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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 13, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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governments and ask for the legal arm groups have expanded their control over columbia territory in 2023, back in shelter to get these to sharing a major meal with their families. not knowing when and if they will be able to return home. the, the the, and now the knights of raids across the occupied westbank with is really forces getting at least 3 palestinians and destroying infrastructure. the play you watching all g 0 live from do have with me for the that people also coming up. the united nation says more children have been killed during israel's war on guys had been in for years of the world. wide conflict. is there any forces are
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shot dead at 15 year old palestinian chinese who i find refugee caffeine occupied these services? and another news kenya says it will not send peacekeepers to hate until a new government. it's for the thank you for joining as we begin in the occupied west bank, where the east really military is again conducting a series of raids. is there any bulldozers have stored in the city of jeanine and as this drawing infrastructure, at least one palestinian was killed during the concussion outside of ramallah. is there any forces shot dead at least 2 palestinians during a rate and now g suite, others have been injured and are seeking treatment in hospital and occupied these tools. and these really military has killed a 13 year old palestinian boy rami and how holy was shot in the chest while he was
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playing with fireworks near the show, a flat refuge account check point. let's get the latest without just there is nor can, who's in occupied east jerusalem forest or that start with the ongoing army raising janine and took her and tell us about the latest you are hearing about the situation that a small tight. so developing situation across the occupied westbank we've seen right from the north to the south, from hebron in the south of to ramallah most recently napa to see these writers force it's stormy, novice in the last hour or so. in token of the most noteworthy is jeanine, we saw around 1st she is ready. no tree vehicles entering, getting refugee camp at they were accompanied by some almost bolt as of the sausages, destroy infrastructure. tear up the streets uh, within seen video at them taking down big can most of that from the sides of house
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. it's a really causing quite extensive damage. they have the met with some computations from posting and fights. and we've also seen some improvise explosives going off around to, to the refugee camp. we do know one that has been shot dead. she was standing outside the hospital. they've brought the all that now off the window, at least one more person has been critically injured. it is an ongoing situation that's we will keep you updated. right. and we have a 13 year old boy. nora killed spine is really cipher in occupied is true. so then what do we know happened and what have been the reactions and this is rami uh, the hell of who the, as he said, 13 years old, shopped by snipers in the chest. now there are 2 different stories contradicting each other. the is ready, military said they were endangered by the boys shooting fine works towards them.
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and they then decided to take action show some dead at from eye witness accounts and also corroboration by video. the we've seen shows the voice shooting fi works up into the as so many people have done during ramadan during the who the month. and the 2nd video we've seen is a boy line. i'm low on. his mother obviously was funding devastated at this point. he was taken away by posting an ambulance, so it's important to note he was on the occupied westbank side of the is really role, but it's possible to pipe east risk of, of the i'm just talking to the well, he doesn't have to be transferred into it. is really ambulance where he was taken to medical complex here and he was pronounced dead to, to very different story to them and short steps tonight. that's why they don't keep tight east jerusalem. they these right a minute treat once again had a different version of events. so they said that's fine. then i'm shooting multiple
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cop tells towards them in a video they sent out it source and then trying to stick to the call when they shot to the death, a 16 year old and a 23 year old and 3 more are recovering in the hospital at the families have already held their out, funerals in a sheet, which is west of them all as to pop occupied is choice of west hundreds if not thousands of people attended nor i thank you very much for the updates that voucher 0 is laura con, refreshing their life from occupied east jerusalem, and he is really settlers have attacked the palestinian village of 4 in south of novelist, sidney occupied westbank. the settlers burnt a vehicle and attacked the property. there's been a dramatic increase in intensity and regularity of both is really settler and state res in the occupied westbank since is are as well on gas. i began last year the,
