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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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it'd be party, but i did not give up a lot of phone guess outcome to get by leg within one me and i became national agenda the that is really strikes target displaced, palestinian sheltering, intense and southern gaza at least 16 people are killed. the pennsylvania is good to have you with this, this is else has your life and also coming up. israel is accused of using hunger as a weapon of war as more palestinians in gaza. dia, now nutrition and dehydration voters go to the polls. in portugal, the snap general election could see the defeat of the willing socialists and
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haitians trying to sleep violence at home. but phase deportation from neighboring dominican republic. if they do escape the . so we start in gaza where a storm nation is worsening by the hour. israel's restrictions on allowing food medicine and essential life saving supplies is increasing the policy and death toll that comes on top of this really strikes targeting displace palestinians in the south of gaza at least 16 people were killed in hon. eunice and then the north residential buildings have been hits in big la here to where you're getting the reports, the latest victims of israel's strong song, garza already displaced. they were killed when rockets hit tense. they were sheltering it in con eunice and the southern part of the strip in northern gauze of the fam, enclosed by israel's restrictions on food medicine and the central life saving
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supplies, has led to more palestinians dying of hunger and dehydration. the latest victim and toddler who died at el cheapo hospital in garza city. the regrettably, she's to come to the address in unknown nutrition, more of a she suffered from a chronic disease. and given that we have been in wolf for the 6 consecutive months, we are now running out of the medications here required. we encounters similar cases every day. the 8 puzzles continued to be dropped, but not nearly enough. and so on her phone and into the sea with no way to retrieve them, they go with us about them, but then wasting some stone. i have a family of 7. i came back empty handed. i've not been able to get even a handful of rice age must come through the border crossings, all was on right. this is not working. this is 2 milli a c age group say it's critical that israel stops blocking a trucks from entering the strip paperless,
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starving to death. now and when people reach this level of hung up, they have hours in which an intervention might help them. they don't have weeks and so i think we're sort of skirting around the real problem, which is land access, which is going to be much more effective until that happens. they won't find me and will continue just spreading garza and alarming rate. victoria gay to be, i'll just say we're at least $25.00 pellets then use of diet as a result of now nutrition and dehydration. since israel launched it's more in october rights groups or accusing israel of using hunger as a weapon of war. they have blamed is really forces to making it impossible to deliver life saving aid through land, car doors. and palestinians are suspicious of the motives behind the creation of a c card or that is being led by the us. send me your opinion. the director of the emergency operation center at the palestinian health ministry says the plan could be another avenue to dispose of palestinians in, gosh,
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why did they choose the vc quarter door? why didn't stories? it was difficult in the groves without a front is about your order from there it is. yeah. yeah. and it's fast for them the, the, the, the, the, the receipt. we are a free of this quarter door that will be used for a what do you think of of issues rather than human affiliate issues? if pale div, i think that if anyone diss and they have the corner door and they have the chose to leave the the, the, the, the, the this i think that you would choose the fleet with his children and the government protestors in israel or demanding an early election, they're angry about prime minister benjamin netanyahu was handling of the war on gaza and they want him out. is government is under increasing pressure to secure the release of captives being held in gaza. laura han reports from one of the
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protests and television shows a discontent mets with force is ready please teasing boys to come in to prevent protesters from blocking a highway in tennessee that would to protest on saturday evening. one of them in caplin square at the heart of israel's government and defense buildings. it was led by the kaplan force, a sent it to the left wing group, the lead many protests against the government's judicial as a whole proposal. last year. the only fixed owing is to stop it will save the lives of 20 or 70000 to you know, send dozens and more than 100 posts suggest to think that the, our government has to call to announce a one sided sous fire now and stop the war because it is most important to say the hostages will be released. and i think this is the only way to really sense of
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the other protests of what has become known as hostage square above usage riley with family members of kept as housing goes to the protesting for 22 weeks. and we now joined by thousands in solidarity of 2 weeks of shuttle diplomacy, mediations by the us concert. and the egypt talks in cairo came to a standstill on friday with both hamas and israel, holding each other responsible for not reaching a deal. both sides are refusing to conceive how mazda is calling for an interval, a withdrawal, if it's ready. so just garza allowing the return of to space postings to the homes in the north. they're also seeking with desperately needed age to be allowed into casa prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he will not spiritual until he's defeated. thomas, i'm returned all of the captives, all just diplomatic, sticking points, but all the time to be safe and nothing else is not listening to the
