territory which does not have a national security for operation. and which country or which region will not protect the national security interest? okay, it's like folly of sports news. now it's summer. how much? who's doing this in dispute? so thank you very much, sir. your new all former us champion francis and guy know steps into the boxing ring later on friday to face off against for my unified will champion anthony joshua in saudi arabia. it's without doubt the biggest boxing match of the year so far so might cause more to of the fight. will biggest dogs are getting ready to face off in saudi arabia to time form a unified will champion heavyweight boxer anthony joshua clashes with former us the champion from since then gone. the backlit house and the books in ring and re on rather than the update on and both points is
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a confident heading into the bank. i barely want to go in the back yard. none of them got dumped about back, got out to to, to a bip. i'd want your official prediction. what does it matter for sure, but it, it, should it be the, the reading with the victory official production? what is it from you? official predicted. well, you said the only person that needs to this point couldn't be any more different for joshua, this is another point on his road to redemption. once the golden boy british boxing he's now rebuilding his career of to losing his will title to all exam. the sick, the 34 year old, his doctor, to show glimpses of his best again. and his won his last 3 fights. as for in gun news, he made his name is an emma may fight to. and this is just as 2nd professional books and much this huge intrigue about his prospects. despite losing his 1st flight, the type of fury,
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the man from camera runes down the sport by knocking down the undefeated wall champion, to lean more towards i need joshua, i think you the best a book. so if you could let me pick background, he's got the, it'd be the 2 tom will jump in full and going to is not okay. i mean, these a tough fight. and one thing we know though, we all know is not even going to catch you. my who you walk your, you slice so no matter who gets there, um, raise both flights as a set to a tens of millions of dollars from the find. some would say it's already a win win for him. malik? i was just the doctor. i live a pool, have taken a big step towards the quotes of finals of the are pending to off the big 1st leguinn over spot, the prog. paying away from home, yoga and slopes side, one, a 51 sewing units sold, 2 of them in the 1st house. and they were both impressive strikes. there was a leg isn't until the next week and bought before that was the big domestic game
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that to worry about for livable for on beach and is 7 games across all competitions . familiar data is host 2nd place mount just to city on sunday. we try, we are like, would see tonight my team forward as well. it was not like we have a sloppy in the way that these all die of the view of can do that on with 80 percent, not at all and you made mistakes. that's human. but before it's really hard and i saw the dressing room off to us boys, i felt the intensity of the game and we're happy about resolved so that we keep trying i live across and natalie avoided the big upset and that's the 2nd again, so sorry about that and as the john yes, 2 friends. yeah. who took the home side ahead and just before half time. so nino made it to that came live a clues and after the break of sorry, hold one back for the gentleman really visit with the 11th kids. and in the sessions, minutes of at a time, never susan squared things off to,
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to the final school heading into the 2nd leg in germany. and there was a convincing wind up for a tide inside roma as they beat at brighton for now in rome. for me to the castle, among the scores of his 27th and the republic overall the said highest and the competitions history behind are i the males hotel and here and the rate of a man? well, number one, know that the deal coverage is getting ready for the 1st match at indian wells in 5 years. the serbian now so to 6 is aiming to interact with 6 trophy joke of which is playing his 1st tournament. since he's semi final exits from the straightened open, 24 grand slam champion will face qualify it. alexander will peach on such a day. was very excited to come back. it's. it's been 5 years and you know, time flies incredibly fast. so yeah, so let's, let's hope like to have
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a good tournaments of 7 great unofficial match since that was right and open the semi finals. and i've been practicing. well, you know, i arrived too. i like quite early spend some time with family and you know, ready to, to get into a competition. and the women so full time, grand slam champion naomi osaka has made an impressive starts in doing well. but the japanese tennis saw pizza in straight sets to ease into the 2nd wrong. e 2018 champion is playing a full tournament. that says has come back home. so i don't know. i have a lot of really good memories here. i have one, not so great memory here, but i think that's a good thing about every new day. it's like you can rewrite not rewrite history, but you can just kind of keep making more memory so and that's always full for me to be. all right,
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so i have always thank you very much for that side. i will see you later today. we look forward to that still ahead on alpha 0. refusing to give up hope, we will hear from the families of malaysia airlines passengers and crew 10 years on from their disappearance. 10 years after a malaysia airlines flight vanished with 239 people on board. the business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the the business legions to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the is the 10th anniversary of one of the biggest unsolved mysteries and aviation history to a $139.00 passengers and crew and
