tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera March 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST
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or the another nights of raids across the occupied westbank with these really forces getting at least 3 policy means and destroying infrastructure. the hello, i'm fully back to you. boy, you're watching colleges 0 live from don't also coming up as well as the fires of a rush of wrong kids seem to know the news, ran laughter, and these really attack kids for people deep inside 11 on. and they us joe biden. and donald trump get ready for a rematch on to securing the number of delegates needed for their parties. presidential nomination dealer. since we're just a 150, we can have them sourcing toughness. and we are on patrol in real
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time and way wind, dallas. and so ron virginia nines the beginning, the occupied westbank where these really military has ended a series of overnight range. the operations as steadily increased in frequency intensity and duration is already bulldozers have now withdrawn from jeanine after destroying infrastructure. at least 2 palestinians were killed during the occasion that lasted for almost 6 hours. outside of our my life is really full of fish shot dead at least 2 palestinians during a rage and j. 3 others have been injured and are seeking treatment in hospital and occupied these jerusalem. these really military has killed a 13 year old palestinian boy. he was shot in the chest while he was playing with
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fireworks near the shore. a fat refugee camp checkpoint. nor account has this update from occupied. these 2 slips us in the evening session, your policy and run me out of hurry. we stopped in the chest buying this friday sniper and she walked out refugee camp. nothing occupied east jerusalem thought it's on the other side to the water. what's the occupied west side now? the off conflicting cases office, i see what happens these radio me, what is the statement saying that he shot fine works votes and that's what dangers on lives. so they engage box. there are i with this account that crop, right? 2 videos we've seen the show him searching fine. what into the uh, with his friends having phone one minute. and then the next video we saw is him lying down on the ground with a katy devastated mother. he was taken away by the palestinian ridgecrest. that was the, it's right the rule where they transferred him to and it's ready. um he lives, they took him to hospital, you know, tied is where he was pronounced dead. no,
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it's fine. we still don't have his body back there waiting for that, that were more depth in a jeep, which is interesting, which we'll see occupied. westbank sized all the will be, it's remote reset, 5 kind of thing. and youth with firing multiple caulked health towards them. when they shot at them. we know 3 men are still recovering in hospital and 2 men have been killed but that were right throughout the occupied west pine to the eastern, from south, from hebron up into ramallah and took help to the to chrome novelist. and most worthy of note is jeanine, where they would take me find the confrontations around associates rating the tree vehicles. and it's janine, i'm the refugee camp where many policy and fights and gauge with them. we had gunshots, we saw some improvise exclusive staff. we also store is really only bulldoze is tearing up the roads that these words have been torn up many times and many writes
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in jan dean and also destroying much of the infrastructure that to man we know was standing out slice hospital engineers when they what shots that so very light peaks, we are holding some funeral fat as well. throughout the day north on al jazeera, occupied east, jerusalem. and in guys that is really forces of bummed homes, killing at least 2 people. the attack happened in the entourage neighborhood, east of guys, a city is really military, also targeted residential areas in con eunice sen, child the city of how might and the town of i'll cut out of where a military operation is ongoing. and guys of cities really time, so they've been fight on stopping people seeking food. at least 11 palestinians were killed in the attack, the creative round about which has been repeatedly targeted in recent weeks. guys, as health industry says more than 400 palestinians have been killed by, is really fire while waiting for food. the commission in general of the un agency
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for palestinian refugees. philly. plaza really has remarked on the high number of children killed in his rouse, worn guys by calling the situation staggering. he says a number of children reported killed in just over 4 months in guys that is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of was around the world. combined. he goes on just call this war on children, on their childhood and their future to policy means in gaza, striving to find food to break their fast during ramadan, as, as far as war continues. thousands of now nourished with the un wanting of funding . how does the mom it has more the you know, i'm, it is the bedding is thought for a family of 17 in rough, but she doesn't have enough food. and many of my funds will not be able to break that far. yeah, and again what i'm of them, i'm about the, i'm ramadan, it's supposed to be a month of blessings which we anticipate the whole year in ramadan. we need to eat
