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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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and then some clips before. no, it is difficult to you wouldn't get 5 kilograms near shore. fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in the nation for generations. but that's the way of life is coming on district the observing ramadan during for know that happened as well. strikes on concerts, the muslim holy month begins the law until mccrae, this is all just there a lot from. and so coming up the is ready for those be tell us any in worship is out the blocking access to the logs . the most compound democratic republic of congo is um, itself is a significant blow off to another town. so. so the in 23, i'm good. how about?
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because this is the most important thing that happened in the history of oppenheimer wins big and the all skills the blog posts are about the rise to build the 1st atomic bomb. is the star of hollywood. biggest nice, the palestinians and gaza are experiencing of ramadan, like to know why the sea and the most of the month of fostering is being observed in the face of famine. as well as restricting what food medicine and live saving supplies can get into a gas of the number of people who have stopped. and this is 25. and instead of spending time together with family in their homes, palestinians who have already been displaced multiple times around the constant attack. explosions occurred in the southern city of ross or shortly after doing a small amount of i was drawn by parachute into the north, but it's not enough to meet the needs of people's dance organs. 31000 palestinians
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have been killed since the ball began in october. to date reports, ramadan is normally a time when muslims come together to fost worship and reflect that after 5 months of unimaginable violence, people who will instead have to enjoy the pain caused by israel's relentless will on cause a lot of yeah, but i came here to buy, but i can't find anything to buy. there's nothing, no dates or milk or anything. one can't find anything for their children. all these can goods are full of germs that infect the stomach. we need vegetables and fruits to feed our children because they've weakened and died from hunger. move in to 1000000 people being forced to live with little to know who to all food is role is refusing to let the most 8 in the supplies to do exist around affordable housing month has out of meaning here of the i think this from
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a done with to the tragedies of the policy and people knew tragedy and a new torment. the situation is very difficult, and any person who sees the beacon and deal with the pain of this month, financially, originally, mentally look over all of this market in vain, and no one can afford to buy anything. every single person in casa is lost and loved. one knows someone who has and friends and family is a ton of part. unable to celebrate together on the list, he is rama. done is different from previous. he is festival. we are far away from our loved ones, so families, relatives, and friends, and i know everything is different. the israel's indiscriminate attacks have destroyed or damaged, at least a $184.00 mosques in garza. but face is undiminished across the
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strip. and palestinians say to keep praying for the will to end julie vega out of their so honey mcmurray joins us now on the phone from bras are and honey from an items this year. as we said in exceptional circumstances, after 5 months of will, can you just give us a, an idea of what it is like to be there in gaza today? yes, tom, all the people across the god, the service started the month of ramadan. today is the 1st thing but to largely display as a traumatizing more profoundly hungry as there is ongoing restrictions on the global human atari and 8 and what supplies do at all the parts. because this treatment did start the month of ramadan and continued to say it's not the president of human human inquiry and gets hot per day and not to famine and our vision hearing over crowded a rough, i have to the but a family that has
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a really because the death of the kids $25.00 and the children in the northern part and guys are pretty old happening to be in the bombing campaign that has already caused inquiry and casualty. as well as a great deal of destruction and separating people from remaining family members worst trended. and they were raised a part of the gaza, severely, the modem and all the city, and continues to put so much of pressure on so many people are not celebrating this remo. done as the used to be in the past. didn't all of the been difficult living conditions surrounding them, but the you're not even celebrating it with the basic with the basic minimum elements i think right in college, they used to be with zachary soon lives. glenn friends at a family gatherings and happy family. new york told me as together,
