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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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his wife lucille died and said he is such an artist, states political prisoners. and that's what happens is legal team says if this attempt fails, the last remaining option is to appeal to the european court of human rights. the he's really strikes target, displace, palestinians, sheltering in tents in southern gaza. at least 15 people are killed. the play you're watching, i'll just hear a life from. don't have with me for the back to know. also coming up. israel is accused of using hunger as a weapon of war as more policy means in guys, a di from mom, nutrition and dehydration voltage go to the polls. in portugal, the snap generally election could see the defeat of the ruling socialist. and that
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applies to oceans facing deportation from neighboring dominican republic, after escaping gang finance that we begin in guys that way is really strikes of targeted disgrace palestinians in the southern part of the gaza strip. at least 16 people were killed. as strikes hit, a con unit small as strikes on residential buildings had also been reported in bait law. here in northern augusta, victoria gibson. b has more the nation's victims of israel's s drawing. soon garza already displaced. they were killed when rockets hit tense, they were sheltering it. in con eunice in the southern part of the strip is in northern gauze, or the fam, enclosed by israel's restrictions on the food medicine. and the central lifesaving supplies has led to more palestinians dying of hunger and dehydration,
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the latest victim and toddler, who died at el cheapo hospital in garza city. the regrettably, she's to come to the address in unknown nutrition. more of a she suffered from a chronic disease. i'm given that we have been in wolf for the 6 consecutive months . we are now running out of the medications here required. we encounters similar cases every day. 8 puzzles continued to be dropped, but not nearly enough. and some her phone and into the sea with no way to retrieve them. they dealt with us about them, but in wasting some stone, i have a family of 7. i came back empty handed. i've not been able to get even a handful of rice. age must come through the border crossings, all was on. right? this is not working. this is to milly a see. age groups say it's critical that israel stokes blocking a trucks from entering the strip paperless, starving to death. now. and when people reach this level of hung up, they have hours in which an intervention might help them. they don't have weeks.
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and so i think we're sort of scourging around the real problem which is land access, which is going to be much more effective until that happens. they won't family and will continue to spreading garza and alarming rate. victoria gay to be, i'll just say we're at least $25.00 palestinians of died as a result of malnutrition and dehydration. since these are a launch, it's war in october, right. schools are accusing his route of using hunger as a weapon of war. if blamed is really forces for making it impossible to deliver live, saving a to land core dos. as we document of the day to day impact on palestinian solve the for salvation and humanitarian crisis. a grandfather in rafa who's been scrambling to provide for his family, tells us his story. it's less than how much sales and how much is that i so kind of funny one is, well knows how, how long, how long would it that is, it didn't. okay. my own so i thought y'all, no problem. and the deal was in this one or more. yeah,
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i don't know that i didn't do it. i can promise you. i don't know for another time, you want to shut it in the mouth and not a little dresser. formulas you're not pulling up the shuttle. who knows? it's got the golf in either denny. uh. yeah, that works for y'all about that a lot. lot of sort of in your mind you're on the on the audio. how should i miss the open enrollment? i know we're on the phone on well, normally y'all yeah, yeah. the last one most i'll have for you. let's say on the, on the card numbers, what are the rules, the problem that i sent you may send me to the wrong number or not they said good luck, blah blah. i'm not sure belie, i'm
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a new roof. no, no. so about the long walk 5, how to read a lot. do you live around 3? i'm sorry. i mean i live in a corner, right? oh no, no, no, no deductible. no, there's no no insurance. they invest your whole life in the story is out of lots of this i've got to go on and get a lot of. i'm in a refresher work on i'm try government protestors in israel has been demanding an early election. they are angry about time and as soon as yahoo is handling of the war on gaza and want him out, his government is under increasing pressure to secure the release of capt is being held in gasoline. nor con reports from one of the protest centrality of the issue of discontent. mets with force is ready, please teasing was accounting to prevent protesters from blocking a highway in tennessee that would to protest on saturday evening. one of them in