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and drink. the economic situation is hard. if prices are inflated, there's a lot of suit, malnutrition is run pins and there's no cable to you. we can effect the united nation, sees a quarter of guides us to point 3000000 people. one step away from funding of this . yes. palestinians of funding of when they already under notice the model has given up. so just to we said, how could we foster because of mt nutrition. we feel dizzy all day long. my lex called carry me, there's nothing to nourish my body. booting ramos on this market and roughly usually full of people on stalls filled with produce. but because of these are as well, because there is little food in the market, and most palestinians cannot afford to buy what daddy bindings in the high along with all the family members. when searching in the market to buy something that we could eat to break off thoughts. so unfortunately the situation
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is very difficult. there is no proof of it and we are suffering from malnutrition that so even if you could find any food, you would be very expensive, like the situation is very catastrophic. i don't know what to feed our children or what to eat. if i'm nothing to notice the 44 months, many products have struggled every day to find food to feed the children. look among worry about finding some to pick the fast food and we're trying to finish up on the home. we do not know what to feed the kids. we also do not know what to keeps for sure. there is no foot supply in the markets. you've got nothing to eat and i pulled from of them is traditionally a time of joy and celebration and gods. but for me and other fellow students this year, it's one of hardship on hold off. how does that, how much does it of exchanges of fire on the east or 11 non border escalating
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has been, lies, find a barrage of rocket seemed to raise really territory that sound to israel launched an attack deep into 11 on coming at least 4 civilians as in a 100 is invalid back where these really strikes landed. this is an escalation and the ongoing confrontational between israel and the 11th has the last and less than 24 hours is round. carried out. a series of error strikes, targeting, what it says are, has wireless positions in eastern 11 on one of those strikes, hit that building behind me. it collapse and there were casualties. you speak to people here and they say that this was a civilian target. there is a lot of anger, but israel has been carrying out sprites, deep inside, loving on away from the border more frequently and reset. the rocket barges launched from southern and loving on its military positions in
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northern israel, are becoming more frequent. it's an escalation by has the law which opened the front to help relief pressure on cause of 5 months ago. on tuesday, the armed group fired up to 100 rockets. usually many are intercepted by as well as air defense system that i random and many fall in open areas. but there seems to be a message that escalate things to that. if you took the, the month from the 15th of february, the last month, the, instead of the escalating in terms of the quantity, not the, they'd still did not use the long good range more precision, like the fact that $110.00, no, they alleged the, they have a discount the so these are more heavy, a payload, longer range and the more precise of israel doesn't appear to be deterred. most of it continues to carry out strikes against hezbollah. target's with no geographical limits, the latest hits were 100 kilometers from the border. and 11 on eastern city of bol back. so far as well as attacks have been within the unwritten rules of engagement
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. but some believe the groups capabilities are keeping as well in check the capable of, uh, confronting, as well. uh, an open war. uh, especially that they have not a capable of achieving any of the objectives against the understanding of businesses which is much weaker than the dominions of resistance hezbollah. secretary general has on this role that has held his 1st public meeting with the how much the official since one of the movements leaders, solid. hello, rudy, was assassinated, invaded in january. he's warned, the groups miss alice can reach any point and as well, this latest conflict between israel and hezbollah was triggered by the war on garza and is tied to its outcome as well as says it's will not stop firing until there is a permanency fire in gaza and on condition that as well stops attacks as well. but as well as insisting on new security arrangements along the border. up to now,
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israel has been focusing on killing as many hezbollah member as possible, as well as we can in the groups operational capabilities. but as well, it's still acting with some restraint with this confrontation, at least for now center for their elsie to be the, in other words, using the us joe biden. and donald trump both have want enough delegates to secure that parties. presidential nominations by them pass the threshold after winning the primary in the state of georgia. the incumbent president faced little opposition from his own party. while donald trump secured the republican nomination after winning the primary in washington states. and both main, a vine for the votes of one of america's largest labor unions, the international brotherhood of teamsters. they primarily represent truck drivers
