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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 9, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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is the power of the stories that we cover a highly complex so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can to as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue, as always is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do. the western nations air drop aid and gaza, but palestinians say that's insufficient. as long as israel continues to block, the entry of a trucks got out of the house having have in japan, olive coast is hungry and what speed paid for it is nothing, nothing. we want the border crossings to the bottom. how much room this is all just here a live from. don't have also coming up 23 children die of starvation and gaza. and
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the us says it will take up to 2 months to build a temporary report to bring in aid. and what involved coordination with the israel gang violence and political instability in haiti forces tens of thousands of people to go to a neighboring dominican republic in search for food. and humanitarian crisis in savannah is reaching kolosso, purples. the you and security council passes a resolution calling for a cease fire and sudan ahead of the most on the whole the month of from, of the absurd and cynical that's how a top you, an expert has described us plans to build a temporary port for gaza and the ongoing air drops by western nations. experts say these efforts will do nothing to slow down and looming famine, as long as israel continues to block the entry of humanitarian aid through land crossings, where the 2000000 palestinians are starving. at least 23 children have died of
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hunger since the war began. and is l 0 is honest to show the reports from jamalia in northern gaza. the aid that's been aired dropped is simply not enough to meet the staggering needs of the people. i know that the uh now i try to on behalf of a how to jump value on a we here on beach street jabante and northern you guys a short while ago planes dropped aid in this area and the locals have gave it in large numbers. but what was dropped from these planes is nothing enough for the citizens that it consists of daily meals and reading to each other, which is that the only yellow you bet j the sub off in full. i wish i could. well, i have 7 children with these means i'm lucky enough. how can i get one of the, one of these? nothing. we are hungry about stopping here and just audio what's being drawn. it does not help us, but we want everything back to how it was before the judges. i know what to do about it. i know i cannot do anything else. i've tried my best. we don't even have
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enough. right. my son has moved. my wife is pregnant, my heart is breaking. i can't do anything so my children. 7 i got, i got the come in and said that, well i did the, the paul is we can see now a new plane is approaching and dropping a new batch of a to b i. it is most likely not enough to meet the needs of age in the teen of the citizens. so a charging here, citizens are requesting the delivery of a through trucks to northern garza, with their a currently no basic necessity. but it is very difficult to find food all set up and people are now rushing and gathering in large numbers to get just some of this all my life probably. and it's a chevy dealer shamella and then gaza city and air drop is killed at least 5 palestinians. parachutes carrying supplies failed to open and crush people waiting on the ground. several countries are air dropping,
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humanitarian supplies into the strip. as israel continues to restrict convoys carrying live, saving supplies for starving civilians, israel as an occupying power, has a legal obligation to allow humanitarian aid into gaza and provide basic needs such as food and water. myself pulled off. it's a tragedy added to the ongoing tragedies experienced by all palestinian people because of strep. i'm, it's this bloody what are you civilian at cross drop age supplies to sit in the move in areas of strip, but unfortunately that's a piece. power sheets fell directly on the heads of civilian the mobile. dyslexia, the desks are 5 individually and the injury of more than 10 people comes from. all of these are as tar couple as whom reports on how a deliveries have been chaotic and northern, gaza adding to the desperation. and within the course of the past few weeks there, there are more restrictions and made deliveries given to them. talent have gone. so this is why the majority of countries have been contributing to increasing efforts
