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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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to landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day since it is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening. because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or the israel continues to fund by does all as palestinians spend the 1st day of rooms on picking through the rubble of their lives. here watching all to 0 life from headquarters is all fine getting obligate. also a heads dialysis and a war zone. life saving treatment is under threat to one of the loss. fairly functioning hospitals and receives drugs, hates the spirals. if the chaos will be live from the border and so us,
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dr. state and cure, the leaders prepared to me to address the crisis. and m. 23 fighters take over another town and the eastern democratic republic of congo of tens of thousands are displaced by fighting. the fisher palestinians will experience it on the dawn like no other the most the month the fasting is being observed in the face of famine is realized restricting what food medicine and this central life saving supplies can get into cause of the number of people who've starved to death has risen to 25 and instead of spending time together with family in their homes, palestinians, whoever ready been displaced multiple times or under constant attack to these eager begins are coverage. ramadan is normally a time when muslims comes together to fost worship and reflect that after 5 months
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of unimaginable violence. people who will instead to have to enjoy the pain caused by israel's relentless will on cause. a lot of the class i came here to buy, but i can't find anything to buy. there's nothing, no dates or milk or anything. one can't find anything for their children. all these can goods are full of germs, that in fact the stomach. we need vegetables and fruits to feed our children because they've weakened and died from hunger. more than 2000000 people being forced to live with little to know who to all food is role is refusing to let the most 8 in the supplies to do exist or on affordable housing month has out of meaning here. the other. i think this from a done with to the tragedies of the policy and people knew tragedy in the new torment. the situation is very difficult, and any person who sees that they couldn't deal with the pain of this month,
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financially, originally, mentally look over all of this market in vain, and no one can afford to buy anything. every single person in casa is lost and loved. one knows someone who has and friends and families. a ton of parts unable to celebrate together on the list is rama. done is different from previous years. first of all, we are far away from our loved ones. families, relatives, and friends, and i know everything is different. the israel's indiscriminate attacks have destroyed or damaged, at least a $184.00 mosques in garza, but face is undiminished across the strip. and palestinians say though, keep praying for the will to end. julie vega, i was just there. i thought about zoom has more from what i saw in the south of the
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gulf has the most difficult one right now for policy not as usual is because that was put in have been right now away from the houses living on the, on the land, things on button, and today what we have been seeing in palace market is completely one, was completely shocking us about the city. and so not only it's around in truck quite easily forces but also by the sky rocketing prices. and in terms of the various of you show, which is old food supplies, these guys are completely when trump think that's kind of thing as people are not yet being able to afford the basic for items that being seen today, how people work some beeping and try to crowd into line up for long hours, just for my 5 hours in order to get our breakfast today. and the, the ongoing for children, step out of city is not completely suffering from. and people are saying about the trade in the also using this an order to get one and this is absolutely terrifying of the situation is getting worse on hourly basis. and at the same time,
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religiously, the situation sounds really tell you the majority most in goals. i have been a level to the ground where people were not be able to get to a, to a workshop as they have to be during the past few years. because of the grades and unrelenting button. and that is unfolding them as today. also more than at 70 percent of the, of happy children in the past 24 hours. and this is also terrifying because this to now you will be moved to believe repeated with a daily basis. if the will continues or an occupied east. jerusalem is really forced as a block. the entrance to build ups almost compounds. some worshippers preyed outside. others who were trying to enter the compounds were beaten by is really soldiers at the gate entrance. well, jordan's foreign minister has condemned restrictions on worship. there are some off compounds ringing amazon and a sofa. he also criticized israel for the worst thing humanitarian situation in
