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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the, you're watching the news, our lights on the headquarters and don't find any navigator. here's what's coming up. in the next 60 minutes. dawn during war palestinians and gaza spend the 1st day of the fully month under is really fun. pardon me. is real blocks. hundreds of how the city and worshippers from entering the ups on last on pounds. jordan warrens is pushing the situation towards an exclusion. hey c, spirals into chaos will be live from the border as the us x ray state and terry
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b and leaders prepared to meet to address the crisis. the princess of wales apologizes for editing an official families for 1st released by the powers and on peace of statements with sonya spots means is an age of choosing crisis and cam. rooney and football. the national federation has suspended $62.00 players, including a 17 year old, which featured him. jenny reeves efforts a couple of nations that whole coming up later this news our, the a hello. we begin this news hour in gaza where palestinians have broken their facets on the 1st day of phenomenon is really restrictions on food and medicine. entering the strip has led to catastrophic levels of hunger in the south and an imminent famine in the north. well, the number of people who have starved to death has now risen to 25. hinden hood
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daddy reports from dayton by law. we're palestinians who do have access to food are now forced to break their fasts amid the rubble. this is how palestinian families are spending the 1st day of ramadan, having a star on the rubble of their bond houses. according to them was the 1st time and need they told me that this rama done was not very different because they all ready had one meal paid days. tense 5, thousands of times to news. i spending one of the toughest drama done in palestine and in the cause as cheap as 3000 palestinians have been killed since october 7 hundreds of time. and these are separated from beloved ones. others have been killed and others have been also arrested. a very sad drama done this year on the concert. this is in disability,
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august data debbie. but last week the thought about doing tanya is joining us on the phone from southern gaza. so thought it obviously a very difficult to them are gone for people in gaza, has there been any rest price from the air strikes as well? so it's in the situation is really difficult as palestinians began. fostering for women on of the holy wants arrived with these fine types that i'm so hung up was sitting. of course the gaza strip until now inside 45 months old. old wait, how much is spent? but what we can see that there is no really topping fi too because palestinians are continuing to forest up at this very probably month of ramadan where it pray is where field outside of the rustle of 50 minus buildings and houses. most families would ordinarily preclude daily foss with food if it's available, but there is that you'll be on campus and the price is really very high for many palestinians as we broke our foster days. while we were hearing the sound of
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explosions and far exchange on the fonts, topical buzzing of the east valley military survey. this occurrence of this carver of our district, we managed to the fact to, to conduct the number of families and the cost of the gaza strip describing distribution, in fact, to be really desperate state. and that be found nothing to break so far. today. we've just told to need like, what was the last to describe the situation as it's 3000000 human and unbearable. okay. got it. thank you so much thought about assume reporting from the south of the gaza strip. well, hundreds of palestinian worshippers were blocked from marking the eagle from a dawn at the oaks on mosque unoccupied. east jerusalem is really a forties have imposed restrictions on the number of palestinians allowed to worship at salons. 3rd holy sites. since israel's war on does have begun last october, and then on the i came to pray,
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they always refused to look the same as if it's the mosque where peaceful will not carrying on a thing. this is the most of the prophet muhammad peace be upon them. john need from they say we home security and recalls trouble with coming to our most we all know what's coming to cause trouble. we are coming to pray. but the nazis, that's the nature. well, jordan's for administer has condemned restrictions on worship at the locks on last compound during it. i'm a gone. i'm on a self or the also criticized israel for the worst thing to monetary and situation in gaza. i understand that in the suddenly, in the north allowing worship as to perform their religious duties and rituals during this holy month and restricting access to alex and most of all of these pushes towards an explosion in the situation. and this is what we are warning about and know how to keep the site and test these rail has to open the tools completely and widely for the entrance of humanitarian i. there's a finding goals of right now. the figures of the united nations talk about sales and just people who call and find food for living children dying because of the
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unavailability of food and milk. therefore, the humanitarian crises, content except through the ending of aggression. as you said, entrance have enough. i to old thoughts of the gaza straight and the allowance of distributing the site or live it goes. what site enters gauze and now is not enough for 4 percent of goals as needs it's putting that was let's get more on the situation around the end up. so i'm also gonna speak to him this on 14th. joining us from there that's an occupied east jerusalem honda. so what's the situation like where you are right now in terms of security presence on the restrictions on muslim worship for us trying to enter the most as well that in there is a heavy security presence in and around the old city, especially around the locks, a mosque and all of the doors leading up to the whole lease site here at damascus gate where we are we can show you. ringback little bit of the scene and scenario where palestinians will usually gather after a slot after they break their fast. some palestinians were afraid that they weren't
