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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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mesa rule, not selves. they find an enemy and then they find scared of the people with that. and the people in power, investigate, expose this and questions they use them to be use of our around the mountains there. as close as people faced. salvation from is was full on seats. the us and the you with the plans to send supplies. but the us an e commerce phase have also been busy supplying weapons. so as well, with the new initiatives help does a full audit. just a feel like the slides for us presidential by john and he see your life. this is inside, sorry, the hello and welcome to the program. i am hash him a bottle of israel genocide,
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the pounding of guns us use of toe, but continues with most of the weapons supplied by the wise and the you. such was the rush to give his ride. will bones to kill policy is that the emergency powers to bypass the us congress have been used? european commission president us to live on the land also rushed to decline her support for as well impersonated catawba was several estates, notably germany, and it's all the major on suppliers to as well. now both of us and you have announced plans to send in vital supplies to gaza. the boots out a lot more complicated than overland ones shot by as well. but perhaps there's nothing so complicated as trying to get to help to people on the attack from weapons you've also supplied. so what all these us and europe and asia is really about, will they help the people of guys? or are they really intended to help us presidential by this election campaign? and he usually does as the pages of high. so if bill with the victims of his wild,
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judas, lie, the war and will crimes. with exploring all this and bull with, i'll guess in a few moments. first, this report for image and can buy food. puzzles. power shifted into garza, but they are a tiny fraction of what's needed to feed a population of 2300000, where everyone's at risk of starvation because of israel's blockade. an ongoing who have babies. i want to feed them. it is shameful. shameful. b u is working on a maritime cordial with a spanish char t dining to send to ship, loaded with 200 tons of basic food stops from long ago in cyprus. under us will ship is on its way with equipment to build, appear in garza, with ships carrying food, consult, but it may take 2 months for engineers to construct it. and that will be too late. so many. the un says 576000 people in garza already suffering
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catastrophic levels of hunger. the concern we have with this initiative and the address of the population needs, they might not receive the point to offer systems, but these here and by 20 j a h. we were to be christ briefings dignity in distribution equity to ensure that the most vanilla border groups are receiving aid and security for the recipient of the un says adults, costly and effective and the ad drops and make sure the top is usually a last resort when supplying aid and the enemy territories, which israel is not to the us. why is the united states providing bombs and munition and financial support to a government that is stated? it's intent to start civilians. and so giving israel no restraint, no, no substantive constraints on money. and weapons. it's almost incomprehensible. fuck,
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hurry suggests that the us adults end up pleasing a domestic audience with an all i to upcoming elections. one stop cause a stopping to death. cus supports israel financially and supplies, weapons and military equipment. the white house recently pledged an additional $17600000000.00 for military assistance, but the, instead of saying that will build a pulse, stopped providing the weapons, they throw the american weapons like killing our kids. we don't need aid from them or we need them to stop the killing. israel denies looking at least 2 land borders with garza, but 8 agencies say delivering aid under football and is impossible. certainly small amounts of 8 and to the size with barely anything reaching northern garza where it says that an average of $97.00 trucks will enter and goes a daily in february. roughly 20 tons per truck. that's it. it's low, but one size, $900.00 tons daily. the agency says just to meet people's most basic needs. that
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needs to be $500.00 trucks, daily, plus $10000.00 tons of age every day. that can only happen with the ceasefire until then, people will continue to starve to death with $335000.00 on the 5 year olds being the most vulnerable image in cuba, out 0, the inside story. the. let's bring it all gas down here in the how we have been for sean hayes, an 8 active as to have been in gaza throughout the will until 2 weeks ago. we also us in no way talk to him about god, but his profess of emergency medicine of the university of tons. so with long and extensive experience working in gaza. and a lot of times we have model one to sorta i just the senior political as well come to the program month for we have 2 initiatives. the us initiative of
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a floating p a and now the b as i was saying, the considering now the c core door from c plus all the way from cypress. all the way to guys do people it and goes up trust base to initiative. we'd be more than enough to cater for all the basic needs as i think the people and goes us 1st priority is security, the safety they are looking towards permanency is fire. after going through 5 months of genocide and eggs, items destroying goals, their belongings, their homes, killing their relatives and making them live intense and apparent conditions for the past few months. so unfortunately the united states and when, when you talk about the us in front of the people of gaza, they don't see them as a new trail neutral entity anymore. they see them as, as, as a siding with israel. so i think it's a p r, attempt by the,
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by the ministration in order to appease their, their voting, the, their voting population in the united states. it's also a message that supports the israel when it comes to trying to stop under uh, working in gaza. they are trying to bypass this international organizations. they're trying to bypass the philistine and people and trying to uh, connect directly with them through ways that do not make sense when it comes to the quantity and the quantity of the fluid of the aid that is needed. especially with thousands of trucks leading outsides. that off border, it's going to take a long time and people are not going to be able to wait that long given the hunger situation. and i think similar analysis applies to that. you to the cases will not be of extensive. it worked in because you have the know the parts of the country, which is of what people in dire need for immediate help. and then you
