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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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visit spaces state, i'll just say we're really invest in that and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the of the sun rises on the 1st day of the muslim holy month of ramadan in gaza. but there's no net up in these really attacks in any part of the street the back to for your watching. ouch is 0 life from del i also coming up the is there any forces? beach palestinian worship is after blocking access to the ox, a mosque compound. analogies, erie investigation finds that some is really citizens were almost certainly kills by is really handicapped. is during that chaotic response to the october 7th,
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a time. and will tell you who to comb films top awards during hollywood. biggest nice. the thank you for joining us. this year palestinians will experience of ramadan like no other the mostly months of fasting is being observed in the face of famine. israel is restricting what food medicine and essential life saving supplies can get into gaza. the number of people who have stopped to death has now raised into 25. and instead of spending time together with family in their homes, palestinians who have been displaced multiple times are under constant attack. julie to ada reports, ramadan is normally a time when muslims come together to fost worship and reflect that after 5 months of unimaginable violence. people who will instead to have to enjoy the pain caused
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by israel's relentless will on cause a lot of the class i came here to buy, but i can't find anything to buy. there's nothing, no dates or milk or anything. one can't find anything for their children. all these can goods are full of germs that inspect the stomachs. we need vegetables and fruits to feed our children because they've weakened and died from hunger. more than 2000000 people being forced to live with little to know who to all food is role is refusing to let enough 8 in the supplies to do exist around affordable housing month has out of meaning here of the i think this from a diet and we had to, to the tragedies of the policy and people knew tragedy and a new torment. the situation is very difficult and any person who sees the beacon and deal with the pain of this month, financially, originally, mentally look over all of this market in vain. no one can afford to buy anything.
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every single person in casa is lost and loved. one knows someone who has and friends and families to, to part unable to celebrate together on the list is rama. done is different from previous. he is festival. we are far away from our loved ones, so families, relatives, and friends, and i know everything is different. the israel's indiscriminate attacks have destroyed or damaged, at least a $184.00 mosques in garza. but face is undiminished across the strip. and palestinians say they'll keep praying for the will to end julie vega, i was just there the in occupied east jerusalem is really forces as long as the entrance to the fox and mos compound, some worship as prayed outside. others who were trying to enter the compound were beaten by is ready soldiers at the gate entrance. the elastic on pond is to fed
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wholly aside from this land. since october, the 7 boots or any authorities have limited, the number of people allowed him been in, mox has more from occupied east jerusalem. some video seemed to indicate that essentially people were not being allowed through such an entrances towards the most inside bill city. and then some occasions being pushed back by please using the tons field city not being decorated this year in lights of events in gaza. and the please security presence last night across jerusalem extremely, extremely intense. large numbers of vehicles on the streets just where we are. and like, fighting through to them and large numbers of police on the streets of the old city itself, the head of home office political bureau is man, he has blamed israel for failing to reach sci fi deal on gas i before ramadan. i don't have the n yup. the huddle up until now? then m e has been evading, given, clear assurances and commitments,
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especially regarding the seeing is file, meaning the cessation of aggressive wolf with on the gaza strip, or you won't even hours before the speech. i was in contact with my brothers the intermediary, and we did not receive any commitment from the enemy regarding the ceasefire. this means they wanted their prisoners to return and then resume the war alone. all people and all enclave un secretary general. antonia gutierrez has released the video message for the beginning of ramadan, and it, he emphasized the significance of the muslim holy month and express solidarity with casa trema, that embodies the volumes of peace. 3 c, as in general, is a t. it is a period of reflection play is an opportunity to come together and love uplift each other's or sadly, mandy will mark these months while facing conflict displacements and see if my thoughts impart that with the, from the people of, of god is the sail from the heart of effort to get to see it and beyond. and i wish
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to express a special message of solidarity and support to all those suffering from the heart orders of alpha. can these trying times the spirits of drama, that is a beacon of hope, that the mind that of all are shared with humanity. this has all be inspired to heal the visions, to support those the needs and to what? because when for the safety and dignity of every member of the human family made these holy mountain spitting piece and guidance towards them all just and compassion to 12 from the beginning of the war on guys. is there an older palestinians evacuated to a so called face zone in on the y fi in the south? but for the 3rd time since october, the 7th. these really military has attached the area handouts, whatever you need for some con eunice. we're currently in the milwaukee area in san eunice where here behind me, that is really our talary shows this area last night. at least 8 policy unions have
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been killed. they have been homeless and the state is this. then let's take a closer look where these plastic houses were turned into their shelter for the past couple of months after that is really forces asked the people in her newness to evacuate to milwaukee area. people thought that this was a safe area where they could spend drummel done here. and we saw here they made all the preparations for amazon and they made their ne a stove. and unfortunately its got effected severely damaged by that is really selling, not only palestinian civilians were killed but also animals where there has been cheap uh, killed where we know the gaza has been in the risk of famine. and people are trying to find any source of food,