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caplin square, the heart of israel's government and defense buildings. it was led by the captains for a sent it to the left wing group. the let many protests against the government traditional over the whole proposal last year. the only fixed owing is to stop it will save the lives of 20 or 70000 to, you know, send dozens, and more than a 100 posts suggests the thing to the our government has to call to announce a one sided superstar now and stop the war because and seem confused, most people say the hostages will be released and i think this is the only way to really send the other protests of what has become known as hostage square above usage riley with family members of kept as housing goes to be protesting for $22.00 weeks and without joins by thousands. it's sort of guarantee of 2 weeks of shuffle
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. diplomacy mediations by the us consulate in the egypt talks in kyra, came to a standstill on friday with both hamas and israel, holding each other responsible for not reaching a deal. both sides are refusing to conceive how mazda is calling for an interval, a withdrawal of his very soul, just garza allowing the return of the space postings to the homes in the north. there were also seeking the desperately needed aid to be allowed into the cause of the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says he would not spiritual until he's defeated from us and returned all of the captives. so just diplomatic sticking points, but all the time to be safe and nothing else is not listening to the mom right behind me. my way the traffic coming through. they play left, you know, who told the war on salsa. also say the principal, well,
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the being help the what's clear is that is produced to say that a month not being heard. they are becoming increasingly confrontational. laura called ultra 0, tel aviv. yes, president joe biden has criticizes really prime minister benjamin. there's now over failing to prevent civilian invest in gaza by didn't made the comments during an interview with the american tv network m s nbc, where he reaffirmed a support for israel. i'm never going to leave israel. the defense of israel is still critical, so there's no red line. i'm going to cut off all weapons so they don't have the iron. don't protect. they don't have put those red lines that if you cross isn't vacancy, cannot have 30000 more palestinians. the town to have the wells news and polls have opened in portugal,
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snap general election, nearly 11000000 volts as well. elect the 250 members of the national assembly to moderate parties have alternated in power for decades to send to left socialist party and he sent a right social democratic party. but the far right che got party is looking to capitalize on corruption allegations that i've done to the 2 main parties. natasha butler is life for us in lisbon covering this election. so what is at stake in this volt? natasha says a lot of stakeholders essentially stay on looking it to remain in power off. the ag is government thought it's not necessarily going to be easy. pedro luna, center c i lead or if the search has been complaining very homeless. but there's no doubt that the socialists of being lied to by collections scandals in recent years and that sold to see putting all for places. in fact, this not election was called because the former 5 minutes to antonio. acosta actually have to sit down and made
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a corruption investigation. so it's not so difficult most of easy for the census. on the other side, you've got the main office issue of the center, right, a democratic and lives the lead to that luis, montenegrin long time petition and lawyer, promising to boost the economy. tax is not sold to thing and he's arguing a vote for defense, right. will help see pounds of the co pay list, how it writes policy check our sugar. what we've seen in recent years is this policy has founded only 5 years ago by andre ventura. a full my tv full commentator really has, has something of a stella roy's in portugal coming from a one percent back when it was 1st founded to now being possibly a policy that might get a fits has been started. so that's the kind of snoring landscape we're looking at here. and so what are the, the main concerns and for voters as a cast about the, the whole political corruption. branding is one of the main concerns and there's
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something very shaken, certainly capitalize them everywhere in the city here. and this them, for example, use a huge billboards with a check leader andre ventura saying that his policy is going to be cleaning on portugal, referring to some of those corruptions scandals. there are other issues. thoughtful is one of the poor countries in western europe. people concerned about how surprises getting out there worried about know, paying salaries in the, a closer look forward to these people, list of who they emigrate for jobs and opportunities. many of the young under the age of 40 because i feel there was simply no changes here. we spoke, for example, to one teacher who said, i work really hard to i study as well to account for the house i called for a call. i can't afford to be independent and away from my family, so that's the sort of thing. so we'll be on the faces mines when they come here and you can see behind me in this pony station in lisbon,
