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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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rabbits would jeopardize it sites with us and it's, well, i was had a civilian economic. in fact, in this product to judge argued that political and economic interests. com be more important than the protection of civilian lives. during the war, the drop in garza goes wrong. 5 people are killed as humanitarian age being tighter suited and hid civilians. the more about this and this is 0, live from dell. i'm also coming up today. we are facing issue many terry and kept house in garza and we stand by the innocent civilians and palestine b u. and as, as amount of time $800.00 a gas up at the un says it's not
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a substitute for simpler, cheaper lunch deliveries which are being blown by israel prizes and hazy vitamins run self in the capital flows across on guns. consolidate control the bus desperate parents demand answers in nigeria as gunman kidnapped close to 300 schoolchildren news . at least 5 palestinians have been killed in gaza when they were hit by a box is being dropped by faulty power shoes. several countries, somebody, they are dropping, humanitarian supplies as the u. n. ones, hundreds of thousands of palestinians are facing catastrophic hunger. but israel's be limiting the flow of a through lines crossings. it's also a type aid convoys on palestinians lining up for supplies, or at least 24 people have been killed and is really strikes and the size of the strip since friday morning children are among those children. is there any attacks
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in rough or at least 12 people were killed and several others are missing? following strikes of 2 homes in the city of congress. how does this town a couple zooms on the phone from southern gaza? tell us about the latest on those air strikes. first of all time yes, we have been seen low barrage of us twice within the past few hours in different areas and we've been seeing also loud explosions in the city of rough when we on the bottom it's and exploding had completely shaken the entire city where a residential building has been destroyed into another autumn for fi, alongside with an attack at the end is to look you will see generally with this attack were against a simple call. we're at please fix that was getting type a report of injury to the per supported to and that's our hospital for receiving medical treatment. and we've been also seeing a further attacks on the city of han, eunice where at least 11 kind of new have be killed in an area. indeed,
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not part of the city of courtney on the square. the majority of the tax has been carried out on this house. they have killed at least $24.00 palestinians windows the past 24 hours. and we were talking about the fact that the drops will be continuing with to get, try to get some sort of humanitarian aid. and of course there is no talk about some sort of amount of time you called at all as well. just tell us about the age situation in the strip at the moment. i as well, it's completely incompatible as people are chasing a tops in order to have a very partial access to some parcel of foods and some of the bags of the smell of that can be returned back to their families with impacts as people continue today. has been terry fine with the field house, a 12 being completely safe as they landed in gauze, at least these boxes that hit the ground with people killed, forced out of city and the sofa, according to the government speedy office. and at the same time, people that be, we have been talking to today have been expressing the deep sadness that they did
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not manage to get sufficient amount of humanitarian supplies describing situation to be critical for decades. that palestinians did not really witness. and this of the same time, the, the, i've been reporting about please fleet the fleeing waves of from the city of cons that towards the south where people are no longer can able to cooper the situation is specifically back 8 drops, cannot be sufficient. i'm d. c, it was completely dangerous for them and they have been courting for more labs, payment. the carriers supplies to be delivered to the north as soon as possible, just to risk, to have to have remained for people the in the most of the gaza strip. as people have been said, that we have nothing that to feed on as even if we got a very partial access, it just will be enough for one day and could not be even enough for receiving more age within the coming period. because the, the deed restrictions are still placed on a deliveries as the majority of countries have been completely dependent right now
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on a dropping and right now with the hearing explosions again and roughly district where there is really a delivery has been, bonded another place here real time thank you very much indeed kind of call the zoom target is from the southern guns on the phone or the european commission president says, i'm not a time. cut it off from cyprus to guys. i will open this weekend. i should have all the land set of cargo ship with tests on friday. the non con has more from la monica in cyprus, and they calling it the maritime. colorado announced by the you. what is partners? it's supposed to be one solution to alleviate what can only be described as a looming firm, and we are launching this cypress maritime corey, just to get the cypress, the european union, the united arab emirates, and think united states. and it is your relentless work to get this call your up and running despite all the challenges. and this is truly inspiring. but it's
