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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 13, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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the new series of africa direct on out just the another 9 to raise across the occupied westbank with these really forces killing at least 3 pilot simians and destroying infrastructure. the flow they say vouch is here, i live from bill. i'm funding back. people also coming out is really for say, she was dead a 13 year old palestinian child in this way fonts, refugee camp, the stove occupied, occupied, occupied these 2 will select b, u n. ones for 1000000 people in a t face acute food in security, and 1000000 often one step away from, from in any of the us,
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joe biden. and donald trump secure the number of delegates needed for that parties . presidential nomination, the thank you for joining us. we begin in the occupied westbank where these really military has been conducting a series of raids. is there any bold doses, storm the city of jeanine and destroyed infrastructure? at least one, palestinian was killed during being cation outside of ramallah is really forced his shot dead at least 2 palestinians during a rate. now jade 3 others have been injured and are seeking treatment in hospital and occupied easterel send these really military a scale to 13 year old palestinian boy from milan holly was shot in the chest swan . he was playing with fireworks. the short fat refuge account check point. let's get the latest way down to 0. is laura con, who is the non capacity is true then for us laura. they start with the army raising jeanine, which are on going janine and to come in fact,
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tell us about the latest you're hearing about the situation and as well, there has been a developing situation across the occupied west by throughout the evening and into the early hours starting from the south in hebron working the way up to ramallah annapolis kalki, a tall crump, but most worthy of note is to name because that's where really the most violent confrontations took place around that he is writing those 2 vehicles and said janine refugee camp and they were accompanied, as you said, by almost full days that that began tearing up the streets. infrastructure a lot of buildings um with hits and they were met with computations from policy is fine to we fulton improvise. explosives going off in the cap, and we know one person has died out of a mine called at rugby at, i'll know rusty. he was standing outside the house, so when he was shot by sniping,
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we know at least one more precedent, is in critical care and hope. so at the moment of many, many others in judge. now these writings have withdrawn from jeanine refuge account, but we have seen this scenario time and time again this year as last year, one of the worst times last july. we was that just off to that. so the devastation to the infrastructure throughout the camp. i'm same time and time again posting and just coming rebuilding parts of the camp repairing and it's just happening time again. and they say that being collectively punished because the is ready to say they're trying to read or posting and find the help that suffices inside the camp. right. and we also have the case of this 13 year old boy who was killed by and is really sniper. what do we know happened and what have been the reactions a rami out of has really 13 years old,
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shot in the chest bite. and it's really small impacts in shots that refugee camps now that it isn't occupied east jerusalem, but it's only occupied westbank side of the it's ready will. we know that he was playing with fine watch. so i went his accounts and also the video showing him shooting them off in the app. but the is ready, there are 2 sets that they really statement say, but his shots towards something and he contains with them. so that for they shot him, the video we saw, as i said, he was shooting into the air. and the next video who was lying on the ground, we know that he was taken away by posting it and he was to the room. and then it was ready and just collected him from the other side and took him to medical treatment here in inside, outside history some where they pronounced him dead. so they have to kind of dave morning inside the caps. the most is called a strikes the old business as well will because well, his loved ones have time to move on to move. people was shot in a very quick l,
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g. all. so, you know, tried east through some of these rates that they were shooting multiple cop tough sports and they run towards the cost. they were 5 people. all of them was shot 3 recovery hospital to have died. and we've already seen hundreds, perhaps thousands people attending the funeral. all right, thank you for the updates. that's laura con lives there. you know, q 5 east jerusalem. and is really settlers of attached to the policy mean village of flooring, south of nablus in the occupied westbank. the settlers burnt a vehicle and attacked property. there's been a dramatic increase in the intensity and regularity of both these really settlers and states raids in the occupied westbank since these are as well and gas. i began last year and guys are now at least 21 palestinians have been killed and these really strikes in down the line in the center of the street. many are injured with some buried in the rubble of buildings hitched by these really bombardment. more than 31000 thomas to means has been kills and some will began. the majority of them
