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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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a teaching and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal. the . the aroma down in guns are like no other as israel continues to bomb and stuff civilians to death during the whole the month. the hello, i'm darren jordan, this is don, is there a life and don't? so coming up is really on the says it's looking into the killing of a disabled and on the polished and, and then gaza after so just body come, video shows and bragging about the shooting. and i'll just say or investigation
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finds that something is ready, citizens, what will most certainly kilobytes really helicopters during the celtic responsibilities of a sudden impulse go swings right into the general elections as governor ascension is conceived, defeats the essential right for sure. how much are the, what does run it down, begins muslims around the world, god dedicating prayers to the $2300000.00 people stopping and under attack and gaza is ready for us as of now killed more than 31000 people. and a campaign described by the international court of justice as a plausible genocide among the latest to be killed. 16 people in southern gaza, at least 8 palestinians were killed, sheltering can attend. and hon us for those that survived, the strikes facing extreme, hung up, the number of people have stopped to death, has risen to 25. but you and says the situation is rapidly deteriorating and the
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number of deaths could arise quickly. in the next few days. of a shadow by israel is warm and the hung up palace demands in gaza with experience of ramadan, like no other to lead a good report. ramadan is normally a time when muslims come together to fost worship and reflect that after 5 months of unimaginable violence, people who will instead have to enjoy the pain caused by israel's relentless will on cause a lot of yeah, but i came here to buy, but i can't find anything to buy. there's nothing, no dates or milk or anything. one can't find anything for their children. all these canned goods are full of germs that inspect the stomach. we need vegetables and fruits to feed our children because they've weakened and died from hunger. move in to 1000000 people being forced to live with little to know who to of food is role is refusing to let them of age in the supplies that do exist around affordable
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housing month has out of meaning here of the i think this from a done with to the tragedies of the policy, me and people, new tragedy in the new torment. the situation is very difficult. of any person who sees the beacon and deal with the pain of this month, financially, originally, mentally look over all of this market in vain, and no one can afford to buy anything. every single person in casa lost a loved one. know someone who has and friends and families, a 20 part, unable to celebrate together on the this is robert dunn is different from previous years. first of all, we are far away from our loved ones, families, relatives, and friends. in the north. everything is different is roles, indiscriminate attacks have destroyed or damaged, at least a 184 months in gaza. the faith is undiminished across the
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strip. and palestinians say they'll keep praying for the will to end julie vega out of there and in altered bodies. jerusalem is ready for us as a block. the entrance to the locks a musk compound. some worshippers prayed outside of those who were trying to enter the compound or beaten vice ready soldiers at the entrance. deluxe a compound is the 3rd how the site from muslims since october 7th is ready. authorities have limited the number of people allowed inside. for many palestinians and occupied east jerusalem fia is randy restrictions were further ignite. the conflict just goes home to some of the thoughts preparations are under way for the muslim holy month of them up on it occupied east jerusalem palestinians are making arrangements for their annual fast with this year with even more hardship. well,
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well the so the situation is guessing what each time it gets west, god willing, i don't was on will post without issues come without the restrictions. of course the test dressing was also here in jerusalem. we don't know what's coming with fears of escalation in the conflict aren't the only thing on the minds of these palestinians. these alley ways in the old city are typically filled with festive lights, but this year celebrations are muted in solidarity with palestinians and gonzo, who are still under relentless is really attack. and the deluxe a mosque is lambs, 3rd, whole year site, and the focal flash point, during the most num holy month, often played by is really restrictions and violence against palestinians. most of them sphere is really forces will prevent them from attending friday prayers and night. wait, that always prayers,
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services that are only held during them up on when hundreds of thousands of muslims normally attend is a can few, many a right? if there are restrictions, there will be a lot of problems. i'm sure of this. if someone like me is prevented from frank, this is something that won't be acceptable. at the very least, this is our right to pray here, and they are preventing us the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says israel will restricted the amount of worshipers at all soft for the 1st week, but that decision could change based on a weekly assessment. in previous years is really forces have storm the compound and the tact. i was indians, sometimes forcibly removing them to make way for visits by jewish ultra nationalist who seek to change the status. quote that states prayers at the sites are exclusive to most of them in this year, overshadowed by the war on dogs though,