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at least once the families took this case of their house after they evacuated from newness, and now they are re evacuating again. not knowing where they will go. they're telling us that tomorrow is the 1st day of remo. done. they were supposed to have their meals to gather more than $30000.00 palestinians are missing and they're going to be missing on if harm is doing well done. palestinian families, welcome ramadan with their tears and heartbreaks this year. this is in the city of zita, eunice on milwaukee area. as an algebra, investigation has found that some is really citizens who died in the october 7 attacks were almost certainly killed. 5 is really military investigative unit, has conducted an exhaustive review of video photographs and witness testimony. it concluded that he's really civilians being held captive were fired on by helicopter gunship. so talking cause, returning to gossip. peter,
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charlie reports in the chaotic, early hours of october 7 is fairly forces scrambled to engage come a spite as the apache helicopter gunship spied onto cars driving towards gaza, aware that some of them were carrying captives. neighborville, i think you saw the name of the most say yes, sure. thing that's most of this is one of it seemed easier to use it closer to the setup of the system. ok of it so that, that so maybe me the bit without guidance. sometimes it said they joined local, what type of groups to help pick targets. the idea that i would have to get information from once have groups is truly remarkable to sign of the initiative that people are looking for any way that they can get the information. this isn't how, here's kind of what kind of a way is that to fight or monitor war. the police 73 equals heat.
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biotech. helicopters to me is inexcusable. if i have a cold to any weapon system to be engaging any target to be, don't know what that target is. my concern is with this footage, we cannot tell whether the how much government or civilians will possibly hostages collide. i believe the helicopter pilot. well, the machine gun operator will be able to tell you these big round this. i have a certain area of facts and obviously come at a certain rate. but if you shoot at a group of people you most like you're going to tell everyone you are knowingly putting your own civilians at risk. the o unit compiled a detailed list of those killed on october. second, it found the $27.00 captives died somewhere between their homes and the guys at the fence about the circumstances of those states have not been explained. the 12 most civilian debts took place in berry comports after and attacked by police and army
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forces on a house. they a containing cap dudes about israel. general 12 spoke to survive as same as you for some signs. we left the how the how did so he's the things i like to let them know . but isn't that a lot of the local siemens about some of the whiskey was a man, women for me to assist you on the computer for them. me? me, me, me a yeah, i asked them. yeah. the metal off of i meant the last time to be on the august the as a yeah. it was a cause i even mentioned caught up in alabama. so that's miami. the investigative unit of the is really me to come in and tony protections on october. second, they did not reply to charlie. oh, just sierra and join is on monday at 12 gmc, for the 1st screening of our investigation units, one hour documentary called october 7th. the documentary will add on algebra english at these times throughout the coming week. and still ahead on the program. indonesians pick up the pieces after to wrench for rain and flooding,
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kill 19 people and destroy hundreds of the and portugal swings to the right. one explain why the 3rd party in sundays, generally election looks like the biggest for now the frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions. we don't live in a postcolonial work and you live in a new colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, a brutal occupation resulting in
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a her wrist take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify israel was sold on gaza. dozens of children bound him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by officious books person october 7th. on tuesday, around the colleges, with all the
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back and recap a bunch of stories on algae 0. israel continues is from department of guys. i assume mostly on month of ramadan begins more than $51000.00 policies have been killed since october is there is also restricting watch food medicine. any central life saving supplies can get into gas. is really forces that drops the entrance to the ox. some compound do not providing a service and people trying to pass into town spine and then i'll choose their investigation. has found that some is really citizens who died in the october 7th, a time spots here for almost certainly killed by is really ami for some investigative unit. concluded that he's really civilians being held captive verified on by handicapped to gun ships attacking cause. returning to task, as turn to other well, he is now and
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a line slide in indonesia has killed at least 21 people. heavy rain and flooding triggered the disaster. the don 4 also caused a river to buy 6 banks rescue teams. the searching for survivors on the island of sinatra i'm home. it has more the basis of the month of the days of the racial rain. indonesia is west semester off homes flooded and roads funding to leave us emergency services us crumbling to seats funded funds more than 70000 people have been a buckwheat by didn't the but i've done that because i'm definitely the worst fund in about 5 years. it was extraordinary and unexpected went off to the decades in the city. this is the 1st time it has been exceptionally attend damage to roads and bridges, making rescue difficult. the joint team was expanded in the south coast area to 14 affected areas. there was a search for 7 people. some residents of started to clean their homes,
