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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 13, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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she is only elected very close, like common. he sits on 2 legs with a large tears faced with a look in my presence for me now thinks royal, i can also offer somebody probably equal, restored to me and gone the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life, or my headquarters in delphi. i'm getting you navigate, here's what's coming up. in the next 60 minutes, kenya says it will not send peacekeepers to haiti until a new government is formed. a young palestinian dies from bullet wounds. officer is really forces open fire at him. initial thoughts with the g column and occupied
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east jerusalem. the un says more children had been killed during israel's were on gauze off. then in 4 years of world wide conflict. visiting polish leaders call on the us government on republican politicians to ensure continue with the military aids to ukraine. the we begin with the political crisis in haiti were armed, gangs of gains, significant control, a deployment of a 1000 kenyan police officers to help restore law and order has been put on hold. so this comes after haiti's prime minister announced that he will resign kindly. as for a ministry says any police deployment is not feasible without a political administration. are you on recess, he will step down after a transitional counsel has been set up the united states as they expect members of
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the transition counsel to be appointed and the next one to 4 to 48 hours. and the council will then take steps to appoint an interim prime minister. there are small protests in the capital. puerto prince on choose day. no attacks on government offices or police stations have been reported to raise a bow as the latest on plans for a un security task force to haiti. this multi national support mission has been in the talk for a year. i believe there's initially requested by the united nations when the situation in haiti started to spiral out of control and did have this happen a year ago. and it was already, you know, going to be deployed. kenya said that it has a $1040.00 sophie says, ready to be on the ground. 400 of them were vetted, for example, for human rights abuses, which was a major concern that we're hearing from the state department. that apparently they've been in touch with a kenyan government saying that this is normal,
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that there's going to be a designated for administered, that there is going to be a government in haiti that the current uh, the current mission would be with you as always, station of the united nations security council with the mountain dates of the un security council. it will be deployed under the chapter 7, which would be when there's a threat to peace in a country, but certainly on the ground. people are very anyway, distrustful of forwarding and prevention. they're distrustful because of what happened with, for example, you, when peacekeeping troops to be left the country back in 2007, it's a 17 that were occupations of abuses of human rights violations. and that's why they're concerned that something like this could happen again. however, the united nations continues to stress, but the main objective of this force is on the ground would be to provide assistance with the haitian national police and to help called for elections as soon as possible. i to hold the world for the program. besides, the recent spate of violence in haiti is hampering its ability to get food into
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porto prince. they're distributing humanitarian aid from existing reserves. let's say it's only a matter of weeks until these reserves are depleted. gabriel is also has more from the united nations b u. n says they only have enough food left in puerto french, the capital to last. a few more weeks that according to the world food program, country director. when a briefing on tuesday said that the main ports in haiti remains closed due to gang violence, and that is where most of the food enters the country. so the u. n is having to rely on what's left of their emergency stockpiles that are quickly running out with, with this and security it's, it's hampering people from doing very simple things and haiti right now. taking your trip to school, i'm going to the supermarket, going to work. all these things are extremely risky. need security to come back to the country. i need to make sure that you understand that. um,
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a security is important, but it's not a case of, of funds or butter. we actually also need to have focus on on, on, on the feeding, the people in haiti, the world food program estimates. there are 4000000 people in haiti that our food in the secure, with 1000000 just one step away from famine, with a shortage of food, that means prices are increasing in some parts of the country, jumping as much as 25 percent. now in terms of the political uncertainty in the country, the u. n says they will support any political transition proposed at the caricom meeting, the calls on all haitian stakeholders to act responsibly and to take steps towards the implementation of the agreement in order to restore the countries democratic institutions through peaceful, credible, participatory and inclusive elections. gabriel is on though i'll just say to at united nations in new york,
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renata segora as the deputy director for latin america and the caribbean at the international crisis group. she says that many challenges still lie ahead for security to be restored in haiti. it's not going to be very easy so the can use our understand the new worried about the lack of account or parts. but we're hoping that within the next 48 hours to 3 days, we will have both to proceed and shall council and also a prime minister. and that, that would at least give the canyon's enough support in, in terms of governance. now the question obviously is how feasible it is for the force as he had been imagined to down in haiti to nan safely. and to be able to go ahead with the tasks that the united nations resolution had present it for them. um, it is likely that there is going to be needed a much bigger force that comes originally. i think the can use has hope that they could send a couple 100 people initially and then