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women and children, and gaza city is really time said again, find on stopping people seeking food. at least 11 policy names were killed in the attack. i'd be quite a roundabout, which has been repeatedly targeted in recent weeks. guys, health ministries has more than 400 pounds and ends up being killed by is really fired while waiting for food. and the commission in general of the un agency for palestinian refugees affility plaza really has remarked on the high number of children, came to in these around swollen, guys by calling the situation. star gary, he says a number of children before gets killed in just over 4 months in guys are, is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of was around the world combined. he goes on to call this a war on children, on their childhood and future palestinians in guys struggling to find food to break. the fostering ramadan as these are as war continues, thousands of mount nourish with the you and warning of family. and i'm the mom,
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it has more as the, you know, i'm, it is the bedding is thought for a family of 17 in rough, but she doesn't have enough food. and many of my funds will not be able to break that far. yeah, and again what i'm of them, i'm about ramadan. it's supposed to be a month of blessings which we anticipate the whole year in ramadan. we need to eat and drink. the economic situation is hard. if prices are inflated, there's a lot. costumed malnutrition is run pins and there is no cable to you. we can affect the united nation sees a quarter of guides us to point 3000000 people. one step away from funding this year. palestinians uh, funding when they already under notice the model village has given us just we said, well how could we far because of malnutrition, we feel dizzy. all day long. my legs can't carry me. there's nothing to nourish my body. during ramadan,
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this market and roughly due to the full of people on stalls filled with produce. but the costs of these are as well because there is little food in the market. and most palestinians cannot afford to buy what daddy abandons in the high, along with all the family. many of us went searching in the market to buy something that we could eat to break or fox. so unfortunately, the situation is very difficult. there is no proof of food and we are suffering from malnutrition, so that even if you could find any food, it would be very expensive, like the situation is very catastrophic and all that good. don't know what to feed our children or what to eat. if i'm nothing to nourish the party. for months, many patents have struggled every day to find food to feed the children. look among worry about finding some to break the fast food and try to finish up on the home.
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we do not know what to feed the kids and we also do not know what to keeps so hard . there is no supply in the markets for these, but nothing to keep support from. of them is traditionally a time of joy and celebration and gods. but for the other fellow students, dcea, it's one of hardship on hold on him, him just the cutoff phase. it's working to establish a permanent ceasefire in gaza and not a short term twos of a few days. cut off contact ford, ministry spokesman made the remarks during a media briefing, hearing doha mont advisor was there and has this report why that has to be no grateful in the negotiations. according to the spokes not of the, for the ministry, he made it clear that the company is still deploying all the efforts if can in order to achieve a ceasefire, particularly during the month of ramadan. that is a very, very urgent need for the policy in his life. now he also talked about how much
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capacity is providing tens of 8 more than 85 cargo planes, happy incense, 2000, so far as countries participating in those efforts. he also addressed the question of the american at c bridge or c port that he's going to be established. and he said the cutoff supports that idea and is going to be a part of it. and it's very shaky as for the mode through the c port, i believe all the picnic and the team are working on that. we would like to confirm that total would be funding the release aid through such crossing. however, who's going to be responsible for the shirts on how such a porch would be dealt with? logistically, i'm technically, i'm not aware of that in detail. so any of these, however, he made it clear that this bridge cannot to be a substitute for the, the other means or the other routes to bring a to cause uh the, the land route in particular said,
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contact is going to continue to support any type of any or any method whereby aid can be brought to gaza. whether it is by sea, by an or by that. how much the fine under the glass exchanges of fire on the israel 11 on border escalating has relies fine to verizon drunkest injuries. really territory, as i'm sure israel launch and attack deep into 11 on killing at least 4 civilians is in a hot or is invalid bank, where these really strikes landed. this is an escalation and the ongoing confrontation between israel and the 11th has the law in less than 24 hours. is ralph carried out a series of error strikes, targeting what it says are as well as positions in eastern 11 on one of those strikes hit that building behind me. it collapse and there were casualties. you speak to people here and they say that this was a civilian target. there is
