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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the the observed thing from it on during for no laid off. and israel strikes on garza is the most in holy month. begins the hotel mccrae, just as i want to say, we're life and also coming up dialysis animals our lives saving treatment isn't just res. i'm one of the last bailey functioning hospitals and kansas. china is annual meeting is parliament wraps up with promises to protect the country's national security and suffering. we live from beijing and the only goes to growth
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has you who won the top awards, that hollywood biggest nice at the, making the see the palestinians will experience of ramadan, like to know of the most of the month of fasting is being observed in the face. of famine, as well as restricting what food medicine and live saving supplies can get into accounts that have the number of people who have stopped at this has risen to 25. and instead of spending time together with families in their homes, palestinians who have already been despised multiple times around the constant attack explosions occurred in the southern city of rafa. shortly after doing a small amount of i was dropped by parachute and to the north, but it is nowhere near enough to meet the needs of the people that hold on 50. $1000.00 palestinians have been killed since october. julie to i begins coverage
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of ramadan is normally a time when muslims come together to fost worship and reflect that after 5 months of unimaginable violence, people who will instead have to enjoy the pain caused by israel's relentless will on cause a lot of yeah, but i came here to buy, but i can't find anything to buy. there's nothing, no dates or milk or anything. one can't find anything for their children. all these canned goods are full of germs that in fact, this summer we need vegetables and fruits to feed our children because they, if we can then died from hunger move in to 1000000 people being forced to live with little to know who to all food. israel is refusing to let enough 8 in the supplies to do exist around affordable housing month has out of meaning here. the other, i think this trauma done with it to the tragedies of the policy and peoples a new tragedy and the new torment. the situation is very difficult,
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of any person who sees the beacon and deal the pain of this month, financially, originally, mentally look over all of this market in vain, and no one can afford to buy anything. every single person in casa, it's lost, a loved one, knows someone who has, and friends and family is a 20 part. unable to celebrate together on this is remo done is different from previous years. first of all, we are far away from our loved ones. so families, relatives and friends, and i know everything is different. the israel's indiscriminate attacks have destroyed or damaged at least a 184 months. in garza, the face is undiminished across the strip and palestinians say though, keep praying for the will to end. julie vega, out of there honey mcmurray joins us now on the phone from ra,
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for an honey just from a down. was always going to be completely different to any other and gals or can you just give us a sense of what it is like they have this morning? oh yes, tom. well, there is definitely a great deal of despair and then depression going on right now, and particularly in over a credit by city despite the fact that so many people have have lost relatives and family members. entire family members were killed. the, the unit side of the people were hoping that the beginning of from about and will be some how in the household with the sci fi or the, or that will put them off the hook. and believe them or from the ongoing stress and fear of the ground invasion throughout my city. but unfortunately, as of the past 24 hours in the hours leading to the 1st day of ronald on more atrocities committed across the gall, this trip we're looking at the early hours of this morning. it's free. people from
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one family were killed in an attack on a residential call man, and that's, that's previous at our, in as a to neighborhood. we're looking at 16 people that lead to from 2 families to display families. so bring in a residential home and as a tune, neighborhood, just a massive a, a type destroying not only the hospitals or the surrounding area and forcing people into a further in terms of displacement thrown around this time a, just the peak of the year after 5 almost at the 6 months of this genocide, a war is different for, for people already been grappling with famine in the northern part and cubic stream shortage of food supplies. people go to the market and try to find width, could help them go through this holy month. but unfortunately, the either the prices are quite a rocking for there is actually no basic supplies in the market just makes it
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a little bit different than the past few years with people we used to do at the start from, along with the, the best services and decoration and life and land trends for the children this time. none of this seems to exist and everybody is just watching and, and going on, you know, in a more of a 3rd bible mode right now. okay, thank you. so kind to me it thanks you for us as honey mcquaid for us in rossa and occupied east. jerusalem is ready, forces have balls the entrance to the isle aux and most compound, some worship has prayed outside. others who were trying to enter the compound from basins by throw soldiers at the gate entrance, yell ox. a compound is with fluid wholly assorted for muslims. since october, the 7th is ready. authorities have limited the number of people who are allowed in the box has moved from occupied east jerusalem. some video seem to indicate that essentially people will not being allowed through such an entrances towards the