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to make different corporations of speeds dropping to the territory, which consider it to be from dependence team perspective. not really sufficient. as we have been talking today to a number of residents in the north have been describing the situation. being really can you take, i'm catastrophic because not all the majority of people can really help and access to these aides and the out force to chase it in and on areas and locations or it's landing. which means that the sometimes did not really get lucky enough in order to get to these aides. and they have been also singing and expressing that without an unconditional fluid age to the, to the number of positive calling. the situation within the coming days will get much more desperate, specifically that we are just always far away, 2 days from the month of ramadan. and people that have nothing really enough to feed on. and this is complete, you get a stroke and be happy in warning from completely serious consequences. good, good resulted if there's new any. so the flow became at
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a turn supplies for people the as who are waiting for very critical days. and the fighting will continue without reaching the ceasefire as the old house, the inside of just hitting tools, negotiations, and jokes for us. he's quiet that's being healed in cairo that we uh, between how much i use the the us says the temporary port in gaza could take up to 2 months to complete, and it will need around a 1000 troops to build it. president joe biden says israel will provide security for the temporary facility, which will be built on gauze as mediterranean coast, palestinian say the port is an attempt to divert attention from israel's world. so our vision and america's inability to end the blockade. we anticipate that it'll take over a 1000 us forces to participate in, in building this capability as far as timeframe, as i mentioned several weeks likely up to 60 days in order to deploy the forces
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and construct the the causeway in the end appear. um, but again, we're starting immediately in terms of putting things into motion on on that front . he was secretary of state and they blinking says, washington wants to expand aid access by land as well. white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare reports or speaking alongside the turkish foreign minister who was in washington dc to speak with the secretary of state anthony blinking about disagreements between turkey and the united states. as a blinking spoke about the construction of the maritime pores along garz's coast and why he believes that this is something that will allow for increased a into gaza. but the secretary of state, also underscored, even as there will be a maritime cord or that is being explored. he noted that the land core doors
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will still be the most efficient way of getting a into gaza. take a listen. the president announced last night a maritime initiative, which will be critical, but we, we know as well that it is absolutely essential not only to maintain, but to expand the land crossings into gaza. that's the primary vehicle so which we will get assistance to those who need it, as well as air drops and other methods that that we're using. but many of washington are concerned that the binding administration's proposal of a temporary portion along causes coast does not illuminate what is still a constant challenge for getting humanitarian aid into gaza. namely that there are still obstacles being put forward by the is really government. and that that will continue to be a constant. the construction of us poured along causes coast will choirs the
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cooperation of these relays that so far has not been forthcoming. and even as they suggest that there will be additional land corridors for distributing a, it will still require the cooperation of these relays. this, they say is going to be the biggest challenge as well. there is concern that the instruction of the maritime port, well side line and road that has typically taken up this rule as well as other partners including egypt. there is also another concern, and that is the us is looking to try and achieve an immediate cease fire, but once again is only putting the onus on him, us not is real in order to achieve it. kimberly health yet algebra 0, the white house. let's hear from the you in special rapper tour on the right to food. michael, feel free to criticize the us plan to build appear. now with this other aspect,
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this maritime here. how much 8 are they going to get? this is the 1st time i've heard anyone say, let's use a maritime chair. no one's asked for a maritime here. not the published indian people, not the humanitarian aid community. why is the united states providing bombs and munition and financial support to a government that is stated? it's intent to start civilians. i mean, while european commission present, ursula vander lyons says, a maritime court order from cyprus to gaza is to open this weekend. the 1st shipment could depart as early as saturday, but it's still not clear how the aid will be collected or distributed in a group called world central kitchen is set to be providing food. and the ship is meant to arrive at an undisclosed location. but his name are on con reports from