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it's getting pretty busy. thank you, natasha. of course, we'll follow the selection and the results we do throughout the day here on offices here and natasha butler lives there in lisbon. and the official campaigning is beginning in senegal for the rescheduled presidential election later this month. 19 candidates have only 2 weeks to ronnie supporters before the vote. outgoing president, mikey saw provoked weeks of protest when he suddenly counselled last month's election opposition candidate by seo. july 5 is expected to be on the ballad. once he is released on price of the police, in haiti say, several gunmen have been killed as armed gangs battle to completely take over. the capitol portal prints the guns or demanding the resignation of prime minister. i had only and have blocked him from getting back into the country, caribbean liters. i've called an emergency meeting on monday with the us, canada and friends. fighting has forces, least 15000 patients from their homes. despite the violence, many haitians stuck in neighboring dominican republic are being deported back home
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. i was just curious today simple re, for some to have on along the border between haiti and the dominican republic. buses. filled with haitians being deported from the dominican republic every day, hundreds of men, women, and children, i take and to the border to be sent back to a country struggling with a political and security crisis. a moment, let me say, hey, i've been living here for 5 years. he says, i am not sure what i'll do. if i go back a domain, he can also already say they won't allow refugees in the country. human rights folks are asking countries like the dominican republic on the united states to hold the quotations of haitians because they're facing a life threatening situation. back home, those who have been reported are running the risk of being killed or kidnapped. in many cases. there's been children who have been disappointed on their own without their parents to a country in k o. on the streets of for the prince,
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civilians continue to be affected by the ongoing fighting between games and the police. people are being forced to flee their homes to see for areas where they're struggling to access basic needs, like food and water. next to a games came with big guns. we have no guns. we cannot defend ourselves. all of us of suffering, including children, as the crises unravels and the un says it's getting ready to send them more time national security mission to assist the police countries in the caribbean and getting together to try to help find a solution to the political crisis. from all reports, the situation on the ground remains dire as a serious concern to us. at the same time, we have taken the decision as a community the right the has so steve and has of government of the key countries with whom hit the as engaged as partners. inviting them to meet with our heads and
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colleagues in kingston, jamaica. on monday, the 11th of march of the origin, to the address this state of affairs on autumn mathis, could you go to the stabilize ation of security and the provision of origins? you might have given it to the people of those countries include friends and the united states. but for many times of the essence, there is no function in governments in haiti right now. and the police seems unable to fight against the control large parts of the country. and that's why there was real fear among people for forced to return to a country that many say he's on the verge of civil war. very simple as a see to have one student head on algae 0 a shot at the community in nigeria, demands answers from the government after the adoption of nearly 300 schoolchildren . the
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a frank assessments his essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial work. we live in a new colonial one and gaza is resisting that donation inside story. on al jazeera, the colleges when the explorer 2023, the estimation of
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joining us. and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the the welcome back. a reminder about time stories on out is 0 is really strikes and guys i have killer east 16 people sheltering intends for the home. and i same time eunice in the southeast really attacks. i've also been reported in britain law here in northern guys on
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a 25 policies have been killed in the last 24 hours salvation in guys that is getting worse by the hour. at least 25 percent of students have died as a result of non nutrition and dehydration. since these are a launches for in october, these really relocate across gotcha is that is the worst in the nose with warnings that finding this, fretting at an alarming rate. and voting is on the waiting porch goals. currently election, people are picking a new assembly. election was moved up by 2 years after the prime minister was forced to resign. how suggest the socialist government could be hosted and protest as in amsterdam denouncing israel's will on guys accounting for an end to the blood? should they also demonstrating against the visit of these really president isaac has all who will attend the opening of the national holocaust museum museum, said it invited to his aunt before the war on gas. that'd be gas. israel, unrelenting attacks have destroyed nearly all of guys. all killed logical sites. this is bob cook castle, in con eunice,
