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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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susan, secure counting the cost. oh no, just the is there a that's actually a set of refugee camp in central guys or children on among the 10 people killed the time about this, and this is all just the rely from dell. i'm also coming up prayers in the rubble of palestinians worship. next to bump the most. as ramadan approaches, tens of thousands of demonstrators in london calling for a cease fire and gauze of millions of people facing starvation institute on both sides and the conflicts respond to a cease fire call from the un. hating in crisis, violence escalates of food, runs short as
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a government gains consolidate control of the streets of the capital. the is there. any forces are carried out. another series of air strikes and residential areas and central and southern gaza, close to a 100 published indians have been killed in the past $24.00 in rafa. and the strike is an apartment building for $300.00 people were taking shelter. and in the past few hours is really forces have bombed homes in the set, a refugee camp, a killing at least 10 people. michael apple begins are coverage. this is the impact crate to farming is really a strike on a home in new site at refugee camp in central gaza. risk to teams know people are track the we have just because of the date body of the baby, only a few months old. but we have not yet been able to find any of those 4 year old
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zayna is freed from the collapse around her. there's one last case for my grandfather. she's taken to an ambulance, but it's already too late. and she isn't the only one. the lifeless body, a 6 year old omar beside to come because of the to the is really says there is no safe soon. all over the gaza strip. not a single inch is safe. these really are lying. we were told that from the gods of valley southward safe and we were forced to take shelter. there we are all civilians, all those inside the house for women and children. i was the oldest and the only male among them. i repeat, all were women and children in the season last. what is messages for the world? that's what you know. most of them there is nothing called the international community. this is a line. there is nothing called the international court or international
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humanitarian law. all of these are just lies. all of these names were created to back the strong against the weak, the oppressor against the oppressed teams continued to dig funny, survive and knowing full well, the likelihood is slim. anyone could have survived this mike level how to 0 further south and the rough i areas that israel deemed safe. the civilians continue to be military targets. faddie a call reports jelly elaina mosley was the evacuation of a mastery tower. and rasa is captured on a mobile phone. is ready air strikes, hit the building for 300 displace palestinians were seeking temporary refuge residency. they received a 30 minute warning to get asthma, but it wasn't enough time. sparking panic and chaos got enough in there. we were surprised at night,
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but with the janitor knocking on the apartment doors telling us to evacuate the tower, our children, and our women cell a friend of mine's wife who was 9 months pregnant. she fell down the stairs. busy it was a state of panic and fear people left every single on sundays and forgot their children. in the daylights, the extent of the damage is huge. among the debris, people find themselves sitting with their belongings, many of whom are already displaced. and now i have no work to turn one, but the one where is the safe place they speak about? where should people go from the north. they told them to evacuate to the south. they heard them all up in the south and on eunice and told them to go to a rough. where is a safe place that the israeli army is talking about? israel's raids continue across kaiser kidding. dozens of civilians including a tax in darrow by the us and georgia union air forces and others continued to air drop supplies into gaza. but some power sheets failed to open,
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killing several people waiting on the grant must have. yeah, we just don't want anybody to give us food. we want them to leave us alone and we can survive on our, on these rockets that full on us are american rockets to begin with. and all the hardship this father finds a spark of joy up to 91 days. that part he's reunited with his own hands. that oh, promising never to let him go again. pedro ross for the a car which is 0. i just need to talk a couple of things on the phone for us from southern gaza tag i. i understand that the number of people who are being killed in that attack on the new set of refuge account numbers now being revises 13 people. the problem they have died and not talk us through the strikes that have been happening over the last few hours. yeah . series fax and you string go visually. attacks have been carried out and of course separate areas and cause and one of the gluteus was and then there's