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going to be able to sit on these steps and to have some of those traditions. and it is worth mentioning, but this area used to be entirely adorned with lights and previous and i'm on dogs . but this year, overshadowed by the war on gauze, uninstall a dirty with palestinians who are still under siege and under relentless is really attacked. this has not happened here, as we know it thus far around 8 pm local time. there have been palestinians who are going inside the locks up for that always prayers this evening. we have not heard of heavy restrictions just yet. but last night, as we saw is really police is really forces preventing hundreds, if not thousands of palestinian worshippers primarily young men from entering the hole. we site a lot of those restrictions we've seen on fridays as well. so this time especially, will be
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a testament for how is really police are going to be handling the security situation in and around the oxide. they are going to prevent worshipers from attending the center which prayers and friday prayers. palestinians here have told us that it's not something that they would deem acceptable. it's not something that they would tolerate and the situation is already so sensitive. so there are fears of escalation. there are fears of perhaps clashes here. this is a site that has been known for violence, especially by is really forces. so there is still a lot of unknowns and it is still just the 1st day of what i'm old on as we are keeping track of just how many worshippers are entering the locks almost compound this evening. okay, thank you. i'm this one who's for that update from occupied east jerusalem as well . most of the other sway isn't as lama scholar and he's also a member of the atlantic flux council in occupied east jerusalem in administer as the ox on mosque. he says it's been very difficult for palestinian muslims to go
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there to pray. these restrictions have been already in place, so it's not the as in the end of the, nothing new really about the, the sections and for many, many years. as far as i can remember that that heavy and other sections we had to view the sections immediately after the beginning of the a lot of the beginning of october. and so my so that 1st hand they have witnessed and even easily, sometimes not being able to intellectual holes can the one friday morning. i have seen people on the wheelchair special needs people and we've had a weird prevented also from accessing alex. i'm also kathy regarding the prime minister and nothing else statement in which he promised not to restrict the freedom of worship. he or, i mean men is really angry or analyze the statement. they said the or the, the statement, the promises restrictions that other than the notice that shows because he put
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a cap. that's what that statement said. that he puts a cap of $50000.00 what she was doing fridays. and this is only a fraction of the, almost quite the medium. most of all she presented, we usually have every of dealing with on. and in addition to the languages i'm big, it was allowing room for the sections because he conditioned the freedom of worship on him. these and the security distribution, ramadan festivities and the occupied westbank are more subdued than recent years in life, israel's wall and gaza. need that, but i am reports from the law and this might be the busiest res seem to center vegetable markets. and the last since the beginning of the war, but it does not compare to the previous term, although on seasons in the previous years when it's would be hard to find a place to send reviews in the market, especially at this time of the day when palestinians are guessing out of we're
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trying to gather by some vegetables to share the breakfast meal with the comedy von or the vaughn use radio for patients. measures against palestinians continue with the extensive is really waves as well as the check for that or no doubt, many things kind of simeon from realizing with their properties in one. so this is the worst remo dawn for us because of the war and gaza. how are we supposed to feel when our people can not find food there? our hearts are aching for our brothers and sisters. and because of that, how does the, the military check points a very difficult, you never know when they'll put up a new one. they have that to complicate our lives. i cannot make situations already being difficult, but now with the closures, i'm preventing lucas from working in israel. it's become even more complicated to google. that's why the occupation, the war, the difficulties many people here were telling us that they were trying to find
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some sense of normalcy on older hearts and minds of the they were hoping that's why the beginning of this month, they would see these fire know all of these hopes has been diminished, their prayers continue for a cease fire for the war to as with a situation to get. and it is that when i came into the to the occupied with the united nations secretary general antonia terrace, has renewed calls for a cessation of hostilities in gaza as millions observe the holy month of phenomena done. i know that my son has begun the killings, bombing and bloodshed continue in augusta. we recently enter the 6 months is the settled effects. he needs radio and the catastrophic isabel on slotskum garza be gone. my strongest. the bill today is to
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honor the spirits of drama done by silencing the guns and removing all obstacles to ensure the delivery of even live saving aids at the speeds and massive scale required for us to speak to model on besought of his elders. 0 senior political analyst for the one year joining us from london this evening. thanks for your time so long. well, there is no cessation of hostilities in gaza. the secretary general is calling for one and what we see an occupied east jerusalem around the looks of mosque, more restrictions, heavy security presence. are we looking at an explosive situation across the territories? this one was on. so it's very possible. i think uh this like a pressure cougar. i'm not just sitting by this time. i think serrado region painter is increasing insight the more this morning. so i bought
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a son but also in the region. although various versions of the been able to contain the situation. but as far, but i think somewhere between face time and i think just things auditory think fast. and in the meanwhile, what is going on? i think we need on the line to it because i've heard that some of the times the last few days. in fact, weeks and months is that we keep the marks as the 2nd page and the technician just to watch suspension of us. that is and that, i mean the one around the world talks about a problematic ceasefire. but really, i think we should start talking about and then the aggression again discuss this is no longer the question of the 2 parties finding what i've submitted. your students are clear or disagree. this is just really a question on a sign. not to be on guys. i'm also on the west bank if you stood as little as you just uh before. i don't think i'd rush and go to the beach,