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most inside the old city. and in some occasions being pushed by wipe, seize, using the tons, feels that you know, being decorated this year in lights of events in gaza. and the place security presence last night across teresa, them extremely, extremely intense. large numbers of vehicles on the streets just where we are and like 5 east jerusalem, and large numbers of police on the streets of the old city itself, which many may now is measured so where the director of golf study centered cattle university. thanks again for being here. let's start with the l x. i'm most compound tensions. obviously you've been very high since the beginning of this more, if not from long before then obviously to how great a risk is there of these tensions exploding integration follows actually look. so is the quote of this because the what happened, the 7th of october has been defined. is there a new until i last saw a toll find? so basically it has to do with the oxide from day one actually. so what you're
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seeing it on the, on the site is trying to basically limit the but its thing is to come into a lot so most efficiently from um, uh, what's the, what's the rest of them um, and from inside as well. and also from mr. and back wisdom about so that isn't something to change or pipeline is what it is we're, we're following it for 4 years now. this year it has motorized, the sensitivity because of the top of that it has that. and as far as we see, it seems that would be more limitation. the government, there was a, the difficulties between the governments elements last night. but in a minute and now has decided that he would be basically running the show as a prime minister. and he wouldn't be decided when the police kind, so it'd be on how about and the other 2 we are seeing that be out intervening. and they are basically i'm basically relocating broken to understand to them until i was like somebody. yeah. so so what sort of response do you expect to say from palestinian to a wanting to go about with shipping? i would expect an next 2 days it would be more confrontation,
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motor motor conflicts with, with, with the police. i would with the increasing number of the fed as 10 years, i would expect motor, but confrontation of the situation. i think the older the i was reading somebody for us today and his id media. the older, the identifying that the expectation is really alarming about what's, what happened and this all the months. we've also seen over the last few weeks there was the hype, growing hyped said yes, a deal might be able to be struck spot do before roman. i'm, that clearly hasn't happened. where do you think it stands now? we further away than the of us from having it. so i think it's a situation is, is very complicated. the 2 sides are mazda, is what it is. they have a very solid position on what they want, how much had announced last night on a suspect honey has been declared that they have basically have conditions. ladies have to have to meet the minimum send. you all insist on specific methods from us to be able to do that. so i think it's the situation, you know,
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everyone's trying to put its own pressure using some elements. how am i saying, what's happening and how does that should in that regard, this, anything else i did, and the human as these on my vision of was then should stop immediately. and that's, it seems to me that's complicated, all the issues on it and, and just briefly before we go half a now after sunrise on the very 1st day of ramadan we saw is where i will continue . it's, it strikes on guys. what do you think that you're trying to prove or point by doing that actually this as to i could, is there any of the sources that i talked to him about a one a. so it was one of the, a permanent administrative that of, of, from us. so it's likely to continue these kind of operations because there it is, will continue to thought of it, whatever they see how much potential a lead to a place is measured. we'll have to leave a day, but we do really appreciate your time and insight as always. thank you. thanks a little on gaza hesitates. many hospitals out of surface. the few that remain are facing severe shortages of medicine,
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supplies and medical stuff struggling to treat the 2nd injured is access. i'm of it's reports that includes patients who own kidney dialysis patients suffering from chronic kidney disease are dependent on life saving dialysis treatment that's under threat because of the israel siege and gaza that let them fall. and i've done since 3 members of my family must have their blood clinician, the journey itself to the hospital is a challenge. a shortage of food and nutrition, and the lack of clean water add to our suffering. we are losing weight and our hit was fatigue and exhaustion. many patients are now in a dire need for blood transfusion, which is not available. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease who need 3 treatments a week. i'll she for hospital and nothing causally is one of the few hospitals still operating, but many patients have to travel long distances to get there. delays and treatment mean more complications. hi, so i know by,
