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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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for the conformance to try and meet a domestic audience with elections around the corner to you and criticizes to buy the ministrations plans to build the temporary pulled off the coast of gaza to facilitate age. the oldest sound does ever lie for though also coming up is riley strikes, destroyed palestinian homes in solving and central gaza victims of being rushed to
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overwhelm hospitals pulls overhead. humanitarian cries in savannah is reaching kolosso privilege. the un security council causes a resolution calling for a cease fire in sudan before rama that then will be live from is lemme bag with members of the pocket study. parliament are electing the countries next press the beginning, gaza where there's a desperate need for humanitarian aid. is hundreds of thousands of palestinians face stop ation. israel has impeded the entry of a trucks which a cute at the border crossing, trying to enter gaza. now there's a push to launch of maritime colorado in the mediterranean. the idea is to have age ships move between cyprus, son garza as part of that plan. the us, as it's going to build a temporary barge off the shoals of guns with help distribute that data. but that's
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meant to take 2 months and request thousands of troops. it's unclear how the plan will look at it's being criticized as a distraction from the real issue at hand is wrote restricting the land entry of a trucks where the head of doctors without borders says the plan is a glaring distraction from the real problem of israel's indiscriminate military campaign and punishing siege and the un special russell to on the fight. the right to food says from a humanitarian perspective, the plan is absurd in a dock and cynical way. like kind of reports now from washington dc. the us has had a lot of experience in building floating caused ways to try to peer has the both of several coasts, including desktops, south korea, and the u. a. e. the facility of casa will take around 2 months to build as far as timeframe, as i mentioned, several weeks likely up to 60 days in order to deploy the forces and
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construct the the causeway in the end appear. in recent days, the us and some other countries have put in place and a drop operation of supplies into gaza. this resulting in a tragedy on friday, when a power of shoot did not open properly killing at least 5 people and injuring a number more. highlighting the criticism that had drop operations and maritime is emissions of last resort are expensive and an effective and run the risk of creating chaos on the ground. the measures, in this case a united nation 6, but it appear to be more for the domestic political benefit. then real humanitarian relief. this my best educated guess is probably a performance to try and meet a domestic audience with elections around the corner. a temporary peer will enable a massive increase money, monetary assistance,
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getting you guys every day. the fact that president biden announced the new mission is state of the union speech. one normally scented on domestic issues as fuel to the claim of political cynicism. leaves us messages could also serve to pop up the nearly 2 decade long is really located of gaza. another consequence of the by did administration's apparently reluctance to fully confront the missing yahoo governments. and it's unbridled will the united states needs to use other tools in our tool box to not just insist, but the se, if you continue to ignore us. if you continue to robust these requests, there will be consequences posted us intention to help the people of gaza could have the opposite effect. in reality, it could bolster and effectively endorse the illegal is really located by kind of
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i'll just say era. washington garza's health health ministry says widespread is really attacks of killed $82.00 palestinians within the past 24 hours. they include several people in the southern city. rafa children are among the dead. the. these are some of the latest pictures we've received from rafa showing some of the destruction to a residential building that and overnight these radio strikes, targeted residential areas in central gaza, injured women and children in the city of denver. all about us was rushed to nearby alex the hospital doctors there as well as in other hospitals that remain open face a shortage of painkillers and other medical supplies. i'll do 0 is about moody's with us over the phone from rough. uh, with that being, as we said, they get more attacks or a $100.00 the latest. yes. well the latest is really very tragic right now, is we're getting concerned. recur. busy from dogs of city out there was that a,
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a who would be in error drops side playing in the cause of god the where is directly so on. people who gather in large groups the trying to reach out to the packages came down. so by then hit people who were gathering in those large rooms and there are reports of multiple injuries, right? do i shoot by hospital? this is the 2nd time. yes, i knew we seen the malfunction that happened to one of the parish youth and lived the package of the people in the northern part of getting at least 5 people. and today were today is very far so good about injuries just within the past half, about half an hour. just one more time proving that you're dropping is not a reasonable option. and it'll turn the pallet in to get to it. but that's at to do a really level of tragedy to people to not only being the place on hungry bread z 5 after in your, the overnight and ongoing as possibly area of environment on our killer is showing