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a bigger deployment. i don't think that that is feasible for to hearing what's happening on the ground right now. so we're going to be looking probably at a much bigger, contingent arriving soon there. it's going to be need for money and equipment that needs to be mobilized, much faster than what was happening until recently. but really, if this mission doesn't arrive too heavy, there is nothing else that is going to prevent the country from going into the beast. so the seas, the one solution the to gaza an hour at least $21.00 palestinians have been killed and is really strikes and dead in bella and central gaza. many are injured with some buried in the rubble of buildings hit by that is really bombardments. more than 31000 palestinians have been killed since the war began. the majority,
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women and children. i'm think all the city is really trying, so begin fired on starving people seeking food. at least 11 congress, the indians were killed in the attack. the call waiting round about which has been repeatedly targeted in recent weeks, gauze health ministry says more than 400 palestinians have been killed by is really fire while waiting for food. and the commissioner general of the un agency for palestinian refugees from the plaza really has remarks on the high number of children killed and israel's, we're on garza calling the situation staggering. he says the number of children reported killed in just over 4 months in gaza. is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years or fours around the world. combines and goes on to call this a war on children, on their childhood and their future. well, morocco is sending humanitarian supplies to gauze out through
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a land roots from israel. morocco establish diplomatic ties with israel in 2020, we're now joined by use of somebody who's the moroccan ambassador to the united states, joining us from washington dc. ambassador, thanks for your time with us on alpha 0. so tell us how this came to be and tell us about the humanitarian aid that's being sent in and how thank you for your question. or as you know, his majesty, as the president of the committee has ordered the unheard of may not to an age to alleviate the suffering of the bodies to new people. this aid has been conveyed and flown through a minute or 2 a moroccan ah, plays that blended in tel aviv. and then, and this is a brick. so and the 1st time that the aid is transported to guys by wrote, it is
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a very important initiative to this. uh, a comes in the very critical moment in the month of ramadan. and month of ramadan is a month of fraternity, a fraud of uh, of uh, uh, complexion and of a month of solidarity. and this is also another important element to, uh, to, to have in mind. 3rd, that this uh 8 is fine, is uh by a large body by the funds of the solving himself. so it comes to a lift gate because the people funded by the start in does a, are a suffering from the very difficult situation. and this more often, aid is coming to elevate the suffering of the people who by this time. and that's what it says. first clarity meant just your clarity. let me just,
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let's just be clear that this age has landed in tel aviv and it is going through the cut them up asylum crossing into gaza. is that correct? this is going to goes out and a but also also is going to jo, reset them because it, but if you have, it is about 40 pounds of a, a, the inventory of equipment to alleviate the suffering of the, by the scene that people, women, children, an elder, they also tell us what exactly is in this age and once it gets into gaza, the part that's going into gaza. um how, how are you ensuring that it's going to get to people, particularly in the north that are desperately need it? well, this is been done with incorporation with the police to increase in uh, uh, crescent you know, and it would be distributed because to the palestinian people. it is up to the by
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the 2nd to decide in cooperation with the probably seen in the cost of crescent. i suppose my question is why israel would have agreed to this now. and basset are considering that there are hundreds and hundreds of trucks that are waiting on the stuff on the egyptian side of the border with age and the is really, is, are not allowing that aiden. a lot of this is an initiative that you have taken in conformity with our, our interest. the interest for us is to defend the policy need people to secure the policy and people. and we are doing all the best using the bro, my big channels, using our, uh, our, our friends in the region in order to move forward. what is important to that is not to haul is to alleviate the suffering of the police, the need people. and this assistance, of course,
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is of alimentary products and may be called and so on, especially for the children and the elderly. and baset are, as you know, the needs and guys are immense. and before the war about $500.00 trucks, a day of age would be entering does a, an after october 7, this obviously has trickled down to a fraction. so you are now sending 40 tons of aides to gaza. but have you gotten assurances from israel going forwards? but they will allow you to send more 8 into the gaza strip. have they given you those assurances? we will we will continue to respond to the expectation of the police. they need people and who do our best, because there is a port, it took a track, and i know i understand your question. but also today is the human that doing drug . and we, we must do all what we can to respond to the expectations of the needs of the fathers didn't. and people that are suffering. and this is, i think, the him,
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the human action that is deployed by his majesty the king mohammed the 6th in the region. all right, thank you so much on bass. what are your so from it on a thank you for speaking to us from washington dc. this is where the military has killed a 13 year old palestinian boy and occupied east jerusalem as really forces shot around me and had food in the chest while he was playing with fireworks near the shore files refugee camp check points. and then a separate incident, is there any forces shot dead to palestinians in g? that's an occupied east. jerusalem as well. we have more time joining us from occupied is arisen to 1st tell us about the child, the 13 year old boy that was shot in the chest in the soft refugee come, flora absolutely. now it shows that refugee camp is on the occupied westbank side of the will, even though it is part of jerusalem. we know that rami on the hoody was playing with fireworks. we've seen video,
