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tv   Witness Tunisias Fields of Resilience  Al Jazeera  March 12, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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government has kidnapped hundreds of peoples. i'm going to address report some cartoon to one of the states where many children i'm missing from that cost one's parents in the village of quitting guy. wait impatiently for any news of the missing children. 287 pupils under teach our kidnapped by gunman from the village school last thursday. as the days brag on, hopes of that return fate. 75 kilometers away. 10 year old use of loud walks, the streets of goodwin begging for arms in the state. capital is got the emissions, but says without ever stepping into the classroom, he doesn't know if you will achieve. i want to be a teacher to educate children. your sofa is 300 kilometers away from home. why is 5 sibling so also never been to school? they for their products is like millions of others of interest and i did an estimate that are 10000000 children out of school. but the vision,
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say the total is much higher. most of the children missing from cross in the local because that's why i'm groups have attacked many schools and full spectrum 8 organizations say 700 school, something shocked, destroyed or damaged by the continuing products. and i did as know of, i'm central stage kidnappings in the north west, largely carried out by monday seeking run some wide vocal. and i'm a nice of lucky later on groups continue to at dyke and i've got students and teachers in the northeast. they impact on education is huge, right? to know apart and told me that they are not going to seem to actually get into school. and this is going to serve development many years, but they are not. they are no longer feeling safe. they don't know if they drop off their kids in school that they'll be able to pick them up, enabling government do to encourage you to, to, to show that the majority of children age 10 and above the motor stage, which i played by insecurity have not finished 6 years of basic school. last year,
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the number of children shut out of classrooms because of their tax was around $2000000.00. the future is big. they don't have a future. they don't have anything to hold back onto. the system was completely eventually look at what happened and we go, how do you convince apparent that you would give the children back that they should allow them to go to school 8, what they say, the number of kids missing possible goals, unless not just the government and the i'm forced to overcome the rates of schools and the investment in education is increased from a degrees. i'll just need a couple of nigeria. and that said from me, laura klein, you can find much more on a website that's out of there, dot com. and i'll be back here with more news often with the tongue counting the costs. the u. s. economy is proving that many americans can't
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afford to buy a home because being on the g 20 agenda as a global tax on 1000000000 is coming plus checking the baggage fees are record highs. our airlines hiding the real cost of travel. counting the cost on al jazeera . ready the . ready good thing, just to tell you the
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the, the
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i lose one of the way and having this done name is image that you're telling me you were to load and see at the last the other side, the 1st on the, on the, the the the this is the
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money coming down the page that everyone on the, on the shondra number is the size, you know, the address, but the back with a large and how many people go to the original. i'm have to, i was very, very zimmer, the document curious here to give her, i think a admission by somebody at the model if i don't go well, no,
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definitely. if i'm not getting into my head that a lot of english. ok, i see that there's that list in case the thought is cut off with the
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the names when she becomes a student. now you may have something that you know, you show no energy item that i gave you. sounds like the issue is and then it goes on. and so i mean,
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i know being would need to talk to me. see, i'm gonna have to be done with touch the steel said full suspicion. you have to choose the best. and there's so much of the less than most, and i'm in, i'm and yet have destroyed, destroyed the like, it was getting on shift as if the what the, what have been to method in connecting to the type of response or the
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the, you know, or the in the
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day when you some of the my asked the with you want to them in the region ready very high here in the did you any the
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the, the the the the, the, the some are the p starting numbers a little heavier with the got the what the, the, the, the, the, the the, the, the new, the to
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the school had to give me the run around with the, since you've been the, the head of the. ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback last time. ringback want to ask you to the you'd see i mean another party
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into smashing ship the be able to send a focused on a dining room. solar jeopardy. the issue is she shouldn't tucked in with a testament this way. we get the measurement. did you put them in? i'm any time to be able to brush and there's a pushing the best now for them to wish the this was some of 19 the
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amended the that's what i'm talking about option because tab of the the the
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problems like how the fleet literally should look it up with the a good time, you know, i guess the the,
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the the, the, the the christmas and haven't invested enough play name with a mission to send me the good. i'm the associate with the
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look somebody on the cheapest vision. i don't want to get some people to get through. i have your good opening when i'm done aging and ones that have done are going to the the way to say ok, you ha, ha, ha, ha ha, there may do that. say good. sure. to
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a slow song and to so on the portal. so jump some fuck somebody. color is just so back to the shop. the use case us policy. i'm jumping in your my phone. she wanted to send the motion and she says to the tech one, and they said that and she she sent me to show those. she was one of those she and her monitor, the funniest and the professional. and it's a pleasure my them for that. the styling that has come up some some of the people that shift the 5th of a long time. so hold on to 100 after the tone and it's on the phone with a human. i'm sure you should have a little more time in the for the moment you go to the room for the the
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television the
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of the oh no, no, no, no, no the oh no. oh yeah. use the to the you the the yeah. so that will be i, when the highest them a choice. now the 1st way, this one, so what, what was the one in case of something else i heard, which is one listener, but some have been to let me help you out. but we are so called extra my my, that the kind of the, what's the zip at the map who stopped and he is in the of us. it has been kind of my, the showed him how much the child of them come to help me know how does the look of
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those years over where do you find it? well, no, but she didn't have that. she didn't know and the from the murder murder and i was here to bring water uniforms. no or not. and what we're doing, is it a radical less men do the the the, the, the, the
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the, the
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the the oh okay, the so i'm
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gonna be done with that specialist. and then david because of the
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the people that are available. the hey, why most of the what's. 6 c the name sions i had the, the, the that the middle of the, the send me the government i how many is that that. 7 that there's me or the carpet have to do now
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i'm going to get the service to the job. and that's what i'm saying. that the right, the news about the, [000:00:00;00] the one that you can use just to get the sunday. so i'll go back into the check of nick. it was the way i'm not sure. take a little show for tablets,
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show them that that got all my shoulder and i should think of a mess. you get this course, but i'm not sure of the the end of the time when is that? that's right. now the next thing that's about to happen is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those into the us is event jellicoe christie and exploring its influence of democracy in foreign policy on this and try to if you have just read a book in the process praying for i'm gonna get the episode one on that just because with the focus on says it's expanding everyone who does not have legal documents. that means thousands of off guns, many who are born in park, a son must sleep,
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focused on the police get not treats us rise as scans were detained and forced to pay bribes. near the border of interest on this comp is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. it's a difficult transition to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just a staging point from here. the journey continues to the place is a virgin inside of and many of guns will leave the exposure and he's a pressure tactic to push the kind of on government to kind of get people pockets. phone calls terrorists like signing the bond carries out the tax insights loc hassan. when it's leadership is based in nevada. stop by kasan says the measures about the curve indeed is migrants, waterford and some are involved in criminal activities. if a g count proficiency, regardless of the legal status, people should be treated with respect, unique perspective, desktop plays students up in dallas and told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, proceed,
12:00 pm
and that's local landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention. the stream on out to 0, the, the high seas prime minister ariel only agrees to design off to weeks of pressure from games which control most of the cost. so the kind of them are kyle, this is out. is there a line from the also coming up the palestinians and going to spend the stock of ramadan on the is really bump bump and at least


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