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here in the tv where a residential complaint was targeted and, and, and destroyed. the remaining part of the building is still standing, but there are unexploded ordnance inside the building and there's a fear among go that is going to explode any times in causing further destruction to an already damaged neighborhood. as a result of the overnights, a attack and there is but has to be where they are more other than the overnight erie strikes. another is drug just within the past hour took place. and as a causes damage to a residential home multiple injuries reported deluxe on the hospital, in similar situations, took place in the different one district that the northern part of the city a residential home was targeted and completely destroyed. and we're getting words of from the civil defense member on the ground, or they explained this carbon the difficulties in removing levels and trying to hold those. and what happened was that the, the attack they're talking about,
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it just placed them inside this residential. and meanwhile, there's really military still conducting a large, aggressive surgeon from building to building and how much a residential, a complex, that's what friends are, the unit to be where it the entire it's a complex turn into a goes down right now as their military actions going on and really invading forces on the ground, the strange and vast majority of the progress using the public to sort of the infrastructure of kind of residential conflict in what current hon units. and now now we didn't say that entire city upon you and have been severely damaged in terms of infrastructure and all the monetary continue to operate aggressively inside of it. and the must mood with the latest the, from gaza for us on a stay safe and thank you. now most lives around the world are preparing for the
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month of ramadan, but in gaza. customs and rituals are overshadowed by the struggle to survive israel's war. back of my ha reports now an unusual crowd in the ruins of gaza, where indiscriminate is really bombardment has killed more than 30000 people since october 7. palestinians walking through the ravaged streets, looking at what vendors have to sell for the holy month of ramadan. but this year there are barely any decorations on sale, and little money to spare to buy them. to the bottom of veronica, i've come here to buy some items for emma. done anything that may help us revive the religious spear in the tent. we now live in anything that may bring joy to little children. just yesterday, i received the bad news that all my uncles were killed along with many of their children. their homes were leveled. i'm trying to get these some toys for the family surviving children. something to lift up their spirits. muslims
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worldwide will begin observing the holy months in a few days, despite ongoing war. around 2 and a half 1000000 palestinians will follow tradition while displaced from their homes . and many have been doing what they can to decorate the streets and tents. but it's proving to be difficult. so he was in a lot of, i would say, i've had a hold of you from it down as only days away. and i've come here to help my children and that the spirit of the month. but everything is insanely expensive. for example, this cost the 25 shackles they used to sell for only 7, need us to say that we ran for a line, some guys that and that everything behind. we're doing our best to bring joy to our children. and i pray this most will bring us in peace of mind to so these are the things that the students, i know that i'm about. i have come here to get a lantern for the holy month of ramadan. yeah. must be, are, isn't good this year because of the war. we are living in fear. there's no joy in life. i'm getting the lantern, but do not feel any joy. the muslims refrain from eating or drinking from dawn to
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sunset during the month of ramadan in gaza. for some the restriction will offer respite due to dwindling food resources. while mediators were hoping for a ceasefire, no breakthrough has come so far, leaving many palestinians to face what they say will be the hardest ever ramadan. they dug out a 0 or home canada as announced, they will resume payments to the u. an agency for palestinian refugees or canada was one of 16 countries. a cut funding officer is rel, accuse the agencies, employees and goals are of taking part in the october 7 attack an independent do. an investigation is underway and israel has yet to provide details backing its claims. what can i do? know pharmacies say the temporary pulls and donations is being lifted to respond to the urgent needs of palestinian civilians. israel has carried out several overnight
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grades across the occupied west bank is ready forces arrested for young men of to confrontations in the north shops. refugee camp with a triple dose is destroyed infrastructure there, including parts of the main street b, u. s. navy says it's shut down 15 drones targeting shipping off the coast of yemen . who are thieves have been attacking since ships this since november in what they say is a campaign of solar that receives palestinians during the war and gaza. the pentagon said what is called a large scale, whose the attack posed an imminent strength, who's the military spokesman says separate missile of drug attacks at targeted and american, both carrier as well as us warships of the yeah, the 1st targeted the american ship propelled for to the gulf of laden with a number of naval missiles was sticking up a ration targeted, a number of americans, all the stories and the we'd see, and the goals they didn't with the shipping, the drawings,