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a lot of anger, but israel has been carrying out deep inside loving on away from the border more frequently. and recently the rocket barges launched from southern living on its military positions in northern israel are becoming more frequent. it's an escalation by has the law which opened the front to help relief pressure on garza 5 months ago. on tuesday, the armed a group fired up to 100 rockets. usually many are intercepted by as well as air defense system that i random and many fault in open areas. but there seems to be a message that escalating said that if you took the, the month from the 15th of february, the last month, there's 10 of the escalating intends of the quantity, not the. they'd still did not use the longer range, more precision, like the fact that $110.00, or the alleged the they have a discount. the. so these are more heavy payload,
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long good range. and the more precise of israel doesn't appear to be deterred. most of it continues to carry out strikes against hezbollah. target's with no geographical limits. the latest hits were 100 kilometers from the border, and 11 on eastern city of bol back. so far as well as attacks have been within the unwritten rules of engagement. but some believe the groups capabilities are keeping as well in check the capable of, uh, confronting, as well uh, an open war. uh, especially that they have not a capable of achieving any of the objectives against the understanding of businesses which is much weaker than the dominions. of resistance, hezbollah secretary general has on this role that has held his 1st public meeting with a her master official since one of the movements leaders solid. hello, rudy, was assassinated, invaded in january. he's warned, the groups miss alice can reach any point and as well,
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this latest conflict between israel and hezbollah was triggered by the war on garza and is tied to its outcome as well as says it's will not stop firing until there is a permanency fire in garza and on condition that as well stops attacks as well. but as well as insisting on new security arrangements along the border up to now, israel has been focusing on killing as many has been a member as possible, as well as we can in the groups operational capabilities. but as well is still acting with some restraint with this confrontation, at least for now center for their eligibility to be able, a 11 filipino cool man who were on a ship that was attacked off the coast of yemen, has a ride home. 3 of the colleagues were killed in the hosting this odd strike last week on the ball carrier show confidence the philippines government has gone from better protection of commercial sales is found to be no re for some manila,
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joy and relief. as 11 filipino c fairs arrived in manila after what they described as a near death experience solvable company. i really thought i was going to die because i knew the blast was just machine that may have exploded. but the me sell the target. the s not everyone on board survived the attack by who to rebel forces in given, however, 3 crew members of the cargo vessel true confidence, died in the missile strike. including 2 filipinos, the 1st debts that have occurred since he started attacking shipping. in the red sea filipinos make up a 3rd of all see favors worldwide. that's close to half a 1000000, making them disproportionately at risk of attacks, including ones that are being lost by commodities off the cost of unit of the who does say they're seeing in a firing that commercial shipping vessels to protest against israel swapped and gaza with 17 filipinos, sailors being held by the who takes the philippine government has called them shipping companies that have call social partners to better protect commercial
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sailors. what we have called before and we've done these things like on like start that is for the social partners to couldn't see their roofing and provision of security 1st. and then c favors can also refuse to sail through the sea lanes near human, after international maritime organizations. and unions announced expansion to piracy areas in february. but the crew members of the true confident say they chose to waive this right. when i bought the most up think it was necessary for trade. there was no other route to be done on the island. the crew of true confident say the won't be back at sea for a while. but seafaring jobs continue to be on offer in manila and elsewhere in the philippines. with many filipino, still willing to take the risk to be able to provide for their families. find below elders 0 manila head on alger 0. the special council investigating president joe
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biden, henry of classified information comes to capitol hill and makes pretty much everyone angry. i'm heading on here and that story is coming out and visiting foley. shanita is called on the us government and republican politicians to ensure continued military aids to ukraine. the i had low that tropical so i can sleep. i will continue to bring very heavy writing to pots of southern africa, but before we get that, let's have a look at the middle east and live and, and we thing bits and pieces of unsettled weather. we've had sand storms in saudi arabia. so rain coming in to katya and you can still see it is still a cloudy story that on wednesday morning, the way of rain creeping across the southwest, pouring into western areas of yemen. and we will see some way to whether start to
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work its way towards the event with some blustery winds, thanks to weather system, losing its way across the ticket. cooling things down slightly in some of the cities like bay root and jerusalem, and things are looking cooler across the north west of africa. we'll see some of that range starting to creep into morocco over the next few days, but a launch the dry story with exceptional sheets across other countries such as chad is you mean say 44 degrees self is that on wednesday? so well above the average that heat extending to coastal areas like gonna add for the south to places like bought swanner. and it does look very quiet so much of southern africa, but have a look at that topical flight clone philipo continuing to bring some very heavy rain before it pulls its way out to see on the stay as to whether update the full value. this is human appeal has been making the most of your mfc,