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a rock refuge account at least as you mentioned. so it seemed palestinians have a revolt of killed with services. the veins were his body shop. king seeing was competing how the building was destroyed as we, as children's being completely trapped under the rustling. the debris of the house of civil defense teams are trying to do their past using very premises equipment to recover old injuries. and victims from under the roof was searching operations are still going on till now. but also we have been seeing more now and its pages and the tax on the system will call you just one of the latest was just a few moments ago where a street house and you have heard reports of cute in the pacific of hon. you're his boss of the directly targeted by the is very minute treat flight to just spots. similarly, the auction or even gotten into the middle area is not software and there are 3 problems. there's also being killed and injured the number of residents. they are in a part of the ongoing plumbing campaign in the past, which is very valdez populated with your activities in cities. when is the facts or
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the drivers station that had been caused today is being unbearable as the vast majority of victims and civilian city where young children and talents over the last few hours. that's all we've been talking about, efforts to try to increase the amount of agents getting into guys of those ship currently sitting in a lot of forward in cyprus. actually going to pull a barge towards guys and to try to get some aid and talk us through what the situation is like and gaza when it comes to humanitarian age. yes, that was the general. yeah, completely for we don't that's, that's being made for a regional k as in david, i read it back to in the region and they have consuming new assets being made for each person's hospital structures for these very restrictions being opposed and things deliveries to the cause of strips pushing you through the most vulnerable areas of flight. true and often all for i want for, for you all since the feet are struggling to find a different food voltage soon from the basics. medicine even found the level of
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hunger or reading walk for freedom. listening. this is a key and then also response as a new report. but he's on some research from 3 countries off to a, carrying out a number of interviews and years. i'm going to come up with governance official. it shows the israel consistently in progress. think looks that useful for ration for dollars as this thing situation is going on the ground without community not tubal development. and also have been seeing as it's been like from this call as a dropping have been focused on the uh, being power shoes of in golf. but unfortunately, it creates a state of k u, which has no, all of the people can really have an access for launched leave me for a life saving phase that has been dropped from the supply topic. all those on the phone for us from the southern gaza tullocks. thank you very much indeed. was we were just talking about a spanish cherokee ship sitting in a cypress port loaded with humanitarian aid for guys. it's suppose to set sail before the end of the weekend, according to you commission president,
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a sort of on delane. she's an honest, new opening of model time, cut it off for age during your visit to cyprus, but the funds being criticized as impractical made chips usually called at the unexpected to leave the port of monica in cyprus. they'll then sail about 390 kilometers to gaza. avoids that takes about a day. don't tell where the aids going to be offloaded because guys, it doesn't have deep water ports. now the ship was supposed to test the route on friday, but it hasn't left the port yet to save it on condo ports from lona in cyprus. with being hit, i told the a what happened today may will happen tomorrow. let me just show you where i am right now. that is the proof of loaner car behind that crane, which nick and mike have a mind about to zoom into is a white boat. that is the trial ship has got $200.00 tons of aid on it. when it eventually leaves here, it will take that jody, by 18 hours across the mediterranean,
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into garza. but the still real confusion as to who and how that a is going to get off that bite and who is going to be responsible for that. we're hearing, as the boat itself has a small jessie, the aid will be put onto the jessie, and then that will be picked up by some boulevards and taken in 2 goals. but who's responsible for that? we simply don't know who what that's going to look like that might well be part of the delights both i had with the ladies as well. that was bad weather on saturday. it seems to be much of fine to day today. but there you go. a visible symbol of a just being stuck there, that's the bytes and it isn't moving any where. now this is only $200.00 tons of a. it's a little and figurative drop in the ocean of the say, i'm going to be accurate about all of this. off to this part goes, if that trip is successful, they'll be another. but that leaves a few days later. and then this a try and become
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a regular thing. but it is in no way 80 kind of risk placement that the landlord is that have been closed since october, the 7th for the russell border crossing, for example. you get what, you know, 8 and the 10000 tons. i'd like to send $200.00 a sizing 18 hours. so there's a real big question coming from the palestinians as to why the european union and his partners, including the us and the united. remember, it's even attempting this. and a lot of cynicism, i have to say a lot of people simply say this is just a public system. the positive people to be in protesting in london, calling for a cease fire in gaza. protests as gather that hyde park corner in march through the british capital to the us. and this is terry false. it's in london that protests. what are people they're telling you? how are you? the web is just about to move