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palestinians are prepared for yet another and a mobile on under occupation, have this central as, as ito occupied east. jerusalem is randy ami. he says it's investigating the killing of an unarmed elderly and disabled palestinian man during a raid and a refugee camp and follows the broad costing of bodies camera footage, showing his ready soldier kenning, the mountain guns, a city in november and then bragging about it is really army says weapons were found to the mind was shot as he moved towards the soldier. i saw some of the triple and he's rarely soldier recounting his actions during a rate in gaza. city body can video from last november spark wide spread outrage. each revealed the soldier discussing how he repeatedly shot an elderly palestinian man with
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the victim was 73 year old at abraham, who was a well known disabled man in the refugee camp where he lived. his relatives say he was deaf and his attempts to communicate by sign language or few dial that read them the letter saturday. we were in touch with them since the start of the war. when is riley soldiers invited el shante area, we lost contact during the 1st choice. we asked the neighbors who said heat itself . we were shocked to see his images on tv. with this is sold out to 0, the entire neighborhood served as a temporary base for res. rarely, soldiers, during the course of their operations, at least 50 palestinians were killed and there remains a buried in
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a mass. great. many homes were raised as he's really forces pulled out. this really government has confirmed soldiers swearing to camp at the time. and they are investigating the family of the disabled palestinian are still searching for his remains. and if they're successful, hope to give him a dignified burial axels. i'm gonna reach out to 0. and i'll do their investigation and has found that some is really citizens who died in the october 7 attacks, but almost certainly killed by these really minute treat investigative unit has conducted exhaustive review with video photographs and witness testimony. it concluded that his randy civilians being held captive for a fight on by his really helicopter gunship attacking cause. returning to gauze, painter, johnny reports indicate how he really i was of october 7 is fairly forces scrambled to engage him, a spite, as the apache helicopter gunship spied onto cars driving towards gaza,
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aware that some of them were carrying captives. it's funny, but feel like you called me among most a dish or something that's most of this is move, it seemed easier to use a closer to the with the shut up of the system. ok of it to call us with us of the list. maybe me the bill without the gardens some private said they joined the local. what type of groups to help pick targets? the idea that i would have to get information from once have groups is truly remarkable to sign of the initiative that people are looking for any way that they can get the information. this is an hour's time. it was kind of a way, is that to fight or monitor war, the police to $73.00 equals heat. biotech. helicopters to me is inexcusable. 5. how do you come to any weapon system to be engaging any targets?
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if you don't know what that target is? now my concern is with this footage, we cannot tell whether the how much government or civilians will possibly hostages collide. i believe the helicopter pilot. well, the machine gun operator would be able to tell you these big rounds to have a certain area effect and obviously come at a certain rate. but if you shoot at a group of people you most like you're going to kill everyone you off knowingly putting your own civilians at risk. the o unit compiled a detailed list of those killed on october. second, it found the $27.00 captives died somewhere between their homes and the goal is to think about the circumstances of those states have not been explained to the 12 most to be in debts. took place in very comports after an attack by police and the forces on a house they are containing captives, example israel in general, 12 spoke to somebody does the same as you'll see some signs or less of how the, how does the things i liked about them now isn't that a lot of the local siemens of what's the name, the whiskey was
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a man whom them for me to assist you? i'm on the computer for them now go me. me, me, me a me ask them. yeah, the mythos of i met the last time to get the i'm a g, a z a z a yeah. it was because i even mentioned caught up in alabama. so that's miami. the investigative unit of the is riley and they come in. tony protections on october 2nd, they did not reply to charlie. oh, just sierra and you can join us on monday at 1200 g m t for the 1st screening of our investigation units, one on a documentary called october 7. the documentary will add analogy or english at these times throughout the coming week. now the beginning of the war and gaza is well ordered palestinians to evacuate to a so called saves. so now my wasi and that's in the south of gaza. but for the 1st time since october, 7th is when the military has attacked the area in del. could ari reports now from han units and we're currently in the milwaukee area in san eunice square here