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mom. right behind me. my way the traffic coming through. they play left, you know, who told the war on salsa to say, the principal. well, the being help the what's clear is that is produced to say that a month, not being heard. they are becoming increasingly confrontational. laura called ultra 0, tel aviv us president joe biden. has criticized this really prime minister benjamin netanyahu for failing to prevent civilian deaths in gaza bite and made the comments during an interview with the american tv network and assembly see where he reaffirmed his support for israel as i'm never going to leave israel. the defense of israel is still critical, so there's no red line. i'm going to cut off all weapons so they don't have the iron. don't protect. they don't have put those red lines that if you cross isn't
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vacancy, cannot have 30000 more palestinians. the police, in hating, say, several gunmen had been killed as armed gangs baffled to completely take over the capital for the prince. the gangs are demanding the resignation of prime minister ariel already and have blocked him from getting back into the country. caribbean leaders of called an emergency meeting on monday with the us, canada and friends. fighting has forced at least 15000 haitians from their homes. and despite the violets, many haitians stuck in neighboring dominican republic are being deported. back home . theresa bo reports from the hubble and along the border between haiti and the dominican republic. buses filled with haitians being deported from the dominican republic every day, hundreds of men, women, and children are taken to the border to be sent back to a country struggling with
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a political and security crisis. among the missed ya, hey, i've been living here for 5 years. he says, i am not sure what i'll do. if i go back a domain, it can also already say they won't allow refugees in the country. human rights folks are asking countries like the dominican republic on the united states to hold the patience of haitians because they're facing a life threatening situation. back home. those who have been reported are running the risk of being killed or kidnapped. in many cases. there's been children who have been disappointed on their own without their parents to a country in k o. on the street to 40 prince civilians continue to be affected by the ongoing fighting between games and the police. people are being forced to flee their homes to see for areas, but they're struggling to access basic needs, like food and water. next to the gangs came with big guns. we have no guns, we cannot defend ourselves. all of us are suffering,
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including children. as the crises unravels and the un says it's getting ready to send them more time national security mission to assist the police countries in the caribbean are getting together to try to help find a solution to the political crisis. from all reports, the situation underground remains dire as of serious concern to us. at the same time, we have taken the decision as a community the right the has of state and has of government of the key countries with whom hetty is engaged as partners, inviting them to meet with our heads and carry tom in kingston, jamaica. on monday, the 11th of march of the origin, to the address this state of affairs on autumn mathis, could you go to the stabilize ation of security and the provision of origin to monitoring it to the people of those countries include friends and the united
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states. but for many times of the essence, there is no function in government in haiti right now. and the police seems unable to fight against the control large parts of the country. and that's why there was real fear among people who are forced to return to a country that many say he's on the verge of civil war. very simple. i just see to have one. the voters are at pulling stations across portugal in a snap general election. nearly 11000000 voters will elect the 230 members of the national assembly to moderate parties have alternated in power for decades. the central left socialist party and the centre rights social democratic party. but the far right shut got party is looking to capitalize on. corruption allegations dogged the 2 main parties. houses here was the township butler is in lisbon. natasha, you're you're out of polling station. what does it turn out look like?
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we don't have any officials because yeah, it's a 410 and out. but you can pull those lease based funding station where we are funding is extremely busy. in fact, people also brought them to choose a choose a very long warranty. i want around to whom was this opposing station? i'm well for, which is a telling us in some of the main concerns already. corruption, corruption is really floyd to the leading socialist policy. they feed and government for use, but as i say they've been don't like rocks and scandals that is putting many sites as all the main opposition, the social democratic alliances, promising to try and who's the economy taxes that kind of thing is obsessed by corruption. they all fed with on affordable housing. those paying wages to go is one or west insurance force countries. and all of this is feeling defense and political. but there are some we simply want to change once a tentative to the traditional policy. that is why we have seen this
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policy check a one of the big focuses of this election. it's on t establishment on seeing the message really resonating with some folks. has the entre ventura, perma. a television commentator is saying that he will fly trucks from phil volkoff and everywhere around has been saying that it is his policy the well, his was not purchasing natasha butler reporting from inside of polling station in the portuguese camps. elizabeth, thank you very much. natasha. this is still a head on alpha 0, a shattered community in nigeria demands the answers from their governments. after the abduction of nearly $300.00 schoolchildren, increased is really check points and federal tax put. the brakes on cyclists in the occupied west bank will have more than that officially. the frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows
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not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate, ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, and we don't live in a postcolonial work we live in the neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera, of brutal occupation resulting in a her risk take your time i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify israel, the soap on garza, dozens of children bounds him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th. on tuesday, around the challenges