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he was shooting them up into the air and the from eye witness accounts and also another video that we seen. he was shot dead bite and it's ready sniper, which the it's ready. police have also admitted to the next video. restore was his mom of course devastates his responding to him, he was still alive at that point. he was then taken by the posting and red crescent where he was taken towards the it's right, a separation will, they called actually goes through. so he was collected by it's rating ambulances, a taken to had also have met who complex in jerusalem while he was pronounced dead . now that has been a response from the is ready side. national security minister pen give their congratulated the sniper for killing him. as he was putting them in danger, but many people said this child was in, in, within the vicinity of the, it's ready on the, at the time. we know that, that we're also writing presentations with the army last night. so it's been
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a very difficult seen that, but also the most cars called for strikes tomorrow while people move on his desk. and laura, there has been a separate incident to another attack by is really forces who shot the 2 palestinians also and occupied these jerusalem. what are we learning about that incident? yes, this happened in a place called a jeep, which is west of ramada. um the is ready, police said that they there was a suspicious car driving towards a tumble when they shelters it. again. we've seen videos all. it's called and complete the short. we've seen the often the of thought, the posting a ministry of health have pronounce to dads. they all said how they say he's 23 years old on abdullah. i'll say we don't know yet his age and we know 3 more people are being treated for gunshot wounds. this is a developing situation at the moment,
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but we know that the is right. the army has now come in. we've seen video of many soldiers entering that finish, but this takes the dental since october, the 7th, to full $140.00 people killed in the west by this includes well over a 100 minus. okay. thank you so much. laura con reported from occupied east jerusalem was really settlers have attacked the palestinian village of beauty and itself, nablus in the occupied westbank. the settlers burnt a vehicle and they attack property. there's been a dramatic increase in the intensity and regularity of both is really subtler and state rains in the occupied westbank. since israel's were on dogs. i began last year. palestinians were fasting and gaza, or struggling to find food to break their fast during it. on the dawn. as israel continues its war, thousands are malnourished with you and warning assignment comes on how much
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reports you know, it is the bedding is thought for a family of 17 in rough, but she doesn't have enough food. and many of my family will not be able to break that far. yeah, and again, one of them about ramadan is supposed to be a month of blessings, which we anticipate the whole year in ramadan. we need to eat and drink. the economic situation is hard if prices are inflated, there's a lot of sued malnutrition is run pins and there is no cable to you. between official, the united nation sees a quarter of guides us to point 3000000 people, one step away from funding. these yet palestinians are fussing when they read under no rush no model has given us. just do it then we said, how could we far? because of malnutrition, we feel dizzy. all day long. my legs can't carry me. there's nothing to nourish my body. booting ramadan,
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this market and roughly due to the full of people on stalls filled with produce. but because of these are as well, because there is little food in the market, and most palestinians cannot afford to buy what daddy abandons in the high, along with all the family. many of us went searching in the market to buy something that we could eat to break or fox. so unfortunately, the situation is very difficult. there is no proof of food and we are suffering from malnutrition, so that even if you could find any food, it would be very expensive, like the situation is very catastrophic. all back. i don't know what to feed our children or what to eat if i'm nothing to nourish the 44 months. many patents have struggled every day to find food to feed. the children looked among worry about finding some to pick the fast food and i'm trying to finish up on the home. we do not know what to feed the kids. we also do not know what to keeps
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is no supply in the markets. you've got nothing to keep stuff. all that said from of them is traditionally a time of joy and celebration and gods. but for the other fellow students, dcea. it's one of hardship on hold on him, him just yeah, the whole dozens of ukrainian drones and rockets have hit targets deep into russian territory to fuel facilities. were among those attacks including a key oil refinery, which was reportedly badly damaged by fire. russell also said it has repelled a series of attacks on its border with ukraine. and u. s. president joe biden has announced an emergency of 300000000 dollar military. a package for ukraine. republicans in congress have for months, blocked a much larger package for keywords. ukraine says shortages if i munition,
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or hampering its efforts to hold back russian advances from mcbride visited ukrainian artillery units near the front lines. it's just a few kilometers from the front line, visiting full without tillery units. like this one is done quickly and on for the growing number and sophistication, if drones flowed by both sides beans, that's very little, that's hidden from view. and definitely one quickly becomes a target monkey office. since recent russian victories gone, come on to the next mission has been to stop the advances. but he shows us the dwindling stock of shows with which to do it. now russians in part because of the delay in the multi $1000000000.00 a package in the us congress somehow been at the some of the most difficult thing just calling to eventually find that option shown in order to extend it once that's our on our position. and when they do the concept press stop to enable interiors, but see on this day they did 5
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a short following. but the 1st and 3 days the shortage means along the whole of the 1500 kilometers the front line. ukraine is only able to find it around 2000 shells per day. that's less than, that's the vi munition the russians are using. and it's not only the hold up in aid from the us. that's the problem. your pin nation's a role. so folding schultz on the promises ukraine's backers in the european union have only deliberate hauff, the shelves, they've pledged in the past. yeah, a short drive away. we visit the 2nd dog tillery unit station did a small house outside is the aging sylvia to read grad miss. our lawn chair they operate relying on eastern european countries that use the same system unit come on . the romano tells us the rockets they receive have been few, a number, an oldest stock as reserves become depleted china for to it. and of course, i worry,
