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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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or a climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate. upfront one, out to 0. the performance to try and meet a domestic audience with elections around the corner. you and criticizes divided ministrations plans to build a temporary pull it off the coast of gaza to facilitate the oldest self 0 life. and the also coming up, preparing for ramadan in the midst of death, destruction, and shortages. we explore the struggles of palestinians. the most of the other news,
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humanitarian cries in savannah is reaching kolosso purpose. the web security council pos is a resolution cooling for a ramadan, see spot and sit down and food shortages increase in haiti. we're on gangs of fighting for full control of the capital, forcing thousands to flee towards states. the . now the us plan to build a temporary hub or in ga, so to help to live a food and humanitarian aid is being described as incomprehensible and upset the head of the doctors without borders says the plan is a glaring distraction from the real problem. israel's indiscriminate military campaign on punishing siege and the un special russell to on the right to food says from a humanitarian perspective, the plan is upset. the dock and cynical way. it's expected to take up to 2 months
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to build a floating period to facilitate the entry of a by see israel is continuing to block the land route with long queues of a trucks waiting to drive into the besieged strip strip. bounced in inside the port is an attempt to divert attention from america's inability to end the blockade of gauze. my kind of reports now for washington, dc in the us has had a lot of experience in building floating close ways. the tried to peer has the bolts of several coasts, including desktop, south korea, and the u. a. e. the facility of casa will take around 2 months to build as far as timeframe, as i mentioned, several weeks likely up to 60 days in order to deploy the forces and construct the the causeway in the end appear. in recent days, the us and some other countries have put in place and
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a drop operation of supplies into gaza. this resulting in a tragedy on friday, when the parachute did not open properly killing at least 5 people and injuring a number more. highlighting the criticism that had drop operations and maritime is emissions of last resort are expensive and an effective and run the risk of creating chaos on the ground. the measures, in this case, a united nation 6, but that appear to be more for the domestic political benefit than real humanitarian relief. this my best educated guess is probably a performance to try and meet a domestic audience with elections around the corner, a temporary peer to enable a massive increase demonte mandatory assistance, getting you guys every day. the fact that president biden announce the new mission is state of the union speech one normally centered on domestic issues as fuel to
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the claim of political cynicism. leaves us messages could also serve to prop up the nearly to decade long. is rodney located of gaza. another consequence of the by did administration's apparent reluctance to fully confront the netanyahu government, and it's unbridled will. the united states needs to use other tools in our tool box. to not just insist, but to say if you continue to ignore us. if you continue to rub off these requests, there will be consequences posted us intention to help the people of gaza could have the opposite effect. in reality, it could bolster and effectively endorse the illegal is really located by kind of i'll just here a washington as well. meanwhile, european commission presidents and i found the alons as a matter of time, a colorado from cyprus to gaza would open this weekend. the 1st shipment could
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deposit this saturday, but it's still not clear how the aid will be connected to distributed. a group called world central kitchen is said to be providing food and the ship is meant to arrive as an undisclosed location. and we're on con reports from the ports of lawn occurred in cyprus that calling it the maritime. colorado announced by the e. u. it is part of those. it's supposed to be one solution to alleviate what can only be described as a looming famine. we're launching this cypress, mary, tim corey, just to get the cypress, the european union, the united arab emirates and think united states and it is your relentless work to get this call your up and running despite all the challenges. and this is truly inspiring, but it's not enough. and nowhere near officiant enough to get the massive amounts of 8. and you put 2300000 palestinians trapped and the strip hundreds of trucks