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with the the, the wash meals 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is really air strikes and gaza has killed at least 16 people at sheltering intense for the homeless and fun you. this is really a tax. i've also been reported in bait law here in northern got the 85 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. starvation in guns is getting worse by the hour. at least $25.00 palestinians have died as a result in mel nutrition and dehydration since israel last is 4 in october. these
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really block 8 across casa, is at its worst in the north, with warnings of famine is spreading at an alarming rate. a building is underway, enforcer goes early election, people are picking a new assembly. the election was moved up by 2 years after the prime minister was forced to resign or suggest the socialist government could be posted. official campaigning is beginning incentive goals for the rescheduled presidential election later this month. 19 candidates have only 2 weeks to rally supporters before the vote. outgoing president mackey sell provoked weeks of protests when he suddenly cancelled last month selection. opposition candidates. the road you might say is expected to be on the ballots. once he is released from prison. senior shelba come r a. c is president of domestic outlets, a civil society group. i spoke to her earlier. she says the election has many difficult issues around to the conditions and not the
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right one. they're not optimal because candidates should have had at least 21 days for the campaign and, and that has been reduced because if you know all the events that have um preceded the decision by the constitutional counsel to uh, hold the elections on march 24th. uh there are lots of issues um beginning with the electoral map for which uh, several irregularities have been identified. so no, the conditions are not ideal, but the civil society working together will address the issues. it's really a shame. it's a pity because this is an appointment that the senegalese people have with um, you know, there would be presidents every 5 years and it's an
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occasion you know, for it's changing about the social issues and about the program. so the of the candidates and, and exchanging about our collect to the common view for the future as the country. so yes it's, it's regrettable that, uh, the, the time for the campaign has been reduced. so, but then again, well the synagogue people, i think at this time have a pretty good idea about who they want to vote for and who they will not let. and then the jury of parents whose children were adapted last week saved the government, has a band, and nearly 300 students were kidnapped when gunman rated schools. it happened in 2 separate incidents over the span of 3 days. address reports from career village and central nigeria where some of the children were taken captive,
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dazed and confused. most if i look at our returns to the school, why he and many others web doctor. more than 200, i'm missing. now how do we know who i am? accommodations know because they shot indiscriminately hurting us like cows and beating us twice. he says military jets flew over them before he managed to escape calling within to do had it. that was a long best of gun fire at one point, but i'm not sure if it was from the aircraft or from the bandits as we meet the villages. of course, there was a commotion of wild reactions as news filled it out, that the students went back. it turned out to be a false alarm. religious a 100 to a taken from the school shortly after the morning assembly on thursday. $108.00, the southern student went up to the front. uh,
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just as could he go. and 140. so i've notated for an, uh, jesus, uh, from other school is you from other school? could you go in? this compound has both a primary on the secondary school. it was moved here because it was vulnerable to attacks and my sub directions, which is caused the closure. of many schools in the north. doctors caused the region to like behind the rest of the country and school enrollment that's got the government and agencies worried about the future. millions of children in nigeria, the rest assured that the price of them is a part of the test. it may be test and so the sense of government is to think rather than by itself, what back is what we think they dealt with then they just say the coding objection was carried out by more than 100 so called bandits or keep a vast forested areas of north west nigeria, the mazda abduction team,
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they use of to more than 100 displays purses. why kidnapped by a non group affiliated to ice or in all of these nigeria. and i do this press the dentist or the military to rescue them immediately. but the armed forces are struggling to do with various emergencies, all across the country. retailers have this cannot have access to most of those people's back, including the family who had 5 children in the school. she could not skew honey, this will do. there is no peace or peace of mind in this family. none in the village. we hardly eats or sleep. we only come home and day time and find a safer place to stay the night. that's our lives. since the objection which you do, it's clear why gunman, pa, full in the spots. there is little to no government process along no one's busy highway, entire villages have been ransacked by groups. they styled us where
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about with his brother taken from the greek school. his father tries unsuccessfully to come forward to reflect in the general mode in this chapter. the community agrees. i'll give it a quick northwest nigeria. see is really army says it is investigating the killing of an unarmed elderly palestinian man during a raid on his house. it comes after an als is your investigation obtained body camera footage of it is really soldier killing demand 4 months ago. this was on the afternoon of november 6th. israel says weapons were found in the location and of the man was shot as he moved towards the soldier who went to scan the house in a video. these really soldier brags to others about how he repeatedly shot them and admitting that he didn't find a firearm. a soldier then returned to the man's home and showed several rounds again at his dead body.
