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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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to this model. so the discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under a climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront. what i'll do is here the color on several venue. it's good to have you with this. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the program. this our, the is really military orders and investigation into the killing of an unarmed elderly palestinian man in gaza. officer a broadcast footage of the rate on his home is really strikes, target displaced, palestinian sheltering, intense and southern guns at $85.00. now this thing into killed across the strip in the last 24 hours. the un calls haiti's capital city under sieges. rising
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gang violence forces thousands to sleep for the prince. of the portuguese are voting and a snap general election, which could see the defeat of the ruling socialists and support accounting down to the biggest game of the premier league saved. and so far and the full size mattress, the city as those teams that took place. and also at the top of the table, the is really army says it is investigating the killing of an, an armed elderly palestinian man during a raid on his house. comes after analysis. your investigation obtained body camera footage of an israeli soldier, killing the man on november 6th, us israel says weapons were found in the location and that the man was shot as he moved towards the soldier went to scan the house. and i have to warn you,
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this is the video and some of it contains disturbing images. in the video, the is really soldier brags to others about how he repeatedly shot the man. admitting that he didn't find a firearm. soldier then returns to the man's home and shoots several rounds again at his dead body. with somebody else's here is home to sell who to joins us from occupied east jerusalem. honda what more? you learning about this investigation that israel says it is opening into this event of the i just need
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a has reached out to the is really our, me to inquire about the circumstances surrounding the situation that was on saturday morning when they responded and said they were checking, but since then we have not heard back from these rarely military. we do know that is really media did reach out to the army and receive a response around the circumstances that said, these really are me, was operating in the shot, the refugee camp area, where they were quotes coming under fire. and these really military was in this house where they do say there was an armed man who was, quote, suspected of being a terrorist about the investigation. the circumstances are under investigation. now the video, the deeply disturbing images showing this man who was killed a 73 year old man who was identified by his family. additionally, we see these rarely soldiers,
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essentially bragging about the incident. the soldier who killed the an armed elderly man had said, but he shot him 4 times or other soldiers around him or congratulating him on the incidents of the situation. the images really speak for themselves in this circumstance, and these really aren't. he says it is investigating, but again, we have not heard back just yet. i'm the, it's not the 1st time since the beginning of this war. the israel says it is launching an investigation. give us some, some, some context around this. you know, this is a war that is entering it's 6 months and there has been a lot of incidents according to eye witness accounts, other sources on the ground, including the un that have given testimony. and until now, these rarely army has not made one admission of unlawful killings and a war war more than 31000 palestinians have been killed, where the palestinian territory is still under siege by these rarely army. there
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have been no admissions of this kind. they say often times their opening investigation when it comes to comments that are made by palestinians or eye witness accounts just last week. in fact, they said they were looking into the flour. mastercard were more than a 100 palestinians were killed. some of them might need any of them actually shot by these really army. and once they were giving these statements, the story had changed over the course of a couple of days, essentially absolving themselves from any blame deflecting it rather on the palestinians themselves on the palestinians. who were desperate to seek any sort of humanitarian aid of population who is starving was blamed for the massacre that had happened. so it's not the 1st time these really army has said, there will be an investigation opened into the matter. but you know, oftentimes we don't hear anything back from these investigations specifically when they come from palestinian accounts or other eye witnesses. and often times these
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really army does categorically denies situations like this. but again, these circumstances they say still under investigation, and that's all who thank you very much for your reporting from occupying the east jerusalem this video and a israel's response to it raises many questions. so we'll continue this conversation. questions about the conduct a v as really military which is often referred to it as real as the most moral in the world. so we'll come back to that. star vision is worsening by the hour across the gaza strip. israel's restrictions on allowing food medicine and essential life saving supplies is increasing. the palestinian, the tool that comes on top of is really strikes targeting displace palestinians. victoria getting the reports to the latest victims of israel's strong song, garza already displaced. they were killed when rockets hit tense, they were sheltering it and called eunice and the southern part of the strip in northern gauze of the fam, enclosed by israel's restrictions on the food medicine and the central life saving
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supplies has led to more palestinians dying of hunger and dehydration, the latest victim and toddler, who died at el cheapo hospital in garza city. the regrettably, she's to come to the address in unknown nutrition, more of a she suffered from a chronic disease. and given that we have been in wolf for the 6 consecutive months, we are now running out of the medications here required. we encounters similar cases every day. 8 puzzles continued to be dropped, but not nearly enough and some of phone and into the sea with no way to retrieve them. there's always the, i've been wasting some stone. i have a family of 7. i came back empty handed. i've not been able to get even a handful of rice age must come through the border crossings. old with honora. this is not working. this is 2 milli ac 8 groups say it's critical that israel stops blocking a trucks from entering the strip paperless,
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starving to death. now and when people reach this level of hung up, they have hours in which an intervention might help them. they don't have weeks and so i think we're sort of skirting around the real problem, which is land access, which is going to be much more effective until that happens. they won't find me and will continue just spreading garza at an alarming rate. victoria gay to be out of their office. there was honeywell who is with us over the phone from rossa in the southern part of the gaza strip. honey, we wanted to ask you, what are the latest is really strikes that you've been able to document across the street? yes, sir. well, within the past couple hours we were getting november 4th, a longer length here. try thing. java city in the southern western part of the city that's very close to the see university conflict and educational accomplish work people. the palestinian displaced the families from different parts of the been so far, the northern part of god does it have been the shoulder again,