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carrying crucial aid remains stranded in egypt. but these ro is ignoring coals to reopen line crossings into the strip. do you an agency for palestinian refugees says moving 8 by land is the most effective root is so easy, less of crossing points, but come back to the list that as well with a balance of strict, this is what we use before the worst part is on the 7th of october, when there was a regular flow of about $500.00 trips every day to the commotion supplies, so it shouldn't be completed a totally well there is a politically when there was a way the maritime ricardo is far from easy, is going to get the i need off the boat now there's no functioning ports and goals, and so that's another logistical challenge is thing going to get on to trucks and into distribution. the sizes that weren't happen over night to something the british foreign minister referenced in a comment, it's going to take time to build to the crucial thing is today these really
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supposed to confirm that they'll open the pool to ashton. that is in israel. but that's a working port, it could take a no that would increase the amount of a and that a can then be driven into goals that would make a real difference. and we need to make a real difference right now. that comment raised eyebrows as the whole point to the maritime car adult is to get a directly into the straight. for now, god with his hand put the boat from sailing from long ago. there remains in pulled very much a symbol of vital 8 stock. but even when it sells, it wouldn't be enough. and even if it's successful, scaling up to meet the needs of people who are facing a manmade farming is highly unlikely. and wrong come out, is there a lot of welts, hilton backup joins me here in the studio. now he's a professor of public policy at the time i've been can i say university in dover? thanks for joining us and good to see you again. we're talking about the amount of time card or some confusion, evident in what's going on at the moment. is this
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a project that's going to take 2 months? so is this ship imminently about to leave part of some other kind of project? what is going to happen to the when it gets there? you are david cameron talking about it being offloaded, potentially a national destination or any port. it's unclear how old of this is working, but what i want to raise with you is an evidence such a contradiction in all of this. because on the one hand, there's some kind of fed around the idea that the international community is going great, comes and guns and doing something well conveniently. so they're forgetting that there are a thousands of tons of age sitting at the egyptian border. is raney's one day to and that it is the international community that has failed to persuade these riley's to do that? well, as we said earlier, i think it's a self serving strategy to particularly to those if you look at who's behind a therapy in union, united states united that are been the rest of them must feel a great to guilt at the moment for supporting those ratings. and not,
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and for not calling clearly for a cease fire and then into for the nice states and they opinion, they have it in their hand system, those ratings from the continuous war. the us could at least disturb this, this disturb, though, disrupt the supplies of weapons at biden, can actually use the excuse that now he's done enough bypassing the congress, supplying these a these he may have to go back to congress because of the elections and need to take his democratic party on board is on. so there many other ways that can be more efficient, more effective in reducing the amount of, of giving and, and allowing a to the other thing is that the thing the aid to goes across them is a trade in, i mean, the, the, the vast majority of that is actually being shipped to a lot range and in egypt, which is very close to the, the, to the border with israel. but they junctions i'm not allowed to bring it in the,
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in the ready and controlled by older as well. yeah. so there that is where the bottom that kids so if enough to say that we can somehow deliver it to the shows of gaza in principle, i think it's uh, it could be a positive thing, had to be done under an international land consensus minded from the united nations that it calls for uh or has been done in the name of protecting the palestinians. that means that the international media is going to step in between the palestinians and israelis. and they've had enough and they're gonna allow a now to flaw through the, through the gaza strip. but that's not what is in my mind of by then i'm pushing through now. he's talking about israel receiving the aid as well, of constructing the port is where i protect the this port. and then as where i live in the distribution phase, which means that he's giving them yet another button like that they can control.