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not of it seems to be happening this time as well hoping for the work and so they can get back to the mice. okay, thanks so much, honey. honey mcmurry, there for us. and rossa, for the head of a mazda as political bureau as well. honey, a has blamed, is ryan. so failing to reach these 5 deal and gaza before ramadan said that you have to huddle up until now. then he has been evading, given clear assurances and commitments, especially regarding the scenes file, meaning the cessation of aggressive all for you on the gaza strip or you won't even hours before this speech. i was in contact with my brothers the intermediaries, and we did not receive any commitment from the enemy regarding the ceasefire. this means they wanted their prisoners to return and then resumed the war and the people and all enclaves and occupied east jerusalem is riley forces have blocked the entrance to the isle aux and most compound,
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some worship has prayed outside of those who were trying to enter the con, pounds for peace and by his ready soldiers at the gate entrance. phil ochs, the compound is the 3rd holy aside from muslims. since october, the 7th is ready to start. these have limits of the number of people that are allowed in the box is more from occupied east jerusalem. some videos seem to indicate that essentially people will not being allowed through such an entrances towards the most inside the old city uninstall. occasions being pushed back by police using the tongues bill city not being decorated this year in lights of events in gaza. and the police security presence last night across jerusalem extremely, extremely intense. large numbers of vehicles on the streets just where we are and like 5 east jerusalem, and large numbers of trees on the streets of the old city itself. so full wrong concert has left many hospitals out of service. the few that remain uh, facing severe shortages of medicine supplies and medical stuff struggling to treat
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the 2nd injured and is x on which reports that includes patients who are on kidney . dialysis patients suffering from chronic keeping disease are dependent on life saving dialysis treatment that's under threat because of the israel siege and gaza . that left them father notes in 3 members of my family must have their blood climbed this year. the journey itself to the hospital was a challenge, a shortage of food and nutrition, and the lack of clean water add to our suffering. we are losing weight and our hit was fatigue and exhaustion. many patients are now in a dire need for blood transfusion, which is not available. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease who need 3 treatments a week. i'll she for hospital and nothing causally is one of the few hospitals still operating, but many patients have to travel long distances to get their delays and treatments mean more complications. hi, so i know by,
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let's see. it is common knowledge that absence of dallas is leads to the build up of talk sense and the patient's bloodstream. this disturbs the bodies assets and fluids. this is caused by manufacturer power being cut off, as well as the bolt at the salvation pump coming out of operation, i made the absence of clean fresh water. patients also say they are desperate and in dire need of help. with food and medical supplies running out fast, their survival depends on that health arriving soon. axles i'm reaching out to 0 or the him $23.00 sizes have taken over to another town in the eastern democratic republic of congo. and now this video shows the moment before 5 is entered and sees the town for one day in north kia province. the group has displaced thousands of people as it advances towards government. the regional capital on saturday doctors without
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borders condemned an attack on a hospital in the area and urged all sizes to protect medical facilities. catherine story has the licensed from nairobi. a. so m 23 rebels have been saying that the reason why they are in that area is because they want to protect the community that is around that. but we also have todd on from the government saying that m $53.00 is a made up of foreign rebels. they, it is not a problem, these entities. and we've also had from different international organizations and countries like, you know, the us of friends. and we've also help from either you when naming rhonda which may but d r c. so we've had from those of a blaming one the full a using m 23 and find a m 23. we know that there's
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a lot of pressure on all sides to de escalate this tension, and that has been esl, its for mediation. again, that has not, that has failed in the meantime, is the side of it, possibly one point. 6000000 people have been displaced menu, all of them, and leave in very definitely conditions. and a lot of the ones that we spoke to when we went there is that they just one piece and they want to go home. candidates and syndic on who were excluded from the upcoming presidential election. i go into court to ask for the vote to be postponed . the civil politicians, including the summit for the president's hampton. i was going to push to june. the opposition accused this ruling party candidates driving the constitutional council judges to keep watch off the list. now the poll was safe for last month, but outgoing president mack, yourself the latest just before campaigning style. so it's more on this. nicholas