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the 2 operations successfully achieves they've gone. how did you all the, the un security council has passed a resolution cooling for an immediate cease fire ensued them. as of the most of the month of ramadan. 14 of the 15 members voted for the resolution, which was drafted by britain. russia abstained the suits and these army and rival power, i'm going to treat rapid support forces have been battling for control of the country since last april. the fighting is killed at least 14000 people and millions of facing fam, enough to being forced from their homes. christian salumi reports now from the un. the u. k only announced it was proposing a resolution calling for a cessation of hostilities and sudan on thursday. by friday it was a done deal passed just in time for the ramadan holiday. we urge to see these on
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forces and drafted support forces to act on this united, international cool for peace and to silence the guns. it passed with 14 votes in favor, but it was not unanimous. russia abstain from the vote. they said the resolution had noval ends de escalation of the conflict and getting more aid to those in need . but the question the need for it given recent developments, namely the opening of an aide root and they choose the united states of acting in their own political interests. well, nothing yet easy. we have no illusions as to the true intentions of west and country is not great. however, the double standards look particularly glaring, given that those same countries are dragging out the adoption of a document on the seas buying the gaza strip, where genuine mascot is taking place on the organization. human rights watch. welcome to move. however, saying it was a necessary step and long overdue. they called on the parties to the conflict with
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respect to international law, and they called on the security council to enforce it. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations, thom perio is the new us special envoy for sudan. he told l g 0. the fighting must stop, and aid must be delivered immediately to millions of suits and these are affected by the conflict. what we need to see is action and not just statements. there are some promising and the indications that we could resume inclusive talk soon. we need that to happen with immediacy. and what we need to see is the action. we need to see both sides committed to and showing up at peace talks. we need to see both sides ensuring that border access is open for all the military and access. and we need to ensure that there is a commitment to a hand over back to an inclusive civilian government, which is what the people to dan have wanted and deserve for many years. for one thing, i think the us government has made clear that there are consequences to both individuals and institutions who are fueling this war and fueling the atrocities that have
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shocked the conscience of all of those paying attention to the situation in sudan. and those consequences will increase. we also know for all of those uh, across the region that the costs of a expanded conflict and even a failed state. the possibility of acute famine is not only a morally wrong, but it's something that has massive implications for region that has already gotten much for jill a unit. so we believe that all those in the region need to understand this to be a much greater priority than it has been much greater sense of urgency. and we believe that those conditions are driving people to the peace talks in a way that can produce the kind of outcomes of people to dad deserve. abraham mikaya is an advisor to the leader of sedans, rapids support forces. he says they are a staff of repeatedly made peace proposals, but old have been rejected by the suit and these ami, i'm sure they owe him. how much harm done the blue is the signal is given by i'm
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how much from then all clear and unequivocal. below that we took the initiative to achieve a truth. and so then, if you remember, the rapid support forces were committed to all the troops proposals in order to off a piece of the suit. and these people on the, well, one of the more of a few more definitely settled visits to very important countries in africa. shows that we are ready to accept to any piece but pleasantly as well anytime, anywhere without condition. this was announced publicly including at the agenda towards it was also stated at the signing of the agreement with full, a prime minister humble a few weeks ago. however, all these proposals were rejected by the student nomic. they were stolen. they did not on the spot. we act in accordance with the international well, at the heart of this conflict, we are seeking democracy to wipe an old or so also studies to participate in the governance of the country. whether this is protected by radical islamist groups. we support the army today. if you still to come on al jazeera,