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let's see. it is common knowledge that absence of dialysis leads to the build up of toxins and the patient's blood stream. this disturb the bodies, assets and fluids. this is caused by manufacturer power being cut off, as well as the voltage at the salvation pump coming out of operation. i made the absence of clean fresh water. patients also say they are desperate and in dire need of help. with food and medical supplies running out fast, their survival depends on that health arriving soon. axles i'm reaching out to 0. jim and he says it's increasing. it's humanitarian aid to guides by nearly $22000000.00, but admits this is nowhere near enough to meet people's needs. meanwhile, to him and living in fairyland, one from his rallied one from casa, taking matters into their own hands. best of the project to raise money. i'm tom, i'm from missouri and i've been living in berlin for 8 and
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a half years. i am so bottom from palestine garza and i live in germany for one year. several was pretty active since the war began. and then i contacted her after meeting her and dialogue and i said, i want to do something together. organization is called clean shelter. what we do is fundraise to um, finance the construction of toilets and 10, and i d p accounts and guidelines and never sold that. and at this time of history that we will face this kind of hunger. and like i couldn't imagine that people would be displeased. i couldn't imagine that children would lose all of their families because we really started small. and because i'm is riley, most of my networks are from is riley's. so we have a lot of is ready donate donations. but we have donations actually from all over
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the world if there would be a rebuilding taking place. and i'm sure the via the building taking place we want to take part of this and make sure it's inclusive and make sure that it's reliable and accommodated. because students that we are constructing now is they're not going to last. i have family and friends in is around that i'm still really, really worried about and hope for their safety. i also feel a lot of responsibility and also a lot of shame about the war and, and that respect. i'm really happy for this project with 7 and even for friendship, i feel this is happening in many ways. so kind of says it's lead in human has died beyond group gave no further details about the circumstances of colored wood. the coffee is this, the u. s. government had placed a 5000000 dollar bouncy on his life, help with coffee government, all kinds of forces and given during the countries ongoing conflicts. a facilitator
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on the al jazeera and they'll do their investigation, reveals which claims with true and which was false. in the aftermath of the october 7th attacks and is ro plus engine nations pick up the piece is up to to original brian and flooding kills $26.00 people and destroys hundreds of hundreds. the hey there, let's begin with the most threatening weather is and that is tropical cycle and filippo and getting ready to make land fall in central moves in beacon under 24 hours. this is going to dip to the south and bring intense rounds of rain for missing beaks. capital my put so looking at wednesday to pick up a months worth of rain within the span of 24 hours in the rain. we'll start at tuesday night heavy bouts of rain now to the north. we've got this hot wind blowing
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across, chatted so and you mean at 44, this going right across as a hill out through the fine take so bundle. and again, the also dealing with hot weather there at $37.00 degrees in quite the soaker for northern italy, milan picking up $75.00 millimeters and 24 hours, all of that to say about 2 months worth of rain in 24 hours. so this is now hopped over the age or attic impacting places like split the broth. nick, we're also talking most start pod greets and tetra on. it is going to be a washout for you today on monday that rain will drop down to grease eventually make its way into western turkey in the next 24 hours. but for the other side of the mediterranean, things are drying out for both portugal and spain. temperatures will go up in the next few days, and we've got some showers coming for the islands of ireland and britain, but some warmer weather here. the hey listings in the gaza strip as is continues. there's
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a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching villages here a reminder about top stores. the ssl is where it lives continued as phone bottom to
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the concert was the most fully month to from it on begins full of $31000.00 palestinians have been killed since october as well as also restricting how much food medicine and submit a terry and supplies can get into cancer and just ready have blocks the entrance to the lock. some must compound an occupied east, jerusalem. some worship is with beach and by his ready for assistance, i tried to answer the con pounds. the number of shocking claims made by his violin, the optimize of the october 7th attacks of false or misleading elders. there was investigative unit, is found that they've reached this conclusion. the unit examined the hours of video, including recordings are coming from data mazda sizes and conducted schools of interviews with witnesses and survivors of the attacks. peter, charlie reports a steel toed the 7 attack by how most would slip, pull them up. that was induced riley's bed laid quickly to a number of disturbing claims by israel and its allies. they took dozens of