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a malaysia airlines jet took off from quantum and poor, but never arrived. engaging as lawrence lu reports, grieving relatives continue to demand answers as for the last 10 years general, whose life has been consumed by one purpose. finding out what happened to flight imagery, 370. it disappeared with the $239.00 people on board, including his mother. he stopped to walk to focus on lobbying for the search for the missing plane to continue for him, pick them up. what's your niece? these? what hotel to my life. there's activity has changed dramatically. this change is not something you can choose. you meet this event you have to face it. and even with hindsight, i would still make the same choice to the voice my life to the i saw somewhere where the, the plane deviated from its flight path and ended in the southern indian ocean and international such as it found nothing. a us marine robotics company has proposed a new search. last attempt in 2018 came up empty. it hasn't mentioned any specific
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technological breakthrough, but says it continues to analyze previous data in the hope of narrowing the search areas. the malaysian government says it's reviewing the proposal the parts of the wing washed up on the union island when oceanographic using data about current had predicted deb, we could end up his modeling also suggests the wreckage could lie 50 kilometres north of the proposed search area. it's 4005 has to make it to so 4 or 5 kilometers below. and the crowns are not very strong there. and it's very cold. so it's, it's like it's worse than being in the fridge. it's about 2 or 3 degrees in terms of the temperature. so many things like the engines, the wheel base and all of that would be still intact. the disappearance of mh $370.00 prompted the aviation industry to improve flight safety. they'd be many,
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many advances put in place in terms of procedures, processes, enforcing systems, the regulatory system, slots, safety systems, emergency response system as one of the systems are extremely well developed. but the one critical item, and that's a set of law gps tracking system. that is a ton of this. the international civil aviation organization initially set a 2021 deadline for carriers to install a system that will transmit location data every minute in emergency situations. the target date has now been pushed to 2025, and the rule will only apply to new aircraft. but so maybe a shouldn't ex but say that to may not be enough to prevent another tragedy like image $370.00 from happening again. florence louis algebra quality employee training passengers in germany are being warned of more massive disruption because
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of the latest strength by train drivers and lufthansa. airline passengers worldwide are also being disrupted by a 2 day walk out by ground staff. dominic came reports from berlin. this is bill in central station. normally dozens of trainers would come through here every hour . but this thursday, very few are due to industrial action by the train drive as union. and while some passengers sympathize with the strikers, others all less understanding is on spring. it's really stressful and you have to constantly try to walk out whether you're going to be able to travel or not. i see on the board a lot of trained on to even running the whole project slides, drugs. it gets a little comment. let me see my content this time when they come sit down to find a table, they'll find a solution that lives in con, cancellations, and travel disruption have hit the main apples to see and funk for to a grand stall off of the ally. lift times. are on strike, affecting hundreds of thousands of passengers,
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but the transport sector is not the only one affected by strike action in recent months, many of the industry so see similar process card numbers. i'm going to mention as of the time that we are not striking for notice and the demands are old, was very important things, shortening of 4 hours, and also more be to make up for inflation and cartoons outside instead of us. in many cases, the companies off on sympathetic to these demands decisions which are added to the sense of a winter of discontent. in germany, we are seeing most strikes of the relatively small boxes, technically important to unions like the trained drivers o apple testing them and they have a lot of negotiating. paul companies are reluctant to given to that about to because they have so much power. i'm afraid they will use it, so we don't see most by all of which means that people using germany's app thoughts and it's railway station is like this one. i'll go to have to get used to sites
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like this with fuel trains and fuel plains on those days of strike action. so i'm going to, came out, was there a bullet as and that does it from me for this news, our elizabeth around them is with you next. and that means you are in great hands. stay without us here. the brutal occupation resulting in a hurry stick a time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify israel was sold on garza dozens of children, bounds him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th on tuesday or is the biggest global electron yet in history. the world's biggest democracy, both its own epic showdown john mainstreamed of offering jane butterfield for
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boss really focusing on india as i traveling across the country. examining the issues of 6 and the 4th of athletics at this critical moment in the country history . the india coming soon on august. this is essentially curious on just lost jobs to find expeditions under british tier inspection vs charged of endangering national security security of civilians and soldiers by accents to reveal vast amounts of classified information. among that classified information was a video of a us helicopter attack in iraq, the killed 11 people, including civilians and 2 voices. janice remains inside belmont prison here in london awaiting a final decision whether he can't appeal as legal team, says they will be arguing on the basis of freedom of speech. there's never been a prosecution vs the knowledge that before. so use a lot of free speech documents,
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federal arguments of the why get a federal back in the us? his wife died and city is set to united states political prisoners diapers, and that's what happens is legal team size. if this attempt fails, the last remaining option is to appeal to the european court of human rights. the is really strikes targets. central garza, at least 11 people are killed of a nice city of the crown. and this is, i'll just see you on life from don't ha, also coming up and his stage of the union speech to us president loans as well known to use a as a bargaining chip and calls for an immediate cease fire to allow the central


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