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thailand's government says it is deeply concerned about 8 tie nationals thought to be captives in gaza. 23 times were released in november, but progress appears to have stalled frustrating the families of those who remain tony chain reports from we don't turn in northeast and thailand. it's been 5 months since the c on family last hood from the but he's ever present in the thoughts, especially those of his 8 year old daughter and agricultural worker on a kibbutz di is now believed to be one of 8 ties being held in cancer. but throughout this difficult time, the family feel like being ignored by the tiles or it has a little how young me and i feel forgotten, which i have forgotten us. others do,
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searching for him, easiest to on the list is the information on why and how my son is. we don't know anything. it's like we applied and been once a day in any of late november 23 ties were released from gauze and returned home at the time tenants, minister of foreign affairs, said he was optimistic. those who remained with father is these really bombardment of guns. it continues hoops stated to kinda going through your israel's continued bombardment has ended communications and corporation. we don't know how to reopen the negotiation also. but in previous talks, how much always it showed us they're ready to meet our needs because we are not the enemy quickly. on thursday, 5 times were injured in an attack in northern israel when an antique tank missile exploded on a farm where they worked. but despite the dangerous, as many as 30000 times remain employed this farm workers,
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many of the ty work is in israel come from here in the northeast region with a lot of agriculture. while the tiny government has tried to persuade them to come home since october, the 7th. financial incentives are just too great. for those who come come home yet a message that the family is still waiting. and you have problems. i hope that you can get through all these problems, even though it says the drug will be refilling your father and mother awaiting your daughter is waiting. we haven't given a poll that you us do a life to coordinate a lot of i didn't receive it. you but now will they have is prayer a mother struggling to hang onto the belief that her son will come home unscathed? tony chung, out to 0. we don't tony northeast in time that it's never been harder for palestinians who move around the occupied westbank. more and more is really check
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points and the increased settler tax make it safer just to stay at home. simple activities like going for a hike or a bank right now. all but impossible. as bernard smith reports from romano or these rails tightening grape on the occupied westbank as put the brakes on the palestine cycling cloth. the one simple pleasure of going for a bike ride is now too dangerous. so the last we have to stop touring because of the increase of news really check for us. some of the could be held up for up to 3 hours, which takes all of our time. and then there are the settlers all around us, protected by the israeli military. yeah, hold one minute, the cycling club would be out enjoying the countryside. the next that reminded that these riley's busy splintering the west bank. i missed the fact that you know, existence as the resistance. so that way it always reminded that's no match that was worse than under occupation. and even though you tried to forget this and you
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go on with your day, you go for a cycling, you go for a hike, elizabeth, 2 of these ups because even on the disability, limited freedoms that come with living under occupation, it was possible for palestinians to get a sense of the scale of back come to a says that identity the let's go to the degree once or who are starting, raised our social awareness. we got to meet lots of people. we met farm as we saw places with not being able to get to my full story, but since october, the 7th, no one has the appetite to go out. that could be a, that's a common sentiment amongst the palestinians across the west bank. here in ramallah picnicking on the edge of town is as much as many people now to do, to take so long now to travel between westbank, towns and villages. but many people have given up regular weekend trips to visit friends and relatives, as well as the hikes and bike rides. and that's how is miles occupation chips away
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at the family and social links, the bind palestinian society, bernard smith, i'll just say era ramallah in the occupied westbank. okay, that's it for me 0 then you for now whether is next analysis. busy or then inside story discusses why nigeria cannot stop, repeated china cabinet. the, it's sunday, march the 10th, here's how it's working right across the americas. and let's start with this flood alerts and play for the us. ne, with this patch of what weather. moving through. this one's packing a punch in terms of moisture rainbow alternative. so in montreal looking to pick up to 15 centimeters of snow. that's now we'll also move into canada as new brunswick providence. other side of the country and canada also fund alerts in play for b. c. south coast through to the us specific north west. if we go south of this,
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that weather is dropping down into northern california, but sunshine for los angeles and your temperatures are going to shoot up over the next few days. us call state students have turned cooler here. that cool air rushing out over the gulf of mexico pouring into mexico. that's fucking some showers in store and secure through southern mexico and that you could 10 peninsula . there has been some funding across bolivia including for its capital in the past, and then look at all this. what whether important in to that northeast corner of brazil, some good verse of brain to go through analysis as well. and still more storms coming for argentina's wine country, likely to see some hail as a result of these storms in central argentina. and with this breeze off the south atlanta tickets pumping in moisture and humidity. so showers in store and seem likely in brazil. the examining the impact of today's headline is objectivity is still possible for you.
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we're not only approaching the most this looks. we are moving just algae. is there a set? the stage ai is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and save different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today. on alex's here, why come to nigeria stop looking? nothing's old. school children. almost 300 pupils are missing. also the latest is a figment attached to a mass, abductions, plains, or bombs, goose unfounded, demanding run some hallways, the nigerian government. failing to deal with a long running problem, this is inside story the .


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