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one of the residential at home was targeted and remember points out about new hire families, including 2 old early to 5 the the house were killed that were on a recorded and transferred to a ship a hospital. 1 that according to a paramedic, that'd be like the people to serve 5 is very, very slim. as a hospital, it's not only not operational metals, it doesn't have the necessary medical supplies to intervene as the saved lives. at the same time, we're talking about like 30 minutes, this time difference between us boxing jobs on the other one in the fire rescue, he calmed up in the central area of the god for them. this is not the 1st time of being in the fire, right, cuz you can be in target is the length of the time. but if you go so far before it goes with more under the rubble itself, that's a boy, a bad residential home. they are local residents of the rest of the account and they've been targeted. 3 people recorded for the perfect offer of that. that was
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more sense under the rubber, we're expecting the number to increase within the company. know that usually takes a long time to remove bodies from under the robbers and by the time the civil defense occurred, no more than permit is due to the bodies under there. out of the already a there they already did that. just remove them or towards the areas i need to talk him right after that they talk nice for people in the western part of funny and it was a bit of show during and unlock evacuations on the very area is really military order. the northern son and daughter to be probably be back with you because it doesn't say it's going for them to avoid being bun only to get bump in this particular area, which is 0. is honeywell who would reporting from rossa in gaza. thank you very much. we want to return to our top story now that investigation ordered by the is really military, into the killing of an, an armed elderly palace thing. and then that is after allison's here,
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a broadcast footage of the incident. anthony lowenstein is a journalist and author of the palestine, the board tree of book on israel's arms and surveillance industry. he joins us from sidney. you have expertise on this kind of thing and this kind of event. and the way the is really military response to this. that's why i wanted to talk to you anthony. thank you for joining the program with with um with the work that you've done on this kind of thing in the past. what are your initial thoughts on israel's response that they're going to conduct an investigation? there's a long history that goes well before outside the 7 where he's ro announces an investigation, a palestinian might be shot in the west bank. people are shouting, gaza, and what usually happens is that the vast, vast bulk of these riley media is not interested. doesn't care. read the is really newspaper, does sometimes show interest of mail from pacific, but in general, there's no interest. and therefore, these riley military can pretty much, usually the response is the same in a way can amount in 6 months. we found no evidence. the person who was alleged to
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have committed a crime abuse, someone killed someone. these are the not shots and try and almost never charge attracted id or if it's rarely sold, you being charged with murder is almost on here at all. and there's no international real pressure including a lie that even let's not forget not that long ago. and now does he have a journalist sharing laclare who was killed by his rally forces? he was an american citizen. there's never been any accountability for that. so this sadly has a long and trouble history. i wonder will to your, to your point about alpha 0 during this being killed. it's obviously something we can forget and more have been killed in this war since october. the 7th seemed a. what does it say? that is real, is announcing an investigation because most of the time, whether it's us, it out as you are or the news outlets. you know, when we bring the reports or even documents that suggest misconduct from the military. often it's brushed aside and there is actually no official response
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occasionally, and it's the case with this is real says off on this, we will investigate what does that tell you a look. i guess there's a maybe a little bit of pressure from somewhere in my reach to us or otherwise to allays giving the impression the illusion of some kind of accountability. but the mean alternately, in this kind of case that's symmetric thinking, the context this has and late last year. and there has been so many examples of these. riley soldiers themselves, booming, abuses, humiliating palestinians assaulting palestinians torturing palestinians. this is the only concern that is really officials have and this is the fee. it is a call as it goes long pack, which is why they want us protection that petrified of being whole, the full, the international criminal court. the something for i will crime for an attack, for killing whatever it may be. and the illusion that each at once to maintain is because the i c, c con, technically investigated a space, a sense that, that these really just the system will do this. they will investigate and in fact,
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history shows that's not the case, but that's the illusion that they do. so maybe in this case, they conscious of the fact there's a lot of international intention on this case on these cases. and the video is pretty damning to put it mildly so the have, so they want to give the illusion to some a foreign power. so they do who's selling the lot that off to me. 6, going to lead to much at all. but there could be, and you raise, you just raise this point, what changes when there's a video when there's an actual document that it could end up cost to, to, to improve, couldn't it? and, and therefore having severe legal implications. and it could have legal implications internationally, but i'm sadly would say i'm not much within these right when i say that because there's been huge amounts of video evidence for using the west bank for example, ending date and gaza will tell us anything literally killed being attacked being physically assaulted and video evidence is not in fact led to prosecution internationally. it's a different case, at least,
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i think is with these riley fi or is pants that desire for american protection. of course, americans also protecting their own forces. also serious abuses in iraq and afghanistan . so there's almost like a collusion between the us and israel to protect each other. but each round does worry about the it's an old would take is one case of one soldier at some public point and being put on trial somewhere. and that i think is very likely in the coming is he stays investigations don't go anywhere. i would say. sadly, dots beyond potential legal implications. could you speak to this? in israel is really military is also referred to as i said this earlier, the most moral army in the world, this is something that matters to the is really public. can you talk about that? and it certainly means that they create for themselves, and i think many ease riley's who will even call themselves quite liberal progressive often believes that somehow that way uh, as an ease or at least i able to maintain that occupation somehow and shape out
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heads. how i minutes and it's a delusion because the only way that you can maintain an occupation for either half a century is a di, humanise palestinians so extensively and so much and so deeply, which is certainly the case long before october 7. and now that few us many is riley's, according to the public opinion polls. the majority of his relatives want this war to continue and god, but do not support a safe side. there are some who do that. the majority who died because they do not view palestinians as equal. same people they do not, regardless of the active is riley complicity instead of ation as actually a problem because they've done few palestinians as april. so the idea for this particular case posting in man has been killed. sadly, barring some massive international pressure on israel or a fee. i was in israel, this changing the dehumanization of palestinians has been so complete for so long.