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yeah. and that's not very is not in the interest of the policy. the other thing that strikes me is this to month timeframe for the construction of this poor thing for scaling it up to full capacity. and what does that tell us about the extent to which the united states appears to accept that this or is not about 2 and a minute it's, it's partly that, but it's also could be a part of the thinking for the day after that they still continue to think that these writers will continue to talk to by guides us, where they will have to control a coming from all directions, including now the see with this bore to they can supply that in construction material that is required, which again would be another major pressure on these ratings and everything they destroyed now it's got to be able to some stage, and that's requires garza to be taken out of it's a state of siege that does not last it almost 20 years. okay, so can we leave it to thanks for you. and thoughts causes health ministry says
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widespread is riley attacks of to $2626.00 palestinians within the past 24 hours. that include several people in the southern city of rough. uh, children are among the that the, these are some of the latest pictures we've received from rough, showing some of the destruction to a residential building. the overnight is right. strikes target in residential areas in central garza injured women and children in the city of dental by the were rushed to nearby likes the hospital dropped as there was one of these, you know, the hospitals which remain open face a shortage of pain killers and other medical supplies honey move joins us now on the phone from rough and honey another morning after another dreadful night. tell us more. yes, and we're getting the reports of from the civil defense, the crew and run for the the, the overnight attacks or another month rate. residential complex in central what by which a busy area not only cause further internal displacement to people,
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but the fact that there, there is an unexploded oregon on inside the remaining parts of the building that did not collapse. and so there is a fear of this might go off at any time right now and causing further destruction. and that's why we just heard the reports of a lot of people are leaving the area and not going to be coming back and told that has been cleared out for them in terms of the see. we're talking about a very crowded area in the vicinity of this resistance show a complex where literally we're talking about a 1000 people, let alone the 10s that being set up in the, in the area just causing the further misery and further in for entire family is already displayed in other parts of the gaza. when it comes on the top bar gallery,
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it's showing in the eastern border all the odd units and the northern part of the city. there's also a statement that was issued by the it is really military, a talks about according to the payment, the progress that is made by the military and invading forces on the ground. and how much 50 that kind of residential complet, the western part of on unit 50. where is. busy far within the past 2 days conducted . noth, i rest of almost 250 young our billions from western part of upon you. okay . the like just from southern guns as the with honey mass boot. thanks honey. and now the u. s. navy says it's shot down 15 drones targeting shipping off the coast, if you haven't. lucy's have been attacking ship since november. and what they say is a campaign of solidarity with palestinians during the war and gaza, depending on said what it called a large scale. who's the attack posed an imminent threat?
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who's the ministry spokesman says separate miss solid drug and attacks targeting the american bulk carrier, as well as us warships. and that's where the, the 1st target of the american ship propelled for to the gulf of aiden with a number of naval missiles. while the sticking up a ration targeted, a number of american horror stories and the red sea and the gulf fading with their, she's tipping drawings to, to operations successfully achieve the goals. how did you all the, to some of the news now and the un security council has passed a resolution cooling for an immediate cease fire. and so then i had to say, well, some of the month of ramadan, 14 of the 15 members voted for the resolution, which was drafted by britain, russia of stain, the sued in these army and rival panama, the 3 rapids support forces have been battling for control of the country since
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last april, the fighting has killed at least 14000 people in millions of facing fam, enough to being forced from their homes. kristen salumi reports from the us in the u. k. only announced it was for closing a resolution calling for a cessation of hostilities and sudan on thursday. by friday it was a done deal past just in time for the ramadan holiday. we urge the ceiling, these own forces and rep, that support forces to act on this united, international, cold for peace and to silence the guns. it passed with 14 votes in favor, but it was not unanimous russia abstained from the vote. they said the resolution had noval ends de escalation of the conflict and getting more aid to those in need . but the question the need for it given recent developments, namely the opening of an aide route. and they have to choose the united states of acting in their own political interests. well,
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nothing you have to lose the we have no illusions as to the true intentions of waste and country. it's not great. however, the double standards, lovely, typically clearing, given that those same countries are dragging out the adoption of a document on the sci fi in the gaza strip, where genuine mascot is taking place that the organization, human rights watch. welcome to move, however, saying it was a necessary step and long overdue. they called on the parties to the conflict with respect to international law, and they called on the security council to enforce it. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations heavy gun size being reported in haiti's capitalism, gains battle to seize full control. some of the fighting and pull the premises near the national palace, which used to be the official residence of the president. he hasn't had a president since the assassination of juvenile moist, seen nearly 3 years ago. food shortages are forcing thousands of patients to travel for hours to the border with neighboring dominican republic to buy basic supplies.