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which was destroyed by is really shutting. it's considered one of the most important monuments and gossip is ready as strikes have also destroyed hundreds of mosques as policy and most been prepared for the holy month of ramadan. they say there is no place left for them to worship. now there is a race against time to rebuild and salvage what they can as access. i'm of a triples. training verbal into revival. people in iraq are coming together to restore this destroyed mosque as a sacred space for worship is rarely air rates last month to let those who the most influence. but the community spirit couldn't be crushed. decided and not because he, if he does most was built in 1952. it is one of the few grand central mosque in rough thought. and it is also one of the largest most in the area throughout its long history. prays have never ceased in this, most of it was targeted by these rays at night and without a warning,
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official say more than $1000.00 marks and gaza had been demolished since october 7th, with 60 percent of causes heritage sites suffering extensive damage to despite the destruction palestinian muslims decided to continue to congregate as usual, and practice their faith. the zip residents volunteer to create the small space for worshippers to pray. it's meant to maintain our rituals. we hope this war will come to an end and that this most will be restored. it is the central mosque where worshippers for many surrounding areas flocked to offer their prayers and the mosque once featured the library and bank area a big enough to accommodate more than $1500.00 the worshippers. now players are in or reduced space friday. prayers have been drill when krause of worshippers saved the most simple the month of ramadan will be no exception. this problem in the
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heart of each other, even if it were adamant to keep the case of praise out loud. we clean this narrow space out of the most entire area of the by the grace of god to continue to offer out praise. the the wiki friday praise was also to yeah. and worship is, were lining on and around the surrounding robins. we will continue to also praise even on the roads and on the ruins. so audio. despite the impact of war, his less than the causes historic sites. people say these really bombings have not been their hope to rebuild a stronger and united community axles. i moved out to 0 sedans, power, military rapids, support forces has welcome to un security council resolution for an immediate cessation of hostilities, but so don's ami says it has conditions or any says fire. the security council passed the resolution on friday, which would say fighting stop before the sound of the holy month of ramadan. the power military rapids support forces and the army have been fighting since last
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april. the battle for control of the country is killed at least $13000.00. so the needs and pushed millions to the rank of famine. and nigeria, parents whose children were abducted last week, say the government has abandoned from nearly 300 students were kidnapped when gunman rated schools. it happened in 2 separate incidents over the span of 3 days. august here is i'm a dangerous report, some creek village in central nigeria, west. some of the children were taken captive, dazed and confused. most if i look at our returns to the school, why he and many others web ducted more than 200. i'm missing. now, how do we know who i am? accommodations know because they shot indiscriminately hurting us, like cows and beating us. go and look at you with it. twice he says military jets flew over them before he managed to escape. going within to do that. that was
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a long bust of gun fire at one point, but i'm not sure if it was from the aircraft or from the bandits as we meet the villages, of course, there was a commotion of wild reactions as news filled it out. the students went back. it turned out to be a force of all religious a 100 to a taken from the school shortly after the morning assembly on thursday. what we'll do on it, the southern student, the way up to it from just as quick, you go and 140. so i updated from that jesus, uh, from other school it was you from other school. could you go with this compound has both a primary on the secondary school. it was moved here because it was vulnerable to attacks and my some directions which caused the closure of many schools in the north that has caused the region to lag behind. the rest of the country in school enrollment that's got the government and agencies worried about the
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future. millions of children in that area. you're absolutely sure that the president is a part of the test. it maybe catch sense of a sense of government is to think rather than that except for practice. but we think that that was then i just say the coding objection was carried out by more than $100.00, so called bandits or keep a vast forested areas of northwest nigeria. that my subjection came. they use of to more than 100 displays versus why kidnapped by a non groove affiliated to ice or in ne nigeria. and i did as president is for the military to rescue them immediately. but the armed forces are struggling to deal with various emergencies, all across the country. retailers have this cannot have access to most of those people's a back, including the family who had 5 children in the school. she could not screw her name is there is no peace or peace of mind in this family. none in the village. we