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its watson supported. and clearly there's no way out of it. i guess we start admitting that this is not about somebody locally or the store to swim is not just about another acrobatic diplomacy. this is about international pressure, then the a direction. if you don't and the direction. i think things are really going to get worse. moving forward, right, and look around, let's just listen to what the us presidential biden said earlier this week. i mean, he criticized that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu for failing to prevent civilian deaths and gaza making the comments while he was speaking to an american tv network. but at the same time, he reaffirmed his support for israel. let's listen. and i'm never going to leave israel. the defense of israel is still critical, so there's no red line. i'm going to cut off all weapons so they don't have the iron, don't protect, they don't have. but there's red lines that if you cross isn't because he cannot have 30000 more palestinians. however,
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you have to understand these comments because they seem to be somewhat contradictory. the red line is for benjamin netanyahu to go into it f off, but at the same time by and says, i will never leave israel. yes. well, there's a number of ways of trying to dissect this one. there is definitely increasing age between the prime minister and the presence of this clear differences that we moving forward. but i think by doing that, these are underlining that changes to not a change of policy. and that explains a bit the way he sounds as if he's speaking from both sides of his off. on the one hand, he talks about red lines. on the other hand, talks about continued basically additional support for the onset to make a mistake. or that can give the america support unconditional. sure. been
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additional if i thought it. but for the 5 months now, is that something to support the arms of the money, but it has rejected the advice of being much impressed. and that's why he's getting a bit frustrated with these are the problems because he does not want to see, as he said about 50000 people in gosh, the question is the person is 5000. okay. these are the 2000 children, is another one shot. the dining guys out of start vicious. ok for him. then why 50? 50000. the treatment goes all way to explain why the americans are changing their tone because of are these really? so how do i get to change policy? and that sounds to me like they are still complicit in the war and gosh, right, so then these differences that you refer to between biden and between next and
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yahoo. do they really matter when it comes to the war and the trajectory of the war? you're saying that it seems to be that they both have the same policy going forward . i think it matters only in terms of uh, styles and in terms of strategy, but nothing to me to say gore also wants to see how much to see things and they also have to i'm going to repeat for a while, the store 7 as the with has i don't want the one to continue as it has to be waged the past 5 months. they cannot they cannot tolerate more of the same casualties. more of the see each and by these are, these are the more of the said, basically hesitating genocide. so they want to why the more they want to take it kind of different, of course they want a seat is fine or even if it's fired when sleeping ceasefire in
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a song about 5 weeks, i didn't want to stop one thing, the one that would be and this is the most useful question, i guess i said it could be searched according to the america. these guys are be check for the soldiers. they want to bridge the date. why don't we still want? they don't care about the casualties inside. i'd rather they prefer at higher casualties on the other sinews because we would like them to be expensive, meaning they would like to push as many of them out as possible. they separated the main, vengeful doors, should be funded us up. so that's kind of vengeful, and this might have been also an american idea back in october 15. 81 by the president. is right. we thought to go get justice. but 5 months later, i mean something good. i give you guys the story. more than a 100000 casualties, the world model is to remain silent. the international public opinion is bordering
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and hence, unless something really good in the immediate future, i would say we don't see major financing. gotcha. we're going to see mentioned that in science in canada, and i think the jim, so i'm kinda curious on russell i just think that that is going to echo somewhere individually. right. and so far as time goes, what would happen? okay, might want to try to thank you so much. i the, the america's top diplomat has just arrived for an emergency meeting on the crisis in haiti. the us secretary of state anthony blinking has been invited for a talks in jamaica with care of being leaders from the carry. com regional body and haiti's prime minister r l henri is stuck in puerto rico, unblocked from returning home as arm games battle security forces for complete
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control of the capital. porto prince. r correspondence arisen post joining us from the hubble and dr. town in the dominican republic on the border with hated to tell us what you're learning at this moment about the situation inside hazy. well we've been talking to people that the border for the past few days. and they've been telling us about the difficulties that they're facing in the country, even though the most of the communities leaving close to the border. there's no gang precedence there. the major cities in hays here surround that especially the capital for the princes under siege by guns. we do know that there's fighting ongoing between guns and the police that says the police has been trying to retake some sweets close to the presidential palace that there's been requirements attacks against infrastructure, including police station, the supreme court, the ministry of interior. so that's the situation then the haitian national police, the union is requesting help. they see that they need weapons that they need to