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behind me. that is really our talary shells. this area last night of 28th policy unions have been killed. they have been homeless, and the space is this dense. let's take a closer look where these plastic houses were turned into their shelter for the past couple of months after that is really forces asked the people in her newness to evacuate to milwaukee area. people thought that this was a safe area where they could spend almost done here. and we saw here they made all the preparations for amazon and they may, there may be a stove. and unfortunately it's got effected severely damaged by that is really selling, not only palestinian civilians were killed, but also animals where there has been cheap uh,
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killed where we know the gaza has been in the risk of farming and people are trying to find any source of food, at least once the families took this chase of their house after they evacuated from newness, and now they are re evacuating again. not knowing where they will go. they're telling us that tomorrow is the 1st day of remo. done. they were supposed to have their meals to gather more than $30000.00 palestinians are missing and they're going to be missing on if harm is doing relevant. done. palestinian families welcome ramadan with their tears and heartbreaks this year. this is in the city august. eda nunez on milwaukee area. it is ready for us as have been writing palestinian towns and the occupied westbank ministry. vehicle storm neighborhoods and novelist in hebron and is ready bold as is destroyed roads method. you have full kind of a troop of samples or shut gates meetings with some of the lebanese. i'm group
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hezbollah says it's carried out a tax towards the occupied golan heights from southern lebanon. a good as well says it's a defense is intercepted, some of the missiles strikes following his randy as striking the south of 11 on which killed a family of 5 on saturday. both sides been launching attacks of each other since the war on guns began. let's not start to come here and i'll just say we're including the non q anomalies searches for more school children kidnapped from the classrooms on sunday. go kicks off at selection campaign. off of the vote was postponed. why they wanted to light again, more of that statements the the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. now both sides of north america showing
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a bit of winter. and i went through made in new brunswick, january eastern, kind of this, that one is way out. and on its way in from the pacific side is more rain, sleet, and snow for the mountains that stow tends to run through the cascades, the rockies, and down to us here in nevada, during choose the leaves the eastern shore with the sun to replace it. and the written stopped blowing here, but formally, so really during monday, the coolest breeze coming out to the gulf of mexico. that lean house to charles, i think, in some parts of mexico itself may be in the bahamas. otherwise, it looks like this didn't costa rica or panama panama of about 51 degrees. not for science in america, we seen yet to move funding in bolivia. and if you watch this, a line of shows develop the hand here. and there's more particularly heavy reading the final faced off brazil, but maybe the focus of the biggest challenges that have generated b k o is still an option teen and then crossing moving flight into your guar, matthews, mondays, full cost and those channels are going to be slow moving fairly heavy,
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they do half across the advance. you're bringing the temperatures down. cause i've been to a very recently, we've been when you have a key twice and a good part of south america. when a son says to house it says he 8, but by a blanket it down to about 50. the weather brought to you by visit cuts, all bits of tom destination for travelers seeking an island. paradise experience. but the i did a archipelago of fiji is also on the front line of global rising water levels and unforgiving storm. i've triggered some of the was 1st government lines relocation as a result of climate change. people empower us, want fiji, the last resort on a jersey to the
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the welcome back to watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here at this hour. dozens of people have been killed in dallas, and as the muslim holy month of ramadan begins, at least 8 with a while, sheltering of tenants and found us, it brings the total number to move and start to 1000 kills. and i'm with people have starved to death and causes wasn't 25. you and it says the situation is rapidly deteriorating and the number of the desk and was quickly over the coming days is randy ami says it's investigating the kidding of a disabled, elderly new concept of to body come video was broke to us. soul, jesse admitting he didn't find the gun in front of opportunity. now the candidate for portugal is governing socialist party has conceded defeat and sundays type, general election announcement by federal munoz santos fall is leads by the central
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right and democratic alliance, which is claim victory. but without a majority in the polls, it may come down to the far right shake of policy to shape the formation of the next government. natasha buckley has moved out from lisbon, of what it was wordly expected that this portuguese general election would be a very tight race. but he could have predicted the situation at the end of sunday night service. still no result. now want some political commentators now and this is saying as a we may not know the result for days or even weeks until all the folks accounted from portuguese voters who have cost to follow to abroad. so in the in decisive conclusion, to this general election thoughts, one thing is clear is the populace policy shake of the hall to life policy campaigning on an anti immigration. anti corruption, anti establishment platform has made big games is leader under