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would assume that if you'd just open the crossings, aid with flowing smoothly safely and efficiently. instead, the mac is under your p is assigned to your work out something unprecedented and we don't know how is going to be implemented. do you think that could be the only practical way to try to deal with the catastrophe situation in gaza? to be able to see port by the us is definitely not a way to solve the problems of hunger and the use of hunger as a weapon, as we see. nobody's really. absolutely not. it's that sort of thing. the country and i just spoke to one of my young colleagues in garza who is staffing one of the welcome points that they have established and something goes up to receive the people who are displaced from the north. and he said, this is only part of a political game. it is probably a better solution, is that because it will force when people to this port and that will be
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a new evacuation point to people to leave god. it will create the structure for a new not about the situation. and the policy is in god they know that believe in god sites and one way ticket. so neither way to solve immediate a demand for helping out with a hunger, nor will it is create any type of security for the policy and housing does a no willie, wind enough food and the point is there is enough food. it's sitting at the border . it is eating up the crossing thousands of trucks just open it, just leave the seats. you guys off of this can be sold in a minute and by never trying to have the seats lifted. so this is such a double standard. it makes me sick to the boat to hear it because it has nothing to do with caring for the, for the hunger, for the wounded. i'm for the needing people to go. so this is a political pay and it's more the interest than nothing more. why the, a genuine attempt to provide help for the people of gaza,
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or what will be our campaign by both the americans and the europeans? i don't know, but judy would, it could be desperate. that's one explanation. the solution is desperate to do something. anything in that way, it gives a person that it does seem for the people in casa, considering that the restriction has been complicit in the road. in genocide in what is going on in guys are not going to be that more than 46 of their conditions . the bombs use to buy these are the, are we in the is american? so america simply, kate and i think after 5 months award problems before hospital, some children it's actually been things i think, slowly but surely defined. the decision besides the not for this is
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a more crime. so perhaps you this in general side. and this is tom patient policy on the part of the side. it is trying to create some, in order to pressure him austin, to compromise and has the ability to use this leverage willingly. or i'm really, really, whether it is or has tried to use a search for and did not work. what is i'm going to do with the service address, of course not working. that is part of the file. your sausage and the certificate is what you've been talking about. reporting, which is creating some kind of a core 500 meters away from casa. and the great is a kind of a, a causal way from the 4 piece to the. busy dentist does a strip itself and then find a way to, to see for that it's fairly complicated it's, it's very expensive and it's more about to do that. not, not work. okay,
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most so you've been involved in a activities in gaza for quite some time. now give us a sense of what happens next when they decide to spot unloading a into the strip. we don't have any specifics as we speak. i think about the modalities of that, whether it is why it is going to be stepping in. do you have any concerns that the situation could just be similar to the was when we saw them ad dropping a when suddenly turned into a tragedy? yes, i spoke to the aid workers which are working with i work with closely in the north and the midland, the southern region. and all 3 agreed on one think that in order for this to work, uh, this needs to be organized together with a receiving entity from the state inside. i mean, we need to be as well of practically meet to be logical. people that are hungry people, they are need any kind of aid. and what, what they're going to try to do,
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i think, is they're going to try to organize themselves in order to make sure that if, if this is successful in any way. and even if it, we receive a few tons of aids that people don't have to go ahead and run over each other and try to fight over a few tons of 8 here. and there. people in the north, in the middle and the south will need to be organized. they will need to work with their local charities or organizations with on the wall, with other established a 8 associations in order to ensure that if any aid is provided through the you through the us food, the sport that the successful received to the point of seeing people, even with all the helps one percent of the population, that's better than nothing. but again, that doesn't solve the root cause of the problem, the lack of security, the lack of any kind of peace and like that likes the commentators here said there are thousands of trucks available on the border. they can easily solve it by
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ceasefire. and all these trucks entering mazda one in 6 children under the age of 2 is acutely mon, nourished in gaza. an odd way speak the americas. the europeans of these writers did not come up with a specific plan about how they're going to gather that age. vital supplies medicine food and then how is it going to be distributed by these bodies are going to have a biggest say, what would be the reaction of a desperate local population? couldn't this end up becoming a disaster? yeah, it is already a catastrophic. it is a disaster, it's an avalanche of human suffering which has not made a 100 percent by the template coalition between east river and the united states as month. so we'll just set so. so we know already because stopped or abusive published. i mean that's really helping us. i said 2 and a half months ago. he said that the triangle of best in god's how it is hunger.