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munition, but they need bullet proof vests to continue with a fight against the gang. this tale is that he's ongoing. it especially in have his capital, has and made that the u. a. p. a new new for example, he's trying to evacuate their diplomatic personnel from several embassies. the united states has done the same. and of course, there's the humanitarian situation in the country with people that i've been displace hundreds of thousands of them playing the violence from the fighting ongoing on the inside. so it has on the civilian population and also of course, struggling for, for, for, for and medicines. and what do we expect to come out of that meeting that i believe is underway right now in jamaica with the care being leaders in the us sectors say well, there's lots of concerns among the members of the caribbean countries because of the inspection of the crisis unfolding in hatred will have in their own countries with, for example, thousands of refugees trying to flee an escape even here in the dominican republic
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. however, the focus right now is trying to set up a transition government. the united states has said that this would be a presidential college composed of different political parties. the private sex or religious groups that we will see are the country towards the deployment of a multi national security supported mission that will help the haitian national police fight against the gang. this mission would be in way lead by tenea with by 10 young police officers on the ground assisting the haitian national police. it's not clear yet when this is going to happen. but the idea is that this mission, when a way we'll see, are the way towards free and fair elections. many of the haitians we have spoken to do not support prime minister ivy elementary. they say that he was not selected, but he was hand picked by a former presidential, renee morris, who was assassinated back in 2021. but he has failed to quote for elections, and that's why many people in the countries say that he should have returned them, but he should resign. okay,
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thank you. teresa reporting from the hub on thank you and 23 fighters. i've taken over another town in the eastern democratic republic of congo, and this video shows the moments before fighters entered and sees the town of ruins, the in the north keeping province. the finding between the arm groups and army has displaced thousands of people. catherine toys following developments from nairobi. the town of lindsay and surrounding areas are very significant in this is where on the side of bass roll of that area is a territory which, which is a rich resources government. hopkins struggling to contain m 20. since the beginning of this conflict and a half years ago,
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so we now have decided to solve in africa are on ground right now. they are i to town called k, which is west of go my, it's very far away from where the fine see it happening. so the side of the stock and they kind of a bunch of 5. we also have a coordination of law for municipal group dot com. been helping the government who's m 23 back. but again, it seems that even all those forces you able to pull the territory in all this is that to be news continue to suffer. 1.6000000 people have been displaced on this war,
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many of them are comp for the displace. and they just said that they want to go back home and they want to catherine story 0. the you one is warning of a bleak future for children's education. and nigeria are ready this month. gunman have kid not hundreds of pupils not follow his years of similar attacks by arm groups off by the duties reports from could do no estates, parents in the village of quitting. wait impatiently for any news of the missing children. 287 pupils under teacher were kidnapped by gunman from the village school last thursday. as the days brag on, hopes of that return fate, a 75 kilometers away. 10 year old use of loud walks, the streets of goodwin begging for arms in the state. capital is got the emissions, but says without ever stepping into the classroom,
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he doesn't know if you will achieve them. i want to be a teacher to educate children. your sofa is 300 kilometers away from home. why is 5 sibling so also never been to school? they for their products. is like millions of others. of interesting i did an estimate that are $10000000.00 children out of school. but international organizations say the total is much higher. most of the children missing from class in the local because that's why i'm groups have attacked many schools. unfortunately, 8 organizations say 700 school, something shocked, destroyed or damaged by the continuing partners. and i did as an old on central stage kidnappings, in the northwest are largely carried out by monday seeking run some wide vocal. and i'm a nice and lucky lated. i'm groups continued to attack and i've got students and teachers in the northeast. the impact of or on education is huge, right? to know apart and told me that they are not going to seem to actually get into
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school. and this is going to say it's development many years, but they are not. they are no longer feeling safe. they don't know if they drop off, they have kids in school that they'll be able to pick them up, enabling government do to encourage you to, to, to show that the majority of children is 10 and above the motor stage. which athlete by insecurity have not finished 6 years of basic school. last year, the number of children shut out of classrooms because of their tax was around $2000000.00. the future is big. they don't have a future. they don't have anything to hold back onto. the system was completely eventually look at what happened in rita. how do you convince apparent that you would give the children back that they should allow them to go to school 8, what they say? the number of kids missing possible goals, unless not just the government and the i'm forced to overcome the rates of schools and the investment in education is increased from a degrees. i'll use it
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a couple of nigeria still ahead on the altar. is there a news? our 1st the protests and now candidates has been excluded from the presidential election in senegal. launch a supreme court challenge for parents to lose your job if you had fucked, an opposition fire. that story is on the way in sports. what either the hello from the al jazeera headquarters in doha, it's still a wendy picture right across the middle. it is good to see it by the way. so this wind blowing down from the rock, making its way into southern saudi arabia, but it is pumping up the temperature in places like jets and mecca upper thirties. here it's dropped down the temperature and reacted to $24.00. and for us here in the look for those winds to gas, to about 40 kilometers per hour on tuesday,