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but people like this and not saying this is a cool citizens and that speaks volumes. i think about what these really space has become a radicalization within is riley society of jewish society that basically views them selves as supreme to any other people. and i say this is someone jewish myself in europe being told this about jews and i grew up in australia and it's, it's the quickest way to 0 and they said of k, sadly, his praise that point. okay. anthony lowenstein, i know it's past midnight where you are, we really appreciate you staying up for us. we did want your perspectives on this this our thank you. thank. thank you so much. i or at least 25 pallets. seniors have died as a result of mount nutrition and dehydration since israel launched it's war in october rights groups or accusing israel of using hunger as a weapon of war. they have blamed is really forces for making it impossible to deliver food medicine and essential life saving supplies through land, car doors. and palestinians say that they are suspicious of the motives behind the
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creation of a c card or that is being led by the us and the european union, the director of the emergency operation center, the policy administrative health says that plan could be another avenue to displace the people of gaza, what he did, the visuals, the vc quarter door. why didn't stories? it was difficult for them to growth without a front. is that your order from egypt? it's easier. yeah. and it's fast for them, the, the, the, the, the, the receipt. we are afraid of the score door that wouldn't be used for a but do you think of issues rather than human affiliate issues? i believe, i think that if anyone did, and they have the corner door and they have the chose to leave the, the, the, the, the, the, the def, i think that he would choose to flee with his children,
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who as president, joe biden has criticized his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu for failing to prevent civilian deaths in gaza and made the comments during an interview with the american tv network m. s nbc, where he reaffirmed his support for israel. i'm never going to leave israel. the defense of israel is still critical. so there's no red line, i'm going to cut off all weapons so they had one of the iron. don't protect. they don't have put those red lines that if you cross isn't vacant, you cannot have 30000 more palestinians dance of the . let's get to some of the world news now, a city under siege, that's how the u. n. is describing the situation in the haitian capital armed gangs have taken control of large parts of port, a prince forcing thousands of people to flee. caribbean leader is of called an
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emergency meeting on monday with the us, canada and friends to discuss the crisis. and one of the 100 reports patients force from their homes. we portal prints with what little they can carry. these of heavy gunfire have been reported across the haitian capital, including near the national pulse. we haven't been able to sleep since last night. we are running away me with my belongings on my head, not knowing where to go. i worked for the ministry of social affairs for over 20 years and was able to build my own house. but now here i am. homeless on the games. one prime minister ariel already to resign and have blocked him from getting back into the country. he was recently in kenya, trying to finalize a deal for a canyon. for some peacekeepers. un says it's getting ready to send the multi national security mission and caribbean leaders have called an emergency meeting with the us, canada, and france to discuss the conflict. we have taken to this as soon as the community,
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the right, the heads of staff and heads of government, of the key countries with whom hetty is engaged as partners, inviting them to meet with our heads and carry tom in kingston, jamaica. on monday, the 11th of march of the origin to the address this state of affairs, at least 15000 haitians had been forced to leave their homes because of days of fighting between gangs and the police. food and water, and other basic necessities are increasingly hard to find the subject of police that care fee and human men must do what she wants, a dependence. we can't take it anymore. we've lost all positions. everything we've owned, we've lost our families, be on this piece today, seeking refuge in the sea for shelters with no functioning government and hating people, say the games which control large parts of the country are making life unbearable
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and run a lot on how to 0. let's go to our correspondent theresa bo uh theresa. you live in the hubble and that's on the border of haiti and the dominican republic. you're on the dominican side. what can you tell us about the situation in haiti? what are you able to find out? well, that's correct, we're right here at the border and where you talk to people who are they all have, are they all tell you the critical situation that exists in haiti right now? the latest i can tell you is that over night united states and marines here in the fits for personnel from the american embassy in for the princess thing, the best, the standard procedure that she can, but she will remain open. however, if we do know that there's hundreds of people that are outside of that embassy trying to get a visa trying to get to papers to legally leave the country. and this is happening just to, as there's lots of talks about the possibility of negotiations between members of
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the opposition and haiti right now, in order to prepare a transition government that will help the country out of the current crises. however, what this members of the opposition are saying is that the united states and friends and other countries are responsible for what is happening in you see right now. mostly because they have supported prime minister ariel and we, whose currently is not being able to return to his country for supporting him in for too long. he was hand picked up by a former president join, and maurice who was assassinated in 2021. he was not legit he was not collected. and that's why many haitians are saying that he's not legitimate leader and that they would like to see free and fair elections in the meantime. we do know that prime minister are real and read is trying to return to have it's not to your yet how he's going to do that mostly because for example, he's being declared persona non grata here in the know many can we property the president did not allow his claim to land here to try to enter haiti by land at