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it's just lack of water. i need these disease and we know from the investigation, it had been done that the number of uh, kids below 2 years with life threatening diarrhea is now 70 percent of the kids is printed 3 times more than 2 years ago when this was last investigated. so there is no time to wait, that's the point. these kids are starving yesterday. the means to help reported a team best from starvation and she hospital based monitoring for we'll take maybe 30, maybe 60 days to the built. at the same time. there are thousands of trucks with food and water standing waiting. so the problem here, the re, political problem provide in the us administration, is that they don't have any leverage on israel by just talking. what they have to do is to say no more boss,
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no more money until you open up an end to see cham garza because in the meantime, where we are discussing and drinking coffee and eating in or, or homeless or breakfast is the, the, the income. so will be fine, so it is an immediate need for food and water. i have to treat this week and a deceased was actually dr. uh, using property said that more people are dying from starvation, dehydration and deceased that from the bumping itself. now. so this is so immediate that this whole class can also be seen as a, as a way to, to take this writing goal and waiting and going and, and killing me when people, excuse me, it is 111. how do you explain that the americans of the you came together now? so you both initiatives without any guarantees that we're going to see a piece plan, an agreement that says by that could be conducive to age being channelled into gaza? yes, that's precisely why i said that it's uh
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a desperate pool. i don't think it's uh well, thoughts through i think by that and decided at one point after a number of steps to pressure you know, intubated but the human being and said it could be so he then uh basically hectic, desperately such as proposal. this kind of a way of dispatching a 2 guys he started with by shooting an hour to support, but clearly uh, specified it after dispatching, blinking, and say, the secretary said after on vision, come at a higher, says vice president and city. and after bringing guns the what carmel just in general, in order to put some more pressure and shooting. after making a number of hard to get statements and not working, then he decided to do this. he basically come out to the open inside of the insurance on the floor,
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then they're basically using the humanitarian assistance as a bargaining chip. that is in, by itself for basically the american president of the city page. it has in directly a tooth is of what branch and starting people he does as i'm not going to check because house. so why is the 4th in hershey? and i think that's the was from what we've heard earlier. from the guess. there is no, no, just to go problem in guess there is no, i would even say 8 problem. a gotcha. even though the people in desktop there's a there's a commonality problem. and the problem is that there's a lot of isn't going on and not in the north america with one sort of the permanent si, fi, one to america was not to use. it's not rich as much say what it is there any dental stopping, the financial aid stuff being done with the $382.00 is the forces to stop its speed
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. you may, policy gets more products generous, i guess was it stops in you may jo cycle possibly because i think that's more call because once we have that, it does not should not be an instead of a problem getting to know more is to be stopped. america, i couldn't get it to stop it if it was a muscle you have been so out of the water and goes until 2 weeks ago. give us a sense of life in this trip. just few days before you left, i left i left gaza temporarily on february the 27th. so just under 2 weeks ago. and my last memories was being trapped in the city of han u. s. especially on the western side of that city. while that is ready, forces were writing the civilian homeless population and the population there. i remember for days together with many other civilians, we were filtering well water using sand using gum, course rocks,
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using some cuts on boards in order to ensure that we have enough drinking water to survive together the many hundreds of others we were or fasting every day. from sunrise to sunset, relying on one meal a day, which can be as little as half a kind of beans for a group of like 6 to 7 people. the situation there is very dire and we're talking about the south, which is supposed to be better than places like the north and the middle region. what is happening there is a genocide. what is happening there? is on seen we haven't, i haven't heard or seen anything like this for decades. and i am still shocked that the governments of the world that the united nations have not acted it any way to put a stop to it. like your guest said, it is a problem that can be easily solved for the humanitarian crisis. for hunger ceasefire right now opened the borders and i am sure that or
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everyone will be happy to see that 2400000 civilians are being well fed are being taken care of from that health point of view and, and hopefully hopefully the political situation gets the results over the next few weeks, but hunger it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. and this, this ploy of the one that us setting up this 4 to 500 meters away. it's just, it's just um, it's just a way to kind of door just a way to ease the effect, ease the pain, while they try, why they can solve that problem as soon as possible using other methods to match. the health system has been almost decimated in gaza. whatever happens to model within a month from now with of, of be able to bring back the medical sector in gaza to what it was before october the 7th. and i'm sure i'm sure they was part of the palestinian doctors and nurses implementing some medical students and nursing students. they have been phenomenal