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children, bound him up during them, and executed them. the father is i gouged out in front of his kids. the mother's breast cut off, the girl's foot amputated. the boy's fingers cut off before they were executed. there's no question of how much committed widespread war crimes, including the motor of hundreds of people at this music festival. but the unit has found that many reports of violence. why that exaggerated well had never happened. babies their heads cut off age, they were consecrated them and they killed them and they burn. reports of infants having been put, should amplified by this man. you'll see lando from the volunteer group, 2nd, which collected the bodies of many victims, piles of 10 children each was tied to the back burner so that they are unit to analysis of those killed on october 7,
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established the 2 babies died in the attacks. neither was beheaded opened, and yet stories of atrocities against infants continued in the global media. when you're taking babies, copying them in, tying them together and burning them to death. you're treating them less than an animal babies, right. the bastards put these babies in the oven and put on the oven. we found the kid a few hours later. i never really thought that i would see who has confirmed pictures of the terrace be here, the children, the white house lay to clarify that the president had not seen pictures of the headed children. so how as israel deep great that balance, instead of saying, well what we're doing is not really right even though we're killing way more people while you try to make the significance of those individual desk even more disgusting and objectionable. if you can activate people sense of discussed, i think they're more likely to support, for example,
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die retribution against palestinians. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu mit last to send the with 2nd, the volunteer group that it collected. so they didn't bodies to thank them for the comments to the world of media. how about screen we need to buy time, which we gain by turning to world leaders and to public opinion. you have an important role in influencing public opinion, which also influences lead is the the o unit approach, old people featured in its investigation to ask for comment. only the us state department responded. no comment. it said, peter, charlie. oh, just 0. and join us on monday at 12 j, m t. so the 1st screening of our investigation units, one hour documentary code of 12 of 7, the documentary will err on the edges or english at these times throughout the coming week.
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the china is political leaders have given few details of how they will take on the country's economic issues. as the annual national people is, congress wraps up. they say the 5 percent growth target would not be easy and that they were hidden risks. china's economy has slowed due to high unemployment of declining population and across us in the property 2nd, past week rich hans for the foreign press, the question, the prime minister, the normally follows the congress was cancelled before on this katrina. you joins us now from beijing and katrina. this congress is all about sitting the direction for the year. what priorities have been underlined over the past week? that's right. well, moments ago we had 3000 chinese officials from all of the country just stream out of this building the grateful of the people who are they had cost as lieu of new laws as well as set the agenda for the coming of coming year. and clearly that would sure,
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prior to the 1st was bursting confidence in china's flagging economy. as you mentioned last week, trying to set this gdc target quite and vicious target of 5 percent for 2024. there was a lot of positive messaging coming from the very top about china is economy being resilience and being able to revive for us. but at the same time, they did acknowledge that they were deep seated problems. rising unemployment, a crisis in the housing sector, they promised to address these issues as well as put forward some new instead, a new plans to invest more and innovation and other cutting edge technologies really moving, trying to supply or upgrade china, a supply chain. the 2nd privacy really was national security. now what are the laws? they just move to verse on and vote successfully. all. no doubt was the organic law on the state council. and essentially what that does is emphasize the power of the communist policy or the government. and the power she didn't ping above all. and
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while the president's power itself is really being consolidated, here we see the power of his number 2 is premier lead, strong, seemingly diminishing. traditionally, we've had this national people's congress ends with a think press conference with the press are able to level a few questions at the premier. but that was asked for the 1st time since 1988 this year. and katrina, continuing tensions with the united states as well as of it was in kaiser and, and you trying to the major factor in the latest leadership decisions. that'd be nice. can you just give us a bit of context around that as well? we've had a frenzy of nice things, including politicians, all of the day doing on a variety of areas and the underlying message. almost all of these meetings was this quote from the communist party for more self reliance for china's economy, china's trade for the coming years. and really the 2 drivers of this. the 1st is these continuing simmering tensions with the united states only tried his biggest