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to rest, a bo reports from the town of dublin. it happens twice a week. thousands of haitians cross the border with a dominican republic up to a free trade zone to buy food and other items to take back to haiti. but because of the ongoing crisis, those arriving are desperate to take back whatever they can. janet says she buys beef to resetting hating, there's no food in haiti, and there are too many problems. patients are facing the calamity right now. i take this back instead of 2 other cities. it is the only thing i can do right now. people buy beef sausages in any protein, they can afford people here, however, there's almost no food in many areas in haiti because of the ongoing situation. and that's why they come here to buy these vegetables and anything else they can find. a fluid is in the dominican republic, refer to places such as this one as that survival market because it's meant to
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cover people most basic needs. there is another market at the border where people buy ex medicines in other goods. patients are not allowed to stay in the dominican republic, in spite of the violence on the streets in hating where the government has extended a state of emergency. the prime minister ariel henry is still abroad and gangs on the street say his return will cost more kills. but it's the civilians who are suffering the most because of the ongoing violence is with just it. yes will be you could see the situation in the country is critical. people can no longer go about the business. our children can no longer goes to school. merchants can go to the market and no one can move around the country. we have a prime minister, but we don't know whether he's dead or alive because he's lost in the wild. and that's why they're growing calls to forced prime minister in re, to facilitate that transition. that also calls to deploy
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a multi national security emission to help restore stability. gave me a had earlier agreed to deeply 400 a lead to police forces to assist the haitian police. could spell whether police says the mission is unique and crucial. maybe if you look into that for you, i use it. now. the biggest challenge right now is getting support from the countries enough to send troops with police forces to support the haitian police. this is not a traditional peacekeeping operation. it is a mandate by the un security council to deploy a mission led by kenya. that's a different architecture that needs to be funds that need to be more forces fully put into of that happens. patients continue to struggle to survive traveling for hours to find food in another country city. so i will, i just need us to have on still head on up to 0. we'll have an update from his lum about women visit the products book is tons of parliaments,
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or electing the country's new press. the the latest news as it breaks the lead is attending. this is national people's congress all under pressure to stave off potential. i'm rest and convinced the public the chinese front of me is not declines with details coverage dislike. they show, of course money here, realize your best, not ready to defend itself without how somebody united states from around the world, advocates for the homeless se criminalizing people who live on the street simply won't work, especially in a city like los angeles. the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. in an increasingly complex world,
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it's paramount to be direct capture water sheds, moments international law is being beat this model on sort of discussions. the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenged conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate. upfront one out is here. the the button back. you're watching l to 0. a reminder of our top stores us is facing criticism over its plans to build a temp report to facilitate a deliveries to gauze o. d. u and special russell to,
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to food says define is absurd in a dock and cynical way. israel is impeding the entry of a trucks crossing by land is really attacks in rockford, the fuel gauge to palestinians in the last 24 hours, including some children set for their rates are in a residential building and central gaza injured families, sending women and children to hospital now most of them is around the world preparing for the the month of ramadan, but in gaza. customs and rituals are overshadowed by the struggle to survive israel as well that that might be 2 reports. now, a and unusual crowd in the ruins of gaza, where indiscriminate is really bombardment has killed more than 30000 people since october 7. palestinians walk you through the ravaged streets, looking at what vendors have to sell for the holy month of ramadan. but this year, there are barely any decorations on sale, and little money to spare to buy them all out of my garage,
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i come here to buy some items for rama, done anything that may help us revive the religious spear in the tent. we now live in anything that may bring joy to little children. just yesterday i received the bad news that all my uncles were killed along with many of their children. their homes were leveled. i'm trying to get at least some toys for the family surviving children. something to lift up their spirits. muslims worldwide will begin observing the holy months in a few days, despite ongoing war around 2 and a half 1000000 palestinians will follow tradition while displaced from their homes . and many have been doing what they can to decorate the streets and tents, but it's proving to be difficult. so he was that about in a lot of i would say i've had a hold of you from it and it's only days away and i've come here to help my children and it the spirit of the month. but everything is insanely expensive. for example, this cost $25.00 shekels,