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not enough. and nowhere near officiant enough to get the massive amounts of 8. and you put 2300000 palestinians trapped and the strip hundreds of trucks carrying crucial aid remains stranded in egypt. but israel is ignoring coals to reopen line crossings into the strip. do you an agency for palestinian refugees says moving 8 by land is the most effective root is so easy, less of crossing points, but to make the list that as well with like, also strict, this is what we use before the worst part is on the 7th of october, when there was a regular flow of about $500.00 trips every day to the commotion supplies. so it shouldn't be complicated a totally well there is a politically when there was a way the maritime ricardo is far from easy. is going to get the aid off the boat, now there's no functioning ports and goals and so that's another logistical
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challenge is thing going to get on to trucks and into distribution centers. that won't happen overnight to something the british foreign minister referenced in a comment. it's going to take time to build to the crucial thing is today, these really supposed to confirm that they'll open the pool to ash daughter that is in israel, but that's a working port. it could take a no that would increase the amount of age and that a can then be driven into goals that would make a real difference. and we need to make a real difference right now, or that comment raised eyebrows as a whole is going to the maritime co adult is to get a direct into the straight. for now, pod with his hand put the boat from sailing from long ago. there remains impulse very much a symbol of vital 8 stock. but even when it sells, it wouldn't be enough. and even if it's successful, scaling up to meet the needs of people who are facing a manmade fireman is highly unlikely and wrong out is there a lot of the un seniors you monitoring on reconstruction coordinator for guidance
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as moving a to buy land remains the most effective way to get supplies into the strip. i've also spoken about the importance of the diverse if occasion of the supply routes via land. this remains the optimal solution. it's easier, it's foster, it's cheaper, particularly if we know that we need to sustain unity on the systems to thousands for a long period of time. and of course, i am spoken to the importance of opening additional crossings. meanwhile, us equity states and to be blinking is also sad. washington wants to expand 8 access by land, our white house correspondent, company hawkins, joining us live not from washington dc. what's under the bank. and he's saying what the secretary state has been saying, as he spoke alongside the turkish foreign minister at their meeting about various disagreements between the 2 countries, is that he believes the most effective way of getting
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a into gauze that is the land and building upon the announcement made by the us president in his state of the union address on thursday. the construction of a port on the gaza coast will only increase the ability for aid to get in. and then further facilitate this a going along the land corridors. here's what the secretary of state had to say. the president announced last night a maritime initiative, which will be critical, but we, we know as well that it is absolutely essential not only to maintain but to expand the land crossings into gaza. that's the primary vehicle. so which we will get assistance to those who need it, as well as air drops and other methods that, that we're using. but also once within gaza, the assistance has to be distributed more effectively to people who need of course,
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what the secretary of state does not mention is that just like the other methods of getting into gaza, the methods that are being discussed now which are newer, all require the cooperation of the israelis and as we have seen in the past the is really so far have not been cooperating. and that is why there have been alternatives that are being explored. and so far there has been no new proposals to try and overcome what remains a caused it to that is the obstacles presented by these rallies for getting a into gaza. so this is something that is being concerned and considered in washington as well. the other concern in washington is that this could sideline on russ something that has been of but something that have many in washington,
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particularly conservatives, have been pushing, as well as other existing partners, including egypt as well. that is why there are many that are looking at this proposal rather skeptically. kimberly, thank you very much indeed. that's kimberly how can talking to us from washington d. c. our white house correspondent. well, david houghton is a former us a mission direct trip to the west bank and gaza. he says the poor plan is a good idea that is true, that the land crossings are the most important way to move in. and you need more crossings when marford on a more predictable basis every single day that includes expanding comes along, working through arrows, but also some of the shutter crossings and caught in the hollows and sofa, and making sure that rough uh continues antenna and can be expanded so the land crossings are predominantly the important critical factor here. i am not a fan of the air drops and we saw today, one of the reasons why our drops are,