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the port city of learning in cyprus, the maritime core door is full of difficulties the cooling it, the maritime colorado announced by the e. u. it is part of those. it's supposed to be one solution to leave yet what can only be described as a looming famine. we're launching this cypress, mary tim corey, just to get the cypress, the european union, the united arab emirates, and think united states. and it is your relentless work to get this call your up and running despite all the challenges. and this is truly inspiring. but it's not enough. and nowhere near officiant enough to get the massive amounts of a need. you put 2300000 palestinians trapped on the strip hundreds of trucks carrying crucial aid remain stranded in egypt. but israel is ignoring coals to reopen line crossings into the strip. do you, an agency for palestinian refugees says moving 8 by land is the most effective root
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is so easy, less sudley crossing points. but to make the list that as well with a balance of strict, this is what we use before the worst part is on the 7th of october, when there was a regular flow of about 500 trips every day into the commotion supplies. so it shouldn't be complicated, it totally. well there is a political the way there was a way the maritime ricardo is far from easy is going to get the i need off the boat . now there's no functioning port in garza. so that's another logistical challenge is thing going to get on to trucks and into distribution sentences that weren't happen overnight to something the british foreign minister referenced in a comment, it's going to take time to build to the crucial thing is today these really supposed to confirm that they'll open the pool to ashton, that is in israel, but that's a working part. it could take a know that would increase the amount of age and that age and then be driven into
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goals that would make a real difference. and we need to make a real difference right now. that comment raised eyebrows as the whole point to the maritime cordele is to get a directly into the straight. for now and with his hand, put the boat from sailing from monaco. the remains impulse very much a symbol of vital a stock. but even when it sells, it wouldn't be enough. and even if it's successful, scaling up to meet the needs of people who are facing a manmade fireman is highly unlikely and wrong out is there a lot of on the ground a gaza. these rarely military is continuing to attack this trip from all corners, killing at least $26.00 palestinians on friday is rarely a tax killed several people, including children in the southern city over a fine and neighboring han eunice. at least 12 people were killed. further north from the fire in central gaza, dozens of palestinian. the women were injured in an attack on data, but they were taken to the left to the hospital from where i was just as handle
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that the reports were currently in the hospital where the ambulances, dozens of women. as we see, women are laying on the floor because there's a lot of beds and they do not have space. the hospital talks with patients and injuries. this woman beside me is pregnant and she was insured during the last air strikes that happened on as to why that area in the middle area of the gaza strip. every women in palestine have been sacrificing a lot since the worst started on because it's true, they have been killed. they have been injured. they lost their husbands, they lost their sons. they lost their loved ones. and not only that, they're also being injured and killed. losing their privacy, losing their houses,
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losing their spaces. how does it even women have been witnessing very harsh things since october 7 and even unlimited international day, they have been killed and also injured. this is in the theater, up to the hospital, betty butler from data, but let's head to northern gaza where air strikes killed 3 members of the same family and there's a volley, a refugee camp. here's the story of an 11 year old girl to survive. the strike so the, the the, it's like, it's just not a big deal. i'm not done for that. i mean, yeah. well,
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so the incentive gave her shift to services. oh no, it's been such a hassle. hasn't been to the for me. i have i'm, i'm look a similar type box and pulled it off. so you just need to select the box, the and one of the rooms that's the ad bid was done the other, the other homes homeless. and i don't know if it's been a huge and wasn't invited me since the over a month from now let do one. but you know, when i do wonder i'm, i'm done. we as a side of the attack, or how you the mass, your feet, a missile still ahead on al jazeera worlds and marketing international women's day. we report from mexico where for the 1st time 2 women are in contention for the presidency.