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lot of white weather coming in to central asia and forward to jacob's dance capital sean bay. you're going to be in the sick of this tuesday evening. rain all day on wednesday over that time period, looking to pick up half a month's worth of rain and a dramatic drop in temperature. so the atmosphere freshman's up below average. and you've got sub 0 temperatures at night time. so rain could turn to freezing, rain, and snow for a time. what weather is moving into the western side of the turkey that's going to impact is stand, bowling to africa. we go. it's a hot picture with this wind blowing right across track through this the hell out through the atlantic. so temperature is on the high side for this times a year. rain feels in across southern nigeria and here's an update on tropical psych loan, filippo. it can vine and fall in those and big. it's kept on my food. so looking to see a month's worth of rain and 24 hours. see you later. the
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from dawn to dusk. be nice to meet you as relentless on a mother's toils nose. no rest. her determination fused by love alone. she labours for scott reward. enduring every hardship gives a hope of securing life, changing surgery or daughter to an easiest fields of recipients. a portray of devotion with this on a just examining the impact of today's headline is objectivity is still possible for you. we're not the only question the most is look, 3 ard meeting is alger 0, set the stage ai is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice. i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and safe different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world. today. on alex's here, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the color again, the top story. so now does it renews our america's top to provide us up to attend an emergency meeting on the crisis in haiti. as on james battle and security forces for complete control of the capital, puerto prince caribbean leaders will be meeting in jamaica along with the us up to state antonio, blinking israel's bombardment of gauze that continues as the most them holy month of ramadan begins. israel is restricting how much food medicine on humanitarian
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supplies can get into draws up. more than 31000 palestinians have been killed since october. is really forces to block the entrance to the outside mosque, unoccupied, east jerusalem on the eve of the realm of dawn. and jordans for a minister has condemned restrictions on worship at the end of last compound during the holy month. the war on gaza has left many hospitals out of service, and the few that remain are facing severe shortages of medicine supplies and medical stuff. they're struggling to treat the sick and injured and access i'm of it's reports that includes patients who are on kidney. dialysis patient suffering from chronic kidney disease are dependent on life saving dialysis treatment that's under threat because of israel siege and gaza. the father that's in 3 members of my family must have their blood climbed this year. the journey itself to the hospital is a challenge, a shortage of food and nutrition, and the lack of clean water. add to our suffering. we are losing weight and our hit
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was fatigue and exhaustion. i mean the patients are now in a dire need for blood transfusion, which is not available. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease who need 3 treatments a week. i'll she for hospital and nothing causally is one of the few hospitals still operating, but many patients have to travel long distances to get there. delays and treatment mean more complications. hi, so i know by less he is common knowledge that absence of dialysis leads to the build up of talk sense and the patient's blood stream. this this the body's assets and fluids. this is caused by manufacture, power being cut off, as well as the bolted. these how the nation pump coming out of operation, i made the absence of clean fresh water. patients also say they are desperate and in dire need of help, with food and medical supplies running out fast. their survival depends on that
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health arriving soon. expos, i'm reaching out to 0 in germany says it's increasing its humanitarian a to gauze, all by nearly $22000000.00, but admits this is nowhere near enough to meet people's needs. meanwhile, 2 women living in berlin, one from israel, and one from gaza are taking matters into their own hands. they've started a project to raise money. i'm tom, i'm from missouri and i've been living in berlin for 8 and a half years. i am so bond from palestine, gaza, and i live in germany for one year. sebo was pretty active since the war began. and then i contacted her after making her and dialogue. and i said, i want to do something together. organization is called clean shelter. what we do is fundraise to um,
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finance the construction of toilet and 10 and i d p accounts and guidance. and it was told that in this time of history that we will face this kind of hunger. and like, i couldn't imagine that people would be displeased. i couldn't imagine that children would lose all of their families because we really started small. and because i'm is riley, most of my networks are from is riley's. so we have a lot of is ready donate donations, but we have donations actually from all over the world. it would be a rebuilding taking place. and i'm sure they will be at a building taking place. we want to take a part of this and make sure it's inclusive and make sure that it's reliable and communicative because students that we are constructing now is they're not going to last. i have family and friends in is around that i'm still really, really worried about and hope for their safety. i also feel a lot of responsibility and also
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a lot of shame about the war and in that respect, i'm really happy for this project with said behind even for friendship. i feel this is happening in many ways of the us special envoy to so done a set to begin his tour of africa and the middle east. slater. on monday it's part of an effort to try to end the conflict and so done. we're rapid support forces had been battling through john's army. tom per yellows visit is part of a pushed by washington and hostilities on secure humanitarian access for people in some done. he'll travel to egypt if you appeal as well as saudi arabia and the u. a . e, have a morgan has more from the sudanese capital to the us. special envoy will be meeting regional leaders and political actors, but have been trying to mediate between disabilities. army and the power military rapids support forced us to end the fighting, which is now nearing