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gaza. i understand that suddenly and the most allowing worship as to perform their religious duties and rituals during this whole month and restricting access to alex and most of all of these pushes towards an explosion in the situation. and this is what we are warning about and the key dollars for an investor, israel has to open the door, is completely and widely for the entrance of humanitarian i. there's a funding goes of right now. the figures of the united nations took about thousands of people who call and find food for living with children dying because of the unavailability of food and milk. therefore, the humanitarian crises content except through the ending of aggression at the entrance have enough i to old thoughts of the gaza straight and the allowance of distributing the site or live. it goes. what site enters gauze and now is not enough for 4 percent of goals. as needs and this, a hotel is more from occupied east jerusalem. these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself has said that they were not going to restrict the amount of
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worshipers, also at least for the 1st week. and that would change depending on a situational assessment. but the scenes last night told a different story, many palestinians not able to get into the lock. some oscar 2 for form that a we've prayers. a lot of them actually ended up praying on the outskirts, sending the cemeteries that are near the lions gate. so there are fears of prevention from going to the lock so most of this evening and it will be quite towing to see just how many worshippers there will be these evening. prayers are services that are only held during that amazon were upwards of hundreds of thousands of muslims are in attendance on any given night. so it's going to be quite interesting to see the security restrictions in place this evening. but in terms of the security presence, there is always a heavier presence around and in the old city during, at amazon, especially the is really forces are all over the place, checking people's ideas,
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setting up barricades and other types of measures in front of all of the gates of the old city, especially inside when you get to the doors of the locks a mosque. so palestinians are afraid of these restrictions. and when we were here over the weekend speaking to palestinians, they had said it's something that would be unacceptable to them. something that wouldn't be tolerated to not be able to perform worship as the locks a month. so to night, the 1st day of fasting, and it will be the 2nd night of that, i always prayers those palestinians are bracing for perhaps more as really restrictions will palestinians in the occupied westbank are struggling with a shortage of goods in the markets to prepare for it started during amazon abraham reports from grandma this might be the busiest res, seem to central vegetable market in the left since the beginning of the war, but does not compare to the previous some of the on seasons in the previous years
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when it's would be hard to find a place to send really in the market, especially at this time of the day when palestinians are getting out of we're trying to gather and buy some vegetables to share the breakfast meal with the comedy amazon or amazon, use radio for patients, measures against palestinians continue with the extensive is really ways as well as this check point or no doubt, when things kinda assume in, from realizing with their families in one table. this is the worst remo dawn for us because of the war and gaza. how are we supposed to feel when our people can not find food there? our hearts are aching for our brothers and sisters. and because of that, how does the, the military check points have very difficult? you never know when they put up a new one. they have that to complicate our lives or economic situations already being difficult, but now with the closures and preventing workers from working in israel,
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it's become even more complicated to google. and that's why the occupation, the war, the difficulties many people here were telling us that they were trying to find some sense of normalcy on older hearts and minds or so they were hoping that's why the beginning of this month, they would see if these fire know all of these hopes has been diminished. their prayers continue for a ceasefire for the war to as with a situation to get. and it does happen to him as the to the the war on gaza has left many hospitals out of service. and the few that remain are facing severe shortages of medicine, supplies and medical stuff, and they're struggling to treat the sick and injured. and there's access, i'm of it's reports that includes patients who are on kidney. alice's patients suffering from chronic keeping disease are dependent on life saving dialysis
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treatment that's under threat because of israel siege and gaza. the father notes in 3 members of my family must have their blood clan this year. the journey itself to the hospital is a challenge. a shortage of food and nutrition and the lack of clean water add to our suffering. we are losing weight and our hit was fatigue and exhaustion. many patients are now in a dire need for blood transfusion, which is not available. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease who need 3 treatments a week. i'll she for hospital and nothing causally is one of the few hospitals still operating. but many patients have to travel long distances to get their delays and treatment mean more complications. hi, so i know by less he is common knowledge that absence of dialysis leads to the build up of talk sense and the patient's bloodstream. this, this, the body's assets and fluids. this is caused by many factors. power being cut off,