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the generation who meets premier league legend vincent company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. most of it starts in appearance, is the representation is rides for the rest will follow and travels to add syria to discover how fluid will pay the key role in shaking the country from its struggles to liberation to the 2090 protest. the political reform generation civil episode to phone, which is area is freedom of speech on the internet. a right for some, but not for others. policy in or airbus content has been removed or restricted when he bu, content hasn't just 0 world investigates where the social media platforms moderate content equally, especially in times of conflicts. there's a good understanding of the matter as the question. there are the standards between
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israel security services and other parties like my to close cyber space on adjusting it off the russian presidential election will take place over 3 days from now. the 15th people will revising in russia crime in the full so called new territories taken from ukraine, was listening position legend increasingly excessive. when again, say was ultra 0 for the global reaction. the, the, or you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top stories. this, our top you, an expert, has described us plans to build a temporary report for gaza and the ongoing air drops by western nations as absurd
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and cynical where the 2000000 palestinians are starving in the street. at least 23 children died of hunger and dehydration since the war began. at least 5 palestinians have been killed in gaza when they were hit by 8 boxes being dropped by faulty persons. several countries of an air drop, the aid and the last few therapy and commission president says a maritime core door to bring age and cypress. the gaza will open this weekend. a cargo vessel was expected to test the route on friday. you in says it's not a substitute for simpler land deliveries, which are being blocked by israel and the occupied westbank is rarely media has reported that 7 troops have been injured in an attack. it happened near the legal settlement of how much, how soon the and fighters are reported to have opened fire. evan is really checkpoint, then detonated a home made explosive device. at least 2 people have been injured in his really air strike in southern 11 on fighter jet, struck a house in the town of but
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a sheet as well as several other areas is really media also reported. 3 rockets strikes by the lebanese on group has been into northern israel, both sides of and launching attacks of each other. since the war on gossip began. the us secretary of state anthony blinking has spoken to hades. prime minister already a long re, was stranded in puerto rico. lincoln has urged him to support a proposal for political transition. gang leaders are demanding the prime minister's resignation, and they've shut the main international airport down to you and says the current crisis has caused the health system to collapse. henri was declared prime minister by western and regional countries after the assassination of former leader, juvenile maurice. in 2021. and there hasn't been a general election in nearly a decade. food shortages are causing thousands of haitians to travel for hours to the border with neighboring dominican republic to buy basic supplies. there is a bull reports from the border town of the hub on as it happens twice
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a week. thousands of haitians cross the border with a dominican republic to a free trade soon to buy food and other items to take back to haiti. but because of the ongoing crisis, those arriving are desperate to take back whatever they can. janet says she buys beef to resetting hating. there is no food in haiti, and there are too many problems. patients are facing the calamity right now. i take this back instead of 2 other cities. it is the only thing i can do right now. people buy beef sausages in any protein. they can't afford people here, tyler, but there's almost no food in many areas in haiti because of the ongoing situation . and that's why they come here to buy these vegetables and anything else they can find. a fluid is in the dominican republic, refer to places such as this one as that survival market because it's meant to cover people most basic needs. there is another market at the border where people
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buy ex medicines in other goods. patients are not allowed to stay in the dominican republic, in spite of the violence on the streets in hating where the government has extended a state of emergency. prime minister ariel henry is still abroad and gangs on the street say his return will cost more kills. but it's the civilians who are suffering the most because of the ongoing violence is with just it just would be yeah, i could see the situation in the country is critical. people can no longer go about their business. our children can no longer go to school. merchants can go to the market and no one can move around the country. we have a prime minister, but we don't know whether he's dead or alive because he's lost in the wild. and that's why they're growing calls to forest prime minister and re to facilitate that transition that also calls to deploy hamilton national security mission to help restores the that he gave me i had earlier agreed to deeply 400
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a lead to police forces to assist the haitian police, because the police says the mission is unique and crucial. we may have difficulty. you look into that for you to i, you know, the biggest challenge right now is getting support from the countries you not to send troops, but police forces to support the haitian police. this is not a traditional peacekeeping operation. it is a mandate by the un security council to deploy a mission led by kenya. that's a different architecture that needs to be funds that need to be more forces police . but until that happens, haitians continue to struggle to survive traveling for hours to find food in another country city. so we'll just see, to have on the you in security council is called for an immediate cease fire in sudan for the most on the holy month of ramadan. the resolution was drafted by the u. k. it passed with 14 votes in favor and russia of staining the battle for