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the war on guys and now and at least 21 palestinians have been killed and these really strikes in there are a lot in the center of the strip. many are injured with some buried in the rubble of buildings. he had to buy these really bombardment, more than 51000 palestinians have been killed since the war began. the majority of women and children in guys, a city is really times have again fight on starving people seeking food. at least 11 palestinians were killed in the attack of the alco h. e round about which has been repeatedly targeted in recent weeks. guys, as health ministry says more than 200 policy means have been killed by is really fire while waiting for food. the commission, a general of the un agency for palestinian refugees philip lives really has remarked on the high number of children killed. and these are as well on guys by calling the situation staggering. he says the number of children reported killed in just over 4 months in gaza. is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years
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of wars around the world combined. he goes on to call this a war on children, on their childhood and their future. earlier we spoke to dr for the all the who is a family physician and the founder of humanity. ok. see him, a charitable trusts, providing medical relief homogenized communities around the world. she spent some time in guys that last month and told us about her experience. but the sun does uh um, it was heartbreaking. um, i was thinking that i have seen voice default, you know, being somebody to know who has worked in the refugee camps and upgrades and flooding. but what they saw in gaza, you know, it was just beyond the words to describe it. and as we know now that you know some of them is it, time of speech could be valuable for many millions of most students that are on the
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globe. but like the seeing in the ground just a few minutes before i'm you know, i've been very upset about it because of a team in many fields in 'em. it's in that year from canada to or to egypt under the to go to rough. uh. and now i was getting text from my colleagues that there's a heavy bombing address oh, going on. and it's a, it's very sad and i did not know what to say to my team when they're right in cairo right now that if they can enter god's over now. so what i see in garza, it was uh uh gotcha, is a facing no, unprecedented come in. every person that we met including the hospital nurses, patients. everybody was starving and we were seeing smeared with the listing and small children we were seeing. i think it takes you to see the vitamin d deficiency. we're literally seeing blink up the color boards and the of costs because the board's blink of the legs the palace demands in gaza,
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struggling to find food to break the fast during ramadan. as these rouse wore, continues, thousands on, malnourished with the un wanting of farming. handsome homage has more you know, it is the bedding is thought for a family of 17 in rough, but she doesn't have enough food. and many of my family will not be able to break the far. the mobile on mobile on yonge ramadan, is supposed to be a month of blessings, which we anticipate the whole year in rama done, we need to eat and drink. the economic situation is hard. if prices are inflated, there's a lock, a suit, malnutrition is run pins and there's no key water leak in the face. the united nation sees a court of guys is 2300000 people. one step away from funding on this yeah. palestinians uh, fussing of when they already under no rush no model has given us just
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we said, how could we far because of malnutrition. we feel dizzy. all day long. my legs can't carry me. there's nothing to nourish my body. booting ramadan, this market and roughly due to the full of people on stalls filled with produce. but because of these are as well because there is little food in the market and most palestinians cannot afford to buy what daddy bindings in that time. along with all the family, many of us went searching in the market to buy something that we could eat to break or fox. so unfortunately the situation is very difficult. there was no proof of it and we are suffering from malnutrition. so that if, even if you could find any food, you would be very expensive, like the situation is very catastrophic and all that good. don't know what to feed our children or what to eat. if i'm nothing to nourish the body. for months, many buttons have struggled every day to find food to feed the children. look among
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worry about finding some to break the fast food and try to finish up on me home. we do not know what to feed the kids. we also do not know what to keeps for sure. there is no foot supply in the markets. you've got nothing to eat from, of them is traditionally a time of joy and celebration and gods. but for me and other fellow students this year, it's one of hardship on hold off. how does that, how much does it to hey, now the world news in haiti and gangs, has gained significant control in the capital, but a deployment of 1000 kenyan police officers to help restore law and order has been put on hold. it comes off to a prime minister, i don't, he announced that he will resign, get a symbol of weight for some santo domingo in neighboring dominican republic. haiti's prime minister at atlanta. he has stepped aside and one of the transition
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government takes shape. patients are filled with uncertainty, leverett, when yeah, it's no real that the prime minister is resigning patients of a duty to see if we can find someone who can bring to get the old society and put the country back on track. they need to haiti has been struggling with that political and security crisis. women's fighting between gangs and the police has intensified in the past days. gang leaders said that he lisey's return would trigger a civil war. now that and re, has resigned, talks around the way to pick a new prime minister that will lead the country. they're also moved to for my moutain national security support. michelle to help the police fight begins. can you has put the mission on hold until there is a new government? but the us says the operation should move ahead as soon as possible. right now, is you wait for the appointment of a presidential transition council, which would appoint then a new government,