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they're trying to take women back to the 1800. the us vice president kate sensitive republicans as a reproductive rights of the campaign rally the hello. the springs on the side is as things where you're across northern parts of china, farther south, a little more plan. and right and in the full cost of area of high pressure that keeps it nice and stifled up towards the yellow sea. the use china seen is pushing the width of weather that wintry weather away from japan, so i will brighten up here. still a few wintry flowers that particularly across the western side of hong she entered the low to mid taser across northern parts of china. assembled attempts to full wailing c a little more cloud based on what the weather that will move through as we go through monday, a 10 degree rise as it brightens up dry's up and starts to warm up as well,
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but some fairly heavy right down towards that southeastern corner, we have got some heavy rain moving across fucking style and that brought some, so some very live the storms pushing in across the u way. that is to sideway mon, edging towards iran, add across into pakistan the next couple of days pockets. don't say some of that rifle, but it's a weak name feature, but it's the never the less. and it will bring some heavy down pulls will say to northern pockets, dawn and the northwest of in the heavy right is moving away then from the stress of moves across the other side of the water into around right. this guy starts to come back in warmer as well as a t in riyadh and warming up your hand. uh huh. as the wind sets in, as the, in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture water sheds. moments international law is v b. this model on sort of discussions, the customer, the noise is real,
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operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenged conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without 0 the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the back here watching out to 0 is a reminder about top stores. us is facing criticism i bridge plans to build a temporary porch to facilitate a deliveries to gauze. us especially russell to on the right to food says the plan
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is upset in a dock and cynical way is rarely impeding the entry of a trucks crossing by land is rarely attacks and rough of killed thanks to palestinians in the last 24 hours, including some to separate the rates on the residential building and central guns are injured families, sending women and children to host the un security council has passed a resolution quoting for an immediate cease fire in student services, the name of remedy. the 14 of the 15 members voted for the resolution which was drafted by britain. russia upstate no vote exempted for pockets tony, members of parliament to a choosing the countries. next president the contests between the route and combination led by private associate pastor reef and the opposition that by jail. the, the, in the con, hold of a 1000 politicians in his lemme bath as well as provincial legislatures, have cost the ballots for the ceremony. roll will come on, come on,
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high to count as ever bring us more context of detail on this trauma is level by the come out. it's a so ceremonial role as i just said that but what is it's important in the context of the ever complex political picture and bucket stuff? a well indeed a complex picture given the fact that the election got recently what deemed controversial at least uh, non con supporters have been saying that that that, that mandate like stolen that this particular election for the president of the constitutional. nevertheless, they took part in that they had appointed a memo, a ton of drug today at dec candidate for the president showed slot a war day here. now and i made the voting at the card been completed at your mention comm juniors underway or separately the got a likely to win because the,
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the support office quite elation. partners from the project on muslim league. know why? uh, president. uh sorry. uh, triple is our daughter, a separate corruption cases against him. but once he is elected for the 2nd, as president, even live immunity. now it should be remembered that he had a 4 or 5 year term as president of focused on from 2008 or 2013 and renewed the elected. they will be the president for the 2nd time. however, the opposition really continued to raise broad day saying that they were denied the mandate and that this particular election is unconstitutional. live from is lot of about following that presidential vote come out of the thanks. come off. now here is president, has ordered the army to rescue at least 287 students could not find government on
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1st day. at least one child was killed. 2 in the kidnapping, in the state of could do not know the nigeria, the students a believe to be between the ages of $8.15. it's the 2nd mass of duction in a week. now, heavy gunfire is being reported in haiti's capitalism. guns battled to seize full control. some of the fighting for the princes near the national palace, which used to be the official residence of the president. he hasn't had the president since the assassination of german old loyce nearly 3 years ago. the united nations as war and that thousands of pregnant women in a t r at risk the un office in hate see said at least 3000 of them don't have access to health care. the country is in the state of emergency. is gang seeking to ask prime minister area laundry of shop the main international airport schools and businesses are also shocked. i'm a mother of 6 and i have to feed them every day. give them food and water. but since i had to leave my home,