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hock is outside the supreme court. in the car for us and nick right now there in 19 official candidates, but depending on how this court decision goes, there could be more yes, including kareem was the son of the former president who's leading one of the most biggest political party in the country. the democratic senegalese partner, do you know, his supporters and m p. 's elected in p's will go to the supreme court in the building right behind me to launch an appeal to cancel the election. say that this election that has been delayed and now and now it's from march 29th, is in breach of article $29.00 out of the electoral code which states that to delay the elections, it has to be voted by the parliament, the national assembly. so petition is expected to be felt here at the supreme court, but also at the constitutional council just a day or 2 days after the campaign has started creating this uncertainty even more
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uncertainty over the election. and this electoral process, remember, present like he saw, had delayed the election saying that they were suspicion of constitutional intelligence receiving, rives not allowing certain members of the opposition to take part in this election, none of that is actually resolved. there is still a political crisis beneath this electro process. tom and nick, what is the status of both of the fi his expect to to get a lot of support? i guess that is if he is freed from prison of the that's right. and so the is the law that was voted into parliament last week will be promulgated and judges will decide who gets to be released or not. already we have seen in the 1st campaign meeting of best through gym. i file that is in prison representing
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a band political party called the best death. garnering so is the people that have come out in support of the opposition figure. now when we speak to those members of the, of this party, they say it's not about us here. which i find, nor is it about the leading opposition. think of representing the party who spend soccer, who's also in jail. it's about their project, their project, to overall the system, to renegotiate contracts, or the gas contracts that are very lucrative. here we negotiate the relationship with a former colonial power friends that has a lot of stakes in this country. so this is really attracting young voters, a lot of you know, and a lot of the members of the diaspora for supporting the candidates and see of bus 2 to my 5. so although we've seen thousands of people come out on the suburbs of the capital, the car, we have to remember that said the goal is not the capital. there's still a campaign ahead and a lot at stake to try to attract the voters in the countryside. target,
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thanks so much nick, this nicholas hawk for us outside the sprint court in dakota as well. so hit hit on l. g. is there a time? does annual meeting is time limit the ends with promises to boost the economy? a few details on how they plan to do it. the frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense. say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash, but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial work. we live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, the
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colleges when the explorer 2023. the fascination to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the the,
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the what you know just here a reminder of our top story is the south as well as bombardment of guns continues as the muslim holy month of ramadan begins for the $31000.00 palestinians have been killed since october. as well as restricting how much food medicine and humanitarian supplies can get into cancer is ready forces have lumps the entrance to the locks and most compounds and occupied east jerusalem. some worship is completion by is rarely considered as i tried to enter the compounds. and in 23 sizes have taken another town in the eastern democratic republic of congo. for this video shows the moment for full sizes into it and sees the town to for windy and north, keep it problems. the fighting has displaced thousands of people trying, his political leaders have concluded the annual national people's congress and publishing. they gave few details on how they planned to tackle the country's economic issues. but did acknowledge that the 5 percent growth target will not be
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easy to his. china's economy has slowed for multiple reasons, including high unemployment, declining population and a crisis, and the property sector, katrina hugh, has moved from beijing. 3000 come in, his policy officials have exited the building behind me. the great whole of the people ending this is national people's congress by setting 2 priorities. the 1st was bursting confidence in china is flagging economy last week. the government set in a vicious growth target of 5 percent g. d, p for 2024, providing few details as to how that would be achieved. however, we did subsequently hear a lot of positive language about the resilience of china's economy, as well as being acknowledged. some of those deeply entrenched problems really holding growth back, including rising unemployment and a crisis in the housing sector. one solution put forward by the government at this use and p c was in the seeing in more innovation power and the economy by changing the course model and update,