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i'm responsible for the health and lives of my team and it's getting hotter. we should be able to repel more thorough tanks, but we have what we have as well. russia has been suffering similar munitions shortages. it seems to be making more determined, unsuccessful efforts to fix the rob mcbride. i'll just say era don't yet. region ukraine. meanwhile, president biden has war and the polish prime minister at donald task and president andre due to the russians direct to europe, will not stop up to crane. i'm not followed biden's acknowledgement, the latest us a package for cheve that's worth around $300000000.00 was not enough to stop russian advances. poland leaders are in washington to try to break an impasse over funding for ukraine. a $95000000000.00 a package including money for ukraine. taiwan and gaza has been passed by the senate and house democrats will now try to force a vote on the measure. and speaking to reporters after his meeting with president
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biden prime minister tusk addressed republican house speaker mike johnson directly in his appeal to help ukraine despite the problem in the house. and i still hope that mr. jonathan will, will feed dismissal somebody to fall for thousands of lives and you know, quite and because in fact, he's responsible for the future of, of also of a who hold the number of people. even though it says about to that the clear message is not on the from, from washington to day, but also from all the copies of the team you i visit, we are really united a rosen, jordan is joining us not from washington dc. so how does that mess as gone down in washington rosalyn as well? obviously, those who supported the ukrainian efforts to push russia out of their territory. but are very much in favor of what annoys do the and all the tests are talking about,
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which is getting additional billions of dollars and funding to the ukrainians in the form of military assistance. that $60000000000.00 package installed in the house of representatives because there are republicans who don't think that us tax dollars should be used to support the ukrainian war effort and the speaker of the house. my johnson is very reluctant to bring it to the floor because he has been threatened with his speakership, if he does so. so that means that's how you see some congressional democrats trying to, uh, use a legislative measure, essentially canvassing. every member in the house of representatives on whether they should have this measure brought to the floor for debate and for a vote. if they can get 218 people behind it, then they could essentially get around the speakers. i control a vote on the house floor and actually force the measure force to vote because it's
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widely assumed that the $60000000000.00 package would pass. but there's no guarantee that it's going to work because right now that amount of money is tied up in a bill that also includes funding for israel. and there are democrats who do not want to see any more money going to israel because of the war and gaza. so essentially there's an empath, but there is a real sense of the white house pushing pro, putting pressure on the house of representatives to act. the us senate has already acted on this. and there is widespread support for the ukrainian efforts still here in washington. but right now it comes down to the house speaker, mike johnson, making the decision on whether to let a vote on this $60000000000.00 military package for ukraine go forward. all right, thank you so much, ross and jordan, reporting from washington. the head on the elders are and is our hezbollah fire as
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a variety of rockets into northern israel officer? it is really a time kills for people deep inside 11 on the paddler that was dumped down on the we seem to vary what, whether across northern and western parts of australia, and that trend is going to continue over the next few days. the monsoon is back with a bang, ran some swelling systems, and go to a tropical fica and developing to the northwest. that's expected to track its way towards the northern areas of w a. but the rain continues to pour into the south. we have put some flood watches and warnings out, but not for pub. it is looking very fine and dry. so to one degrees celsius that on thursday. so if you want to as well in sydney, it is expected to get cooler. however, as to what the weather comes in on thursday,
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scott says thunder storms with windy conditions. on friday it would have cooled down across the southeast corner of of trail, off the scorching. we can, we will see temperatures continue to low over the next few days. and now we often down across new zealand. the weather is as expected for this time of year scattering of showers from the south island up to the north with more than the way of wet toilet creeping into the very south on thursday. what weather continues to haunt southern parts of south east asia, we could see some flooding across the java in indonesia where the rain falls. heavy is very hot and dry across much of indo china, especially for thailand of the next few days. the, the asking questions, were you ever warren's about the health effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action of the hospital
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with fearless johnson is just behind me. hundreds of people have been in the back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand. states it's future of fossil fuels, no renewable, i'll just use teams on the ground. bring you closer to the heart of the story generation who meets premier league legend vinson company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. most of it starts and appear and it is the representation is rides for the rest will follow and travels to add syria to discover how fluid will pay the key role in shaping the country from its struggles to liberation, to the 20000000 to protest the political reform generation system episode to phone out just the of
