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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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year 2024 starting march 1st to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the kenya says it will not send a force to violent said hey, to you to a new government. this form the, you're watching all the 0 live from the headquarters in delphi, and getting obligate to also coming up bump arguments across causal killed. dozens of palestinians caspar says how nice and israel are not close to agreeing. a truce . the un says more children have been killed and israel's war on god sauce. then in 4 years of world wide conflict. so don's army says it's taking controls to
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national tv borders. it's fights the paramilitary rapids support forces or control the but we begin with the latest on the crisis in haiti, it's appointment of a 1000 canyon police officers to help restore law and order in the country. has now been put on hold, and this comes after haiti's prime minister announced that he will resign. kenya, as for a ministry says, without a political administration in the country, then there is no anchor on which a police deployments can rest, are ill on recess, he will step down after a transitional counsel has been set up the united states as they expect, members of that transition counsel to be appointed in the next 24 to 48 hours. the council will then take steps to appoint an interim prime minister turn. meanwhile,
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chaos has descended onto the capital porto prince heavily armed gangs of attack the national palace and set part of the interior ministry on fire with petrol bombs. but we have a series of, of who's joining us, not from sense of the mean go, that's in the neighboring dominican republic. so to result, what is the feeling amongst people? what did they make of the latest developments of the prime minister analysis that he will resign and how would transition might evolve? well, suddenly we've been talking to lots of people crossing into the dominican republic, hurtful to of market phase. that's not far away because they're not being allowed into the country, but you know, they were very clear the most of them were hoping that prime minister, i really and we would resign. it was important to know that when he was appointed after the assassination of president jovan anymore, he's back in 2021. he was supposed to call for election of the transition government that that's something that he failed to do. he had the support of the
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united states of friends, the united nations. however, people are we send full with the us, for example, blaming them for allowing and re for staying too long in power for him not being able to resolve the con countries problems for him, allowing gangs to extend their power to become stronger welfare in him, not being able to fight against them, and that's why he ended up requesting international assistance in this fight. the systems that is supposed to help the haitian national police help a fight against the gangs in the country. they're saying that they need more weapons, that munition bullet proof vests that they are our number. so certainly, there were some images of celebrations coming for poor. the prince. haitians had been longing for a long time to be able to elect their own leaders. many a resend for off for an interview interference in their political affairs. they say that the influence of other countries has never help patients, that it has the increase poverty violence among many other things. so there's lots
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of uncertainty, right? know about what is going to happen. we know that there's a transition government in place that is supposed to designate a prime minister new cabinets that is meant to lead the country towards elections once the situation in the country as the stable once again. and what might happen next, now that we know that the canyon forces are not going to be deployed at least for the time being of the well, this multi national security support mission has been in the works for over a year. i was in for the prince a year ago and already the united nations was asking for assistance and it started to being set top and kenya said that they were going to lead this whole mission up . now we're seeing that is going to be delayed once again, initially they were going to be a 1000 soldiers, soldiers police officers to support the haitian nashua police now is going to be
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$400.00. they have been vetted for human rights abuses. for example, this is a major concerns for many haitians because they are afraid that what happened in the past with, for example, united nation peace keeping troops could happen again. and now we're hearing that this operates and salt formation is being delayed until the situation, the political situation is stable. once again in the country, we could, i'd have to see what happens. there's also problems with funding, for example, the united states. it's pledged at $300000000.00 for this mission, but the un says that only $11000000.00 have been deposited. so of course, this is just another concern. however, the state department, the us state department has said that they are in touch with canyon authorities. they say that the legal framework for this operation is in place that it has the support of the united nation security. uh, yeah, it just it with the un security council under chapter 7. and that they would be ready to deploy this force as soon as possible. we're going to have to see whether that happens at all. okay,