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new prime minister. i think that's the appropriate step for the canyon government to take. but we think those are steps that will happen, as i said in the very near future. and that would pay the way for this mission to go forward without the work. but trusting the international community is not funding high on the streets of hate. the scott, because the guy comes out they go from failure to failure and can do nothing for us . what is happening here is not happening to kind of commer. this happened to us the population into the political leaders who could not solve the situation. we must take our destiny into our own hands. many as we sent the following interventions, un peacekeeping troops, also known as mino, stock, left the country and 2017. their presence was marred with accusations of human rights violations and of use. the united nation says that the move high and national security support mission will help bring x for support to the haitian national, pointing to fight against the gang. they say they're not foreign troops on the ground, but fix for support to help stabilize the country. so that elections can happen as
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soon as possible. but for now, guns controlled, hey, peace capital. and for many, the possibility of an election seems distant as they continue to cope with hardships and violence. they see every day very so i'll just feed us on the looming all the while from the program says the recent spate of violence in haiti's hampering its ability to get food into 4 to appraise the distributing humanitarian aid from existing research. but say, it's only a matter of weeks until these research depleted capital is on to has more from the united nations. the u. n says they only have enough food left in puerto prince the capital to last a few more weeks that according to the world food program, country director. when a briefing on tuesday said that the main port in haiti remains closed due to gang violence. and that is where most of the food enters the country. so the u. n is
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having to rely on what's left of their emergency stockpiles that are quickly running out with, with this and security it's, it's hampering people from doing very simple things in 80 right now. taking your trip to school, i'm going to the supermarket, going to work. all these things are extremely risky, needs security to come back to the country. i need to make sure that, that you understand that. um, a security is important, but it's not a trace of of funds or butter. we actually also need to have focus on on, on feeding. the people in haiti, the world food program estimates. there are 4000000 people in haiti that our food in the secure, with 1000000 just one step away from famine, with a shortage of food, that means prices are increasing in some parts of the country, jumping as much as 25 percent. now in terms of the political uncertainty in the country, the u. n says they will support any political transition proposed at the caricom
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meeting, the calls on all haitian stakeholders to act responsibly to take steps towards the implementation of the agreement in order to restore the countries democratic institutions through peaceful, credible, participatory and inclusive elections. gabriel is on though i would just say that at the united nations in new york still ahead on al jazeera sedans. army announces its 1st gains in mine size, advise the entire military rodney support forces of control and the lebanese onto pest qualifies of a raj of rockets into northern israel after needs really attack you and for people deep inside living on the
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a hello that. let's have a look at the weather across north america and a critical fly. a danger risk remains across southern parts of the us. we've got very warm and dry, gusty winds blowing across the southern plains, behind that more in the way of wintry and wet weather starting to creep in across the full corner stays. we'll see some of that snow start to spread its way further east and as those cold conditions coming down from the north meet up of the woods, coming up from the south. where we see those gnostic thunderstorms developing, working their way across the southeast. and the great lakes of the next few days, lots of fine weather to be found across the west coast of the us as extensive down across the mexico temperatures continuing to rise for places like mexico city heat is the story extending down towards costa rica and out the east, with some glossary winds across the eastern islands and some rough seas for places like palm paid us. now the heat continues northern parts of columbia. it is a very hot story for much of south america. since i'm just doing so,