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the hello again, the top stories, somebody else's. it renews our a deployment of a thousands, kenyon police officers to help restore law and order. and haiti has been put on hold. it comes after haiti's prime minister announced that he will resign at least $21.00 palestinians have been killed in is really or strikes on residential buildings and data and but i hadn't central draws off. the one says more children have been killed and israel's born gaza then in 4 years of world life conflict. the is really military is killed, a 13 year old palestinian boy and occupied east jerusalem. he was playing with fireworks near the shop fox refugee camp checkpoints. and in a separate incidents and occupied east jerusalem as well as really forces shocks as to how this spinning ends in energy. cats are says it's working to establish
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a permanent ceasefire in gaza and not a short term truce of a few days. cuts ours for a ministry spokesman made the remarks during a media briefing here in del, how, how much all was there and sent this reports a why that has to be no break full in the negotiations according to the spokes amount of the for the ministry. he made it clear that the competency still deploying all the efforts if can in order to achieve a ceasefire, particularly during the month of ramadan. that is a very, very urgent need for the policy in his life. now he also talked about how much content is providing tens of 8 more than $85.00 cargo planes, happy incense, 2000, so far as the company's participating in those efforts. he also addressed the question of the american at c bridge or c port that he's going to be established. and he said the cutoff supports that idea and is going to be a part of it. and it's very shaky to us for the mod,
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through the c port. i believe all the picnic and the team are working on that. we would like to confirm the color would be funding the release aid through such crossing. however, who's going to be responsible for the shirts on how such a porch would be dealt with? logistically, i'm technically, i'm not aware of that in detail. so however, he made it clear that this the bridge cannot be a substitute for the, the other means or the other routes to bring a to cause uh the, the land route in particular. so the contact is going to continue to support any type of any or any method whereby aid can be brought to gaza. whether it is by see my an or by that. how much fun and does. yeah. well, the white house national security advisor jake sullivan, has said that the us with not support and is really ground invasion of the fact
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that fails to protect civilians. as the president has been very clear about our position on ross and our position is that a military operation in rafa that does not protect civilians that cuts off the main arteries of humanitarian assistance. and that place is enormous pressure on the israel egypt border is not something that he can support. we're talking to the israelis about that we're working through in our white house correspondent, kimberly how good has more the binding administration is continuing to walk back. comments made by us president joe biden on saturday when he said any is really invasion into rafa. would be a red line on tuesday national security advisor jake sullivan reiterated the view of the 5 ministration. but in this really operation, interoffice, we're currently more than a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering would be
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a concern. it is the standpoint of the bible ministration. that right now, there is no credible plan from the standpoint of the bite and ministration that would protect civilians as well. there is no protection in place thus far to make sure that there are arteries or cord or as for humanitarian assistance and their places and, and do burden or pressure on the ships in border. and as a result, the binding administration says it is continuing to engage and press the is really government to ensure it comes up with what the bod ministration says, needs to be a reliable and credible plan. as such, the united states says until it's see such a plan, it cannot support any such military operation. kimberly help it l g 0. the white house for earlier i suppose to have somebody who's
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a professor of international affairs, a katara university, about the likelihood of an is really ground defensive onto off. it is $5050.00. uh, it all depends on the needs of these ladies because you know, uh, what do you have to do? what the americans have been saying that they, they disagree with is what it is and they will oppose. but at the same time, they keep sending them to weapons and, and munition, i think with the americans want to do if they want to be seen a serious. and they need to do something more. they need to link the a and the provision of munition. and within with what is always been doing underground, i mean short of doing that. i mean we're on the risk of, of actually looking bethany. i will do what, what if i want to do rights? and when it comes to what the americans are saying, when it, when it comes to this, this sort of a 100 vision earlier this week, president biden in an interview said that's what i thought it would be a red line for him. but then back tracked and said he will never leave israel. so would you make of what seems to be contradictory messages coming from biting? yeah,
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he has been sending really mixed messages. one is on public where he want to be seen as someone who would not be supporting anything that would violate how many terry and dimension of the confidence. but at the same times, he is telling the political leads in washington. and this is very important for his surviving for his re election that he would not back track from supporting is i and problem here. that's how these ready to give her ment understand these messages and nothing. you a whole understand that you can manipulate at the american administration's into whatever he wants to do. and guess he wants to continue the war. this is his activity in games and all these red lines could be x could be across without, with the, with infinity. when it comes to the cease fire talks, we heard from the categories today saying that a deal doesn't look to be closed, but the categories remain hopeful. where do you think things stand right now and are you optimistic that there will be some sort of agreements or a deal during it on the on. so i'm not really optimistic simply because uh with