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trading partner. we have had time is 4 minutes to one e. accuse of washington of being obsessed with china is depression and imposing and in a growing list of sanctions on trying to use technology funds. so as a result, china is really pushing to invest more and its own innovation and rely less on markets such as the united states. and secondly, we have this over rule on such an intense jewel, political picture. we've got the war and gods and we've got the war and you trade. so those traditional methods that china used to maintain its growth to maintain it stays as the past few decades to become the power that it is. she didn't pay and the rest of the communist ponds. you have really determined that they will have to change the tax and move in a different direction if they want to maintain that state as close. okay, thanks so much. katrina, katrina, you for us there in beijing rescue teams in indonesia searching for at least 11 people who are missing off to a land slide. 26 people were killed in the disaster. and sinatra, which was triggered by to rachel ryan and flooding is just
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a good washington report from chicago. around 40000 people have been forced from the hugs. as you denise is, was too much for a provence. this is the optima of days of to been to rock homes damaged and roots resembling reasons emergency services. scrambling to save stranded families by duty and above that because on delta lee, the was plugged in about 5 years. it was extraordinary and i'm expected of 2 decades in pacific. this is the 1st time it has been exceptionally intent damage to roads and bridges, making risk you difficult. the joint team was expanded in the south coast area to 14 affected areas. there was a search for 7 people as well as has received some residents of stone to, to clean the homes. but they're still coming to terms with the cost of the natural disaster. thankfully my motorcycle was saved by putting it on an innovative place. as for the rest,
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everything in the room was submerged by the current moraine is full costs for coming days. and the countries where the agency has one of the potential for more extreme weather events, such as heavy rain and storm is the end of the monsoon season approaches. jessica washington, which is 0 to call to an emergency meeting of caribbean lee. this is due to be held in jamaica of the west and in cross as an hazy, b u. n. is describing the capital as a city of the siege. thousands of haitians have fled portal prints as alms, gangs, battle security forces, the full control. the problem is the real already is unable to return home after flying to kenya, to finalize the deal for an international peacekeeping force heidi's neighbors. and the dominican republic are especially concerned by what's happening a correspond, interested, but has more from the vote of town of dublin, as we're here at the border between the dominican republic. i'm hate to wear.
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haitians are telling us that those to try to cross the border about the extremely difficult situation in the country. you can see why. here is that migration bus that is taking haitians back in fort worth, casey, they're being reported. and that's why someone writes, organizations are asking countries like the government and con republics to hold applications because people are facing a life threatening situation. what's going on in haiti right now, let me see if we can show so also the people that are currently inside there. they're going to be taken back all the way towards ac. in the meantime, in hey you too. there's still reports of your thing or are some ongoing in the city with guys trying to attack the infrastructure. the ministry of interior, the supreme court, probably the presidential palace, the united states. aaron listed non essentials, arsenault from the united states embassy in florida. friends, they say that this is
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a standard operation to try to secure the people in the capital there. hundreds of people outside that embassy for trying to migrate legally to leave the country because of the ongoing violence that's ongoing in hate. in the meantime, there's lots of talk about the move time. national and security supports mission and meant to be deployed fast. it's not clear yet when that is going to happen. a country like him. yeah. has offered to send a 1000 leads police officers to support the haitian national police in the fight against the gang physics that united nation mission. but when you talk to many of the people that are in haiti right now, that are struggling with violence, which shortage is a food of medicine offers walter, what they're telling you is that help is not coming fast enough. that is, how will i just see the how long is rentals will are ongoing. so it has cost a shadow over the all schools. there are many protest as rarely downside to rid compet events in hollywood. inside the big when it was the $1000000000.00 box offices about the nuclear bombs, which ended the 2nd world war open. i'm
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a to come 7 awards, including best picture well, some dissolved reports. hollywood came together to honor itself on the night when the world around it is a war. demonstrators gathered near the events, calling for a ceasefire and gods. their presence was felt and not only because the protests delayed los angeles traffic and actors inside were artist for cease fire pins to show they support in israel's are sold round me. yusef who plays a supporting role in the film. poor things told variety what the symbol meant to come for immediate permanent ceasefire in gaza. we're calling for peace and justice . last thing, justice for the people of palestine. and i think it's a universal message of just let stop killing kids quite a whole. some of the kids but on the oscar stage,


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