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a we do know also that members of the international community have been pushing him to facilitate that transition. theresa, some patients have sought refuge in neighboring dominican republic where you are. how are they coping of the? well, the situation in haiti suddenly generated lots of tension around the region, not only the dominican republic, but also in jamaica, where people have been qualitative in boats trying or raft trying to flee their country. orange hurts and take off. so where on friday, at least 31 haitians again, where the pain so suddenly this is a main concern for the region for the dominican republic. it's a very specific problem, mostly because they share long border people have been trying to cross the dominican republic has said repeatedly that they won't pay for refugees in this
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nation. buses filled with patients being deported from the dominican republic every day. hundreds of men, women and children are taken to the border to be sent back to a country struggling with a political and security crisis. among the missed ya, hey, i've been living here for 5 years. he says, i am not sure what i'll do if i go back a domain. it can also already say they won't allow refugees in the country. human rights folks are asking countries like the dominican republic on the united states to hold the patience of haitians because they're facing a life threatening situation. back home. those who have been reported are running the risk of being killed or kidnapped. in many cases. there's been children who have been disappointed on their own without their parents to a country in k o. on the street to 40 prince civilians continue to be affected by the ongoing fighting between games and the police. people are being forced to flee
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their homes to see for areas, but they're struggling to access basic needs, like food and water. next to the gangs came with big guns. we have no guns, we cannot defend ourselves. all of us are suffering, including children. as the crises unravels and the un says it's getting ready to send them more time. national security mission to assist the police countries in the caribbean are getting together to try to help find a solution to the political crisis. from all reports, the situation underground remains dire as of serious concern to us. at the same time, we have taken the decision as a community the right the has of space and has of government of the key countries, which form hits us, engaged as partners, inviting them to meet with our heads and carry tom in kingston, jamaica. on monday, the 11th of march of the origin, to the address this state of affairs on autumn mathis,
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could you go to the stabilize ation of security and the provision of origin to monitoring it to the people of those countries include friends and the united states. but for many time use of the essence, there is no function in governments in haiti right now. and the police seems unable to fight the gangs, the control large parts of the country. and that's why there was real fear among people for forced to return to a country that many say he's on the verge of civil war. very simple. i just see to have one. all right, sedans, parent, military rapids, support forces has welcome to un security council resolution for an immediate cessation of hostilities. but sedans army says it has conditions for any ceasefire . the security council passed the resolution on friday, which would see fighting stop before the start of the muslim holy month of ramadan
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. the power military rapids support forces or r s s, and the army had been fighting since last april. there baffled the control of the country, has killed at least 13000 student needs and pushed millions to the brink of fanning the spring. and the holly, shy of your sydney's attorney, and member of the arab association of constitutional lawyer joining us from nama in bahrain. so sir, the u. n. has called for a cease fire, but cease fire is only work if the belligerents actually want to abide by them. so do you think this is going to be a breakthrough? i think it's, i think, any, any other thoughts to uh, any efforts and any call sources firewall can. but i think the key question is, as you just said, i mean, i kind of was sufficient. acosta. that is doing the monitor form with on if there's an updated can link for it. and also there's the question of whether you need this, a sectional off or flushed to that is that could allow more trust. it has to be
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committed by me, by the, by the, i say, i thought it was what sources. i think this is the key question. and it seems that the, the most part is the, i'm not gonna commit to a suspicion of stomach is. so you have one of them, you have one side, b, r assess that, says officially we, we welcome the ceasefire and you have the other, the army that says, well, we welcome to to, but we want conditions to be met. namely, we want to our assess, to withdraw from civilian homes, we want them to withdraw from things like power, stations, electricity, stations, water plants, etc, in the, our stuff is agreeing to those conditions. so, you know, if you connect all those dots, it seems pretty clear that there isn't going to be a ceasefire. you know, i think, i think if i looked at what, what it meant that they're committing to the support process. this looks the data center i think it's which is basically the kicker with messages that they are complaining to the internet should communicate between it comes to the privacy quality and when it comes to enforcement and when it comes to commitment to
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commitment the, the, the lock behind they think the, the, the, another from the other side of the military man conditioning statement. it came back to the us as to move to the next. the them to move to monitoring comes into the areas so for years and are for 3 years. and then cartoons so that they can gather and they are and then hand over the or the, or the, or have you have the are kind of so between the supervision i think it will be a bit difficult to, uh, to arrive of domestic to see if he's her walk in the, on the, under the kind of conditions. this is not we also, we need to keep in mind that you can look, look at the suspicion of hosting because without the other international mandates cartoon place, you have, for instance, the fact finding mission which has been established october. it's understaffed. it's not under funded. they are struggling to do with our jobs, so there's other mechanisms you can work. so if you need it to, uh uh i would say bring, bring some sort of accountability and allow for imagery and access the fighting has
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been raging for 11 months. what do you think it would take at this stage for the conflict the end, and i think it needs it needs, it needs a critical information as a community, but it needs synthetic without some doors involved in the complex. not me send me the, the of the article review in the, the, the cities as soon as on the process you need, are actors who are, you know, fussing painting to some type arms to stop. so you have to have the get the declaration for clear. the one, no one implemented genetic variation to test the provisions to protect the civilians you need, you know, the size of the americans, they need to add the arc has to come back to the table and agree to terms of off uh, i would say how, how how this conflict could, could, could, in because um, one thing that has been cleared up and this is again the public mood and incident people. they want to see stability. they want to see and they told the conflict,