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this lady position. this lady wants to take him for 2 additional from us and, and this is not going to happen unless they lose minutes for this. be me just really on the still this moment there at this moment they are actually opposing and existing. so i'm reading at the optimist because nothing, i would not budge in, in probably this to come or weeks to come, but eventually they will, they will be the, there's no question about that. the question is, uh, on what terms, what are they going to be on his own terms or the, or the mediators terms or have mass terms. i think if there is no my do ground at no need aside would, would. but all the is really military is again, conducting rates across the occupied westbank is really forces of shot dead at least 2 palestinians in drama. la 3 others are injured. raids are also ongoing in the cities of jeanine and to cut him at least $430.00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank since october exchanges. a fire on the israel lebanon
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border, or escalating has by law, has fired a garage, or for all kits into is really territory. i'm not to, after israel launch and attack deep into 11 on killing at least 4 civilians. zayna, although doesn't bother about where that is really strikes. we're targeted. this is an escalation and the ongoing confrontation was really as well as the 11th. has the law in less than 24 hours? is ralph carried out a series of error strikes, targeting what it says or has fullest positions in eastern 11 on one of those strikes, hit that building behind me. it collapse and there were casualties. you speak to people here and they say that this was a civilian target. there is a lot of anger, but israel has been carrying out the entire 11 on away from the border more frequently. and we sent the record barges
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launched from southern 11 on the military positions in northern israel are becoming more frequent. it's an escalation by husband law which opened the front to help relief pressure on cause of 5 months ago. on tuesday, the armed a group fired up to 100 rockets, usually many are intercepted by as well as air defense system that i windham, and many fall in open areas. but there seems to be a message that escalate things to that. if you took the, the month from the 15th of february, the last month, the, instead of the escalating in terms of the quantity, not the, they'd still did not use the long good range more precision, like the fact that $110.00, no, they alleged the, they have a discount the so these are more heavy, a payload, longer range and the more precise of israel doesn't appear to be deterred. most of it continues to carry out strikes against hezbollah. target's with no geographical limits,
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the latest hits were 100 kilometers from the border. and 11 on eastern city of bol back. so far as well as attacks have been within the unwritten rules of engagement . but some believe the groups capabilities are keeping as well in check. they are not capable of, uh, confront because the law an open war. uh, especially that they have not a capable of achieving any of the objectives against the understanding of businesses which is much weaker than the menus. the resistance, hezbollah secretary general, has on this role that has held his 1st public meeting with the how much official since one of the movements leaders saw hello rudy was assassinated, invaded in january. he's warrant the groups miss owls can reach any point. and as well, the slave is conflict between as well as hezbollah was triggered by the war on garza and is tied to its outcome as well as says it's will not stop firing until there is
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a permanency fire in gaza and on condition that as well stops attacks as well, but as well as insisting on new security arrangements along the border up to now, israel has been focusing on killing as many hezbollah member as possible, as well as we can in the groups operational capabilities. but as well is still acting with some restraint with this confrontation, at least for now center for their eligibility to be able, a human rights organizations in israel, or urging the government and military to comply with the ruling from the international court of justice. it's 2 months since the i c j told israel to take immediate measures to allow humanitarian assistance into gaza. thought to after south africa accused as real of committing genocide against the palestinians. the associations for civil rights and israel says the country has failed to change its behavior. since 11 filipino crew men who were on a ship that was attacked off the coast of you,
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evan have arrived home 3 of their colleagues were killed in a host. the missile strike last week on the boat carrier, true confidence, the philippine government has called for better protection of commercial sailors. finally, below reports from minimal joy and relief. as 11 filipino c fairs arrived in manila after what they described as a near death experience solvable. he thought i was going to die because i knew the blast was just machine that may have exploded, but the me sell that target. s. not everyone on board survived the attack by cruelty rebel forces. in given, however, 3 crew members of the cargo vessel, true confidence, died in the missile strike, including 2 filipinos, the 1st debts that have occurred since he started attacking shipping. in the red sea filipinos make up a 3rd of all see favors worldwide, that's close to half a 1000000, making them disproportionately at risk of attacks,
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including ones that are being lost by quantities off the cost of unit of the hoodie said there, seizing and firing a commercial shipping vessels to protest against israel swore on gossip with 17 filipinos, sailors be held. but the who takes the philippine government has called them shipping companies that have call social partners to better protect commercial sailors. what we have called before. and we've done these since the conflict started pieces for the social partners with either routing and provision of security personnel. c favors can also refuse to sale through a c lanes near human after international maritime organizations. and unions announced expansion to piracy areas in february. but the crew members of the true confident say they chose to waive this right. when i bought the thing, it was necessary for the tree. there was no other route to be done on the crew of true confidence, say the won't be back at sea for
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a while. but seafaring jobs continued to be an offer in manila, and elsewhere in the philippines with many filipinos to willing to take the risk to be able to provide for their families. find below alger 0 manila the of the special council who reported on us presidential biden's handling of classified documents has appeared before the house judiciary committee. robert her defended remarks he made in an earlier report saying that biden could be seen as a quote, well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. what i wrote is what i believe the evidence shows and what i expect jurors would perceive and believe. i did not sanitize my explanation, nor did i disparage the president unfairly. i explained to the attorney general my decision and the reasons for it. that's what i was required to do particle, hey,