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fine. cute tourism are reported from the dominican republic or alive as the emergency director at the international rescue committee. and has been overseeing the organizations response and hate see she says that the ongoing violence and porter prince has henders their ability to provide humanitarian assistance. 2 of our organizations had to do to actually hibernate these last few days cuz it's been unsafe to send their stuff out to the field. so getting them back into their, into the, the clinics, getting them back out, doing the mobile health outreach is really important. so their ability to be able to access their programs is 1st, i would say the 2nd is making sure you know we can bring products into the country so we don't run out of the medicines that are desperately needed. so ensuring that the, the borders are open to receive goods and so continually access into the most needed areas with, with, with materials to be able to do that with. no stability is key to, to the future of haiti. the iris who puts out a watch list report every year and hades been on the list the last 3 years. and
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instability is one of the largest read space and the haitians and so having the ability to, to freedom of movement freedom, an access freedom to do your day to day is so in portions for the haitian. so we need the political stability to offer that to the haitians. the, to gaza, where 72 palestinians have been killed by is really strikes in the last 24 hours. at least 11 of the victims were in residential buildings and dated by law and central garza, many are injured with some buried in the rubble of buildings hit by the is really bombardment and gaza city is really tanks of again opened fire on starving people who are seeking food, at least 11 palestinians were killed in the attack of the call waiting round about which has been repeatedly targeted in recent weeks. gauze as health industry says,
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more than 400 palestinians have been killed by is really firewall waiting for food . thought about assume has more from what i saw in southern garza unless mister treyvan in fact is really tragic on the number of victims being resulted from the attack on there. and that a has rise and 11 palestinians being killed off to recovery. moved bodies from the depths of under the debris of the destroyed house. and we have been in fact observing that there is a key and gradual increase of minutes from strikes on the middle area. just a few moments ago, garrett by den was targeted. residential building has been completely tracked as unconvinced as had rushed to the place in order to check the situation and to evacuate old the victim from injuries from the pension of the continent, and the same time will be here and will not explosions in the western and the southern part of the city of your network confrontations and bustled us to region
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and how much residential neighborhood in the city of honey on a square. these very forces had level to the ground numbers and show power as a part of the ongoing military operations. but generally today, more than 7 to palestinians have been killed within the past 24 hours as this number is expected to rise. when can be coming hours as much as it's being made by the civil defense cruise to recover old injuries from under the russell despite all the basic which of these shortages here for them in order to help them to extract from on the be difficult of the distort houses. while the commissioner, the commissioner general, the un agency for palestinian refugees. philly. pleasant rainy has remarks on the high number of children killed and israel's were on causal calling the situation staggering. he says the number of children reported killed in just over 4 months in gaza. is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of wars around the world combined. he goes on to call this a war on children,
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on their childhood and their future. as well, the white house national security advisor jake sullivan has said that the us would not support and is really ground invasion of stuff that fails to protect civilians . the president has been very clear about our position on ross and our position is that a military operation in rafa that does not protect civilians that cuts off the main arteries of humanitarian assistance. and that place is enormous pressure on the israel egypt border is not something that he can support. we're talking to the israelis about that we're working through an officer as white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has more. the binding administration is continuing to walk back. comments made by us president joe biden on saturday when he said any is really and vision into rafa would be a red line. on tuesday,
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national security advisor jake sullivan reiterated the view of the 5 ministration. that in this really operation into rasa. we're currently more than a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering would be a concern. it is the standpoint of the bible ministration. that right now there is no credible plan from the standpoint of the bite and ministration that would protect civilians as well. there is no protection in place thus far to make sure that there are arteries or court orders for humanitarian assistance and their places and, and do burden or pressure on the ships in border. and as a result, the bodily ministration says it is continuing to engage and press the is really government to ensure it comes up with what the board and ministration says needs to