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in now it broke up a little while ago. people are starting to disassemble and dribs and drabs, heading home off to another very major protest here in london the 1st of the year. so far. certainly tens of thousands of people and a lot of them, obviously they were talking about the need for a cease fire. they were talking about the deep concerns of how the city and civilian lives inside garza. but there is also an element of defiance against the british governments. this protest coming 8 days off the prime minister versus do not came out of the dining street to and made an address to the nation talking more broadly about express democracy. but also quite specifically about these protests. so d, about extreme is talking about mobiles, the need for police to be more active in policing these demonstrations rather than managing them. a lot of people here that we spoke to were very upset by that. this was again an extremely diverse crowd in terms of race,
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in terms of age and sex. and a representation of very many different strands is produced society. and so there was a lot of feeling as of upset and anger at the prime. and just as a labeling what the they see as a much the piece in such terms that well, the very regular calls from the river to the c, palestine will be free. that was sean to many points. it was on many banners as well. and that is something that the government and all these members of parliament and many jews, these ladies see, is deeply offensive. some see, it is a cold. so they write a cation of the state of israel be we spoke to, you said that it was not that it was a cold for the duration and freedom for the people of palestine and one protest. and we spoke to said that she didn't see that it was illegal or not, does seem to be one of the questions that the government is wrestling with, and the metropolitan police as well. and it statements ahead of this march said it would police the law as it is not as some may wish it to be read. thank you very
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much. how the faucet in london? yes, president joe biden has been caught discussing. the need to price is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on allowing aids to enter gaza. his voice was captured on a microphone that remained on after he gave the stage of the union address on thursday . the surface, the island fisher has more from washington, dc that has been stories for several months now that the united states
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is growing, upset is going for a straight, it is growing. i agree with the number of civilian casualties and there have been several warnings. we are told from high ranking officials to these really saying, look, you are in danger of compromising your long term security, because wild opinion is telling me against what you are doing and guys. so put that aside. i know you'll have joe biden caught on a hold of mike. perhaps the choice of phrase, given the countries involved of a come to jesus meeting isn't exactly what he'd want to say. but the idea is that he's going to sit down with benjamin netanyahu at some point on lee. i just thought reality. but the stopped reality is the is really do not care. they have said several times, they will prosecute this war the way that they see fit and wildly will listen to the americans because you always listen to your friends,
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they will do what they think is right for israel. so walter, biting me well, see that he is going to push and push the israelis to consider particularly civilian casualties. what is clear is that in the past that has had new impact a tool. and there's nothing to suggest that even if there was in jo, by whose words it come to jesus meeting that would change and the thing a tow. still, i have done all this is such a popular in lisbon, west of surprising populace parties checking our post. it goes general election the the brought to you by visit capital, the hello,
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the warm springs on the side spreading across northern parts of charter. it will make its way into the cramping, eventually into japan. still some tiny pack to us about a little squeeze on the ice, abbas is a brisk waiting, but it will improve your basic go through the next few days and will lose these wintry flowers. 10 celsius for so we're getting up into the mid high teams across nolan, positive china. some of the temperature down towards the south with white lettering, but says the rain makes its way through. it will will not pay for the next few days . so a lot of settled weather coming for practice to japan, a k one or 2 when she showers around northern parts of the korean peninsula. but the, which is the weather will be across the southeast of china, pushing towards taiwan over the next dial. so. so what's the weather to just coming into, endo china. the shout was a little more widespread. hey, breaking the heat across the pulse of thailand and allows good scott for the showers across so much of malays, indonesia. i've seen some breakdown, both across southernmost past that we saw some of the big down polls making the way out of the, the u. a pushing across the road, heading towards buckets. donna,
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recently, somebody sees that what's the weather continued to tremble this way, a little further east, which garage li, heading towards the far north west of india for much of india. it is dry. i'm pretty hot. the weather brought to you by visit, cut some unique perspective that plays students up and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or the