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in warehouse workers, the support of their 1300000 members could be key for both candidates in november. mike kind of has this report from washington, the president on his way to the teamsters union headquarters. the organization endorsed drove by the end of the 2020 election. but this selection cycle, the group is meeting with all the candidates before deciding the man who's likely to stand against by then held a meeting with the union last month. and figures indicate that between 30 and 40 percent of its members voted for donald trump. despite the union centaur spent of finding aware of vote seepage from a critical election base binding his focusing on all the unions. calling out the united auto workers, the president shown fame during his recent state to the union address. sean, where are the, the president believe that this particular union's early endorsement. but it's not
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just in the labor movement that find in may lose some boats. african americans have traditionally supported democrats. that's acknowledged that this like history white house event. i am president and commons by says because of you, you've had my back and i, we've had your back. it's among some young blacks is concerned about bite in this age and also, and good being treated as a monolithic block, who support of a democratic candidate is a given. we do not all think the same. we do all of the same. and i think that sometimes on capital hill, they forget that. and with this political climate, i feel like my community is starting to understand the importance of, of not checking out. that's their typical box that they could continue to put us in recent polls confirmed there's a drop in support among the democrats traditional constituencies. one poll indicates that bite and support among black voters has dropped from 87 percent and
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2020 to 76 percent. now, among hispanic voters, it's moved from 65 to 53 percent. and well, 57 percent of women voted for by then in 2020. only 52 percent will vote that way now. but some experts point out that polls represent a snapshot, not necessarily a prediction. i think the binary folks know that they have some work to do and they're gone and they're going to work on those particular groups. the task now facing the biting campaign to rebuild the unique coalition that brought him to power 4 years ago. and today's meeting with the teamsters just one step in this process. mike kinda, oh, just the era washington. and they've been protesting name the following. the announcement that a new citizenship law will be implemented. the law makes it easier for religious minorities from neighboring countries to become indian citizens,
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but exclusive muslims. and he had a baby has more the they've been here before, protesting against the lose. the dc excludes them based solely on the religion. the citizenship amendments act fast strikes, refuge for minorities from 3 neighboring countries, pakistan, bundle, dish, and afghanistan. by focusing only on religious minorities, the little exclusive muslims are majority in all 3 countries. critics say that stands in direct contrast to india, secular constitution, setting religion as a criteria for citizenship. this is the 1st time that you do the principle of citizenship. you are finding a law being brought in that actually discriminates by excluding people of one particular faith. the government denies this and since the move is
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needed to help minority species persecution, it also retreated that there's no restriction for muslims anywhere in the world to seek indian citizenship or not your boat. the law, i've done the job of providing a normal life to this a few days. it has done the job of protecting the culture, language, religion, families, and respect for women. and today on goods to model on goods. emily and a few of the who have sought says during this country will have the same rights as you and i. we have given them this light or the country are not the to the loo paused in 2019 by parliament was met with months of protest. dozens were killed. thousands were arrested. that reaction made not. i'm that i'm all these routing polity hold off implementing it. but now it's going forward. and so our new wave of food in the student union group in the northeastern state of us on whose torches demanding the little be scrapped all together. very clear that guy
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use us citizen and the new the do not use with a general election scheduled for me. many field of citizenship, little and waiting until we were once again the point of contention for many that may lead to widespread and good. and the vision of the pools and on the streets. we had somebody elses. yeah. still ahead on knowledge is 0, kenya says it will not send peacekeepers to hate until a new government is formed. the frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense, say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions,
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but we don't live in a postcolonial work and we live in the neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story. on al jazeera, ask like a narrative from african perspective. to base model from us to short documentary spine african filmmakers. and that's going to be the special for the taste of the sun from madagascar. a 10 foot vote from a new series of africa direct on which is the the knowledge is the way the