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a year. he will also be meeting sydney's politicians and the regional capital that he will be visiting, which includes if you appeal angie booty, as well as saudi arabia, which along with the united states has been trying to media talks between us with the news army environmental through rapid support forces to reach some kind of a cease fire and secession of hostilities to pay way for political talks and for him in his parent assistance to reach those in need. now, while he will be visiting regional countries, i'm traveling the gulf states to try to end the conflict in sudan, one country that he will definitely not be visiting at least this time around is to them itself. and it's not clear if that means he will be meeting political officials and government officials and military senior military officials elsewhere in the region. or if that will be set for another time. now this comes as the united nations security council called for a cease fire to be observed during the holy month of ramadan. but on monday, several exchanges of fire between disabilities. army and the parent military rapids
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support forces took place with civilians remaining to be caught up in the middle between the 2 wearing sides. the united nation says 5000000 people are facing firemen and 18000000 people are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. and so a cease fire is this personally needed for those who are caught up in the capital, how to him and in elsewhere around the country to be able to get some kind of relief. but so far, both sides continued to batch on each other out in the capital, hard to them and elsewhere. and the us special envoy is trying to make sure that this battle between the 2 sides and, and that civilians were caught up, can get so many period assistance. hey, morgan algebra cartoon. in senegal, candidates who been excluded from the presidential election in 2 weeks time, as long as the supreme court challenged to have the vote postponed for a 2nd time. several politicians, including the son of the former president, once the election rescheduled for june, they say the candidate selection process as being rings to keep the former president from running the election was originally due to be held last month. and
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this was hop for, for some outside the supreme court in the cards. the rejected candidates to his presidential election, which includes kareem wad are launching and appealed to the supreme court to cancel the elections all together. they say the election is illegal because it wasn't voted through the parliament. now the supreme court will rule over this by wednesday. this decision to appeal to the supreme court comes days after the presidential campaign has begun in an unusual way. why? well, because one of the main candidates is in prison, we've seen riley's worth, thousands of people have gathered in support of jail candidates busing to my 5. it which she is upset. but there was that support him, hope that the m,
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the state law that was voted in parliament, will allow for his release from prison and for him to take part in this election that was supposed to take place in february and then is now taking place during the holy month of ramadan on march 24th. so a lot of uncertainty ahead in an unusual election process in which the synagogue these people are deciding over the future of their country. nicholas hawk elgin 0, the car time for an update on the sports news now with peter 13. thank you very much. we'll be getting kind of a region where 62 play is being suspended by the countries football federation because of doubts over the real ages. the most high profile and a 17 year old national team player nathan, do all the he was selected in the camera in school and for the africa, a couple of nations in january. seen here training with the squad. the play is being excluded from taking part in the countries temperature playoffs. the reason, given by the camera in football federation,
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the double identity football journalist should come a geisha should some lights on the issue. so it's quite unfortunate because when you look at uh, the himself, he doesn't absolutely look like a 17 year old, common sense should have prevailed. and, but it's really unfortunate. and because of this, a lot has been, you know, unveiled now as someone at the end to come in football association tried to did with this issue that has been hounding african teams for a long time. it's easy for people to go to the immigration or home services to forge documents because they didn't know that if they lower the edge of a plate and then it will be easy for them to get a team to play maybe abroad. so it's a bit complicated, but you know, that has to be an honest, a commitment from the national football or sorry to, to do the right thing. not to be the ones you know, working with the family members to go to the immigration to get sick passports so that they end up with their national ideas. but i also know that if i have the,
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you know, put up structures where at least by the edge of 12 players are required to be, we just did with the national for durations and they have what they call digital passports. so that these help with that could be on the edge issue problems they need sadly and football too, as lecture sex, they head coach, also he a pizza, head button opposition class that you will be the one that will bassetti already negation levels. hello. some better own up at the end of the match or both the events uh approach to verona: striker toma, on re knocking over the frenchman in front of the match. officials. the vesa apologized but denied he was trying to head, but on re saying he was trying to diffuse the situation between him and some of the electric players. the apology fell sure to as far as the luxury were concerned, because we're leaving him all these duties. they said just the points about the bottom 3 in the table. this christina rinaldo is preparing for