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as well as the bolted, the cell, the nation pond coming out of operation. i made the absence of clean fresh water. patients also say they are desperate and in dire need of help with food and medical supplies running out fast, their survival depends on that health arriving soon. axels, i'm reaching out to 0. the us sector of state anthony blinking a bull attends an emergency meeting of caribbean leaders to discuss the worsening crisis in haiti. and a short time ago he departed for that meeting in jamaica, which will look at a proposal to expedite to political transition. the country was 1st placed into a state of emergency 8 days ago, daily conflict between gangs and all stories has rippled through the capital city. our correspondents are as opposed to running us from decibel, and that's on the border of haiti, and the dominican republic. so what are you hearing about this? it's waste and not only in the capital which is described to be under siege,
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but also in the rest of the country where i am right now, we're talking to people that are across the border every day. and they're telling us about the dire situation they are facing right now. even though, for example, those guns are not pressing right on the other side of the borders, people are struggling to find food to find walter. hundreds of thousands have been displaced, especially in the capital for the french. so seeing some violent situation on going there will do. no, that's fighting is ongoing with guns and the police, the police for example, the union, the police union in that for the printer. stuff that they need, what funds they need, that munition they need put a prospect among other things to continue with their a fight. they say to protect the presidential cadillac, there's been lots of fighting around the presidential palace, guns had been attacking the government infrastructure for these patients. the ministry of interior, among other things in this situation is that so the members of a,
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you appear in union and diplomats, have been evacuated to the united states has done the same thing. however, they're saying that the embassy remains open to help those who want to leave the country legally. but guys still have a platinum, this is what they're saying. they want to set top. remember transition government that includes, for example, that former quality, the united states for drug trafficking charge as well. he wants to be part of a government. she has the support of many of the guns. however, this is very unlikely that we have the support of the international community. yeah . okay. so speaking of the international community, what you're saying is the demands of the games that are not really going to allied with those like the care of being leaders and the us dr. state who are currently meeting in jamaica. well, that's correct. how many we're going to have to see what this meeting was gonna end up the, you know, what type of solutions the discussions today are going to have most. there's lots
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of concern among the members of the caribbean community about what's happening in here right now. there's been lots of discussions, for example, setting to members of the opposition in hey, think they want to step another type of transition, government transition government that includes political parties, members of the civil society, among other things, to try to get the country out of the current price is also discussed, the preference of a move, tying national security support mission that with the haitian national police against the gang. so there's been lots of talks about when this course could be deployed with the help of kenny and police officers of a lead to any of the canyon police. there's a lot to talk about this could happen any time. but for people here, when you talk to them, they're saying that help for their country right now. it's not coming fast enough. okay, thank you. a tourism for reporting from the border between the dominican republic and hate still heads on l 0. the portugal
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swings to the right. we'll explain why the 3rd place party in the general election looks like the biggest win. and find out why the us special on board for through john will make a regional tour, but he will visit the country while pressing for peace. the route to you by visit capital. and so it's looking like a saga forecast for afghanistan hybrid one will kick off the weather story there. this is a rain storm from herat to cobble is going to drop some mountain snow as well, leak into bucket stands below just on probably. and so. so can like of what day in places like quite to for example, different story though for india it's quite right across the country. no weather
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alerts to speak of. so we move on to indo china and we've got this burst of rain along the border with myanmar and thailand. otherwise it's a fairly quiet picture here as fall. rain has shifted away from southern china, so the sunshine is now poking through. that's allowing temperatures to come up. i mean, look at 121 way. lin 26. but it's going to be a sun cloud combo here. and, oh yeah, whaling, your temperatures will fall off on wednesday, so enjoy it while you can. all of japan's islands are under weather alerts for heavy rainfall with this storm system moving through it is going to be a washout in tokyo had 12 debris. so let's go to enter it easier. right now. it's a washout for what strap of providence also still seeing that rain coming to the western side of sumatra, island, and really right across borneo island for the police side and around per night. it's looking like a wet forecast for you on tuesday. see you later. the weather brought to you by visit castle expo 2023 door to