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but they are still coming to toms with the costs of the natural disaster. thankfully, my motorcycle was safe by putting it in an innovative piece. as for the rest, everything in the room was submerged by the car with more rings expected in the next few days. people could be forced out of their homes again. and some i'm at a disease. in bolivia, flags in line slides have cost severe damage in la pas. authorities of dakota, state of emergency heavy rains, have caused the local river to overflow, destroying homes and flooding streets. at least one person has been killed in a gang vine and shows no signs of a beating. the us military says it's loaning forces to be 5 security. how to send the same photo frame, sand evacuate non essential personnel. meanwhile, germany and other european nations have sent to their in bassett as a way to the dominican republic. thousands of fled portal prints,
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as armed gangs battle to seize complete control. the united nations is describing the capital of a t as a c t under siege. corresponding theresa bowl has more from dash, the hub on in the dominican republic that we're here at the border between the dominican republic. i'm hate. see where haitians are telling us of those to try to cross the border about extremely difficult situation in the country. you can see why, here is that migration bus that is taking haitians back in fort worth, k t, they're being reported. and that's why someone writes, organizations are asking countries like the dominican republic to hold applications because people, they are facing a life threatening situation. what's going on in haiti right now, let me see what they show. so also the people that are currently inside there. they're going to be taken back all the way towards 18 in the meantime. in hey you too. there's still reports of your thing or are some ongoing in the city with gangs
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trying to attract infrastructure. the ministry of interior, the supreme court, probably the presidential palace, the united states air listed non essential arsenault from the united states embassy in florida. friends, they say that business has standard operations, it's right to secure the people in the capital there. hundreds of people outside that embassy for trying to migrate legally to leave the country because of the ongoing violence that's ongoing in hate. in the meantime, there's lots of talk about the move time national security support commission. that's meant to be deployed fast. it's not clear yet. when that is going to happen . a country like him, you know, has offered to send a 1000 leads police officers to support the haitian national police in the fight against a guy. this is a united nation mission, but when you talk to many of the people that are in haiti right now, that are struggling with violence with shortages,
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are food of medicine offers. walter, what they're telling you is that help is not coming fast enough. that is, how will i just see the, how long the nigerian armies searching for at least 15 children objectives from a religious school in the northwest. and on school pro came to the village school in sofa to state on saturday morning. it is the 3rd mass, kidnapping in nigeria in less than a fortnight, and follows the kidnapping of 287 tuples and a teacher from the school in kaduna state on thursday. i'm a decrease has more from could do now. so what about the progress being bad investigating the 287 missing children from our 40 got primary school in northwest nigeria is being closely guarded by the will for just a given little information away. now what they are asking, everyone is to keep calm that they on top of the situation. but a lot of people, especially security analysts, are saying that belongs to rest, to these people or rescue this kids be more precarious situation. what do we
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talking about? a boss porter is this for just across 5 large states in northern nigeria from the it's in the state for areas like so, cortez and what, uh, and typically the state why be spending something overrating and they have the account started all over these borders. know, a lot of people are wondering when the government will take the initiative or bring them good news. the boosters coming any time soon, the government says it's not currently negotiated with this people, but this is not the cost of it. it does. this is not the 1st time the government is negotiating with keep numbers. and of course i'm groups that have general rights communities across this country. now, apart from the southern situation here in the state, when so put the state government was launching a local melisha, which the states have resorted to now, because this account was almost grades and having a hard time dealing with several problems all across nigeria is there established villages on this when it's just not properly up to face please. i'm groups of up,
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you know, birds in the middle in most websites. and so what we've heard yesterday is sort of state is that just us being new companies just being lost by the government to 15 students from a religious school while dr. bobby, i'm groups operating in that area so far in both cases, no demand from russell also has been heard from this people. how many degrees? i just need to do that. and launch wire has broken out data warehouse southwest of libby is capital tripoli. the area near the general electricity company of libya has been evacuated. optis lane sprayed across the building. at least 3 emergency workers have been injured. ukraine, something different matters, slammed comments from po francis, who called on ukraine to negotiate with russia. quarter had you did have a data back in an interview. po frances says, ukraine should have the courage of the white flag in talks with moscow for an
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minister, dmitri could. eva said keith, one never raise any fine, but it's national one for to goals. democratic alliance has gained victory and sundays generally election. it follows a type contest with the governing socialist party, but with no outright majority. the center right may now be forced to consider a correlation with the far right shaped party, which so a so search and support that tasha button every pour, some lisben as lost uh to my take. no its good to go send to right. need to do is small to neighbor, claim victory, saying his social democratic alliance at one sundays general election defeating the incumbent socialists. montenegro had campaigned, promising tax cuts to boost economic growth, but as you go to them, either looks undeniable. either the social democratic alliance have won the elections and the socialist party, you have lost so how is that being on the system to you about the outcome of the pallet with both sides, neck and neck, to the socialist leader,