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a big game and the agent champions the with all know, so later on monday the saudi team are at home in re i to trying to, over to, in a one know the episodes. and they called a final 2nd league against him. but when i will face either all, if he had or hello in the same ease, is very, very important. game, the club, the players, defiance. we already have the opportunity here now to say to all the funds and the stadium be positive because we players, we are very positive that we believe that we're going to change this. the 1st game, instead of supposed defending champions made through to the last succeed at indian wells. but you can see your own sake. her victory was revenge. were the straining open exits. the pope was knocked out in melvin blanch. excellent, linda, north carolina, who became the 1st seems to be the number one rank woman at that event 25 years. sounds like wasn't able to do it twice. so she rolls a victory,
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6 full 6 loved you just on the service you call us alca raz kids on coast to defend domains. title is a bead. canada's phoenix was really a scene. 6263, and the 16 for spanish will be able to finish this almost perfect match for the this is 10 on the 6th to taking. he's frustrations on his record as he loves to succeed. alexander preventative. the best one had to save points in the 1st 6, but could not convert sort of knows how that feels. a couple of years ago, he was thrown out of an event in mexico for smashing his racket against the on pause train. this time the german kept his cool to his face alex, i'm in the american sprints, and no eliles wants to do something. not even the great you. st. bolts has done when full gold medals in one and then picks lisles one gold and the 100 meters to
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under visas and 5 by 100 pieces championships in budapest last year. but i need the, the one or 3 of those type things in paris. an oldest that he wants the full by 400 crowns to the 26 year old problems and the 200 pieces instead of just waiting 20 and last. so christian coleman in the 60 me says indo find last month. but he's got the confidence to dominate on the track dates of this year. no, i'm serious. i mean, i just ran the 4 by 4. so i got out. that was definitely one of my ways of saying that this isn't a jo. you know, a lot of people, so i was just doing it for headlines, but i was saying, hey, i'm available and i will be ready at all time. i'm pretty got a pretty day go up and i would say that as long as they we allow me on 4 of our 4, i'm confident that i will bring up a time in verse now. so wrinkled, breaking performance by anthony davis says the los angeles lakers beat,
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the injury hit minnesota symbols, he became the 1st payment in the history with at least $25.00 points. 25 rebounds 5 assist, 5 steals, and 3 blocks in a game number on change. so if the game stop score was 29 points, the lake is picking up at 12 when in 70 that's what was holding. so now i'll be here again with another update lights of the ring, and we'll see you later peter. thank you so much. we'll still ahead on the else. is there a news hour? the. the movie stars so solidarity with garza on the red carpet of hollywood. biggest night, [000:00:00;00] the
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business latest is brought to you by the pegasus. i live slowly on. one of your lives makes modern pleads. the business like just is free, if you believe,
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i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates. the the full, the british royal families under new scrutiny. after an official photograph of kate middleton, the princess of wales was found to have been digitally altered. there has been intense speculation about the princess of health since she underwent surgery in january, but of sundays photo. it was intended to put that speculation to rest its backfire spectacularly. paul brown and reports. it's a happy family photograph taken. we are told by prince william at windsor this week, but the smiles have since vanished in the royal household. within hours of it being
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posted on social media, reputable news agencies including reuters, a get to you on the press association ceased circulating the image, warning media outlets that the photo showed evidence of 10 print did not meet the strict standards of news photography. and then we took the photo to l, just areas, graphics department. so there's something really strange going on here. i'm going to zoom in even more so you can see it when the subjects um, i need to date it themselves. this is when this task being a problem and also images are supposed to portray a reality. and in the light of the news of the last few weeks about kate's disappearance, and the image coming out and is being manipulated, this is where the yes it raises and quite a lot of concerns. public relations experts say the royal household has made a real mess of the situation. sundays photo was initially seen as a royal repost to weeks of intense incident speculation. kate's not been seen publicly since mid january,
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when she underwent abdominal surgery for an unspecified condition. questions about her health have gone global? it's the question going viral on social media. i'm sorry. where is kate middleton? i do wish that there's more transparency on, you know, kind of what's going on with her and some of those details. now instead of dumping down speculation, the photo has had the opposite effect. social media has gone into overdrive. we have comedy names and lots of definitely on the official versions of the royal family photograph, as well. the case has now issued a new statement admitting it was her who amended the image. public trust has been on the mind. senior royal's minus kate had been knocking coming wealth day. i'm trying to ignore the control of a c. so i'm gonna say there's nothing wrong with a bit of enhancements. many people remove red light from the family photographs. but when international news agencies effectively accuse the role family of
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manipulating the truth in official photographs, it's a serious issue, pull, brennan, i'll just say right. well, sweden has officially become the 32nd member of nato. a flag raising ceremony was held in brussels to mark the occasion. nato secretary general young fulton very excess reading succession shows the presidential and referencing failed, and his attempt to weaken the military alliance. sweden applied for membership officer, russia invaded ukraine, 2 years ago, ending decades of neutrality. chinese leaders have closed their annual congress by enacting a series of new laws aimed at boosting economic confidence and tightening national security. katrina, you reports. china is annual national people's congress closed, engaging with the quote and unity in the face of a challenging and uncertain future. it's the $3000.00 strong poem and passed