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. they have been the beacon of hope and the moral compass to the world because they have never left their patients nor their their their people. they have been killed by the hunger. it's almost $400.00 killed pilots. i received them tortured, still, they stopped till they will start to the function. once we can reopen the restore and repair the policy, me a health care system under public opinion leadership, let us not make that mistake. that we turn augusta into a bigger community, dependent at a dependent community like kindly stop because what we need is to support policy and sort of at the hospitals. i don't know if that done each, they can be restored at once. we have security for the patients of the stuff and we have stuff in the moment. now for the question of this database weapon that is ro is using with this report to the us. i have to ask this question because one thing we avoid discussing is that deep unlimited racism and colonial aptitude that is
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going in both the you and the united states. and of course as well, how many jewish children would bite and that have allowed to be starved to death by and then he was incarcerated. a jewish community denying the water food and medical supplies, and bumping. then we know the answer 0. and when you read all these release, we just reported us to kill 12500 policy, new children. after starving and on the 3rd step to death. this is such a musty attack on or humanity. i need this such a disgrace for our civilization. that needs to be at the core of the discussion. no, we don't have another date like we must act now to put pressure and the only pressure we can put is political sanctions. it is the level of interest up the ball supply and the water supply to these rows. i stopped them from killing more people and they are just the last 24 hours. i got a message from them as of today,
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85 killed and a 130 injured the last 24 hour received a gnostic, hers so, so the killing is going on as the world is the big thing. should we go here? what isn't there? and one more point i like to buy only thing i left saw, i'm to manage shut off as to, to main entry points for their trucks. and these rail, close off the fence completely in the south and then continue whether impatient on their minds of course, and not i thought because they can point to that c port and treat as they all go up there and get the food. so this is a very dangerous game, their planes and i think the only reason why is my allows allows us to start building. the key part is precisely to get a 100 percent control over. that's all right. it's end to end. this is and yeah, you'll see that one, this is a notion of 28 initiatives. the sick when we do the floating docks that create a sense of resolution
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a sense. so finally we're going to see an end to the complex and then to the war. and, and, and to the suffering of the people because of the design is on the other hand, insist that would continue that offensive. but if i had just a matter of time to, for these thoughts of the other end of the need to destroy how about both notions of 8, on the other hand, no sense of vision about what happens next in, in, in gaza. how do you see it? you know, i actually want me to ask because i'm a bit skeptical to skeptical, but i see going to the opposite direction. i think the monitors understand that this war is for meaning it's kind of a cubey just gave you. so now i was just kidding people for no reason whatsoever for 5 months. the collateral damage has been the occupational guys of the people that you visited, the woman saw so forth. okay, so how much was it cut out the bench?
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the really the topic, i'm sorry, the w w. w project has been does that make decisions? and i think a lot of damage has been at the 5000 us. and i think it is the ability to choose to attractive, but it's intestines on considering whether or not they said that the process must do something to keep up the happiness as will be on the other. now you may have to buy it and you might have to, you know, try to help the situation just now the thing is right, that is going from cypress and so on, so forth and 350 kilometers away from the shores of kaiser. they're gonna send the say, i showed up to 12 or 15 kilometers from another border. okay, that's what it is, right? because it started today, i thought it would be inspecting all the cargo and it would be cyprus to go the same. but in the process that i've done easily into this problem
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here, the inside story if you read right. mm hm. is that the right? is there any dollar that actually wants to stop the people? what degree the conditions for ethnic cleansing? people how, if picked up by whatever well, the, the english or force and the guys. and that's why the united states is asking for the best i save on to time. you and agencies are saying that i did submit to 300000 people trapped in the moving parts of gauze us to face delicate situation of food and clean water w f. b is suspending operations that because st. basically it's just not safe. gentleman, we're running off at the time. i really appreciate you decide to look forward to having the same conversation with you in the near future. i'm at social man talk to him about scale about model. i'm so thank you and thank you to for watching. you
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can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll just see and i dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside start. or you can also join the conversation on x. 100 is at a j inside for the, for me, how shall, how about, and the entire team here in doha bye for now the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the condition of a thing. so she needs this, you know, this is the sort of female surgery and not a weekend and of course the spirits in the face of it. this is odd to me and then i'm a time for me
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the . ready ready the time several venue in doha with your top story is on else a 0 palestinians in garza, are experiencing a remedy in like no other of this year. the most of the month of fasting is being observed in the face of famine. israel is restricting what food medicine and life saving supplies can get into gaza. the number of people who starve to death is 25. and instead of spending time together with family in their homes, palestinians who have already been displaced multiple times are under constant attack. explosions occurred in the southern city of rough uh, shortly after dawn, a small amount of aid was dropped by power shoot into the north,


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