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our team successfully deliver your charity to those who need it most. across the mostly mild, we are feeding, building, caring, tooling, planting, fuel refined, teaching, and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal, the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. our top stories on ouch is here at this hour, are these really military is again reading cities across the occupied westbank. at
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least one kind of food has been killed in jeanine, another to have been killed me. i run my law at least 21 palestinians have been killed in these really s ranks on residential buildings in down by law in central guys. the u. n says more children have been killed and these are as well. and guys, i've been informing years of world wide conflicts down to the world news and even hate g armed gangs of gain significant control in the capital. but a deployment of 1000 canyon police officers to help restore no, in order, has been put on hold. it comes off to prime minister, i had only announced that he will resign a simple re for some santo domingo in neighboring dominican republic haiti's prime minister at atlanta. he has stepped aside on one of the transition government takes shape. patients are filled with uncertainty, leverett, when yacht it's no real that the prime minister is resigning patients of a duty to see if we can find someone who can been to get the old society and put
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the country back on track. they need to haiti has been struggling with that political and security crisis. women's fighting between gangs and the police has intensified in the past days. gang leaders said that he lisey's return would trigger a civil war. now that and re, has resigned talks around the way to pick a new prime minister that will lead the country there also move to for my move, it's a national security support mission to help the police fight begins. can you has put the emission on hold until there's a new government? but the us says the operation should move ahead as soon as possible. right now, is you wait for the appointment of a presidential transition council, which would appoint then a new government, new prime minister. i think that's the appropriate set for the canyon government to take. but we think those are steps that will happen, as i said in the very near future. and that would pay the way for this mission to go forward without the way. but trusting the international community is not funding
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high on the streets of hate the sky because they go from failure to failure and can do nothing for us. what is happening here is not happening to kind of commer. this happen to us, the population into the political leaders who could not solve the situation. we must take our destiny into our own hands. many, we sent following interventions. un peacekeeping troops, also known as mino, stock, left the country, and 2017. their presence was marred with accusations of human rights violations and of use the united nation sides of the move. ty, national security support mission will help bring extra support to the haitian national police to fight against the gang. they say they're not foreign troops on the ground, but fix for support to help stabilize the country. so that elections can happen as soon as possible. but for now, guns controlled, hey peace capital, and for many, the possibility of an election seems distant as they continue to cope with
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hardships and violence. they see every day, betty, several of the seeds on blooming and well for the program. meanwhile, is wanting that 4000000 people in haiti face acute truth and security. and 1000000 of them are a step away from farming and distributing humanitarian aid from existing research. but say it's only a matter of weeks until these reese is depleted. gabrielle is on to has more from the united nations. the u. n says they only have enough food left in puerto prince the capital to last a few more weeks that according to the world food program, country director. when a briefing on tuesday said that the main port in haiti remains closed due to gain violence, and that is where most of the food enters the country. so the u. n is having to rely on what's left of their emergency stockpiles that are quickly running out with, with this and security it's,
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it's hampering people from doing very simple things and heavy right now. taking your tip to school, i'm going to the supermarket that going to work. all these things are extremely risky, needs security to come back to the country. i need to make sure that, that you understand that. um, a security is important, but it's not a trace of of funds or butter. we actually also need to focus on, on, on feeding. the people in haiti, the world food program estimates. there are 4000000 people in haiti that our food in the secure, with 1000000 just one step away from famine, with a shortage of food, that means prices are increasing in some parts of the country, jumping as much as 25 percent. now in terms of the political uncertainty in the country, the u. n says they will support any political transition proposed at the caricom meeting, the calls on all haitian stakeholders to act responsibly to take steps towards the