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upgrading its manufacturing sector from focusing on cheap goods to cutting edge innovation. secondly, was the privacy of strengthening national security and strengthening the power of the club and his policy. one of the laws, voice it on and paused in the great hold. the people at the closing ceremony was a little regarding the state council. and what this change did was really emphasized the power of the communist policy or the government and presidency didn't pay at the center of all of that. while the president consolidated his grip on power during this years, congress, the power of china is 2nd in charge. it's premier need strong, a seemingly diminishing traditionally the national people's congress ends with china is premier, facing the price and a rare opportunity for the media to question him. know that solution that had been held since 1988 was canceled this year going forward. so next year at the n p c, and so the n p stays going forward, there will only be 19 in the line life,
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and that will be presidency didn't take katrina, you alda, 0 aging and emergency meeting of caribbean latest is due to be held in jamaica, all over the west and in cross as an hazy, the u. n. is describing the capital as a city of the siege. thousands of haitians have fled portal princes of getting federal security forces, the full control permanence, the r l. r. e, is unable to attend holland month to flying to kenya, to finalize the deal for an international peacekeeping. first lady's name is in the dominican republic here, especially concerned by what's happening a correspond to entice about has more from the board of town, the humble. so we're here at the border between the dominican republic. i'm hate to where haitians are telling us of those to try to cross the border about the extremely difficult situation in the country. you can see why. here is that migration bus that is taking haitians back in fort worth, k t, they're being reported. and that's why someone writes,
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organizations are asking country like the dominican republic to hold applications because people there are facing a life threatening situation. what's going on in haiti right now, let me see if we can show so also the people that are currently inside there. they're going to be taken back all the way towards 18 in the meantime. in hey, you too. there's still reports of your thing or are some ongoing in the city with gangs trying to attack the infrastructure. the ministry of interior, the supreme court, probably the presidential palace, the united states air listed non essential personnel from the united states embassy in florida. friends, they say that this is a standard operation to try to secure the people in the capital there. hundreds of people outside that embassy for trying to migrate legally to leave the country because of the ongoing violence that's ongoing in hate. in the meantime, there's lots of talk about the move time, national and security support mission as men to be deployed fast. it's not clear
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yet when that is going to happen. a country like tenure has offered to send a 1000 lead to police officers to support the haitian national police in the fight against a guy. this is the united nation mission. but when you talk to many of the people that are in haiti right now, that are struggling with violence with shortage is a food of medicine offers walter, what they're telling you is that help is not coming fast enough. that is, how will i just see the problem to look up on that has been very admitted to the economic community of central african states, up to 6 months of sanctions. the regional block agreed to reinstate its membership at a meeting over the weekend double and was suspended until the constitutional order could be restored. following a crew that also the bone goes. presidents in august, the military faction and palate and leave it on the physical hold elections in 2025 . sweden has become to 50 seconds, been the country as nice as
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a short while ago the flag raising ceremony was held in brussels, sealed. it's a session to the military alliance, nato secretary general, to instill in big and sweet as prime minister of kristen were in attendance. we didn't apply for membership of to russia, invited ukraine, ending decades of neutrality. i didn't expect at all about the feeling i'm sweet and what's going to be a member that during my tenure as sick to general of natal, i'm done. of course, this is changed totally with the full scale innovation of ukraine on the since then, the things really moved very quickly. we have a broad support from uh, the whole political spectrum, both in finland suite and the made this impossible of maybe as possible. this is of course great, and it demonstrates also that to naples door is open. it's for nathan allies, the, the applicant, the country to decide it's not for rochelle to decide which paul different, a repeating countries wants to choose
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a known sweet and then feed on has chosen to be member of methyl on the other much welcome back. you cranes, top diplomat has slammed comments from pub francis, who called on keith to negotiate with russia. quarter have jo you'd have, i knew that be on in an interview. pub. francis said you crying should have the coverage of the white flag and talks with most of the current in foreign minister said keith will never rise any flag, but it's national one president will automated zalinski or somebody to reference to the pubs comments and his dining address to the nation. yeah, chapel board, symbol greens can look up a lot of i think every ukrainian chaplain who is with the army in the defense forces on the front lines defending life and humanity. they support us with press waste tools and with the skin. this is what it means to have a church that is with the people, the women, not somewhere 2 and a half 1000 kilometers a way of black thing is a virtual mediator between someone who wants to live and someone who wants to