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are dangerous because we had some, some people die with the bar should open. and that's also and is also a minuscule now for the poor i like it brings in more. 1 on a bulk bases it uh that a lot more for coming in. uh we'll simply kind of do you value any particular bag of food. and so that helps tom the situation a bit. when you get when you flood garza with waterford. but in addition, i like it because it creates some thoughts on the ground in favor of the palestinians for once the cost and is i've never been able to use a port, or at least i certainly since 2005. and this will allow access of good she comes in that's important. um factor in what a post gaza could look like. as products as your volume refugee camp in northern
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guys are killed. 3 members of the catalog family. here's the story of a young 11 year old palestinian who survived the stride. she talks about being pulled out of the russell, the the, the the it's just not a big deal. i'm all done for that. yeah. well, so the incentive go shift to fairly simple stuff i have to have into the best
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for me. i have i'm, i'm look a southern firefox. let me pull that off. so we just need to select the number again above the one of the most. that's gonna add data sunday, i'm a big mean home. tell us what i don't know if it's been a huge and what does that mean since over a month from now? let do one, but you're willing to do what i'm. i'm done with you as a side of the account. well, how you do the most? you'll see the lessons that tens of thousands of people who've been ronnie supposed to follow sun across the middle east. protesters in yemen city who saw that the 9 was what they call is really crimes engagement, also celebrated who the attacks and the right scene. and thousands of protesters and washington buck died in solidarity with the people of gaza. they've called for an immediate cease fire ahead of the holy month of ramadan. mamma, the kind of has more from black god another friday,
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another demonstration in sort of done a deal with the people abrazzo stages and a rocky company. this is a common scene every friday in about the time. but the title of this friday's demonstration is, well, i saw the demonstration was a cooling going on, a rockies and auto countries. somebody puts on products, produced by the countries support thing. yes, it is right. and then also calling on the right to the government to suspend diplomatic ties with all the countries supporting it is right there. also blaming somebody regions for us as they say nothing. the people of us that don't collaborating with is right bye bye bye. during the siege, against the people of mazda by you, not opening to the crossing, told him those would, the people the plaza and not letting enough age to reach the people of us,
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no less. if one of them just then it says that this demonstration impreza old that we can do the boy coaching is a weapon of resistance that old lot of countries should use to support gaza. all these different speakers are holding on the international community to intervene to impose, to impose an immediate cease fire. don't to mitigate the supporting of the, the head of the month of ramadan, the holy month of pressing the muslims across the country. it was more that's a stigma that the international community is watching and accepting domestic of innocent civilians. this must stop. now the common theme for the
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genesis. the still ahead and i'll just see that these to 7 is maybe to an injured and, and attacking the occupied was tonight. we're going to be life from her mom. i was more the, it's pouring and we're going across spain and portugal. hi everyone. so we've got storm systems crashing in off the atlantic. it's going to be a washout here, but look on saturday. this fire who's a, bringing through the valley. eric's and the south of france was just a few days ago. the south of france was doubts with rain, so the ground is saturated and we've got about a months worth of rain coming in 36 hours to places like more say so we're likely to see some flooding here. north of this, it's more com. sure. a few showers,
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southern england and wales, mostly cloudy for belgium. best fit, i think for seen the sun will be in the netherlands and so down looking good at 13 degrees that's above average for this on your smart weather along the eastern shores of the adria ad exceed mostly cloudy sky. otherwise, across the vulcans and for turkey, we've got some snow over the mountains here. this northerly wind of the black sea means the thing temperature is in this stumble, struggle to get to double digits. now remember, all that disturbs whether round eyed periods dropping down rain in some, a rock overbought looking just seats half a month's worth in about 24 hours. and with this disturbance we have in the most, in big channel, it's pumping in near record heat for the month of march, and places like bulawayo and already so all the way of coming in at $35.00 degrees on saturday with some sun in the forecast for you that's for updates here. the asked, we can narratives from african perspectives,
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you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key. is you too, bye too short documentary, find african filmmakers from ivory coast and the sea turtle god. and i may, in zambia, new series of africa, direct analogies 0 the the the, the what you want to 0 a reminder of our top stories this uh, these 5 pond experience of being killed in gaza when they were headed by 8 boxes being dropped by 40 power seats, several countries in arizona, teenagers, and