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several laws including law, strengthening the power of the communist party with president cd ping edit center. among his priorities safeguarding china's interests share with the we formulated fruit security law made revisions to the counter espionage law to fight against infiltration. and as a version of the revised the state sick rate protection law, the emphasis on national security comes as beings ties with washington. remain strange. officials say the us is obsessed with its suppression of the lease of unilateral sanctions is ever expending. and the fabricated accusations have reached the only imagine release of said level. china is response to the sections a repeated call for more. so for lines and innovation and cutting edge technologies, there's a lot of uncertainty. they're turning in word. other saying, we're not going to be able to solve our problems by relying on others. u. s. as in,
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coming to our rescue. china is slowing economic growth also front and sent, acknowledged with the problems of rising unemployment and ability, good housing sector. 3 young thoughts of what the housing prices that seriously and solving and have lost it or put it in abilities should be allowed to go bankrupt or be restructured guy. push the government did its best to boost week business. and consumer confidence announcing and ambitious g d. p. target of around 5 percent for 2024. bought to provide a few details on how this would be achieved, though no surprises if this is congress except the asking of the problem is press conference since 1988 china is number 2, has ended the annual parliament by facing the price from this to you on woods however, only one man will hold the line life presidents. she's in pain. katrina, you all the 0 aging. the indians government has announced rules to implement a controversial citizenship law. the law which has passed back in 2019 makes it
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easier for religious minorities from neighboring countries to become engine citizens, but it excludes muslims, legal experts, say the law violates india. a secular constitution by excluding, listened, refugees and supplies in or israel's war on gaza has cast a shadow over the oscar ceremony outside protest or is rally near the red carpet event. inside the big winner was open hymer, the 1000000000 dollar box office hit about the nuclear bombs, which ended the 2nd world war. wilson's eyes heard reports. hollywood came together to honor itself on the night when the world around it is a war. demonstrators gathered near the events, calling for a cease fire and god, their presence was felt and not only because the protests delayed los angeles
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traffic and actors inside were artist for cease fire pins to show they support in and israel's are sold round me. yusef who plays a supporting role in the film, poor things told variety what the symbol meant. confir immediate permanent ceasefire in gaza. we're calling for peace and justice. last thing, justice for the people of palestine. and i think it's a universal message of just let's stop killing kids quite the most of the kids. but on the oscar stage, real wars, those ongoing and those in the past were a constant, the the zone of interest, a stark historical portrait of the domestic life of an architect of a holocaust. one for best international feature film. it's director jonathan glazer used his moment to highlight the horrors of the present. right now we stand here was man who refused the jewishness. and the whole, of course, being hijacked for an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent
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people. what are the victims of upside of what are the victims of october, the 7th, and israel will the ongoing attack and gaza all the victims of this tissue and as i should war took hold on the award for non 6. so one might store 20 days in mary o books. a tense film about journalists covering the early days of records more on ukraine behind the front lines. one best document. and it was war. and the question of how to remember its worst extremes. that was the subject of the film, but gathered the most awards and total best picture director, actor and 4 other trophies, went to oppenheimer. we made a film about the mine and created the atomic bomb. and for better or for worse, we're all living in oppenheimer's world. so i would really like to dedicate this to the peace makers everywhere with so many plenty conflicts ranging far from hollywood. it's not clear who can play that role in the real world. wilson dies or
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elders 0 thanks for watching. my name's sides with you in a moment. more than this by the instead of these cries, it's good. it's been dead simons if it wasn't for grandmother and had a seal of a house as a neighbor after midnight trying to get to a hospital includes is really me. the 3 check point stood in there when i was embarrassed. a lot of man, we're around, but my few for the baby were stronger, but not every story has a positive and through last day it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to the death certificate. on the same day in 2003 soldiers asked her to sit quiet. yeah, she started shouting, i gave birth, followed by silence. and another shot. i think she died just
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a few hours ago. these really ministry is to this case at the entrance to the village. mother is about to give birth, the music to go to the hospital like not know which gate is open and which one is closed. this freedom of speech on the internet, right for something, not for others. how is 10 or the content has been removed or restricted, when he bu, content hasn't just 0 world investigates where the social media platforms moderate content equally, especially in times of complex. there's a good understanding of the matters that request. there are the standards between israel security services. another part is like my to close cyber space on the jersey, the african narrative from african perspective to base on.
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yeah. for much too short documentary spine, not for king field makers. and that's going to be the principal for the taste of this sign from madagascar and football from a new series of africa direct on the aroma done during war palestinians. in gauze, i spend the 1st day of the holy month on the is ready, bombardments the i money inside. this is all and is there a life?


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