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the, the, you want to know just need a reminder of our top. so is this are, is there any more plans involved homes and then a setup refugee camp in northern guys, killing at least 13 people in separate attacks and the wi fi in the southern garza, $82.00 kind of serious have been killed in the last 24 hours, positive people are march them the u. s. embassy in london, protesting against the board on johnson, and calling for an immediate cease fire. let me give you a warning that this next story contains some disturbing details. i'll just see it as obtained video that purportedly reveals how it is brand new soldier, killed and on armed elderly palestinian man julio rate on his clothes. this body can video from gas or cities times dont november 6. that's about 4 months ago in
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the incident is really soldier brags to all those about how he repeatedly shown the man. i mentioned, he didn't find a fight on. the soldier then returns to the man's home and shoots several runs again into his dead body. i just said i was researching this for the army for comments on that video. we haven't yet received a response. well, joining us on said is mohammed i'll mostly he's a political analyst who professor media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. good to have you with us. um the is there any military is or has been over
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the last several months posting videos regularly to show um, body come footage, all of that kind of fighting that they're doing in gaza. how surprising isn't that we're seeing something like this materialize, or you write this really military. i like other military's does post these kinds of videos. they're supposed to sort of give the citizens an insight into how the battle is being waged, right? it's supposed to, you know, increase morales and support for the war efforts. the problem for israel is that many soldiers have been posting videos that a lot of people consider to be quite offensive. and that international law scholars consider to be evidence of war crimes. actually, i mentioned earlier, the new york times did an investigation. a few weeks ago, they looked into several dozen of these videos that were posted by is really soldiers themselves to us tick tock and instagram and other social media sites. and
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they're finding evidence that these rarely soldiers are vandalizing classrooms, vandalizing homes, loading and stealing palestinian property wearing women's underwear, marketing palestinians, sipping cocktails, smoking, who could pipes, while they're, you know, needing a residential buildings and a host of other of you know, offensive and criminal activities and this is something that is probably of concern to the israeli government. they're deeply concerned about their global image. it may not be as much of a concern to these soldiers. they're interested, they're young. they're, they're interested in picking up a likes and, and follows. and the same things that other influence areas on social media are, are trying to accomplish. and i could understand that certainly if, if, for example, the british was being shot on mobile phones. but in this case we're talking about body townford. he's not, i don't understand what the system is, but i would guess that if it is body come as a body kind of images, it's on
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a digitized or if there's an sd called or something like that. one would imagine that the is really military, like most of the military is, would have some sort of control over that. they would make sure that the cards and the, the, the images were all being collected collated. and i'm veterans on and yet we're still seeing these images to somehow get into the public domain. how do you think that's happening? right, and i should have said some of those videos that i'm referencing are, you know, phone, phone cameras, cell phone numbers, right? um, but you know, your guess is as good as mine that is rarely government and military should be exercising tighter controls. it may be that they simply don't care. a great deal, right? there has been a sort of brazen attitude that we can, we can do as we want, as long as we have us backing. nothing really matters. you can take us to the i c, j. you can criticize us and, and we're still going to, we're still going to wage the war however we want to or remember a few weeks ago, these images were posted by is really military of these half naked palestinian men
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who had been stripped to their underwear blindfolded humiliated they included young boys, and so there's just a very brazen, a kind of attitude. but you know, your observation is a good one. you know, why aren't they exercising tighter controls on the, on the, the body can footage mohammad last week. we appreciate it. thank you. very much indeed for being with us. thanks on both sides. is it on the civil war of welcome the united nations call for a cease fire on demanded conditions ahead of the mostly holy month of ramadan. the you and the security council passed the resolution for any immediate cessation of hostilities on friday. the 2 sides of the box late for control of the countries since last april. from us, we're going to cross over to have them all going to be standing by for us and call to what is the response from both sides of the conflict to this. and while the paramilitary rapid support forces was the last to respond to the calls of the united nations security council, calling for a cease fire for the holy month over