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a venture clearly delighted cooling this. and the historic result is that the moving sugar has 12 and p as in paul. and it is, it is projected to have more than 40 m p's at the end of the selection. that in itself, something of a surprise, exceeding even probably the expectations of the type of support is. it talks about how to 0 this been recalled or about to use the lights, hey, is a form, a member of the portuguese parliament. he says, the performance of right wing parties in the election shows. i may just shift in portuguese politics. you know, there's a lot of uncertainty right now in terms of what the final results will look like. but there are some conclusions that we can change the extreme rights. as we've seen in many european countries in portugal with some of the like, we are seeing an extreme rise, the clearly have become the 3rd dominating party of the political system at the moment with the between 15 to 20 percent, which puts them with in
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a 230 c parliament with between 44 maybe even more, more than 50 parliamentarians, which is tremendous. the other conclusion that seems very clear. it's how the left has decreased tremendously. remind you that the previous government led by antonio costa, had a full majority in the parliament and the 230 parliament. that means they have more than a $115.00 seats. well, it seems that all of the left wing parties together may not go over 90 c's. ukraine's top tip about to slammed comments from pope francis, who calls on teeth to negotiate. but with russia. quarter had you have ended up being in an interview process that ukraine should have. the coverage of the white flag and tilted must go 5 minutes to meet you clay. but said keith would never raise any flag, but it's national. one presidents zalinski also made
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a reference to the pope's comments and his dandy address to the nation. yeah, chapel board, symbol greens can look up a lot of i think every ukrainian chaplain who is with the army in the defense forces on the front lines defending life and humanity. they support us with press waste tools and with the skin. this is what it means to have a church that is with the people, the women, not somewhere 2 and a half 1000 kilometers a way of black thing is a virtual mediator between someone who wants to live and someone who wants to destroy your to be nigeria and ami a searching for these 15 children, abducted from a religious school in northwest nigeria. anom group broke into the village school in so coach her state on saturday morning. it's the 3rd mass getting up in nigeria in less than a fortnight. i'll just say it was a document address reports from to do whatever program is being mad, investigating the 287 missing children from, according to a primary school in northwest nigeria is being closely guarded by the well for just
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a given little information away now what they are asking, everyone is to keep calm that they on top of the situation, but a lot of people, especially security and others, are saying that belongs to rest, to these people or rescue this kids be more precarious situation when we're talking about a bus corners that stretches across 5 large states in northern nigeria from the it's in the state for areas like so, photos of florida, and typically most days where i be spending something over aging and they have the account started all these borders. know a lot of people are wondering when the government will take the initiative or bring them the news. the boosters coming any time soon. the government says it's not currently negotiated with this people, but this is not the post up. did it does. this is not the 1st time the government is negotiating with keep numbers. and of course i'm groups that have general rights communities across this country. now,
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apart from the current situation here in the states, when subculture state government was launching a local melisha, which the states have resorted to now, because this account was almost great and having a hard time dealing with several problems all across nigeria, is there established villages. and these villages are not properly up to face space and groups that have been approaching in middle, in multiple entry. and so the idea of what we've heard yesterday is sort of state is that just us being, you know, companies just being lost by the government to 15 students from a religious school was done to buy these on groups of rights. and you've got so far, in both cases, no demand from russell florida has been heard from these people. how many degrees i just need to do the official campaigning is beginning and set a goal for the rescheduled presidential election later this month. 19 candidates of just 2 weeks to rally supporters before the vote. i'll just say it was make less talk reports on the sending of these capital dot com
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site. and so that's a couple of months ago would be impossible. the security forces would have prevented it. no, the jail, the opposition figure is not a candidate to this presidential election. his deputy is but he too is in the tension. they plan to boast campaign from their prison cell on a campaign to bring justice to this country to democratic type and center guy. especially i would guess the economics of it. and then underneath 1st of all i was former prime minister and the ruling party candidate. and i do but unveiled his campaign. it's based on continuing of the program that president my to south and it's ability. but there are those in the opposition close to the democratic party of senate goals, who are accusing him of corrupting the constitutional judges that laid out the list