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destroy you. if there is roseville or wrong cause it has cost a shadow over the us because there are many protest is rarely downside to read. compet events in hollywood, inside the big window was the $1000000000.00 box offices about the nuclear bombs, which end of the 2nd world war oppenheimer to come 7 awards, including best picture, well, some dice. out reports hollywood came together to honor itself on the night when the world around it is a core. the demonstrators gathered near the events, calling for a ceasefire in god's. their presence was felt and not only because the protests delayed los angeles traffic and actors inside were artist for cease fire pins to show they support in israel's are sold, remy yusef, who plays a supporting role in the film. poor things told variety what the symbol meant. to
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come for immediate permanent ceasefire in gaza, we're calling for peace and justice. last thing, justice for the people of palestine. and i think it's a universal message of just let stop killing kids. quite a most of the kids. but on the oscar stage, real wars, those on going in those, in the past were a constant, the the zone of interest, a start historical portrait, of the domestic life, of an architect of the holocaust. one for best international feature film. it's director jonathan glazer used his moment to highlight the horrors of the present. right now. we started here was man who refused the jewishness, and the holocaust being hijacked for an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people. what are the victims of outside of the what are the victims of october, the 7th, and israel will the ongoing attack and gaza,
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all the victims of this to schuman, i zation war took home the award for non fixed. so one milestone, 20 days in mariel books. a tense film about journalists covering the early days of records more on ukraine behind the front lines. one best documented small visuals and it was war. and the question of how to remember its worst extremes. that was the subject of the film, but gathered the most awards and total best picture director, actor and 4 other trophies, went to oppenheimer. we made a film about the mine and created the atomic bomb. and for better or for worse, we're all living in oppenheimer's world. so i would really like to dedicate this to the peace makers everywhere with so many plenty conflicts ranging far from hollywood. it's not clear who can play that role in the real world. wilson dies or l g 0. well, that's often they tell them across the moment you can find much more information on our website. that's l to sarah dot com,
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where there is next and then inside story looks and what's behind you and us plans to send a supplies to kansas. is it really for its people? simply the exercise for wisdom political leaders stay with us, the, to hello their heads up japan, all of your islands, under weather alerts for heavy rainfall. all has to do with a storm system sweeping through. it's a quick move or it will be out over the pacific by wednesday, but it does mean a wash out of a day in tokyo, on to say, shooting for a high of 12 degrees on the flip side of things. the rain has moved away across china, so that's allowing the spring sunshine to really do its thing. i mean, look at greatly 26 degrees. that will be a sun cloud combo shared off to india. we go no weather alerts to speak of. it's
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a quiet picture temperature starting to go up in places like time allowed. use capital janai 35 degrees for you on tuesday and get ready for the south kind of stand. this is a proper rain storm impacting places like rods and cobble and then it's going to drops and mountains, snow leak over the other side of the border and bucket stones below just on probably. and so quite so also looking at of what day on tuesday when there's a big story across the middle east, slowing down from the golf currently and around southern saudi arabia. so let me show you what this is doing. it's really boosting up those temperatures in places like jetta and mecca for example, but it has dropped down the temperature and react to $24.00. and so looking to see wouldn't guess i would say about 40 kilometers prior on tuesday. so yeah. the coveted beyond wells, taken without hesitation in fulton, died for power that finds out loud. we live here,
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we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy, and then they try and scale the people with that. and the people in power investigate, expose this and questions they use them to be just of our around the one out there as close as people face salvation from is was full and see the us and the you with the plan to send supplies by the us and e, accounting phase, i've also been busy supplying weapons. so as well with the new initiatives, help gaza or are they just the opposite size for us president joe biden. and he's the you i life. this is inside, sorry. the .


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