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popping off in the very south for northern argentina into uruguay. but the heat is a story across power. white will be a fortune one degrees celsius, the in as soon shown on wednesday into thursday. that's who weather update. the full value, this is human appeal has been making the most of your messy. our team successfully deliver your charity to those who need it most. across the muslim world, we are feeding, building, caring, tooling, planting, fuel, refining, teaching and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back to recap of our top stories on ouch is 0. these really militaries, again, reading cities across the occupied westbank at least one policy mean has been killed in jeanine. another to has been kills me ever. at least 21 policy names have been killed in is there any strikes on residential buildings in down by law in central garza, the you and it says more children have been killed and these are as well on gas at the need for years of worldwide conflicts and a deployment of 1000 kenyan police officers to help restore annoying order in which he has been put on hold. it comes off to haiti's,
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prime minister announced that he will resign. exchanges of fire on the east red 11 on border are escalating has belie, has fired a barrage of rock. it seemed to is really territory that's on to israel launched an attack deep into lebanon overnight getting at least 4 civilians. zayna harder before somebody will, such as the rocket barges launched from southern 11 on its military positions in northern israel are becoming more frequent. it's an escalation by has the law which opened the front to help relief pressure on garza 5 months ago. on tuesday, the armed a group fired up to 100 rockets. usually many are intercepted by as well as air defense system, the i random and many fault in open areas. but there seems to be a message that escalate things. typically if you took the, the month from the 15th of february, the last month, the, instead of the escalating intends of the quantity, not the, they'd still did not use the longer range, more precision, like the fact that $110.00, no, they alleged the, they have a discount the,
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so these are more heavy of payload, long good range. and the more precise of israel doesn't appear to be deterred. most of it continues to carry out strikes against hezbollah. target's with no geographical limits, the latest hits were 100 kilometers from the border. and 11 on eastern city of bol back. so far as well as attacks have been within the unwritten rules of engagement . but some believe the groups capabilities are keeping as well in check the i'm not capable of, uh, confronting says the law, an open war. uh, especially that they would have not a capable of achieving any of the objectives against the understanding of businesses which is much weaker than the dominions of resistance hezbollah. secretary general has on this role that has held his 1st public meeting with the how much official since one of the movements leaders, solid. hello, rudy, was assassinated,
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invaded in january. he's warned the groups miss owls can reach any point and as well, this latest conflict between as well as hezbollah was triggered by the war on garza and is tied to its outcome as well as says it's will not stop firing until there is a permanency fire in gaza and on condition that as well stops attacks as well. but as well as insisting on new security arrangements along the border. up to now, israel has been focusing on killing as many hezbollah member as possible as well as we can in the groups operational capabilities. but as well is still acting with some restraint with this confrontation, at least for now center for their eligibility to be able to the well. so the, the program ones that food aid for hundreds of thousands of. so the news refugees and shad could end next month. the un agency says they're already struggling to feed everyone, leaving hungry people closest job ation over half
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a 1000000. so in these refugees fed to chat after the conflicts broke out nearly a year ago. meanwhile, sedans army says it's taking control of state television services following renewed fighting in undermine near to capital 211 months of battle is between the army and the time military rapids support forces has damaged much of the majority of my job . major city near the capital car to a un resolution call for i chose during ramadan, but army commanders won't agree unless the recess withdraw us from civilian areas. he but morgan has more from undermined of the sudden these army on tuesday announced that it has regained control of the states, television and radio broadcasting station here in the city of undermine in the capital one to 2. and that is significant for 2 reasons. the 1st being that's whoever controls to them historically has been in control of the state television and radio building here in under mine. but since the fighting began last april, the rosette,
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which was in charge of securing the building prior to the fighting between the hours of the army, announced that they had taken over the states a television and radio building and has been in control of it since last april, up until the early hours of tuesday morning. now the other and a significant reason, are significant facts about the fact that the are the army has taken control of the state television building is the fact that it shows the military advancement advance that's has been ongoing over the past few months. the army from the northern part of city of us and northern parts of the city of on demand had been moving southwards, while the army in the south of removing no northwards to try to lay siege on the recess. and those forces the arthur forces, interstate television building in the past few weeks have been under siege until fear has baffled over the past few days or up to between the hours of the army, ending up with the army. regaining control of the state television building to show that the army is making advance,