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welcome back. a reminder about top stories on how to 0 is really forces to begin rated cities across the occupied westbank. at least 2 pallets he needs have been killed in jeanine, another to what kills me around my law. is there any military as can a 13 year old kind of simian boy unoccupied these tools and he was playing with fine works may of the short front brakes into account check points and in the us, joe biden. and donald trump, i both want enough delegates to secure their bodies. presidential nominations 5 and passed a special draft to winning the primary in the state of georgia. while donald trump secured the republican nomination after winning the primary in washington, states are being hate. the armed gangs have gained significant control of the
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capital, but a deployment of 1000 kenyan police officers to help restore law and order has not, has now been put on hold. it comes off to prime minister iron. he announced that he will resign the reasonable re for some santo domingo, a neighboring dominican republic haiti's prime minister at atlanta. he has stepped aside and while the transition government takes shape, patients are filled with uncertainty. leverett, when yeah, it's no real that the prime minister is resigning patients of a duty to see if we can find someone who can bring to get the old society and put the country back on track. they need to haiti has been struggling with that political and security crisis. women's fighting between gangs and the police has intensified in the past days. gang leaders said that he lisey's return would trigger a civil war. now that and re, has resigned, talks around the way to pick
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a new prime minister that will lead the country. they're also moved to for my moutain national security support. michelle to help the police fight begins. can you has put the mission on hold until there is a new government? but the us says the operation should move ahead as soon as possible. right now, is you wait for the appointment of a presidential transition council, which would appoint then a new government, new prime minister. i think that's the appropriate step for the union government to take. but we think those are steps that will happen, as i said in the very near future, and that would pay the way for this mission to go forward without the way but trusting the international community is not funding high on the streets of hey the scott, because the guy comes out they go from failure to failure and can do nothing for us . what is happening here is not happening to kind of commer. this happened to us the population into the political leaders who could not solve the situation. we must take our destiny into our own hands. many we say and following interventions,
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un peacekeeping troops, also known as mino, stock, left the country in 2017. their presence was marred with accusations of human rights violations and of use. the united nation, the size of a move, ty, national security support mission will help bring x for support to the haitian national. to fight against the gang, they say they're not foreign troops on the ground, but fix for support to help stabilize the country. so that elections can happen as soon as possible. but for now, guns controlled, hey peace capital. and for many, the possibility of an election seems distant as they continue to cope with hardships and violence. they see every day betty, so i'll just feed us on blooming dozens of ukrainian jones and rockets have hit targets deep into russian territory to fuel facilities were among those attacks including a key oil refinery, which was reportedly badly damaged by fire, rochelle,
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so sad. it has repelled a series of a times on its border with ukraine. the well food program, ones that food aid for hundreds of thousands of food in these refugees in chat could and next month, the un agency says they're already struggling to feed everyone, leaving hungry people close to salvation. over half a 1000000. so it needs refugees, threat to chat after the conflicts broke out nearly a year ago. a nigeria at least 61 people have been kidnapped in the village of buddha and could do an estate. witnesses saved the abduction happened just before midnight local time on monday. it comes just days after $287.00 school children were taken from a school inquiry. got also in kaduna state to the disappearance of a well known gen this in mexico has punk to protest in the western state of highly sco high me. but it is thought to have been kidnapped by unknown people after leaving work on monday, the state prosecutor says he may have been abducted
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a violent manner after his call was found unoccupied. on the side of a highway, mexico is ranked as one of the world's most dangerous countries for the price. again, my name brazil has shot and change it to people after hijacking a bus and taking all 17 of his passengers hostage. the incident to face in rio de janeiro was made by station the man surrendered and released to hostages. after 3 hours, at least one person has been killed and he suspected gas explosion. that's wrong to the city of tom. hey, less than 50 kilometers from china's capital badging state media reported that the blast struck a restaurant in a residential area during rush hour. there's been major damage to several neighboring buildings emergency, teen se dozens of injured people are receiving treatment in hospital. now to thailand, way f as to promote awareness around protecting elephants and engages species has