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how's this update from washington dc? it's a 100 percent, a preview of what we're going to see in the general election, basically, democrats or say lucky trump, he's not fit republicans in look at buying these. not fit either. so robert, hers here testify has been looking into by the president joe by the handling of classified documents. and you did say this report does not exonerate the president, but he did say that he wasn't able to find enough evidence of mishandling of classified documents. that wouldn't be able to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. then he threw in the line about a jury, probably seeing him as a elderly man with 4 memory. he also said that when he was speaking with the president, he couldn't remember the years who was vice president or the year his son died. the white house was very angry about that, but this does seem to be rare bipartisan agreement here on capitol hill. but the bi partisan agreement seems to be that everybody is mad at robert. her democrats said that he was being political, that he didn't have to include the things about the president's memory,
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but he just tried to help republicans with their narrative. that is a concern to a lot of americans, according to the polls. the republicans say the joe biden is simply too old and potentially to see now for a 2nd term. republicans are mad at her because one she didn't try to indict the president. but also they're trying to say that, look, this just shows the justice system is rigged against donald trump and joe biden. they're creating their cases as exactly being said exactly the same as you know, donald trump is tracy of 40 count of felony indictment for classified the way he handled classified documents. a gunman in brazil has shot an injured to people after hijacking a bus and taking all 17 of its passengers hostage. the incident took place and reared there's an arrows main bus station. the man surrendered and released the hostages. after 3 hours. the motive remains unclear. it's still a heads on all the 0 celebrations in india as the government's implements
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a citizenship law. but critics say it's discriminatory. the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the so don's army says it's taking control of state tv services following renewed fighting and the mon, 11 months of battles between the army and parent military rapids support forces has damaged much of the major city near the capital cartoon. and un resolution calls for a truce during it. i'm a done, but army commanders won't agree unless they are stuff withdrawals from civilian
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areas. have a morgan has more from a good amount. is one of the sudden these army on tuesday announced that it has regained control of the state television and radio broadcasting station here in the city of undermine in the carpets and had a tomb. and that is significant for 2 reasons. the 1st being that's whoever controls to them historically has been in control of the state television and radio building here in under mine. but since the fighting began last april, the iris f, which was in charge of securing the building prior to the fighting between the hours of the army, announced that they had taken over the states a television and read the building and has been in control of it since last april, up until the early hours of tuesday morning. now the other and a significant reason, are significant facts about the fact that the are the army has taken control of the state television building is the fact that it shows the military advancement
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advance that's has been ongoing over the past few months. the army from the northern part of city of northern parts of the city of on demand had been moving southwards, while the army in the south of removing no northwards to try to lay siege on the recess. and those forces the arthur forces, interstate television building in the past few weeks have been under siege until fear has baffled over the past few days or up to between the hours of the army, ending up with the army. regaining control of the state television building to show that the army is making advance, at least in the city of on demand, the united nations security council has called for sees far to be up there during the muslim holy month of ramadan. but slicing still continues on tuesday, august 8, or was able to hear several ultimately fire being fired by both this to the news army environmental to rapid support forces. and we were able to see plumes of smoke rising from various parts of the capital. so despite the fact that the united nations security council and other regional bodies has called for
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a ceasefire for those affected by the conflict to be able to get some kind of relief during the muslim holy month from us on the tour and side seemed to be determined to fight each other out, trying to gain as much upper hand over the other as possible. hey, bill morgan ologist 0. how to the way through the program warrens that food aid for hundreds of thousands of suits in these refugees and shod could end next month. but you run agency says they're already struggling to feed everyone, leaving hungry people close to starvation. it says that without more funding this situation could become an all loud catastrophe. over half a 1000000 through the news, refugees fled to charge off to the conflict broke out nearly a year ago. and nigeria, at least 61 people had been kidnapped in the village of buddha in kaduna state. witness to say the abduction happened just before midnight. local time, on monday,
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it comes to his days after $287.00 school children were taken from a school inquiry go. that's also in kaduna states. the most affordable bucket is one of those students who managed to escape that mask abduction inquiry go. here's his story. now mister hovel with my name is most tough above becca. according days when we saw a bend on the motorbike that did not seem strangely, it is we have seen some of them right for the village before the co, shortly after more than a 100 to appear fighting indiscriminate conventions. no, but we're not. if you, i'm gonna stay with shooting access to hedging us, like capsule beating them, like i said to me and marching us to just to have them. and that's where we drank. and what to continue that to what was a breakfast we'll look at and some of us did not eat breakfast before coming to school and injured. and the sick eyes will put you on lots of bite on what instead of flicking them about, turned out co. it seemed we didn't, did you haven't, we didn't sudden leakage in the military aircraft of kid overhead. and they quickly pushed us under