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hardly eat or sleep. we only come home and day time and find a safer place to stay the night. that's our lives. since the abduction, but she boo, it's clear why gunman, pa, full in these spots. there is little oh no government, presence alone. no one's busy. highway. entire villages have been run, sacked by groups this child us the way about with his brother taken from the greek school. his father tries unsuccessfully to come forward to reflect in the general mood in this chapter, the community. how many degrees i gives it a quick northwest nigeria. now it's never been hotter of a palestinian just to move around the occupied westbank moist. really checkpoints and increase sadler tax. make it safer? just to say home, simple activities like going for a hike or a bike ride or not old, but impossible as ben, it's me 3 for some of them. i look is rails tightening grape on the occupied
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westbank as put the brakes on the palestine cycling cloth. the one simple pleasure of going for a bike ride is now too dangerous. so we have to stop touring because of the increase of news really check for us. some of the could be held up for up to 3 hours, which takes all of our time. and then there are the settlers all around us, protected by the israeli military. yeah, hold one minute the cycling club would be out enjoying the countryside. the next that reminded that these riley's busy splintering, the west bank. i missed the fact that you know, existence is the resistance. so that way it always reminded that's no match that was worse than under occupation. and even though you try to forget this and you go on with your day, you go for cycling, you go for a hike, elizabeth, 2 of these ups because even under disability, limited freedoms that come with living under occupation,
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it was possible for palestinians to get a sense of the scale of back come to a says that identity the let's go to the degree once or who are starting, raised our social awareness. we got to make lots of people. we met farm as we saw places with not being able to get to my full story. but since october, the 7th, no one has the appetite to go out to the community. that's a common sentiment amongst the palestinians across the west bank. here in ramallah picnicking on the edge of town is as much as many people now to do, to take so long now to travel between westbank, towns and villages. but many people have given up regular weekend trips to visit friends and relatives, as well as the hikes and bike rides. and that's how is miles. okay, patient chips away the family and social links, the bind palestinian society a bonus smith, i'll just say era ramallah in the occupied westbank. that's the news for now. on
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alex's hearing that says from me for lou back to go back to stay with this coming up next here. now to 0, it's talk to andrea 0 with that the chalet and the interior minister counting to hot and then cereals on. you will have more news for you after that. thank you for watching the the, you're just in time for your weather report. let's kick this one off in asia pacific. we're starting to see some moisture creeping into southern japan by monday, but we're going to be in the thick of this on tuesday for q shoes, cocoa, and right across honshu. some pretty good burst of rain to be found around tokyo. china is also been dealing with some rain in the south, but that is starting to push away into the open water is there, so it's replaced by sunshine. that's allowing temperatures to come up in many spots
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hitting 20 degrees. so it is looking quite good quite in india except in the northwest punjab state. we've got outbreaks of thunder storms here. and there has been a lot of moisture injected into the atmosphere after those rounds of rain in both united arab emirates single bonds. so now we're just dealing with some showers across iran. i've gone hist on and around below just on providence and focused on speaking of all that, whether i wanted to show the scene and to by we know, flooded out roads here. after more half a years worth of rain fell in the span of about 24 hours. but now wind is really the big story. so let me take in for a closer look. sending does storm seem likely in the eastern side of saudi arabia and for buffalo, a monopoly looking at wind gusts on monday, 55 kilometers as the years from i'll just say on the go in the tonight. i'll just there is
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only mobile app is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at using is it the i'm to see in human, in santiago, chile, inside the presidential palace on september 11th, 1973. then one of the palace, a seat of executive power in chile was found in a minute to cool the rock general a most popular o'shea to power. following the task, the 1st president says the in this interior minister will sit, the law was imprisoned and tortured. he was just one of the 10s of thousands of
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tenants who suffered under finishes iron rule to i died the following year from complications of repetitive torture.


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