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not just the stuffing the conflict. you cannot just send the conflict and then negotiate the or sharing agreement with the, with our staff again back and get to the table as if nothing had happened. post the 15th of april. been difficult. absolutely. they'll colleague shave as it needs attorney and member of the arab association of constitutional law. thank you so much for joining us. i thank you for having me. thank you so much. after flooding and parts of the arabian peninsula, there's a new weather threat looming. here's jeff harrington with the checks the weather. hello, there is storms across the arabian peninsula. i have now been replaced by wind. in fact, i think we're looking at wind storms for the eastern province of saudi arabia. so we go in here for a closer look. this will also impact weights and buffer rain, but for saturdays eastern providence could see those winds with up to about 75 kilometers per hour on where we go to central asia. outbreaks of showers to be found here. but whether that was in baku has crossed over the caspian sea and is
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now running across 30 minutes. starting winds have shifted so nice boost and those temperatures for stumble. you're coming in at 15 degrees on monday and that disturbed weather we had in the northwest slice of africa, still a few showers along the northern coast of algeria, and to easier to be expected windy conditions to central africa, we goes up showers and storms just rumbling around this part of democratic republic of congo. but i got to take the south of here because this disturbance in the moves and b channel is going to crash into central and southern mos in big. this is looking like a washout for sun between a $100.00 to $200.00 millimeters of rain, and those winds will be roaring as well, up to 75 kilometers per hour. that's where it's a hot day in cape town, shooting for a height of 31 degrees and fun to see around. and still ahead on elsa 0. i'm just seeing human in some tab will chinney. it's oscar time and coming up i'll explain why. so few spanish language films from latin america ever makes them this
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also know that the documents makes a winning return to what he calls tenants. power dice, that's coming up in sport. interesting news. it's a top destination for travelers seeking an island paradise experience. but the idea that archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global rising water levels and unforgiving store of triggered some of the world's 1st government lines relocation as a result of climate change. people in power us want fiji. the last resort on a jersey to the latest news as it breaks the lead is attending. this is national people's congress all under pressure to stable, which tends to unimpressed and convinced the public. the chinese front of me is not
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defined with detailed coverage. despite the show of force, many here realize yorba is not ready to defend itself without the house of the united states. from around the world. advocates for the homeless se criminalizing people who live on the street simply won't work, especially in a city like los angeles. the the you're watching else a 0 a reminder of our headlines this our, israel's army says it is investigating the killing of an unarmed elderly palestinian man during a rate on his house in november. israel says weapons were found in the location, but in the video, the soldier admits that he didn't find a firearm after bragging that he repeatedly shot the man is really strikes in gaza,
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have killed at least 16 people sheltering intense for the homeless and con. you, this is really a tax and also been reported in based laska, in northern gaza. $85.00 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. so united nations is describing the capital of haiti as a city under siege. thousands of sled porter, princes armed gangs baffled seas, complete control, caribbean leaders of called an emergency meeting on mondays and sparks with canada, france and the us. rosa friedman is a professor of law conflict and global development at redding university. she joins us from london. thanks for being with us this hour. what. what do you think is the way forward? what are the next steps right now? i mean for, for haiti as a country, it's hard to imagine the prime minister ariel already going back. nobody is pushing for that. nobody wants him back in 80, it seems, but without a prime minister,
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you know, we're next a pretty what needs to happen is full. i really am ready to step down to resign, to be deposed. and for an interim government primarily made up of committed civil society organizations, including human rights organizations to take control of the country and to implement free and fair elections. as soon as it's possible, um they will need support for that uh, the haitian police, the haitian minute treat will need support for that. but it really needs to be paid to civil society of haitian people that drive this forward and not in international intervention. you mentioned that, did i hear that right? you mentioned human rights organizations may be taking control of the country and as you envision it, is that right? the happy proposals in recent years from different concepts of haitian civil society, including human rights organizations for ways forward in terms of having interest governance while free and fair elections are put into place. now,
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none of those would involve having international interventions. we know that in haiti, or least a 100 years international interventions have absolutely destroyed the current trend . every time patients have, i've voted in and elected governance that they were booked. it's of extra interventions. they've actually deposed the. so the last thing that he needs is you have to know that it's an extra dimension. so you say in your, you know, to the multinational task force that was approved by the un security council back in october. that supposed to be led by kenya, but still hasn't. we're waiting for the green light from the, from the canyon parliaments. i'm not mistaken. as i say, absolutely led to that. and i think that if you listen to meditation, voices are on the ground and in the diaspora. they are saying no to an international task force led by a country that do not speak creole that do not speak french that do not speak spanish. that the climate of a context and hate to but also let's remember that the united nation stabilization