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they used to sell for only 7. need us to say that we run for allied, some guys that and that everything behind. we're doing our best to bring joy to our children. and i pray this most will bring us in peace of mind to solve these are the students. i know that i'm of them. i've come here to get a lantern for the holy month of ramadan. yeah. miss verizon good this year because of the war we are living in fear. there's no joy in life. i'm getting the lantern, but do not feel any joy. muslims refrain from eating or drinking from dawn to sunset during the month of ramadan in gaza. for some the restriction will offer respite due to dwindling food re sources. while mediators were hoping for a ceasefire, no breakthrough has come so far, leaving many palestinians to face what they say will be the hardest ever ramadan said that in the history of a 0. jorge. now members of pakistan's parliament reflecting a new president, the contest is between the ruling party of prime minister sh about shareef,
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and the opposition led by jail lead him round con holden, a 1000 politicians. and his mom, a band as well as provincial legislatures, costing their ballots for the ceremony roll, come all. hi, this is more from the focused on a capital really just significant because the president and they said it more near the head of state, excuse me, is also the head of the military or adult, often and amendment and the constitution when military who landed on the boards have gone back to parliament, so the prime minister being the chief executive, however, officer valleys, are dodgy with the court chairman of the focused on papers party who got the 3rd largest number of boards. i have aligned with the progress on which i'm leaving a was and of course while with them leaving now watch has shut bogged as the new prime minister. they have thrown their support behind us if i lived or died at
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their favorite candidate. so is likely to render election without any problems because these up against the mammals con, die nominated by him or on con party loyalists, as they uh, contained for the presidency. not likely to rent this all started what no deemed, or dod civilians as daddy had several references against them. he, of course, had been accused of massive corruption. however, as president, he was now enjoy immunity to the united states senate as pasta spending bill now early avoids the shut down. it was passed just hours before current funding was due to expire. the senate approved of $467000000000.00 spending package to fund agriculture, transportation, housing, and other programs. i gave you as president, has ordered the army to rescue at least 287 students kidnapped by government on says that at least one child was killed during the kidnapping in the state of do
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not. didn't know the nigeria, the students believes to be between the ages of $8.50 to go that is it? from me the news continues counting, the cost is next the hello. we are looking a little shala's just pushing into window chinaberry, but the next steps are a little bit more cloud just coming in here. just tempering the heat for the south calling from 78 millimeters of rain, the rainy season, the coast, starting to kick in here, scattering the showers, the into the philippines, a scattering shouts to across the board here. but i think the width of weather will be across a good part of indonesia. and you see how the yellows thought to crop up pink down pools coming in. he could lead to some localized study,
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the big down post to continue to across northern parts of australia and also into the west. and it seems like someone to stay with the area of low pressure, which will fade through the part that's cold front. we run a little further east with the head of a high pressure been charged, so hot one very hot long. we came down into that southeastern kona, i'd like a cup of cold pulled for a folk festival. of course and camera day. i have a towards the a c t c that, you know, i celsius for i light a $38.00, but in melvin warm enough in the how about with the temperature here just starting to ease off over the next style. so another one is we go through monday, another wet one across the western parts of the country, north america, seeing further south, down in the southeast. he starts to break as we go one into tuesday, melbourne, with a high of 25. the, the african narratives from african perspectives. you just have to keep pushing because
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no one else can see. the vision is key is youtube. to short documentary, find african filmmakers from ivory coast and title god and animate in zambia, new series of africa, direct on how to 0, the and the put on. and this is counting the cost on. i'll just say a weekly look at the world of business and economics this week. the american economy is remarkably strong, but borrowing costs are high and many americans can't afford to buy a home. because that happened biden's re election, but it's seen as
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a historic step by tax justice campaign is the g 20 group of the goals most powerful countries is considering a global tax.


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