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a month on it says that it's welcomes the the call for a cease fire and wants to cease fire so that civilians who are impacted by this conflict can get some kind of relief from the constant fighting and to be able to get too many tear and access. now they also said that for the bad, these fire to take place, there should be a mechanic. them that would monitor, sees fire because they said that they are sure that disability army will violate that if there are no proper mckenna isms in place. the money to the ceasefire. now the government signee is government responded 2 days earlier when the united nations secretary general called for succeeds fired for the holy month of ramadan. and they said that it would be permitted to wrap it. support forces does not withdraw from civil in homes and from vital facilities such as power plants and water plants and other institutions of the state and does not withdraw from cities . that it took over following a declaration of principles that was signed between the army and the recess, entered the last me. then there will be no cease fire. so while both sides did well
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compass these fires, they all conditions that seem at the moment very unlikely to be mad. and so it's not clear if this, these fire would actually take place for the holding month, over a month on, hey, but it was, it was, the tension is obviously being uh, destructive from so done by ukraine. but also the, what's been happening with israel's war on guys, i bring this up to date with the state of the fighting in sit down and how people are coping as well. sizing has still been ongoing and big capital up to and elsewhere in the state of west go to find on, on friday the rest have attacked. the 2nd these army and the army said this was able to fight back that attack here in the capital. come to 2 sites, continued to pass on each other. in the city of the mind, the army was able to make progress from the northern parts of the city of the mind, towards the central and southern parts of the city. so while the army is still making progress, it is that he's making progress in the city of them through man. there's the city
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of the head of how the team itself. uh, and there's the northern parts of the capital in the city of but who are 5 things also ongoing anyway, the army has made very little advance. so right now, both sides still continue to buy from each other. no one has a decisive upper hand over the other in the capital problem and elsewhere around the country to say that they're the ones who are winning this war and civilians continue to pay the brands. 5000000 people on the brink of famine, around the country. more than 9000000 people have been displaced around the states incident, more than 1500000 displaced outside the country. and people are facing hunger because of the ongoing fighting and difficulties in being able to access fluids. so while the bottles continue civilians here continue to wait for some kind of relief and some kind of humanitarian assistance to save them from hunger and to be able to continue their lives in some way or another. okay, but thank you very much. any that's even more of interpreters from call to have you gone far has been reported across the haitian capital, including near the national palace. info,
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surprised drawings of fighting with security forces for control of hazy. at least one, the civilians been killed on friday. the games went 5 minutes, i'll re to resign and they blocked him from getting them back into the country. airports and harbors are closed and sizes of people are being forced to freeze at homes. reasonable isn't the have on, on the border of hierarchy and dominican republic. well, this whole situation in haiti generation lots of pressure, neighboring countries not only in the dominican republic, but also in jamaica hertz, and k cause 31 people where the pain the yesterday jamaica from canada. but most of the people are trying to make it to the dominican republic. he's saying is that any type of record on this side of the board has been
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able to see this is something that has been begging because right now they're asking government lied to united states and let me take you to pakistan. now were politicians, and i'd like to see if all the use of data is the countries new president. that's the 2nd time. so i'm diving from the pocket started people's policy as one the presidency mama fund site. it was back to by amazon. com's policy with an overall file and the majority, the strikes of the gaza strip of destroyed hundreds of musk, palestinian muslims prepare for the holy month of ramadan. they say there's no
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place for them to worship. now it's a race against time to rebuild and solve age what the account. ok, so some of which reports. oh, turning verbal into revival. people in a row for coming together to restore it is destroyed mosque as a sacred space for worship is rarely error rates. last month to let those who the most influence, but the community spirit could then be crushed with them. not because he, if he does, most cars built in 1952. it is one of the few grand central mosques in rough thought, and it is also one of the largest most in the area throughout its long history. prays have never ceased in this, most of it was targeted by these rays at night. and without a warning.


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