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the fascination of joining us. and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news . the here's a reminder of the top stories on the altos, 0 of us, our israel's bombardment of gaza continues. as the most them holy month of ramadan
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begins. israel is restricting how much food medicine and humanitarian supplies can get in 2000 more than 31000 palestinians have been killed since october. is really forced as a block the entrance to be an ox on mosque and occupied east jerusalem. some with some worshippers were beaten as they tried to enter the con pounds of slums thirds most sacred sites on saturday. america stopped for months is on his way to an emergency meeting on the crisis in haiti. as on gaines bottled security forces for complete control of the capital porto prince, caribbean leaders are due to meet in jamaica along with the us sector states anthony blinking the us special envoy sedona set to begin his tour of africa and then released later on monday. part of an effort to try to end the conflict instance on where rapids support forces had been battling saddam's army tom per
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yellows, visit as part of a pushed by washington and possibilities and to secure humanitarian access for people in some done. so travel to egypt. if you appeal as well as sony arabia on the you way, e k, but morgan has more from this to denise capital, to the us. special envoy will be meeting regional leaders and political actors, but have been trying to mediate between disabilities. army and the power military rapids support forced us to end the fighting, which is now nearing a year. he will also be meeting sydney's politicians and the regional capitals that he will be visiting, which includes if you will be eligible to as well as saudi arabia, which along with the united states has been trying to media talks between us with the news army. i'm the parent military rapid support forces to reach some kind of a ceasefire and secession of hostilities to pay way for political talks and for humanitarian assistance to reach those in need. now, while he will be visiting regional countries, i'm traveling the gulf states to try to end the conflict in sudan,
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one country that he will definitely not be visiting at least this time around is to them itself. and it's not clear if that means he will be meeting political officials and government officials and military senior military officials elsewhere in the region. or if that will be set for another time. now this comes as the united nations security council called for a cease fire to be observed during the holy month of ramadan. but on monday, several exchanges of fire between disabilities. army and the parent military rapids support forces took place with civilians remaining to be caught up in the middle between the 2 wearing sides. the united nation says 5000000 people are facing 5 men and 18000000 people are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. and so a ceasefire is desperately needed for those who are caught up in the capital, how to him and in elsewhere around the country to be able to get some kind of relief. but so far, both sides continued to battle each other out in the capital held a tool and elsewhere. and the us special envoy is trying to make sure that this
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battle between the 2 sides and, and that civilians were caught up, can get too many period assistance him oregon origins 0 cartoon. the candidates in senegal, who are excluded from the upcoming presidential election or going to court to ask for the vote to be postponed. and several politicians, including the son of the former president, wants to delayed until june. the opposition accuses ruling party candidates of bribing. the constitutional council judges to keep the former president off the list. the pool was set for last month. and $23.00 fighters have taken over another town in the eastern democratic republic of congo. and this video shows the moment before fighters entered and sees the town of ruins, the north cable province. the fighting has displays thousands of people as the armed group advances towards goma. the regional capital cap and so is following developments from nairobi in the town on the surrounding areas. very
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significant. and this, this is where on the side of bass roll of that area is a territory which, which is a rich government have been struggling to contain entities since the beginning of these conflicts and a half years ago. so we now know from siding the regional to solve in africa are on ground. uh right now they are i to a town called k, which is west of go my, it's very far away from where the financing is happening. so us side, it forces us stock and they kind of a bunch of 5 us. we also have
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a coordination of law for municipal groups have been helping as a government who's m 23. but again, it seems that even all those forces you able to afford territory in. 2 this is back to the news continue to suffer 1600000 people have been displaced on this war. many of them are comp for the displace. and they just say that they want to go back home and they want to catherine story all to 0. the ports or goals, democratic alliance has claim victory and sundays general election on the follows of type contest with the governing socialist party, but was no outright majority the center right may not be forced to consider a coalition with the far right shake a party which saw