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be a reliable and credible plan. as such, the united states says until it's see such a plan, it cannot support any such military operation. kimberly help it l g 0, the white house. well, we can now speak to somebody who's joining us here in our studio into a hi. is it professor for international affairs, a cuts are university, welcome to all to 0. what do you make of the messaging that's coming out of the white house? because of what? kimberly was just referring to. there are moments ago was a few earlier this week when the us presidential by and gave an interview to american media, where he said a for an invasion of, for the for off would be his red line. but then he back tracked and said, i will never leave israel. and now we hear this from the national security advisor . what do you make of these? is it mixed messaging? i think it is. it is mixed messaging. gimme a bite in the by then it cannot not support his right. he can't afford it. politically speaking, you want to be seen as someone who's backing is run this for and gather and
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especially with the victim of the wars to this method. how my son the that's where he kept like sending them the weapons and ammunition. and this is one thing that's another thing is that you don't want to be seen as, as if you're supporting technically ends inc and also a targeting civilians. because if it is right, it is, go on the back end that, that got the high think, you know, so we didn't going to be uh, packaged. so i think he's in the demo and the one hand he want to be seen as someone who's supporting a human life. but at the same time he's one who has, who want to be seen as supporting his writing. and as for objective, do you think the thing is really, is still have the intention to go into it off until this moment? it's really hard to tell a button that to me i was nor to continue. because putting it into the war, this moment would put nothing, you know, in any trouble internally as a went to pension of the wind using the projects of, of everything for fix of the hostages in order to continue the door. yeah, i think eventually if he does not get into the war and then and then it is easy to
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have for him to the right of the hostages. and because a deal is nothing, dolphin going to view the intestinal concessions and department is ready to government. and method me always not, is unwilling to do that. if that's the thing. i mean when it comes to the deal, we heard from the categories today saying that's look the both sides are still quite far apart. i mean, could you be using this threat of sort of some sort of negotiating strategy and negotiating tactic? absolutely. he, it's fractions to, uh, and bait off and towards it's out. but at the same time, it is really difficult for him to do this without getting many civilians. so he's using this in order to put a lot of for some us to make them agree to his terms of use that he wants to rave. the hostages in order to continue the war, and this is a message for him as finds v to have to accept the right and left. we just heard a few uh, earlier uh, in fact uh this our, from the owner was head of one of our who's, who's saying this, that the you, that's more children have been killed in israel's, we're on gaza. then in 4 years of worldwide conflicts. i mean,
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it's just how devastating is not so it's just that it also shows how indifferent that is why it is when it comes to the human rights and when it's come to the civilians. they just been logged in in a blind way in order to put the pressure in order to turn the, the police team and public against how much it is a game that is being played by the way they want. it puts a lot of pressure on how much and making make of them and digital partners, and that's where they could of a i think they can disability associated with it sometimes on purpose. is there any sign that pressure is achieving? the results of that is really is wanted to achieve. so what, what does it as of what is the outcome the debris, the hostages, the but a scene is unwilling to do this until they come. i talked to everyone a deal and these writers are unwilling to, to be in a deal unless i'm asked cape and then how much i think is nothing on a given at this moment, especially after all this, the sacrifices. okay. has somebody already thank you so much. i for still ahead on
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al jazeera, we'll update you on the filipino sailors having arrived home after surviving a full team, a solid time in the red sea, and celebrations in india as a government implementing new citizenship. all critics though, say it's discriminatory the the russian presidential election will take place over 3 days from now. the 15th people will revising in russia, crimea, and the full so called new toiletries taken from ukraine was little physician, let him increase in excess. and so when again, save with ultra 0 for the club where we're yeah, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the color again here is a reminder of the top stories on l. g 0. this hour as appointments of to 1000 kenyon police officers to help restore law and order. and haiti has now been put on hold. and this comes off to haiti's. prime minister announced that he will resign. at least 11 palestinians have been chosen is where the air strikes on residential buildings and central gods on the wednesday as more children have been killed and israel's wrong cause. then in 4 years of world wide. com select the us national security advisor has sent us to us with no supports and is really ground invasion into that fashion without a credible plan, an estimated one and a half 1000000 palestinians, that's over half of thousands population are now sheltering in the 11th filipino crew men who were on