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mission in haiti absolutely failed. they brought color into the country that was remnants, that transportation and abuse that would great human rights violations and use of force. and eventually the stabilization mission left festival, turning into a just isn't human rights mission then. then all together leaving the country was paid to does not need is a un ta school. so review and appointed task force to come into the country. what it really needs is to have support for haitian infrastructure for haitian police haitian minute treat and haitian civil society because this bonds and cycles of volumes will only end with haitian solutions on the ground. but ms. friedman, i hear you. but how do you even begin to get the support you mentioned, civil society having the support of police and the military. how do you even begin to to see that happen when the capital is controlled by gags? so most of these guys are a very small minority then. yes, there is great volumes going on. and guess these guns have large amounts of weapons
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. but we've seen that too many other countries in the region. we've seen that previously in columbia and el salvador in some triggers, and that doesn't then lead to this immediate international interventions being used as the one size fits. oh, so what is the difference between haiti and these off the countries? why is it that we support all the countries to address the problems within 10 minutes, but in haiti, which was the 1st black silver in the public in the western hemisphere. there's always talk about intervening from the outside, particularly by actors who do not know the context of the country rather than supporting the country to intervene it. so there is really anyone else that we can think of. and that also is a cause racism, rosa friedman, professor of law conflict and global development at reading university. i thank you so much for your time. for the perspective you brought us, there was definitely a longer question, longer conversation, sorry to be had about that. and i hope we'll have a chance to have it. thank you. thank you. it's time for sport now
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withdrawal. gotcha, roscoe, who's joined us in the studio, joe serial. thank you. well, we thought in paris, so i can and by my husband passed the latest match on the bench. once again, a growing trend for the french style who's leaving the club at the end of the season. history boss, lewis and re k previous explained that was for the teens. i'm good salons live without some i paid for the french tompkins struggling with outs, and they can see that early to roles who then cancelled out their advantage with an own goals across the se. when's head through consoler ramos? but i must see a key say equalize for rooms is to 2. is the closing stages empower ramos is full. so again, it's fixed and the premier league has to build a home looking to open up an 8 point gap over suppose, but it'll just be 2 points. it's suppose when it's courtney go with the approaching half time. and the main main focus on sunday is the lake game with livable hosting the defending champions, much of city. but it's a funny thing to re take the lead from also who went top with
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a late went up against brent said david stokes reports to god again click. this was the goal that sent hosting itself. but the premier league, the now at least it will pull that meant just the city both have a game in hand and go head to head and field lights on sunday. a win for either side would send them back above us. no, with 10 games to go tie the race decided to go. so full brought that up. i graduated earlier. if you went go through all the different possible scenarios and then i don't think after whatever result anybody should open the bottles of champagne. this really, really important part important game for the title challenge to try to fight for the 4 primary controls and no team i've done never ever. does that child that you would have to face overcome? absolutely. everything. defending champion sits. yeah, and beat, and then the last 12 li games and after 2 months out injured,
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ending holidays now back to someone that he's best with 7 goals and his last 3 games. but he's not the army, probably a little pool need to be wary of the budget on dyke would be able to really fly at holland. yeah. then folding files the ball from 30 odds and it's all content and i'll, i'll give you the brand new. so we can check the same or for road raise arriving for whatever. yes, of course, if the scoring then that's good, but they have enough odd options. let me pull it on the last one, the last 20 home games against city, but whatever happens and failed, this is definitely a 3 horse writes with us know why she has run this up. and now 18, primarily games in a row. you want to be on that you have to win this type of games on the team show that it has in their tools on and especially as i mentioned on the believe and to this a hospital the top of the league for the 1st time since december and they could still
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be there and go different spell the end of sunday if livable and sitting drawer. david stokes, don't you 0? no big chunk of it just served up a winning return to the california desert. and his 1st much indian wells in 5 years . the 20 full time grandson, champion beat alexander rootkits. 2 says to one to reach the 3rd round with the wind joke, which becomes just the 3rd man to record more than 50 victories at indian wells that for a long time purchased cetera and took it to the 5 ton champion. i mean, i mean, 5 years it's is quite a long time for a professional tennis player at the same time you're playing here last 2019 felt like it was yesterday. so, you know, i connected with the crowd with everyone that i haven't seen 5 years. amazing to see that much passion and really respect and appreciation for tennis and tennis players. so it's uh awesome to be in a, in the tennis part as or in the women's competition. australian open champion arena
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sa blanca, saved full much points and needed for her. right. the patient was number 2 is really pushed in a pretty much by the american outside of rank 64. but she finally, drones to phase 2021 us. i sometimes get emma rather kind of the next 2018 champion name is soccer. had her biggest twins, so foss is coming back from the tennessee. she beat to 14 seed, ludmilla. something over and straight says to reached the hood rounds, and it's also remains on pools for a possible meeting with us open champion cocoa gulf in round full. well, the gulf had to rally from 5 to down, and the 3rd sat against him, seated clara route. the 19 year old. eventually closing out the match, 26637, liquid onto it has become the 1st play and, and be a history to recruit 6 consecutive 30 point. triple doubles is lights is coming as the dallas mavericks keep the detroit pacin. levine is stupid stock, right?