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implementation of the agreement in order to restore the countries democratic institutions through peace of. ready credible participatory and inclusive elections . gabriel is on though. i'll just say that at the united nations in new york in the us, joe biden, and donald trump both have won enough delegates to secure their party's presidential nomination. so the members election biden passed the threshold after winning the primary in the state of georgia. the incumbent president faced little opposition from his own party, was donald tron secured the republican nomination. after winning the primary in washington state. both man, a vine for the votes of one of america's largest labor union scenes, national brotherhood of teamsters. they represent primarily truck drivers and warehouse workers. the support of the 1300000 members could be key for both candidates in november. my kind of reports in washington, the president on his way to the teamsters union headquarters. the organization
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endorsed drove by the end of the 2020 election. but this selection cycle, the group is meeting with all the candidates before deciding the man who's likely to stand against by then held a meeting with the union last month. and figures indicate that between 30 and 40 percent of its members voted for donald trump. despite the union centaur spent of finding aware of vote seepage from a critical election base binding is focusing on all the unions calling out the united auto workers. the president shown fame during his recent state to the union address. sean, where are the president believe that this particular union's early endorsement, but it's not just in the labor movement that by didn't may lose some boats. african americans have traditionally supported democrats. that's acknowledged that this like history white house event. i am president and commons by says because of you, you've had my back and i,
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we've had your back. it's among some young blacks is concerned about bite in this age and also, and good being treated as a monolithic block, who support of a democratic candidate is a given. we do not all think the same. we do all of the same. and i think that sometimes on capital hill, they forget that. and with this political climate, i feel like my community is starting to understand the importance of, of not checking out. that's their typical box that they could continue to put us in recent polls confirmed there's a drop in support among the democrats traditional constituencies. one poll indicates that bite and support among black voters has dropped from 87 percent and 2020 to 76 percent. now, among hispanic voters, it's moved from 65 to 53 percent. and well, 57 percent of women voted so by then in 2020,
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only 52 percent will vote that way now. but some experts point out that polls represent a snapshot, not necessarily a prediction. i think the binary folks know that they have some work to do and they're gone and they're going to work on those particular groups. the task now facing the biting campaign to rebuild the unique coalition that brought him to power 4 years ago. and today's meeting with the teamsters just one step in this process. mike kinda, i'll just share a washington, as well as special council who investigated present bind info, mishandling classified documents, has testified before congress here in the anger of both democrats and republicans, but for very different reasons. patty go hand explained some capitol hill. it's in believe so help you for more than a year robert her investigated this has been questioning if the finding of classified documents and president, jo, biden's, garage, and other locations was
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a criminal act over hundreds of pages. his report found, binding retained, and disclosed classified information, but we did not however, identify evidence that rose to the level of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. office like republicans or outrage comparing his dismissal to a different special council that has charged former president donald trump and a 40 count indictment over his handling of classified documents after he left office biden and trump should have been treated equally. they weren't. and that is the double standard that i think a lot of americans are concerned about. but it's unfortunate that we have a department of justice that will treat one person one way and somebody else a different way. it's a sad day for america, keywords, but the cases are very different. according to the indictment, trump took a huge amount of classified documents, tried to hide it, and tried to cover up evidence, according to hers report, but didn't none of that. democrats are just as angry at the special council because of what else he put in his report. saying if he tried vitamins,
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the jury would likely see him as a sympathetic. well, meaning elderly man with a poor memory, you're doing everything you can do to get the president trump re elected. you chose a general majority of reference to the president. you understood when you made that decision. didn't mr. her that you would ignite a political firestorm with that language, didn't you? congressman politics played no part whatsoever. and they brought in the video to test out on trumps fitness to be president. and let be begin by we're seeing you who if you're lucky here. remember this jury member, we are a nation that just recently heard the saudi arabian russian, glory, god bless united church and nearly for our long period outlining what will likely


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