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u. n. ones, hundreds of funds and some kind of studies are for some catastrophic hunger. at least 24 people are being killed and is really strikes in southern gaza since friday morning. children are among the dead, is really a tax and homes and con eunice killed at least 12 people. european commission president says and monetizing caught a dollar to bring aids in cyprus to gaza. will open this weekend. a cargo vessel is expected to test them to friday. the u. n says it's not a substitute for simpler line deliveries which are being blocked by is 7, is there any troops have been injured in an attack in the occupied west bank? it happened to be the legal settlement of how much palestinian fighters opened far as it is really check point and then designated a whole made explosive device. the same bus drivers are normal that in the occupied wise by what more do we know about this attack? same as well in the hours since this incidents happened. busy according to the,
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as rarely 7 people were injured, there was a helicopter seen at the side of the incident to evacuate those injured away. following that, we know that at least 4 other shooting incidents took place. gunman, palestinian armed resistance fighters, firing on his rarely positions of 4 different locations in and around nablus. now this incident, the, the 1st one that took place that caused those injuries. we know that it's between nablus and janine just south of jeanine and that area is currently under locked down. all of the main check points in and out of that area. have now been shut down to any and all palestinian traffic as these railways carried out a sweep and operation to try to hunt down a man hunt they say for the perpetrators of this attack. it's not the 1st time the palestinians have carried out these kinds of attacks on is really a positions there. illegal is rarely settlements, illegal outposts. settlers backed up by a, by the israeli military. now, the israeli government themselves, the, dismantled all the homes, dismantled
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a settlement in her mission, 2005. but in the year since there's been a concerted effort by settlers again backed up by the military to retake reoccupied those areas. so while the israelis will characterize this as an attack on is really subtler, there's an attack on it. these really military, what palestinians in the area will say is that this is simply palestinian standing their ground defending their own career, a land a as they do. so now what we're, we're sharing most likely is the tensions are high and most likely we will see raids happen in the towns and villages around that area. we will expect those nightly rates to be more intensified as this evening. and we are likely expecting some kind of collective punishment to play out, which is a very common tactic it is real use is when these kinds of incidents happen. same bus off in ramallah zane. thank you very much. indeed. as 2 people have been injured in and is very striking, southern lebanon is really war planes and struck
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a house in the tunnel box. share it as well as several other areas. is there any media also reported 3 rocket strikes by the, on google as well. i in the northern region, both sides have been launching attacks at each other since the war on guns began. the nigeria as president, has ordered the army troops to search and rescue 287 students kidnapped by a gunman on thursday. at least one student was killed during the kidnapping, which took place in the state of cartoon. and northern nigeria, the students are believed to be between the ages of $8.00 to $15.00. it's the 2nd mass of duction in a week and nigeria were on groups, often demand run some address reports from boucher, the government said they would do a search and rescue operation in the area around cri guy and beyond. to ensure that every child, every student is returned to their family security gate. so it's
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a vulnerable support, according to what the local say that is currently north dakota to post in the town . the last police station that operated in that area was moved to a neighboring area. and so when the government type, the village, there wasn't enough security to do to deal with the problem. how about that a little confusing like this? local community melisha as well, protecting the environment at that particular village. but what we hear from lucas is that the number of the attack as was so overpowering that they couldn't do anything, and they couldn't even chase of to them. now it would seem over the past few weeks, how the benefits of stepped up, their prices way of just 5 minutes prescribes that have killed several leadership or similar commodity. it's of these, i'm groups across the northwest. now i get it from candles from cups and ask them for that and so co to as well as cabinet state itself. now what we understand is that this cool compound was housing to different schools. initially, it was