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been successful. but the conservation efforts have led to another problem. as populations of wind, elephants has grown somehow straight into areas populated by people to find food with tragic results. tony tang reports from eastern time that the group of poland to search for clues is dusk pools in eastern time and the targets a how does a spot then you might think these are the lesson hunters? well, the elephants here have adapted, hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites up to 400 kilograms of 2 today. withdrawal in the mass of the forest, and on to phones. while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. often this falls more volunteers come to join the hunt a few around. but that's just for protection comedy. maybe it's not really a job to hunt,
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but at least since we're more luck spots is. we're trying to make sure that the elephants don't go near the community that these elephant education center, they try to track the funds that kate everyone, and how to react when they encounter the time to the elephant population has to be an increasing and people have to come across safe to protect themselves and their property, some at the same time, the friends profit come across safe house. so it is small fiction between humans and animals that we live in homes is raced through the countryside, search lights pointing into the thick forest. many people in this area right now too scared to go out at nights. these are not the plunges packet, them's many imagined them to be silent and stealthy. they can creep up in the dock . so that's what happened to times maybe last month. rubber tap is have to work in the cool of the night, but it's a huge risk. okay, non go. all my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and
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couldn't get away in time when the elephant ended up stomping him to death. then a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community. just the imaging drew and takes off. and this time there in lock 2 distinct shapes. the elephants will adjust a 150 meters down the track. we can have them still thing in the darkness, but they're heading off into the forest and the elephant onto the theme. there's no threat unless they decide to turn back is the voltage shined lights that it to them . they move away, but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food, and then elephant never forgets tony cheng l to 0. touch on south eastern thailand . that's the news for now on challenges here. as always, more on our website at ologist era dot com, the very latest on all of our top story is on there, including the war on gas on that is it from me fully back to the board and
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a whole team here and go hi, thank you. very much for watching my colleague, laura. hi, we'll have more news for you coming up after inside story. stay with the the i had low that tropical so i can sleep. i will continue to bring very heavy writing to pots of southern africa. but before we get that, let's have a look at the middle east and live and, and we thing bits and pieces of unsettled weather. we've had sand storms in saudi arabia, so rain coming in to katya. and you can still see it is still a cloudy story. that on wednesday morning, the way of rain creeping across the south, west pouring into western areas of yemen. and we will see some way to whether start to work its way towards the event. with some blustery winds, thanks to weather system, losing its way across the ticket, cooling things down slightly in some of the cities like bay root and jerusalem,
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and things are looking cooler across the north west of africa. we'll see some of that range starting to creep into morocco over the next few days. but the launch the dry story with exceptional sheets across other countries such as chad is you mean say $44.00 degrees self is that on wednesday? so well above the average that heat extending to coastal areas like gonna add for the south to places like bought swanner. and it does look very quiet so much of southern africa, but have a look at that topical flight clone philipo continuing to bring some very heavy rain before it pulls its way out to see on the stay as to whether update the the, the russian presidential election will take place over 3 days from now. the 15th people will revising in russia. crime in the full so called new territories taken from ukraine, was listening position legend increasingly excessive. when again,
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said was, alters the right for the globe. what were you? good to showcase of the best documentary film straight across the network on algae 0. china's plans for the coming year have been sent out to the national people's congress, the full tunes of the find, the 2nd largest economy in our global interest, as all its political retentions to what's in store for china and for the rest of the world. this is inside story, the color, the welcome to the program on jo. now there was a time when the world sold the business of the chinese communist party, those logs, a domestic matter online and apparently secretive.
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