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i just sit here with nothing to cook. live is very bad. i hold the kids in my on for i have nothing to give them. for me. it was even when our family send us 30 or $50.00, we can't get the money. all bank offices are closed, nothing is functioning so we can't get food or water. leaders from the kind of communion of 15 kind of be in states will be meeting in jamaica on monday to discuss the security situation in haiti. the heads of government of the craven community, remain and gets a deep discussions with the various vehicle as in haiti. and prime minister henri was making considerable progress. the stakeholders are not yet, we're the need to be. meanwhile, food shortages are forcing thousands of patients to travel for hours to the board with no bring dominican republic to buy basic supplies. to rest above reports from
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the boat of the town of double, the speed happens twice a week. thousands of haitians cross the border with a dominican republic to a free trade soon to buy food and other items to take back to haiti. but because of the ongoing crisis, those arriving are desperate to take back whatever they can. janet says she buys beef to resetting hating. there is no food in haiti, and there are too many problems. patients are facing a calamity right now. i take this back instead of 2 other cities. it is the only thing i can do right now. people buy beef sausages in any protein, they can't afford people here, tyler, but there's almost no food in many areas in haiti because of the ongoing situation . and that's why they come here to buy these vegetables and anything else they can find. a fluid is in the dominican republic, refer to places such as this one as that survival market because it's meant to
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cover people most basic needs. there is another market at the border where people buy ex medicines in other goods. patients are not allowed to stay in the dominican republic, in spite of the violence on the streets in haiti, where the government has extended a state of emergency. prime minister ariel henry is still abroad, and gangs on the street say his return will cost more calles. but it's the civilians who are suffering the most because of the ongoing violence is with just it just would be yeah, i could see the situation in the country is critical. people can no longer go about their business. our children can no longer go to school. merchants can go to the market and no one can move around the country. we have a prime minister, but we don't know whether he's dead or alive because he's lost in the wild. and that's why they're growing calls to forest prime minister and re to facilitate that transition that also calls to deploy hamilton national security mission to help
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restores the etsy gave me i had earlier agreed to deeply 400 a lead to police forces to assist the haitian police because the police says the mission is unique and crucial. we may have difficulty. you look into that for you. i, you know, the biggest challenge right now is getting support from the countries you not to send troops, but police forces to support the haitian police. this is not a traditional peacekeeping operation. it is a mandate by the un security council to deploy a mission led by kenya. that's a different architecture that needs to be funds that need to be more forces fully. but until that happens, patients continue to struggle to survive traveling for hours to find food in another country city. so we'll just see to have one united states senate has pasta spending bill that naturally avoids the shop down. it was past just hours before current funding was due to expire. the senate approved of $467000000000.00
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spending package to fund agriculture, transportation, housing, and other programs. this is the us presidential campaign, escalates following the super tuesday primaries and president joe biden state of the union speech vice president coming to harris traveled to the important swing state of arizona. she's looking to whip up the tuesday as an over an issue that's important. the democrats and independent voters abortion rights. it'll be a major theme of the bite and harris re election efforts as rob reynolds reports from phoenix place prison. pamela harris campaign in arizona international women's day, focusing squarely on women's reproductive rights and hammering republicans and former president donald trump for promoting restrictions on abortion. plus these ex ramos, they're trying to take women back to the 1800s,
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but we're not gonna let them. we're not gonna let the issue is central to the bottom here is re election ever since the supreme court struck down the federal right to abortion. in 2022 republican controlled states have instituted draconian laws, restricting reproductive choice, show a large majority of americans believe abortion. should be legal in most circumstances, so it's important for bided and especially for harris as a woman, as someone who has a track record of being a strong advocate, a reproductive rights to show up and say, if you support reproductive freedom, you need to get with teen by that perfect and here is, has taken on and increasingly visible role in the administration's domestic and foreign policies. he recently called for a ceasefire and israel's war on gaza in stronger terms in president joe. but she met with is really wor,


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