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unexpectedly can see to defeat before the final results, we know ending a to use a socialist governments that it'd be like to buy corruption scandals pulling the google dot. no. everything indicates that the result would allow the socialist party to win the most votes. and that's why i want to congratulate the social democratic alliance for their election victory. the mood being seduced the socialist needs of a sense of royce. it was the opposite for populous parties, sheka the hard right anti regression party, quadruplets and peas and consolidated exposition is poor to post the political force and possible king. make it and pull elements. it's lead a full. the tv football commentate to andre good tour city was an historic result. we know that history has already made his choice. shake has a story can exceeded 1000000 volts in portugal. across the country,
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turn out was high with long queues in many, posing stations. issues including corruption, housing, no wages and immigration has few discontents. among bunches. salaries are super low and yet you see it's a flying away. so our kids that are very educate, it's one of the most educated generations. they have to go into work. so else where is to have a good lives that's up to a disappointed victory the sent to ride failed to achieve the numbers for a parliamentary majority, montenegro is rooting out a coalition which should go. but if he changes his mind, it will be the 1st time a hold right policy would have a role in choosing portugal is government. 50 is off to the country, move to democracy from dictatorship. natasha butler, which is 0. this been and so as one guys has cast a shadow over the oscars protest is gathered outside the red carpet ahead of the
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event. it was a feeling about the 2nd world war that was the big winner open hymer taking home 7 awards, including best picture, most and visit bayport's. hollywood came together to honor itself on the night when the world around it is a war. demonstrators gathered near the event, calling for a cease fire in god's their presence was felt. and not only because the protests delayed los angeles traffic, the, the, the film industries, writers and actors spent much of the year on strike over concerns about screening platforms and artificial intelligence. but that didn't stop big budget films from pulling record profits of the box office, which roared back to near pre pandemic levels. quite the most money is supposed to
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be that on the oscar stage. real wars those ongoing and those in the past were a constant. the, the zone of interest, a start historical portrait, of the domestic life, of an architect of a holocaust. one for best international feature film. it's director jonathan glazer used his moment to highlight the horrors of the present. right now we stand here was man who refused the jewishness and the whole, of course, being hijacked for occupation, which has led to conflict for so many innocent people. what are the victims of outside of the what are the victims of october? the 7th in israel will the ongoing attack and gaza, all the victims of this to schuman. i zation war took home the award for non fixed on one milestone, 20 days in mary o books. a tense film about journalists covering the early days of records more on
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ukraine, behind the front lines. one best documentary officials. and it was war. and the question of how to remember its worst extremes. that was the subject of the film, but gather the most awards and total best picture director, actor and 4 other trophies, went to oppenheimer. we made a film about the mine and created the atomic bomb. and for better or for worse, we're all living in oppenheimer's world. so i would really like to dedicate this to the peace makers everywhere with so many plenty conflicts ranging far from hollywood. it's not clear who can play that role in the real world. wilson dies or l g 0 a. hi, that's it for me, sony back to go, but to stay with us on alger 0. weather is next then inside story looks at what's behind you and us plans to send age supplies to guys, release voice people or simply a p r. exercise for west and for that for me to stay with us for that. and then my
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colleagues will have another half hour of use for your infection needs. thanks so much the the now least and that is current weather wise and i joyce of in took you the son, his art and the thing to that through live and the, and down to was each it but coming in from the west is obviously something significant happening that some of the breeze is with the frontal side. it brings rain across the g into west in turkey. change the wind direction in east on bo list, attempted by 5 degrees. but still things are cost to the east, but that has been significant weather recently in particular down the way under mine. this is the picture of yesterday morning in mind, in the east. as you can see, once the rain is full and it sits for a couple of days before it goes away, we're not going to see a repeat of what's coming out of the sky. those channels are gone for the south and
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the dyad. but this development means heavy rain for actuate, maybe possibly a rock west to the wrong. and then of course it wouldn't pick you up the sand over the dust for monday and tuesday in riyadh. not with cost finance, for the rest is out of you already might even bring it so back up to was mecca and down towards yemen under a month. send it off. cuz drawn now is that it was particularly equitorial guinea and a gap phone. but if you jump, sorry, we've had a slightly moving long lasting trump a little. so collection is not strong enough to be really vigorous when twice, but for the rain it will bring significant funding to mozambique and the examining. the impact of today's headline is objectivity. is still possible for you, we're not only a fortune the most is what we are moving out. is there a set the stage ai is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really
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hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and safe different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world. today. on alex's here, as guys as people face population from is was full on seats. the us and the you with the plans to send supplies, but the us an e commerce phase, i've also been busy supplying weapons, so as well, with the new initiatives. how does uh or are they just a feel like the size for you as president joe biden? and who's the, you i life, this is inside, sorry. the hello and welcome to the program. i am how should i how about the.


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