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a surge and supports natasha butler reports from lisbon. the last 2 might take. no, it's good to go send to right liter luis montenegro claim victory saying his social democratic line said one sunday's general election defeating the incumbent socialists. montenegro had campaigned, promising tax cuts to boost economic growth. but as you go to them, either looks undeniable, either the social democratic alliance have won the elections and the socialist party, you have lost. so how is that being on the search and see about the outcome of the pallet with both sides, neck and neck, to the socialist leader, unexpectedly can see to defeat before the final results. we know ending a to use a socialist governments that it'd be like to buy corruption scandals believe the google doc. no, but everything indicates that the result would allow the socialist party to win the most votes. and that's why i want to congratulate the social democratic alliance
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for their election victory. the mood been subdued, the socialist needs, and the sense of royce it was the opposite for populous party, sheka the hard right anti regression party quadrupled. it said peas and consolidated his position as portugal stood political 1st and possible king making paul elements its leader for the tv football come and take the andre good tour, said it was an historic result. we know that history has already made its choice. shake has a story to it exceeded 1000000 volts in portugal. across the country turn out was high with long queues in many, posing stations. issues including corruption, the housing, no wages and immigration has few discontents. among bunches, salaries are super low and yet you see it's a flying away. so our kids that are very educate,
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it's one of the most educated generations. they have to go into work. sure. else where is to have a good lives that's not good. so disappointed, victory the sent to ride failed to achieve the numbers for a parliamentary majority, montenegro is rooting out to coalition, which should go. but if he changes his mind, it will be the 1st time a hold right policy would have a role in choosing portables. government 50 is off to the country move to democracy from dictate to ship, especially butler, which is 0. this been sweden has officially become the 32nd member of nato. a flag raising the ceremony was held in brussels to mark the occasion. nato secretary generally ends thornburg's us reasons. a session shows that president vladimir putin failed in no time to weaken them. of the 3 lions sweden applied for membership after russia invaded ukraine 2 years ago and the decades of neutrality.
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sweden is now part of nato. we are a proud member together with our closest friends and partners, thanks also to old nato allies who have supported our accession and will accompany sweetness of 32nd member of the alliance. we are humble, but we are old so proud. we know the expectations for sweden are high, but we also have high expectations for ourselves. chinese leaders have closed their annual congress by announcing a series of new laws and boosting economic confidence and tightening national security. katrina, you reports. china is annual national people's congress closed, engaging with the coal t unity in the face of a challenging and uncertain future. it's the $3000.00 strong poem and passed several laws including law, strengthening the power of the communist party with president cd ping edit center.
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among his priorities safeguarding china's interests share with the we formulated fruit security law made revisions to the counter espionage law to fight against infiltration. and as a version of the revised the state se crate protection law, the emphasis on national security comes as beings ties with washington. remain strange. officials say the us is obsessed with its suppression updates. it has the lease of unilateral sanctions is ever expanding, and the fabricated accusations have reached the only imagined release of said level . china is response to the sections are repeated call for more so for lines and innovation and cutting edge technologies, there's a lot of uncertainty. they're turning in word other saying we're not going to be able to solve our problems by relying on others. the u. s. as in, coming to our rescue. china is slowing economic growth, also front and center, acknowledged with the problems of rising unemployment and ability,
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good housing sector through john, thoughts of what housing prices does seriously and solving, and have lost it. operating ability should be allowed to go bankrupt or be restructured guy. push the government did it's best to boost week business. and consumer confidence announcing and vicious g. d. p. target of around 5 percent for 2024. bought to provide a few details on how this would be achieved, though no surprises. this is congress except the axing of the problem is press conference since 1988 china is number 2, has ended the annual parliament by facing the price from this year on woods. however, only one man will hold the line life presidents. she's in pain. katrina, you all the 0 aging in the us government's has announced rules to implement the controversial citizenship law. and the law which has passed back in 2019 makes it easier for religious minorities from neighboring countries to become engine citizens, but excludes muslims, legal experts say the law violates india
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a secular constitution by excluding wisdom, refugees and migrants.


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