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$39.00 point tennessee, and 10 resound. don't touch also extended design level, this 5 straight, 35 points. so please, i will finish write a whole, hey. martine will start from pole position for the 1st mostly g, p. race of the new season. here in capital martine one subsidized sprint right, by getting the 1st 12 points under the sunlight after the sale circuit, he's supposed ride to twin 10 sprint prices. and we'll slip right to the left for our quote unqualified. big final day could be on the costs between new zealand and australia in christ church. the hosts need 6 more, which is to seal a fuss, victory against their opponents since 2011 and a 1st high wind for 31 years. these even settle straight at $279.00, run the victories from maxine reuben, dry and double, mitchell helping them get that in response to the top. full, gone for combined. so to full run sites, the see we could please from that henry m f i n c. australia required $202.00 more
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runs for victoria. she just changed the black caps to tie just barely england rugby, captain, jamie george said, when you have special plays, special things will happen as well. so they pulled off one of the biggest shocks in recent history to deny islands to 6 nations france. land island had one light games up to this points and met by 2 until mazda smith, one at for england, but the last case of the gate and his tropical securing the when 23 points to 22, olive remained taught, but the defeat keeps the championship in life heading into the final round of games . next up and face scotland to sort of show also. right. and brian is may be the 1st 1. 29 disappeared. that says winning 6th nation since 2013 scotland country to win the championship. but it's very unlikely as it needs to seize point swing and other this out to go that way. island will still take the trophy. it's a wind to even lose with the bonus points. abraham. and so it has claimed the full
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$1000000.00 leave. hong kong title, the final round, so to whole in ones, she leads to what keen niemen, put his 2 shots straighten at the 8 co and then finish class. kelly somalia did the same thing. atlas seconds. have now been 6, asia h as in titles, lift tools, tacit in 2022. it was on sat here despite 9 a 5 shot lead ended up beating c k. c. and tom smith in a pile of 12 months go to shuffle a has a share of the lead. heading into the final round of the arnold palmer invitational, the american had been 6 shots back, but one part to the spinal 7 greens on saturday to get himself to 9 on the pa that's level with on. and she mallory really, matt corey, is full shots back in the winter. it will take him full $1000000.00. and how about this for so finishing the latest round of the snowboard cross road
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called kansas elliot front and just edged over the line of american jake said to include tina and it's lee space fig tree of the season. right. that is all useful. now people will have more later 0. all right, that's to go through. i'll skip. thank you very much. joe. voters are at pulling stations across portugal in a snap general election. nearly 11000000 voters will elect the 230 members of the national assembly to moderate parties have alternated in power for decades. the central as socialist, send, the centre rights, social democrats. but the far right checkup party is looking to capitalize on corruption allegations. dogs, the 2 main parties actually 0 is natasha. butler is out of holding station in lisbon. natasha. so you're on the campaign trail. you looked into the appeal of chicago and it's leader. what did you find of the can? no god, this is an election in which there are some real
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t issues that keep coming up again and again in the comment, this folding station and this been and i've been talking to people costing that follow somebody who talks about the same concerns. corruption in political circles, i told you about the fact that as a matter of affordable housing and who am i see diversely, people are really worried. 5 low wages and young people in 4 schools, right. difficult as a lot of immigration people going to pull the consult petune place into the field that they owned enough here for school is one of a western europe, forrest countries and all of these concerns. i've really feel we've been seeing in the last few weeks and certainly the last 5 years in the shack a holiday. so i talked with his, found a friend is a real voice and support for the open his policy of andre ventura with his messages about anti mcglatian on t establishment. a policy that says it's going to clean up for to goes political system. and that really is part of his appeal when we fathered on jay ventura,
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the leader of the shake up on the campaign trail on draven tour and the last day of campaigning in for people's general election. the commentator turned politician mentors korea has sold since he found the populace shake of policy 5 years ago. he's on t corruption, anti immigration message, appeals to voters fed up with mainstream politics after shaker event. and this been, we also me about this patient that use ations to this multi is extreme, missed extreme east against corruption, the political will change everything, all the, these corrupt political system. we are fighting against that. we will change it. corruption, navigations of adults protocols, routing. so smith's policy and the opposition sent to right social democratic alliance. nevertheless, opinion polls suggest to 2 sides of leading in its height selection,
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race. sheka is no fault behind the cost of living jobs and a housing a big. so i have 2 concerns, particularly for young people like this teacher. he says he'll fade sugar because they hoop i'm young, i'm 57 and the i'm trying to start my life year i'm, i'm working and i study at the same time. and it's really difficult to start the lifetime if it go to to, to buy house is difficult to buy. a car is difficult to have up front of me, ventura is all around at the safety. and despite the very heavy rain, many of it's supposed to come out because they say he's was supposed to go mean say there is a thing to democracy. such a charity in the city, migrants can get help with paperwork, run by immigrants. the association was stopped by to much you are right side to face to worry about the future on the pretty good game, but little, there's a great danger here. vote you go. the right wing and extreme and write policies are writing human rights and immigration policy. but they no longer want immigrants to