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at least in the city of on demand. the united nations security council has called for sees far to be upstairs during the muslim holy month of ramadan. but slicing still continues on tuesday, august, there was able to hear several ultimately fire being fired by both of us to the news army environmental to rapid support forces. and we were able to see plumes of smoke rising from various parts of the capital. so despite the fact that the united nations security council and other regional bodies has called for a ceasefire for those affected by the conflict to be able to get some kind of relief during the muslim holy month of ramadan, the turing side seemed to be determined to fight each other out, trying to gain as much upper hand over the other as possible. hey, bill morgan ologist 0. how to in nigeria, at least 61 people have been kidnapped in the village of buddha, in cardona state witnesses save the abduction happened just before midnight. local time, on monday, it comes just days after $287.00 school children were taken from
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a school in craig, also in could do an estate. the dozens of ukrainian drones and drunk case have hate targets deep into russian territory to fuel facilities were among those attacks including a key oil refinery, which was referred to be badly damaged by fire rush. i also said it's 3 pounds a series of attacks on its border with ukraine. us present. joe biden has an hour and 10 imagine see $300000000.00 military. a package for ukraine. republicans in congress have for months, blocked a much larger package. ukraine says, shortages of munition or hampering its efforts to hold back russian advances. mcbride visited ukrainian on delivery units near the front lines. it's just a few kilometers from the front line,
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visiting full without tillery units. like this one is done quickly and done for the growing number and sophistication if drones flowed by foot sides beans, that's very little that's hidden from view. and everyone quickly becomes a target monkey office since recent russian victories gun come on to the next mission has been to stop the advances. but he shows us the dwindling stock of shows with which to do it. now russians in part because of the delay in the multi $1000000000.00 a package in the us congress somehow been that, that some of the most difficult thing just kind of actually finding that option shown in order to extend it once that's our on our position. and when they do the concept press stop to enable it. there is books here on this day, they did 5 are short following. but the 1st and 3 days. the shortage means along the whole of the 1500 columbus a front line. ukraine is only able to fight around 2000 shells per day. that's less
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than that's the vi munitions the russians are using. and it's not only the hold up in aid from the us. that's the problem. your pin nation's a role. so folding schultz on the promises ukraine's backers in the european union have only deliberate hoff the shelves. they've pledged in the past. yeah. a short drive away. we visit the 2nd dots hillary unit station dennis small house outside is the aging sylvia to read grad miss. how long should they operate? relying on eastern european countries that use the same system unit come on to romano tells us the rockets they receive have been few a number, an oldest stock as reserves become depleted. so we're trying to for that. and of course, i worry, i'm responsible for the health and lives of my team and it's getting hotter. we should be able to repel more thorough tanks, but we have what we have as well. russia has been suffering similar munitions shortages. it seems to be making more determined,
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unsuccessful efforts to fix the rob mcbride. i'll just say era don't yet. region ukraine. preston vide meanwhile, has said that russia straight to europe will not stop at new crane. he made the warning as polish prime minister donald to scan president andre, due to visit the us capital to try to break an impasse over funding for ukraine. ross in jordan has more to buy new ministration, made the announcement for the additional $300000000.00 in military assistance for ukraine. on tuesday. jake sullivan, the national security advisor said that this is essential aid, but it's not going to go very far. or for very long this emergency package that we're announcing contains a large tron chef, artillery rounds and gamblers for the high mars. it is assistance that you create desperately needs to hold the line against russian attacks. and to push back against the continuing rushing on slot. in the east and in other parts of ukraine,
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after his meeting with the us president joe biden at the white house on tuesday, the polish prime minister adults was told reporters that the problem lies, not with the buying and administration, but with a certain person in the us house of representatives task said it's up to mike johnson to find the political courage to do the right thing. i still hope this, mr. jonathan will, will feed this risk on somebody to fall for thousands of lives and, you know, quite and because in fact, he's responsible for the future of, of also, of a who, the people you know, it says about to the, the, the clear message is not on the from, from washington to day, but also from all the copies of the visit. we are really united and will continue as opposed to ukraine. the us senate has already passed


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