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a ship that was attacked off the coast of young men have arrived home. 3 of their colleagues were killed in a full si, missed all striking last week on the boat carrier. true confidence the philippine government has called for better protection of commercial sailors. barnaby lo reports for manila, joy and relief. as 11 filipino c fairs arrived in manila after what they described as a near death experience solvable company. i really thought i was going to die because i knew the blast was just machine that may have exploded, but the me sell the target. the s not everyone on board survived the attack by cruelty rebel forces in given, however, 3 crew members of the cargo vessel, true confidence, died in the missile strike. including 2 filipinos, the 1st debts that have occurred since what the started attacking shipping in the red sea filipinos make up a 3rd of all c favors worldwide. that's close to half a 1000000, making them disproportionately at risk of attacks,
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including ones that are being lost by commodities off the cost of unit of the who do you say they're seizing and firing that commercial shipping vessels to protest against israel swan and gaza. with 17 filipino sailors being held, but the who takes the philippine government has called them shipping companies that have call social partners to better protect commercial sailors. what we have called before and we've done these things but gone big start. that is for the social partners to see their routing and provision of security personnel surveyors can also refuse to sail through the sea lanes near human after international maritime organizations. and unions announced expansion to piracy areas in february . but the crew members of the true confident say they chose to waive this right. when i bought the most up think it was necessary for trade. there was no other route to be done on the island on the crew of true confident say the won't be back at sea for
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a while. but seafaring jobs continue to be on offer in manila and elsewhere in the philippines. with many filipinos, still willing to take the risk to be able to provide for their families. find below elders 0 manila. sometimes army says it's taking control state tv services following renewed fighting and the mon 11 months of battles between the army and paramilitary rapids support forces was damaged. much of the major, a city near the capital. cartoon. a united nations resolution called for a truce during ramadan for the army commanders won't agree unless they are as f withdrawals from civilian areas. hibbon morgan has more from undermine near hard to of the sudden these army on tuesday announced that it has regained control of the states, television and radio broadcasting station here in the city of undermine in the capital cartoon. and that is significant for 2 reasons. the 1st being that whoever controls to them historically has been in control of the state television and radio
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building here in under mine. but since the fighting began last april, the iris f, which was in charge of securing the building prior to the fighting between the hours of the army, announced that they had taken over the states a television and read the building and has been in control of it since last april, up until the early hours of tuesday morning. now the other and a significant reason or significant facts about the fact that the, the army has taken control of the state television building is the fact that it shows the military advancement advance. that's has been ongoing over the past few months. the army from the northern part of city of us and northern parts of the city of on demand had been moving southwards, while the army in the south of removing no northwards to try to lay siege on the recess. and those forces the arthur forces, interstate television building in the past few weeks have been under siege until fear has baffled over the past few days or up to between the hours of the army,
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ending up with the army. regaining control of the state television building to show that the army is making advance, at least in the city of on demand, the united nations security council has called for sees far to be observed during the muslim holy month of ramadan. but slicing still continues on tuesday, august, there was able to hear several ultimately fire being fired by both this to the news army environmental to rapid support forces. and we were able to see plumes of smoke rising from various parts of the capital. so despite the fact that the united nations security council and other regional bodies has called for a ceasefire for those affected by the conflict to be able to get some kind of relief during the muslim holy month of ramadan, the turing side seemed to be determined to fight each other out, trying to gain as much upper hand over the other as possible. hey, bill morgan ologist 0. how to in nigeria, at least 61 people have been kidnapped in the village of buddha in kaduna state.
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witnesses say that abduction happened just before midnight local time. on monday, it comes just days after $287.00 school children were taken from a school in korea go. that's also in kaduna state. most the bucket is one of the students who managed to escape that mass of duction inquiry go. here's his story. now mister hovel with my name is mister becca. according days when we saw a bend on the motorbike that did not seem strangely, it is we have seen some of them right to the village before co, shortly after more than a 100 to appear at finding indiscriminate conventions. noble know it. if you, i'm gonna to stay with shooting access to hedging us, like capsule beating them, like i said to me and marching us to just to have them. and that's where we drink and what to continue to. that's what was a breakfast we'll look at, and some of us did not eat breakfast before coming to school. injured and the sick eyes, which i'm watching by then. what does that mean instead of flipping them about turned out co is see i'm looking at the origin. did you had it with you?