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of candidates. and now they will be appealing to the supreme court to delay the election. they say in election without their candidate kareem wad is just not possible. so this is a shame election. it's not a real campaign. these people were protest outcome and they may be violence with the threats of the army. we don't need any of this. despite the instability and the political crisis, despite, i believe the legs, the campaign, that's 2 weeks in length. during the month of ramadan, it seems that the remaining candidates in the running are determined to go out and convince specifically people that they are best at replacing the president must be solved, and ending this period of uncertainty. nicholas hawk, elda 0. the card to hate t now with guns violent shows, no signs of
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a beating. the us military says it's thrown in forces into haiti to beef up security audits, embassy and for the prince, and evacuate non essential personnel. meanwhile, germany and other european nations, i've sent them back so as a way to neighboring dominican republic. thousands of fled for defense as on guns baffled to seize, complete control. united nations, as described in the capital of haiti as a city on the siege correspond theresa bo, as in, does a button on the board of haiti and the dominican republic. you were here at the border between the dominican republic. i'm hate to where haitians are telling us that those to try to cross the border about the extremely difficult situation in the country. you can see why. here is that migration that is taking haitians back in forward, casey, they're being reported. and that's why someone writes, organizations are asking countries like the government and con republics to hold applications because people are facing a life threatening situation. what's going on in haiti right now,
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let me see if we can show so also the people that are currently inside there. they're going to be taken back all the way towards ac. in the meantime, in hey you too. there's still reports of your thing or are some ongoing in the city with guys trying to attack the infrastructure. the ministry of interior, the supreme court, probably the presidential palace, the united states. aaron, listed non essential personnel from the united states embassy in florida. friends, they say that this is a standard operation to try to secure the people in the capital there. hundreds of people outside that embassy for trying to migrate legally to leave the country because of the ongoing violence that's ongoing in hate. in the meantime says lots of talk about the move time, national and security support mission that's meant to be deployed fast. it's not clear yet when that is going to happen. a country like him. yeah. has offered to send a 1000 leads,
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police officers to support the haitian national police in the fight against the gang physics that united nations mission. but when you talk to many of the people that are in haiti right now, that are struggling with violence with shortages of food, of medicine offers walter, what they're telling you is that help is not coming fast enough. that is, how will i just see the how long? so michael diverge that john list has been following the rise of arm groups in the hate for more than 25 years. he says the apparent coalition among the gangs is unlikely to last. the situation that he is living through is a kind of multi faceted systemic, and structural collapse both in terms of politically and in terms of security. i mean, these, these gangs that are running right in the capital in, around, in recent days, you don't have the roots stretching back over 20 years. i mean, they were kind of the, you know, the, the template of them was kind of set by a jump or try and i received and the find the level last party in the late 19 nineties in early 2, thousands and then it spread to various different political bodies, so you have
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a lot of different political parties who have been nurturing these games as they got more and more powerful. there are 2 gang coalitions, one of which is the g 9, which is by, you know, lead by this guy is, you mean share his yeah, it was known as barbecue. ready extensively led and that is a g, pep there, offensively, you know, at what arrivals and, but even within the, in the coalitions themselves, often times these different games or, or kind of fighting with one another. so at the moment, you know, they, they have this modus vivendi where they're all trying to bring down the pillars of the state. it appears that but that will probably not last very long. in my experience with them supposed to the pockets don's for my prime minister, immune con, have marched against what they say was widespread voting and last month's election . that demonstrated in shotwell funds in jail and was bought from campaigning members of his party to peachy. i've also forced to stand his independence. sebastian reef was one of those prime minister last monday. but beach, i was also,
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i protested in the pack us down a capital come all high to reports from his level of m. ron pon, farr data focused on derek and saw it raging for.


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