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come to portugal, so until shake his arrival on the political scene or to go was relatively untouched by the populace. serge, seen elsewhere in europe. if the policy succeeds in making big games in the election, it will be prove that that has changed. what's more if the center point when they may be forced into into a coalition with the shaker to ensure a complementary majority transforming ventura from a musical outside to, to an established player. it's actually about the ultra 0. there's been a fascinating report. natasha venture. it telling you will change everything will change this corrupt political system, but it bears repeating that, going into today's vote, the mainstream parties, as you pointed out, there's still a head in the polls. are they on the socialist so fast linked to stay in power? they've been in government is that as we seen that you know,
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adults for these corruption allegation. so signing up in an easy campaign for them . on the other side, you have to send to ride to a democratic alliance. they are promising to be a different address. if i share that same, you're going to do things like the taxes to help boost the economy to address some of these folks are concerned, such as low wages. the size of these policies, as i say, be sufficient for around for so long have difficulty appealing to people with a sense of roy to say, if you 5 ross who will help keep the hot white sugar policy out of the house, which is 0 is natasha butler reporting from the polling station in lisbon. thank you very much. and hollywood is gearing up for the biggest nights. as filmmakers and stars gathered for this year as oscars. and while many countries are represented latin american films that receive just a handful of nominations this year. so makers from the region say that they are struggling to get funding as our latin america editor, lucy and newman reports from santiago this year for spanish language
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films, to from chile and to from spain. are nominated for oscar. it's in different categories, including best international film. it shouldn't be surprising in terms of native speakers. spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the world after chinese. by 12, so makers from spain receive generous government incentives for their projects in latin america. they are struggling on the infinite memory, a touching julian film about all time which disease and love has been nominated for best documentary. yes. obtaining public funding to get that project off the ground was nearly impossible. you know someone when he goes to the phone so that we aren't considered an industry rather an activity at the moment. because if we will regard it as an industry, we would have initial support from the public sector, which should realize that we provide employment, economic impact,
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and per student for the country. despite it's recognized how is the new economic incentives, the latin america's film industry, with the exception perhaps of columbia and mexico. argentina's right. when government has just slashed of funding for cultural activities, including the countries prestigious film school. so i think my visa we're being stigmatized is that we live off public funds and they're taking milk bread and education away from the miles of portugal. and it makes it very hard to receive support from society, which is being deprived of our culture with little public and private support from home. latin america's most talented filmmakers turn to hollywood or american platforms, like hbo or netflix landing videos, temp, anthony collateral. the great, impossible, always understood the role of culture and in not sense, we've been colonized by the foreign entertainment industry, but it's great. we enjoy it. but we also need room for all the coaches to express
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themselves so that we can recognize all diversity as a human race. that is what i think gives relevance to the chilean films in the wall to go about some of the n. and even when local, so makers managed to complete a movie, getting them shown is a major challenge. internally. for example, there's only one distributor for locally made films, nearly all the rest of from the united states. and so, not surprisingly, nearly all of the movies that are shown in international movie chains like this one are also from the us. even if you can get your local moving through the door here. with rare exceptions, it's taken off and this being almost as soon as it gets on that is unless they're nominated for an oscar, while the lack of local resources and political will from the public sector persist . the chances of that happening will continue to be few and far between the sea and human al jazeera santiago. i will take
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a short break reset. our correspondence and guests are standing by to bring you a full slate of news at the top of the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture water shit. moment international law is vehicle . be this model until the discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate. upfront one out to 0, pod came in to be used as the i r c suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to
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all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful to you. the story on talk to how does era not too long ago, these kimberly's 5 to is one box named naomi. how they call themselves was a lender. their role on the side that differentiates to how the government forces defeat the homeland enemy. thousands of fighters have been deployed to post the number of soldiers on the phone line. they accuse run this positive phone, cut on me, a bombing entity, 3 levels, tearing size. she's not afraid to die. i'm a soldier. i see my relative suffering. that's why i decided to come here, not one across the border. the colanda here say there was, is to make sure that go mom is protected and they say that they have tries to make
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sure that implants we fight does not seem to the city. for now, the sea, therefore, because he's pushing back empty 3, your colleagues bowed. as for di trying the be is really military investigates the killing of an elderly disabled and unarmed palestinian in gauze houses 0 broadcasts of soldiers, bunny camp, video of what happened. the sort of any age good to have you with us. this is allison 0 life from the also coming up is really strikes target displaced, palestinians sheltering, intense and southern gaza. $85.00 palestinians are killed across the strip in the last 24 hours. the memories
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of happier times on this thing in some flight the bosnian.


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