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suddenly military aircraft of kid overhead, and they quickly pushed us under a tree. and as i'm fixing to kill us for what day, what day you discussion with, i mean, look at and look at why size. cuz like i said, i'm with them. they offer discrete quoting, just imagine, my, the fleet part in just for all offended without me, gave them to the youngest me. i'm on my place while ago mom, you know, i'm gonna try to because one of which, you know, they said that updates the different village for 3 days and the for the truck at the target. what was the security force and i've got cio and other ones. when i found a push, when one was looking, i had been there for an hour. yeah. just when i was short, they were gone. i worked 5 hours till i came up on a skid old man now to chat. if you had it go, no, i didn't. so i finally leased a group of longest who was oblivious to all that was happening in india has seen pockets of protests after the government announced the implementation of a citizenship law. the law makes it easier for religious minorities from
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neighboring countries to become indian citizens. but excludes muslims, iran, or la con reports they have been here before, protesting against the law that they see excludes them based solely on religion. but since india's government tape the green light to implement the controversial citizenship law on monday, they have gathered again on the streets of caroline making themselves visible, making themselves heard. you gentlemen, some domestic, i'm not talking. they want to create problems in the future. find rented status in my own country for the mere reason. if i do not possess my grandfather's best difficult, then what message are you trying to imply? a most of the points is that you cannot make a move on the grounds of religion. most of the citizenship amendment act fast tracks refuge for minorities from 3 neighboring countries, the pockets on the dash enough, not
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a stone by focusing only on religious minorities. the law excludes mostly for a majority in all 3 countries. critics say that stands in direct contrast to india's secular constitution, setting religion as a criteria for citizenship shipments and in the month. okay. and what's the model name, but a good constitution? we feel this is not good for the country political parties. we're bringing in such a loss to polarize. we want to tell them that creating such a divisions for political benefits and to divide. the society is very dangerous and it should be stalled in your basic phone. the law passed in 2019 by parliament was met with months of protest, dozens were killed, thousands were arrested. that reaction made to render modi's ruling party, hold off, implement. but now it's going forward. and so we're a new way to protest, a student union group in the eastern state of awesome whole torches,
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demanding the lobby scrap altogether. one thing is very clear that guy use the news of them do not be on the street to the capital. new daily muslims gathered to procure fast, expensive, as they will do for 30 days. during the whole, the month of ramadan scenes are quiet and peaceful. but the whispers of what could happen once again on the streets, on many mines with a general election schedules for me. many fields of citizenship law. and what it entails will, once again be a points of contention for men that may lead to widespread anger and division at the pools and on the streets. ronald han how to 0, the sweetest police of arrested climate active as of the rest of them burg. and others who were possessing outside parliament. environmental campaigners were rallying against the effects of climate change. and what they say is political in action to and berg has been detained or removed several times from protests and
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countries, including sweden, norway, as well as germany. the news hour is at the top of the hour, but up next that's the weather. and then inside story, we'll be looking at what's in store for china and the rest of the world after the meeting of china's national people's congress. thanks for watching by the, the weather brought to you by visit capital. had a low that was dropped down and we think of very wet weather across northern and western parts of australia and that trend is going to continue over the next few days. the monsoon is back with a bang, ran some swelling systems, and go to a tropical cycle and developing to the northwest. that's expected to track its way towards the northern areas of w a. but the rain continues to pour into the south. we have got some flood watches and warnings out,
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but not for pub. it is looking very fine and dry. so to one degrees celsius that on thursday. so if you want to as well in sydney, it is expected to get cooler. however, as to what the weather comes in on thursday scott to thunder storms with windy conditions. on friday it would have cooled down across the southeast corner of of trail, off the scorching. we can, we will see temperatures continue to low of the next few days. and now we often down across new zealand. the weather is as expected for this time of year scattering of showers from the south island up to the north with more than the way of wet toilet creeping into the very south on thursday. what weather continues to haunt southern parts of south east asia, we could see some flooding across the java in indonesia where the rain falls. heavy is very hot and dry across much of indo china, especially for thailand of the next few days of the weather, brought to you by visit castle a week to look at the world's top business stores. how much is the rebuilding going to cost?
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who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing inspection come down and how it affects the dives? how big a problem is global food insecurity? counting the cost on jersey or the china is plans for the coming year. have been sent out to the national people congress, the full terms of defining the 2nd largest economy in our global interest, as all its political retentions to what's in store for china and for the rest of the world. this is inside story, the


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