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control between suit and these army and rival paramilitary forces. since last april has killed at least 14000 people, millions have been forced from their homes and are facing a looming famine. christian salumi reports from the united nations is that the u. k only announced it was proposing a resolution calling for a cessation of hostilities in sudan on thursday. by friday it was a done deal passed just in time for the ramadan holiday. we urge to see these on forces and drafted support forces to act on this united international call for peace and the assignments. the guns it passed with 14 votes in favor, but it was not unanimous. russia abstain from the vote. they said the resolution had noval ends de escalation of the conflict and getting more aid to those in need . but the question the need for it given recent developments, namely the opening of an aide route and they choose the united states of acting in
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their own political interests. well, nothing yet easy. we have no illusions as to the true intentions of west and country is not great. however, the double standards look particularly glaring, given that those same countries are dragging out the adoption of a document on the seas buying the gaza strip, where genuine mascot is taking place on the organization. human rights watch. welcome to move. however, saying it was a necessary step and long overdue. they called on the parties to the conflict with respect to international law, and they call them the security council to enforce it. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations. now, jerry, as president, has ordered the army to rescue at least 287 students kidnapped by gunmen on thursday. at least one child was killed during the kidnapping. in the state of kaduna in northern nigeria, the students are believed to be between the ages of 8 and 15. it's the 2nd mass abduction in a week. a large crowds have gathered across latin america to mark international
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women's day. thousands of taken to the streets of the mexican capital, they are rallying again, 6 of them in equality and discrimination. the challenges will be taken on later this year by a woman as the top 2 contenders for the presidency. our when julia got me on a reports from mexico city, the 10s of thousands of women are marching today. here in mexico city towards the presidential palace only a few kilometers from here with one main demand. and that is a stop to violence against women. we're talking about a country with some of the highest rates of killing the equipment of violence against women in the world. an average of 10 women are killed every day in this country. and because of gender motivated crime and women here and this march say, there is no better proof that the government and the institutions in this country don't care about them from the fact that so few of those cases are prosecuted and brought to justice. we are also experiencing this merge in the context of
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a presidential election happening in 3 months, where mexico, it's toys to elect its 1st human president. now you would think that it's good news for women here, but it's actually far from it. when you talk to the women as we've been doing throughout the day today, they say they don't think it's going to make any difference. who is the president, even if it is a woman? because the problem of violence in mexico is part of a much bigger institutional institutional challenge that it's not going to be solved by having a woman president julia go yano, i'll just 0 next to the city to mark international women's day in france, the government added the guarantee of abortion rights into its constitution. the 1st country to do so. a public ceremony was held in paris to inform the changes in law. in ireland, prime minister leo bought the car, cast his vote in a referendum on proposals to update the constitution, which was written in 1937. the aim is to modernize the definition of family. the referendum also seeks to remove references which highlight women's role home vote
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is supported by all major political parties, opinion polls, i predicted that the changes will be approved. so that's it for me. i'm how much enjoying weather is next. then inside story will analyze joe biden state of the union address. thanks for watching the hello. i'm glad you're here with us. so active weather is moving out of the gulf of online and now pushing into it on and southwest focused on this is going to produce a mountain. so in iran and the potential is to see some more flooding and southwest pockets, dawn, it wasn't too long ago. garter was dallas with rain. so here we see it moving in on sunday. do you think the bulk of the energy though, will stay over the arabian sea? not much to report in india now whether alerts to speak of here,
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maybe yod shower coming in to the coast of onto the dash on saturday. to indo china we go, you know, some wildfires have wrapped it in northeast thailand. close to the border with me on mar here, few showers, but i don't think that's going to do much to jump in town. there was wild fires burning through china. this is how this story goes, pretty much the gang seed down to the pearl river valley we've got cloud cover and as a result, that's going to produce some showers, maybe more steady or bouts of rain around hong kong and macau, for example, on saturday. so cold air running over the waters between korea and japan. so that's going to produce and see effect snow for the western side of hunt. you island, the mountains, they're about 10 to 20 centimeters of snow. and this disturbance in the indian ocean is throwing quite a bit of rain to indonesia is java island over the weekend? the full rise to use human appeal has been making the most of your messy. our team
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successfully deliver your charity to those who need it most. across the muslim world, we are feeding, building, caring, tooling, planting, fuel, refining, teaching and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal. a state of the union address or an early election campaign speech to abide lashed out to donald trump. the rule must certainly be his election rival again in november. the us president also came up with an initiative to get food into gaza. but how many will be convinced on 15 and has to say, this is inside story, the
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hello the and welcome to the program. i'm joe now how the us president has made his case for another 4 years.


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