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a tree. and as i'm fitting to kill us for when the technician with them look at and look at my size, cuz like i said, i'm with them. they offer discrete putting, just imagine them with the fleet part and just on the front of it over me, gave them to the youngest. never mind my place while ago mommy's. i'm gonna try to because one over to, you know what they said when it updates different village for 3 days and the for the truck to the target. what was the security force and i've got cio and other ones. when i found a push, when one was looking, i had been there for an hour just when i was sure they were gone. i worked 5 hours to that, came upon us, get old man know to chat that you had to go. no, i didn't. so i finally leased a group of longest who was oblivious to all that was happening in india, has seen pockets of protests after the government announced the implementation of a citizenship law. and the law makes it easier for religious minorities from neighboring countries to become engine citizens. but excludes muslims around the
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con reports they have been here before, protesting against the laws that they see excludes them based solely on religion. but since india's government tape the green light to implement the controversial citizenship law on monday, they have gathered again on the streets of carroll making themselves visible, making themselves heard. you gentlemen, something magic, i'm not talking. they want to create problems in the future. fine rented statements in my own country for the mere reason. if i do not possess my grandfather's best difficult, then what message are you trying to imply? the most of the points is that you cannot make a move on the grounds of religion. most of the citizenship amendment act fast tracks refuge for minorities from 3 neighboring countries, pockets non bangladesh. and i've done a study by focusing only on religious minorities. the law excludes mostly for
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a majority in all 3 countries. the critics say that stands in direct contrast to india's secular constitution, setting religion as a criteria for citizenship shipments and in the month. okay. and what's the name of the constitution? we feel this is not good for the country political parties. we're bringing in such laws to polarize, we want to tell them that creating such a divisions for political benefits and to divide. the society is a very dangerous and it should be stalled. and your basic phone, the law passed in 2019 by parliament, was met with months of protest. dozens were killed, thousands were arrested promote that reaction made to render modi's, ruling party, hold off, implement. but now it's going forward. and so we're a new way to protest, a student union group in the eastern state of awesome whole torches, demanding the lobby,
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scrapped altogether. very clear that di use the news of them do not use on the streets of the capital. new daily muslims gather to break their fast, extensive as they will do for 30 days. during the whole, the month of ramadan scenes are quiet and peaceful, but the whispers of what could happen once again on the streets, on many mines with a general election schedules for me. many fields of citizenship law. and what it entails will once again be a points of contention for men that may lead to widespread anger and division at the pools and on the streets. ronald han, how it is here. well, son, jacob poor is the editor of the online magazine. hard news. he says, the decision to implement the citizenship law is meant to divert attention from a court ruling on favorable to the government. it seems to be possible that so similar, valuable items. we stop showing up in different parts of the country. but you must remember that the also william violations and then the next few days,
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they notification for the election will come out, which it has to go to by the 13th of june. the implementation of this law. i'd like to take this and that often. but having said that, there is no, you know, there's room for getting the simple fact that this government is making or the body for that matter of banking, going to bondage has credentials of the, in the republic or ingle, what they would do, everything possible. maybe they could nice that of this wouldn't cause a don't want different boxes, the country. but i think the thing that will also being about consolidation yesterday decision, if you get, if you allow me to really been to what has been said by a lot of the books was taken by my lead or distracted agent from a supreme court order on the little box, very short of the party in the government to be ready for like the restaurant to be taking accepting money after i'm just taking any business houses. so after the supreme court, they would urgency needed something concrete in the headline,
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and this was the one. but uh, this is for me to have 5 easy to get you. all right, that's it for me for this news hour. thanks very much for watching my colleagues and molly inside will be here in just a moment with much more of today's news by the the end of time. when is that? that's right. now the next thing that's about the template is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those into the us is event jellicoe christie and exploring its influence of democracy in foreign policy on this and try to if you have just read it's a fucking list from praying for. i'm a good episode. one is freedom of speech on the internet. a right for some, but not for others. how is seen in or out of the content has been removed or
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restricted when he bu, content hasn't just 0 world investigates whether it's social media platforms, moderate content equally, especially in times of conflicts. there's a good understanding of the matters that there are in the standards between israel security services and other parties like my to close cyber space on just the
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last 2 weeks and then a total of 1010. the 10 year says they will not send fees cheapest to hey, she until a new government is the money inside. this is all and is there a life window or so coming out, young palestinian dies from bullet wounds of to is there any forces open,


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