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a private school for the gap village, but then another school, this population of another school student population of another school was moved to could he got for safety because of this cool way that was stating before was not saved or conducive for learning. it was valuable to such a task and which seemed to increase in the number of people being kidnapped to this is one of the biggest number of students now have been kidnapped from a school in northern virginia as a whole. remember, it's also happening just a few weeks to the anniversary of the came up of the 272 to book goals. in ne, i generate how many degrees i would use either a hazy, now when a state of emergency has been extended until april as armed gangs continue their attacks. the lines there's the health system in hazy is close to collapse and they have trucks of stuck in the porch, which has not been close. gang leaders at the monday. the resignation of prime is the or we can remain stranded and puerto rico, unable to get back to hating correspondence. that is,
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a bowl is intelligible on the border of hazy and dominican republic. i'm here at the border between the dominican republic and 18 square. people come between $2.00 to $3.00 times a week to be able to buy and what is known as a free zone. here there's a huge market where thousands and thousands of patients are crossing towards this part of the country to take back to medicines. among many other things, people told us about the situation in haiti. dia right now that it's very difficult for them to be able to find food and other items, and that's why they're coming here to take back. however, this border is close to people are only allowed to come here to this market and then they have to go back. the dominican republic has been very clear that they won't allow any type of refugees or refuge account in this part of the border. they have been reporting people massively, at least in the few hours. we have seen 3 trucks returning people back to hey. so you can see right here, there's
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a wall that was recently built by the government. there was just finished this part of the world to prevent patients from crossing from one side of the border to the other. what is happening here? you see what we do know is that chaos continues to be, to go on in the capital to, to friends, and in other parts of the country, new things, shooting rate, all going with games extending their control to different areas. they're saying that a prime minister are real and we, who's currently in port authority go returns. there's a risk of civil war in the country. in the meantime, there's lots of talk about a move time national security emission to be the loading hatred. the canyon ambassador to the united nation says that the 400 police officers are ready to give support to the haitian national police to fight against the gang. but it's an extremely complicated operation, both we because the additional peace keeping operation it has a different architecture and it takes time. we've been told people here,
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say haiti has no time. i'm very desperate for any type of help that hey, to can get. that is how i just see the how long an international women's day women around the world calling for more rights and celebrating the lives of women and girls by gaza. there's no celebration. it's just been bobbins kenning, an average of 63 women every day. and the lack of basic hygiene and amenities is having the biggest impact on women. paul brought in the reports and minds that coach does her best to keep her 10th clean. she's one of the 950000 women, displaced in the homes by israel's war on guns. in the rafa refugee camp international women's day means nothing. put them in the shape of a new model. here, there's no women's day. we do not recognize women's day because we do not have women. all the women have been wiped away women's day somewhere else outside of
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palestine. human i've, they got on my a mad house. this is how we celebrate the women's day. the moment because all hands on some so t c will to like this. this is all because celebration. how does this scholar most last us for one full months since is there any troops moved into garza on october 27th. do you and estimates $63.00 women a day have been killed in the strip? that's more of a $9000.00 in total. thousands more have been without women's center for youth products are desperately scans. pregnant women and mothers face a constant struggle to keep themselves on the baby's life in the face of life, threatening shortages of food, water, and medical care. there is sadness and hunger and sickness everywhere. and it's like i said, it's just what did we do ask? so had we should be in school now. why? but our schools are going to do it. our families are gone. and so you have even
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kind of, i mean, it wasn't, it doesn't mean i'm here and it is, i'm now talk of women's rights brings a bit to response from the displaced apply meant better with the yeah. well it's right. we were forced out to bohannon, all homes were destroyed, children killed as of these because in women's rights i'm of do i wish i had an a to for the me. oh, i wonder where the punches of the women of the wildest. how does that mean? what turn off on tv screens losing our children while they're preaching to us about human rights women? it's all right. just of a 100 years since international women's date was 1st celebrated in gaza. there's a sense that the wall has wiped out decades of progress. pull brendan, i'll just see what does a pallet standing in a moment injured journey is where the air strikes and central garza are being taken through our locks the hospital and then i'll follow up. not is one of the few medical center still working, but it is severely overcrowded.


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